DATE April 10, 2022 April 11, 2022 TIME 12: 00 AM 8:00 AM 4:00PM 12:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:00PM WIND SPEED SLOW LIGHT TO MODERATE MODERATE LIGHT TO MODERATE LIGHT TO MODERATE MODERATE DIRECTION NORTH TO EAST NORTH TO EAST NORTH TO EAST NORTH TO EAST NORTH TO EAST NORTH TO EAST The table above shows the measured wind speed and the direction of the wind using the DIY model of anemometer. As you will notice the wind speed on April 10, 2022 has a continuous speed in a constant direction. Based on our observation at around 12 midnight of April 10, 2022, the wind speed is very slow that the improvised anemometer appears to be in a slow motion of circulation. However, as the time pass by, we notice that around 8 am in the morning the wind speed shows light to moderate, and when it reaches 4 pm in the afternoon the wind speed is starting to become moderate. The wind speed and the direction of the wind is still observable from April 11, 2022. At 12 midnight the wind speed falls under light to moderate that still clearly shown after the 8 hours interval. The wind speed at around 4 PM in the afternoon shows moderate speed. the direction of the wind from day 1 to day 2 shows the same direction which goes from North to East. Therefore, the wind speed in barangay Sibulan Polillo, Quezon during April 10 has a slow to moderate speed while the wind speed during April 11, 2022 has a light to moderate speed. The data gathered conforms to the data given by the . According to their report, the afternoon today at around 2PM April 11, 2022, the forecast temperature is 26 degree celcius and the wind speed is 17 km/h from North to East. As we can see the use of anemometer is a helpful tool to predict the wind speed and its direction which is clearly conforms to other reliable frorecast websites and sources.