Writing Reviews Notes Critic V. Review A review is: Part of journalism, part commentary, part geek obsession Criticism is: Study, evaluation, and interpretation of the arts Review topics- pick three you would be interested in from this list: Travel advice Graphic extras: Food - restaurants 2.add a rating system Consumer goods 3.make reviews even more reader friendly by adding fast-fact boxes Reviews are: Less theatrical answering “is this thing worth my time and money?” How to write criticism that gets good reviews. (don’t write anything here) Structure your reviews. Balance reporting and opinion. Know your stuff. Don't try to: What is the suggested outline? Structure your reviews don’t ramble Finish this sentence: Outline the key points Be aware of your biases. Tips: 1. Get to the point Fast Facts: Please write your definition of fast facts A set of facts that are easy to detect, quick to understand and read. Eschew pomposity. A successful review combines fact and reaction– information and insight Trick is:finding the right balance How many paragraphs of a synopsis is good? Two or three paragraphs is Penney What should you provide (last paragraph) accurate details (descriptions, background history, sample dialogue, etc) Don’t be cruel. Fake it explain. For example if you don’t know brahmas for Beethoven, don’t even think about reviewing an orchestra OTHER DON’TS. And compensate accordingly Finish this sentence: Transcend your personal predjudices DON’TS CONT. Don't write negative reviews of amateur concerts or children s okay Don’t get personal. Criticize the performance not the performers private life - appearance political beliefs - etc Everybody’s is a critic What does this mean!?some critics like to show off their erudition with sentences such as “patterns of imagery or fragments of significance are oracular in origin and derive from the epiphanic moment the flash of instantaneous comprehension with no direct reference in time.” Be tough BUT Be fair Use your position to inform your readers not to insult their tastes Reveal surprise plots or story endings Add unnecessary Phrases Avoid vague adjectives like boring, awful and fantastic . Substantiate your opinions with descriptive detials