Mis,t.,,lo,gv IVlhc and Matc:ln! i=ill in the t:abl11;! bi�low. It will help vou unicler:stand the irIame:;, kimtions and functions of the tissues. -----------------.--------•-·--·-··---·-----·--- -·--------·-·---- -·-·-------·-·-------·-·-------·-·----ILi:,c:.rtions . Si1nnpie cubctida1I mpi1tlnc�llum -----·- ... -----··-·--------·-·•I - --·-··--· ------·--------·-· [:C,UMl!,1:� ,:;.. w -li+',a:. ::,\,'¢-.\\ 1 ''-!�rt:�:.)cu.::.e.. ·C�l,;�O, 11•':>4,!1"'£, 1::--••':>-AO,e,"n Siimp!e ,:,,:i1h.1111nnar eipnthelium --- ------··-·---4>..(�•.::,(l• - .·-·,o,..:> ------·-·C.O.li;' ,.'ll6�·,Q-5, A(,j;�c1l,,, <:>\..o�,�.r\J◄. i , Simple !iqu,nnou�i 11!pithel.iu11'1 I !,,.,c;." ,:>,:;. :slLt....:, <,c.. .\-,M, l-.:\,,,�!ts F':;eudo!i,1:ratifiE!d Eqpi'tlr1eli u rni ' t�l.o...:•�I· (E:.. 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