Uploaded by Fiona Holland


Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain
Storyteller 1
Storyteller 2
Storyteller 1: Far from here, in Africa, in a place called Kapiti [kah-pee-tee].
Storyteller 2: There lived many wild animals that all roamed free.
Storyteller 1: The land was green from the African rains.
Storyteller 2: And the Massai [Muh-sy] people herded animals on the plains.
Storyteller 1: But one year it stayed very hot and dry.
Storyteller 2: Because the rain would not come by.
Storyteller 1: But a boy named Ki-pat [ky-pat] helped end the lack of rain.
Storyteller 2: And it all happened on the Kapiti Plain.
Storyteller 1: There was a cloud, all heavy with rain.
It covered the ground of Kapiti Plain.
Storyteller 2: The grass was not good, all brown and dead.
It needed much rain from overhead.
Storyteller 1: From the big, gray cloud, all heavy with rain.
The one that covered Kapiti Plain.
Storyteller 2: It was thanks to Ki-pat, who watched his herd
as he stood on one leg like the big stork bird.
Storyteller 1: His herd was cows, all hungry and dry.
They mooed for rain to fall from the sky.
Storyteller 2: From the big, gray cloud, all heavy with rain.
The one that covered Kapiti Plain.
Storyteller 1: Along came an eagle, who dropped a feather.
Which helped to change the very bad weather.
Storyteller 2: You know, the big, gray cloud, all heavy with rain.
The one that covered Kapiti Plain.
Storyteller 1: Ki-pat then made an arrow, which was put together,
With a long skinny stick and the eagle feather.
Storyteller 2: He then made a bow from the wood of a tree.
And strung it with a string which was tied tightly.
Storyteller 1: And what, do you suppose, was he going to try?
To make the rain fall down from the sky?
Storyteller 2: From the big, gray cloud, all heavy with rain.
The one that covered Kapiti Plain.
Storyteller 1: He aimed his bow and let the arrow fly.
It sailed straight up and into the sky.
Storyteller 2: It pierced the gray cloud, all heavy with rain.
The one that covered Kapiti Plain.
Storyteller 1: The rain then came down and showered the land.
Storyteller 2: It greened up the grass and really was grand.
Storyteller 1: The animals were refreshed from the much-needed rain.
Storyteller 2: And Ki-pat still keeps watch over Kapiti Plain.