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Analog Electronics Midterm Exam

May 25, 2021
Please write your Names, Surnames and Student IDs on each page and sign.
Take the pictures of the pages by putting your student card on each one.
For groups(of two), each student must write at least one solution.
Then all the pictures should be gathered in one pdf file and uploaded by each student.
1) [40p] An NMOS differential amplifier is built with two matched transistors, having
W/L=20 ; µnCox = 0.1 mA/V2 , Vt =1V.
VDD = Vss =10V ; RD= 5kΩ ; VGS=2V
Suppose that differential input Vid is applied to the Q1 and output is taken single-endedly
from Q2 ; such that Vo=Vd2 .
a) [10] Design the circuit using RSS. Check if the MOSFETs are in active region.
b) [15] Comment on the performance of the circuit (Do not make any approximations).
c) [10] Calculate the minimum VSS value to obtain an acceptable performance
d) [5] Comment on the result. What do you suggest?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) [30p] Assume that the BJT operates in active region and the bias conditions are satisfied by
the constant current source with 1mA.
β=100 ; RC= RL= 5 kΩ ; RL= 5 kΩ ; Rsig= 10 kΩ
a) [10] Calculate the Re value in order to have an input resistance 5 times that of the signal
source resistance.
b) [20] Calculate the overall voltage gain with and without Re .
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assoc.Prof.Dr.Özge Cihanbeğendi
Wish you success 
May 25, 2021
3) [30p] For the Common-Source amplifier in figure,
VDD= VSS =15V, RD= RL=10kΩ; VS= -1V ; Vt= 0.6V.
The amplifier is fed from a signal source with a series resistance of 25kΩ, and the Gate
resistance is 100kΩ.
a) [5]Sketch the small-signal equivalent circuit.
b) [20] Input signal is aimed to be amplified by 20 times. Find the value of the constant
current source.
c) [5]Does it satisfy the Saturation condition?
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Özge Cihanbeğendi
Wish you success 