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BETA Point Ctrl v2 Setup Instructions

BETA Point Ctrl v2 Setup Instructions (as of 03.31.2021)
By user Hannibal
TL DR: either perform both cursor target and 5 point calibration , or dont do anything
Pre Setup:
1) Have DCS World setup for Virtual Reality
1a) VR settings should include “use mouse” & “cursor confined to game window” checked ON
1b) “use hand controllers” checked OFF
1c) select mirror left eye, crop to rectangle should NOT be checked / selected
1d) Fullscreen mode should NOT be checked / selected
2) Download Gui Assistant (with password from invoice) extract executable file.
3) Mount HMS to VR headset (camera module) via micro USB cable
4) Have FCU (finger trackers) charged - blue lights of FCU turn off when fully charged
5) Disable extended desktop (WMR users only)
6) No Light sources should be in front of you (for reducing Infra-red interference)
7) Set input switching to “manually switch using Windows logo key + Y” under Windows
settings/Mixed Reality/Headset display (WMR users only: do not have it as automatically)
1) Start DCS World and go to desired cockpit.
2) Start Voice Assist GUI app
2a) IMPORTANT: DO NOT start pressing FCU buttons randomly & simultaneously (it will cause
it to freeze, and you will have to open up FCU and disconnect LiPo battery to hard reset FCU)
3) Keep Voice Assist GUI in front window
4) select comm port (used device manager to see what comm ports are being used to help your
choice) and 1st green light is confirmed
5) press right button on HMS and if right selected comm port, 2nd green light on app will
6) hold down right button for 5 secs until voice assist app confirms setup menu is achieves
along with 3rd green light on app
7) press left FCU button L1 to cycle thru menu (look at the GUI assist on your desktop to see
where you are) enter into the set cursor targets
8) bring DCS back up front (and everything else including voice assist behind the DCS window)
9) follow the set cursor targets instructions.
10) after set cursor targets, perform 5 point calibration.
USING PointCtrl during DCS Session:
a) HMS White button resets the PointCtrl (no loss of configuration)
b) HMS Left Button disables/enable the FCU’s (should you need to use the mouse)
c) Turn ON FCUs by holding down (1 sec) L3 or R3 (led will be solid after blinking)
d) Turn OFF FCUs by holding down (3 sec) L1 & L3 or R1 & R3 (led off after blinking)
NOTE: the beta pointctrl v2 does not have
auto shut off, and will drain your battery
so shut off after use!!!