Hamburger Digestion Comic: Biology Assignment

You are a Hamburger…
Sorry, but you are. And what is even more interesting, you are
about to be eaten! Actually hamburgers are meant to be eaten,
so it may be a life long dream of yours! This is a journey of
imagination and intrigue. You are to follow yourself
through the digestive system of a human. You need to tell
what happens to each part of you and where you might go.
Your assignment is to trace the hamburger through the human digestive system.
Include in this comic:
1. What happens to the bun? The bun is a carbohydrate. Let’s say this all breaks
down to glucose. You need to say where this glucose goes.
2. What happens to the meat? The meat is a protein. The protein breaks down into
amino acids. Where do these go, and what are they used for?
3. What happens to the lettuce? We are assuming that most of the lettuce is
cellulose – good old fashion roughage (indigestible fiber). Where does it go and
what is it good for?
4. What happens to the fat? What is the fat broken into? Where does it go?
5. Use the following terms in your comic. You will probably use more, but this is
a good start.
1. mastication
2. amylase & saliva
3. peristalsis
4. pharynx
5. epiglottis
6. esophagus
7. sphincter
8. stomach
9. HCL acid
10. mucus
11. chyme
12. small intestine
13. duodenum
14. pancreas
15. liver & gallbladder
16. villi
17. large intestine
18. pepsin
19. bile
20. lipase
21. rectum
22. anus
23. mouth
24. mechanical
25. chemical digestion
6. Your comic must have a minimum of twelve frames, with a caption for each frame.
Date Due: __________________