Uploaded by John William

Soda Tax Campaign & Two-Step Flow Theory Analysis

GroundFloor Media's "Healthier Colorado's Voter-Approved Soda Tax Wins Ballot Measure
2D" relied on Two Step Flow Theory. According to this hypothesis, opinion makers are those
who absorb media content, assess them, and give an opinion. They then end up sharing their
viewpoint with anyone else, who embrace it since they look forward to or believe the source. The
initiative's goal was centered on the GroundFloor Media group's obligation to develop, manage,
and execute a marketing, earned media, and community relations campaign as part of the City of
Boulder's 2D ballot initiative, as well as the people's decision-making procedure regarding the
The initiative relied heavily on opinion makers to contextualize the information with their own
audience, whereby the GroundFloor Media team collaborated with Healthier Colorado and the
Healthy Boulder Kids coalition. In the two months ahead of the election, GroundFloor
Media collaborated with the Healthy Boulder Kids coalition to endorse outreach efforts by
establishing and organizing proactive programs aimed at Boulder inhabitants. In this case, the
campaign involved advancing City of Boulder ballot linguistic suggestions in endorsement of the
2D ballot measure, as well as offering strategic plan for Boulder City Council conversations on
the subject. As well as creating, formulating, and conveying communications for the Healthy
Boulder initiative all through the campaign. Through this change of message, the opinion leaders
for this situation included their viewpoint on the genuine substance wherein GroundFloor Media
dealt with a media relations crusade paving the way to the November 6 vote. GroundFloor Media
as part of the opinion leaders separated the real substance to guarantees the data is required by
individuals. For the most part the opinion leaders are specific and they pass the messages to the
group. The team for this situation composed and took part in article executive gatherings with the
Daily Camera, requested and prepared key partners for media meets and created Op-Eds and
letters to the manager.
Throughout the campaign, the GroundFloor Media team also worked closely with the
grassroots Healthy Boulder Kids coalition attending frequent meetings and offering
strategic counsel on weekly calls.