Uploaded by Ty Ruskin

Training Guide: Reverse Linear Taper & Altitude Training

Assessment 2 - Training Guide
By Tyler Ruskin
Findings from assessment 1:
High VO2 max - 84 ml/kg/min
Efficient running economy - 180
Lower lactate threshold - 68 ml/kg/min
Maximal strength: 60kg 1RM Back Squat
Training Guide
Focus on pre-competition and post-competition
training and using reverse linear taper method.
Altitude training
HiLo Training (Stray-Gunderen, et al. 2001)
Strength training (at altitude)
Increase of 5% (Feriche, et al. 2014)
Muscle fibres
Continued acclimation
Increase buffer capacity (Kayser, 1996)
Reverse Linear Tapering/Periodisation
High intensity, low volume to low
intensity, high volume.
Why not linear? (Rhea, et al. 2003)
Optimal supercompensation
Typical mesocycle
4 aerobic sessions (Tjelta, 2016)
1-2 strength sessions
Recovery Strategies
Active recovery (Mohammed, 2016)
Continued blood flow to muscles
ATP & Glycogen resynthesis
Increased lactate removal
CHO Consumption (Dalleck, 2017)
Stimulates muscle glycogen resynthesis
1.2 g/kg/min
Cold Water Immersion (Ishan, et al. 2016)
Reduce impact of DOMS
Decrease overall recovery time
Not set guidelines
Post Training
Extrinsic indicators:
Finishing position in race
Time against PB
Physiological indicators
Lactate threshold test (Matsumoto,
1RM back squat
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Effect of acute exposure to moderate altitude on muscle power:
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Stray-Gundersen, J., Chapman, R.F. and Levine, B.D., 2001. “Living
high-training low” altitude training improves sea level performance
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91(3), pp.1113-1120.
Tjelta, L.I., 2016. The training of international level distance
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