#include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main () { char again; int a, b, answer, guess; //Random numbers, answer, and user guess int Score; int lives = 3; int attemp = 3; cout << "Welcome to the Multiplication Machine.\n" << endl; again='c'; while ((again=='c') || (again=='C')) { attemp++; srand ( time(NULL) ); a = rand() % 10; b = rand() % 10; cout <<a << " x " << b << " = "; cin >> guess; answer = a * b ; if(answer == guess){ Score++; cout<<"score: "<<Score<<endl; cout<<"Lives: "<<lives<<endl; if(Score <= 4){ cout<<endl; cout << "Correct!!!\n" << "Enter C to continue : "; cin >> again; cout<<endl; }else{ int score = Score - 3 + lives; cout<<"Googjob!!!"<<endl; cout<<"Your Score is "<<score<<endl; if(score == 5){ cout<<"Perfect Score You Are great!!!"<<endl;} else if( score >= 3){ cout<<"Very good!!! you passed."<<endl;} else{ cout<<"Oh No!!! try Again to learn"<<endl;} break; } } else{ cout<<"Score: "<<Score<<endl; lives--; cout<<"Lives: "<<lives<<" / 3"<<endl; cout<<"Wrong answer!"<<endl; cout <<"The Correct answer is "<< answer <<endl; cout<<endl; if(lives != 0){ cout << "Enter C to continue : "; cin >> again; cout<<endl; }else{ cout<<"\nyour Score is " << Score<<endl; if(Score == 5){ cout<<"Perfect Score You Are great!!!"<<endl;} else if( Score >= 3){cout<<"Very good!!! you passed."<<endl;} else{cout<<"Oh No!!! try Again to learn"<<endl;} break; } } } return 0; }