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TUM Transportation Systems Internship Guidelines

Guidelines for Internships
1. General information
The required internship shall provide students with an understanding of the scope of
tasks of transportation engineers. Besides, the internship shall give them an outlook of
their future professional activities. During the internship, students will gain practical
work experience and deeper insight into the organizational and subject-specific
processes as well as into the social structure of a company, authority or research
institution active in the field of transportation.
2. Duration of the internship
According to §37a of the Subject Examination and Study Regulations (FPSO) for the
Master’s Program in Transportation Systems the internship comprises at least 150
hours (approx. four weeks full-time). The internship must be a career-related
professional experience in transportation engineering, undertaken either in Germany or
abroad. The successful completion of the internship will be approved in writing by a
member of the TUM School of Engineering and Design who is involved in the Master’s
Program in Transportation Systems.
The internship module (150 hours of internship + internship report) must be completed
before the end of the 4th subject semester.
If students prefer to do a longer internship (e.g. for six months), they can apply for a
leave of absence (further information on www.tum.de/en/studies/during-yourstudies/leave-of-absence/).
3. Selection of the internship companies
The internship must be done in companies or authorities related to transportation as
well as to transportation engineering. Students have to organize their internships
themselves. They can select the company according to their academic specialisation
and interests.
4. Approval of the internship project
The internship project must be approved in writing by a member of the TUM School of
Engineering and Design who is involved in the Master’s Program in Transportation
Systems (i.e. the researchers at the chairs or professorships in charge) prior to
commencement. This is done by completing the approval form and submitting it to the
examination board (Mrs. Göppel).
5. Internship report
Students are requested to summarize their experiences gained during their internship
in a written report that must have the following structure:
 Daily: description of the fulfilled tasks (in keywords, max. 1 sentence per day) and
 Weekly: approx. one page (DIN A4) per week, summarizing the weekly work and
placing the individual tasks in the overall business context as well as reflecting the
scientific and engineering context of the work.
In case of a longer internship, only the first 150 hours of work must be reported.
The internship report must be submitted within four weeks after the end of the
internship. Without a relevant report meeting scientific standards, the internship cannot
be recognized for the study progress within the Master’s Program in Transportation
6. Approval of the internship
Upon completion of the internship the student has to submit his/her report to his/her
supervisor at the company and subsequently to the researcher in charge at TUM for
approval (signature and stamp). The supervisor at TUM reviews if the work done
 in quality to the requirements of a Master’s internship and
 to the initial description given.
The credits are awarded on the basis of the report. There is no additional examination.