Name: _______________________________ ELA 6 Comparing Stories: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears, Feathers and Fools, and Chato’s Kitchen Directions: For each of the three stories, fill in each box correctly identifying cause and effect plot, themes, and evidence of genre (or style). CAUSE AND EFFECT Cause and effect is a common technique used in writing. How is cause and effect used in each of the stories? Folktale & Fable Stories: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears THEME(S) Identify at least one theme from each story. Explain what the lesson is by using specific, textual evidence from the story as support for this theme (or lesson). FOLKTALE / FABLE Folktale: a tale or legend that is passed down and normally includes unrealistic aspects. Fable: a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral. How does each story represent this style of writing? Be specific. Name: _______________________________ Feathers and Fools Chato’s Kitchen ELA 6