Uploaded by Sajjad Taravati

Equilibrated Space-Time Electromagnetic Systems

Introduction to Equilibrated Space-Time-Varying
Electromagnetic Systems
Sajjad Taravati and Ahmed A. Kishk
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
spatiotemporally-varying media as a new class of highly efficient
nonreciprocal electromagnetic systems with zero space-time local
reflections, zero photonic band gap and enhanced linear
nonreciprocity. We show that equilibrium in the electric and
magnetic properties of space-time-modulated media brings about
enhanced nonreciprocity accompanied with larger sonic regime
interval, in comparison with the conventional space-time
permittivity-modulated media. This provides extra design
freedom to achieve strong nonreciprocity by a weak pumping
strength. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the width of photonic
band gaps in periodic space-time permittivity- and permeabilitymodulated media is proportional to the absolute difference
between the electric and magnetic pumping strengths.
space-time modulated medium are indicated by magenta
circles. However, as we switch on the magnetic permeabilitymodulation with the same pumping strength ( δε = δμ = 0.5), as
a result of the equilibrium in the electric and magnetic
properties of the medium, photonic band gaps disappear. In
addition, Fig. 1 demonstrates the enhanced nonreciprocity, Δβ/Δβ+, of equilibrated space-time modulated medium.
Keywords—Space-time; nonreciprocity; photonic band gap;
Conventional periodic space-time permittivity-modulated
medium was first introduced as a travelling wave parametric
amplification and recently is utilized for nonreciprocal wave
transmission [1]-[5]. This topic has acquired a surge of
scientific interest thanks to the peculiar way of Lorentz
reciprocity breaking in such medium. Conventional spacetime permittivity-modulated medium is endowed with
nonreciprocal periodic photonic transitions, whereas they
suffer from local space-time impedance mismatch, moderate
nonreciprocity, and periodic photonic band gaps.
This study first describes the fundamental limitations of the
conventional space-time permittivity-modulated medium, and
then, introduces and characterizes the equilibrated space-time
permittivity- and permeability-modulated medium. The
equilibrium is introduced between electric and magnetic
properties of the medium by identical periodic spatiotemporal
modulation of the electric permittivity and magnetic
permeability of the medium.
To best investigate the effect of equilibrium in electric and
magnetic properties of spatiotemporally modulated medium,
we may analyze their dispersion diagrams [4]. Figure 1
compares the analytical solution for the dispersion diagrams of
the conventional space-time permittivity-modulated medium,
with δε = 0.5 and δμ =0, with the equilibrated space-time
permittivity- and permeability-modulated medium, i.e. δε = δμ
=0.5. In the figure, the photonic band gaps of the conventional
Fig. 1. Comparison of dispersion diagrams of conventional spacetime-modulated medium, i.e. δε = 0.5 and δμ = 0 [4], with
equilibrated space-time-modulated medium, i.e. δε = δμ = 0.5.
[1] Z. Yu and S. Fan, “Complete optical isolation created by
indirect interband photonic transitions,” Nat. Photonics, vol. 3,
pp. 91 – 94, Jan. 2009.
[2] S. Taravati and C. Caloz, “Space-time modulated
nonreciprocal mixing, amplifying and scanning leaky-wave
antenna system,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Antennas Propagat.
(APS), (Vancouver, Canada), 2015.
[3] S. Taravati and C. Caloz, “Mixer-duplexer-antenna leakywave system based on periodic space-time modulation,” IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 65, pp. 442– 452, Feb. 2017.
[4] S. Taravati, N. Chamanara, and C. Caloz, “Nonreciprocal
electromagnetic scattering from a periodically space-time
modulated slab and application to a quasisonic isolator,”
Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96, p. 165144, Oct. 2017.
[5] S. Taravati, “Self-biased broadband magnet-free linear
isolator based on one-way space-time coherency,”
Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96, p. 235150, Dec. 2017.