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IT Exam Prep: Information Systems, AI, Strategies

Example of unstructured data source – E-mail
Networked enterprises view_____ - Cross functional system management
Example of unstructured, Operational management decision – Cash management
Product lines to develop over the next five year – Unstructured
Rapid development of microcomputer processing power………..gave birth to the
phenomenon ------→ End user computing
British AI pioneer responsible --→ Alan Turing
Decision support in business………. Following except: -→ Changing corporate spending
Practice of becoming the largest purchaser → locking in the supplier
Following statements most accurately….operational level of management → Composed of
self-directed teams or supervisory managers---------workgroups of the organization.
___________ is defined as the use of the Internet and other networks -----------customers
and business partners → Electronic business
Investments in Information technology----- new relationships allow → All of the above
A(n) _______ strategy is a competitive strategy by which----------expanding and diversifying
in the market → growth/ innovation
Which of the following statements is a characteristic of the form dimension of information
→ Information is arranged in a predetermined sequence.
A strategic Information System can be any kind ----- → All of the choices are correct
_______ system cross the boundaries of traditional business functions in order to reengineer
→ Cross-functional system management
All the following are examples of an IS, except → A group of marbles in a box
________ analysis involves making repeated changes to selected variables until a chosen
variable----------- →Goal seeking
In its simplest form, a system consist-------except → A group of cooperative users
A(n) _______ strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm develops unique products----------alter the fundamental nature of the industry → innovation
All of the following are fundamental reasons for business application--------- except →
Compliance with environmental regulations
The information product from an MIS Take all the following forms except → Pull reports
A weekly sales report is a typical example of → Periodic scheduled
A(n)_______ Architecture illustrates the inter relationships Of the major cross functional
enterprise → Enterprise application
With _____ information is available whenever a manager demands it → Demand reports
and responses
By targeting customers who are already known To be likely buyers → The form of the
marketing does not matter
All of the following are attributes of intelligent behaviour That AI attempts to duplicate
except → Emotion
__________ is an example of a structured tactical Management decision → Program control
All of the following are basic competitive strategies discussed in the text except → strategic
Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on → All of the choices are correct
A major freight company has thousands several drivers → exception
What products customer purchased together with other products → Market basket analysis
32. A(n) _______ strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm seeks to become a low cost
producer → Low cost leadership
33. Decision made at the strategic management level tend to be more → Unstructured
34. How do information system aid in decision making → All the choices are correct
35. Which of the following application focus on the Efficiency of a firms internal production
Distribution and financial processes → Enterprise resource planning
36. Business intelligence applications are based on all of the following except → Rapid
information input processes
37. Moving from mainframe-based legacy system To integrated cross functional client server →
All of the choices are correct
38. Decision support systems use _______ to Support the making of semi structured business
decisions → All of the choices are correct
39. “What would happen to sales if we cut the advertising by 25 percent” → What-if
40. Online analytical processes involved all of the following analytical Operation except →
41. all of the following Our basic competitive forces discussed in the text except → Bargaining
power of competitors
42. Becoming a low cost producer of products and services In an industry is an example of →
Cost leadership strategy
43. A firm can survive and succeed in long run If it successfully developed strategies to confront
→ Competitive strategies
44. Decision made at the tactical management level tends to be more → Semi-structured
45. A(n) _______ strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm Establishes new business
linkages with customers Suppliers competitors → Alliance
46. According to the text most retail stores today use computer based information systems to
support business processes and operations this support falls broadly into the categories of
→ Business decisions and strategies for competitive advantage
47. All of the following are competitive strategies except - New entries in the market
48. Dell Walmart and Amazon are few of the _____ companies using DSS model → Supply chain
49. Many companies are using GIS technology along with Global Positioning System devices to
do all of the following except → map customer traffic patterns within each store
50. Web based interface and integration of my SDSSYS and other technologies that gives all
Internet users and selected extranet users access to a variety of internal and external
business applications and services → enterprise information portal
51. Harrah's Capital One and Barclays are a few of the companies using DSS models to identify
customer who produced the greatest profit → customer selection
52. Instead of focusing on the information processing requirements of business functions
enterprise software focuses on supporting integrated clusters of _____ involved in the
operations of a business→ Business processes
53. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of the content dimension of
information → information is related to the information needs offer specific recipient for a
specific situation
54. The type of information required by decision makers in a company is directly related to the
level of management decision making and the amount of _____ → Structured
55. Which of the following is one of the most common and useful type of data mining for
marketing → Market Basket analysis
56. All of the following are competitive forces in the marketplace except → alliances
57. With ____ Data about sales offices can be rolled up to the district level and district level data
can be rolled up to provide a regional level perspective → consolidation
58. Internal enterprise information portal applications typically include access to all of the
following except → Internet news services
59. what type of analysis “ let's cut advertising by $1000 repeatedly so we can see its
relationship to sales” → sensitivity
60. using a decision support system involves all of the following types of analytical modelling
activities except ______ analysis → exception
61. developing a relationship with the customers such that the customer cannot afford to switch
suppliers is an example of → locking in the customers
62. which of the following is a competitive strategy → innovation
63. AI application can be grouped under all of the following areas except → linguistics