60496 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2016 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. In the circuit of Fig. 1 find the current I by mesh method. 15 Ω 5Ω I 10 V + – + – 1.25 Ω 20 V Fig. 1 The direction of mesh currents I1 and I2 are assumed as shown in Fig. 2. 15 Ω 5Ω I 10 V + – I1 1.25 Ω I2 + – 20 V Fig. 2 By inspection, the mesh equations are written as, 6.25 −1.25 I1 10 = −1.25 16.25 I2 −20 Solving the above matrix equation, we get I1 = 1.375 A I2 = −1.125 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Therefore, current I = I1 − I2 = 2.5 A 2. Write the nodal equations for the network of Fig. 3. Hence find the potential difference between nodes 2 and 4. 3A 4A 1Ω 2Ω 4Ω 5 Ω 5 Ω 4A Fig. 3 Taking node 4 as reference, by inspection the node equations are written as, 1 1 1 + − 0 5 1 1 V1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 V2 = −1 + + − 1 1 2 4 2 V3 0 1 1 1 0 − − + 2 5 2 Simplifying, 1 1.2 −1 0 V1 −1 1.75 −0.5 V2 = −1 0 −0.5 0.7 0 V3 Solving the above matrix equation, we get V1 = 0.5851 V V2 = −0.2978 V V3 = −0.2128 V Hence, the potential difference between nodes 2 and 4, V24 = −0.2978 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 3. Obtain the star connected equivalent for the delta connected circuit shown in Fig. 4. 13 Ω A C 12 Ω 14 Ω B D Fig. 4 The equivalent star elements for the given delta network elements are found as: RAN = = RBN = = RCN = = RCA × RAB RAB + RBC + RCA 13 × 12 =4Ω 12 + 14 + 13 RAB × RBC RAB + RBC + RCA 12 × 14 = 4.3077 Ω 12 + 14 + 13 RBC × RCA RAB + RBC + RCA 14 × 13 = 4.6667 Ω 12 + 14 + 13 The equivalent star network thus found is drawn as shown in Fig. 5. A 4Ω 7Ω 07 3 N . 4 4.6 66 7Ω C B Fig. 5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 4. Determine the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit across AB for the given circuit shown in Fig. 6. 10 Ω 5Ω A 50 V 25 V B Fig. 6 Thevenin’s voltage Let I be the current through the circuit and by applying KVL, we obtain Therefore, −50 + 10I + 5I + 25 = 0 I = 1.6667 A Again applying KVL to the mesh involves 50 V, 10 Ω and VAB , Therefore, −50 + 10(1.6667) + VAB = 0 VAB = Vth = 33.3333 V Thevenin’s resistance To compute Thevenin’s resistance the two voltage sources are short-circuited as shown in Fig. 7. 10 Ω 5Ω A B Fig. 7 With reference to Fig. 7, Rth is obtained as: Rth = RAB = 10 × 5 = 3.3333 Ω 10 + 5 Thevenin’s equivalent circuit Using the above found Vth and Rth values, the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 8. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 3.3333 Ω A 33.33 V B Fig. 8 5. A series circuit with R = 10 Ω, L = 0.1 H and C = 50 µF has an applied voltage 50∠0◦ V with a variable frequency. Find (1) the resonant frequency, (2) the value of frequency at which maximum voltage occurs across the inductor (3) the value of frequency at which maximum voltage across capacitor and (4) the quality factor. Resonant frequency, fr = 1 √ 2π LC 1 2π 0.1 × 50 × 10−6 = 71.18 Hz. = √ The frequency at which maximum voltage occurs across the inductor is, s −1 R2 C fL = (fr ) 1− 2L s −1 102 × 50 × 10−6 = (71.18) 1− 2 × 0.1 = 72.09 Hz. The frequency at which maximum voltage occurs across the capacitor is, r 1 1 R2 fC = − 2π r LC 2L 1 1 102 − = 2π 0.1 × 50 × 10−6 2 × 0.1 = 71.09 Hz. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. r 1 L Q= R rC 0.1 1 = = 4.47 10 50 × 10−6 Quality factor, 6. Obtain a conductively coupled equivalent circuit for the magnetically coupled circuit shown below. j6 Ω j5 Ω + 50∠0° V j10 Ω 3Ω I2 I1 5Ω –j4 Ω – Fig. 9 Applying KVL to mesh 1 in the given magnetically coupled circuit, we get or j5I1 − j6I2 + (3 − j4)(I1 − I2 ) = 50∠0◦ (3 + j1)I1 + (−3 − j2)I2 = 50∠0◦ (i) Similarly, by applying KVL to mesh 2 in the given circuit, we get or j10I2 − j6I1 + 5I2 + (3 − j4)(I2 − I1 ) = 0 (−3 − j2)I1 + (8 + j6)I2 = 0 Equations (v) and (vi) are written in matrix form as, (3 + j1) −(3 + j2) I1 50∠0◦ = −(3 + j2) (8 + j6) I2 0 (ii) (iii) The following points are noted carefully when constructing the conductively coupled equivalent circuit. If the two currents do not enter at dotted ends of coupled coils, (a) Negative value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the individual elements of a particular mesh. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (b) Positive value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the common elements of two meshes. Alternately, if the two currents enter at dotted ends of coupled coils, (a) Positive value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the individual elements of a particular mesh. (b) Negative value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the common elements of two meshes. By above reasoning, the conductively coupled circuit is drawn as in Fig. 10. 50∠0° V j5 Ω ‒j6 Ω j10 Ω ‒j6 Ω j6 Ω + I1 ‒j4 Ω 5Ω I2 – 3Ω Fig. 10 By inspection the following mesh equations are obtained. (3 + j5 − j4 + j6 − j6) −(3 − j4 + j6) −(3 − j4 + j6) (8 + j10 − j4 + j6 − j6) I1 I2 = 50∠0◦ 0 (iv) Simplifying, we obtain (3 + j1) −(3 + j2) −(3 + j2) (8 + j6) I1 I2 = 50∠0◦ 0 (v) Comparing Eqs. (vii) and (ix), it is observed that both are same. 7. In the circuit shown in Fig. 11, find the expression for i(t), vR (t) and vL (t) if the switch is closed at t = 0. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. S 10 Ω 20 V 5H i(t) Fig. 11 After closing the switch S, application of KVL to the circuit gives 10i + 5 di = 20 dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides 10I(s) + 5[sI(s) − I(0)] = 20 s As there was no initial current through the inductor, I(0) = 0, then, I(s)[10 + 5s] = or I(s) = 20 s 4 s(s + 2) By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 4 A B = + s(s + 2) s s+2 (vi) Solving for constants A and B, A= 4 (s + 2) = 2 and B = s=0 4 s = −2 s=−2 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (vi), we get I(s) = 2 2 − s s+2 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: i(t) = 2 − 2e−2t A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Voltage across the resistor VR = Ri(t) = 10 × 2(1 − e−2t ) VR = 20(1 − e−2t ) V Voltage across the inductor di dt d = 5 (2 − 2e−2t ) dt VL = 20e−2t V VL = L 8. In the circuit shown in Fig. 12, find the value of current i at t = 50 µS if the switch is closed at t = 0 and vC (t = 0) = 0. S 10 Ω 50 V i(t) 10 µF Fig. 12 After closing the switch S, application of KVL to the circuit gives Ri + vC = V Using, i = C dv , Eq. (i) is rewritten as dt RC dvC + vC = V dt Substituting the corresponding R and C values dvC + vC = 50 dt dvC 0.0001 + vC = 50 dt 10 × 10 × 10−6 or For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (i) Applying Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 0.0001[svC (s) − vC (0)] + vC (s) = 50 s Given that vC (t = 0) = 0. That is, there was no initial voltage across the capacitor, So, vc (0) = 0. Substituting this in the above equation, 50 s 50 vC (s)[1 + 0.0001s] = s 0.0001svC (s) + vC (s) = 50 s(1 + 0.0001s) 500000 vC (s) = s(s + 10000) vC (s) = or By applying partial fraction technique vC (s) = 500000 A B = + s(s + 10000) s s + 10000 (ii) Solving for constants A and B, A= 500000 (s + 10000) = 50 and B = s=0 500000 s = −50 s=−10000 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (ii), we get vC (s) = 50 50 − s s + 10000 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the voltage across the capacitor is obtained as vC (t) = 50 − 50e−10000t V From which, equation for current is obtained as i(t) = C dvC dt = (10 × 10−6 ) d (50 − 50e−10000t ) dt Hence, i(t) = 5e−10000t A. Then, at t = 50 µS, −6 ) i(t) = 5e−(10000×50×10 = 3.0327 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 9. In the circuit shown in Fig. 13, the applied voltage is 150 sin (314t + φ) volts. If the switch is closed when φ = 40◦ , determine the expression for i(t). S 5Ω 0.5 H 100 µF i(t) Fig. 13 Determination of initial conditions (a) The switch is closed when φ = 40◦ . Therefore, at φ < 40◦ , the current through the inductor was zero, i.e., i(0− ) = 0, which is also equal to i(0+ ), since the current through the inductor cannot change instantaneously. Hence, we can write i(0− ) = 0 = i(0+ ) (i) (b) Initial voltage on the capacitor is zero, which results in i(0− ) = 0 = i(0+ ) (ii) Applying KVL after closing the switch (at φ = 40◦ ) Z 1 di 5i + 0.5 + idt = 150 sin (314t + 40◦ ) −6 dt 100 × 10 = 150 [sin 314t cos 40◦ + cos 314t sin 40◦ ] = 114.9 sin 314t + 96.5 cos 314t Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get 5I(s) + 0.5[sI(s) − I(0)] + 314 s I(s) 1 = (114.9) 2 + (96.5) 2 −6 2 100 × 10 s s + 314 s + 3142 From Eq. (i), i(0) = 0, and in s-domain, I(0) = 0. Therefore, I(s) 36078.6 + 96.5s = s s2 + 3142 10000 36078.6 + 96.5s I(s) 5 + 0.5s + = s s2 + 3142 5I(s) + 0.5sI(s) + 10000 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 36078.6 + 96.5s 5s + 0.5s2 + 10000 = I(s) s s2 + 3142 36078.6 + 96.5s s I(s) = s2 + 3142 5s + 0.5s2 + 10000 = 96.5s2 + 36078.6s (0.5s2 + 5s + 10000)(s2 + 3142 ) = 193s2 + 72157.2s (s2 + 10s + 20000)(s2 + 3142 ) By applying partial fraction technique I(s) = 193s2 + 72157.2s As + B Cs + D = 2 + 2 2 2 2 (s + 10s + 20000)(s + 314 ) s + 10s + 20000 s + 3142 (iii) Expanding 193s2 + 72157.2s = (As + B)(s2 + 3142 ) + (Cs + D)(s2 + 10s + 20000) = As3 + 3142 As + Bs2 + 3142 B + Cs3 + 10Cs2 + 20000Cs + Ds2 + 10Ds + 20000D = (A + C)s3 + (B + 10C + D)s2 + (3142 A + 20000C + 10D)s + (3142 B + 20000D) Comparing the coefficients of s3 0=A+C (iv) 193 = B + 10C + D (v) Comparing the coefficients of s2 Comparing the coefficients of s 72157.2 = 3142 A + 20000C + 10D (vi) Comparing the constant terms 0 = 3142 B + 20000D (vii) Solving Eqs. (iv) to (vii), we obtain A = 0.8859 B = −51.3669 C = −0.8859 D = 253.2247 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Substituting the above found constants into Eqn. (iii), we get 0.8859s − 51.3669 −0.8859s + 253.2247 + s2 + 10s + 20000 s2 + 3142 0.8859s − 51.3669 −0.8859s + 253.2247 + = (s + 5)2 + 19975 s2 + 3142 I(s) = = 0.8859s − 51.3669 −0.8859s + 253.2247 + (s + 5)2 + 141.332 s2 + 3142 0.8859s 51.3669 0.8859s 253.2247 − − 2 + 2 2 2 2 2 2 (s + 5) + 141.33 (s + 5) + 141.33 s + 314 s + 3142 141.33 0.8859s 51.3669 = − (s + 5)2 + 141.332 141.33 (s + 5)2 + 141.332 0.8859s 253.2247 314 − 2 + 2 2 s + 314 314 s + 3142 = Taking inverse Laplace transformation i(t) = 0.8859 e−5t cos 141.33t − 0.3635 e−5t sin 141.33t − 0.8859 cos 314t + 0.8064 sin 314t i(t) = [e−5t (0.8859 cos 141.33t − 0.3635 sin 141.33t) − 0.8859 cos 314t + 0.8064 sin 314t] A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 80365 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2016 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE 6201 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Calculate the node voltages of given circuit in Fig. 1. 5A 4Ω 2Ω 6Ω 10 A Fig. 1 Applying KCL at node 1, we get V1 V1 − V2 + −5=0 2 4 or 0.75V1 − 0.25V2 = 5 (i) Applying KCL at node 2, we get V2 − V1 V2 + + 5 − 10 = 0 4 6 or −0.25V1 + 0.4167V2 = 5 Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get V1 = 13.33 V V2 = 20 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (ii) 2. Determine the current I0 for the given circuit in Fig. 2, when Vs = 12 V. 2Ω 8Ω + Vx I0 4Ω 4Ω i2 i1 6Ω + Vs 3 Vx + Fig. 2 Applying KVL in mesh 1, 6i1 + 2i1 + 4(i1 − i2 ) + Vs = 0 Given that, Vs = 12. Therefore, the above equation becomes 12i1 − 4i2 = −12 (i) Applying KVL in mesh 2, −Vs − 4(i1 − i2 ) + 8i2 + 4i2 − 3Vx = 0 Using Vs = 12 and Vx = 2i1 , the above equation becomes −10i1 + 16i2 = 12 (ii) Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get i1 = −0.9474 A i2 = 0.1579 A Hence, I0 = i2 = 0.1579 A. 3. Using mesh analysis for the given circuit in Fig. 3, find the current I2 and voltage drop across 1 Ω resistor. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. XL1 = 2 Ω R1 XC 8Ω R2 4Ω I2 1Ω XL2 + 6Ω – E1 = 8 V∠20° E2 = 10 V∠0° – + Fig. 3 Assuming the current delivered by the voltage source E1 is I1 , and by applying KVL to the two meshes, we obtain or and or I1 + j2I1 − j8(I1 − I2 ) + 4(I1 − I2 ) − 10∠0◦ − 8∠20◦ = 0 (5 − j6)I1 + (−4 + j8)I2 = 17.73∠8.88◦ (i) j6I2 + 10∠0◦ − 4(I1 − I2 ) + j8(I1 − I2 ) = 0 (−4 + j8)I1 + (4 − j2)I2 = −10 (ii) Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get I1 = (0.9 + j0.5) A I2 = (−0.67 + j3.74) A So, the voltage drop across 1 Ω resistor is I1 × 1 = (0.9 + j0.5) V 4. Find the equivalent capacitance Ceq between terminals a and b of Fig. 4. 5 µF 60 µF a Ceq 20 µF 6 µF 20 µF b Fig. 4 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Capacitors 20 µF and 5 µF are in series. Therefore, the equivalent capacitance obtained from them is 20 × 5 =4 20 + 5 Now the capacitors 4 µF, 6 µF and 20 µF are in parallel. Therefore, the equivalent capacitance is 4 + 6 + 20 = 30 Finally, 30 µF and 60 µF are in series. Therefore, the equivalent capacitance between the terminals a and b is 30 × 60 = 20 µF 30 + 60 5. Obtain the equivalent resistance Rab of the circuit given in Fig. 5 and calculate the total current i. i a 13 Ω 24 Ω 10 Ω 20 Ω 100 V 30 Ω 50 Ω b Fig. 5 The star connected network comprising 24 Ω, 20 Ω and 30 Ω resistors are converted into equivalent delta connected network as shown below. c c 24 Ω 20 Ω n d ⇒ 60 Ω 90 Ω 30 Ω e e d 75 Ω Fig. 6 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Rcd = (24 × 40) + (20 × 30) + (30 × 24) = 60 Ω 30 Rde = (24 × 40) + (20 × 30) + (30 × 24) = 75 Ω 24 (24 × 40) + (20 × 30) + (30 × 24) = 90 Ω 20 Replacing the cde star into delta, the circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 7. Rec = i 13 Ω a 60 Ω 10 Ω 90 Ω Ω 100 V 75 50 Ω b Fig. 7 From Fig. 7, Rab = 13 + 90|| 60 × 10 60 + 10 + 75 × 50 75 + 50 = 40 Ω 100 = 2.5 A. 40 6. Find the value of RL in Fig. 8 for maximum power to RL and calculate the maximum power. Therefore, the total current, i = I 6A R2 R1 E1 3Ω + 68 V ‒ RL 10 Ω R3 2Ω Fig. 8 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. According to maximum power transfer theorem, maximum power is transferred to RL , when RS = RL R1 3Ω R2 ⇐ RL 10 Ω R3 2Ω Fig. 9 From Fig. 9, RS is obtained as 3 + 10 + 2 = 15 Ω. R2 R1 E1 3Ω + 68 V ‒ 10 Ω RL = 15 Ω 60 V R3 2Ω Fig. 10 By source transformation technique, the 6 A current source of given circuit in Fig. 8 is converted into an equivalent voltage source as shown in Fig. 10 and the current through RL is obtained as IL = 128 = 4.2667 A 30 Therefore, the maximum power that is transferred to the load resistance RL , Pmax = 4.26672 × 15 = 273 W 7. Apply superposition theorem to determine the current i through 3 Ω resistor for the given circuit in Fig. 11. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 24 V 8Ω + 4Ω 4Ω i + 12 V 3Ω 3A Fig. 11 Response due to 12 V source only The current through 3 Ω (I 0 ) due to 12 V source only is obtained by keeping only that source and killing other sources as shown in Fig. 12 (a). 24 V 8Ω 8Ω + I2 I4 4Ω 4Ω 4Ω 4Ω I′ 12 V + I1 I′′ I3 3Ω 3Ω (a) (b) Fig. 12 Referring to Fig. 12 (a), the mesh equations are written as 7 −4 I1 12 = −4 16 I2 0 Solving, I 0 (I1 ) is obtained as 2 A. Response due to 24 V source only The current through 3 Ω (I 00 ) due to 24 V source only is obtained by keeping only the 24 V source in the circuit and killing other two sources as shown in Fig. 12 (a). For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. With reference to Fig. 12 (b), the mesh equations are written as 16 −4 I3 −24 = −4 7 I4 0 Solving, I 00 (I3 ) is obtained as −1 A. Response due to 3 A source only The current through 3 Ω (I 0 ) due to 3 A source only is obtained by keeping only that source and killing other sources as shown in Fig. 13. 8Ω 4Ω 4Ω I′′′ 3Ω 3A Reference node Fig. 13 Referring to Fig. 13, the nodal equations are written as follows: Applying KCL at node 1, we obtain V1 − V2 V1 + −3=0 4 8 or 0.375V1 − 0.25V2 = 3 (i) Similarly, applying KCL at node 2, we obtain V2 − V1 V2 V2 + + =0 4 4 3 or −0.25V1 + 0.83V2 = 0 (ii) Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get V2 = 3 V. Therefore, I 000 is obtained as V2 3 = =1 3 3 Thus, by the use of superposition principle i = I 0 + I 00 + I 000 = 2 − 1 + 1 = 2 A. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 8. For the series resonant of Fig. 14, find I, VR , VL and VC at resonance. Also, if resonant frequency is 5000 Hz, determine bandwidth, Q factor, half power frequencies, and power dissipated in the circuit at resonance and at the half power frequencies. Derive the expression for resonant frequency. I + VR – + VL – R=2Ω XL = 10 Ω + XC = 10 Ω E = 10 V∠0° – + VC – Fig. 14 At resonant condition, the sum of reactances is zero, therefore, Current at resonance, I = V 10 = =5A R 2 Voltage drop across resistor, VR = IR = 5 × 2 = 10 V Voltage drop across inductor, VL = IXL = 5 × 10 = 50 V Voltage drop across capacitor, VC = IXC = 5 × 10 = 50 V 10 XL = =5 R 2 Resonant frequency 5000 Bandwidth, β = = = 1000 Hz Q-factor 5 Q-factor, Q = Lower half power frequency, f1 = fr − β 1000 = 5000 − = 4500 Hz 2 2 Upper half power frequency, f2 = fr + β 1000 = 5000 + = 5500 Hz 2 2 Power at resonant frequency = I 2 R = 52 × 2 = 50 W Power at half power frequencies = (0.707I)2 R = (0.707 × 5)2 × 2 = 25 W At resonance, XL = X C 1 or 2πfr L = 2πfr C 1 . Hence, resonant frequency, fr = √ 2π LC For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 9. Obtain the conductively coupled equivalent circuit for the given circuit in Fig. 15 and find the voltage drop across 12 Ω resistor. j3 Ω ‒j4 Ω + I1 12 ∠0° V j5 Ω j6 Ω I2 12 Ω – Fig. 15 For the given circuit the mesh current I1 enters the dot whereas I2 leaves the dot. So, using the dot rule the conductively coupled circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 16. ‒j4 Ω ‒(j3) Ω ‒(j3) Ω j3 Ω + 12∠0° V I2 I1 – 12 Ω j5 Ω Fig. 16 By applying mesh analysis, the mesh equations are written as j1 −j8 I1 12∠0◦ = −j8 12 + j5 I2 0 Using Cramer’s rule j1 12∠0◦ −j8 0 (j8)(12∠0◦ ) ∆I2 = = I2 = ∆ (j1)(12 + j5) − (−j8)2 j1 −j8 −j8 12 + j5 = 1.5945∠78.5◦ A Therefore, the voltage drop across 12 Ω resistor = 12 × 1.5945∠78.5◦ = 19.134∠78.5◦ V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 10. The number of turns in two coupled coils are 500 turns and 1500 turns respectively. When 5 A current flows in coil 1, the total flux in this coil is 0.6 × 10−3 Wb and the flux linking in second coil is 0.3 × 10−3 Wb. Determine L1 , L2 , M and K. Given that N1 = 500; N2 = 1500; I1 = 5 A; φ1 = 0.6×10−3 and φ12 = 0.3×10−3 K= φ12 0.3 = =5 φ1 0.6 N1 φ1 500 × 0.6 × 10−3 = = 0.06 H I1 5 r L1 N1 = N2 L2 L1 = From which, L2 = L1 0.06 2 = 500 2 = 0.54 H N1 N2 M =K 1500 p p L1 L2 = 0.5 (0.06 × 0.54) = 0.09 H 11. A series RL circuit with R = 50 Ω and L = 30 H has a constant voltage V = 50 volts applied at t = 0 as shown in Fig. 17. Determine the current i, voltage across inductor. Derive the necessary expression and plot the respective curves. 2Ω R t=0 i(t) + VS + L v(t) – Fig. 17 Applying KVL to the circuit in Fig. 17, after closing the switch di =V dt di L = V − Ri dt di V − Ri = dt L Ri + L For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Separating the variables, di dt = V − Ri L Multiplying by ‘−R’ on both sides, we get −R −R di = dt V − Ri L Integrating both sides Z −R V − Ri Z di = ln(V − Ri) = −R L dt −R t+K L (i) where K is a constant of integration and is evaluated by applying initial conditions. The initial condition is that at t = 0, i = 0. Substituting this into Eq. (i), we get ln V = K Therefore, Eq. (i) becomes −R t + ln V L −R t ln(V − Ri) − ln V = L V − Ri −R ln t = V L ln(V − Ri) = Taking antilog on both sides R V − Ri = e− L t V R Ri 1− = e− L t V R V i= 1 − e− L t R For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (ii) Thus using Eq. (ii), V −R t L i= 1−e R 50 50 1 − e− 30 t = 20 = 2.5(1 − e−1.6667t ) A Voltage across inductor di(t) dt d = 30 [2.5 − 2.5e−1.6667t ] dt VL = L = 30[0 − (2.5)(−1.6667)e−1.6667t ] = 125e−1.6667t V 12. Determine the impedance parameter (z ) of the given two port network in Fig. 18. 4I1 I1 5Ω 10 Ω + V1 I2 + + V2 20 Ω – – Fig. 18 The defining equations of z -parameters are: z11 I1 + z12 I2 = V1 z21 I1 + z22 I2 = V2 (i) (ii) Applying KVL to the mesh of input-port side, or 5I1 + 20(I1 + I2 ) = V1 25I1 + 20I2 = V1 (iii) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Similarly, by applying KVL to the mesh of output-port side, 4I1 + 10I2 + 20(I1 + I2 ) = V2 24I1 + 30I2 = V2 or (iv) Upon comparing Eqs. (iii) and (iv) with Eqs. (i) and (ii) respectively, we get the z -parameters as z11 z12 25 20 [z] = = z21 z22 24 30 13. Find the hybrid parameter (h) of the two port network in Fig. 19. 2Ω 3Ω 6Ω Fig. 19 The defining equations of h-parameters are: V1 = h11 I1 + h12 V2 I2 = h21 I1 + h22 V2 (i) (ii) The currents and voltages for the respective ports are labelled as shown in Fig. Fig. 20. I1 2Ω 3Ω I2 I1 + I2 V1 6Ω V2 – Fig. 20 Applying KVL to the mesh of input-port side, or 2I1 + 6(I1 + I2 ) = V1 8I1 + 6I2 = V1 (iii) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Similarly, by applying KVL to the mesh of output-port side, or 3I2 + 6(I1 + I2 ) = V2 6I1 + 9I2 = V2 (iv) V2 − 6I1 9 I2 = −0.6666I1 + 0.1111V2 (v) From Eq. (iv), I2 = or Putting the value of I2 into Eq. (iii), we obtain V1 = 8I1 + 6 (0.1111V2 − 0.6667I1 ) = 8I1 + 0.6666V2 − 4I1 V1 = 12I1 + 0.6666V2 (vi) Upon comparing Eqs. (vi) and (v) with Eqs. (i) and (ii) respectively, we get the h-parameters as 12 0.6666 h11 h12 = [h] = h21 h22 −0.6666 0.1111 14. For the ∆ − ∆ system shown in Fig. 21, find the phase angles θ2 and θ3 for the specified phase sequence. Also find the phase current and line current in each phase of the load. IAa A a Iab 5Ω EAB = 120 V ∠0° 3-phase ∆-connected ac ECA = 120 V ∠θ3 generator Ica Phase sequence: ACB c IBb B 5Ω 5Ω 5Ω 5Ω 5Ω Ibc b ICc C EBC = 120 V ∠θ2 Fig. 21 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. The phasor diagram of the line voltages for the given phase sequence is shown in Fig. 22. ECB EBA θ3 θ2 EAC Fig. 22 It is seen from Fig. 22 that, for the given ACB phase sequence, θ2 = 240◦ and θ3 = 120◦ . Thus, the line voltages are as follows: EBA = 120∠0◦ V EAC = 120∠120◦ V ECB = 120∠240◦ V Impedance in each branch, Zph = (5)(−j5) = (2.5 − j2.5) Ω (5 − j5) We recall that in ∆-connected networks, line voltage and phase voltage are same. Therefore, the phase currents are: Iab = 120∠0◦ EBA = = (24 + j24) = 33.94∠45◦ A Zph (2.5 − j2.5) Ibc = ECB 120∠240◦ = = (8.7846 − j32.7846) = 33.94∠ − 75◦ A Zph (2.5 − j2.5) Ica = EAC 120∠120◦ = = (−32.7846 + j8.7846) = 33.94∠165◦ A Zph (2.5 − j2.5) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Applying KCL at node ‘a’, we obtain Line current, IAa = Iab − Ica = (24 + j24) − (−32.7846 + j8.7846) = 56.7846 + j15.2154 = 58.7877∠15◦ A Similarly, other two line currents are obtained as Line current, IBb = Ibc − Iab = (8.7846 − j32.7846) − (24 + j24) = −15.2154 − j56.7846 = 58.7877∠ − 105◦ A Line current, ICc = Ica − Ibc = (−32.7846 + j8.7846) − (8.7846 − j32.7846) = −41.5692 + j41.5692 = 58.7877∠135◦ A 15. A 3-phase, 400 V supply is given to balanced star connected load of impedance (8+j6) Ω in each branch. Determine line current, power factor and total power. √ Given that load impedance, Z = 8 + j6 = 82 + 62 = 10 Ω Phase voltage, Vph = Line voltage √ 3 400 = √ = 230.94 V 3 Vph Z 230.94 = 23.094 A = 10 Phase current, Iph = In star-connected networks, magnitude of line current and phase current are same. Therefore, line current IL = 23.094 A Power factor, cos φ = R 8 = = 0.8 Z 10 The total power, √ √ P = 3VL IL cos φ = 3 × 400 × 23.094 × 0.8 = 12.8 kW For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 16. The two wattmeter method produces wattmeter readings P1 = 1560 W and P2 = 2100 W when connected to a delta connected load. If the line voltage is 220 V, calculate (i) the per phase average power, (ii) total reactive power, (iii) power factor and (iv) the phase impedance. Is the impedance inductive or capacitive? Justify. By two wattmeter method of measuring power, Total real power, P = P1 + P2 = 1560 + 2100 = 3660 W ∴ Per phase average power = 3660 = 1220 W 3 √ √ Total reactive power, Q = 3(P2 − P1 ) = 3(2100 − 1560) = 935.31 var √ P2 − P1 −1 Power factor, cos φ = cos tan 3 P1 + P2 √ 2100 − 1560 −1 = cos tan 3 1560 + 2100 = 0.97 Line current, IL = √ P 3660 =√ = 9.9 A 3VL cos φ 3 × 220 × 0.97 So, 9.9 IL phase current, Iph = √ = √ = 5.72 A 3 3 Then, phase impedance, Zph = Vph 220 = = 38.44 Ω Iph 5.72 and in complex form, Zph = 38.44∠14.33◦ Ω Since the total reactive power Q is found to be positive, meaning there is an absorption of reactive power by the load. Hence, the impedance is inductive. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 57307 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2016 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE 6201 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Determine the current IL in the circuit shown below. 4V 3Ω 3Ω 3Ω IL 8V 6V 5Ω 1Ω 1Ω Fig. 1 The mesh currents are assumed in the directions as indicated in Fig. 2. 4V 3Ω I3 3Ω 3Ω IL I1 8V 5Ω 1Ω 6V I2 1Ω Fig. 2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 9 5 −3 I1 8 5 9 3 I2 = 6 −3 3 9 I3 4 Using Cramer’s rule, I1 is found as, I1 = ∆I1 = ∆I1 . ∆ 8 5 −3 6 9 3 4 3 9 = 8(81 − 9) − 5(54 − 12) − 3(18 − 36) = 420 ∆= 9 5 −3 5 9 3 −3 3 9 = 9(81 − 9) − 5(45 + 9) − 3(15 + 27) = 252 ∆I1 420 Therefore, I1 = = = 1.6667 ∆ 252 Similarly, I2 is found as, I2 = ∆I2 = ∆I2 . ∆ 9 8 −3 5 6 3 −3 4 9 = 9(54 − 12) − 5(54 − 12) − 3(20 + 18) = −168 Therefore, I2 = ∆I2 −168 = = −0.6667 ∆ 252 Hence, the current IL = I1 + I2 = (1.6667 − 0.6667) = 1 A. 2. Calculate the voltage across A and B in the circuit shown in Fig. 3? 12 V 6Ω 12 V A 6V 4Ω 4Ω 10 Ω B Fig. 3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 6 = 0.6 A 10 = 0.6 × 4 = 2.4 V (A being negative) 12 I2 = = 0.86 A 14 = 0.86 × 4 = 3.44 V (B being positive) The current through 6 Ω and 4 Ω circuit, I1 = Therefore, voltage across 4 Ω resistor The current through 4 Ω and 10 Ω circuit, Therefore, voltage across 4 Ω resistor Replacing the resistances connected between A and B with their respective voltage drops, the given circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 4. 12 V A 12 V 6Ω 6V 2.4 V 3.44 V 10 Ω B Fig. 4 From Fig. 4 it is found that, VAB = −2.4 + 12 + 3.44 = 13.04 V 3. Three loads A, B and C are connected in parallel to a 240 V source. Load A takes 9.6 kW, Load B takes 60 A and Load C has a resistance of 4.8 Ω. Calculate (1) RA and RB (2) the total current (3) the total power, and (4) equivalent resistance. (1) Resistances RA and RB Current through Load A, IA = P V 9.6 × 103 = 40 A 240 V RA = IA = So, resistance of Load A, For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 240 =6Ω 40 V RB = IB = Similarly, resistance of Load B, = 240 =4Ω 60 (2) Total current Current through Load C, IC = = V RC 240 = 50 A 4.8 Therefore, the total current, IT = IA + IB + IC = 40 + 60 + 50 = 150 A (3) Total power Power, P = V IT = 240 × 150 = 36000 W (4) Equivalent resistance 1 1 1 1 = + + Req 6 4 4.8 = 0.625 Ω 1 Therefore, the equivalent resistance, Req = = 1.6 Ω 0.625 4. For the circuit shown in figure below, determine the total current IT , phase angle and power factor. 100 µF 10 Ω IT 50 V, 100 Hz 30 Ω 0.1 H Fig. 5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Capacitive reactance of 100 µF, XC = 1 2πf C 1 = 15.92 Ω 2π(100)(100 × 10−6 ) Inductive reactance of 0.1 H, XL = 2πf L = 2π(100)(0.1) = 62.83 Ω Equivalent impedance of the circuit = (10 − j15.92) + (30)||(j62.83) = (10 − j15.92) + (24.43 + j11.66) = (34.43 − j4.26) Ω 50 Total current, IT = 34.43 − j4.26 = (1.43 + j0.17) = 1.44∠7.05◦ So, phase angle, φ = 7.05◦ and power factor, cos φ = cos 7.05◦ = 0.99. = 5. Find the current in 4 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 6. 3Ω 57 V 5Ω 4Ω 7Ω 6Ω 42 V 4V 25 V 70 V Fig. 6 Mesh currents are assumed with their direction as shown in Fig. 7. 3Ω 57 V 5Ω 4Ω 42 V I1 6Ω I2 25 V 7Ω I3 4V 70 V Fig. 7 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. By mesh analysis 7 −4 0 method, the mesh equations are written as −4 0 I1 42 + 25 = 67 15 −6 I2 = −25 − 57 − 70 = −152 −6 13 I3 70 + 4 = 74 Solving the above equations, we get I1 = 5 A I2 = −8 A I3 = 2 A Therefore, current through 4 Ω resistor, I1 − I2 = 5 − (−8) = 13 A 6. Obtain the Norton’s model and find the maximum power that can be transferred to the 100 Ω ohm load resistance in the circuit shown in Fig. 8. 220 Ω 10 V RL = 100 Ω 470 Ω 200 Ω 380 Ω 5V Fig. 8 To find Norton’s surrent, IN To obtain the Norton’s model the circuit in Fig. 8 is first redrawn by shortcircuiting the 100 Ω resistance as shown in Fig. 9 and finding the Norton’s current, IN . Mesh analysis is used and the directions of mesh currents are as indicated in Fig. 9. 220 Ω 10 V I1 470 Ω A B IN I2 380 Ω 200 Ω I3 5V Fig. 9 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. By inspection the mesh equations are written as 690 −470 0 I1 10 −470 850 −380 I2 = 0 0 −380 580 I3 −5 Solving the above equations, we get I2 = IN = 12.5876 mA To find Thevenin’s resistance, Rth Rth 220 Ω 470 Ω 200 Ω B ⇒ A 380 Ω Fig. 10 As seen in Fig. 10, Rth appearing across the terminals A and B is 220 × 470 200 × 380 Rth = + 220 + 470 200 + 380 = 280.88 Ω Using the values of IN and Rth found above the Norton’s model is drawn as shown in Fig. 11. 12.5876 mA 280.88 Ω A RL = 100 Ω B Fig. 11 By current division rule, current through the load resistance = 12.5876 × 10−3 × 280.88 = 9.2827 mA. 280.88 + 100 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Therefore, the maximum power that can be transferred to 100 Ω resistance = (9.2827 × 10−3 )2 × 100 = 8.6169 mW. 7. Determine the resonant frequency, bandwidth and quality factor of the coil for the series resonant circuit consisting of R = 10 Ω, L = 0.1 H and C = 10 µ F. Derive the formula used for bandwidth. 1 Resonant frequency, fr = √ 2π LC 1 2π 0.1 × 10 × 10−6 = 159.15 Hz. r 1 L Q= R rC 1 0.1 = = 10 10 10 × 10−6 fr BW = Q = Quality factor, Bandwidth, = √ 159.15 = 15.915 10 [For derivation of the formula for bandwidth, please refer Section 10.1.5 in the book mentioned at footer ] 8. Write the mesh equations and obtain the conductively coupled equivalent circuit for the magnetically coupled circuit shown in Fig. 12. j6 Ω j5 Ω + 50∠0° V j10 Ω 3Ω I2 I1 5Ω –j4 Ω – Fig. 12 Applying KVL to mesh 1 in the given magnetically coupled circuit, we get or j5I1 − j6I2 + (3 − j4)(I1 − I2 ) = 50∠0◦ (3 + j1)I1 + (−3 − j2)I2 = 50∠0◦ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (i) Similarly, by applying KVL to mesh 2 in the given circuit, we get j10I2 − j6I1 + 5I2 + (3 − j4)(I2 − I1 ) = 0 (−3 − j2)I1 + (8 + j6)I2 = 0 or Equations (i) and (ii) are written in matrix form as (3 + j1) −(3 + j2) I1 50∠0◦ = −(3 + j2) (8 + j6) I2 0 (ii) (iii) The following points are noted carefully when constructing the conductively coupled equivalent circuit. If the two currents do not enter at dotted ends of coupled coils, (i) Negative value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the individual elements of a particular mesh. (ii) Positive value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the common elements of two meshes. Alternately, if the two currents enter at dotted ends of coupled coils, (i) Positive value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the individual elements of a particular mesh. (ii) Negative value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the common elements of two meshes. By the above reasoning, the conductively coupled circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 13. 50∠0° V j5 Ω ‒j6 Ω j10 Ω ‒j6 Ω j6 Ω + I1 ‒j4 Ω I2 5Ω – 3Ω Fig. 13 By inspection the following mesh equations are obtained. (3 + j5 − j4 + j6 − j6) −(3 − j4 + j6) I1 50∠0◦ = −(3 − j4 + j6) (8 + j10 − j4 + j6 − j6) I2 0 (iv) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Simplifying, we obtain (3 + j1) −(3 + j2) I1 50∠0◦ = −(3 + j2) (8 + j6) I2 0 (v) Comparing Eqs. (iii) and (v), it is observed that both are same. 9. A sinusoidal voltage of 10 sin 100t is connected in series with a switch and R = 10 Ω and L = 0.1 H. If the switch is closed at t = 0 determine the transient current i(t). Applying KVL to the circuit after closing the switch, we get di = 10 sin 100t dt di 100i + = 100 sin 100t dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, 10i + 0.1 100 + 1002 10000 I(s)(100 + s) = s2 + 1002 10000 1 I(s) = s + 100 s2 + 1002 100I(s) + sI(s) = 100 I(s) = s2 10000 A Bs + C = + 2 2 2 (s + 100)(s + 100 ) (s + 100) (s + 1002 ) (vi) Solving for the constant, A= 10000 + 1002 s2 = 0.5 s=−100 On cross-multiplying Eq. (vi), we get 10000 = A(s2 + 1002 ) + (Bs + C)(s + 100) = As2 + 10000A + Bs2 + 100Bs + Cs + 100C = s2 (A + B) + s(100B + C) + (10000A + 100C) (vii) On equating the coefficients of s2 of Eq. (vii), we get or A+B=0 B = −A = −0.5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. On equating the coefficients of s of Eq. (vii), we get 100B + C = 0 C = −100B = 50 Hence, Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (vi), we get 0.5 −0.5s + 50 + 2 (s + 100) (s + 1002 ) 0.5 0.5s 50 = − 2 + 2 2 (s + 100) (s + 100 ) (s + 1002 ) 0.5 0.5s 50 100 + = − 2 2 2 (s + 100) (s + 100 ) 100 (s + 1002 ) I(s) = Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, we get i(t) = 0.5e−100t − 0.5 cos 100t + 0.5 sin 100t (viii) 0. 5 = 0.5 + 2 0. 5 2 0. 70 7 A right-angled triangle is constructed using 0.5 and 0.5 as two sides as shown in Fig. 14. φ 0.5 Fig. 14 Referring to Fig. 14, −1 φ = tan Also, or 0.5 0.5 = 45◦ cos φ = 0.5 0.707 0.5 = 0.707 cos 45◦ Similarly, 0.5 = 0.707 sin 45◦ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Therefore, Eq. (viii) becomes, i(t) = 0.5e−100t − 0.707 sin 45◦ cos 100t + 0.707 cos 45◦ sin 100t = 0.5e−100t + 0.707(cos 45◦ sin 100t − sin 45◦ cos 100t) i(t) = 0.5e−100t + 0.707 sin(100t − 45◦ ) A 10. In the circuit shown below, find the transient current after switch is closed at time t = 0, given that an initial charge of 100 µC is stored in the capacitor. t=0 15 Ω 50 V 200 µF i(t) Fig. 15 Initial voltage on the capacitor, V = Q 100 × 10−6 = = 0.5 V C 200 × 10−6 Applying KVL after closing the switch, Ri + vc = V dvc + vc = V dt dvc 15 × 200 × 10−6 + vc = 50 dt dvc 0.003 + vc = 50 dt RC Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 0.003[sVC (s) − VC (0)] + VC (s) = 50 s For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. At t = 0, VC (0) = 0.5 V. Therefore, the above equation becomes 50 s 50 + 0.0015 VC (s)[1 + 0.003s] = s 0.003[sVC (s) − 0.5] + VC (s) = ( 50 ) + 0.0015 VC (s) = s (1 + 0.003s) = 50 + 0.0015s s(1 + 0.003s) = 16666.67 + 0.5s 50 + 0.0015s = 0.003s(s + 333.33) s(s + 333.33) By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 16666.67 + 0.5s A B = + s(s + 333.33) s s + 333.33 (ix) Solving for constants A and B, A= 16666.67 + 0.5s (s + 333.33) = 50 and B = s=0 16666.67 + 0.5s s = −49.5 s=−333.33 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (vii), we get VC (s) = 50 49.5 − s s + 333.33 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the voltage across the capacitor is obtained as vC (t) = 50 − 49.5e−333.33t V The transient current is given by i(t) = C dvC dt d (50 − 49.5e−333.33t ) dt A = (200 × 10−6 ) Hence, i(t) = 3.3e−333.33t For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 11. Obtain the readings of two wattmeters connected to a three phase, 3 wire, 120 V system feeding a balanced ∆ connected load with a load impedance of 12∠30◦ Ω. Assume RYB phase sequence. Determine the phase power and compare the total power to the sum of wattmeter readings. Phase current, IRY = VRY ZRY 120∠0◦ = 12∠30◦ = 10∠ − 30◦ A Similarly, the other phase currents and Power factor, IYB = 10∠ − 150◦ A IBR = 10∠ − 270◦ A cos φ = cos 30◦ = 0.866 Line current (IL ) in R-line is calculated by using KCL as follows: So, total power Also, total power Reading of wattmeter 1, Reading of wattmeter 2, Per phase power IL = IRY − IBR = (10∠ − 30◦ ) − (10∠ − 270◦ ) = 17.32∠ − 60◦ √ P = 3VL IL cos φ √ = 3 × 120 × 17.32 × 0.866 = 3117.6 W P = W1 + W2 W1 = VL IL cos (30◦ + φ) = 120 × 17.32 × cos (30◦ + 30◦ ) W1 = 1039.2 W (x) W2 = VL IL cos (30◦ − φ) = 120 × 17.32 × cos (30◦ − 30◦ ) W2 = 2078.4 W (xi) = Vph Iph cos φ = 120 × 10 × 0.866 = 1039.2 W (xii) Upon comparing Eqs. (x) and (xii), it is observed that when the power factor is 0.866, one of the wattmeters reads per phase power, i.e., one-third of the total power, while the other wattmeter reads two-third of the total power. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 12. If W1 and W2 are the readings of the two wattmeters which measures power in W1 the three phase balanced system and if = a, show that the power factor of W2 a+1 the circuit is given by cos φ = √ . 2 a2 − a + 1 By employing two wattmeter method of measuring three phase power, we have √ W2 − W1 tan φ = 3 W1 + W2 W1 √ W2 1 − W2 = 3 W1 W2 1 + W2 = √ (1 − a) 3 (1 + a) Squaring both sides, (1 − a)2 (1 + a)2 (1 − a)2 φ = 1 + (3) (1 + a)2 (1 + a)2 + 3(1 − a)2 φ= (1 + a)2 (1 + a2 + 2a) + 3(1 + a2 − 2a) = φ (1 + a)2 (1 + a2 + 2a + 3 + 3a2 − 6a) = φ (1 + a)2 (4a2 − 4a + 4) = (1 + a)2 4(a2 − a + 1) = (1 + a)2 (1 + a)2 φ= 4(a2 − a + 1) tan2 φ = (3) 1 + tan2 sec2 1 cos2 1 cos2 cos2 Therefore, 1+a cos φ = √ 2 a2 − a + 1 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 13. A symmetrical three-phase, three-wire 440 V, ABC system feeds a balanced Y-connected load with ZA = ZB = ZC = 10∠30◦ Ω. Obtain the line currents. Phase voltage, Vph 440∠0◦ = √ = 254.03∠ − 30◦ 3 [It is to be noted that in star-connected networks, the phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] So, phase current in A-phase, IAN = = Phase current in B-phase, Phase current in C-phase, IBN ICN Vph Zph 254.03∠ − 30◦ 10∠30◦ = 25.403∠ − 60◦ A = 25.403∠ − 180◦ A = 25.403∠ − 300◦ A In star-connected networks, IL = Iph . Therefore, Line current in A-phase, Line current in B-phase, Line current in C-phase, IA = 25.403∠ − 60◦ A IB = 25.403∠ − 180◦ A IC = 25.403∠ − 300◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 77122 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE6201 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Use branch currents in the network shown below to find the current supplied by the 60 V source. Solve the circuit by the mesh current method. 7Ω I1 60 V + I2 I3 I4 12 Ω 6Ω 12 Ω Fig. 1 The various branch currents are marked as shown in Fig. 2. A 7Ω I1 60 V + H I1 ‒ I2 B I1 ‒ I2 ‒ I3 C D I2 I3 I4 12 Ω 6Ω 12 Ω G F E Fig. 2 Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law in mesh ABGHA, we get or 7I1 + 12I2 − 60 = 0 7I1 + 12I2 = 60 (i) Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law in mesh BCFGB, we get 6I3 − 12I2 = 0 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (ii) Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law in mesh CDEFC, we get 12I4 − 6I3 = 0 (iii) Also, from Fig. 2, I1 − I2 − I3 = I4 Therefore, Eq. (iii) becomes 12I1 − 12I2 − 18I3 = 0 (iv) Solving Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iv), we get The current supplied by the 60 V source = I1 = 6 A. 2. Solve the network given below by the node voltage method. 10 Ω 1 2 5Ω 2Ω 25 V + 2Ω 4Ω + 50 V ref Fig. 3 Applying KCL at node 1, we get or V1 V1 − 25 V1 − V2 + + =0 2 5 10 0.8V1 − 0.1V2 = 5 (v) Applying KCL at node 2, we get or V2 − V1 V2 V2 + 50 + + =0 10 4 2 −0.1V1 + 0.85V2 = −25 (vi) Solving Eqs. (v) and (vi), we get V1 = 2.6119 V V2 = −29.1045 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 3. Compute the current in the 23 Ω resistor of the figure shown below by applying superposition principle. 4Ω I23Ω 47 Ω 27 Ω 20 A + ‒ 200 V 23 Ω Fig. 4 Response due to 200 V source only The current through 23 Ω due to 200 V source only is obtained by keeping only that source and open-circuiting 20 A current source as shown in Fig. 5. 4Ω I′23Ω 47 Ω I1 I2 ‒ 200 V 23 Ω + 27 Ω Fig. 5 Mesh analysis applied on the circuit shown in Fig. 5 and by inspection the mesh equations are written as: 74 47 47 74 I1 I2 = 200 200 0 Solving the above equation, we obtain I2 = I23Ω = 1.65 A Response due to 20 A source only The current through 23 Ω due to 20 A source only is obtained by keeping only that source and short-circuiting 200 V voltage source as shown in Fig. 6(a). For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 4Ω 4Ω I′′23Ω 47 Ω 27 Ω 20 A I′′23Ω 17.15 Ω 23 Ω (a) 20 A 23 Ω (b) Fig. 6 As the two resistors 27 Ω and 47 Ω are found parallel it is simplified and the simplified circuit is shown in Fig. 6(b). By current division technique, 00 I23Ω = 20 × 17.15 + 4 = 9.581 A 17.15 + 4 + 23 Hence, by applying superposition principle 0 00 I23Ω = I23Ω + I23Ω = 1.653 + 9.581 = 11.234 A 4. Obtain the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits for the active network shown below. 3Ω 3Ω 6Ω + ‒ 20 V a 10 V ‒ + b Fig. 7 Thevenin’s voltage, Vth Let I be the current flowing through the only loop. Applying KVL to it, −20 + 3I + 6I − 10 = 0 30 or I= = 3.3333 A 9 So, voltage across 6 Ω resistor = 6 × 3.3333 = 20 V Hence, voltage across a-b Vth = 20 − 10 = 10 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Thevenin’s resistance, Rth Figure 8 shows the circuit used to calculate the Thevenin’s resistance, Rth . With reference to Fig. 8, the two resistors 3 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel. Hence, Thevenin’s resistance, Rth = Rab = 3 + 6×3 =5Ω 6+3 3Ω 3Ω a 6Ω b Fig. 8 Norton’s current, IN The two terminals a and b are short-circuited as shown in Fig. 9, and the Norton’s current is computed using mesh analysis. 3Ω 3Ω 6Ω I1 + IN I2 10 V ‒ 20 V a ‒ + b Fig. 9 9 −6 −6 9 I1 I2 = 30 −10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Applying Cramer’s rule, Norton’s current IN = I2 = = = ∆I2 ∆ 9 30 −6 −10 9 −6 −6 9 −90 + 180 =2A 81 − 36 Using the above found values of Vth , IN and Rth , the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits are obtained as shown in Fig. 10. Rth = 5 Ω a Vth = 10 V + a IN = 2 A b Rth = 5 Ω b (a) Thevenin’s equivalent circuit (b) Norton’s equivalent circuit Fig. 10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 71496 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Determine the current supplied by each battery in the circuit shown below using mesh analysis. 5Ω 4 Ω E3 = 5 V 3Ω 2Ω E1 = 20 V E5 = 30 V E2 = 5 V E4 = 5 V Fig. 1 Mesh currents as indicated in Fig. 2 are assumed and by inspection the mesh equations are written as: 5Ω E1 = 20 V I1 4 Ω E3 = 5 V 3Ω E2 = 5 V I2 2Ω I3 E5 = 30 V E4 = 5 V Fig. 2 8 −3 0 I1 15 −3 9 −2 I2 = 15 0 −2 2 I3 −35 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (i) Applying Cramer’s rule to Eq. (i), the mesh currents are obtained as follows: ∆= 8 −3 0 −3 9 −2 0 −2 2 = 8(18 − 4) + 3(−6) = 94 ∆I1 = 15 −3 0 15 9 −2 −35 −2 2 = 15(18 − 4) + 3(30 − 70) = 90 ∆I2 = 8 15 0 −3 15 −2 0 −35 2 = 8(30 − 70) − 15(−6) = −230 ∆I3 = 8 −3 15 −3 9 15 0 −2 −35 = 8(−315 + 30) + 3(105) + 15(6) = −1875 Therefore, ∆I1 90 = = 0.9574 A ∆ 94 ∆I2 −230 I2 = = = −2.4468 A ∆ 94 ∆I3 −1875 I3 = = = −19.9468 A ∆ 94 I1 = Hence, Current Current Current Current Current supplied supplied supplied supplied supplied by by by by by battery battery battery battery battery E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 = I1 = 0.9574 A = I2 − I1 = −2.4468 − 0.9574 = −3.4042 A = I2 = −2.4468 A = I3 − I2 = −19.9468 + 2.4468 = −17.5 A = −I3 = 19.9468 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2. Use nodal voltage method to find the voltages of nodes ‘m’ and ‘n’ and currents through j2 Ω and −j2 Ω reactances in the network of Fig. 3. 5Ω 500° V 4Ω m n 2Ω ‒j2 Ω j2 Ω 5090° V Fig. 3 Applying KCL at node ‘m’, we get Vm − 50∠0◦ Vm Vm − Vn + + =0 5 j2 4 0.2Vm − 10∠0◦ − j0.5Vm + 0.25Vm − 0.25Vn = 0 (0.45 − j0.5)Vm − 0.25Vn = 10∠0◦ (ii) Applying KCL at node ‘n’, we get Vn − Vm Vn − 50∠90◦ Vn + + =0 −j2 4 2 j0.5Vn + 0.25Vn − 0.25Vm + 0.5Vn − 25∠0◦ = 0 −0.25Vm + (0.75 + j0.5)Vn = 25∠90◦ (iii) Putting Eqs. (ii) and (iii) in matrix form, we obtain 0.45 − j0.5 −0.25 Vm 10∠0◦ = −0.25 0.75 + j0.5 Vn 25∠90◦ Applying Cramer’s rule, the node voltages Vm and Vn are obtained as follows: ∆= 0.45 − j0.5 −0.25 −0.25 0.75 + j0.5 = (0.5875 − j0.15) − (0.0625) = 0.525 − j0.15 ∆Vm = 10∠0◦ −0.25 ◦ 25∠90 0.75 + j0.5 = (7.5 + j5) + (j6.25) = 7.5 + j11.25 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. ∆Vn = 0.45 − j0.5 10∠0◦ −0.25 25∠90◦ = (12.5 + j11.25) − (−2.5) = 15 + j11.25 Therefore, the node voltages Vm = ∆Vm 7.5 + j11.25 = = 5.625 + j4.7813 V ∆ 0.525 − j0.15 Vn = ∆Vn 15 + j11.25 = = 20.7547 + j27.3585 V ∆ 0.525 − j0.15 Hence,the current flowing through j2 Ω reactance = Vm 5.625 + j4.7813 = j2 j2 = (2.39 − j2.8125) = 3.6913∠ − 49.64◦ A −j2 Ω reactance = 20.7547 + j27.3585 Vn = −j2 −j2 = (−13.6793 + j10.3774) = 17.17∠ − 142.82◦ A 3. Determine the current through 2 Ω resistor in the following network using Thevenin’s theorem. 1Ω 12 V + 1Ω 2Ω + 6V Fig. 4 The 2 Ω resistor is removed as shown in Fig. 5(a) and the voltage across the two terminals (Thevenin’s voltage Vth ) is obtained using Kirchhoff’s voltage law as, −12 + 2I + 6 = 0 6 Therefore, I = = 3 A. Hence, Vth = 12 − 3 × 1 = 9 V. 2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 1Ω 12 V + 1Ω 1Ω + Vth 1Ω + 6V Rth ‒ (a) (b) Fig. 5 As seen in Fig. 5(b), the Thevenin’s resistance, Rth = 1||1 = 1×1 = 0.5 Ω. 1+1 Rth = 0.5 Ω Vth = 9 V + 2Ω Fig. 6 Using the above found values of Vth and Rth , the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 6. Thus, the current through 2 Ω resistor is, 9 Vth = = 3.6 A 2 + Rth 2 + 0.5 4. In the wheatstone bridge circuit of Fig. 7, find (i) the effective resistance between P and Q. Find the current supplied by a 10 V battery connected to PQ. 0.25 Ω A 2 5 Ω Ω P 3Ω B 10 V 1. 4 0. 5 Ω Q C Ω D Fig. 7 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Equivalent resistance between P and Q Using star-delta transformation technique, delta ABC is converted into star [Fig. 8] and its values are obtained as, 5×2 =1Ω 5+3+2 3×5 = 1.5 Ω = 5+3+2 2×3 = = 0.6 Ω 5+3+2 RAN = RBN RCN A A 5Ω 2Ω 1Ω 1 .5 B C 3Ω N 0 .6 Ω B Ω C Fig. 8 Replacing the ABC delta by its equivalent star, the circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 9. 0.25 Ω A P 1Ω N 5 1. 10 V 0. Ω 6 Ω B C 1. 5 4 0. Ω Q Ω D Fig. 9 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Both 1.5 Ω resistances are in series. Also in series are 0.6 Ω and 0.4 Ω. These two series combinations together form one parallel connection and its equivalent value is, RDN = (1.5 + 1.5)||(0.6 + 0.4) 3×1 = = 0.75 3+1 Therefore, the effective resistance between P and Q, RPQ = 0.25+1+0.75 = 2 Ω Total current I= VPQ 10 = =5A RPQ 2 5. For the circuit shown, determine Norton’s equivalent circuit between the output terminals A and B. 3Ω j4 Ω A + 4Ω 250º V – –j5 Ω B Fig. 10 The terminals A and B are short-circuited [Fig. 11] and the current through it (Norton’s current) is calculated as, 25∠0◦ Norton’s current, IN = = 3 − j4 = 5∠ − 53.13◦ A 3 + j4 3Ω j4 Ω A + 4Ω IN 250º V – –j5 Ω B Fig. 11 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Thevenin’s impedance, Zth is calculated by killing the 25∠0◦ voltage source as shown in Fig. 12 and looking back the circuit through the terminals A and B. j4 Ω 3Ω A 4Ω Zth –j5 Ω B Fig. 12 From Fig. 12, Zth = (3 + j4)||(4 − j5) (3 + j4)(4 − j5) = 3.5 + j0.5 = (3 + j4) + (4 − j5) Using the above found values of IN and Zth the Norton’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 13. IN = 5‒53.13º A A 3.5 Ω j0. 5 Ω B Fig. 13 6. Verify superposition theorem for the (2 + j5) Ω impedance. j4 Ω –j3 Ω 2Ω 2∠30º A 50∠0º V j5 Ω Fig. 14 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 50∠0◦ V source is acting alone With reference to Fig. 15(a), the current I 0 flowing through (2+j5) Ω impedance due to 50∠0◦ V source is obtained as: 50∠0◦ = (1.1765 − j5.2941) A I0 = 2 + j9 j4 Ω j4 Ω –j3 Ω 2Ω 500º –j3 Ω 2Ω 20º A V j5 Ω j5 Ω (a) (b) Fig. 15 2∠30◦ A source is acting alone As shown in Fig. 15(b), only 2∠30◦ A is made active, while 50∠0◦ V source is short-circuited. By current division rule, the current I 00 flowing through (2 + j5) Ω impedance due to 2∠30◦ A source is: I 00 = 2∠30◦ × j4 = (0.6395 + j0.5865) A j4 + 2 + j5 By the principle of superpositon, current through (2 + j5) Ω impedance due to both sources, I = I 0 + I 00 = (1.1765 − j5.2941) + (0.6395 + j0.5865) = (1.8160 − j4.7076) A j4 Ω V1 (iv) –j3 Ω 2Ω 2∠30º A 50∠0º V j5 Ω Fig. 16 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. To verify the result obtained above, node analysis method is used. As the given circuit contains only one node, a voltage of V1 as shown in Fig. 16 is assumed. Applying KCL to the only node, V1 − 50 V1 + = 2∠30◦ j4 2 + j5 V1 (0.0689 − j0.4224) = 2∠30◦ − j12.5 2∠30◦ − j12.5 V1 = 0.0689 − j0.4224 = 27.1713 − j0.3317 V Therefore, current through (2 + j5) Ω impedance I= V1 = (1.8167 − j4.7076) A 2 + j5 (v) Comparing Eqs. (iv) and (v), it is observed that both results are same. Thus, superposition theorem is verified. 7. For the circuit shown below, determine the frequency at which the circuit resonates. Also find the voltage across the inductor at resonance and the Q factor of the circuit. 10 Ω 50 μF 0.1 H + ‒ 100 Vrms Fig. 17 1 √ 2π LC Resonant frequency, fr = Q-factor, 1 p = 71.18 Hz. 2π (0.1)(50 × 10−6 ) r 1 L Q= R rC 1 0.1 = = 4.47 10 50 × 10−6 = At resonance, voltage across the inductor VL = QV = 4.47 × 100 = 447 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 8. The number of turns in two coupled coils are 500 turns and 1500 turns respectively. When 5 A current flows in coil 1, the total flux in this coil is 0.6 × 10−3 Wb and the flux linking the second coil is 0.3 × 10−3 Wb. Determine L1 , L2 , M and k. N1 φ1 Self-inductance of coil 1, L1 = I1 500 × 0.6 × 10−3 = 5 = 60 mH r L1 N1 Turns ratio, = N2 L2 So, L2 = = ∴ Self-inductance of coil 2, Coefficient of coupling, Mutual inductance N22 L1 N12 15002 × 60 × 10−3 5002 L2 = 540 mH 0.3 φ12 = =5 k= φ1 0.6 p p M = k L1 L2 = 0.5 (0.06 × 0.54) = 0.09 H 9. A coil having an inductance of 100 mH is magnetically coupled to another coil having an inductance of 900 mH. The coefficient of coupling between the coils is 0.45. Calculate the equivalent inductance if the two coils are connected in (a) (b) (c) (d) Series aiding Series opposing Parallel aiding Parallel opposing p L1 L2 √ = 0.45 100 × 10−3 × 900 × 10−3 = 135 mH Mutual inductance, M = k Eqt. inductance if series aiding, Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M = (100 × 10−3 ) + (900 × 10−3 ) + (2 × 135 × 10−3 ) = 1270 mH For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Eqt. inductance if series opposing, Leq = L1 + L2 − 2M = (100 × 10−3 ) + (900 × 10−3 ) − (2 × 135 × 10−3 ) = 730 mH Eqt. inductance if parallel aiding, Leq = L1 L2 − M 2 L1 + L2 − 2M (0.1 × 0.9) − 0.1352 0.1 + 0.9 − (2 × 0.135) = 98.3219 mH = Eqt. inductance if parallel opposing, Leq = L1 L2 − M 2 L1 + L2 + 2M (0.1 × 0.9) − 0.1352 0.1 + 0.9 + (2 × 0.135) = 56.5157 mH = 10. A series RLC circuit with R = 100 Ω, L = 0.1 H and C = 100 µF has a DC voltage of 200 V applied to it at t = 0 through a switch. Find the expression for the transient current. Assume initially relaxed circuit condition. t=0 0.1 H 100 Ω 100 μF i(t) 200 V Fig. 18 Determination of initial conditions (a) The switch is closed at t = 0. Therefore, at t = 0− , the current through the inductor was zero, i.e., i(0− ) = 0, which is also equal to i(0+ ), since the current through the inductor cannot change instantaneously. Hence, we can write i(0− ) = 0 = i(0+ ) (vi) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (b) Initial voltage on the capacitor is zero, which results in i(0− ) = 0 = i(0+ ) (vii) Applying KVL after closing the switch di 1 100i + 0.1 + dt 100 × 10−6 Z idt = 200 Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get 100I(s) + 0.1[sI(s) − I(0)] + 1 I(s) 200 = −6 100 × 10 s s From Eq. (vi), i(0) = 0, and in s-domain, I(0) = 0. Therefore, I(s) 1 = −6 100 × 10 s 1 1 I(s) 100 + 0.1s + = 100 × 10−6 s 0.01s + 10 × 10−6 s2 + 1 I(s) = 100 × 10−6 s 100I(s) + 0.1sI(s) + 200 s 200 s 200 s 200 100 × 10−6 s I(s) = s 0.01s + 10 × 10−6 s2 + 1 0.02 0.01s + 10 × 10−6 s2 + 1 0.02 = 10 × 10−6 (s2 + 1000s + 100000) = 2000 + 1000s + 100000 2000 = (s + 112.7)(s + 887.3) = s2 By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 2000 A B = + (s + 112.7)(s + 887.3) s + 112.7 s + 887.3 (viii) Solving for constants A and B, A= 2000 (s + 887.3) = 2.582 and B = s=−112.7 2000 s + 112.7 = −2.582 s=−887.3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (viii), we get I(s) = 2.582 2.582 − s + 112.7 s + 887.3 Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, the current equation is obtained as i(t) = 2.582e−112.7t − 2.582e−887.3t A 11. In the circuit shown in Fig. 19, find the time when the voltage across the capacitor becomes 25 V, after the switch is closed at t = 0. t=0 1 μF 20 Ω 100 V Fig. 19 Applying KVL after closing the switch, Ri + vc = V dvc + vc = V dt dvc 20 × 1 × 10−6 + vc = 100 dt dvc 20 × 10−6 + vc = 100 dt RC Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 20 × 10−6 [sVC (s) − VC (0)] + VC (s) = 100 s For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. At t = 0, VC (0) = 0 V. Therefore, the above equation becomes 100 s 100 VC (s)[1 + 20 × 10−6 s] = s 20 × 10−6 sVC (s) + VC (s) = VC (s) = ) ( 100 s (1 + 20 × 10−6 s) = 100 s(1 + 20 × 10−6 s) = 5 × 106 100 = 20 × 10−6 s(s + 50000) s(s + 50000) By applying partial fraction technique, VC (s) = 5 × 106 A B = + s(s + 50000) s s + 50000 (ix) Solving for constants A and B, 5 × 106 A= (s + 50000) s=0 5 × 106 = 100 and B = s = −100 s=−50000 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (ix), we get VC (s) = 100 100 − s s + 50000 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the voltage across the capacitor is obtained as vC (t) = 100 − 100e−50000t V (x) The time at which the voltage across the capacitor becomes 25 V is found by equating Eq. (x) to 25. So, or Therefore, 100 − 100e−50000t = 25 e−50000t = 0.75 −50000t = −0.2877 t = 5.754 µs. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 27205 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2015 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE6201 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Determine the magnitude and direction of the current in the 2 V battery in the circuit shown in Fig. 1. 2Ω 4V 3Ω 2V 1.5 Ω 3V Fig. 1 The various currents through the different branches are assumed as shown in Fig. 2. A 4V C + ‒ B 3Ω I1 2V E 2Ω I1 + I2 ‒ + D 1.5 Ω I2 3V ‒ + F Fig. 2 Writing Kirchhoff’s voltage equation to the loop ABDCA or −4 + 2(I1 + I2 ) + 3I1 − 2 = 0 5I1 + 2I2 = 6 (i) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Writing Kirchhoff’s voltage equation to the loop CDFEC 2 − 3I1 + 1.5I2 − 3 = 0 −3I1 + 1.5I2 = 1 or (ii) Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we obtain Current through 2 V battery = I1 = 0.5185 A 2. Determine the power dissipation in the 4 Ω resistor of the given circuit shown in Fig. 3. 5Ω 50 V 2Ω 3Ω 6Ω 4Ω 10 V Fig. 3 Mesh analysis is applied to find the current through 4 Ω resistor first. Figure 4 is used in which the assumed mesh currents I1 , I2 and I3 are shown. 5Ω 50 V I1 2Ω 3Ω I2 6Ω 4Ω I3 10 V Fig. 4 Mesh equations by inspection are written as: 8 −3 0 I1 50 −3 9 −4 I2 = 0 0 −4 10 I3 −10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. The mesh currents I2 and I3 are found using Cramer’s rule as follows. 8 −3 0 9 −4 ∆ = −3 0 −4 10 = 8(90 − 16) + 3(−30) = 502 8 50 0 0 −4 ∆I2 = −3 0 −10 10 (iii) = 8(−40) − 50(−30) = 1180 8 −3 50 9 0 ∆I3 = −3 0 −4 −10 (iv) = 8(−90) + 3(30) + 50(12) = −30 (v) Using Eqs. (iii) to (v), we get 1180 ∆I2 = = 2.3506 A ∆ 502 −30 ∆I3 = = −0.0598 A I3 = ∆ 502 I2 = Therefore, current through 4 Ω resistor = I2 − I3 = 2.3506 + 0.0598 = 2.4104 A Hence, power dissipation in the 4 Ω resistor = 2.41042 × 4 = 23.24 W 3. Using node analysis, find the voltage Vx for the circuit shown in Fig. 5. + 2 Vx 4Ω Ω Ω 2 4A 2A ‒ 1Ω 1Ω 5Vx + ‒ Fig. 5 Nodal voltages are assumed as shown in Fig. 6. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Reference + 2 Vx Ω Ω 2 4A 4Ω 2A ‒ V1 V3 1Ω V2 1Ω 5Vx + ‒ Fig. 6 Since the nodes 1 and 3 are having a voltage source of magnitude 5Vx supernode analysis is used. By inspection, we can write V1 − V3 = 5Vx V2 = −Vx V1 + 5V2 − V3 = 0 Also, Therefore, (vi) Applying KCL to the supernode 1&3, we get V1 − V2 V1 V3 − V2 V3 + + 4+ + +2=0 1 2 1 2 | {z } | {z } w.r.t node 1 or w.r.t node 3 1.5V1 − 2V2 + 1.5V3 = −6 (vii) Applying KCL to the simple node 2, we get or V2 − V1 V2 V2 − V3 + + =0 1 4 1 −V1 + 2.25V2 − V3 = 0 (viii) Solving Eqs. (vi), (vii) and (viii), we get V2 = −4.3636 Therefore, Vx = −V2 = 4.3636 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 4. Find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of the network shown in Fig. 7 3Ω 1Ω A 2Ω + 10 V 5A 5A 2Ω + 10 V B Fig. 7 Thevenin’s voltage To find Thevenin’s voltage (Vth ), the two 5 A current sources are converted into voltage sources as shown in Fig. 8. Also shown are the mesh currents I1 and I2 . 5V 3Ω 1Ω + A 2Ω 10 V + 2Ω I1 I2 10 V + 10 V + B Fig. 8 Mesh equations by inspection are written as 5 −2 I1 0 = I2 25 −2 5 (ix) Solving Eq. (ix), I2 is obtained as 5.9524 A. Therefore, voltage across A and B VAB = Vth = 2 × 5.9524 − 10 = 1.9048 V Thevenin’s resistance To find Thevenin’s resistance (Rth ) the circuit shown in Fig. 10 is used where all the sources are killed and the circuit is looked back through the terminals A and B. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 3Ω 1Ω A 2Ω Rth 2Ω B Fig. 9 From Fig. 10, Rth = RAB is obtained as Rth = [(3||2) + 1]||2 3×2 = + 1 ||2 3+2 2.2 × 2 = 2.2||2 = 2.2 + 2 Rth = 1.0476 Ω Thevenin’s equivalent circuit Vth = 1.9048 V Rth = 1.0476 Ω A + B Fig. 10 5. Determine the value of resistance that may be connected across A and B so that maximum power is transferred from the circuit to the resistance. Also, estimate the maximum power transferred to the resistance shown in Fig. 11. 2Ω 5V 4Ω + 20 V + 8Ω A 10 Ω B Fig. 11 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By maximum power transfer theorem, maximum power is transferred to R, if the value of R is equal to Rth . Hence, we have to find the value of Thevenins resistance, Rth . To calculate Rth , the two voltage sources are replaced by a short-circuits as shown in Fig. 12 and the circuit is looked back from the terminals A and B. Value of load resistance for maximum power transfer 2Ω 4Ω A 8Ω Rth 10 Ω B Fig. 12 From Fig. 12, Rth = RAB is obtained as = [(2||8) + 4]||10 2×8 = + 4 ||10 2+8 5.6 × 10 = 5.6||10 = 5.6 + 10 Rth = 3.59 Ω Therefore, maximum power is transferred to the resistance across the terminals A and B when it is equal to 3.59 Ω. Maximum power To find the maximum power transfer to the load resistance, current through it is found first. Mesh analysis is applied and the circuit shown in Fig. 13 is used for the calculation of current. 2Ω 4Ω 5V + 20 V + I1 8Ω I2 10 Ω I3 A 3.59 Ω B Fig. 13 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 10 −8 0 I1 20 −8 22 −10 I2 = 0 0 −10 13.59 I3 5 Using Cramer’s rule I3 = ∆I3 ∆ 10 −8 20 −8 22 0 0 −10 5 = 10 −8 0 −8 22 −10 0 −10 13.59 2380 = 2.1249 A = 1120.04 Therefore, the maximum power transferred to load resistance = I32 × R = 2.12492 × 3.59 = 16.21 W 6. For the circuit shown in Fig. 14, determine the frequency at which the circuit resonates. Also find the quality factor, voltage across inductance an voltage across capacitance at resonance. 0.03 H 100 μF 5Ω + 20 V ‒ Fig. 14 Resonant frequency, fr = 1 √ 2π LC 1 p 2π (0.03)(100 × 10−6 ) = 91.89 Hz. = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. r 1 L Q= Rs C Q-factor, = (0.03) (100 × 10−6 ) 1 5 = 3.46 At resonance, voltages across inductance and capacitance are equal. Therefore, VL = VC = QV = 3.46 × 20 = 69.2 V 7. Find the mutual reactance Xm in the coupled coils shown in Fig. 15, if the average power in 8 Ω resistance is 100 W. Xm 5Ω + j5 Ω 1000° V j12 Ω 8Ω – Fig. 15 Two mesh currents I1 and I2 are assumed in the direction as shown in Fig. 16(a). Current I1 is entering the dot whereas I2 is leaving the dot, hence the value of mutual inductance M is negative. Accordingly, the electrical equivalent circuit of the coupled coils drawn and is shown in Fig. 16(b). Xm 5 Ω (j5 ‒ jXm) Ω + I1 j5 Ω j12 Ω – I2 8Ω 1000° V 1000° V 5Ω (a) (j12 ‒ jXm) Ω + I1 jXm Ω I2 8Ω – (b) Fig. 16 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. The mesh equations for the circuit shown in Fig. 16(b) is written as: 5 + j5 − jXm + jXm −jXm −jXm jXm + j12 − jXm + 8 5 + j5 −jXm −jXm 8 + j12 I1 I2 I1 I2 100∠0◦ 0 100∠0◦ 0 = = Using Cramer’s rule, I2 = ∆I2 = ∆ = = 5 + j5 100∠0◦ −jXm 0 5 + j5 −jXm −jXm 8 + j12 j100Xm (5 + j5)(8 + j12) − (jXm )2 2 Xm j100Xm − 20 + j100 It is given that power in 8 Ω resistance is 100 W. |I2 |2 × 8 = 100 or 2 j100Xm × 8 = 100 2 Xm − 20 + j100 !2 p 2 02 + 1002 Xm p × 8 = 100 2 − 20)2 + 1002 (Xm 2 1002 Xm 100 = 4 2 2 2 Xm + 20 − 40Xm + 100 8 4 2 Xm − 840Xm + 10400 = 0 2 By substituting x = Xm into the above equation, it becomes x2 − 840x + 10400 = 0 Solving, or x = 827.43 Xm = 28.77 Ω and and 12.57 3.55 Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 8. In the series RL circuit shown in Fig. 17, the switch is closed on position 1 at t = 0. At t = 100 ms, the switch is moved to position 2. Find i(t) and sketch the transient. 0.2 H 2Ω 5V i(t) 20 V Fig. 17 At t = 0, the switch is connected to position 1 and the differential equation is 2i + 0.2 di = −5 dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 2I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − I(0)] = −5 s (x) At t = 0, i(t) = 0, and in s-domain, I(0) = 0. Therefore, Eq. (x) becomes −5 s −5 I(s)[2 + 0.2s] = s 2I(s) + 0.2sI(s) = −5 s(0.2s + 2) −5 −25 = = 0.2s(s + 10) s(s + 10) I(s) = By applying partial fraction technique, = A B + s (s + 10) (xi) Solving for the constants A and B, A= −250 s + 10 = −2.5 s=0 and B= −25 s = 2.5 s=−10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (xi), we get I(s) = −2.5 2.5 + s (s + 10) Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: i(t) = −2.5 + 2.5e−10t A (xii) The switch is kept at this position for 100 ms. Therefore, at t = 0.1 s, the current through the circuit is determined by putting t = 0.1 in Eq. (xii), i.e. at t = 0.1 s. i(t) = −2.5 + 2.5e−10(0.1) = −1.5803 A This value becomes the initial current for the circuit when the switch is put in position 2. Then, the switch is moved to position 2 at t = 0.1 s. Due to this action, 20 V source is connected in the circuit and 5 V source is disconnected. This moment (t = 0.1 s) can be redefined as t0 = 0. Applying KVL, di = 20 dt0 Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 2i + 0.2 2I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − I(0)] = 20 s (xiii) At t0 = 0, I(0) = −1.5803 A. Therefore, Eq. (xiii) becomes 20 s 20 I(s)[2 + 0.2s] = − 0.31606 s 20 − 0.31606s I(s) = s(0.2s + 2) 2I(s) + 0.2sI(s) + 0.31606 = = 20 − 0.31606s 0.2s(s + 10) = 100 − 1.5803s s(s + 10) By applying partial fraction technique, = A B + s (s + 10) (xiv) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Solving for the constants A and B, A= 100 − 1.5803s s + 10 = 10 and B= s=0 100 − 1.5803s s = −11.5803 s=−10 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (xiv), we get 10 11.5803 I(s) = − s (s + 10) Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: 0 i(t) = 10 − 11.5803e−10t A or i(t) = 10 − 11.5803e−10(t−0.1) A (xv) Therefore, i(t) = −2.5 + 2.5e−10t A = 10 − 11.5803e−10(t−0.1) A for 0 < t < 0.1 for t > 0.1 i 10 A 0 1 .1 47 s t 0 –1.5803 A 0.1 s Fig. 18 With reference to Eq. (xv), the time t at which i(t) becomes zero is obtained as: 11.5803e−10(t−0.1) = 10 Therefore, e−10(t−0.1) = 0.8635 −10(t − 0.1) = ln 0.8635 t = 0.1147 s The transient current is shown in Fig. 18. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 9. Determine the driving point impedance of the network shown in Fig. 19. 2H 2H 1 1Ω 2Ω 1′ Fig. 19 The transformed network of the given network is shown in Fig. 20. 2s 2s 1 1 2 1′ Fig. 20 The driving point impedance, Z(s) of the network is the equivalent impedance across the input port 1 − 10 . By network reduction technique the given network is successively reduced as shown in Figs. 21(a) through 21(c). Z(s) = 1||[2s + (2||2s)] 4s = 1|| 2s + 2 + 2s Therefore, driving point impedance, Z(s) = 4s2 + 8s 4s2 + 10s + 2 2s 1 1 1 4s 2 2s 1 1′ 1 1′ (a) 4 s 2 8s 2 2s 2 4 s 8s Zeq 2 4 s 10 s 2 1′ (b) (c) Fig. 21 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 10. Determine the h-parameters of the two-port network shown in Fig. 22. 10 Ω 1 2 20 Ω 1′ 2′ Fig. 22 The performance equations for h-parameters are given as: V1 = h11 I1 + h12 V2 I2 = h21 I1 + h22 V2 (xvi) (xvii) By definition, h11 = h12 = h21 = h22 = V1 I1 V2 =0 V1 V2 I1 =0 I2 I1 V2 =0 I2 V2 I1 =0 To determine the above h-parameters, mesh analysis may be used. Accordingly, the two mesh currents are assumed as shown in Fig. 23. 10 Ω 1 V1 2 I1 20 Ω 1′ I2 V2 2′ Fig. 23 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By inspection ,the mesh equations are written as: 30 20 I1 V1 = 20 20 I2 V2 Expanding the above matrix equation, 30I1 + 20I2 = V1 20I1 + 20I2 = V2 (xviii) (xix) From Eq. (xix), I2 = −20I1 + V2 20 I2 = −I1 + 0.05V2 or (xx) Substituting Eq. (xx) into Eq. (xviii), we get V1 = 10I1 + V2 (xxi) Upon comparison of Eqs. (xxi) and (xx) respectively with Eqs. (xvi) and (xvii), we get h11 = 10; h21 = −1; h12 = 1; h22 = 0.05 11. Three equal impedances, each of (8 + j10) Ω are connected in star. This is further connected to a 440 V, 50 Hz, three phase supply. Calculate the active and reactive power and line and phase currents. Phase voltage Vph = 440∠0◦ √ = 254.03∠ − 30◦ 3 [It is to be noted that in star-connected networks, the phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] Vph Zph 254.03∠ − 30◦ = (8 + j10) = (2.99 − j19.61) A = 19.84∠ − 81.34◦ A = 19.84∠ − 201.34◦ A = 19.84∠ − 321.34◦ A So, phase current in R − phase, IRN = Phase current in Y − phase, Phase current in B − phase, IYN IBN For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. In star-connected networks, IL = Iph . Therefore, IR = 19.84∠ − 81.34◦ A IY = 19.84∠ − 201.34◦ A IB = 19.84∠ − 321.34◦ A 10 −1 φ = tan 8 ◦ = 51.34 √ P = 3 VL IL cos φ √ = 3 (440)(19.84)(cos 51.34◦ ) = 9445.5 W √ Q = 3 VL IL sin φ √ = 3 (440)(19.84)(sin 51.34◦ ) = 11806.8 var Line current in R − phase, Line current in Y − phase, Line current in B − phase, Phase angle, Total active power, Total reactive power, 12. Two wattmeters connected to measure the input to a balanced three phase circuit indicate 2000 W and 500 W respectively. Find the power factor of the circuit, (a) When both readings are positive and (b) When the latter is obtained after reversing the connections to the current coil of one instrument. (a)When both readings are positive Let W1 = 500 W W2 = 2000 W So, total three-phase power input = W1 + W2 = 500 + 2000 = 2500 W √ W2 − W1 tan φ = 3 W + W2 1 √ 2000 − 500 −1 φ = tan 3 = 46.1◦ 2000 + 500 So, power factor, cos φ = 0.69 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. (b)When the reading of 500 W is obtained after reversing the connections to the current coil Let W1 = −500 W W2 = 2000 W So, total three-phase power input = W1 + W2 = −500 + 2000 = 1500 W √ W2 − W1 tan φ = 3 W + W2 1 √ 2000 + 500 −1 3 = 70.89◦ φ = tan 2000 − 500 So, power factor, cos φ = 0.33 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 21496 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2015 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Find the current in 10 Ω resistance, V1 and source voltage VS in the circuit shown in Fig. 1. A 5Ω 30 V C I5 = 1 A I6 = 4 A 10 Ω VS 6Ω V1 B Fig. 1 Given that, Current through 5 Ω resistor, Current through 6 Ω resistor, I5 = 1 A I6 = 4 A Therefore by applying KCL at node C, we get Current through 10 Ω resistor, I10 = I5 + I6 = 1 + 4 = 5 A Applying KVL around the loop comprising 6 Ω, 10 Ω and V1 (I6 × 6) + (I10 × 10) − V1 = 0 V1 = (4 × 6) + (5 × 10) = 74 V Applying KVL around the loop comprising ACBA, we obtain −VS + (I5 × 5) − 30 + (I10 × 10) − V1 = 0 (1 × 5) − 30 + (5 × 10) − 74 = VS VS = −49 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2. Write the node voltage equations and determine the currents in each branch for the network shown in Fig. 2. 3Ω V1 5A 1Ω V2 10 Ω 5Ω + 10 V Fig. 2 Applying KCL at node 1 V1 V1 − V2 + =5 10 3 0.4333V1 − 0.3333V2 = 5 or (i) Similarly, applying KCL at node 2 V2 − V1 V2 V2 − 10 + + =0 3 5 1 −0.3333V1 − 1.5333V2 = 0 or (ii) Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get V1 = 19.88 V V2 = 10.84 V Therefore, V1 19.88 = = 1.988 A 10 10 19.88 − 10.84 V1 − V2 Current through 3 Ω branch = = = 3.013 A 3 3 V2 10.84 Current through 5 Ω branch = = = 2.168 A 5 5 V2 − 10 19.88 − 10 Current through 1 Ω branch = = = 0.84 A 1 1 Current through 10 Ω branch = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 3. Obtain the star connected equivalent for the delta connected circuit shown in Fig. 3 13 Ω A C 12 Ω 14 Ω B D Fig. 3 The equivalent star elements for the given delta network elements are found as: RAN = = RBN = = RCN = = RCA × RAB RAB + RBC + RCA 13 × 12 =4Ω 12 + 14 + 13 RAB × RBC RAB + RBC + RCA 12 × 14 = 4.3077 Ω 12 + 14 + 13 RBC × RCA RAB + RBC + RCA 14 × 13 = 4.6667 Ω 12 + 14 + 13 The equivalent star network thus found is drawn as shown in Fig. 4. A 4Ω 7Ω 07 3 N . 4 4.6 66 7Ω C B Fig. 4 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 4. Determine the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit across AB for the given circuit shown in Fig. 5. 10 Ω 5Ω A 50 V 25 V B Fig. 5 Thevenin’s voltage Let I be the current through the circuit and by applying KVL, we obtain Therefore, −50 + 10I + 5I + 25 = 0 I = 1.6667 A Again applying KVL to the mesh involves 50 V, 10 Ω and VAB , Therefore, −50 + 10(1.6667) + VAB = 0 VAB = Vth = 33.3333 V Thevenin’s resistance To compute Thevenin’s resistance the two voltage sources are short-circuited as shown in Fig. 6. 10 Ω 5Ω A B Fig. 6 With reference to Fig. 6, Rth is obtained as: Rth = RAB = 10 × 5 = 3.3333 Ω 10 + 5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Thevenin’s equivalent circuit Using the above found Vth and Rth values, the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 7. 3.3333 Ω A 33.33 V B Fig. 7 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 57018 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2014 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE6201 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Find the current I and voltage across 30 Ω resistor of the circuit shown in Fig. 1. 8Ω 2Ω 40 V 100 V 30 Ω Fig. 1 Let the current be I amperes leaving the positive terminal of 100 V battery. Applying KVL around the loop, −100 + 8I + 40 + 30I + 2I = 0 60 or I= = 1.5 A 40 Therefore, voltage across 30 Ω resistor = 1.5 × 30 = 45 V 2. Determine the current in all the resistors of the circuit shown in Fig. 2. A i1 50 A 2Ω i2 1Ω i3 5Ω B Fig. 2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KCL at node A, we get i1 + i2 + i3 = 50 VAB VAB VAB + + = 50 2 1 5 or Solving, we get VAB = 29.41 V Therefore, i1 = 5.882 A 29.41 = 14.705 A; 2 i2 = 29.41 = 29.41 A; 1 i3 = 29.41 = 5 3. Determine the current through each resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 3. 12 A VS + 4Ω 4Ω I1 4Ω I2 I3 Fig. 3 According to current division rule, the total current 12 A divides equally among all the three resistors since they are having of equal value. Hence, the currents 12 = 3 A. I1 = I2 = I3 = 4 4. When a DC voltage is applied to a capacitor, voltage across its terminals is found to build up in accordance with vc = 50(1 − e−100t ). After 0.01 s, the current flow is equal to 2 mA. (a) Find the value of capacitance in farad. (b) How much energy is stored in the electric field? (a)Value of capacitance dvc dt d = C (50 − 50e−100t ) dt Ic = 5000Ce−100t Current through the capacitor, Ic = C (i) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Given that, Ic = 2 mA after t = 0.01 s. Substituting the values of Ic and t into Eq. (i), we get 0.002 = 5000Ce−100×0.01 Therefore, C = 1.0873 µF (b) Energy stored 1 Energy stored = Cvc2 2 1 = (1.0873 × 10−6 )(50 − 50e−100×0.01 )2 2 = 590.49 × 10−12 J 5. Determine the current in the 5 Ω resistor in the network shown in Fig. 4. 10 Ω 2 2A 50 V 5Ω 1 Fig. 4 Since there exits a current source on the common branch of the two adjacent meshes, supermesh analysis is used. Mesh currents and consequent voltage drops across each resistor are indicated in Fig. 5. + 10(I1 ‒ I2) ‒ 50 V + I2 2A 2I2 ‒ I1 + + 5(I1 ‒ I3) I3 ‒ 1I3 ‒ Fig. 5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KVL to the simple mesh, we get −50 + 10(I1 − I2 ) + 5(I1 − I3 ) = 0 15I1 − 10I2 − 5I3 = 50 or (ii) Applying KVL to the supermesh, we get −5(I1 − I3 ) − 10(I1 − I2 ) + 2I2 + I3 = 0 −15I1 + 12I2 + 6I3 = 0 I2 − I3 = 2 or Also, (iii) (iv) Solving Eqs. (ii) to (iv), we obtain I1 = 20 I2 = 17.33 I3 = 15.33 Hence, the current through 5 Ω resistor = I1 − I3 = 20 − 15.33 = 4.67 A 6. Find out the current in each branch of the circuit shown in Fig. 6. 3 5A 10 Ω 1 10 V 5Ω Fig. 6 Nodal analysis is used. Let the voltages of the two nodes in the circuit shown in Fig. 7 be V1 and V2 respectively. 5A 10 Ω 3 5Ω 1 10 V Fig. 7 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Writing KCL for node 1, we get V1 V1 − V2 + −5=0 10 3 0.4333V1 − 0.3333V2 = 5 or (v) Similarly, writing KCL for node 1, we get V2 − V1 V2 V2 − 10 + + =0 3 5 1 −0.3333V1 + 1.5333V2 = 10 or (vi) Solving Eqs. (v) and (vi), we obtain V1 = 19.88 V V2 = 10.84 V Therefore, V1 19.88 = = 1.988 A 10 10 V1 − V2 19.88 − 10.84 Current through 3 Ω resistor = = = 3.0133 A 3 3 10.84 V2 = = 2.168 A Current through 5 Ω resistor = 5 5 V2 − 10 10.84 − 10 Current through 1 Ω resistor = = = 0.84 A 1 1 Current through 10 Ω resistor = 7. Determine current in each mesh of the circuit shown in Fig. 8. 10 V 10 A 3Ω 1Ω 2Ω Fig. 8 By source transformation technique, the 10 A source is converted into its equivalent voltage source as shown in Fig. 9. The various branch currents are also marked on the modified circuit. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Ix + Iy Iy Ix 10 V 30 V 1Ω 3Ω 2Ω Fig. 9 By writing KVL equations for the two meshes, we get 3(Ix + Iy ) − 30 + 10 + 2Ix 5Ix + 3Iy −2Ix − 10 + Iy −2Ix + Iy or and =0 = 20 =0 = 10 (vii) (viii) Solving Eqs. (vii) and (viii), we get Ix = −0.9091 Iy = 8.1818 To find the mesh currents the numeric values of Ix and Iy are marked on the given circuit as shown in Fig. 10. 8.1818 A 0.9091 A 10 V 10 A I1 3 Ω I2 I3 1Ω 2Ω Fig. 10 It is apparent from Fig. 10 that, the mesh currents I1 = 10 A I2 = 8.1818 − 0.9091 = 7.2727 A I3 = 8.1818 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 8. Determine the voltages at each node of the circuit shown in Fig. 11. 3Ω 10 Ω 3Ω 5Ω 10 V 2Ω 5A 6Ω 1Ω Fig. 11 The voltage source is converted into current source as shown in Fig. 12 and nodal analysis is applied. 3Ω 3Ω V1 1A 5Ω 10 Ω V2 2Ω 5A V3 1Ω 6Ω Fig. 12 By inspection, the node equations are written as: 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + + − − 0 10 5 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 − − + + − 3 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 − + + 2 2 1 6 V1 1 V2 = 5 V3 0 Simplifying, 0.9667 −0.6667 −0.6667 0 0 V1 1 1.1667 −0.5 V2 = 5 V3 0 −0.5 1.6667 (ix) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Solving Eq. (ix), we obtain V1 = 8.0805 V V2 = 10.2166 V V3 = 3.0649 V 9. For the circuit shown in Fig. 13, determine the impedance at resonance frequency, 10 Hz above resonant frequency and 10 Hz below resonant frequency. 10 Ω 10 μF 0.1 H VS Fig. 13 Resonant frequency, fr = 1 √ 2π LC 1 √ 2π 0.1 × 10 × 10−6 = 159.1549 Hz = Impedance at resonant frequency (Zr ) At resonant frequency, XL = XC . Therefore, Zr = R = 10 Ω. Impedance at 10 Hz above resonant frequency (Z1 ) 10 Hz above resonant frequency, Therefore, inductive reactance, Similarly, capacitive reactance, Impedance, f1 = 169.1549 Hz XL1 = 2πf1 L = 2π(169.1549)(0.1) = 106.28 Ω 1 XC1 = 2πf1 C 1 = 2π(169.1549)(10 × 10−6 ) = 94.09 Ω p Z1 = R2 + (XL1 − XC1 )2 p = 102 + (106.28 − 94.09)2 = 15.77 Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Impedance at 10 Hz below resonant frequency (Z2 ) 10 Hz above resonant frequency, Therefore, inductive reactance, f2 = 149.1549 Hz XL2 = 2πf2 L = 2π(149.1549)(0.1) = 93.72 Ω 1 XC1 = 2πf1 C 1 = 2π(149.1549)(10 × 10−6 ) = 106.7 Ω p Z2 = R2 + (XL2 − XC2 )2 p = 102 + (93.72 − 106.7)2 = 16.38 Ω Similarly, capacitive reactance, Impedance, 10. A series RL circuit with R = 30 Ω and L = 15 H has a constant voltage V = 60 V applied at t = 0 as shown in Fig. 14. Determine the current i, the voltage across resistor and the voltage across the inductor. S 60 V 30 Ω 15 H i(t) Fig. 14 After closing the switch S, application of KVL to the circuit gives 30i + 15 di = 60 dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides 30I(s) + 15[sI(s) − I(0)] = 60 s For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. As there was no initial current through the inductor, I(0) = 0, therefore, I(s)[30 + 15s] = or I(s) = 60 s 4 s(s + 2) By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 4 A B = + s(s + 2) s s+2 (x) Solving for constants A and B, A= 4 (s + 2) = 2 and B = s=0 4 s = −2 s=−2 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (x), we get I(s) = 2 2 − s s+2 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: i(t) = 2 − 2e−2t A Voltage across the resistor VR = Ri(t) = 30 × 2(1 − e−2t ) VR = 60(1 − e−2t ) V Voltage across the inductor di dt d = 15 (2 − 2e−2t ) dt VL = 60e−2t V VL = L For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 11. The circuit shown in Fig. 15 consists of resistance, inductance and capacitance in series with 100 V DC when the switch is closed at t = 0. Find the transient current. S 0.05 H 20 Ω L R 20 μF C 100 V Fig. 15 After closing the switch S, application of KVL to the circuit gives Z di 1 20i + 0.05 + idt = 100 dt 20 × 10−6 Taking Laplace transformation on both sides 20I(s) + 0.05[sI(s) − I(0)] + 1 I(s) 100 = −6 20 × 10 s s As there was no initial current through the inductor, I(0) = 0, then, I(s) = 20I(s) + 0.05[sI(s)] + 50000 s 50000 I(s) 20 + 0.05s + = s 20s + 0.05s2 + 50000 I(s) = s 100 s 100 s 100 s Therefore, I(s) = or 100 s s 0.05s2 + 20s + 50000 2000 s2 + 400s + 1000000 2000 = (s + 200)2 + 960000 I(s) = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2000 (s + 200)2 + (979.79)2 979.79 2000 = 979.79 (s + 200)2 + (979.79)2 = Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides i(t) = 2.0412e−200t sin 979.79t A 12. A symmetrical three-phase, three-wire 440 V supply to a star connected load. The impedance in each branch are ZR = (2 + j3) Ω, ZY = (1 − j2) Ω and ZB = (3 + j4) Ω. Find its equivalent delta connected load. The equivalent delta element values are obtained as follows: ZRY = = ZR ZY + ZY ZB + ZB ZR ZB (2 + j3)(1 − j2) + (1 − j2)(3 + j4) + (3 + j4)(2 + j3) (3 + j4) ZRY = (3.8 − j0.4) Ω ZYB = = ZR ZY + ZY ZB + ZB ZR ZR (2 + j3)(1 − j2) + (1 − j2)(3 + j4) + (3 + j4)(2 + j3) (2 + j3) ZYB = (5.23 − j0.85) Ω ZBR = = ZR ZY + ZY ZB + ZB ZR ZY (2 + j3)(1 − j2) + (1 − j2)(3 + j4) + (3 + j4)(2 + j3) (1 − j2) ZBR = (−3 + j8) Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 13. A three phase, balanced delta-connected load of (4 + j8) Ω is connected across a 400 V, 3 φ balanced supply. Determine the phase currents and line currents. Phase sequence is RYB. Phase currents Line voltage VRY is taken as reference. For a phase sequence of RYB, the phase currents are: VRY ZRY 400∠0◦ = 4 + j8 = 44.72∠ − 63.43◦ A IRY = Since the delta-connected load is a balanced one, IYB = 44.72∠ − 183.43◦ A IBR = 44.72∠ − 303.43◦ A Line currents By applying KCL the line currents are obtained as follows: IR = IRY − IYB = (44.72∠ − 63.43◦ ) − (44.72∠ − 183.43◦ ) = 77.46∠ − 33.43◦ A IY = IYB − IBR = (44.72∠ − 183.43◦ ) − (44.72∠ − 303.43◦ ) = 77.46∠ − 153.43◦ A IB = IBR − IRY = (44.72∠ − 303.43◦ ) − (44.72∠ − 63.43◦ ) = 77.46∠86.57◦ A 14. A symmetrical three-phase, three-wire 400 V supply is connected to a deltaconnected load. Impedances in each branch are ZRY = 10∠30◦ Ω, ZYB = 10∠45◦ Ω and ZBR = 2.5∠60◦ Ω. Find its equivalent star-connected load. The equivalent star element values are obtained as follows: ZR = ZRY ZBR ZRY + ZYB + ZBR For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. = (10∠30◦ )(2.5∠60◦ ) 10∠30◦ + 10∠45◦ + 2.5∠60◦ = 1.13∠50◦ Ω ZRY ZYB ZY = ZRY + ZYB + ZBR = (10∠30◦ )(10∠45◦ ) 10∠30◦ + 10∠45◦ + 2.5∠60◦ = 4.51∠35◦ Ω ZYB ZBR ZB = ZRY + ZYB + ZBR = (10∠45◦ )(2.5∠60◦ ) 10∠30◦ + 10∠45◦ + 2.5∠60◦ = 1.13∠65◦ Ω 15. A balanced star connected load having an impedance of (15 + j20) Ω per phase is connected to 3φ, 440 V, 50 Hz. Find the line current and power absorbed by the load. Line voltage VRY is taken as reference. For a phase sequence of RYB, the phase currents are: VRY = 440∠0◦ 440∠0◦ − 30◦ √ VRN = 3 = 254.03∠ − 30◦ V Line voltage, Therefore, phase voltage [In Y-connected networks, phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] Since, the star-connected load is a balanced one, VYN = 254.03∠ − 150◦ V VBN = 254.03∠ − 270◦ V In Y-connected networks line current and phase current is same. Therefore, IR = = VRN Zph 254.03∠ − 30◦ 15 + j20 = 10.16∠ − 83.13◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. So, and IY = 10.16∠ − 203.13◦ A IB = 10.16∠ − 323.13◦ A Power absorbed by the load √ P = 3VL IL cos φ √ −1 20 = 3 × 440 × 10.16 × cos tan 15 = 4645.78 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 51430 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2014 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Determine the currents through the resistances in the bridge network shown in Fig. 1 using Kirchhoff’s laws. 8 Ω Ω 4 15 Ω 2 Ω 5 Ω +– 6V Fig. 1 The currents through various elements in the given circuit are marked along with their direction in Fig. 2. B Ω Ω 8 4 I1 ‒ I3 I3 I1 A C 15 Ω I2 2 Ω 5 Ω I1 + I2 I2 + I3 D +– 6V Fig. 2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around loop ABDA, we get 4I1 + 15I3 − 2I2 = 0 4I1 − 2I2 + 15I3 = 0 Rearranging, (i) Similarly, applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around loop BCDB, we get 8(I1 − I3 ) − 5(I2 + I3 ) − 15I3 = 0 8I1 − 5I2 − 28I3 = 0 or (ii) Also, Kirchhoff’s voltage law around loop ADCA gives 2I2 + 5(I2 + I3 ) − 6 = 0 7I2 + 5I3 = 6 or (iii) Solving Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we obtain I1 = 0.49 A I2 = 0.86 A I3 = −0.015 A and Hence, the current through various elements are obtained by applying Kirchhoff’s current law as follows: Current Current Current Current Current Current through through through through through through 4 Ω resistor, 2 Ω resistor, 15 Ω resistor, 8 Ω resistor, 5 Ω resistor, 6 V source, I1 I2 I3 I1 − I3 I2 + I3 I1 + I2 = 0.49 A = 0.86 A = −0.015 A = 0.505 A = 0.845 A = 1.35 A 2. For the circuit shown in Fig. 3, (i) Determine the currents in all the branches. (ii) Calculate the power and power factor of the source. (iii) Show that power delivered by the source is equal to power consumed by 2 Ω resistor. j2.5 Ω + 2Ω 1000° V – j1 Ω – Fig. 3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Branch currents Equivalent impedance, Zeq = j2.5 + (2)||(−j1) = j2.5 + (2)(−j1) (2 − j1) = (0.4 + j1.7) Ω Therefore, total current from the source, I= 100∠0◦ V = Zeq 0.4 + j1.7 = (13.1148 − j55.7377) = 57.26∠ − 76.76◦ A By current division rule, (−j1) (2 − j1) = −19.6721 − j16.3935 = 25.6074∠ − 140.19◦ A (2) Current through − j1 Ω reactance = (13.1148 − j55.7377) × (2 − j1) = 32.7869 − j39.3442 = 51.2148∠ − 50.19◦ A Current through 2 Ω resistor = (13.1148 − j55.7377) × Power & Power factor Equivalent impedance, Therefore, Zeq = (0.4 + j1.7) Ω 1.7 X = R 0.4 1.7 −1 φ = tan = 76.76◦ 0.4 tan φ = or Therefore, Hence, power, cos φ = cos 76.76◦ = 0.229 P = V I cos φ P = 100 × 57.26 × 0.229 = 1311.25 W (iv) Power consumed by 2 Ω resistor, P = I 2R P = 25.60742 × 2 = 1311.47 W (v) Comparing Eqs. (iv) and (iv) it is observed that power delivered by the source is equal to power consumed by 2 Ω resistor. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 3. For the circuit shown in Fig. 4, using Thevenin’s theorem, find the current in the 10 Ω resistor. 10 Ω 10 V + + 4V 3Ω 3Ω 2Ω 1Ω Fig. 4 The circuit is redrawn by opening the 10 Ω resistance as shown in Fig. 5. Vth is the voltage between the terminals A and B. B A + 10 V Vth + + 4V 3Ω 3Ω 2Ω 1Ω Fig. 5 From Fig. 5, I1 = 10 =2A 3+2 and I2 = 4 =1A 3+1 Therefore, voltage across 3 Ω resistor (LHS) =2×3=6 V Similarly, voltage across 3 Ω resistor (RHS) =1×3=3 V Hence, Thevenin’s voltage, Vth = 6 − 3 = 3 V Thevenin’s resistance, Rth is found by looking back the circuit shown in Fig. 5, through the terminals A and B after short-circuiting the two voltage sources. So, Rth = (2||3) + (3||1) 3×1 2×3 + = 2+3 3+1 = 1.95 Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Using the above found Vth and Rth , Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 6. 1.95 Ω 3V A + 10 Ω B Fig. 6 From Fig. 6, hence, the current through 10 Ω is obtained as, Vth 3 = = 0.251 A Rth + 10 1.95 + 10 4. Determine the current through 20 V source in the circuit of Fig. 7. 20 V + 10 Ω 1A Fig. 7 Using source transformation technique, the current source in the given circuit is converted into a voltage source as shown in Fig. 8. 10 Ω 20 V + + 10 V Fig. 8 Hence, the current through 20 V source is obtained as, 20 − 10 =1A 10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 5. Calculate the current in the 4 Ω of Fig. 9 using superposition theorem. 3Ω 2Ω + 10 V 4Ω 2Ω 1A Fig. 9 10 V source is acting alone The given circuit is redrawn by open-circuiting 1 A source as shown in Fig. 10. 3Ω 10 V + I1 2Ω 4Ω I2 2Ω Fig. 10 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 7 −4 I1 10 = −4 8 I2 0 Solving, we get I1 = 2 A I2 = 1 A Therefore, current through 4 Ω resistor due to 10 V source is I 0 = I1 − I2 = 2 − 1 = 1 A. 1 A source is acting alone The circuit is then redrawn by short-circuiting 10 V source as shown in Fig. 11(a). By source transformation technique, the current source is converted into voltage source [Fig. 11(b)]. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 3Ω 2Ω 4Ω 3Ω 2Ω 2Ω I3 4 Ω 1A (a) 2Ω I4 2V + (b) Fig. 11 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 7 −4 I3 0 = −4 8 I4 2 Solving, we get I3 = 0.2 A I4 = 0.35 A Therefore, current through 4 Ω resistor due to 1 A source is, I 00 = I4 − I3 = 0.35 − 0.2 = 0.15 A. By the principle of superposition, current through 4 Ω resistor, I = I 0 + I 00 = 1 + 0.15 = 1.15 A 6. In the circuit of Fig. 12, find the value of R for maximum power transfer. Also, calculate the maximum power. 15 Ω 12 V + 10 Ω R 1A Fig. 12 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. By maximum power transfer theorem, maximum power is transferred to R, if the value of R is equal to Rth . To find Rth , adjustable resistance R is removed and the two sources are killed as shown in Fig. 13. 15 Ω 10 Ω Rth Fig. 13 From Fig. 13, Rth = 15 Ω. Therefore, the value of R for maximum power transfer is 15 Ω. To find the maximum power, Thevenin’s theorem is used here. To find Thevenin’s voltage, Vth , the circuit shown in Fig. 14 is used. 15 Ω 12 V + 10 Ω Vth 1A Fig. 14 As the circuit carries only 1 A current, this current develops a voltage drop of 15 V across 15 Ω resistor. So, Vth = 12 + 15 = 17 V. Using the above found Vth and Rth , Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 15. 15 Ω 27 V + R =15 Ω Fig. 15 From Fig. 15, hence, the current through 10 Ω is obtained as, Vth 27 = = 0.9 A Rth + 10 15 + 15 Thus, maxmum power transferred to R = I 2 R = 0.92 × 15 = 12.15 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 7. A RLC series circuit consists of R = 16 Ω, L = 5 mH and C = 2 µF. Calculate the quality factor at resonance, bandwidth and half-power frequencies. Quality factor r 1 L Q= R rC 1 5 × 10−3 = = 3.125 16 2 × 10−6 Quality factor, Bandwidth Bandwidth, BW = = R 2πL 16 = 509.2958 Hz. 2π × 5 × 10−3 Half-power frequencies Resonant frequency, fr = 1 √ 2π LC 1 √ 2π 5 × 10−3 × 2 × 10−6 = 1591.55 Hz. R f1 = fr − 4πL 16 = 1591.55 − 4π × 5 × 10−3 = 1336.9 Hz. R f2 = fr + 4πL 16 = 1591.55 + 4π × 5 × 10−3 = 1846.2 Hz. = Lower half-power frequency, Upper half-power frequency, 8. Determine the value of RL for resonance in the network shown in Fig. 16. RL 20 Ω V j20 Ω –j10 Ω Fig. 16 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. The total impedance, Y = Y1 + Y2 1 1 = + RL + j20 20 − j10 RL − j20 1 20 + j10 1 × + × = RL + j20 RL − j20 20 − j10 20 + j10 = RL − j20 20 + j10 + 2 2 2 RL + 20 20 + 102 RL 20 20 10 −j 2 + 2 +j 2 2 2 2 + 20 RL + 20 20 + 10 20 + 102 10 20 RL 20 +j − = + RL2 + 202 500 500 RL2 + 202 = RL2 At resonance, the imaginary part of admittance is zero. Hence, 10 20 − 2 =0 500 RL + 202 Solving, RL = 24.49 Ω 9. A coil having an inductance of 100 mH is magnetically coupled to another coil having an inductance of 900 mH. The coefficient of coupling between the coils is 0.45. Calculate the equivalent inductance if the coils are connected in (1) series opposing and (2) parallel opposing. Mutual inductance, Eqt. inductance for series opposing, p L1 L2 p = 0.45 (100 × 10−3 )(900 × 10−3 ) = 0.135 = L1 + L2 − 2M = (100 × 10−3 ) + (900 × 10−3 ) − (2 × 0.135) = 0.73 H L1 L2 − M 2 = L1 + L2 + 2M (100 × 10−3 )(900 × 10−3 ) − 0.1352 = (100 × 10−3 ) + (900 × 10−3 ) + (2 × 0.135) = 56.5157 mH M =k Leq Eqt. inductance for parallel opposing, Leq For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 10. For the circuit shown in Fig. 17, determine the voltage ratio V1 /V2 , which will make the current I1 equal to zero. j2 Ω 5Ω 2Ω V1 I1 j8 Ω – ω= 50 rad/ sec j4 Ω I2 Fig. 17 V2 – ω= 50 rad/ sec Current I1 is entering the dot and I2 is leaving the dot, hence the polarities of mutually induced voltage and self-induced voltage are opposite. Applying KVL to the first mesh, 5I1 + j8I1 − j2I2 = V1 (5 + j8)I1 − j2I2 = V1 (vi) Applying KVL to the second mesh, 2I2 + V2 + j4I2 − j2I1 = 0 −j2I1 + (2 + j4)I2 = −V2 Writing Eqs. (vi) and (vii) in matrix form, 5 + j8 −j2 I1 V1 = −j2 2 + j4 I2 −V2 (vii) (viii) Using Cramer’s law, I1 is calculated as: ∆I1 = 0 (given) ∆ ∆I1 = 0 V1 −j2 ∆I1 = =0 −V2 2 + j4 I1 = or From Eq. (viii), or Hence, (2 + j4)V1 = j2V2 V1 j2 = V2 2 + j4 = 0.4 + j0.2 = 0.4472∠26.57◦ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 11. In the circuit of Fig. 18, the switch is closed at t = 0. Determine the mesh currents i1 (t) and i2 (t). t=0 100 Ω i1(t) i2(t) + 50 V 100 Ω 2 μF Fig. 18 After closing the switch at t = 0, and by applying KVL to the inner loop, we get or or −50 + 100i1 + 100(i1 − i2 ) = 0 200i1 − 100i2 = 50 i2 = 2i1 − 0.5 (ix) (x) Similarly by applying KVL to the outer loop, we get 1 −50 + 100i1 + 2 × 10−6 Z i2 (t)dt = 0 Z 100i1 + 500000 i2 (t)dt = 50 Differentiating on both sides, we get 100 di1 + 500000i2 = 0 dt Substituting the value of i2 from Eq. (x), we get 100 or di1 + 500000(2i1 − 0.5) = 0 dt di1 + 10000i1 = 2500 dt (xi) Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 2500 s 2500 I1 (s)[s + 10000] = s 2500 I1 (s) = s(s + 10000) sI1 (s) + 10000I1 (s) = So, For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. By applying partial fraction technique, I1 (s) = 2500 A B = + s(s + 10000) s s + 10000 (xii) Solving for constants A and B, A= 2500 s + 10000 = 0.25 and B= s=0 2500 s = −0.25 s=−10000 Substituting the value of A and B into Eq. (xii), we get I1 (s) = 0.25 0.25 − s s + 10000 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current i1 (t) is obtained as: i1 (t) = 0.25 − 0.25e−10000t A Substituting the value of i1 (t) into Eq. (x), we obtain i2 (t) = 2i1 (t) − 0.5 = 2(0.25 − 0.25e−10000t ) − 0.5 i2 (t) = −0.5e−10000t A 12. An RL circuit excited by a sinusoidal source e(t) = 10 sin 100t volts, by closing the switch at t = 0. Take R = 10 Ω and L = 0.1 H. Determine the current i(t) flowing through the RL circuit. Applying KVL to the circuit after closing the switch, we get di = 10 sin 100t dt di = 100 sin 100t 100i + dt 10i + 0.1 Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, 100 s2 + 1002 10000 I(s)(100 + s) = s2 + 1002 1 10000 I(s) = s + 100 s2 + 1002 100I(s) + sI(s) = 100 I(s) = 10000 A Bs + C = + 2 2 2 (s + 100)(s + 100 ) (s + 100) (s + 1002 ) (xiii) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Solving for the constant, 10000 + 1002 A= s2 = 0.5 s=−100 On cross-multiplying Eq. (xiii), we get 10000 = A(s2 + 1002 ) + (Bs + C)(s + 100) = As2 + 10000A + Bs2 + 100Bs + Cs + 100C = s2 (A + B) + s(100B + C) + (10000A + 100C) (xiv) On equating the coefficients of s2 of Eq. (xiv), we get A+B=0 B = −A = −0.5 or On equating the coefficients of s of Eq. (xiv), we get 100B + C = 0 C = −100B = 50 Hence, Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (xiii), we get 0.5 −0.5s + 50 + 2 (s + 100) (s + 1002 ) 0.5 0.5s 50 − 2 + 2 = 2 (s + 100) (s + 100 ) (s + 1002 ) 0.5 0.5s 50 100 = − 2 + (s + 100) (s + 1002 ) 100 (s2 + 1002 ) I(s) = Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, we get i(t) = 0.5e−100t − 0.5 cos 100t + 0.5 sin 100t (xv) 0.5 0. 52 0. 52 0. 70 7 A right-angled triangle is constructed using 0.5 and 0.5 as two sides as shown in Fig. 19. 0.5 Fig. 19 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Referring to Fig. 19, −1 φ = tan Also, 0.5 0.5 = 45◦ cos φ = 0.5 0.707 0.5 = 0.707 cos 45◦ or Similarly, 0.5 = 0.707 sin 45◦ Therefore, Eq. (xv) becomes, i(t) = 0.5e−100t − 0.707 sin 45◦ cos 100t + 0.707 cos 45◦ sin 100t = 0.5e−100t + 0.707(cos 45◦ sin 100t − sin 45◦ cos 100t) i(t) = 0.5e−100t + 0.707 sin(100t − 45◦ ) A 13. A symmetrical 3-phase, 100 V, 3-wire supply feeds an unbalanced star connected load with impedances of the load has ZR = 5∠0◦ Ω, ZY = 2∠90◦ Ω and ZB = 4∠ − 90◦ Ω. Find the line currents, voltage across the impedances and draw the phasor diagram. Also calculate the power consumed by the load. The given values of load impedances are converted into rectangular form. ZR = 5∠0◦ = 5 + j0 ZY = 2∠90◦ = 0 + j2 ZB = 4∠ − 90◦ = 0 − j4 IR I1 (5 + j0) Ω 1000° V IY j 0+ 2) (0 Ω ( ‒j 4) Ω I2 100‒120° V IB Fig. 20 Figure 20 shows the arrangement in which rectangular form of impedance values are marked on it. To calculate the line currents in an unbalanced star connected load, mesh analysis is used here and the mesh currents are chosen as shown in Fig. 20. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. By inspection, mesh equations are written as, 5 + j2 −j2 I1 100∠0◦ = −j2 −j2 I2 100∠ − 120◦ Using Cramer’s rule, I1 and I2 are obtained as follows: I1 = 100∠0◦ −j2 100∠ − 120◦ −j2 5 + j2 −j2 −j2 −j2 ∆I1 = ∆ = 173.21 − j300 8 − j10 I1 = 26.74 − j4.07 = 27.05∠ − 8.66◦ A I2 = 5 + j2 100∠0◦ −j2 100∠ − 120◦ 5 + j2 −j2 −j2 −j2 ∆I2 = ∆ = −76.79 − j333 8 − j10 I2 = 16.56 − j20.93 = 26.69∠ − 51.65◦ A So, the line currents are obtained as follows: IR = I1 = 27.05∠ − 8.66◦ A IY = I2 − I1 = (26.69∠ − 51.65◦ ) − (27.05∠ − 8.66◦ ) = 19.69∠ − 121.13◦ A IB = −I2 = (−1)26.69∠ − 51.65◦ = 26.69∠128.35◦ A Therefore, Voltage across 5∠0◦ Ω impedance = IR × 5∠0◦ = 135.25∠ − 8.66◦ V. Voltage across 2∠90◦ Ω impedance = IY × 2∠90◦ = 39.28∠ − 31.13◦ V. Voltage across 4∠ − 90◦ Ω impedance = IB × 4∠ − 90◦ = 106.72∠38.35◦ V. Power consumed by the load, P = |IR |2 RR + |IY |2 RY + |IB |2 RB = (27.052 × 5) + 0 + 0 = 3658.51 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Phasor diagram The phasor diagram indicating all line currents (= phase currents), line voltages and phase voltages has been drawn as shown in Fig. 21. It is to be noted that line voltage, VRY has been taken as reference. VBR VB IBR = IB 128.35° 8.66° VRY IRY = IR 121.13° VR IYB = IY VY VYB Fig. 21 14. The two wattmeter method is used to measure power in a three-phase delta connected load. The delta connected load consists of ZRY = (10+j10) Ω, ZYB = (15 − j15) Ω, and ZBR = (0 + j10) Ω and it is connected to a 400 V, threephase supply of phase sequence RYB. Calculate the reading of wattmeters with current coil in line R and B. Phase currents IRY = 400∠0◦ VRY = 28.28∠ − 45◦ A = ZRY 10 + j10 IYB VYB 400∠ − 120◦ = = = 18.86∠ − 75◦ A ZYB 15 − j15 IBR VBR 400∠ − 240◦ = = = 17.89∠93.43◦ A ZBR 20 + j10 Power Total real power, P = |IRY |2 RRY + |IYB |2 RYB + |IBR |2 RBR = (28.282 × 10) + (18.862 × 15) + (17.892 × 20) = 19734.11 W √ Also, P = 3VL IL cos φ = W2 + W1 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Total reactive power, Also, Therefore, and Q = |IRY |2 XRY + |IYB |2 XYB + |IBR |2 XBR = (28.282 × 10) − (18.862 × 15) + (17.892 × 10) = 5862.61 var √ √ Q = 3VL IL sin φ = 3(W2 − W1 ) W2 + W1 = 19734.11 (xvi) 5862.61 W2 − W1 = √ = 3384.78 (xvii) 3 Solving, Eqs. (xvi) and (xvii), we get the reading of two wattmeters as: W1 = 8174.66 W W2 = 11559.45 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 97063 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2014 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE6201 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Using node analysis, find the node voltages and the currents through all the resistors for the circuit shown in Fig. 1. 10 Ω V1 20 A 25 A 25 A I1 4Ω 15 A 20 A 1Ω V2 I2 2Ω V3 8 A 2A 10 Ω 20 V Fig. 1 Voltage at node 1, Voltage at node 2, Voltage at node 3, Current through 10 Ω, Current through 1 Ω, V1 V2 V3 I1 I2 = 20 × 4 = 80 V = 15 × 2 = 30 V = 2 × 10 = 20 V = 25 − 20 = 5 A = 25 − 15 = 10 A 2. Find the equivalent resistance between the terminals a and b for the network shown in Fig. 2. Using star-delta transformation technique, delta acd is converted into star [Fig. 2] and its values are obtained as, 2×4 = 0.6667 Ω 4+6+2 4×6 = =2Ω 4+6+2 Ran = Rcn For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Rdn = 6×2 =1Ω 4+6+2 a Ω 2 4 Ω 6Ω c RT d 3 Ω 3 Ω b Fig. 2 a a 4Ω 2Ω 0.6667 Ω n 2Ω c d 6Ω c 1Ω d Fig. 3 Replacing the acd delta by its equivalent star, the circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 4. a 0.6667 Ω n 2 RT Ω 1 Ω c d 3 Ω 3 Ω b Fig. 4 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. With reference to Fig. 4, the equal resistance between a and b, RT = 0.6667 + [(2 + 3)||(1 + 3)] = 2.8889 Ω 3. For the circuit shown in Fig. 5, find the (i) currents in different branches, (ii) current supplied by the battery and (iii) potential difference between A and B. Ω 6 2 Ω 10 V A B 4Ω 3 Ω 8 Ω Fig. 5 Mesh analysis is used and the currents are assumed as shown in Fig. vi. Ω 6 2 Ω 10 V I1 A I2 B 4Ω 3 Ω 8 Ω Fig. 6 Mesh equations by inspection are written as 9 4 I1 10 = 4 18 I2 10 (i) Solving Eq. (i), we get I1 = 0.9589 A I2 = 0.3425 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Therefore, current through 2 3 4 6 8 Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω resistor resistor resistor resistor resistor = I1 = 0.9589 A = I1 = 0.9589 A = I1 + I2 = 1.3014 A = I2 = 0.3425 A = I2 = 0.3425 A Current supplied by the battery = I1 + I2 = 1.3014 A Potential difference between A and B A fictitious battery of VAB is connected between A and B as shown in Fig. 7. I1 I2 Ω 6 2 Ω A B VAB Fig. 7 With reference to Fig. 7, −VAB + 2I1 + 6I2 = 0 VAB = 2(0.9589) + 6(0.3425) = 3.9728 V 4. Find the current I, through the 20 Ω resistor shown in Fig. 8 using Thevenin’s theorem. 20 V 10 Ω 1Ω 9V 50 V 20 Ω 5Ω 10 V 2Ω Fig. 8 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Thevenin’s voltage (Vth ) 20 Ω resistor is disconnected first from the circuit as shown in Fig. 9 and the voltage across the open circuit(Vth ) is found by applying KVL to the loop ABCDA through 50 V and Vth . Vth − 50 + voltage across 10 Ω + voltage across 5 Ω = 0 Vth − 50 + 20 − 10 = 0 So, Vth = 40 V 1Ω 9V A B 50 V 20 V 10 Ω ‒ Vth + 5Ω 10 V 2Ω C D Fig. 9 Thevenin’s resistance (Rth ) Figure 10(a) is used to compute Thevenin’s resistance, Rth , in which all voltage sources are short-circuited. Further simplification of Fig. 10(a) leads to Fig. 10(b). 1Ω 1Ω Rth 10 Ω 5Ω 2Ω Rth 0Ω (b) (a) Fig. 10 With reference to Fig. 10(b), Rth = 1×0 =0Ω 1+0 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Thevenin’s equivalent circuit The above found Vth and Rth values are used to draw the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 11. Rth= 0 Ω 20 Ω Vth = 40 V Fig. 11 From the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 11, I= Vth 40 = =2A Rth + 20 20 5. Find the current through 5 Ω resistor using superposition theorem in the circuit shown in Fig. 12. 4Ω I1 32 V 9A 5Ω 2Ω I2 10 Ω 4A Fig. 12 32 V source is only active To apply superposition theorem any one source should be active, and 32 V source is accordingly kept active first as shown in Fig. 13. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 4Ω I1 32 V 5Ω 2Ω I2 10 Ω Fig. 13 Mesh analysis is used to find the current I 0 through 5 Ω due to 32 V source by writing mesh equations by inspection as follows: 6 2 I1 32 = (ii) 2 17 I2 32 Solving Eq. (ii), we obtain I 0 = I2 = 1.3061 A 9 A source is only active Fig. 14(a) shows the circuit for the condition that only 9 A current source is active whereas other two sources are inactive. As 4 Ω and 2 Ω are found parallel to each other they are simplified to get 1.3333 Ω and is replaced in the circuit as shown in Fig. 14(b). 4Ω 1.3333 Ω 2Ω 9A 5Ω 9A 5Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω (b) (a) Fig. 14 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Referring to Fig. 14(b) and by applying current division rule, current I 00 through 5 Ω due to 9 A source is I 00 = 9 × (1.3333 + 10) = 6.2449 A (5 + 1.3333 + 10) 4 A source is only active Fig. 15(a) shows the circuit for the condition that only 4 A current source is active whereas other two sources are inactive. Again 4 Ω and 2 Ω are found parallel to each other and the connection is simplified to get 1.3333 Ω which is replaced in the circuit as shown in Fig. 15(b). 4Ω 1.3333 Ω 2Ω 5Ω 10 Ω 5Ω 10 Ω 4A 4A (b) (a) Fig. 15 Referring to Fig. 15(b) and by applying current division rule, current I 000 through 5 Ω due to 4 A source is I 000 = 4 × (10) = 2.449 A (5 + 1.3333 + 10) By superposition principle, current through 5 Ω resistor is I = I 0 + I 00 + I 000 = 1.3061 + 6.2449 + 2.449 = 10 A 6. Impedances Z1 and Z2 are parallel and this combination is in series with an impedance Z3 , connected to a 100 V, 50 Hz AC supply. Z1 = (5−jXC ) Ω, Z2 = (5 + j0) Ω, Z3 = (6.25 + j1.25)Ω . Determine the value of capacitance such that the total current of the circuit will be in phase with the total voltage. Find the circuit current and power. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Capacitance at resonance Total current and total voltage of an AC circuit is in-phase at resonance only. Therefore, equivalent impedance of the circuit is Zeq = 5(5 − jXC ) + (6.25 + j1.25) 5 + 5 − jXC = 25 − j5XC + (6.25 + j1.25) 10 − jXC = 87.5 + 1.25XC + j(12.5 − 11.25XC ) 10 − jXC = 87.5 + 1.25XC + j(12.5 − 11.25XC ) 10 + jXC × 10 − jXC 10 − jXC (875 + 11.25XC2 ) + j(125 − 25XC + 1.25XC2 ) = 102 + XC2 = (875 + 11.25XC2 ) (125 − 25XC + 1.25XC2 ) + j 102 + XC2 102 + XC2 (iii) At resonance, the reactive component of the circuit becomes zero, i.e., 125 − 25XC + 1.25XC2 = 0 Solving the above quadratic equation, we get XC = 10 Ω From which, capacitance is found as below: Capacitive reactance, XC = 1 2πf C 1 1 = 2πf XC 2π × 50 × 10 So, C= Hence, C = 318.31 µF Current at resonance Impedance at resonance (Zr ) is given by the real part of Zeq and by substituting the value of XC into the real part of Eq. (iii), we obtain Zr = 10 Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Therefore, current at resonance Ir = V 100 = = 10 A Zr 10 Also, power at resonance Pr = V Ir = 100 × 10 = 1000 W 7. The switch in the circuit shown in Fig. 16 is moved from position 1 to 2 at t = 0. Find the expression for voltage across resistance and capacitor, energy in the capacitor for t > 0. S 100 V i(t) 50 V 5k Ω + 1 μF ‒ Fig. 16 Determination of initial conditions Before t = 0, the switch was kept at position 1 for a long time, and by this time the circuit should have attained steady state conditions. So, the voltage across the capacitor would be 100 V with the polarity indicated in Fig. 16. At t = 0 the switch is moved to position 2, and the Kirchhoff’s voltage equation is Ri + vC = V (iv) [Note: vC is opposite to the polarity mentioned in Fig. 16]. Eq. (iv) is rewritten as dvC + vC = V dt Substituting the corresponding values RC dvC + vC = 50 dt dvC 0.005 + vC = 50 dt 5000 × 1 × 10−6 or For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 0.005[svC (s) − vC (0)] + vC (s) = 50 s as vC (0) being the initial voltage across the capacitor, i.e., 100 V (opposite polarity with vC (s)) So, 50 s 50 vC (s)[1 + 0.005s] = − 0.5 s 10000 − 100s vC (s) = s(s + 200) 0.005[svC (s) + 100] + vC (s) = Therefore, By applying partial fraction technique 10000 − 100s A B = + s(s + 200) s s + 200 vC (s) = (v) Solving for constants A and B, A= 10000 − 100s (s + 200) = 50 and B = s=0 10000 − 100s s = −150 s=−200 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (v), we get 50 150 − s s + 200 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the voltage across the capacitor is obtained as VC (s) = vC (t) = 50 − 150e−200t V From which, equation for current will be i(t) = C dvC dt d (50 − 150e−200t ) dt i(t) = 0.03e−200t A = (1 × 10−6 ) Hence, Also, voltage across the resistor is vR (t) = Ri(t) = 5000 × 0.03e−200t So, vR (t) = 150e−200t A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 8. For the coupled circuit shown in Fig. 17, find the value of V2 so that the current I1 = 0. j2 Ω 5Ω 2Ω + 1000°V + I1 j2 Ω I2 j8 Ω V2 – – Fig. 17 Applying KVL to mesh 1 gives 5i1 + j8i1 + j2i2 = 10∠90◦ (5 + j8)i1 + j2i2 = 10∠90◦ (vi) Applying KVL to mesh 2 gives 2i2 + j2i2 + j2i1 = V2 j2i1 + (2 + j2)i2 = V2 (vii) Writing Eqs. (vi) and (vii) in matrix, we have 5 + j8 j2 i1 10∠90◦ = V2 j2 2 + j2 i2 By Cramer’s rule I1 = ∆I1 ∆ (viii) Given that I1 = 0. So, from Eq. (viii), ∆I1 = 0. 10∠90◦ j2 =0 ∆I1 = V2 2 + j2 = −20 + j20 − j2V2 = 0 Solving, V2 = (10 + j10) = 14.14∠45◦ V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 9. A 400 V (line to line) is applied to three star connected identical impedances each consisting of a 4 Ω resistance in series with 3 Ω inductive reactance. Find (1) line current and (2) total power supplied. RYB phase sequence is assumed. Phase voltage of R phase, VRN = 400∠0◦ √ = 230.94∠ − 30◦ V 3 [It is to be noted that in star-connected networks, the phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] In star connected networks, line current and phase current is same. So, line current in R phase is IR = = VRN ZRN 230.94∠ − 30◦ 4 + j3 = 18.14 − j42.48 = 46.19∠ − 66.87◦ A IY = 46.19∠ − 186.87◦ A IB = 46.19∠ − 306.87◦ A Power factor −1 3 −1 X = cos tan = cos 36.87◦ = 0.8. cos φ = cos tan R 4 Total power supplied, P = √ √ 3VL IL cos φ = 3 × 400 × 46.19 × 0.8 P = 25601 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 91433 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2014 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Two 50 Ω resistors are connected in series. When a resistor R is connected across one of them, the total circuit resistance is 60 Ω. Calculate the value of R. If the supply voltage across the above circuit is 60 V, find the current passing through individual resistance. 50 Ω 50 Ω R 60 V Fig. 1 Equivalent resistance of the circuit Req = 60 = 50 + (50||R) 50 × R 10 = 50 + R 500 + 10R = 50R Hence, R = 12.5 Ω Total current supplied by the voltage source = V 60 = =1A Req 60 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Using current division rule, 50 = 0.8 A 50 + 12.5 12.5 =1× = 0.2 A 50 + 12.5 =1× Current through the resistor R(12.5 Ω) Current through 50 Ω resistor (across R) Current through 50 Ω (series with 60 V battery) = total current = 1 A 2. In the circuit given below, obtain the load current. 4Ω 120 V + 6Ω 12 Ω 3Ω Load 15 Ω 9Ω Fig. 2 Mesh analysis method is used to find the current through the load. Mesh currents I1 , I2 and I3 are assumed as shown in Fig. 3. 4Ω 120 V 6Ω I1 12 Ω + I2 9 Ω 3Ω I3 Load 15 Ω Fig. 3 16 −12 0 I1 120 −12 27 −9 I2 = 0 0 −9 27 I3 0 Solving the above equation, we get I3 = 2 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 3. In the circuit given below, obtain the equivalent resistance at AD. Ω 30 60 Ω A 90 Ω B C 75 Ω 15 Ω D Fig. 4 Using star-delta transformation technique, delta ABC is converted into star [Fig. 5] and its values are obtained as, 60 × 30 = 10 Ω 30 + 60 + 90 30 × 90 = 15 Ω = 30 + 60 + 90 90 × 60 = = 30 Ω 30 + 60 + 90 RAN = RBN RCN A 10 Ω Ω 30 60 Ω A 15 B 90 Ω C Ω B N 3 0 Ω C Fig. 5 Replacing the ABC delta by its equivalent star, the circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 6. RDN = (15 + 75)||(30 + 15) 90 × 45 = = 30 90 + 45 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. A 10 Ω N 15 30 Ω Ω B C 75 15 Ω B Ω D Fig. 6 Therefore, the equal resistance between A and B, RAB = 30 + 10 = 40 Ω 4. Find the load current IL , the load voltage VL and load power PL by the principle of superposition theorem in the following circuit. 2.1 Ω 11/3 Ω IL 225 V RB = 0.9 Ω 6Ω RL 220 V RB = 1 Ω Fig. 7 225 V source is acting alone Fig. 8(a) is used to find the current I 0 due to 225 V voltage source only. By network reduction technique, the equivalent resistance (Req1 ) across 225 V source is: 11 Req1 = (0.9 + 2.1) + 6|| +1 3 6 × 14 3 = (3) + 6 + 14 3 = 5.625 Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Therefore, current supplied by 225 V battery = 2.1 Ω 11/3 Ω 11/3 Ω IL RL 6Ω IL 1Ω 0.9 Ω (a) RL 6Ω 220 V RB = 1 Ω 225 V RB = 0.9 Ω 2.1 Ω V 225 = = 40 A. Req1 5.625 (b) Fig. 8 Using current division rule, current through 6 Ω due to 225 V voltage source I 0 is 11 +1 0 3 I = 40 × 6 + 11 +1 3 = 17.5 A Fig. 8(b) is used to find the current I 00 due to 220 V voltage source only. By network reduction technique, the equivalent resistance (Req2 ) across 220 V source is: 11 + [6||(2.1 + 0.9)] Req2 = 1 + 3 14 6×3 = + 3 6+3 20 Ω = 3 Current supplied by 220 V battery = V 220 = 20 = 33 A. Req2 (3) Using current division rule, current through 6 Ω due to 220 V voltage source I 00 is 0.9 + 2.1 00 I = 33 × 0.9 + 2.1 + 6 = 11 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By superposition principle Total current through 6 Ω resistor, Load voltage, Load power, IL = I 0 + I 00 = 17.5 + 11 = 28.5 A VL = IL × RL = 28.5 × 6 = 171 V PL = IL2 × RL = 4873.5 W 5. A series RL circuit with R = 100 Ω and L = 20 H has a DC voltage of 200 V applied through a switch at t = 0. Find the equation for the current and voltage across the different elements. After closing the switch, applying KVL to the circuit 100i + 20 di = 200 dt Applying Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 100I(s) + 20[sI(s) − I(0)] = 200 s As there was no initial current through the inductor, I(0) = 0, therefore, 200 s 200 I(s)[100 + 20s] = s 10 I(s) = s(s + 5) 100I(s) + 20[sI(s)] = or By applying partial fraction technique I(s) = 10 A B = + s(s + 5) s s+5 (i) Solving for constants A and B A= 10 (s + 5) = 5 and B = s=0 10 s = −2 s=−5 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (i), we get I(s) = 2 2 − s s+5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: i(t) = 2 − 2e−5t A Voltage across the resistor VR = Ri(t) = 100 × 2(1 − e−5t ) VR = 200(1 − e−5t ) V Voltage across the inductor di dt d = 20 (2 − 2e−5t ) dt VL = 200e−5t V VL = L 6. A series RL circuit with R = 100 Ω and L = 1 H has a sinusoidal voltage source 200 sin (500t + φ) applied at a time when φ = 0. (i) Find the expression for the current. (ii) At what value of angle φ must the switch be closed so that the current directly enters the steady state. Expression for the current After closing the switch, applying KVL to the circuit 100i + di = 200 sin 500t dt Applying Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 100I(s) + [sI(s) − I(0)] = 200 s2 500 + 5002 As there was no initial current through the inductor, I(0) = 0, therefore, 100000 + 5002 100000 I(s) = (s + 100)(s2 + 5002 ) I(s)[s + 100] = s2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By applying partial fraction technique I(s) = 100000 A Bs + C = + 2 2 2 (s + 100)(s + 500 ) s + 100 s + 5002 (ii) Solving for constant A A= 100000 + 5002 ) (s2 = 0.3846 s=−100 On cross-multiplying Eq. (ii), we get 100000 = A(s2 + 5002 ) + (Bs + C)(s + 100) = As2 + A5002 + Bs2 + Cs + 100Bs + 100C = s2 (A + B) + s(100B + C) + A5002 + 100C (iii) On equating the coefficients of s2 of Eq. (iii), we get A+B=0 B = −A = −0.3846 or On equating the coefficients of s of Eq. (iii), we get 100B + C = 0 C = 38.46 Hence, Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (ii), we have 0.3846 −0.3846s + 38.46 + s + 100 s2 + 5002 0.3846 0.3846s 38.46 = − 2 + 2 2 s + 100 s + 500 s + 5002 0.3846 0.3846s 38.46 500 = − 2 + 2 s + 100 s + 500 500 s2 + 5002 I(s) = Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, we get i(t) = 0.3846e−100t − 0.3846 cos 500t + 0.07692 sin 500t A right-angled triangle is constructed using 0.07692 and 0.3846 as two sides as seen in Fig. 9. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 22 39 0. 2 46 38 69 22 0. 0.3846 0. 07 0.07692 Fig. 9 Referring to Fig. 9, −1 φ = tan Also, cos φ = 0.3846 0.07692 = 78.69◦ 0.07692 0.3922 0.07692 = 0.3922 cos φ = 0.3922 cos 78.69◦ or Similarly, 0.3846 = 0.3922 sin φ = 0.3922 sin 78.69◦ Hence, i(t) = 0.3846e−100t − 0.3942 sin 78.69◦ cos 500t + 0.3942 cos 78.69◦ sin 500t = 0.3846e−100t + 0.3942 (sin 500t cos 78.69◦ − cos 500t sin 78.69◦ ) −100t − 78.69◦ ) A i(t) = 0.3846e {z } + |0.3942 sin (500t | {z } Transient part Steady-state part The above result is also obtained by directly substituting the necessary data into the complete solution for i(t) as follows: " i(t) = p −Vm R2 + (ωL)2 sin φ − tan −1 ωL R # # −1 ωL + p sin ωt + φ − tan R R2 + (ωL)2 " −R Lt e Vm Given that, Vm = 200; R = 100 Ω; L = 1 H; ω = 500; φ=0 Substituting these given values into the above equation, we obtain " " # # 200 500 −1 500 − 100 t −1 i(t) = p sin − tan e 1 + p sin 500t − tan 100 100 1002 + (500)2 1002 + (500)2 −200 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Thus, i(t) = 0.3846e−100t + 0.3942 sin (500t − 78.69◦ ) A as found earlier. The angle φ at which the switch is closed so that the current directly enters the steady state The current directly enters the steady state means the transient part has become zero. That is, " # R ωL −Vm sin φ − tan−1 i(t) = p e− L t = 0 2 2 R R + (ωL) −1 ωL =0 or sin φ − tan R −1 500 × 1 i.e., sin φ − tan =0 100 Hence, φ = tan−1 (5) = 78.69◦ 7. A 3-phase, 400 volts supply is given to a balanced star connected load of impedance (8 + j6) Ω in each branch. Find the line current, power factor and total power. Line voltage VRY is taken as reference. For a phase sequence of RYB, Line voltage, Therefore, phase voltage VRY = 400∠0◦ 400∠0◦ − 30◦ √ VRN = 3 = 230.94∠ − 30◦ V [In Y-connected networks, phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] Since, the star-connected load is a balanced one, VYN = 230.94∠ − 150◦ V VBN = 230.94∠ − 270◦ V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. In Y-connected networks line current and phase current is same. Therefore, IR = = VRN Zph 230.94∠ − 30◦ 8 + j6 = 23.09∠ − 66.87◦ A IY = 23.09∠ − 186.87◦ A IB = 23.09∠ − 306.87◦ A So, and Power factor cos φ = cos −1 tan X R −1 6 = cos tan = 0.8 8 Total power P = √ √ 3VL IL cos φ = 3 × 400 × 23.09 × 0.8 = 12797.77 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 21390 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2013 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Using mesh analysis, determine the current through 1 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 1. 10 Ω 2Ω 5Ω I1 50 V I2 + 10 V + 5V 1Ω + 3Ω I3 Fig. 1 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 18 −5 −3 I1 50 −5 8 −1 I2 = −10 −3 −1 4 I3 −5 The currents I2 and I2 are found by using Cramer’s rule as follows: ∆= 18 −5 −3 −5 8 −1 −3 −1 4 = 18(32 − 1) + 5(−20 − 3) − 3(5 + 24) = 356 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. ∆I2 = 18 50 −3 −5 −10 −1 −3 −5 4 = 18(−40 − 5) − 50(−20 − 3) − 3(25 − 30) = 355 ∆I3 = 18 −5 50 −5 8 −10 −3 −1 −5 = 18(−40 − 10) + 5(+25 − 30) + 50(5 + 24) = 525 Therefore, ∆I2 355 = = 0.9972 ∆ 356 ∆I3 525 I3 = = = 1.4747 ∆ 356 I2 = Hence, the current flowing through 1 Ω resistor = I2 − I3 = (0.9972 − 1.4747) = −0.4775 A. 2. Three loads A, B and C are connected in parallel to a 240 V source. Load A takes 9.6 kW, Load B takes 60 A and Load C has a resistance of 4.8 Ω. Calculate (1) RA and RB (2) the total current (3) the total power, and (4) equivalent resistance. (1) Resistances RA and RB Current through Load A, IA = P V 9.6 × 103 = 40 A 240 V RA = IA = Therefore, resistance of Load A, 240 =6Ω 40 V RB = IB = Similarly, resistance of Load B, = 240 =4Ω 60 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. (2) Total current Current through Load C, IC = = V RC 240 = 50 A 4.8 Therefore, the total current, IT = IA + IB + IC = 40 + 60 + 50 = 150 A (3) Total power Power, P = V IT = 240 × 150 = 36000 W (4) Equivalent resistance 1 1 1 1 = + + Req 6 4 4.8 = 0.625 Ω 1 = 1.6 Ω Therefore, the equivalent resistance, Req = 0.625 3. By applying nodal analysis for the circuit shown in Fig. 2, determine the power output of the source and the power in each resistor of the circuit. 3Ω 20∠30° V –j4 Ω VA j5 Ω 2Ω Fig. 2 Writing KCL at node A, VA − 20∠30◦ VA VA + + =0 3 −j4 2 + j5 1 1 1 20∠30◦ VA − + = 3 j4 2 + j5 3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. VA [0.33 + j0.25 + 0.069 − j0.17] = 6.67∠30◦ Hence, VA = 6.67∠30◦ = 16.39∠18.66◦ 0.399 + j0.08 Current through 2 Ω resistor = = VA 2 + j5 16.39∠18.66◦ 5.385∠68.2◦ = 3.04∠ − 49.54◦ A Therefore, the power consumed by 2 Ω resistor = 3.042 × 2 = 18.48 W VA − 20∠30◦ 3 16.39∠18.66◦ − 20∠30◦ = 3 Current through 3 Ω resistor = = 1.7∠ − 111◦ A Therefore, the power consumed by 3 Ω resistor = 1.72 × 3 = 8.67 W Hence, the power output of the source = 18.48 + 8.67 = 27.15 W 4. Use the superposition theorem to find the current through 4 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 3. 4Ω 50° A ‒j2 Ω + j10 Ω 2090° V ‒ 8Ω ‒j2 Ω Fig. 3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Case (i) 5∠0◦ A current source is acting alone The 5∠0◦ A current source is made only active and by short-circuiting the 20∠90◦ V voltage source, the circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 4. 4Ω ‒j2 Ω 50° V j10 Ω ‒j2 Ω 8Ω Fig. 4 The ∆-connected network (comprising 8 Ω, j10 Ω and−j2 Ω) is converted to its equivalent star-network as follows: (j10)(8) = 5 + j5 (8 + j8) (j10)(−j2) Z2 = = 1.25 − j1.25 (8 + j8) (−j2)(8) Z3 = = −1 − j1 (8 + j8) Z1 = Using the star equivalent impedance values, the circuit (Fig. 4) is redrawn as shown in Fig. 5. 4Ω ‒j2 Ω j1 ‒ j5 25 + 1. 5 .2 5 50° A ‒1 ‒ j1 Fig. 5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. The current through 4 Ω resistor due to 5∠0◦ A current source using current division rule is found as, I 0 = 5∠0◦ × [(1.25 − j1.25) + (−j2)] [(1.25 − j1.25) + (−j2) + (−1 − j1) + (4)] = (2.6471 − j1.1765) = 2.8967∠ − 23.96◦ A Case (ii) 20∠90◦ V voltage source is acting alone Similarly, only 20∠90◦ V source alone is kept in the circuit and the 5∠0◦ A current source is open-circuited as shown in Fig. 6. 4Ω ‒j2 Ω + j10 Ω 2090° V I2 8Ω I1 ‒j2 Ω ‒ Fig. 6 By inspection, the mesh equations are written as, 8 + j8 j2 I1 0 = j2 4 − j4 I2 20∠90◦ Using Cramer’s rule, I2 which is nothing but I 00 is found as, 8 + j8 0 ◦ j2 20∠90 ∆I2 00 = I = I2 = ∆ 8 + j8 j2 j2 4 − j4 (20∠90◦ )(8 + j8) = (8 + j8)(4 − j4) − (j2)2 I 00 = −160 + j160 68 = (−2.3529 + j2.3529) = 3.3276∠135◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By superposition theorem, the current flowing through 4 Ω resistor is, I = I 0 + I 00 = (2.8967∠ − 23.96◦ ) + (3.3276∠135◦ ) I = 6.12∠ − 35.22◦ A 5. Find the current through branch a-b of the network shown in Fig. 7, using Thevenin’s theorem. j5 Ω 5Ω a + 3Ω 100° V 5Ω j4 Ω – b Fig. 7 To find Thevenin’s voltage, Vth The resistance, 5 Ω connected across a-b is first removed and the circuit shown in Fig. 8(a) is used to find Thevenin’s voltage Vth . j5 Ω 5Ω j5 Ω 5Ω a + a 3Ω 3Ω Rth Vth 100° V j4 Ω – j4 Ω b (a) b (b) Fig. 8 By voltage division rule, 3 + j4 5 + 3 + j4 = (5 + j2.5) = 5.59∠26.56◦ V Vth = Vab = 10∠0◦ × To find Thevenin’s impedance, Zth The 10∠0◦ V voltage source is short-circuited as shown in Fig. 8(b) and the Thevenin’s impedance Zth is found by looking back the circuit through the terminals a-b. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Zth = (j5) + (5||3 + j4) = (2.5 + j6.25) Ω Zth 2.5 Ω j6.25 Ω Vth = 5.5926.56° V a 5Ω b Fig. 9 Using the above found values of Vth and Zth , the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 9. Thus, from Fig. 9, the current through branch a-b is, Vth 5.59∠26.56◦ = = 5 + Zth 5 + 2.5 + j6.25 Iab = (0.5573 − j0.1312) = 0.5726∠ − 13.25◦ A 6. A series circuit with R = 10 Ω, L = 0.1 H and C = 50 µF has an applied voltage 50∠0◦ V with a variable frequency. Find (1) the resonant frequency, (2) the value of frequency at which maximum voltage occurs across the inductor (3) the value of frequency at which maximum voltage across capacitor and (4) the quality factor. 1 Resonant frequency, fr = √ 2π LC 1 = √ 2π 0.1 × 50 × 10−6 = 71.18 Hz. The frequency at which maximum voltage occurs across the inductor is, s −1 R2 C fL = (fr ) 1− 2L s −1 102 × 50 × 10−6 = (71.18) 1− 2 × 0.1 = 72.09 Hz. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. The frequency at which maximum voltage occurs across the capacitor is, r 1 1 R2 fC = − 2π r LC 2L 1 1 102 = − 2π 0.1 × 50 × 10−6 2 × 0.1 = 71.09 Hz. r 1 L Quality factor, Q= R rC 0.1 1 = = 4.47 10 50 × 10−6 7. Consider the single tuned circuit shown below and determine, (i) the resonant frequency, (ii) the output voltage at resonance, and (iii) the maximum output voltage. Assume RS >> ωr L1 and k = 0.9. M 10 Ω 15 V RS R2 L1 1 μH L2 100 μH – 0.1 μF 10 Ω vo Fig. 10 Mutual inductance, At resonance, Resonant frequency, p L1 L2 p = 0.9 (1 × 10−6 )(100 × 10−6 ) = 9 µH 1 ωr = √ L2 C 1 =p −6 (100 × 10 )(0.1 × 10−6 ) ωr = 316227.766 rad/sec. M =k For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Output voltage, Vo = M Vi C[R1 R2 + ω 2 M 2 ] 9 × 10−6 × 15 0.1 × 10−6 [(10)(10) + (316227.766)2 (9 × 10−6 )2 )] = 12.49 V = Maximum output voltage, Vo(max) = V √i 2ωr C R1 R2 15 √ 2 × 316227.776 × 0.1 × 10−6 10 × 10 = 23.72 V = 8. The two wattmeter method produces wattmeter readings P1 = 1560 W and P2 = 2100 W, when connected to a delta connected load. If the line voltage is 220 V, calculate:(1) the per-phase active power (2) the per-phase reactive power (3) the power factor and (4) the phase impedance. Per-phase active power Active power, Also, active power, Therefore, per-phase active power √ P = 3VL IL cos φ P = W1 + W2 = 1560 + 2100 = 3660 W 3660 = 1220 W = 3 Per-phase reactive power √ 3VL IL sin φ √ Also, reactive power, Q = 3(W2 − W1 ) √ = 3(2100 − 1560) = 935.3 935.3 Therefore, per-phase reactive power = = 311.77 var 3 Power factor √ W2 − W1 −1 Power factor, cos φ = cos tan 3 W + W2 1 √ 2100 − 1560 −1 = cos tan 3 1560 + 2100 −1 = cos tan 0.2555 = 0.97 Total reactive power Q= For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Power, P = √ 3VL IL cos φ P IL = √ 3VL cos φ 3660 =√ = 9.9 3(220 × 0.97) or IL For a ∆-connected load, Iph = √ and Vph = VL . 3 Vph Iph √ VL = 3 I L √ 220 = 3 = 38.49 Ω 0.9 = 38.49∠14.33◦ Ω Therefore, impedance per phase Zph = In polar form, Zph 9. An unbalanced star-connected load has balanced voltage of 100 V and RBY phase sequence. Calculate the line currents and the neutral current. Take: ZA = 15 Ω, ZB = (10 + j5) Ω, ZC = (6 − j8) Ω. In star-connected networks, line current and phase current is same. Hence, for the given phase sequence of RBY system, 1 IR = IRN = (VRN ) ZA 100∠(0◦ − 30◦ ) 1 √ = 15 3 = 3.849∠ − 30◦ A [In star-connected networks, the phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] IY = IYN = (VYN ) 1 ZB 100∠(−240◦ − 30◦ ) √ = 3 = 5.164∠63.43◦ A 1 10 + j5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. IB = IBN = (VBN ) = 1 ZC 100∠(−120◦ − 30◦ ) √ 3 1 6 − j8 = 5.7735∠ − 96.87◦ A The neutral current, IN = −(IR + IY + IB ) = −(3.849∠ − 30◦ + 5.164∠63.43◦ + 5.7735∠ − 96.87◦ ) IN = 5.81∠148.47◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 31390 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2013 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. In the circuit of Fig. 1 find the current I by mesh method. 15 Ω 5Ω I 10 V + – + – 1.25 Ω 20 V Fig. 1 The direction of mesh currents I1 and I2 are assumed as shown in Fig. 2. 15 Ω 5Ω I 10 V + – I1 1.25 Ω I2 + – 20 V Fig. 2 By inspection, the mesh equations are written as, 6.25 −1.25 I1 10 = −1.25 16.25 I2 −20 Solving the above matrix equation, we get I1 = 1.375 A I2 = −1.125 A Therefore, current I = I1 − I2 = 2.5 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2. Write the nodal equations for the network of Fig. 3. Hence find the potential difference between nodes 2 and 4. 4A 3A 1Ω 2Ω 4Ω 5 Ω 5 Ω 4A Fig. 3 Taking node 4 as reference, by inspection the node equations are written as, 1 1 1 + − 0 5 1 1 V1 1 1 1 1 1 V2 = −1 −1 + + − 1 1 2 4 2 V3 0 1 1 1 − + 0 − 2 5 2 Simplifying, 1.2 −1 0 V1 1 −1 1.75 −0.5 V2 = −1 0 −0.5 0.7 V3 0 Solving the above matrix equation, we get V1 = 0.5851 V V2 = −0.2978 V V3 = −0.2128 V Hence, the potential difference between nodes 2 and 4, V24 = −0.2978 V 3. Using star-delta transformation, in the following wheatstone bridge circuit of Fig. 4, find (i) the equivalent resistance between P and Q (ii) the total current and (iii) the current through the 18 Ω resistor. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2Ω A 6 Ω P 12 Ω 18 Ω B 240 V 6 21 Ω Q C Ω D Fig. 4 Equivalent resistance between P and Q Using star-delta transformation technique, delta ABC is converted into star [Fig. 5] and its values are obtained as, 6 × 12 =2Ω 6 + 12 + 18 12 × 18 = =6Ω 6 + 12 + 18 18 × 6 = =3Ω 6 + 12 + 18 RAN = RBN RCN A 12 6Ω Ω A 2Ω 6Ω B 18 Ω C B N 3 Ω C Fig. 5 Replacing the ABC delta by its equivalent star, the circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 6. Both 6 Ω resistances are in series. Also in series are 21 Ω and 3 Ω. These two series combinations together form one parallel connection and its equivalent value is, For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. RDN = (6 + 6)||(21 + 3) = 12 × 24 =8 12 + 24 2Ω A P 2Ω N 6 240 V 3 Ω Ω B C 6 Ω Q 21 Ω D Fig. 6 Therefore, the equal resistance between P and Q, RPQ = 8 + 2 + 2 = 12 Ω Total current The total current, I = VPQ 240 = = 20 A RPQ 12 Current through the 18 Ω resistor The current through the 18 Ω resistor is found by using mesh analysis. With reference to Fig. 7, the mesh equations by inspection are written as, 20 −12 −6 I1 240 −12 36 −18 I2 = 0 −6 −18 45 I3 0 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2Ω P A 6 Ω 12 I2 I1 18 Ω B I3 Ω Ω 6 C 21 240 V Ω Q D Fig. 7 Solving the above matrix equation, we get I1 = 20 A I2 = 10 A I3 = 6.6667 A Hence, the current through 18 Ω resistor = I2 − I3 = 10 − 6.6667 = 3.3333 A 4. Find the current through the 10 Ω resistor in Fig. 8, using Thevenin’s theorem. 20 Ω 10 Ω 12 Ω B Ω A 16 200 V 30 Ω Fig. 8 The given circuit is redrawn first by opening the 10 Ω resistor between A and B as shown in Fig. 9. Now, Thevenin’s voltage Vth is nothing but the voltage between terminals A and B. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 20 Ω 30 Ω B Ω 16 12 Ω A 200 V Fig. 9 200 = 6.25 A 20 + 12 200 Current through 30 Ω and 16 Ω branch = = 4.35 A 30 + 16 Current through 20 Ω and 12 Ω branch = Therefore, Voltage across 12 Ω resistor = 12 × 6.25 = 75 V Voltage across 16 Ω resistor = 16 × 4.35 = 69.6 V Hence, Thevenin’s voltage, Vth = 75 − 69.6 = 5.4 V 20 Ω A 12 Ω 30 Ω 20 Ω B A 12 Ω 16 Ω 30 Ω B 16 Ω Fig. 10 Figures 10 and 11 are used to calculate Rth . For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. A A 12 Ω 20 Ω 7.5 Ω 16 Ω 30 Ω 10.43 Ω B B Fig. 11 Rth = (12||20) + (16||30) 12 × 20 16 × 30 = + 12 + 20 16 + 30 = 7.5 + 10.43 = 17.93 Ω Using the values of Vth and Rth found above, the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 12. Rth = 17.93 Ω A Vth = 5.4 V + 10 Ω B Fig. 12 Thus, current through 10 Ω resistor = Vth 5.4 = = 0.1933 A Rth + RL 17.93 + 10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 5. A RLC series circuit has R = 60 Ω, L = 160 mH and C = 160 µF. Find the resonant frequency, under resonant condition obtain the current, power and the voltage drops across the various elements if the applied voltage is 300 V. 1 Resonant frequency, fr = √ 2π LC = 1 p 2π (160 × 10−3 )(160 × 10−6 ) = 31.46 Hz. At resonant condition, the sum of reactances is zero, therefore, Current at resonance, I= 300 V = =5A R 60 P = I 2 R = 52 × 60 = 1500 W VR = IR = 5 × 60 = 300 V Power at resonance, Voltage drop across resistor, At resonant condition, the voltage drops across inductor and capacitor are equal, therefore, r 1 L VL = VC = V Q = V R C ! r 1 160 × 10−3 = (300) 60 160 × 10−6 = 158.11 V 6. In the series RL circuit shown in Fig. 13, the switch is closed on position 1 at t = 0. At t = 1 millisecond, the switch is moved to position 2. Obtain the equations for the current in both intervals and draw the transient curve. 50 Ω 0.2 H 100 V 50 V Fig. 13 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. At t = 0, the switch is connected to position 1 and the differential equation is 50i + 0.2 di = 100 dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 50I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − I(0)] = 100 s (i) At t = 0, i(t) = 0, and in s-domain, I(0) = 0. Therefore, Eq. (i) becomes 100 s 100 I(s)[50 + 0.2s] = s 50I(s) + 0.2sI(s) = 100 s(0.2s + 50) 100 500 = = 0.2s(s + 250) s(s + 250) I(s) = By applying partial fraction technique, = A B + s (s + 250) (ii) Solving for the constants A and B, A= 500 s + 250 =2 and B= s=0 500 s = −2 s=−250 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (ii), we get I(s) = 2 2 − s (s + 250) Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: i(t) = 2 − 2e−250t A (iii) The switch is kept at this position for 0.001 s. Therefore, at t = 0.001 s, the current through the circuit is determined by putting t = 0.001 in Eq. (iii), i.e. at t = 0.001 s. i(t) = 2 − 2e−250(0.001) = 0.4424 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. This value becomes initial current for the circuit when the switch is put in position 2. Then, the switch is moved to position 2 at t = 0.001 s. Due to this action, 50 V source is connected in the circuit and 100 V source is disconnected. This moment (t = 0.001 s) can be redefined as t0 = 0. Applying KVL, 50i + 0.2 di = 50 dt0 Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 50I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − I(0)] = 50 s (iv) At t0 = 0, I(0) = 0.4424 A. Therefore, Eq. (iv) becomes 50 s 50 I(s)[50 + 0.2s] = + 0.08848 s 50 + 0.08848s I(s) = s(0.2s + 50) 50I(s) + 0.2sI(s) − 0.08848 = = 50 + 0.08848s 0.2s(s + 250) = 250 + 0.4424s s(s + 250) By applying partial fraction technique, = A B + s (s + 250) (v) Solving for the constants A and B, A= 250 + 0.4424s s + 250 =1 s=0 and B= 250 + 0.4424s s = −0.5576 s=−250 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. i 2A 1A t 0 t = 0.001 (or) t′ = 0 Fig. 14 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (v), we get I(s) = 1 0.5576 − s (s + 250) Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: 0 i(t) = 1 − 0.5576e−250t A or i(t) = 1 − 0.5576e−250(t−0.001) A Therefore, i(t) = 2 − 2e−250t A = 1 − 0.5576e −250(t−0.001) for 0 < t < 0.001 A for t > 0.001 The transient current is shown in Fig. 14. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 7. In Fig. 15, find the current. Assume initial charge on the capacitor is zero. t=0 v = 200 sin 500t 100 Ω 25 μF i(t) Fig. 15 Applying KVL to the circuit after closing the switch at t = 0, we get Z 1 idt = 200 sin 500t 100i + 25 × 10−6 Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, 500 1 100I(s) + 40000 I(s) = 200 × 2 s s + 5002 40000 100000 I(s) 100 + = 2 s s + 5002 s 100000 I(s) = 100s + 40000 s2 + 5002 100s = (s + 400)(s2 + 5002 ) By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 100s A Bs + C = + 2 2 2 (s + 400)(s + 500 ) s + 400 s + 5002 (vi) Solving for the values of A, B and C, we get and A = −0.9756 B = 0.9756 C = 609.76 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (vi), we obtain −0.9756 0.9756s + 609.76 + s + 400 s2 + 5002 −0.9756 0.9756s 609.76 = + 2 + 2 2 s + 400 s + 500 s + 5002 −0.9756 0.9756s 500 609.76 = + 2 × + s + 400 s + 5002 500 s2 + 5002 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, we get I(s) = i(t) = −0.9756e−400t + 0.9756 cos 500t + 1.2195 sin 500t (vii) 0. 97 56 2 1 .2 19 52 1 .5 61 7 A right-angled triangle is constructed using 0.9756 and 1.2195 as two sides as shown in Fig. 16. 0.9756 1.2195 Fig. 16 Referring to Fig. 16, −1 φ = tan Also, or 0.9756 1.2195 = 38.66◦ cos φ = 1.2195 1.5617 1.2195 = 1.5617 cos 38.66◦ Similarly, 0.9756 = 1.5617 sin 38.66◦ Therefore, Eq. (vii) becomes, i(t) = −0.9756e−400t + 1.5617 sin 38.66◦ cos 500t + 1.5617 cos 38.66◦ sin 500t = −0.9756e−400t + 1.5617(sin 38.66◦ cos 500t + cos 38.66◦ sin 500t) i(t) = −0.9756e−400t + 1.5617 sin(500t + 38.66◦ ) A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 11358 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2012 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Determine the current IL in the circuit shown below. 4V 3Ω 3Ω 3Ω IL 8V 6V 5Ω 1Ω 1Ω Fig. 1 The mesh currents are assumed in the directions as indicated in Fig. 2. 4V 3Ω I3 3Ω 3Ω IL I1 8V 5Ω 1Ω 6V I2 1Ω Fig. 2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 9 5 −3 I1 8 5 9 3 I2 = 6 −3 3 9 I3 4 Using Cramer’s rule, I1 is found as, I1 = ∆I1 = ∆I1 . ∆ 8 5 −3 6 9 3 4 3 9 = 8(81 − 9) − 5(54 − 12) − 3(18 − 36) = 420 ∆= 9 5 −3 5 9 3 −3 3 9 = 9(81 − 9) − 5(45 + 9) − 3(15 + 27) = 252 ∆I1 420 Therefore, I1 = = = 1.6667 ∆ 252 Similarly, I2 is found as, I2 = ∆I2 = ∆I2 . ∆ 9 8 −3 5 6 3 −3 4 9 = 9(54 − 12) − 5(54 − 12) − 3(20 + 18) = −168 Therefore, I2 = −168 ∆I2 = = −0.6667 ∆ 252 Hence, the current IL = I1 + I2 = (1.6667 − 0.6667) = 1 A. 2. For the circuit shown in figure below, determine the total current IT , phase angle and power factor. 100 μF 10 Ω IT 50 V, 100 Hz 30 Ω 0.1 H Fig. 3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Capacitive reactance of 100 µF, XC = 1 2πf C 1 2π(100)(100 × 10−6 ) = 15.92 Ω Inductive reactance of 0.1 H, XL = 2πf L = 2π(100)(0.1) = 62.83 Ω Equivalent impedance of the circuit = (10 − j15.92) + (30)||(j62.83) = (10 − j15.92) + (24.43 + j11.66) = (34.43 − j4.26) Ω 50 Total current, IT = 34.43 − j4.26 = (1.43 + j0.17) = 1.44∠7.05◦ So, phase angle, φ = 7.05◦ and power factor, cos φ = cos 7.05◦ = 0.99. = 3. For the circuit shown in figure below, determine the value of V2 such that the current through (3 + j4) Ω impedance is zero. 4Ω V1 = 200° I1 j3 Ω j4 Ω 3Ω I2 ‒j5 Ω 5Ω I3 V2 Fig. 4 Referring to Fig. 4, the current through (3 + j4) Ω is I2 . Mesh analysis is used here to find out the expression for I2 which will be then equated to zero. 4 + j3 −j3 0 I1 20∠0◦ −j3 3 + j2 −j5 I2 = 0 0 −j5 5 − j5 I3 V2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Using Cramer’s rule, I2 is found as, ∆I2 =0 (given) ∆ ∆I2 = 0 4 + j3 20∠0◦ 0 0 −j5 = 0 ∆I2 = −j3 0 V2 5 − j5 I2 = or So, or = (4 + j3)(−V2 )(−j5) − (20∠0◦ )(−j3)(5 − j5) = 0 = V2 (−15 + j20) − (−300 − j300) = 0 −300 − j300 V2 = −15 + j20 V2 = (−2.4 + j16.8) = 16.97∠98.13◦ Thus, the value of V2 which makes the current through (3 + j4) Ω impedance be zero is 16.97∠98.13◦ V 4. Using source transformation, replace the current source in the circuit shown below by a voltage source and find the current delivered by the 50 V voltage source. 3Ω 50 V Ω 10 2 A 5Ω + + 10 V Fig. 5 The 10 A current source is converted into a voltage source as shown in Fig. 5. I1 I1 ‒ I2 I2 5Ω 50 V 2Ω + 20 V 3Ω + + 10 V Fig. 6 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KVL to the two meshes with the assumed current directions, we get −50 + 5I1 + 2I2 + 20 = 0 5I1 + 2I2 = 30 −20 − 2I2 + 3(I1 − I2 ) + 10 = 0 3I1 − 5I2 = 10 or or (i) (ii) Solving Eqs. (iii) and (iv), we obtain the current delivered by 50 V source, I1 = 5.4838 A. 5. Calculate the equivalent resistance Rab when all the resistance values are equal to 1 Ω for the circuit shown below. a c Req e b d Fig. 7 Since the ∆ - connected resistances are having of equal values, their star equivalent resistances are obtained as: Rstar = 1Ω a 1 1×1 = 1+1+1 3 c a c 1/3 1Ω 1Ω 1/3 Ω Ω 1/3 Ω e e Fig. 8 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Thus, the two ∆ − networks ace and bde are converted into equivalent star networks and are replaced in the original circuit as shown in Fig. 8. a 1/ 3 c Ω 3 1/ Ω 1/3 Ω 1Ω 1Ω e 1/3 Ω 3 1/ Ω 1/ b 3 Ω d Fig. 9 Figures shown below illustrate the step-by-step reduction of given network. Hence, the equivalent resistance is Rab = 0.5333 Ω. 1/3 Ω 1/3 Ω 1/3 Ω a c 1Ω 2/3 Ω a 1Ω 1/3 Ω 1Ω 1/3 Ω 2/3 Ω 5/3 Ω 1/3 Ω b b d 1/3 Ω a a 1Ω 10/21 Ω a 1Ω 8/7 Ω 0.5333 Ω 1/3 Ω b b b Fig. 10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 6. Verify Reciprocity theorem for the circuit shown below. 3Ω 12 Ω 14 Ω 100 V 4Ω (load) 4Ω Fig. 11 Let the current through the load 4 Ω be Ix and is found using mesh current analysis. 3Ω 12 Ω IX 100 V I1 14 Ω I2 4Ω IX 4Ω (load) Fig. 12 The mesh equations by inspection [Fig. 12] are written as, 17 −14 0 I1 100 −14 30 −4 I2 = 0 0 −4 8 Ix 0 x . Using Cramer’s rule Ix is found as, Ix = ∆I ∆ 17 −14 100 30 0 = 5600 ∆Ix = −14 0 −4 0 17 −14 0 30 −4 = 2240 ∆ = −14 0 −4 8 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. ∆Ix 5600 = = 2.5 A (iii) ∆ 2240 To verify reciprocity theorem, the excitation 100 V source and the response Ix are interchanged as shown in Fig. 13. Therefore, Ix = 3Ω 12 Ω 100 V IX IX 14 Ω I2 4Ω I3 4Ω (load) Fig. 13 Again mesh analysis is used to find Ix . Ix = ∆Ix ∆ 0 −14 0 30 −4 = 5600 ∆Ix = 0 100 −4 8 17 −14 0 30 −4 = 2240 ∆ = −14 0 −4 8 5600 ∆Ix = = 2.5 A (iv) ∆ 2240 Comparing Eqns. (iii) and (iv), it is observed that in both results the ratio of excitation to response is same. Hence, reciprocity theorem is verified. Therefore, Ix = 7. Find the current through various branches of the circuit shown below. 5Ω 10 Ω 50 V 10 Ω 5A Fig. 14 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. According to superposition theorem, the current through any element is computed by adding all the individual currents delivered by the sources independently acting one source at a time. Case 1 50 V source is acting alone The 50 V source is made active and the 5 A current source is open-circuited. Let the currents be I10 , I20 and I30 as shown in Fig. 15. 10 Ω I 1′ I 3′ 5 Ω I 2′ 10 Ω 50 V Fig. 15 With reference to Fig. 15, 50 = 2.5 10 + 10 I30 = 0 I10 = I20 = Case 2 5 A source is acting alone Similarly, only 5 A current source is kept in the circuit and the 50 V voltage source is short-circuited. Now let the currents be I100 , I200 and I300 as shown in Fig. 16. 10 Ω I1′′ I3′′ 5 Ω I2′′ 10 Ω 5A Fig. 16 By current division rule, 10 = −2.5 10 + 10 10 I200 = 5 × = 2.5 10 + 10 I300 = −5 A I100 = −5 × For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Thus, by superposition theorem, I1 = I10 + I100 = 2.5 − 2.5 = 0 A I2 = I20 + I200 = 2.5 + 2.5 = 5 A I3 = I30 + I300 = 0 − 5 = −5 A 8. A series RLC circuit consists of 50 Ω resistance, 0.2 H inductance and 10 µF capacitance with the applied voltage of 20 V. Determine the resonant frequency, the Q factor, the lower and upper frequency limits and the bandwidth of the circuit. Resonant frequency, fr = 1 √ 2π LC 1 √ 2π 0.2 × 10 × 10−6 = 112.54 Hz. r 1 L Q= R rC 1 0.2 = 2.828 = 50 10 × 10−6 fr BW = Q = Quality factor, Bandwidth, = Lower cut-off frequency, Upper cut-off frequency, 112.54 2.828 = 39.79 R f1 = fr − 4πL 50 = 112.54 − 4π × 0.1 = 72.75 Hz. R f2 = fr + 4πL 50 = 112.54 + 4π × 0.1 = 152.33 Hz. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 9. Obtain a conductively coupled equivalent circuit for the magnetically coupled circuit shown below. j6 Ω j5 Ω 500° j10 Ω 3 I2 I1 V – 5 –j4 Ω Fig. 17 Applying KVL to mesh 1 in the given magnetically coupled circuit, we get or j5I1 − j6I2 + (3 − j4)(I1 − I2 ) = 50∠0◦ (3 + j1)I1 + (−3 − j2)I2 = 50∠0◦ (v) Similarly, by applying KVL to mesh 2 in the given circuit, we get or j10I2 − j6I1 + 5I2 + (3 − j4)(I2 − I1 ) = 0 (−3 − j2)I1 + (8 + j6)I2 = 0 Equations (v) and (vi) are written in matrix form as, (3 + j1) −(3 + j2) I1 50∠0◦ = 0 −(3 + j2) (8 + j6) I2 (vi) (vii) The following points are noted carefully when constructing the conductively coupled equivalent circuit. If the two currents do not enter at dotted ends of coupled coils, (i) Negative value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the individual elements of a particular mesh. (ii) Positive value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the common elements of two meshes. Alternately, if the two currents enter at dotted ends of coupled coils, (i) Positive value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the individual elements of a particular mesh. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. (ii) Negative value of mutual reactance is connected in series with the common elements of two meshes. By above reasoning, the conductively coupled circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 18. 50∠0° V j5 Ω ‒j6 Ω j10 Ω ‒j6 Ω j6 Ω + I1 ‒j4 Ω I2 5Ω – 3Ω Fig. 18 By inspection the following mesh equations are obtained. (3 + j5 − j4 + j6 − j6) −(3 − j4 + j6) I1 50∠0◦ = 0 −(3 − j4 + j6) (8 + j10 − j4 + j6 − j6) I2 (viii) Simplifying, we obtain (3 + j1) −(3 + j2) I1 50∠0◦ (ix) = 0 −(3 + j2) (8 + j6) I2 Comparing Eqs. (vii) and (ix), it is observed that both are same. 10. Two coupled coils have self inductances of L1 = 100 mH and L2 = 400 mH. The coupling coefficient is 0.8. Find M. If N1 is 1000 turns, what is the value of N2 . If a current i1 = 2 sin (500t) A through the coil 1, find the flux φ1 and the mutually induced voltage V2M . p Mutual inductance, M = k L1 L2 p = 0.8 (100 × 10−3 )(400 × 10−3 ) = 0.16 r N1 L1 = Turns ratio, N2 L2 r 100 × 10−3 = = 0.5 400 × 10−3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. N1 0.5 1000 N2 = = 2000 turns 0.5 N1 φ1 L1 = i1 Therefore, N2 = Number of turns in coil 2 Self inductance of coil 1, Therefore, the flux φ1 = L1 i1 N1 (100 × 10−3 ) × (2 sin 500t) 1000 φ1 = 0.2 sin 500t mWb = di1 dt d = 0.16 (0.2 sin 500t) dt Mutually induced emf, V2M = M = 16 cos 500t V 11. Solve for i and V as functions of time in the circuit shown below, when the switch is closed at t = 0. 10 Ω 10 Ω + 10 V S v t=0 i 10 mH ‒ Fig. 19 Before closing the switch at t = 0, the circuit should have attained steady state condition. Therefore, 10 = 0.5 A I(0) = 20 This is the initial condition for the circuit for t ≥ 0. Figure 18 shows the equivalent circuit for t ≥ 0. With reference to Fig. 18, i1 (t) is the forced response and i2 (t) is the free response due to the internal energy stored in the inductance when the circuit was in steady state. Hence, i1 (t) = 10 = 1 A. 10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. To calculate i2 (t), KVL is applied in the mesh which has the closed switch and 10 mH inductance. di2 =0 dt 10I2 (s) + 0.01[sI2 (s) − I2 (0)] = 0 10I2 (s) + 0.01[sI2 (s) − 0.5] = 0 10I2 (s) + 0.01[sI2 (s)] = 0.005 I2 (s)[10 + 0.01s] = 0.005 10i2 + 0.01 I2 (s) = 0.005 0.005 = (10 + 0.01s) 0.01(s + 1000) I2 (s) = 0.5 (s + 1000) Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, we obtain i2 (t) = 0.5e−1000t A Referring to Fig. 18, Voltage across inductor, i = i1 (t) − i2 (t) = 1 − 0.5e−1000t A di2 (t) V =L dt d = (10 × 10−3 ) (0.5e−1000t ) dt = −5e−1000t V 12. For the circuit shown below, calculate the line current, the power and the power factor. The value of R, L and C in each phase are 10 Ω, 1 H and 100 µF respectively. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. R I1 C R L 400 V, 50 Hz C L R B Y R I3 C L I2 Fig. 20 RYB phase sequence is assumed. Inductive reactance, Capacitive reactance, Admittance of each phase, ∴ Impedance of each phase, Phase voltage, XL = 2πf L = 2π × 50 × 1 = 314.16 Ω 1 XC = 2πf C 1 = 2π × 50 × 100 × 10−6 = 31.83 Ω 1 1 1 + + Yph = 10 j314.16 −j31.83 = (0.1 + j0.0282) f 1 1 Zph = = Yph 0.1 + j0.0282 = 9.2633 − j2.6123 = 9.6246∠ − 15.75◦ 400∠0◦ VRN = √ 3 = 231∠ − 30◦ V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. [It is to be noted that in star-connected networks, the phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] Phase current in R phase, IRN = VRN 231∠ − 30◦ = Zph 9.6246∠ − 15.75◦ = 24∠ − 14.25◦ A In star-connected networks, line current and phase current is same. Therefore, the line current in each line are: IR = 24∠ − 14.25◦ A IY = 24∠ − 134.25◦ A IB = 24∠ − 254.25◦ A Xph −1 φ = tan Rph 2.6123 −1 = tan = 15.75◦ 9.2633 cos φ = cos 15.75◦ = 0.96 Phase angle, Power factor, Power, P = = √ √ 3VL IL cos φ 3 × 400 × 24 × 0.96 = 15962.58 W 13. A 3-phase, 3-wire, 120 V, ABC system feeds a ∆-connected load whose phase impedance is 30∠45◦ Ω. Find the phase and line currents in this system and draw the phasor diagram. Phase currents are computed as follows: IRY = 120∠0◦ VRY = = 4∠ − 45◦ A ZRY 30∠45◦ Similarly, IYB = 4∠ − 165◦ A IBR = 4∠ − 285◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KCL the line currents are found as follows: IR = IRY − IBR = (4∠ − 45◦ ) − (4∠ − 285◦ ) = 6.9282∠ − 75◦ A IY = IYB − IRY = (4∠ − 165◦ ) − (4∠ − 45◦ ) = 6.9282∠165◦ A VBR IBR IY IB VRY 45° 30° IRY IYB IR VYB Fig. 21 Phasor diagram for Question No. 13 IB = IBR − IYB = (4∠ − 285◦ ) − (4∠ − 165◦ ) = 6.9282∠45◦ A 14. A three-phase, four-wire, 120 V, RYB system feeds an unbalanced Y-connected load with ZA = 5∠0◦ Ω, ZA = 10∠30◦ Ω and ZA = 20∠60◦ Ω. Obtain the four line currents. For the given phase sequence, phase voltages are computed as follows: VRY 120∠0◦ VRN = √ = √ = 69.28∠ − 30◦ V 3 3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. [It is to be noted that in star-connected networks, the phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] Similarly, VYN = 69.28∠ − 150◦ V VBN = 69.28∠ − 270◦ V Using the above found phase voltages, the line currents (also phase currents, in star-connected networks) are obtained as follows: IR = IRN = = IY = IYN = = IB = IBN = = VRN ZR 69.28∠ − 30◦ = 13.856∠ − 30◦ A 5∠0◦ VYN ZY 69.28∠ − 150◦ = 6.928∠180◦ A 10∠30◦ VBN ZB 69.28∠ − 270◦ = 3.464∠ − 330◦ A 20∠60◦ Neutral current, IN = −(IR + IY + IB ) = −(13.856∠ − 30◦ + 6.928∠180◦ + 3.464∠ − 330◦ ) = 9.6∠147.23◦ A 15. Three impedances Z1 = (17.32 + j10), Z2 = (20 + j34.64) and Z3 = (0 − j10) ohms are delta connected to a 400 V, three phase system. Determine the phase currents, line currents and total power consumed by the load. A phase sequence of RYB is assumed. Taking VRY = 400∠0◦ as reference, the phase currents are obtained as, IRY = 400∠0◦ 17.32 + j10 = 17.32 − j10 = 20∠ − 30◦ A 400∠ − 120◦ 20 + j34.64 = −10 − j0.000127 = 10∠ − 180◦ A IYB = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. IBR = 400∠ − 240◦ 0 − j10 = 34.64 − j20 = 40∠ − 150◦ A Applying KCL the line currents are obtained as, IR = IRY − IBR = (20∠ − 30◦ ) − (40∠ − 150◦ ) = 51.96 + j10 = 52.92∠10.89◦ A IY = IYB − IRY = (10∠ − 180◦ ) − (20∠ − 30◦ ) = −27.32 + j10 = 29.09∠159.9◦ A IB = IBR − IYB = (40∠ − 150◦ ) − (10∠ − 180◦ ) = −24.64 − j20 = 31.74∠ − 140.94◦ A Total power consumed by the load, 2 2 2 P = IRY RRY + IYB RYB + IBR RBR = (202 × 17.32) + (102 × 20) + (402 × 0) = 8928 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 10314 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2012 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. In the circuit shown in Fig. 1, VR and VL were measured and found to be 10 V each. VR VL 100 Ω 0.1 H i(t) + e(t) ‒ Fig. 1 Assuming i(t) as the reference waveform, find (a) the frequency f and current i(t). (b) ZT , the total impedance and e(t). Current through the circuit, Reactive inductance of the coil, Also, Therefore, Total impedance, VR R 10 = = 0.1 A 100 VL XL = I 10 = = 100 Ω 0.1 XL = 2πf L I= XL 2πL 100 = = 159.15 Hz. 2π × 0.1 ZT = R + jXL f= For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. = (100 + j100) = 141.42∠45◦ Ω √ i(t) = Im sin ωt = (0.1 × 2) sin (2πf t) = 0.1414 sin 1000t A E = IZ = (0.1)(100 + j100) = (10 + j10) = 14.14∠45◦ Given that i(t) is taken as reference and so e(t) leads the current by φ = 45◦ . Therefore, √ e(t) = Em sin (ωt + φ) = (14.14 × 2) sin (2πf t + 45◦ ) = 20 sin (1000t + 45◦ ) V 2. What is the voltage across A and B in the circuit shown in Fig. 2? 6Ω 12 V 6V 4Ω 12 V A 4Ω 10 Ω B Fig. 2 The current through 6 Ω and 4 Ω circuit, Therefore, voltage across 4 Ω resistor The current through 4 Ω and 10 Ω circuit, Therefore, voltage across 4 Ω resistor 6 = 0.6 A 10 = 0.6 × 4 = 2.4 V (A being negative) 12 I2 = = 0.86 A 14 = 0.86 × 4 = 3.44 V (B being positive) I1 = Replacing the resistances connected between A and B with their respective voltage drops, the given circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 3. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 6Ω 12 V 6V 2.4 V 12 V A 3.44 V 10 Ω B Fig. 3 From Fig. 3 it is found that, VAB = −2.4 + 12 + 3.44 = 13.04 V 3. Find the current in 4 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 4. 3Ω 57 V 5Ω 4Ω 7Ω 6Ω 42 V 4V 25 V 70 V Fig. 4 Mesh currents are assumed with their direction as shown in Fig. 5. 3Ω 57 V 5Ω 4Ω 42 V I1 6Ω I2 25 V 7Ω I3 4V 70 V Fig. 5 By mesh analysis 7 −4 0 method, the mesh equations are written as −4 0 I1 42 + 25 = 67 15 −6 I2 = −25 − 57 − 70 = −152 −6 13 I3 70 + 4 = 74 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Solving the above equations, we get I1 = 5 A I2 = −8 A I3 = 2 A Therefore, current through 4 Ω resistor, I1 − I2 = 5 − (−8) = 13 A 4. Convert the network shown below, into a π− connected equivalent circuit. a ‒j2 Ω c j4 Ω d 2Ω a′ 2Ω b ‒j4 Ω e b′ f Fig. 6 Using star-delta transformation, the star connection with c as star-point can be converted into an equivalent delta network as follows: Zad = (−j2)(2) + (2)(j4) + (j4)(−j2) = 4 + j2 (2) Zae = (−j2)(2) + (2)(j4) + (j4)(−j2) = 1 − j2 (j4) Zed = (−j2)(2) + (2)(j4) + (j4)(−j2) = −2 + j4 (−j2) a (1 ‒ j2) Ω a′ (4 + j2) Ω d (‒2 + j4) Ω 2Ω b ‒j4 Ω e f b′ Fig. 7 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. The delta network thus found is replaced the star network in the given circuit as shown in Fig. 7, where (−2+j4) and (−j4) are found parallel. The equivalent value of impedance is, Zeq1 = (−2 + j4)(−j4) = (−8 − j4) (−2 + j4 − j4) Using Zeq1 , Fig. 7 is redrawn as illustrated in Fig. 8. (4 + j2) Ω a (1 ‒ j2) Ω a′ 2Ω d b (‒8 ‒ j4) Ω b′ f Fig. 8 Again using star-delta transformation, the star connection with d as star-point can be converted into an equivalent delta network as follows: Zab = (4 + j2)(−8 − j4) + (−8 − j4)(2) + (2)(4 + j2) = 5 + j2 (−8 − j4) Zaf = (4 + j2)(−8 − j4) + (−8 − j4)(2) + (2)(4 + j2) = −16 − j18 (2) Zbf = (4 + j2)(−8 − j4) + (−8 − j4)(2) + (2)(4 + j2) = −10 − j4 (4 + j2) a (1 ‒ j2) Ω a′ (5 + j2) Ω (‒16 ‒ j18) Ω f b (‒10 ‒ j4) Ω b′ Fig. 9 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Using the delta equivalent values the simplified network is redrawn as shown in Fig. 9, in which (1 − j2) and (−16 − j18) are found parallel. The equivalent value of impedance is, therefore, (1 − j2)(−16 − j18) Zeq2 = = (−32 − j36) (1 − j2) + (−16 − j18) (5 + j2) Ω a (‒32 ‒ j36) Ω b (‒10 ‒ j4) Ω b′ a′ Fig. 10 Figure 9 is further modified using the value of (−32 − j36) as found in Fig. 10 which is the π− equivalent circuit of the given network. 5. Calculate the current through the 2 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 11, using superposition theorem. 1Ω 10 V + 1Ω 2Ω 1Ω 1A Fig. 11 10 V source is acting alone The given circuit is redrawn by open-circuiting 1 A current source. 1Ω 10 V + I1 1Ω 2Ω I2 1Ω Fig. 12 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 3 −2 I1 10 = −2 4 I2 0 Solving, we get I1 = 5 A I2 = 2.5 A Therefore, current through 2 Ω resistor due to 10 V source is I 0 = 5 − 2.5 = 2.5 A. 1 A source is acting alone 1Ω I3 1Ω 1Ω I4 2Ω + 1V Fig. 13 The given circuit is redrawn by short-circuiting 10 V source. By source transformation technique, the 1 A current source is converted into voltage source as shown in Fig. 13. By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 0 3 −2 I3 = −2 4 I4 1 Solving, we get I3 = 0.25 A I4 = 0.375 A Therefore, current through 2 Ω resistor due to 1 A source is I 00 = 0.375 – 0.25 = 0.125 A. By the principle of superposition, current through 2 Ω resistor, I = I 0 + I 00 = 2.5 + 0.125 = 2.625 A. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 6. Calculate the current through the 2 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 14, using Thevenin’s theorem. 1Ω a 2V + 1Ω 1A 2Ω b Fig. 14 To find Thevenin’s voltage, Vth 1Ω Va a 2V + 1Ω 1A Vth b Fig. 15 The 2 Ω resistor connected between terminals a and b is removed first. The voltage, Vth across a and b is obtained by using Nodal analysis as follows: Va − 2 Va + =1 1 1 or Va = Vth = 1.5 V To find Thevenin’s resistance, Rth 1Ω a Rth 1Ω b Fig. 16 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Figure 16 is used to find Rth . As seen from Fig. 16, Rth = 1 = 0.5 Ω 1+1 Using the values of Vth , and Rth found above, the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 17. Rth = 0.5 Ω a Vth = 1.5 V + 2Ω b Fig. 17 As seen in Fig. 17, current through 2 Ω resistor is = 1.5 = 0.6 A 0.5 + 2 7. The signal voltage in the circuit shown in Fig. 18 is e(t) = 0.01 sin(2π × 455 × 103 t) V. What would be the value of C in order that the circuit would resonate at this signal frequency? At this condition, find the values of I, VC , Q and bandwidth of the circuit. 0.9 Ω 15 μH + e(t) C ‒ Fig. 18 Inductive reactance, XL = 2πf L = 2π × 455000 × 15 × 10−6 = 42.88 Ω At resonance, inductive reactance = capacitive reactance, i.e., XL = XC Therefore, capacitive reactance XC = 42.88 Ω Also, XC = 1 2πf C For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 1 1 = 2πf XC 2π × 455 × 103 × 42.88 or C= At resonance, C = 8.15 × 10−9 F Upon comparing the signal voltage e(t) = 0.01 sin(2π×455×103 t) with standard sinusoidal form of e(t) = Vmax sin ωt, we get Therefore, Vmax = 0.01 0.01 Vrms = √ 2 = 0.00707 Hence, the current Voltage across capacitor, Quality factor, Bandwidth, I= 0.00707 Vrms = R 0.9 = 7.8567 × 10−3 A VC = IXC = (7.8567 × 10−3 )(42.88) = 0.3369 V r 1 L Q= R C r 15 × 10−6 1 = 0.9 8.5 × 10−9 = 46.68 R BW = 2πL = 0.9 2π × 15 × 10−6 = 9549.29 Hz. 8. (RL + j20) Ω and (20 − j10) Ω are connected in parallel. Determine the value of RL for resonance. Total admittance, Y = Y1 + Y2 = 1 1 + RL + j20 20 − j10 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 1 RL − j20 1 20 + j10 = × + × RL + j20 RL − j20 20 − j10 20 + j10 RL 20 j10 j20 = + + − RL2 + 202 RL2 + 202 500 500 Separating real and imaginary terms, Y = RL 20 + 2 RL + 202 500 +j 10 20 − 2 500 RL + 202 At resonance, the imginary part of above equation is zero, therefore, 10 20 − 2 =0 500 RL + 202 or RL2 10 20 = + 202 500 RL2 + 202 − 1000 = 0 or Solving the above equation, we get RL = 24.49 Ω 9. Consider the single tuned circuit shown below and determine, (i) the resonant frequency, and (ii) the output voltage at resonance. Assume RS >> ωr L1 and k = 0.9. M 10 Ω 15 V RS R2 L1 1 μH L2 100 μH – 0.1 μF 10 Ω vo Fig. 19 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Mutual inductance, At resonance p L1 L2 p = 0.9 (1 × 10−6 )(100 × 10−6 ) = 9 µH 1 = ωr C 1 =√ L2 C 1 =p −6 (100 × 10 )(0.1 × 10−6 ) = 316227.766 rad/sec. M Vi = C[R1 R2 + ω 2 M 2 ] 9 × 10−6 × 15 = 0.1 × 10−6 [(10)(10) + (316227.766)2 (9 × 10−6 )2 )] = 12.49 V. M =k ωr L2 or ωr Resonant frequency, ωr Output voltage, Vo 10. A 3-phase balanced delta-connected load of (4 + j8) Ω is connected across a 400 V, 3-phase supply. Calculate the phase currents and line currents. Assume the RYB phase sequence. Also calculate the power drawn by the load. The three phase currents are found as follows: IRY 400∠0◦ VRY = = (20 − j40) A = VRY 4 + j8 IYB VYB 400∠ − 120◦ = = = (−44.64 + j2.68) A VYB 4 + j8 IBR VBR 400∠ − 240◦ = = = (24.64 + j37.32) A VBR 4 + j8 The three line currents are found by using KCL as follows: IR = IRY − IBR = (20 − j40) − (24.64 + j37.32) = (−4.64 − j77.32) = 77.46∠ − 93.43◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. IY = IYB − IRY = (−44.64 + j2.68) − (20 − j40) = (−64.64 + j42.68) = 77.46∠146.56◦ A IB = IBR − IYB = (24.64 + j37.32) − (−44.64 + j2.68) = (69.28 + j34.64) = 77.46∠26.56◦ A 8 −1 Phase angle, φ = tan 4 ◦ = 63.43 So, power factor, cos φ = cos 63.43◦ √ Power, P = 3VL IL cos φ √ = 3 × 400 × 77.46 × 63.43◦ So, power drawn by the load, P = 24005 W 11. Three equal inductors connected in star, take 5 kW at 0.7 pf when connected to a 400 V, 50 Hz, three-phase, three-wire supply. Calculate the line currents, (i) if one of the inductors is disconnected, and (ii) if one of the inductors is shortcircuited A phase sequence of RYB is assumed. For a balanced three-phase load, √ Power, P = 3VL IL cos φ So, line current, IL = √ =√ P 3VL cos φ 5000 3(400)(0.7) = 10.31 A In star connected loads, line current(IL ) = phase current(Iph ) Therefore, Impedance per phase, Iph = 10.31 A 400 √ Vph 3 = Zph = Iph 10.31 = 22.4 Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. The elements of inductor are found as follows: R = Z cos φ = 22.4 × 0.7 = 15.68 Ω X = Z sin φ = 22.4 × 0.7141 = 16 Ω Case 1 If one of the inductors is disconnected IR R (15.68 + j16) Ω 4000° V (15 Y IY .68 +j 16 )Ω 400‒120° V B IB Fig. 20 If one of the inductors is disconnected, the load becomes a two-phase load as illustrated in Fig. 20. Here, the inductor in line Y is removed. Thus, VRB 400∠ − 240◦ = Zph (15.68 + j16) + (15.68 + j16) = 2.39 − j8.6 = 8.93∠74.42◦ IR = 8.93∠74.42◦ A IB = 8.93∠ − 105.58◦ A IY = 0 A IR = −IB = Therefore, and Clearly, Case 2 If one of the inductors is shortcircuited The inductor of Y branch is shortcircuited as shown in Fig. 21, and the line currents are calculated by mesh analysis method. By inspection, the mesh equations are written as: 15.68 + j16 0 I1 400∠0◦ = 0 15.68 + j16 I2 400∠ − 120◦ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. IR R I1 (15.68 + j16) Ω 4000° V (15 Y IY .68 +j 16 )Ω I2 400‒120° V IB B Fig. 21 Using Cramer’s rule, the loop current I1 in the assumed direction is found as follows: ∆I1 I1 = ∆ ∆I1 = 400∠0◦ 0 ◦ 400∠ − 120 15.68 + j16 = (400∠0◦ )(15.68 + j16) = (6272 + j6400) ∆= 15.68 + j16 0 0 15.68 + j16 = (15.68 + j16)(15.68 + j16) = −10.1376 + j501.76 Therefore, I1 = ∆I1 6272 + j6400 = ∆ −10.1376 + j501.76 = (12.4974 − j12.7525) = 17.8553∠ − 45.58◦ A Similarly, the loop current I2 is found as follows: ∆I2 ∆ 15.68 + j16 400∠0◦ ∆I2 = 0 400∠ − 120◦ I2 = = (15.68 + j16)(400∠ − 120◦ ) = (2406.56 − j8631.71) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Therefore, I2 = ∆I2 2406.56 − j8631.71 = ∆ −10.1376 + j501.76 = (−17.2927 − j4.4469) = 17.8553∠ − 165.58◦ A As seen in Fig. 21, IR = I1 = 17.8553∠ − 45.58◦ A IY = I2 − I1 = 17.8553∠74.42◦ A IB = −I2 = 17.8553∠14.42◦ A 12. If W1 and W2 are the readings of the two wattmeters which measures power in W1 the three phase balanced system and if = a, show that the power factor of W2 a+1 the circuit is given by cos φ = √ . 2 a2 − a + 1 By employing two wattmeter method of measuring three phase power, we have √ W2 − W1 tan φ = 3 W1 + W2 W1 √ W2 1 − W2 = 3 W1 W2 1 + W2 √ (1 − a) 3 (1 + a) (1 − a)2 φ = (3) (1 + a)2 (1 − a)2 φ = 1 + (3) (1 + a)2 (1 + a)2 + 3(1 − a)2 φ= (1 + a)2 (1 + a2 + 2a) + 3(1 + a2 − 2a) = φ (1 + a)2 (1 + a2 + 2a + 3 + 3a2 − 6a) = φ (1 + a)2 (4a2 − 4a + 4) = (1 + a)2 = tan2 1 + tan2 sec2 1 cos2 1 cos2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 4(a2 − a + 1) (1 + a)2 (1 + a)2 cos2 φ = 4(a2 − a + 1) = Therefore, 1+a cos φ = √ 2 a2 − a + 1 13. Obtain the readings of two wattmeters connected to a three-phase, three-wire 120 V system feeding a balanced ∆-connected load with a load impedance of 12∠30◦ Ω. Assume either phase sequence. Find the phase power and compare the total power to the sum of the wattmeter readings. A phase sequence of RYB is assumed. Phase current, IRY = = VRY ZRY 120∠0◦ 12∠30◦ = 10∠ − 30◦ A Similarly, the other phase currents and Power factor, IYB = 10∠ − 150◦ A IBR = 10∠ − 270◦ A cos φ = cos 30◦ = 0.866 Line current (IL ) in R-line is calculated by using KCL as follows: So, total power Also, total power Reading of wattmeter 1, IL = IRY − IBR = (10∠ − 30◦ ) − (10∠ − 270◦ ) = 17.32∠ − 60◦ √ P = 3VL IL cos φ √ = 3 × 120 × 17.32 × 0.866 = 3117.6 W P = W1 + W2 W1 = VL IL cos (30◦ + φ) = 120 × 17.32 × cos (30◦ + 30◦ ) W1 = 1039.2 W (i) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Reading of wattmeter 2, Per phase power W2 = VL IL cos (30◦ − φ) = 120 × 17.32 × cos (30◦ − 30◦ ) W2 = 2078.4 W = Vph Iph cos φ = 120 × 10 × 0.866 = 1039.2 W (ii) (iii) Upon comparing Eqs. (i) and (iii), it is observed that when the power factor is 0.866, one of the wattmeters reads per phase power, i.e., one-third of the total power, while the other wattmeter reads two-third of the total power. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 22115 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2011 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Determine the current delivered by the source in the circuit shown in figure below. 2Ω 4Ω A 30 V + 2Ω B 2Ω 2Ω 1Ω C 2Ω 2Ω D 1Ω Fig. 1 The current delivered by the source is found by network reduction technique. Equivalent resistance across CD, RCD =(2 + 1)||2 = 1.2 Ω Equivalent resistance across AC, RAC =(2 + 2)||4 = 2 Ω Using the above found equivalent values the reduced network is drawn as shown in Fig. 2. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2Ω A 30 V + 2Ω 2Ω B C 1.2 Ω D 1Ω Fig. 2 Equivalent resistance across AD, RAD = (2 + 1.2)||2 = 1.23 Ω Equivalent resistance across AB, RAB = Req = (1.23 + 1)||2 = 1.0544 Ω V 30 Hence, the current delivered by the 30 V source = = = 28.4522 A Req 1.0544 2. For the network shown in Fig. 3, obtain the current ratio (I1 /I3 ) using mesh analysis. j2 Ω ‒j4 Ω 5Ω + I1 V1 5Ω I2 I3 j2 Ω – Fig. 3 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations 5 + j2 −5 0 −5 5 − j2 −j2 0 −j2 5 + j2 are written as V1 I1 I2 = 0 0 I3 Using Cramer’s rule, the ratio I1 /I3 is found as, I1 ∆I1 /∆ = I3 ∆I3 /∆ = ∆I1 ∆I3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. V1 −5 0 0 5 − j2 −j2 0 −j2 5 + j2 5 + j2 −5 V1 −5 5 − j2 0 0 −j2 0 = = V1 [(5 − j2)(5 + j2) − (−j2)2 ] 33 = V1 [(−5)(−j2) − 0] j10 Hence, the current ratio, I1 = −j3.3 I3 3. Use source transformation to find I0 in the circuit shown below. 4Ω 12 V Io 2 Ω + 6Ω 3Ω 6A + 24 V Fig. 4 Step 1 The two voltage sources are converted into current sources as shown in Fig. 5. Io 2 Ω 3A 4Ω 3Ω 6A 6Ω 4A Fig. 5 Step 2 Current sources 3 A and 6 A are combined and made as a single current source of 3 A (Fig. 6). For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Io 2 Ω 4Ω 6Ω 3Ω 3A 4A Fig. 6 Step 3 Resistances 3 Ω and 6 Ω are found in parallel; hence, they are simplified and the result is 2 Ω as shown in Fig. 7. Io 2 Ω 4Ω 2Ω 3A 4A Fig. 7 Step 4 The two current sources are converted into voltage sources as shown in Fig. 8. 4Ω 12 V Io 2 Ω + 2Ω + 8V Fig. 8 Step 5 By Ohm’s law, the current I0 = −12 + 8 = −0.5 A 4+2+2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 4. Use the technique of ∆-Y connection to find the equivalent resistance between terminals A-B of the circuit shown below. A C 1 4 Ω Ω 3Ω D E 2 Ω 5 Ω F B Fig. 9 The delta network, CDE comprising 1 Ω, 3 Ω and 4 Ω is converted to Y-network as follows: RCN = (1 × 4) = 0.5 (1 + 3 + 4) RDN = (1 × 3) = 0.375 (1 + 3 + 4) REN = (3 × 4) = 1.5 (1 + 3 + 4) The star equivalent network thus found is fit into the original circuit as shown in Fig. 10. From the Fig. 10, RAB is calculated as, = 0.5 + (0.375 + 2)||(1.5 + 5) 2.375 × 6.5 = 0.5 + 2.375 + 6.5 RAB = 2.2394 Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. C A 0.5 Ω N 0 7 .3 5 1. Ω 5 Ω E Ω 5 2 Ω D B F Fig. 10 5. Determine the voltage across 20 Ω resistance in the circuit shown below using superposition theorem. 1.5 A 20 Ω 16 V 10 V 3A 80 Ω Fig. 11 According to superposition theorem, the current through any element is computed by adding all the individual currents delivered by the sources independently acting one source at a time. Case 1 16 V source is acting alone Making 16 V source as only active by short-circuiting the 10 V source and open-circuiting the other two current sources the circuit thus obtained is shown in Fig. 12 (a). For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 20 Ω 10 V 20 Ω 16 V 80 Ω 80 Ω (a) (b) Fig. 12 By Ohm’s law, the current through 20 Ω resistance is found as, I1 = 16 = 0.16 A 20 + 80 Case 2 10 V source is acting alone Similarly, only 10 V source is excited in the circuit and other three sources are made inactive as shown in Fig. 12 (b). By Ohm’s law, the current through 20 Ω resistance is found as, I2 = 10 = 0.1 A 20 + 80 1.5 A 20 Ω 20 Ω 3A 80 Ω (a) 80 Ω (b) Fig. 13 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Case 3 3 A source is acting alone In this case, the two voltage sources are replaced by short-circuits and the 1.5 A current source is open-circuited. With 3 A source only acting the current through 20 Ω resistance is found by current division rule as follows: 80 I3 = 3 × = 2.4 A 20 + 80 Case 4 1.5 A source is acting alone Under this condition, the 1.5 A is short-circuited when the 10 V is replaced by a short-circuit. So, the entire current flows through the short-circuit only. Thus, I4 = 0 A Here, I3 is flowing in one direction whereas I1 and I2 are flowing in opposite direction. Thus, by the principle of superposition, current through 20 Ω resistance is, I = −I1 − I2 + I3 + I4 = −0.16 − 0.1 + 2.4 + 0 = 2.14 A Therefore, voltage across 20 Ω resistance is, = 20 × 2.14 = 42.8 V 6. Find the voltage drop across 12 Ω resistance using Norton’s theorem for the circuit shown below. 4V 4Ω 14 V + 2Ω 12 Ω 4Ω Fig. 14 To find the Norton’s current (IN ), 12 Ω resistance is replaced by a short-circuit as shown in Fig. 15. The current, IN is then found by applying mesh analysis method. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. [The short-circuit across 4 Ω resistor makes the resistor insignificant, because the entire current would flow through the short-circuit only] 4V 4Ω 14 V + 2Ω I1 I2 4Ω IN Fig. 15 6 −2 −2 2 I1 I2 = 14 4 Using Cramer’s rule, I2 , which is nothing but the Norton’s current is found as, IN = I2 = = ∆I2 = ∆ 6 14 −2 4 6 −2 −2 2 24 + 28 12 − 4 IN = 6.5 A Thevenin’s resistance, Rth is found by looking at the network from terminals A-B in Fig. 16. 4Ω 2Ω Rth 4Ω Fig. 16 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Rth = (4||2)||4 8 = ||6 6 =1Ω By using the Norton’s equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 17, current through 12 Ω is, 6.5 A 1Ω 12 Ω Fig. 17 = 6.5 × 1 (1 + 12) = 0.5 A Therefore, voltage drop across 12 Ω resistance is, = 12 × 0.5 = 6 V 7. Determine the quality factor of a coil for the series circuit consisting of R = 10 Ω, L = 0.1 H and C = 10 µ F. Derive the formula used. r 1 L Q= R rC 1 0.1 = 10 10 × 10−6 = 10 [For derivation of the formula for Q-factor, please refer Section 10.1.6 in the book mentioned at footer ] For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 8. In the coupled circuit shown below, find the voltage across 5 Ω resistor. k = 0.8 j5 Ω 500° j10 Ω 3 I1 V – I2 5 –j4 Ω Fig. 18 Mutual reactance, p (jωL1 )(jωL2 ) p = 0.8 (j5)(j10) = j5.6568 Ω M =k Referring to Fig. 18, the KVL equations are written around loop 1 as, j5I1 − j5.6568I2 + 3(I1 − I2 ) − j4(I1 − I2 ) = 50∠0◦ j5I1 − j5.6568I2 + 3I1 − 3I2 − j4I1 + j4I2 = 50∠0◦ I1 (j5 + 3 − j4) + I2 (−j5.6568 − 3 + j4) = 50∠0◦ I1 (3 + j1) + I2 (−3 − j1.6568) = 50∠0◦ (i) Similarly, KVL equations are written around loop 2 as follows: j10I2 − j5.6568I1 + 5I2 − j4(I2 − I1 ) + 3(I2 − I1 ) = 0 j10I2 − j5.6568I1 + 5I2 − j4I2 + j4I1 + 3I2 − 3I1 ) = 0 I1 (−j5.6568 + j4 − 3) + I2 (j10 + 5 − j4 + 3) = 0 I1 (−3 − j1.6568) + I2 (8 + j6) = 0 (ii) Equations (i) and (ii) are put in matrix form as, 3 + j1 −3 − j1.6568 I1 50 ∠0◦ = −3 − j1.6568 8 + j6 I2 0 Using Cramer’s rule, the current I2 is found as, I2 = ∆I2 ∆ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 3 + j1 50 ∠0◦ −3 − j1.6568 0 3 + j1 −3 − j1.6568 −3 − j1.6568 8 + j6 = (3 + j1.6568)(50 ∠0◦ ) (3 + j1)(8 + j6) − (−3 − j1.6568)2 = Hence the current, I2 = 7.8114 − j3.6275 = 8.6126∠ − 25◦ A Hence, voltage across 5 Ω resistor is = 5 × 8.6126∠ − 25◦ = 43.063∠ − 25◦ V 9. Using Laplace transform, obtain the expression for i1 and i2 in the circuit shown below, when DC voltage is applied suddenly. Assume that the initial energy stored in the circuit is zero. t=0 8.4 H 10 H i1 i2 42 Ω 336 V 48 Ω Fig. 19 Applying KVL around the outer loop, −336 + 8.4 di1 di2 + 10 + 48i2 = 0 dt dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 8.4sI1 (s) + 10sI2 (s) + 48I2 (s) = 336 336 I1 (s)[8.4s] + I2 (s)[10s + 48] = s (iii) Similarly, applying KVL around the second mesh, 10 di2 + 48I2 − 42(i1 − i2 ) = 0 dt For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 10sI2 (s) + 48I2 (s) − 42I1 (s) + 42I2 (s) = 0 I1 (s)[−42] + I2 (s)[10s + 48 + 42] = 0 (iv) Writing Eqs. (iii) and (iv) in matrix form, we obtain # # " #" " 336/s I1 (s) 8.4s 10s + 48 = 0 I2 (s) −42 10s + 90 Using Cramer’s rule, the current I1 (s) is found as, I1 = = ∆I1 (s) ∆ 336 10s + 48 s 0 10s + 90 8.4s 10s + 48 −42 10s + 90 336 (10s + 90) s = (8.4s)(10s + 90) + 42(10s + 48) 30240 3360 + s = 2 84s + 1176s + 2016 3360s + 30240 = 84s(s2 + 14s + 24) = I1 (s) = 40s + 360 + 14s + 24) s(s2 40s + 360 s(s + 2)(s + 12) By applying partial fraction technique, I1 (s) = 40s + 360 A B C = + + s(s + 2)(s + 12) s s + 2 s + 12 (v) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Solving for the constants, A= B= and C= 40s + 360 (s + 2)(s + 12) = 15 s=0 40s + 360 s(s + 12) s=−2 40s + 360 s(s + 2) s=−12 = −14 = −1 Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (v), we get I1 (s) = 14 1 15 − − s s + 2 s + 12 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current i1 (t) is obtained as: i1 (t) = 15 − 14e−2t − 1e−12t A Similarly, by using Cramer’s rule, the current I2 (s) is found as, I2 = = ∆I2 (s) ∆ 8.4s 336 s −42 0 8.4s 10s + 48 −42 10s + 90 336 42 s = (8.4s)(10s + 90) + 42(10s + 48) 14112 s = 84s2 + 1176s + 2016 14112 = 2 84s(s + 14s + 24) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. = I2 (s) = s(s2 168 + 14s + 24) 168 s(s + 2)(s + 12) By applying partial fraction technique, I2 (s) = 168 A B C = + + s(s + 2)(s + 12) s s + 2 s + 12 (vi) Solving for the constants, A= B= and C= 168 (s + 2)(s + 12) 168 s(s + 12) 168 s(s + 2) =7 s=0 = −8.4 s=−2 = 1.4 s=−12 Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (v), we get I2 (s) = 7 8.4 1.4 − + s s + 2 s + 12 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current i2 (t) is obtained as: i2 (t) = 7 − 8.4e−2t + 1.4e−12t A 10. In the circuit shown below, find the expression for the transient current. The initial current is as shown in the figure. 3H i(0) = 6 A i(t) 5Ω 100 V Fig. 20 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KVL after closing on the switch to position-2, 5i + 3 di = 100 dt Taking laplace transformation on both sides, we get 5I(s) + 3[sI(s) − I(0)] = 100 s At t = 0, i(t) = −6 A and in s − domain, I(0) = −6 A. Therefore, the above equation becomes 100 s 100 − 18 I(s)[3s + 5] = s 5I(s) + 3[sI(s) + 6] = ( 100 ) − 18 I(s) = s 3s + 5 100 − 18s = s(3s + 5) = 100 − 18s 33.33 − 6s = 3s(s + 1.6667) s(s + 1.6667) By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = A B 33.33 − 6s = + s(s + 1.6667) s s + 1.6667 (vii) Solving for constants A and B, A= 33.33 − 6s (s + 1.6667) = 20 and B = s=0 33.33 − 6s s = −26 s=−1.6667 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (vii), we get I(s) = 20 26 − s s + 1.6667 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: i(t) = 20 − 26e−1.6667t A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 11. A balanced ∆-connected load has one phase current IBC = 2∠ − 90◦ A. Find the other phase currents and the three line currents if the system is an ABC system. If the line voltage is 100 V, what is the load impedance? VBC 100∠ − 120◦ Impedance, ZBC = = IBC 2∠ − 90◦ = 50∠ − 30◦ In balanced load the impedances of all branches are of equal values. So, ZAB = ZBC = ZCA = 50∠ − 30◦ Ω The phase currents in all the three phases are calculated as follows: 100∠0◦ IAB = = 2∠30◦ A ◦ 50∠ − 30 IBC = 100∠ − 120◦ = 2∠ − 90◦ A 50∠ − 30◦ 100∠ − 240◦ = 2∠ − 210◦ A 50∠ − 30◦ By applying KCL the line currents are found as follows: ICA = IA = IAB − ICA = 2∠30◦ − 2∠ − 210◦ = 3.4641∠0◦ A IB = IBC − IAB = 2∠ − 90◦ − 2∠30◦ = 3.4641∠ − 120◦ A IC = ICA − IBC = 2∠ − 210◦ − 2∠ − 90◦ = 3.4641∠ − 240◦ A. 12. The power consumed in a three phase balanced star connected load is 2 kW at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. The supply voltage is 400 V, 50 Hz. Calculate the resistance and reactance of each phase. √ Power, P = 3 VL IL cos φ So, the line current, 2000 IL = √ 3 × 400 × 0.8 IL = 3.6084 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. In star connected loads, line current = phase current. Therefore, IL = Iph = 3.6084 A 400 Vph = VRN = √ 3 Vph = 230.94 V Vph Zph = Iph Also, phase voltage, Phase impedance, 230.94 3.6084 = 64 = 64∠ cos−1 0.8 = 64∠36.87◦ = 51.2 + j38.4 = 51.2 Ω = 38.4 Ω = Zph Zph Zph Rph Xph ∴ In complex form, or Hence, 13. A three phase, 220 V, 50 Hz, 11.2 kW induction motor has a full load efficiency of 88% and draws a line current of 38 A under full load, when connected to three phase, 220 V supply. Find the reading on two wattmeters connected in the circuit to measure the input to the motor. Determine also the power factor at which the motor is working. Power output = 11.2 kW Efficiency = 88% power output 11.2 Power input = = efficiency 0.88 = 12.73 kW If two wattmeters are connected to measure total power, then, Power, So, the power factor, or Therefore, W1 + W2 = 12.73 kW √ P = 3 VL IL cos φ (viii) 11200 cos φ = √ 3 × 220 × 38 cos φ = 0.77 φ = cos−1 0.77 = 39.65 tan φ = tan 39.65 = 0.83 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 0.83 = or W2 − W1 = √ 3 W2 − W1 W1 + W2 = 12.73 × 0.83 √ = 6.1 3 √ 3 W2 − W1 12.73 (ix) Solving Eqs. (viii) and (ix), we get W1 = 3.315 kW W2 = 9.415 kW For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 66184 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2011 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. In the circuit shown in Fig. 1, determine the total resistance across the supply voltage. 18 Ω 82 Ω 100 Ω 60 Ω 76 Ω E 40 Ω Fig. 1 60 Ω and 40 Ω resistances are in parallel, i.e., (60||40) = Now, 24 Ω and 76 Ω resistances are in series, i.e., 82 Ω and 18 Ω resistances are in series, i.e., 60 × 40 = 24 Ω 60 + 40 (24 + 76) = 100 Ω (82 + 18) = 100 Ω (i) (ii) Equivalent resistances calculated in Eqs. (i) and (ii) are found in parallel, i.e., (100||100) = 100 × 100 = 50 Ω 100 + 100 50 Ω and 100 Ω resistances are in series, hence, (50 + 100) = 150 Ω For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2. A wheatstone bridge ABCD has the following details: AB = 1 kΩ, BC = 100 Ω, CD = 450 Ω and DA = 5 kΩ. A galvanometer of 500 Ω is connected between B and D. A 4.5 V battery of negligible resistance is connected between A and C with A at higher potential. Find the magnitude and direction of the current through the galvanometer. kΩ 10 0 Ω 1 500 Ω 5 kΩ 45 0 Ω +– 4.5 V Fig. 2 Fig. 2 shows the arrangement. To find the current through the galvanometer, mesh analysis is used and the direction of mesh currents are assumed as indicated in Fig. 2. By inspection, mesh equations are written as 0 6.5 −0.5 −5 I1 −0.5 0 1.05 −0.45 I2 = 0.0045 −5 −0.45 5.45 I3 Solving the above equations, we obtain I1 = 4.0943 mA I2 = 4.0569 mA Therefore, current through galvanometer is I1 − I2 = 0.0374 mA For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 3. Find loop currents by mesh analysis for the circuit shown below. 5Ω 4Ω + 2Ω + 1000º V j2 Ω 5090° V –j2 Ω ‒ ‒ Fig. 3 By inspection, the mesh equations are written as 5 + j2 −j2 0 I1 100∠0◦ −j2 4 j2 I2 = 0 ◦ 0 j2 2 − j2 I3 50∠90 Using Cramer’s rule, the loop currents in the assumed direction I1 , I2 and I3 are found as follows: ∆I1 ∆ 5 + j2 −j2 0 4 j2 ∆ = −j2 0 j2 2 − j2 I1 = = [5 + j2][(4)(2 − j2) − (j2)2 ] + [j2][(−j2)(2 − j2)] = 84 − j24 ∆I1 = 100∠0◦ −j2 0 0 4 j2 50∠90◦ j2 2 − j2 = [100∠0◦ ][(4)(2 − j2) − (j2)2 ] + [j2][(−j2)(50∠90◦ )] = 1200 − j600 ∆I1 1200 − j600 = ∆ 84 − j24 Therefore, I1 = or = (15.0943 − j2.8302) A I1 = 15.3573∠ − 10.62◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Similarly, Therefore, ∆I2 = 5 + j2 100∠0◦ 0 −j2 0 j2 0 50∠90◦ 2 − j2 = [5 + j2][(−j2)(50∠90◦ )] − [100∠0◦ ][(−j2)(2 − j2)] = 900 + j600 ∆I2 900 + j600 I2 = = ∆ 84 − j24 = (8.0189 + j9.4339) A I2 = 12.3815∠49.64◦ A 5 + j2 −j2 100∠0◦ 4 0 ∆I3 = −j2 0 j2 50∠90◦ or and = [5 + j2][(4)(50∠90◦ )] + [j2][(−j2)(50∠90◦ )] + [100∠0◦ ][(−j2)(j2)] = j1200 Therefore, I3 = ∆I3 j1200 = ∆ 84 − j24 = (−3.7736 + j13.21) A I3 = 13.7384∠105.95◦ A or 4. Using source transformation, replace the current source in the circuit shown below by a voltage source and find the current delivered by the 50 V voltage source. 5Ω 3Ω 2 10 + A Ω 50 V + 10 V Fig. 4 The 10 A current source is converted into a voltage source as shown in Fig. 5. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. I1 I1 ‒ I2 I2 5Ω 50 V 2Ω + 20 V 3Ω + + 10 V Fig. 5 Applying KVL to the two meshes with the assumed current directions, we get or or −50 + 5I1 + 2I2 + 20 = 0 5I1 + 2I2 = 30 −20 − 2I2 + 3(I1 − I2 ) + 10 = 0 3I1 − 5I2 = 10 (iii) (iv) Solving Eqs. (iii) and (iv), we obtain the current delivered by 50 V source, I1 = 5.4838 A. 5. Calculate the equivalent resistance Rab when all the resistance values are equal to 1 Ω for the circuit shown below. a c Req e b d Fig. 6 Since the ∆ - connected resistances are having of equal values, their star equivalent resistances are obtained as: Rstar = 1×1 1 = 1+1+1 3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 1Ω a c a c 1/3 1/3 Ω Ω 1Ω 1Ω 1/3 Ω e e Fig. 7 Thus, the two ∆ − networks ace and bde are converted into equivalent star networks and are replaced in the original circuit as shown in Fig. 8. a 3 1/ 1/ 3 c Ω Ω 1/3 Ω 1Ω 1Ω e 1/3 Ω 3 1/ Ω 1/ 3 b Ω d Fig. 8 Figures 9 and 10 illustrate the step-by-step reduction of given network. 1/3 Ω 1/3 Ω 1/3 Ω a c 1Ω 2/3 Ω 1/3 Ω a 1Ω 1Ω 1/3 Ω b 2/3 Ω 5/3 Ω 1/3 Ω d (a) b (b) Fig. 9 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 1/3 Ω a a 1Ω a 10/21 Ω 1Ω 8/7 Ω 0.5333 Ω 1/3 Ω b b b (a) (b) (c) Fig. 10 Hence, from Fig. 10(c), the equivalent resistance is Rab = 0.5333 Ω. 6. For the circuit shown below, determine the voltage across (2 + j5) Ω impedance by using the superposition theorem. j4 Ω – j3 Ω 2Ω + 2030° A 500° V j5 Ω – Fig. 11 50∠0◦ V source is acting alone The given circuit is redrawn by open-circuiting 20∠30◦ A source as shown in Fig. 11(a). By Ohm’ s law, 50∠0◦ = 1.1765 − j5.2941 I = 2 + j9 0 20∠30◦ A source is acting alone The given circuit is redrawn by short-circuiting 50∠0◦ V source as shown in Fig. 11(b). By current division rule, j4 00 ◦ I = 20∠30 × = 6.3946 + j5.8655 2 + j9 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. j4 Ω j4 Ω – j3 Ω 2Ω + – j3 Ω 2Ω 2030° A 500° V j5 Ω – j5 Ω (a) (b) Fig. 12 By superposition principle, the current through (2 + j5) Ω impedance is = I 0 + I 00 = (1.1765 − j5.2941) + (6.3946 + j5.8655) = (7.5711 + j0.5714) A = 7.5926∠4.32◦ A Therefore, voltage across (2 + j5) impedance = (7.5926∠4.32◦ )(2 + j5) = 40.8874∠72.52◦ V 7. A series RLC circuit has R = 2 Ω, L = 2 mH and C = 10 µF. Calculate the resonant frequency, the Q-factor, bandwidth and half power frequencies of the circuit. 1 Resonant frequency, fr = √ 2π LC 1 = p 2π (2 × 10−3 )(10 × 10−6 ) = 1125.39 Hz. r 1 L Q-factor, Q= Rs C = Bandwidth, 1 2 (2 × 10−3 ) (10 × 10−6 ) = 7.07 fr BW = Q = 1125.39 7.07 = 159.18 Hz. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Lower half power frequency, f1 = fr − R 4πL = 1125.39 − = 1045.81 Hz. R Upper half power frequency, f2 = fr + 4πL = 1125.39 + 2 4π × 2 × 10−3 2 4π × 2 × 10−3 = 1204.97 Hz. 8. Find the value of L at which the circuit shown below resonates at a frequency of 1000 rad/s. 5Ω L 10 Ω –j12 Ω Total admittance, Y = Y1 + Y2 Fig. 13 1 1 = + 5 + jωL 10 − j12 1 5 − jωL 10 + j12 1 = × × + 5 + jωL 5 − jωL 10 − j12 10 + j12 jωL j12 5 10 − + = + 25 + ω 2 L2 25 + ω 2 L2 100 + 144 244 Separating real and imaginary terms, 5 10 12 ωL +j Y = + − 25 + ω 2 L2 244 244 25 + ω 2 L2 At resonance, the imaginary part of above equation is zero, therefore, 12 ωL − =0 244 25 + ω 2 L2 or ω 2 L2 − 20.33ωL + 25 = 0 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Solving the above quadratic equation, we get ωL = 19.015 Ω or 1.315 Ω Hence, L = 19.015 mH or 1.315 mH (∵ ω = 1000 rad/s.) 9. Calculate the effective inductance of the circuit shown below. i a + 8H 4H v ‒ b 10 H 5 H 6H Fig. 14 Vab = V1 + V2 + V3 di di di di di di di − 4 + 10 − 4 + 5 + 6 + 5 dt dt dt dt dt dt dt di Vab = 26 dt di di Leff = 26 dt dt =8 or Hence, Leff = 26 H 10. Using Laplace transform, obtain the expression for i1 and i2 in the circuit shown below, when DC voltage is applied suddenly. Assume that the initial energy stored in the circuit is zero. t=0 8.4 H 10 H i1 (i1 ‒ i2) 336 V 42 Ω i2 48 Ω Fig. 15 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KVL around the outer loop, −336 + 8.4 di1 di2 + 10 + 48i2 = 0 dt dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 8.4sI1 (s) + 10sI2 (s) + 48I2 (s) = 336 336 I1 (s)[8.4s] + I2 (s)[10s + 48] = s (v) Similarly, applying KVL around the second mesh, 10 di2 + 48I2 − 42(i1 − i2 ) = 0 dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 10sI2 (s) + 48I2 (s) − 42I1 (s) + 42I2 (s) = 0 I1 (s)[−42] + I2 (s)[10s + 48 + 42] = 0 (vi) Writing Eqs. (iii) and (iv) in matrix form, we obtain " #" # " # 8.4s 10s + 48 I1 (s) 336/s = −42 10s + 90 I2 (s) 0 Using Cramer’s rule, the current I1 (s) is found as, I1 = = ∆I1 (s) ∆ 336 10s + 48 s 0 10s + 90 8.4s 10s + 48 −42 10s + 90 336 (10s + 90) s = (8.4s)(10s + 90) + 42(10s + 48) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 30240 3360 + s = 2 84s + 1176s + 2016 = = I1 (s) = 3360s + 30240 84s(s2 + 14s + 24) 40s + 360 + 14s + 24) s(s2 40s + 360 s(s + 2)(s + 12) By applying partial fraction technique, I1 (s) = 40s + 360 A B C = + + s(s + 2)(s + 12) s s + 2 s + 12 (vii) Solving for the constants, A= B= and C= 40s + 360 (s + 2)(s + 12) = 15 s=0 40s + 360 s(s + 12) s=−2 40s + 360 s(s + 2) s=−12 = −14 = −1 Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (v), we get I1 (s) = 15 14 1 − − s s + 2 s + 12 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current i1 (t) is obtained as: i1 (t) = 15 − 14e−2t − 1e−12t A Similarly, by using Cramer’s rule, the current I2 (s) is found as, I2 = ∆I2 (s) ∆ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. = 8.4s 336 s −42 0 8.4s 10s + 48 −42 10s + 90 336 42 s = (8.4s)(10s + 90) + 42(10s + 48) 14112 s = 84s2 + 1176s + 2016 = = I2 (s) = 84s(s2 s(s2 14112 + 14s + 24) 168 + 14s + 24) 168 s(s + 2)(s + 12) By applying partial fraction technique, I2 (s) = 168 A B C = + + s(s + 2)(s + 12) s s + 2 s + 12 (viii) Solving for the constants, A= B= and C= 168 (s + 2)(s + 12) 168 s(s + 12) 168 s(s + 2) =7 s=0 = −8.4 s=−2 = 1.4 s=−12 Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (v), we get I2 (s) = 7 8.4 1.4 − + s s + 2 s + 12 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current i2 (t) is obtained as: i2 (t) = 7 − 8.4e−2t + 1.4e−12t A 11. In the circuit shown below, find the expression for the transient current. The initial current is as shown in the figure. 3H i(0) = 6 A i(t) 5Ω 100 V Fig. 16 Applying KVL after closing on the switch to position-2, 5i + 3 di = 100 dt Taking laplace transformation on both sides, we get 5I(s) + 3[sI(s) − I(0)] = 100 s At t = 0, i(t) = −6 A and in s − domain, I(0) = −6 A. Therefore, the above equation becomes 100 s 100 I(s)[3s + 5] = − 18 s 5I(s) + 3[sI(s) + 6] = ( 100 ) − 18 s 3s + 5 100 − 18s = s(3s + 5) I(s) = = 100 − 18s 33.33 − 6s = 3s(s + 1.6667) s(s + 1.6667) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 33.33 − 6s A B = + s(s + 1.6667) s s + 1.6667 (ix) Solving for constants A and B, A= 33.33 − 6s (s + 1.6667) = 20 and B = s=0 33.33 − 6s s = −26 s=−1.6667 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (ix), we get I(s) = 26 20 − s s + 1.6667 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: i(t) = (20 − 26e−1.6667t ) A 12. In the circuit shown below, find the transient current after switch is closed at time t = 0, given that an initial charge of 100 µC is stored in the capacitor. t=0 15 Ω 50 V 200 μF i(t) Fig. 17 Initial voltage on the capacitor, V = Q 100 × 10−6 = = 0.5 V C 200 × 10−6 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KVL after closing the switch, Ri + vc = V dvc + vc = V dt dvc + vc = 50 15 × 200 × 10−6 dt dvc 0.003 + vc = 50 dt RC Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 0.003[sVC (s) − VC (0)] + VC (s) = 50 s At t = 0, VC (0) = 0.5 V. Therefore, the above equation becomes 50 s 50 + 0.0015 VC (s)[1 + 0.003s] = s 0.003[sVC (s) − 0.5] + VC (s) = VC (s) = ( 50 ) + 0.0015 s (1 + 0.003s) = 50 + 0.0015s s(1 + 0.003s) = 50 + 0.0015s 16666.67 + 0.5s = 0.003s(s + 333.33) s(s + 333.33) By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 16666.67 + 0.5s A B = + s(s + 333.33) s s + 333.33 (x) Solving for constants A and B, A= 16666.67 + 0.5s (s + 333.33) = 50 and B = s=0 16666.67 + 0.5s s = −49.5 s=−333.33 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (vii), we get VC (s) = 50 49.5 − s s + 333.33 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the voltage across the capacitor is obtained as vC (t) = 50 − 49.5e−333.33t V The transient current is given by i(t) = C dvC dt d (50 − 49.5e−333.33t ) dt A = (200 × 10−6 ) Hence, i(t) = 3.3e−333.33t 13. A sinusoidal voltage of 10 sin 100t is connected in series with a switch and R = 10 Ω and L = 0.1 H. If the switch is closed at t = 0, determine the transient current i(t). Applying KVL after closing on the switch to position-2, 10i + 0.1 di = 10 sin 100t dt Taking laplace transformation on both sides, we get 100 10I(s) + 0.1[sI(s) − I(0)] = 10 2 s + 1002 At t = 0, i(t) = 0 A and in s − domain, I(0) = 0 A. Therefore, the above equation becomes 100 10I(s) + 0.1[sI(s)] = 10 2 s + 1002 I(s)[0.1s + 10] = s2 I(s) = = 1000 + 1002 1000 2 s + 1002 1 0.1s + 10 10000 (s + 100)(s2 + 1002 ) By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 10000 A Bs + C = + 2 2 2 (s + 100)(s + 100 ) s + 100 s + 1002 (xi) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. The constants A, B and C are evaluated as follows: A= 10000 + 1002 ) (s2 = 0.5 s=−100 On cross-multiplying Eq. (ix), we get 10000 = A(s2 + 1002 ) + (Bs + C)(s + 100) 10000 = As2 + 10000A + Bs2 + 100Bs + Cs + 100C 10000 = s2 (A+B) + s(100B+C) + 10000A + 100C (xii) On equating the coefficients of s2 of Eq. (xii), we get or A+B=0 B = −A = −0.5 On equating the coefficients of s of Eq. (xii), we get or 100B + C = 0 C = 50 Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (xi), we get 0.5 0.5s + 50 − 2 s + 100 s + 1002 0.5 0.5s 50 = − 2 + 2 2 s + 100 s + 100 s + 1002 0.5 0.5s 50 100 = − + s + 100 s2 + 1002 100 s2 + 1002 I(s) = Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the above equation becomes i(t) = (0.5e−100t − 0.5 cos 100t + 0.5 sin 100t) A 14. If W1 and W2 are the readings of the two wattmeters which measures power in W1 = a, show that the power factor of the three phase balanced system and if W2 a+1 the circuit is given by cos φ = √ . 2 a2 − a + 1 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. For two wattmeter method of measuring three phase power, we have √ W2 − W1 tan φ = 3 W1 + W2 W1 √ W2 1 − W2 = 3 W1 W2 1 + W2 √ (1 − a) 3 (1 + a) (1 − a)2 φ = (3) (1 + a)2 (1 − a)2 φ = 1 + (3) (1 + a)2 (1 + a)2 + 3(1 − a)2 φ= (1 + a)2 (1 + a2 + 2a) + 3(1 + a2 − 2a) = φ (1 + a)2 (1 + a2 + 2a + 3 + 3a2 − 6a) = (1 + a)2 (4a2 − 4a + 4) = (1 + a)2 4(a2 − a + 1) = (1 + a)2 (1 + a)2 φ= 4(a2 − a + 1) = tan2 1 + tan2 sec2 1 cos2 cos2 Therefore, 1+a cos φ = √ 2 a2 − a + 1 15. Obtain the readings of two wattmeters connected to a three phase, 3 wire, 120 V system feeding a balanced ∆ connected load with a load impedance of 12∠30◦ Ω. Assume either phase sequence. Determine the phase power and compare the For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. total power to the sum of wattmeter readings. Phase current, IRY = = VRY ZRY 120∠0◦ 12∠30◦ = 10∠ − 30◦ A Similarly, the other phase currents and Power factor, IYB = 10∠ − 150◦ A IBR = 10∠ − 270◦ A cos φ = cos 30◦ = 0.866 Line current (IL ) in R-line is calculated by using KCL as follows: So, total power Also, total power Reading of wattmeter 1, Reading of wattmeter 2, Per phase power IL = IRY − IBR = (10∠ − 30◦ ) − (10∠ − 270◦ ) = 17.32∠ − 60◦ √ P = 3VL IL cos φ √ = 3 × 120 × 17.32 × 0.866 = 3117.6 W P = W1 + W2 W1 = VL IL cos (30◦ + φ) = 120 × 17.32 × cos (30◦ + 30◦ ) W1 = 1039.2 W (xiii) W2 = VL IL cos (30◦ − φ) = 120 × 17.32 × cos (30◦ − 30◦ ) W2 = 2078.4 W = Vph Iph cos φ = 120 × 10 × 0.866 = 1039.2 W (xiv) (xv) Upon comparing Eqs. (xiii) and (xv), it is observed that when the power factor is 0.866, one of the wattmeters reads per phase power, i.e., one-third of the total power, while the other wattmeter reads two-third of the total power. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 64010 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV. /DEC. 2010 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Determine the current IL in the circuit shown below. 4V 3Ω 3Ω 3Ω IL 8V 6V 5Ω 1Ω 1Ω Fig. 1 The mesh currents are assumed as indicated in Fig. 2. 4V 3Ω I3 3Ω 3Ω IL I1 8V 5Ω 1Ω 6V I2 1Ω Fig. 2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 9 5 −3 I1 8 5 9 3 I2 = 6 −3 3 9 I3 4 Firstly, I1 and I2 are found by using Cramer’s rule as follows: ∆= 9 5 −3 5 9 3 −3 3 9 = 9(81 − 9) − 5(45 + 9) − 3(15 + 27) = 252 ∆I1 = 8 5 −3 6 9 3 4 3 9 = 8(81 − 9) − 5(54 − 12) − 3(18 − 36) = 420 ∆I2 = 9 8 −3 5 6 3 −3 4 9 = 9(54 − 12) − 5(54 − 12) − 3(20 + 18) = −168 420 ∆I1 = = 1.6667 ∆ 252 −168 ∆I2 = = −0.6667 I2 = ∆ 252 Therefore, I1 = Similarly, Hence, the current IL = I1 + I2 = (1.6667 − 0.6667) = 1 A 2. For the circuit shown in figure below, determine the total current IT , phase angle and power factor. 100 μF 10 Ω IT 50 V, 100 Hz 30 Ω 0.1 H Fig. 3 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Capacitive reactance of 100 µF, XC = 1 2πf C 1 2π(100)(100 × 10−6 ) = 15.92 Ω Inductive reactance of 0.1 H, XL = 2πf L = 2π(100)(0.1) = 62.83 Ω Equivalent impedance of the circuit = (10 − j15.92) + (30)||(j62.83) = (10 − j15.92) + (24.43 + j11.66) = (34.43 − j4.26) Ω 50 Total current, IT = 34.43 − j4.26 = (1.43 + j0.17) = 1.44∠7.05◦ So, phase angle, φ = 7.05◦ and power factor, cos φ = cos 7.05◦ = 0.99. = 3. Find the current through the source and capacitance in the network shown below, using mesh current analysis. Using mesh analysis method, the mesh equations by inspection are written as, 96 Ω + 100° ‒ 1Ω 104 Ω I1 100 Ω I2 ‒j50 Ω j200 Ω Fig. 4 200 + j200 −104 − j200 −104 − j200 205 + j150 I1 I2 Using Cramer’s rule, Current through source, I1 = = 10∠0 0 ∆I1 ∆ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. = = 10∠0 −104 − j200 0 205 + j150 200 + j200 −104 − j200 −104 − j200 205 + j150 2050 + j1500 40184 + j29400 = (0.051 + j2.4202 × 10−6 ) A = 0.051∠0.0027◦ A Similarly, current through capacitance, I2 = 200 + j200 10∠0 −104 − j200 0 200 + j200 −104 − j200 −104 − j200 205 + j150 = = ∆I2 ∆ 1040 + j2000 40184 + j29400 = (0.04 + j0.02) A = 0.045∠26.34◦ A 4. Compute V1 and V2 in the circuit shown below, using node analysis. 1045° V + V1 30° A 4Ω ‒j3 Ω V2 j6 Ω 12 Ω Fig. 5 [As the 4 Ω resistance is connected at the supernode it doesn’t have any significance in the calculations]. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By supernode analysis, the nodal equations are written as, − V1 V2 V2 + + = 3∠0◦ j3 j6 12 j0.3333V1 + (0.0833 − j0.1666)V2 = 3 V1 − V2 = 10∠45◦ (i) (ii) Putting Eqs. (i) and (ii) in matrix form, we get j0.3333 0.0833 − j0.1666 V1 3 = 1 −1 V2 10∠45◦ By applying Cramer’s rule, ∆= j0.3333 0.0833 − j0.1666 −1 1 = (−j0.3333) − (0.0833 − j0.1666) = −0.0833 − j0.1667 ∆V1 = 3 0.0833 − j0.1666 10∠45◦ −1 ◦ = (−3) − (10∠45 )(0.0833 − j0.1666) = −4.7671 + j0.589 ∆V2 = j0.3333 3 1 10∠45◦ = (−3) − (10∠45◦ )(0.0833 − j0.1666) = −4.7671 + j0.589 ∆V1 V1 = ∆ −4.7671 + j0.589 = −0.0833 − j0.1667 = (8.6073 − j24.29) A = 25.78∠ − 70.49◦ V ∆V2 V2 = ∆ −5.3568 + j2.3568 = −0.0833 − j0.1667 = (1.536 − j31.37) A = 31.4044∠ − 87.2◦ V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 5. Convert the network shown below, into a π− connected equivalent circuit. a ‒j2 Ω j4 Ω c d 2Ω a′ 2Ω b ‒j4 Ω e b′ f Fig. 6 Using star-delta transformation, the star connection with c as star-point can be converted into an equivalent delta network as follows: Zad = (−j2)(2) + (2)(j4) + (j4)(−j2) = 4 + j2 (2) Zae = (−j2)(2) + (2)(j4) + (j4)(−j2) = 1 − j2 (j4) Zed = (−j2)(2) + (2)(j4) + (j4)(−j2) = −2 + j4 (−j2) a (1 ‒ j2) Ω a′ (4 + j2) Ω d (‒2 + j4) Ω 2Ω b ‒j4 Ω e f b′ Fig. 7 The delta network thus found is replaced the star network in the given circuit as shown in Fig. 7, where (−2+j4) and (−j4) are found parallel. The equivalent value of impedance is, Zeq1 = (−2 + j4)(−j4) = (−8 − j4) (−2 + j4 − j4) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Using Zeq1 , Fig. 7 is redrawn as illustrated in Fig. 8. (4 + j2) Ω a (1 ‒ j2) Ω a′ 2Ω d b (‒8 ‒ j4) Ω b′ f Fig. 8 Again using star-delta transformation, the star connection with d as star-point can be converted into an equivalent delta network as follows: Zab = (4 + j2)(−8 − j4) + (−8 − j4)(2) + (2)(4 + j2) = 5 + j2 (−8 − j4) Zaf = (4 + j2)(−8 − j4) + (−8 − j4)(2) + (2)(4 + j2) = −16 − j18 (2) Zbf = (4 + j2)(−8 − j4) + (−8 − j4)(2) + (2)(4 + j2) = −10 − j4 (4 + j2) (5 + j2) Ω a (1 ‒ j2) Ω a′ (‒16 ‒ j18) Ω f b (‒10 ‒ j4) Ω b′ Fig. 9 Using the delta equivalent values the simplified network is redrawn as shown in Fig. 9, in which (1 − j2) and (−16 − j18) are found parallel. The equivalent value of impedance is, therefore, Zeq2 = (1 − j2)(−16 − j18) = (0.8 − j2) (1 − j2) + (−16 − j18) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. (5 + j2) Ω a (0.8 ‒ j2) Ω b (‒10 ‒ j4) Ω b′ a′ Fig. 10 Figure 9 is further modified using the value of (0.8 − j2) as found in Fig. 10 which is the π− equivalent circuit of the given network. 6. Calculate the current through the 2 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 11, using superposition theorem. 1Ω 10 V + 1Ω 2Ω 1Ω 1A Fig. 11 10 V source is acting alone The given circuit is redrawn by open-circuiting 1 A current source. 1Ω 10 V + I1 1Ω 2Ω I2 1Ω Fig. 12 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 3 −2 I1 10 = −2 4 I2 0 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Solving, we get I1 = 5 A I2 = 2.5 A Therefore, current through 2 Ω resistor due to 10 V source is I 0 = 5 − 2.5 = 2.5 A. 1 A source is acting alone 1Ω I3 1Ω 1Ω I4 2Ω + 1V Fig. 13 The given circuit is redrawn by short-circuiting 10 V source. By source transformation technique, the 1 A current source is converted into voltage source as shown in Fig. 13. By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 3 −2 I3 0 = −2 4 I4 1 Solving, we get I3 = 0.25 A I4 = 0.375 A Therefore, current through 2 Ω resistor due to 1 A source is I 00 = 0.375 – 0.25 = 0.125 A. By the principle of superposition, current through 2 Ω resistor, I = I 0 + I 00 = 2.5 + 0.125 = 2.625 A. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 7. Calculate the current through the 2 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 14, using Thevenin’s theorem. 1Ω a 2V + 1Ω 1A 2Ω b Fig. 14 To find Thevenin’s voltage, Vth 1Ω Va a 2V + 1Ω 1A Vth b Fig. 15 The 2 Ω resistor connected between terminals a and b is removed first. The voltage, Vth across a and b is obtained by using Nodal analysis as follows: Va − 2 Va + =1 1 1 or Va = Vth = 1.5 V To find Thevenin’s resistance, Rth 1Ω a Rth 1Ω b Fig. 16 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Figure 16 is used to find Rth . As seen in Fig. 16, Rth = 1 = 0.5 Ω 1+1 Using the values of Vth , and Rth found above, the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 17. 1.5 = 0.6 A As seen in Fig. 17, current through 2 Ω resistor is = 0.5 + 2 Rth = 0.5 Ω a Vth = 1.5 V + 2Ω b Fig. 17 8. Determine the quality factor of a coil for the series circuit consisting of R = 10 Ω, L = 0.1 H and C = 10 µF. Derive the formula used. 1 1 =p LC (0.1)(10 × 10−6 ) = 1000 rad/sec. ωr L Q= R 1000 × 0.1 = 10 Q = 10. ωr = √ Therefore, For derivation of the formula for Q-factor of a coil, please refer to Section 10.1.6. 9. Consider the single tuned circuit shown below and determine, (i) the resonant frequency, and (ii) the output voltage at resonance. Assume RS >> ωr L1 and k = 0.9. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. M 10 Ω 10 Ω R2 L1 15 V 1 μH L2 100 μH – 0.1 μF RS vo Fig. 18 Mutual inductance, At resonance Resonant frequency, Output voltage, p L1 L2 p = 0.9 (1 × 10−6 )(100 × 10−6 ) = 9 µH 1 ωr = √ L2 C 1 =p −6 (100 × 10 )(0.1 × 10−6 ) ωr = 316227.766 rad/sec. M Vi Vo = C[R1 R2 + ω 2 M 2 ] 9 × 10−6 × 15 = 0.1 × 10−6 [(10)(10) + (316227.766)2 (9 × 10−6 )2 )] = 12.49 V. M =k 10. Derive the necessary equations for the response of RL circuit to step input and also draw the current response curve. Using your result, write down the expression for current in the circuit shown below, when the switch is closed at time t = 0. t=0 60 V 30 Ω i(t) 15 H Fig. 19 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KVL to the circuit after closing the switch, we get Ri + L di =V dt Taking laplace transformation on both sides, RI(s) + L[sI(s) − I(0)] = V s As there is no initial current through the inductor, I(0) = 0, therefore, V s V I(s)[R + sL] = s RI(s) + L[sI(s)] = V s(sL + R) V = R sL s + L (V /L) = s(s + R/L) Hence, I(s) = Applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = (V /L) A B = + s(s + R/L) s s + R/L (iii) Solving for the values of A and B, we get A= V R B=− V R Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (iii), we get V V − sR R s + R L ! V 1 1 = − R s s+ R L I(s) = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Taking inverse laplace transformation on both sides, we get R V i(t) = 1 − e− L t R Substituting the given values into the above equation, we get 30 60 1 − e− 15 t i(t) = 30 Hence, the expression for current, i(t) = 2(1 − e−2t ) A. i 2A t 0 Fig. 20 The current response curve is shown in Fig. 20. 11. A step voltage v(t) = 100 u(t) is applied to a series RLC circuit with L = 10 H, R = 2 Ω and C = 5 F. The initial current in the circuit is zero, but there is an initial voltage of 50 V on the capacitor in a direction, which opposes the applied source. Find the expression for the current in the circuit. By applying KVL to the given circuit, Z di 1 i dt = 100 − 50 2i + 10 + dt 5 as the polarity of initial voltage on the capacitor is such that it opposes the applied voltage. Z di 1 2i + 10 + i dt = 50 dt 5 Taking laplace transformation on both sides, we get 2I(s) + 10[sI(s) − I(0)] + 1 I(s) 50 = 5 s s For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. As there is no initial current through the inductor, I(0) = 0. Therefore, the above equation becomes 1 I(s) 2I(s) + 10sI(s) + = 5 s 1 I(s) 2 + 10s + = 5s 10s + 50s2 + 1 I(s) = 5s 50 s 50 s 50 s 50 5s I(s) = s 10s + 50s2 + 1 250 = 2 50(s + 0.2s + 0.02) 5 = 2 s + 0.2s + 0.02 5 5 = = 2 (s + 0.1) + 0.01 (s + 0.1)2 + 0.12 5 0.1 = 0.1 (s + 0.1)2 + 0.12 Taking inverse laplace transformation on both sides, i(t) = 50e−0.1t sin 0.1t A 12. Determine the line current, power factor and total power when a 3-phase, 400 V supply is given to a balanced load of impedance (8 + j6) Ω in each branch is connected in star. Let the phase sequence be RYB. Line currents In star-connected networks, since IL = Iph , the line currents are found just by calculating the phase currents as following: 400∠0◦ Phase voltage, Vph = √ = 230.94∠ − 30◦ 3 [It is to be noted that in star-connected networks, the phase voltage lags behind the line voltage by 30◦ ] So, phase current in R − phase, IRN = IR = Vph Zph For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 230.94∠ − 30◦ (8 + j6) = (9.07 − j21.24) A = 23.09∠ − 66.87◦ A IYN = IY = 23.09∠ − 186.87◦ A IBN = IB = 23.09∠ − 306.87◦ A = Phase current in Y − phase, Phase current in B − phase, Power factor −1 φ = tan So, Total power, 6 8 = 36.87◦ cos φ = 0.8 √ P = 3 VL IL cos φ √ = 3 (400)(23.09)(0.8) = 12797.78 W. 13. A three-phase four-wire 120 V ABC system feeds an unbalanced Y-connected load with ZA = 5∠0 Ω, ZB = 10∠30◦ Ωand ZC = 20∠60◦ Ω. Obtain the four line currents. Let the phase sequence be ABC. The line currents are found as follows: 120∠0 = (24∠0) A 5∠0 120∠120◦ = (12∠90◦ ) A IB = IBN = 10∠30◦ 120∠240◦ IC = ICN = = (6∠180◦ ) A ◦ 20∠60 Current through neutral wire, IN = −(IA + IB + IC ) = −(24∠0 + 12∠90◦ + 6∠180◦ ) = (−18 − j12) A = 21.6333 ∠ − 146.31◦ A. IA = IAN = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 14. Three impedances Z1 = (17.32 + j10), Z2 = (20 + j34.64) and Z3 = (0 − j10) ohms are delta connected to a 400 V, three phase system. Determine the phase currents, line currents and total power consumed by the load. Let the phase sequence be ABC. The phase currents are found as follows: IRY = IYB 400∠0 = (17.32 − j10) = 20∠ − 30 A 17.32 − j10 400∠120◦ = = (5 + j8.66) = 10∠60◦ A 20 + j34.64 IBR = 400∠240◦ = (34.64 − j20) = 40∠ − 30◦ A 0 − j10 The three line currents are found by using KCL as follows: IR = IRY − IBR = (17.32 − j10) − (34.64 − j20) = (−17.32 + j10) = 20∠150◦ A IY = IYB − IRY = (5 + j8.66) − (17.32 − j10) = (−12.32 + j18.66) = 22.36∠123.43◦ A IB = IBR − IYB = (34.64 − j20) − (5 + j8.66) = 29.64 − j28.66 = 41.23∠ − 44◦ A. 2 2 Total power consumed by the load, P = IRY RR + IYB RY + IB2 RBR = 202 (17.32) + 102 (20) + 402 (0) = 8928 W. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. G 0662 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2010 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE1151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. A coil having a resistance of 10 ohm and an inductance of 10 mH is connected to a 100 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate (a) (b) (c) (d) The impedance Circuit current Phase angle Power factor (a) Impedance Inductive reactance, XL = 2πf L = 2π × 50 × 10 × 10−3 = 3.14 Ω q Impedance, Z = R2 + XL2 √ = 102 + 3.142 = 10.48 Ω (b) Circuit current V Z 100 = 9.54 A = 10.48 Circuit current, I = (c) Phase angle −1 Phase angle, φ = tan X R −1 = tan 3.14 10 = 17.43◦ (d) Power factor Power factor = cos φ = cos 17.43◦ = 0.95 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2. Using mesh analysis, determine the currents IA and IB in the following circuit. 1Ω 14 V 2Ω 6Ω 4Ω 8Ω IA 4Ω IB Fig. 1 Mesh currents I1 , I2 and I3 are assumed as shown in Fig. 2. 1Ω 14 V 2Ω 6Ω I1 I2 4Ω 8Ω I3 4Ω Fig. 2 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 7 −6 0 I1 14 −6 16 −8 I2 = 0 0 −8 16 I3 0 Cramer’s rule is applied to solve the above matrix equation. ∆= 7 −6 0 −6 16 −8 0 −8 16 = 7(256 − 64) + 6(−96 − 0) = 768 ∆I1 = Therefore, 14 −6 0 0 16 −8 0 −8 16 = 14(256 − 64) = 2688 2688 ∆I1 = = 3.5 I1 = ∆ 768 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Similarly, I2 is found as, ∆I2 ∆ 7 14 0 ∆I2 = −6 0 −8 0 0 16 I2 = = −14(−96) = 1344 Therefore, I2 = ∆I2 1344 = = 1.75 ∆ 768 and ∆I3 ∆ 7 −6 14 ∆I3 = −6 16 0 0 −8 0 I3 = = 14(48) = 672 Therefore, I3 = ∆I3 672 = = 0.875 ∆ 768 Hence, IA = I1 − I2 = 3.5 − 1.75 = 1.75 A IB = I2 − I3 = 1.75 − 0.875 = 0.875 A 3. Verify the reciprocity theorem by finding the current I. 10 Ω 20 V 30 Ω 5Ω 5Ω I Fig. 3 The current I is found by using mesh current analysis. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 10 Ω 20 V 5Ω I1 30 Ω I2 5Ω I Fig. 4 The mesh equations by inspection [Fig. 4] are written as, 40 −30 I1 20 = −30 40 I2 0 Using Cramer’s rule I is found as, I = I2 = ∆I2 = ∆I2 ∆ 40 20 −30 0 = 600 40 −30 ∆= = 1600 − 900 = 700 −30 40 Therefore, I = I2 = 600 ∆I2 = = 0.8571 A ∆ 700 (i) To verify reciprocity theorem, the excitation 20 V source and the response I are interchanged as shown in Fig. 5. 10 Ω I 5Ω I1 30 Ω I2 5Ω 20 V Fig. 5 The mesh equations by inspection [Fig. 5] are written as, 40 −30 I1 0 = −30 40 I2 20 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Again mesh analysis is used to find I. ∆I1 ∆ 0 −30 ∆I1 = = 600 20 40 ∆I1 600 I = I1 = = = 0.8571 A ∆ 700 I = I1 = Therefore, (ii) Comparing Eqns. (i) and (ii), it is observed that in both results the ratio of excitation to response is same. Hence, reciprocity theorem is verified. 4. Using star to delta transformation obtain the equivalent resistance between A and B. 12 Ω 2Ω 3Ω A 6Ω Requ 18 Ω B Fig. 6 The star network comprising resistors 2 Ω, 3 Ω and 6 Ω [Fig. 7(a)] is converted into its equivalent delta network as shown in Fig. 7(b). 3Ω 6Ω A 12 6Ω C Ω C Ω 18 2Ω A B B (a) (b) Fig. 7 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. RAB = (2 × 6) + (6 × 3) + (3 × 2) = 12 3 (2 × 6) + (6 × 3) + (3 × 2) = 18 2 (2 × 6) + (6 × 3) + (3 × 2) =6 = 6 RBC = RCA The modified network shown in Fig. 8(a) is further reduced to Fig. 8(b). From Fig. 8(b), the equivalent resistance between A and B obtained as: RAB = 12||(4 + 9) 12 × 13 = 12 + 13 = 6.24 Ω 12 Ω 4Ω 6Ω C 12 18 Ω A A 18 Ω C 12 Ω 9Ω Ω B (b) B (a) Fig. 8 5. A series RLC circuit consists of R = 100 Ω, L = 0.02 H and C = 0.02 µF. If it is excited by sinusoidal voltage voltage source of 50 V, determine (a) the resonant frequency (b) current at resonance (c) impedance at resonance (d) voltage across each element For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Resonant frequency, 1 √ 2π LC fr = 1 p 2π (0.02)(0.02 × 10−6 ) = 7957.75 Hz. V I= R 50 = 0.5 A = 100 = Current at resonance, Impedance at resonance, Voltage across resistor, Z = R = 100 Ω VR = IR = 0.5 × 100 = 50 V r 1 L Q= R s C Q-factor, 1 100 = (0.02) (0.02 × 10−6 ) = 10 At resonance, voltage across inductor = voltage across capacitor. Therefore, VL = VC = QV = 10 × 50 = 500 V 6. Find the current I2 using mesh method in the following circuit. j5 Ω j2 Ω j10 Ω 3 1000° V I1 I2 5 –j2 Ω Fig. 9 Current I1 is leaving the dot and I2 is entering the dot, hence the polarities of mutually induced voltage and self-induced voltage are opposite. Applying KVL to the first mesh, j5I1 − j2I2 + 3(I1 − I2 ) − j2(I1 − I2 ) = 100∠0◦ (3 + j3)I1 − 3I2 = 100∠0◦ (iii) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Applying KVL to the second mesh, j10I2 − j2I1 + 5I2 − j2(I2 − I1 ) + 3(I2 − I1 ) = 0 −3I1 + (8 + j8)I2 = 0 (iv) Putting Eqs. (iii) and (iv) in matrix form, 3 + j3 −3 I1 100∠0◦ = −3 8 + j8 I2 0 Applying Cramer’s rule, I2 is calculated as: 3 + j3 100∠0◦ −3 0 ∆I2 I2 = = ∆ 3 + j3 −3 −3 8 + j8 100∠0◦ = −9 + j48 I2 = 6.143∠ − 100.62◦ A 7. Obtain the expression for the voltage across C for the circuit shown below. S t=0 E R C 20 Ω 0.1 F 20 V Fig. 10 Applying KVL after closing the switch, Ri + vc = E dvc + vc = E dt dvc 20 × 0.1 + vc = 20 dt dvc 0.2 + vc = 20 dt RC For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 0.2[sVC (s) − VC (0)] + VC (s) = 20 s At t = 0, VC (0) = 0 V. Therefore, the above equation becomes 20 s 20 VC (s)[1 + 0.2s] = s 0.2[sVC (s) − 0] + VC (s) = VC (s) = = 20 s(1 + 0.2s) 20 100 = 0.2s(s + 5) s(s + 5) By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = A B 100 = + s(s + 5) s s+5 (v) Solving for constants A and B, A= 100 (s + 5) = 20 and B = s=0 100 s = −20 s=−5 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (v), we get VC (s) = 20 20 − s s+5 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the voltage across the capacitor is obtained as vC (t) = 20 − 20e−5t V 8. A three phase balanced system supplies 110 V to a delta connected load whose phase impedance are equal to (3.54 + j3.54) Ω. Determine the line and phase currents. Use the phase sequence RYB. The phase currents in all the three phases are calculated as follows: IRY = 110∠0◦ = 21.97∠ − 45◦ A 3.54 + j3.54 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. IYB = 110∠ − 120◦ = 21.97∠ − 165◦ A 3.54 + j3.54 IBR = 110∠ − 240◦ = 21.97∠ − 285◦ A 3.54 + j3.54 By applying KCL the line currents are found as follows: IR = IRY − IBR = (21.97∠ − 45◦ ) − (21.97∠ − 285◦ ) = 38.05∠ − 75◦ A IY = IYB − IRY = (21.97∠ − 165◦ ) − (21.97∠ − 45◦ ) = 38.05∠165◦ A IB = IBR − IYB = (21.97∠ − 285◦ ) − (21.97∠ − 165◦ ) = 38.05∠45◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. E3081 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2010 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. In the circuit shown in Fig. 1, find the different mesh currents, power delivered by each source and the current through RL . 1Ω 2Ω RL 2Ω 1Ω 10 V 1Ω 12 V IL 2Ω 1Ω 1Ω Fig. 1 The mesh currents are assumed with respective direction as indicated in Fig. 2. 1Ω 10 V I1 2Ω 1Ω I2 1Ω RL 2Ω I3 12 V IL 2Ω 1Ω 1Ω Fig. 2 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 4 −1 0 I1 10 −1 6 −2 I2 = 0 0 −2 4 I3 12 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Using Cramer’s rule, I1 , I2 and I3 are found as, I1 = 2.9474 A I2 = 1.7895 A I3 = 3.8947 A Power delivered by 10 V source = 10 × I1 = 29.474 W. Power delivered by 12 V source = 12 × I3 = 46.7364 W. Current through RL = I2 − I3 = −2.1052 A. 2. In the circuit shown in Fig. 3, find the different node voltages and the currents I1 , I2 and I3 . 12 A 4Ω 2Ω 4Ω 8Ω 15 A 10 Ω 4Ω I2 I3 8Ω I1 32 V Fig. 3 Using source transformation technique, the 32 V voltage source is converted into current source as shown in Fig. 4. 12 A V1 V2 V3 2Ω 4Ω 15 A 8Ω I1 10 Ω 8Ω I2 4Ω 4Ω 8A I3 Fig. 4 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By node analysis method, the node equations by inspection are written as 1 1 1 1 + + − 0 8 8 4 4 V1 15 − 12 1 1 1 1 1 V2 = 0 − + + − 4 4 2 10 2 V3 12 + 8 1 1 1 1 + + 0 − 2 4 4 2 Solving the above equations, we get V1 = 18.1053 V V2 = 24.2105 V V3 = 32.1053 V Hence, the currents I1 , I2 and I3 are found as follows: I1 = V1 /8 = 2.2632 A I2 = V2 /10 = 2.4211 A I3 = V3 /4 = 8.0263 A. 3. In the circuit shown in Fig. 5, find (i) the equivalent resistance between P and Q (ii) the total current from the 240 V source (iii) the current through the 18 Ω . 2Ω A 6 Ω P 12 Ω 18 Ω B 240 V 6 21 Ω Q C Ω D Fig. 5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Equivalent resistance between P and Q Using star-delta transformation technique, delta ABC is converted into star [Fig. 6] and its values are obtained as, 6 × 12 =2Ω 6 + 12 + 18 12 × 18 =6Ω = 6 + 12 + 18 18 × 6 = =3Ω 6 + 12 + 18 RAN = RBN RCN A 12 6Ω Ω A 2Ω N 3 Ω 6Ω B C 18 Ω B C Fig. 6 Replacing the ABC delta by its equivalent star, the circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 7. 2Ω A P 2Ω N 6 240 V 3 Ω Ω B C 6 Ω Q 21 Ω D Fig. 7 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Both 6 Ω resistances are in series. Also in series are 21 Ω and 3 Ω. These two series combinations together form one parallel connection and its equivalent value is, hence, RDN = (6 + 6)||(21 + 3) 12 × 24 = =8 12 + 24 Therefore, the equal resistance between P and Q, RPQ = 8 + 2 + 2 = 12 Ω Total current The total current, I = VPQ 240 = = 20 A RPQ 12 Current through the 18 Ω resistor The current through the 18 Ω resistor is found by using reference to Fig. 8, the mesh equations by inspection are 240 20 −12 −6 I1 −12 0 36 −18 I2 = 0 I3 −6 −18 45 2Ω A 12 6 Ω I2 I1 Ω 18 Ω B 6 C I3 Ω Q Ω 240 V 21 P mesh analysis. With written as, D Fig. 8 Solving the above matrix equation, we get I1 = 20 A I2 = 10 A I3 = 6.6667 A Hence, the current through 18 Ω resistor = I2 − I3 = 10 − 6.6667 = 3.3333 A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 4. In the following circuit shown in Fig. 9, find the current through 5 Ω by Thevenin’s theorem. 2Ω 1Ω 3Ω 10 V 5Ω Fig. 9 To find Thevenin’s voltage, Vth 2Ω 1Ω Vth 3Ω 10 V a b Fig. 10 Fig. 10 shows the circuit used to determine Thevenin’s voltage. By Ohm’s law, current through 3 Ω resistance is calculated as 10 = 2 A. 3+2 Therefore, Vth = 2 × 3 = 6 V. To find Thevenin’s resistance, Rth 2Ω 1Ω 3Ω a Rth b Fig. 11 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Thevenin’s resistance, Rth is calculated by short-circuiting the voltage source as shown in Fig. 11 and looking back the circuit through the terminals a-b. Thus, from Fig. 11, Rth = (2||3) + 1 = 2.2 Ω Thevenin’s equivalent circuit Rth = 2.2 Ω a Vth = 6 V + 5Ω b Fig. 12 From the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit drawn as shown in Fig. 12, current through 5 Ω resistance is obtained as, Vth 6 = 0.8333 A. = Rth + RL 2.2 + 5 5. Find the value of RL at which maximum power is transferred to RL and hence the maximum power transferred to RL . 2Ω 12 V, 0.5 Ω 3Ω 1Ω RL Fig. 13 Value of RL at which maximum power is transferred According to maximum power transfer theorem, maximum power is transferred to RL , when Rth = RL . Thevenin’s resistance, Rth is calculated by making the 12 V as 0 V, however, keeping the internal resistance 0.5 Ω in the circuit as shown in Fig. 14. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 2Ω 3Ω Rth 1Ω 0.5 Ω a b Fig. 14 By looking back the circuit through the terminals a-b, Rth = (2.5||1) + 3 = 3.7143 Ω Thus, maximum power is transferred when RL = 3.7143 Ω. Maximum power that is transferred to RL 2Ω 12 V, 0.5 Ω 3Ω a Vth 1Ω b Fig. 15 12 = 3.4286 A 0.5 + 2 + 1 Vth = 3.4286 × 1 = 3.4286 V. Current through 1 Ω resistor = Therefore, Using the values of Rth , Rth and RL , Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 16. Maximum power that is transferred to RL 3.7143 Ω a 3.4286 V + 3.7143 Ω b Fig. 16 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. So, current flowing through RL during maximum power transfer 3.4286 3.7143 + 3.7143 = 0.4615 A. IL = Thus, maximum power transferred, Pmax = IL2 RL = 0.7911 W. 6. A series RLC circuit with R = 10 Ω, L = 10 mH and C = 1 µF has an applied voltage of 200 V at resonance frequency. Calculate the resonant frequency, the current in the circuit and the voltage across the elements at resonance. Find also the quality factor and bandwidth for the circuit. Resonant frequency, fr = 1 1 √ = p 2π LC 2π (10 × 10−3 )(1 × 10−6 ) = 1591.55 Hz. Current at resonance, Quality factor, Bandwidth, Ir = V 200 = R 10 = 20 A r 1 L Q= R C r 1 10 × 10−3 = 10 1 × 10−6 = 10 10 R = β= 2πL 2π × 10 × 10−3 = 159.15 Hz. Voltage across resistor, VR = Ir R = 20 × 10 = 200 V Voltage across inductor, VL = Ir XL = (20)(2π × 1591.55 × 10 × 10−3 ) = 2000 V Voltage across capacitor, VC = Ir XC = 20 1 2π × 1591.55 × 1 × 10−6 = 2000 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 7. In the circuit shown in Fig. 17, find the values of I1 and I2 and also the real power supplied by each source. j4 Ω 4Ω I1 1200° V j8 Ω 4Ω j4 Ω I2 12090° V Fig. 17 The two currents I1 and I2 enter at the dotted ends of the respective coils the mutual inductance j4 Ω is taken as positive. Accordingly, the conductively coupled equivalent circuit of the given circuit is drawn as shown in Fig. 18. 4 1200° V (j8 – j4) I1 (j4 – j4) j4 I2 4 12090° V Fig. 18 Using mesh analysis method, the mesh equations by inspection are written as, 4 + j8 j4 I1 120∠0◦ = 120∠90◦ j4 4 + j4 I2 Using Cramer’s rule, I1 is found as, I1 = = ∆I1 = ∆ 120∠0 j4 ◦ 120∠90 4 + j4 4 + j8 j4 j4 4 + j4 (480 + j480) − (−480 + j0) (−16 + j48) − (−16) 960 + j480 j48 = (10 − j20) A = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Similarly, I2 = = ∆I2 = ∆ 4 + j8 120∠0◦ j4 120∠90◦ 4 + j8 j4 j4 4 + j4 −960 −960 = = (j20) A (−16 + j48) − (−16) j48 The complex power in an AC circuit is given by, S = P + jQ = V I ∗ . Thus, the complex power supplied by 120∠0◦ V source S1 = P1 + jQ1 = (120∠0◦ )(10 + j20) = 1200 + j2400 and the complex power supplied by 120∠90◦ V source S2 = P2 + jQ2 = (120∠90◦ )(−j20) = 2400 Therefore, the power delivered by the two sources are: P1 = 1200 W and P2 = 2400 W 8. In the circuit shown in Fig. 19, the switch S is closed at time t = 0 in position1 and changed over to position-2 after 1 millisecond. Find the time at which the current is zero and reversing its direction. Assume that the change over of switch from position 1 to 2 takes place in zero time. S 50 V 0.2 H 50 V 50 Ω Fig. 19 At t = 0, the switch is at position-1 and the differential equation is 50i + 0.2 di = 50 dt Taking laplace transformation on both sides, we get 50I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − I(0)] = 50 s For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. At t = 0, i (t) = 0, and in s-domain, I (0) = 0. Therefore, 50 s 50 I(s)[50 + 0.2s] = s 50I(s) + 0.2sI(s) = 50 s(0.2s + 50) 250 = s(s + 250) I(s) = By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 250 A B = + s(s + 250) s s + 250 (i) Solving for constants A and B, A= 250 s + 250 = 1 and B = s=0 250 s = −1 s=−250 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (i), we get I(s) = 1 1 − s s + 250 Taking inverse laplace transformation on both sides i(t) = 1 − e−250t A (ii) The switch is kept at this position for t = 1 ms. Therefore, at t = 1 ms, the current through the circuit is found by putting t = 0.001 in Eq. (ii), we get i(t) = 1 − e−250×0.001 = 0.2212 A. This value becomes initial current for the circuit when the switch is moved to position-2. The switch is moved to position-2 at t=0.001 s, and due to this action, -50 V source is connected to the circuit and 50 V is disconnected. This switching moment (t = 0.001 s) can be redefined as t0 = 0. Applying KVL after closing on the switch to position-2, 50i + 0.2 di = −50 dt For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Taking laplace transformation on both sides, we get 50I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − I(0)] = −50 s At t0 = 0, i(t0 ) = 0.2212, and in s − domain, I(0) = 0.2212. Therefore, −50 s −50 I(s)[50 + 0.2s] = + 0.04424 s 50I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − 0.2212] = ) + 0.04424 (− 50 s 0.2s + 50 −250 + 0.2212s = s(s + 250) I(s) = By applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = A B −250 + 0.2212s = + s(s + 250) s s + 250 (iii) Solving for constants A and B, A= −250 + 0.2212s s + 250 = −1 and B = s=0 −250 + 0.2212s s = 1.2212 s=−250 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (i), we get 1 1.2212 I(s) = − + s s + 250 Taking inverse laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: 0 i(t) = −1 + 1.2212e−250t A (iv) The time when the current becomes zero is obtained by equating Eq. (iv) to zero, i.e. 0 i(t) = −1 + 1.2212e−250t = 0 0 So, or 1.2212e−250t = 1 t0 = 0.7993 × 10−3 s t = 1.7993 ms. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 9. In the circuit shown in Fig. 20, find the expression for current if the switch is closed at t = 0 and the value of current at t = 1 millisecond. Assume initial charge on the capacitor is zero. t=0 200 sin 500t volt 100 Ω 25 μF i(t) Fig. 20 Applying KVL to the circuit after closing the switch, we get Z 1 100i + i dt = 200 sin 500t 25 × 10−6 Taking laplace transformation on both sides, 500 1 100I(s) + 40000 I(s) = 200 2 s s + 5002 40000 100000 I(s) 100 + = 2 s s + 5002 s 100000 I(s) = 100s + 40000 s2 + 5002 s 1000 = s + 400 s2 + 5002 = 1000s (s + 400)(s2 + 5002 ) Applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = 1000s A Bs + C = + 2 2 2 (s + 400)(s + 500 ) s + 400 s + 5002 (v) Solving for the values of A, B and C, we get and A = −0.9756 B = 0.9756 C = 609.75 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (v), we get I(s) = 1000s −0.9756 0.9756s + 609.75 = + 2 2 (s + 400)(s + 500 ) (s + 400) (s2 + 5002 ) −0.9756 0.9756s 609.75 + 2 + 2 2 (s + 400) (s + 500 ) (s + 5002 ) −0.9756 0.9756s 609.75 500 = + 2 + 2 2 (s + 400) (s + 500 ) 500 (s + 5002 ) = Taking inverse laplace transformation on both sides, we get i(t) = −0.9756 e−400t + 0.9756 cos 500t + 1.2195 sin 500t A. The value of current at t = 1 millisecond is obtained by putting t = 0.001 in the above equation, and we get i(0.001) = 0.7869 A. 10. Two wattmeters are connected to measure the power in a 3-phase 3-wire balanced load. Determine the total power and power factor if the two wattmeters read (1) 1000 W each, both positive and (2) 1000 W each of opposite sign. When both wattmeters read equal and positive tan φ = √ 3 W2 − W1 W1 + W2 = √ 1000 − 1000 1000 + 1000 1000 + 1000 1000 − 1000 3 =0 φ = tan−1 0 = 0 Power factor, cos φ = 1 When both wattmeters read equal and opposite tan φ = √ 3 W2 − W1 W1 + W2 = √ 3 =∞ φ = tan−1 ∞ = 90◦ Power factor, cos φ = 0 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 11. Determine the line currents for the unbalanced delta connected load shown in Fig. 21. Phase sequence is RYB. IR j 40 Ω Ω 30 j 12 Y Ω 3 balanced 200 V supply 15 Ω R IY 8 Ω –j14 Ω B IB Fig. 21 The three phase currents are found as follows: IRY = 200∠0◦ = (2.4 − j3.2) A 30 + j40 IYB = 200∠120◦ = (−12.4 − j0.055) A 8 − j14 IBR = 200∠240◦ = (−9.6977 − j3.7888) A 15 + j12 The three line currents are found by using KCL as follows: IR = IRY − IBR = (2.4 − j3.2) − (−9.6977 − j3.7888) = (12.0977 + j0.5888) = 12.112∠2.79◦ A IY = IYB − IRY = (−12.4 − j0.055) − (2.4 − j3.2) = (−14.8 + j3.145) = 15.13∠168◦ A IB = IBR − IYB = (−9.6977 − j3.7888) − (−12.4 − j0.055) = (2.7023 − j3.7338) = 4.6091∠ − 54.1◦ A. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 12. An unbalanced star-connected load is supplied from a 3-phase, 440 V symmetrical system. Determine the line currents and the power input to the circuit shown in Fig. 22. Assume RYB sequence. Take phase voltage VRN as reference in the supply voltage. IR R 3 balanced 440 V supply 10 Ω IY Y 15 20 Ω Ω IB B Fig. 22 Given that, phase voltage VRN in the supply side is taken as reference and the phase sequence is RYB. Since in Y-connected system, the line voltage leads phase voltage by 30◦ , the three line voltages become VRY = 440∠30◦ VYB = 440∠ − 90◦ VBR = 440∠ − 210◦ The mesh currents are assumed in the direction as shown in Fig. 23. IR R 3 balanced 440 V supply Y B 10 Ω I1 IY 15 IB 20 Ω Ω I2 Fig. 23 The mesh equations by inspection are written as 25 −15 I1 VRY = 440∠30◦ = −15 35 I2 VYB = 440∠ − 90◦ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Using Cramer’s rule, I1 is found as, I1 = = ∆I1 = ∆ 440∠30◦ −15 440∠ − 90◦ 35 25 −15 −15 35 (13336.79 + j1100) 650 = (20.52 + j1.69) A = 20.59∠4.72◦ A Similarly, I2 = = ∆I2 = ∆ 25 440∠30◦ −15 440∠ − 90◦ 25 −15 −15 35 (5715.77 − j7700) 650 = (8.79 − j11.85) A = 14.75∠ − 53.41◦ A. Therefore, IR = I1 = 20.59∠4.72◦ A IY = I2 − I1 = (14.75∠ − 53.41◦ ) − (20.59∠4.72◦ ) = 17.91∠ − 130.9◦ A IB = −I2 = (−1)(14.75∠ − 53.41◦ ) = 14.75∠126.59◦ A Power input to the circuit = |IR |2 RR + |IY |2 RY + |IB |2 RB = (20.592 × 10) + (17.912 × 15) + (14.752 × 20) = 13402 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. U4004 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV./DEC. 2009 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. Determine the current in the 4 Ω branch in the circuit shown in Fig. 1. Use mesh analysis method. 2Ω 2Ω 12 Ω 12 V 10 V 1Ω 3Ω 4Ω 24 V Fig. 1 Mesh currents are assumed as shown in Fig. 2. 2Ω 12 V 2Ω I1 12 Ω 1Ω I2 I3 10 V 3Ω 4Ω 24 V Fig. 2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. The mesh equations by inspection, are written as 15 −12 −1 I1 12 −12 17 −3 I2 = −10 −1 −3 8 I3 24 Current in 4 Ω branch, I3 = ∆I3 ∆ (i) 15 −12 12 17 −10 ∆I3 = −12 −1 −3 24 = 15(408 − 30) + 12(−288 − 10) + 12(36 + 17) = 2730 15 −12 −1 17 −3 ∆ = −12 −1 −3 8 Therefore from Eq. (i), = 15(136 − 9) + 12(−96 − 3) − 1(36 + 17) = 664 2730 = 4.1114 A I3 = 664 2. For the network shown in Fig. 3, find VS which makes I0 = 7.5 mA. Use node voltage method. 4Ω Io 8Ω VS + 7Ω 6Ω 6Ω 12 Ω Fig. 3 Given that I0 = 7.5 mA, so, V2 = 6Io = 6 × 7.5 × 10−3 = 0.045V. Applying KCL at node 2 first, V2 − V1 V2 V2 + + =0 4 6 6 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 0.01125 − or Solving we get, V1 + 0.0075 + 0.0075 = 0 4 V1 = 0.105 V. Applying KCL at node 1, V1 − VS V1 V1 + + − 0.01125 = 0 20 7 4 1 1 1 VS V1 + + − = 0.01125 20 7 4 20 Substituting V1 = 0.105 V into the above equation we get, VS = 0.705 V. 3. Using the mesh current method, obtain the voltage Vx in the network of Fig. 4. 2Ω 530° V – + – j2 Ω + I1 100° V I2 j5 Ω 10 Ω – 5Ω 2Ω – j2 Ω I3 10 Ω + Vx – Fig. 4 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations 7 + j3 j5 5 j5 12 + j3 −2 + j2 5 −2 + j2 17 − j2 are written as I1 10∠0◦ I2 = 5∠30◦ I3 0 Using Cramer’s rule, I3 is found as, I3 = ∆I3 = ∆ 7 + j3 j5 5 7 + j3 j5 5 j5 10∠0 12 + j3 5∠30◦ −2 + j2 0 j5 5 12 + j3 −2 + j2 −2 + j2 17 − j2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. ∆I3 = (7 + j3)[0 − (−2 + j2)(5∠30◦ )] − j5[0 − 5(5∠30◦ )] +(10∠0)[(j5)(−2 + j2) − 5(12 + j3)] = −655.9 − j126.39 ∆ = (7 + j3)[(12 + j3)(17 − j2) − (−2 + j2)(−2 + j2)] −j5[(j5)(17 − j2) − (−10 + j10)] + 5[(j5)(−2 + j2) − 5(12 + j3)] = 1390 + j650 ∆I3 −655.9 − j126.39 I3 = = ∆ 1390 + j650 = (−0.422 + j0.1065) A = 0.4353∠165.85◦ A Hence, the voltage across 10 Ω resistance, Vx = 10I3 = 10 × 0.4353∠165.85◦ = 4.353∠165.85◦ V 4. Obtain the current in each resistor in Fig. 5 using network reduction method. IA 6Ω 2Ω IF 25 V IC 3Ω IT IB 4Ω + ID 4Ω IE 4Ω 4Ω Fig. 5 2Ω 2Ω 2Ω IC IT 25 V IF IT 4Ω + 4Ω 25 V + 3Ω 2Ω (a) (b) Fig. 6 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Fig. 6 illustrates successive reduction of given network. From Fig. 6(b), The total current, IT = 25 =5A 5 Again with reference to Fig. 5, and using current division technique, the current through the resistances are obtained as: 3 = 1.6667 A IA = 5 × 6+3 6 IB = 5 × = 3.3333 A 6+3 2+4 = 2.5 A IC = 5 × 2 + 4 + 4 + (4||4) 4 + (4||4) ID = 5 × = 2.5 A 2 + 4 + 4 + (4||4) 4 IE = 2.5 × = 1.25 A 4+4 4 = 1.25 A IF = 2.5 × 4+4 5. In the network shown in Fig. 7, determine the current I. 100 Ω A I C D E 160 V 60 Ω 40 Ω 80 Ω 88 Ω B Fig. 7 The elements of delta network CDE are converted into star equivalent values as given below: 60 × 100 RCN = = 30 Ω 100 + 40 + 60 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 40 × 100 = 20 Ω 100 + 40 + 60 60 × 40 = 12 Ω = 100 + 40 + 60 RDN = REN The delta network is replaced with the equivalent star as shown in Fig. 8. A I C 30 D Ω N 20 Ω 12 Ω 160 V 80 Ω E 88 Ω B Fig. 8 With reference to Fig. 8, RAB = 30 + (12 + 88)||(20 + 80) = 30 + 50 = 80 Ω Therefore, Current I = 160 VAB =2A = RAB 80 6. Using the principle of superposition, calculate the current I in the network of Fig. 9. 4Ω 5Ω 2Ω I 1000° V j2 Ω ‒j2 Ω 10090° V Fig. 9 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 100∠0◦ V source is acting alone The given circuit is redrawn by short-circuiting 100∠90◦ V source. 4Ω 5Ω 2Ω I I1 1000° V I2 ‒j2 Ω j2 Ω I3 Fig. 10 By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 5 + j2 −j2 0 I1 100∠0◦ −j2 4 j2 I2 = 0 0 j2 2 − j2 I3 0 Using Cramer’s rule, I2 is found as, 5 + j2 100∠0◦ 0 −j2 0 j2 0 0 2 − j2 ∆I2 = I2 = ∆ 5 + j2 −j2 0 −j2 4 j2 0 j2 2 − j2 (−1)(100∠0◦ )(−j2)(2 − j2) = (5 + j2)[(4)(2 − j2) − (j2)2 ] + j2[(−j2)(2 − j2)] = 400 + j400 = 6.4752∠60.95◦ A 84 − j24 100∠90◦ V source is acting alone Next the given circuit is redrawn by short-circuiting the 100∠0◦ V source. 4Ω 5Ω 2Ω I I4 j2 Ω I5 ‒j2 Ω I6 10090° V Fig. 11 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. By mesh analysis method, the mesh equations are written as 5 + j2 −j2 0 I4 0 −j2 4 −j2 I5 = 0 ◦ 0 −j2 2 − j2 I6 100∠90 Using Cramer’s rule, I5 is found as, 5 + j2 0 0 −j2 0 −j2 ◦ 0 100∠90 2 − j2 ∆I5 = I5 = ∆ 5 + j2 −j2 0 −j2 4 −j2 0 −j2 2 − j2 (5 + j2)(j2)(100∠90◦ ) = (5 + j2)[(4)(2 − j2) − (j2)2 ] + j2[(−j2)(2 − j2)] = −1000 − j400 = 12.3285∠ − 142.25◦ A 84 − j24 By the principle of superposition, I = I2 + I5 = 18.4572∠45.7◦ A. 7. For a two-branch parallel circuit RL = 15, RC = 30, XC = 30, E = 10 and f = 60 Hz. Find the condition of resonance, calculate (a) the two values of L and (b) the two values of total current. (a) For resonance RL2 XC XL = 2 2 + XL RC + XC2 RL2 XL 30 1 = 2 = 2 2 + XL 30 + 30 60 XL2 − 60XL + 225 = 0 XL = = Hence, 60 ± 60 ± √ √ 602 − 900 2 3600 − 900 = 56 Ω or 4 Ω 2 L = 0.149 H or 0.0106 H. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (b) Total current Total current = EY amperes. (i) When XL = 56 Ω Y = Y1 + Y2 1 1 + 15 + j56 30 − j30 1 15 − j56 1 30 + j30 = × + × 15 + j56 15 − j56 30 − j30 30 + j30 15 − j56 30 + j30 = + 152 + 562 302 + 302 15 56 30 30 = −j + +j 3361 3361 1800 1800 15 30 30 56 Y = + +j − 3361 1800 1800 3361 15 30 Therefore, total current = EY = 120 + + j0 = 2.5356 A 3361 1800 (ii) When XL = 4 Ω = Y = Y1 + Y2 1 1 + 15 + j4 30 − j30 1 15 − j4 30 + j30 1 = × × + 15 + j4 15 − j4 30 − j30 30 + j30 15 − j4 30 + j30 = + 152 + 42 302 + 302 15 4 30 30 = −j + +j 241 241 1800 1800 15 30 30 4 Y = + +j − 241 1800 1800 241 15 30 Therefore, total current = EY = 120 + + j0 = 9.4689 A. 241 1800 = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 8. Calculate the voltage V for the coupled circuit shown in Fig. 12. Repeat with the polarity of one coil reversed. k = 0.8 j5 Ω j10 Ω 3 – 5 V I2 I1 500° V –j4 Ω ‒ Fig. 12 Case (i) When the two coils have different polarity Equivalent circuit of the given coupled circuit for this case is shown in Fig. 13. Since the two currents I1 and I2 do not enter at the dotted ends of their respective coils, M is taken as negative. Accordingly, the circuit in Fig. 13 contains negative jωM values for self elements and positive jωM value for coupling element. j5 Ω ‒j5.66 Ω I1 – j5.66 Ω 500° V j10 Ω ‒j5.66 Ω I2 3 5 V ‒ –j4 Ω Fig. 13 By inspection, mesh equations are written as: 3 + j1 −3 − j1.66 I1 50∠0◦ = −3 − j1.66 8 + j6 I2 0 By Cramer’s rule I2 is given by, I2 = ∆I2 ∆ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 3 + j1 50∠0◦ −3 − j1.66 0 = 3 + j1 −3 − j1.66 −3 − j1.66 8 + j6 = (50∠0◦ )(3 + j1.66) (3 + j1)(8 + j6) − (−3 − j1.66)2 = 7.8252 − j3.6166 = 8.6205∠ − 24.8◦ Therefore, voltage across 5 Ω resistor, V = 5I2 = 5 × 8.6205∠ − 24.8◦ = 43.1025∠ − 24.8◦ V Case (ii) When the two coils have same polarity Equivalent circuit of the given coupled circuit for this case is shown in Fig. 14. Since the two currents I1 and I2 do enter at the dotted ends of their respective coils, M is taken as positive. Accordingly, the circuit in Fig. 14 contains positive jωM values for self elements and negative jωM value for coupling element. By inspection, mesh equations are written as: 3 + j1 −3 − j1.66 I1 50∠0◦ = −3 − j1.66 8 + j6 I2 0 j5 Ω j5.66 Ω I1 – j10 Ω ‒j5.66 Ω 500° V j5.66 Ω I2 3 5 V ‒ –j4 Ω Fig. 14 By Cramer’s rule I2 is given by, I2 = ∆I2 ∆ For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 3 + j1 50∠0◦ −3 + j9.66 0 = 3 + j1 −3 + j9.66 −3 + j9.66 8 + j6 = (50∠0◦ )(3 − j9.66) (3 + j1)(8 + j6) − (−3 + j9.66)2 = −1.4388 − j3.5399 = 3.8212∠ − 112.12◦ Therefore, voltage across 5 Ω resistor, V = 5I2 = 5 × 3.8212∠ − 112.12◦ = 19.106∠ − 112.12◦ V 9. In the series circuit shown in Fig. 15, the switch is closed on position-1 at t = 0. At t = 1 milli second, the switch is moved to position-2. Obtain the equations for the current in both intervals and draw the transient current curve. 50 Ω 0.2 H 100 V 50 V Fig. 15 At t = 0, the switch is connected to position 1 and the differential equation is di 50i + 0.2 = 100 dt Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 100 50I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − I(0)] = (ii) s At t = 0, i(t) = 0, and in s-domain, I(0) = 0. Therefore, Eq. (ii) becomes 100 50I(s) + 0.2sI(s) = s 100 I(s)[50 + 0.2s] = s 100 I(s) = s(0.2s + 50) 100 500 = = 0.2s(s + 250) s(s + 250) For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. By applying partial fraction technique, = A B + s (s + 250) (iii) Solving for the constants A and B, A= 500 s + 250 =2 and B= s=0 500 s = −2 s=−250 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (iii), we get I(s) = 2 2 − s (s + 250) Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: i(t) = 2 − 2e−250t A (iv) The switch is kept at this position for 0.001 s. Therefore, at t = 0.001 s, the current through the circuit is determined by putting t = 0.001 in Eq. (iv), i.e. at t = 0.001 s. i(t) = 2 − 2e−250(0.001) = 0.4424 A This value becomes initial current for the circuit when the switch is put in position 2. Then, the switch is moved to position 2 at t = 0.001 s. Due to this action, 50 V source is connected in the circuit and 100 V source is disconnected. This moment (t = 0.001 s) can be redefined as t0 = 0. Applying KVL, di = 50 dt0 Taking Laplace transformation on both sides, we get 50i + 0.2 50I(s) + 0.2[sI(s) − I(0)] = 50 s At t0 = 0, I(0) = 0.4424 A. Therefore, Eq. (v) becomes 50 s 50 I(s)[50 + 0.2s] = + 0.08848 s 50 + 0.08848s I(s) = s(0.2s + 50) 50I(s) + 0.2sI(s) − 0.08848 = For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (v) = 50 + 0.08848s 0.2s(s + 250) = 250 + 0.4424s s(s + 250) By applying partial fraction technique, = B A + s (s + 250) (vi) Solving for the constants A and B, A= 250 + 0.4424s s + 250 =1 and B= s=0 250 + 0.4424s s = −0.5576 s=−250 Substituting the values of A and B into Eq. (vi), we get I(s) = 0.5576 1 − s (s + 250) i 2A 1A t 0 t = 0.001 (or) t′ = 0 Fig. 16 Taking inverse Laplace transformation on both sides, the current equation is obtained as: 0 i(t) = 1 − 0.5576e−250t A or i(t) = 1 − 0.5576e−250(t−0.001) A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Therefore, i(t) = 2 − 2e−250t A for 0 < t < 0.001 = 1 − 0.5576e−250(t−0.001) A for t > 0.001 The transient current is shown in Fig. 16. 10. A series RC circuit with R = 100 Ω and C = 25 µF is supplied with a source of 200 sin 500t V. Find the current in the circuit. Assume initial charge on the capacitor is zero. Applying KVL to the circuit after closing the switch, we get Z 1 100i + i dt = 200 sin 500t 25 × 10−6 Taking laplace transformation on both sides, 1 500 100I(s) + 40000 I(s) = 200 2 s s + 5002 100000 40000 = 2 I(s) 100 + s s + 5002 s 100000 I(s) = 100s + 40000 s2 + 5002 s 1000 = s + 400 s2 + 5002 = 1000s (s + 400)(s2 + 5002 ) Applying partial fraction technique, I(s) = A Bs + C 1000s = + 2 2 2 (s + 400)(s + 500 ) s + 400 s + 5002 (vii) Solving for the values of A, B and C, we get and A = −0.9756 B = 0.9756 C = 609.75 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Substituting the values of A, B and C into Eq. (iv), we get I(s) = 1000s −0.9756 0.9756s + 609.75 = + 2 2 (s + 400)(s + 500 ) (s + 400) (s2 + 5002 ) −0.9756 0.9756s 609.75 + 2 + (s + 400) (s + 5002 ) (s2 + 5002 ) 0.9756s 609.75 500 −0.9756 + 2 + = 2 2 (s + 400) (s + 500 ) 500 (s + 5002 ) = Taking inverse laplace transformation on both sides, we get i(t) = −0.9756 e−400t + 0.9756 cos 500t + 1.2195 sin 500t 0. 97 56 2 1 .2 19 52 1 .5 61 7 Let us construct a right angled triangle using 0.9756 and 1.2195 as sides as shown in Fig. 17. Referring to it, 0.9756 1.2195 Fig. 17 0.9756 = 38.66◦ 1.2195 1.2195 cos φ = 1.5617 φ = tan−1 Also, or 1.2195 = 1.5617 cos φ = 1.5617 cos 38.66◦ Similarly, 0.9756 = 1.5617 sin φ = 1.5617 sin 38.66◦ Therefore, i(t) = −0.9756 e−400t + 1.5617 sin 38.66◦ cos 500t + 1.5617 cos 38.66◦ sin 500t = −0.9756 e−400t + 1.5617(sin 38.66◦ cos 500t + cos 38.66◦ sin 500t) = −0.9756 e−400t + 1.5617(sin 38.66◦ cos 500t + cos 38.66◦ sin 500t) i(t) = −0.9756 e−400t + 1.5617 sin(500t + 38.66◦ ) A. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 11. The power input to a 2000 V, 50 Hz, 3 - phase motor is measured by two wattmeters which 300 kW and 100 kW respectively. Calculate the input power, power factor and the line current. Input power = W1 + W2 = 300 + 100 = 400 kW √ W2 − W1 √ 300 − 100 tan φ = 3 = 3 W1 + W2 400 = 0.866 φ = tan−1 0.866 = 40.89 Power factor, cos φ = 0.76 √ P = 3 VL IL cos φ √ = 3 (2000) (IL ) (cos 0.76) Line current, IL = 0.1519 A. 12. Determine the line currents and the total power for the unbalanced ∆−connected load shown in Fig. 18. A 3 phase supply with an effective line voltage of 240 V is given to the circuit. A 25 °Ω 0 °Ω 0 20 VAB B VBC 1530° Ω C Fig. 18 Line currents Phase currents are determined first as follows: IAB = VAB 240∠0◦ = RAB 25∠90◦ = 9.6∠ − 90◦ A IBC = VBC 240∠ − 120◦ = RBC 15∠30◦ = 16∠ − 150◦ A For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. ICA = VCA 240∠ − 240◦ = RCA 20∠0◦ = 12∠ − 240◦ A Applying KCL, the line currents are obtained from the above found phase currents as follows: IA = IAB − ICA = (9.6∠ − 90◦ ) − (12∠ − 240◦ ) = 20.87∠ − 73.29◦ A IB = IBC − IAB = (16∠ − 150◦ ) − (9.6∠ − 90◦ ) = 13.95∠173.41◦ A IC = ICA − IBC = (12∠ − 240◦ ) − (16∠ − 150◦ ) = 20∠66.87◦ A Total power Resistive components are obtained by finding the rectangular form of three impedances as given below. ZAB = 25∠90◦ = 0 + j25 ZBC = 15∠30◦ = 13 + j7.5 ZCA = 20∠0◦ = 20 + j0 Therefore, the total power input 2 2 2 = IAB RAB + IBC RBC + ICA RCA 2 2 = (9.6 × 0) + (16 × 13) + (122 × 20) = 6208 W For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. J3904 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2009 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE2151 – CIRCUIT THEORY 1. For the circuit of Fig. 1, find the current in each branch by Nodal method. 5Ω V1 5Ω V2 8Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω 50 V 10 V 5V Fig. 1 Applying KCL at node 1, we get V1 − 50 V1 − 10 V1 − V2 + + =0 5 8 5 0.2V1 − 10 + 0.125V1 − 1.25 + 0.2V1 − 0.2V2 = 0 0.525V1 − 0.2V2 = 11.25 (i) Applying KCL at node 2, we get V2 − V1 V2 V2 − 5 + + =0 5 10 10 0.2V2 − 0.2V1 + 0.1V2 + 0.1V2 − 0.5 = 0 −0.2V1 + 0.4V2 = 0.5 (ii) Solving Eqns. (i) and (ii) we get, V1 = 27.0588 V and V2 = 14.7794 V For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Therefore, 50 − V1 5 50 − 27.0588 = 4.5882 A = 5 V1 − 10 Current through 8 Ω resistor = 8 27.0588 − 10 = = 2.1324 A 8 V1 − V2 Current through 5 Ω (connected between nodes 1 & 2) = 5 Current supplied by 50 V source = = 27.0588 − 14.7794 = 2.4558 A 5 14.7794 V2 = = 1.4779 A 10 10 V2 − 5 Current through 10 Ω (connected with 5 V source) = 10 Current through 10 Ω resistor = = 14.7794 − 5 = 0.9779 A 10 2. Find the current in each branch of the circuit and the total power consumed by the circuit of Fig. 2. Assume E = 50 sin (ωt + 45◦ ). 2 + j1 E 2 ‒ j5 3 + j6 Fig. 2 Given that, So, Therefore, E = Emax sin (ωt + 45◦ ) Emax = 50 50 Erms = √ = 35.36 V 2 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Equivalent impedance, Zeq = (2 − j5)||(3 + j6) + (2 + j1) = 8.8077 − j0.9615 = 8.86∠ − 6.23◦ (iii) Current through (2 + j1) Ω impedance, Itotal = 35.36∠45◦ 8.8077 − j0.9615 = 2.4991 + j3.1116 = 3.9991∠51.23◦ 3 + j6 5 + j1 Current through (2 − j5) Ω impedance = 3.9991∠51.23◦ × Current through (3 + j6) Ω impedance = (3.0333 − j0.0473) A 2 − j5 = 3.9991∠51.23◦ × 5 + j1 = (3.7120 − j1.9969) A From Eq. (iii), φ = −6.23◦ Therefore, cos φ = cos 6.23◦ = 0.99 Hence, power consumed by the circuit = Erms Itotal cos φ = 35.36 × 3.9991 × 0.99 = 140 W 3. Find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit at (a,b) in Fig. 3. 4Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω 6Ω a 5Ω b Fig. 3 Thevenin’s voltage, Vth : Mesh analysis is used to find the current flowing through 5 Ω resistor. With reference to Fig. 4, by inspection the mesh equations are written as For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 15 −10 −10 24 I1 I2 = V 0 4Ω I2 10 Ω V I1 6Ω 10 Ω a 5Ω b Fig. 4 Using Cramer’s rule, I1 and I2 are obtained as follows: V −10 0 24 ∆I1 6V = I1 = = = 0.0923V ∆ 65 15 −10 −10 24 Similarly, 15 V −10 0 ∆I2 V = I2 = = = 0.0385V ∆ 26 15 −10 −10 24 4Ω 10 Ω ‒ + V 6Ω 10 Ω 5Ω 10I2 + + 0V ‒ a 5I1 ‒ b Fig. 5 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Referring to Fig. 5, Vab (or Vth ) is found as, 10I2 + 5I1 = Vth (10 × 0.0385V ) + (5 × 0.0923V ) = Vth Vth = 0.8465V Volts Thevenin’s resistance, Rth : To find Thevenin’s resistance, first the voltage source is short-circuited and the circuit is redrawn as shown in Fig. 6. 4Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω 6Ω a 5Ω b Fig. 6 Using star-delta transformation the circuit is modified as shown in Fig. 7. 4Ω 6Ω 40 Ω 20 Ω a 20 Ω b Fig. 7 Figure 8 shows step-by-step reduction of the network and from Fig. 8(b) the equivalent resistance across a and b, is found as Rth = (3.6364||20) + 6 = 9.0769 Ω . For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 6Ω 3.6364 Ω 20 Ω 6Ω 3.6364 Ω a 20 Ω a 20 Ω b (a) (b) b Fig. 8 Vth = 0.8465V Volts Using Vth and Rth found above, the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit at (a,b) is drawn as shown in Fig. 9. Rth = 9.0769 Ω a + b Fig. 9 4. For the circuit shown in Fig. 10, find the current flowing through the 10 Ω resistor. 10 Ω I 2Ω 2Ω 12 Ω 40 V 2Ω 2Ω Fig. 10 The mesh currents are assumed as shown in Fig. 11. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. 10 Ω 2Ω 2Ω I2 12 Ω I1 40 V I3 2Ω 2Ω Fig. 11 By inspection, the mesh equations are written as, 14 −2 −2 I1 40 −2 16 −12 I2 = 0 −2 −12 16 I2 0 Solving the above equations we get, I = I1 = 3.3333 A. 5. A sinusoidal voltage of 50 Hz is connected in series with switch and R = 10 Ω and L = 0.1 H. Calculate the transient current i(t). As instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage is written in the form, v = Vm sin ωt, then for a frequency of f = 50 Hz, v = Vm sin 2πf t = Vm sin 314.6 t. Applying KVL around the only loop, di = Vm sin 314.6 t dt 314.16 10I(s) + 0.1sI(s) = Vm s2 + 314.162 314.16 I(s)[10 + 0.1s] = Vm s2 + 314.162 314.16 Vm 1 I(s) = s2 + 314.162 0.1s + 10 314.16 Vm = 0.1(s + 100)(s2 + 314.162 ) 10i + 0.1 For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. By partial fraction technique, 3141.6 Vm A Bs + C = + 2 2 2 (s + 100)(s + 314.6 ) s + 100 s + 314.162 (iv) Solving for the constants, A, B and C we obtain, A = 0.0289 Vm B = −0.0289 Vm C = 2.89 Vm Substituting the values of A, B and C obtained above into Eq. (iv) we get, 0.0289 Vm −0.0289 Vm s + 2.89 Vm + s + 100 s2 + 314.162 0.0289 Vm 0.0289 Vm s 2.89 Vm 314.16 = − 2 + s + 100 s + 314.162 314.16 s2 + 314.162 I(s) = Taking inverse laplace transformation to the above equation we get, i(t) = (0.0289 Vm e−100t − 0.0289 Vm cos 314.16t + 0.0092 Vm sin 314.16t) A. For more, please read Electrical Circuit Analysis by K. Mahadevan and C. Chitra, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015.