Transportation Problems • Transportation and assignment problems are important network structured linear programming problems that have received a great deal of attention in the literature. • The assignment problem is itself a special case of the transportation problem. 1 Transportation Problems • Transportation Problems Mathematical Modelling Identifying Basic Feasible Solution (BFS) The Northwest Corner Rule The Least Cost Method VOGEL (VAM) Method Transportation simplex 2 The Transportation Model Characteristics A product is transported from a number of sources to a number of destinations at the minimum possible cost. Each source is able to supply a fixed number of units of the product, and each destination has a fixed demand for the product. The linear programming model has constraints for supply at each source and demand at each destination. All constraints are equalities in a balanced transportation model where supply equals demand. Constraints contain inequalities in unbalanced models where supply does not equal demand. 3 The Transportation Model Characteristics Transportation modelling is an iterative procedure for solving problems that involve minimizing the cost of shipping products from a series of sources to a series of destinations. Origin Points (or sources) can be factories, warehouses, or any other points from which goods are shipped. Destinations are any points that receive goods. Transportation models are useful when considering alternative facility locations. The choice of a new location depends on which will yield the minimum cost for the entire system. 4 The Transportation Model Characteristics To use the transportation model we need to know the following: The origin points and the capacity or supply per period at each The destination points and the demand per period at each The cost of shipping one unit from each origin to each destination In a transportation problem, we have “m” origins (sources), with origin “i” processing “ai” items and “n” destinations with destination “j” requiring “bj” items, and with ai = bj. 5 Transportation problem: represented as a LP model • • • • • m- number of sources (origin) n- number of destinations ai- supply at source i bj – demand at destination j cij – cost of transportation per unit from source i to destination j • Xij – number of units to be transported from the source i to destination j 6 Transportation problem: represented as a LP model m n Minimize : Z cij X ij i 1 j 1 n subject to X ij ai i 1,2,...., m j 1 m X ij b j i 1 j 1,2,....., n Supply constraint Demand constraint X ij 0 for i 1,...m and j 1,..n 7 The Assignment Problem Assumptions 1. The number of assignees and the number of tasks are the same, and is denoted by n. 2. Each assignee is to be assigned to exactly one task. 3. Each task is to be performed by exactly one assignee. 4. There is a cost cij associated with assignee i performing task j (i, j = 1, 2, …, n). 5. The objective is to determine how well n assignments should be made to minimize the total cost. 8 Transportation problem: Comparison Transportation LP model Assignment LP model 9 Format of a Transportation Tableau Problems solved by hand can use a transportation simplex tableau. Dimensions: • The transportation simplex tableau has only m rows and n columns! 10 Transportation Problem Model The feasible solutions property: a transportation problem has feasible solution if and only if • If the supplies represent maximum amounts to be distributed, a dummy destination can be added. • Similarly, if the demands represent maximum amounts to be received, a dummy source can be added. 11 Transportation Problem Model • Balanced transportation problems m a i i 1 n b j 1 j • Unbalanced transportation problems m a i 1 i n b j 1 j 12 The Powerco Example 13 The Powerco Example: Graphical Representation 14 The Powerco Example: Problem Formulation 15 The Powerco Example: Problem Formulation 16 The Powerco Example: Balancing a Transportation Problem If total supply exceeds total demand: 17 The Powerco Example: Balancing a Transportation Problem 18 The Powerco Example: Balancing a Transportation Problem If total supply is less than total demand: 19 Solution of Transportation Problems Two phases: • 1st phase: – Find an basic feasible solution (bfs) by using • Northwest corner method • Least cost method • Vogel’s approximation (penalty cost) method • 2nd phase: – Transportation simplex 20 The Powerco Example: Transportation Tableau 21 The Powerco Example: Balancing the Transportation Tableau Dummy demand point Dummy supply point 22 Finding BFS • There are three basic methods: 1. Northwest Corner Method 2. Minimum Cost Method 3. Vogel’s Method 23 Finding BFS • There are three basic methods: 1. Northwest Corner Method 2. Minimum Cost Method 3. Vogel’s Method 24 The Northwest Corner Method 25 The Powerco Example: Finding a BFS using the Northwest Corner Method 26 The Powerco Example: Finding a BFS using the Northwest Corner Method 27 The Powerco Example: Finding a BFS using the Northwest Corner Method 28 The Powerco Example: Finding a BFS using the Northwest Corner Method 29 The Powerco Example: Finding a BFS using the Northwest Corner Method 30 The Powerco Example: Finding a BFS using the Northwest Corner Method 31 The Powerco Example: Finding a BFS using the Northwest Corner Method 32 Finding BFS • There are three basic methods: 1. Northwest Corner Method 2. Minimum Cost Method 3. Vogel’s Method 33 The Minimum Cost Method Minimum Cost Starting Procedure • Step 1: Select the cell with the least cost. Assign to this cell the minimum of its remaining row supply or remaining column demand. • Step 2: Decrease the row and column availabilities by this amount and remove from consideration all other cells in the row or column with zero availability/demand. (If both are simultaneously reduced to 0, assign an allocation of 0 to any other unoccupied cell in the row or column before deleting both.) GO TO STEP 1. The Minimum Cost Method The Minimum Cost Method Step 1: Select the cell with minimum cost. 2 3 5 6 5 2 1 3 5 10 3 12 8 8 4 4 6 6 15 The Minimum Cost Method Step 2: Cross-out column 2 2 3 5 6 5 2 1 3 5 2 8 3 12 8 X 4 4 6 6 15 The Minimum Cost Method Step 3: Find the new cell with minimum shipping cost and cross-out row 2 2 3 5 6 5 2 1 3 5 X 2 8 3 10 8 X 4 4 6 6 15 The Minimum Cost Method Step 4: Find the new cell with minimum shipping cost and cross-out row 1 2 3 5 6 X 5 2 1 3 5 X 2 8 3 5 8 X 4 4 6 6 15 The Minimum Cost Method Step 5: Find the new cell with minimum shipping cost and cross-out column 1 2 3 5 6 X 5 2 1 3 5 X 2 8 3 8 4 6 5 X X 4 6 10 The Minimum Cost Method Step 6: Find the new cell with minimum shipping cost and cross-out column 3 2 3 5 6 X 5 2 1 3 5 X 2 8 3 8 5 4 6 4 X X X 6 6 The Minimum Cost Method Step 7: Finally assign 6 to last cell. The bfs is found as: X11=5, X21=2, X22=8, X31=5, X33=4 and X34=6 2 3 5 6 X 5 2 1 3 5 X 2 8 3 8 5 4 4 X X 6 6 X X X Finding BFS • There are three basic methods: 1. Northwest Corner Method 2. Minimum Cost Method 3. Vogel’s Method 43 Finding BFS • There are three basic methods: 1. Northwest Corner Method 2. Minimum Cost Method 3. Vogel’s Method 44 Vogel’s Method • Begin with computing each row and column a penalty. • The penalty will be equal to the difference between the two smallest shipping costs in the row or column. Identify the row or column with the largest penalty. • Find the first basic variable which has the smallest shipping cost in that row or column. • Then assign the highest possible value to that variable, and cross-out the row or column as in the previous methods. • Compute new penalties and use the same procedure. 45 Vogel’s Method An example for Vogel’s Method Step 1: Compute the penalties. 6 7 15 Demand Column Penalty Supply Row Penalty 10 7-6=1 15 78-15=63 8 80 78 15 5 5 15-6=9 80-7=73 78-8=70 46 Vogel’s Method Step 2: Identify the largest penalty and assign the highest possible value to the variable. 6 7 Supply Row Penalty 5 8-6=2 15 78-15=63 8 5 15 Demand Column Penalty 80 78 15 X 5 15-6=9 _ 78-8=70 47 Vogel’s Method Step 3: Identify the largest penalty and assign the highest possible value to the variable. 6 7 5 Column Penalty Row Penalty 0 _ 15 _ 8 5 15 Demand Supply 80 78 15 X X 15-6=9 _ _ 48 Vogel’s Method Step 4: Identify the largest penalty and assign the highest possible value to the variable. 6 0 7 5 Supply Row Penalty X _ 15 _ 8 5 15 80 78 Demand 15 X X Column Penalty _ _ _ 49 Vogel’s Method Step 5: Finally the bfs is found as X11=0, X12=5, X13=5, and X21=15 6 0 7 5 Supply Row Penalty X _ X _ 8 5 15 80 78 15 Demand X X X Column Penalty _ _ _ 50 Transshipment Problems • A transportation problem allows only shipments that go directly from supply points to demand points. • In many situations, shipments are allowed between supply points or between demand points. • Sometimes there may also be points (called transshipment points) through which goods can be transshipped on their journey from a supply point to a demand point. • Fortunately, the optimal solution to a transshipment problem can be found by solving a transportation problem. 51