Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT on the MUNICIPALITY OF PAKIL PROVINCE OF LAGUNA For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 provisions of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I, specifically: a. Maintain Property Card (PC) and Property Ledger Card (PPELC) for each PPE; b. Reconcile PC with the PPELC; and c. Conduct annual physical inventory of PPE and submit the report thereon using the prescribed RPCPPE form to the Audit Team on or before January 31 of each year in compliance with Section 124 of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I. 2. Land acquired in Calendar Year 2018 and prior years consisting of 52 parcels of land were not covered with Transfer Certificates of Title in the name of the Municipality due to lenghty process of land titling, contrary to Section 449 of the Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM), Volume I, Section 148 of the Rules and Regulations on Supply and Property Management (RRSPM) in the Local Government prescribed under COA Circular No. 92-386 and Section 39(2) of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445, thus, the reliability of the recorded Land account as of December 31, 2018 totaling P17,920,422.82 is doubtful and the risk of third party claims, land disputes and unlawful occupants. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor direct the Municipal Treasurer, General Services Officer and Municipal Assessor to expedite the processing of TCTs for the untitled lots owned by Municipal Government of Pakil to protect the interest of the Municipality and to ascertain the reliability of the recorded Land account. 3. The Municipality’s insurable property with a total net book value of P30,339,730.41 were not insured with the Property Insurance Fund of the General Service Insurance System (GSIS) due to incomplete inventory listing of insurable property, and absence of budget for insurance premium, contrary to Republic Act (RA) No. 656 or the Property Insurance Law and COA Circular No. 92-390, thus the Municipality is exposed to the risk of not being fully indemnified in cases of damage or loss of property. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. direct the Municipal Budget Officer to include in the annual budget the amount necessary for the insurance premiums of all insurable property; and b. instruct the MGSO to expedite the preparation and submission of the list of all insurable property so that necessary insurance coverage can be applied with the GIF and ensure that all insurable property are covered by property insurance with the General Insurance Fund of the GSIS as required under RA No. 656 and COA Circular No. 92-390 dated November 17, 1992. 4. Purchases of various supplies and materials totalling P2,399,824.99 were directly charged to expense accounts due to inability of the Chief Accountant and MGSODesignate to maintain Supplies Ledger Cards and Stock Cards, respectively, contrary to Sections 114 and 121 of the MNGAS for LGUs, Volume I, thus, resulting in the understatement of the inventory account and overstatement of the corresponding expense accounts by an amount equivalent to the supplies and materials still on hand or not consumed as of year-end. Transmittal Letter dated May 30, 2019 addressed to Honorable VINCENT L. SORIANO - The Regional Director Department of Budget and Management, Region IV-A - The Regional Director Bureau of Local Government Finance, Region IV-A - The Regional Director Commission on Audit, Region IV-A - The Secretary Sangguniang Bayan, Municipality of Victoria, Laguna - The Audit Team Leader Local Government Sector C – Province of Laguna, Audit Team R4A – 03 - University of the Philippines (UP) Law Center (Electronic Copy) - National Library (Electronic Copy) - Commission on Audit Central Library (Electronic Copy) Municipality of Pakil Province of Laguna AGENCY ACTION PLAN and STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION Audit Observations and Recommendations For the Calendar Year 2018 As of _____________ Agency Action Plan Ref. Audit Observations Audit Recommendations Action Plan Person/Dept. Responsible Target Implementation Date From To Status of Implementation Reason for Partial/Delay/NonImplementation, if applicable Action Taken/Action to be Taken Agency sign-off: ___________________________________ Name and Position of Agency Officer _____________________ Date Note: Status of Implementation may either be (a) Fully Implemented (FI), (b) Ongoing (O), (c) Not Implemented (NI), (d) Partially Implemented (PI), or (e) Delayed (D) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction In 1602, Pakil was attached to Paete as a “Vista”. Padre Francisco Barajas made efforts to separate Pakil from the town of Paete and Don Diego Jorge became the first Capitan of the town on May 12, 1676. Pakil remained as an independent town during the Spanish regime with the Capitanes at helm of the local government, and the last of whom Capitan Nicolas Regalado. With the change of government from Spanish to American and the organization of the Civil Government in the country in 1901, Bernardo Gonzales was appointed the first Municipal President until November 25, 1903 by Public Law 1009, PAKIL was fused with Pangil. On October 1, 1927 by Executive Order No. 77, PAKIL was restored to being a separate town. It has a land area of 4,649.77 hectares and a population of 22,386. It is a 5th class Municipality that has an agricultural economy. Farming and fishing are the principal industries of the Municipality. The Organizational Structure of the Municipality as of December 31, 2018 consists of the following: a. Key Officials Municipal Mayor Municipal Vice Mayor - Hon. Vincent L. Soriano Hon. Melody C. Familara Members of the Sangguniang Bayan: Municipal Accountant Municipal Treasurer Municipal Budget Officer - Hon. Ariel V. Fornoles Hon. Geraldin V. Dizon Hon. Joseph P. Monte Hon. Jeffrey B. Cotoner Hon. Eugenio A. Pacheco Hon. Narciso A. Catarino Hon. Rolando Galing Hon. Roberto S. Isorena Hon. Danilo Bacsafra - Ms. Elyne Suzan L. Eleda Ms. Cecilia R. Garcia Ms. Cecilia SG. Balita - Number 47 11 b. No. of Personnel Complement Permanent Elective Officials i Co-Terminous Job Order Workers Total - Number 4 93 155 Audit Objectives Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Scope of Audit Financial and compliance audit was conducted on the accounts and operations of the Municipal Government of Pakil for CY 2018. The audit was conducted to ascertain the propriety of financial transactions and compliance with prescribed rules and regulations. It was also made to ascertain the accuracy of financial records and reports, as well as the fairness of the presentation of the account balances in the financial statements. Financial Highlights For Calendar Year (CY) 2018, the Municipal Government of Pakil realized a total revenue of P77,687,050.45 which is 5.25 per cent higher than last year’s total income of P73,811,822.61. The total assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses for CY 2018 of the Municipal Government compared with that of the preceding year are as follows: Assets Liabilities Equity Revenue Expenses Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Non-cash Expenses Financial Expenses Transfer, Assistance and Subsidy Total Expenses Surplus (Deficit) for the period 2018 2017 P178,771,743.69 P156,703,697.28 77,904,916.38 73,384,513.60 100,866,827.31 83,319,183.60 Increase/ (Decrease) P22,068,046.41 4,520,402.70 17,547,643.71 P77,687,050.45 P73,811,822.61 P3,875,227.84 34,114,496.36 30,976,941.19 3,137,555.17 27,575,932.02 4,865,557.81 259,631.43 24,006,125.89 2,568,355.49 286,578.06 3,569,806.13 2,297,202.32 ( 26,946.63) 2,023,576.89 68,839,194.51 2,319,482.81 60,157,483.44 295,905.92) 8,681,711.07 P10,015,758.44 P13,654,339.17 P3,638,580.73) ii Audit Opinion on the Financial Statements The Auditor rendered a qualified opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the financial statements due to the following: 1. The Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) totaling P93,372,933.89 or 52.23 per cent of the total assets of the Municipality was doubtful as to its existence, accuracy and validity due to the absence of Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment (RPCPPE) at year-end, Property Cards of the GSO and Property Ledger Cards in the Accounting Office; 2. Land acquired in Calendar Year 2018 and prior years valued at P17,920,422.82 is doubtful since 52 parcels of land were not covered with Transfer Certificates of Title in the name of the Municipality; and 3. Purchases of various supplies and materials totalling P2,399,824.99 were directly charged to expense accounts due to inability of the Chief Accountant and MGSODesignate to maintain Supplies Ledger Cards and Stock Cards, respectively, resulting in the understatement of the inventory account and overstatement of the corresponding expense accounts by an amount equivalent to the supplies and materials still on hand or not consumed as of year-end. Significant Observations and Recommendations For the exceptions above cited, we reiterated our recommendation that the Municipal Mayor: a. instruct both the MGSO-Designate and Municipal Accountant to strictly comply with the provisions of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I, specifically: a.1 maintain Property Card (PC) and Property Ledger Card (PPELC) for each PPE; a.2 reconcile PC with the PPELC; and a.3 conduct annual physical inventory of PPE and submit the report thereon using the prescribed RPCPPE form to the Audit Team on or before January 31 of each year in compliance with Section 124 of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I. b. direct the Municipal Treasurer, General Services Officer and Municipal Assessor to expedite the processing of TCTs for the untitled lots owned by Municipal Government of Pakil to protect the interest of the Municipality and to ascertain the reliability of the recorded Land account. c. direct the Municipal Accountant to: c.1 maintain Supplies Ledger Cards (SLC) for each supply carried in stock; and c.2 recognize inventory account upon receipt of inventory items purchased and adopt the perpetual inventory method in the recording of Inventory accounts and charge to expense only those items actually expended as provided under the MNGAS iii for LGUs, Volume I, thus, avoid recording an outright expense for the procurement of goods and supplies. d. direct the General Services Officer-Designate to submit to the Municipal Accountant the Summary of Supplies and Materials Issued (SSMI) supported by Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS) to support issuances of supplies and materials from stock. Other significant observations and recommendations are the following: 1. The Municipality’s insurable property with a total net book value of P30,339,730.41 were not insured with the Property Insurance Fund of the General Service Insurance System (GSIS) due to incomplete inventory listing of insurable property, and absence of budget for insurance premium, contrary to Republic Act (RA) No. 656 or the Property Insurance Law and COA Circular No. 92-390, thus the Municipality is exposed to the risk of not being fully indemnified in cases of damage or loss of property. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. direct the Municipal Budget Officer to include in the annual budget the amount necessary for the insurance premiums of all insurable property; and b. instruct the MGSO to expedite the preparation and submission of the list of all insurable property so that necessary insurance coverage can be applied with the GIF and ensure that all insurable property are covered by property insurance with the General Insurance Fund of the GSIS as required under RA No. 656 and COA Circular No. 92-390 dated November 17, 1992. 2. Hauling and disposal of garbage for Calendar Year (CY) 2018 were awarded to the contractors through Small Value Procurement instead of competitive Public Bidding and the Disbursement Vouchers for payments of these transactions with a total amount of P574,510.00 were not supported with complete documents, contrary to Section 10 of Republic Act (RA) No. 9184, Section 4(6) of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445 and Item of Commission on Audit (COA) Circular No. 2012-001, thus, the propriety and legality of the claims were doubtful. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. instruct the BAC Chairman and all other Officials concerned to explain the reason why the Municipality still resorted to alternative method of procurement on hauling of garbage instead of competitive public bidding as required under Section 10 of RA 9184; and b. execute a contract of service detailing the terms of reference supported with complete documents, in compliance with the provisions of Section 4(6) of PD No. 1445 and COA Circular No. 2012-001. 3. The Ten-Year Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan (2015-2025) of the Municipality of Pakil was not reviewed and updated by the Municipal Solid Waste Management Board (MSWMB) every two years or as the need arises, contrary to Section 4 (g), Rule VI of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic iv Act (RA) No. 9003, thus the risk that efficient and effective solid waste management may not be met. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor direct the MSWMB to review and update the Ten-Year MSWMP every two years or as the need arises to ensure the sustainability, viability, effectiveness of the solid waste management strategy of the Municipality, thus, meet the objectives of the Plan. 4. Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) were not established in the barangays of the Municipality of Pakil as required under Section 1, Rule XI of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) No. 9003 and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2009-168 due to non availability of spaces suitable for the establishment of MRF, thus the full implementation of waste segregation at source was not fully attained. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. instruct the Barangay Officials to: a.1 look for conducive locations for the MRFs so that all barangays have MRFs, in compliance with Section 1, Rule XI of the IRR of RA No. 9003 and DILG MC No. 2009-168; and a.2 include a composting operation in the MRFs to be established and ensure that these are fully operating and functioning, in compliance with Section 1, Rule XI of the IRR of RA No. 9003. b. direct the Municipal Solid Waste Management Board to: b.1 monitor, evaluate and inspect the existing MRS of the Municipality in order to strengthen its implementation; and b.2 see to it that all Barangays have already established its own MRFs as required under Section 4(b) and (c), Rule VI of the IRR of RA No. 9003. 5. Out of the 31 programs, projects and activities (PPAs) totaling P13,606,573.80 under the 20 per cent Development Fund (DF), only 17 PPAs or 55 per cent amounting to P6,512,407.98 were implemented due to reprogramming, thus the desired optimal utilization of the fund to attain the desirable socio-economic development and environmental outcome was not met, contrary to Section 5.0 of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2017-1 We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. instruct the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) and the Municipal Engineer to determine and address the cause/s for the delay and/or nonimplementation of the 14 PPAs; and v b. employ regular monitoring mechanism in assessing the rate of progress of project implementation thru closer coordination with the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator and Municipal Engineer to ensure that programmed projects are implemented and completed on time. 6. The required Monthly Report on Utilization of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (DRRMF) was not submitted to the Office of the Auditor, contrary to Section 5.1.5 of COA Circular No. 2012-002 dated September 12-002, thus hampering the timely review and evaluation of the utilization of the fund. We reiterated our recommendation that the Municipal Mayor require the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer to prepare and submit to the Office of the Auditor the Report on Utilization of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund on or before 15th day after the end of each month using the format prescribed under Annex B of COA Circular No. 2012-02. 7. The unutilized amount of P956,092.06 of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Fund (LDRRMF) was not reverted back to the General Fund after five years due to lack of monitoring of LDRRMF balances, contrary to Section 21 of Republic Act (RA) No. 10121 and COA Circular No. 2012-002. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor instruct the Municipal Accountant to revert back the unutilized LDRRM Fund of CYs 2011 to 2013 to the General Fund and to make the funds available for other social services. 8. The Annual Gender and Development Plan and Budget (GPB) and Gender and Development Accomplishment Report (GAR) of the Municipality were not submitted to the oversight government bodies, contrary to Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2013-01 of the Philippine Commission on Women, the Department of the Interior and Local Government, the Department of Budget and Management and the National Economic and Development Authority (PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA), thus, affecting the review and evaluation as to whether the Municipality has developed GAD Plan and implemented programs and activities that addressed gender issues as required under Republic Act (RA) No. 9710. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor require the GAD Focal Person and all other concerned Officials to prepare the GAD Plan and Budget and GAD Accomplishment Report using the format prescribed in Annexes D and E of the JMC No. 2013-01 and submit the reports to all government agencies concerned for review and evaluation. The above observations and recommendations were discussed with the Municipal officials and employees concerned in an exit conference held on May 28, 2019. Management’s views and reactions were incorporated in the report, where appropriate. Unsettled Suspensions, Disallowances and Charges The Statement of Audit Suspensions, Disallowances and Charges (SASDC) as of December 31, 2018 showed a total of zero suspensions, charges and disallowances of P155,914.61. vi Notice Suspension Disallowance Total Less prior year adjustment (Note 20) Adjusted Total Beginning Balance (January 1, 2018) P 0.00 2,009,197.99 2,009,197.99 Issuance P0.00 0.00 0.00 Settlement P 0.00 1,853,283.38 1,853,283.38 Ending Balance (December 31, 2018) P 0.00 155,914.61 155,914.61 0.00 P2,009,197.99 0.00 P0.00 347,316.58 P1,505,966.80 0.00 P155,914.61 Status of Implementation of Prior Year’s Audit Recommendations Out of the 13 audit recommendations embodied in the CY 2017 Annual Audit Report, three were fully implemented, two were partially implemented and eight were not implemented by the Municipal Government of Pakil. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I Subject Page No. AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Independent Auditor’s Report Statement of Management’s Responsibility for Financial Statements Statement of Financial Position Statement of Financial Performance Statement of Cash Flows Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts (SCBAA) - Consolidated Notes to Financial Statements II 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 AUDIT OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Financial and Compliance Audit Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (LDRRM) Gender and Development (GAD) Compliance with Tax Laws Compliance with GSIS Premium Remittances Unsettled Suspensions, Disallowances and Charges Compliance with the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Premium Remittances Official Development Assistance (ODA) Funded Projects III STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIOR AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS IV APPENDICES YEARS’ 22 37 39 41 41 41 41 41 42 A Statement of Financial Position (By Fund) as of December 31, 2018 46 B Statements of Financial Performance (By Fund) for the Year Ended December 31, 2018 48 C Statement of Cash Flow (By Fund) for the Year Ended December 31, 2018 50 D Statement of Net Assets/Equity for the Period Ended December 31, 2018 51 E Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts (SCBAA) - General Fund 52 F Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts (SCBAA) - Special Education Fund 54 Certification of Land Ownership 56 G H I List of Disbursement Vouchers Hauling of Garbage and Tipping Fee/Final Disposal 58 20 Per Cent Development Fund Plans/Programs and Activities 59 PART I - AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Honorable VINCENT L. SORIANO Municipal Mayor Municipality of Pakil Province of Laguna Qualified Opinion We have audited the financial statements of the Municipal Government of Pakil, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2018, and the statement of financial performance, statement of changes in net assets/equity, statement of cash flows and statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts for the year then ended, and notes to financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In our opinion, except for the effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion section of our report, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Municipal Government of Pakil as at December 31, 2018 and its financial performance, its cash flows, and its comparison of budget and actual amounts for the year then ended in accordance with the Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSASs). Bases for Qualified Opinion 1. The Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) totaling P93,372,933.89 or 52.23 per cent of the total assets of the Municipality was doubtful as to its existence, accuracy and validity due to the absence of Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment (RPCPPE) at year-end, Property Cards of the GSO and Property Ledger Cards in the Accounting Office; 2. Land acquired in Calendar Year 2018 and prior years valued at P17,920,422.82 is doubtful since 52 parcels of land were not covered with Transfer Certificates of Title in the name of the Municipality; and 3. Purchases of various supplies and materials totalling P2,399,824.99 were directly charged to expense accounts due to inability of the Chief Accountant and MGSODesignate to maintain Supplies Ledger Cards and Stock Cards, respectively, resulting in the understatement of the inventory account and overstatement of the corresponding expense accounts by an amount equivalent to the supplies and materials still on hand or not consumed as of year-end. Municipality of Pakil Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2018 (With Comparative Figures for CY 2017) Note ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Receivables Inventories Prepayments and Deferred Charges Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Total Non-Current Assets Total Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Financial Liabilities Inter-Agency Payables Intra-Agency Payables Trust Liabilities Deferred Credits/ Unearned Income Other Payables Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities NET ASSETS/ EQUITY Government Equity Total Liabilities and Net Assets/ Equity 2018 2017 4 5 6 7 P41,752,236.34 43,542,698.71 99,792.00 4,082.75 85,398,809.80 P48,196,949.30 38,828,866.86 76,000.00 0.00 87,101,816.16 8 93,372,933.89 93,372,933.89 P178,771,743.69 69,626,881.12 69,626,881.12 P156,728,697.28 4,674,191.91 21,749,773.48 3,019,470.89 7,740,263.59 40,634,884.38 86,332.13 77,904,916.38 77,904,916.38 5,157,082.85 21,606,039.89 1,360,145.08 6,352,136.68 38,713,866.86 220,242.32 73,409,513.68 73,409,513.68 100,866,827.31 P178,771,743.69 83,319,183.60 P156,728,697.28 10 (See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements) 4 Municipality of Pakil Statement of Financial Performance For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 (With Comparative Figures for CY 2017) Revenue Tax Revenue Share from Internal Revenue Collection Service and Business Income Shares, Grants and Donations Miscellaneous Income Total Revenue Less: Current Operating Expenses Personnel Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Financial Expenses Non-Cash Expenses Note 2018 11 12 13 15 P 3,450,844.49 68,032,869.00 5,791,372.01 259,316.44 152,648.51 77,687,050.45 P 4,663,719.46 63,417,795.00 4,770,361.63 368,840.22 591,106.30 73,811,822.61 16 34,114,496.36 30,976,941.19 17 27,575,932.02 259,631.43 4,865,557.81 24,006,125.89 286,578.06 2,568,355.49 66,815,617.62 57,838,000.63 10,871,432.83 15,973,821.98 1,167,902.50 (2,023,576.89) 0.00 (2,319,482.81) P10,015,758.44 P13,654,339.17 18 Current Operating Expenses Surplus (Deficit) from Current Operation Add (Deduct) Transfers, Assistance and Subsidy from Transfers, Assistance and Subsidy to Surplus/(Deficit) for the Period 19 2017 (See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements) 5 Municipality of Pakil Cash Flow Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 (With Comparative Figures for CY 2017) 2018 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Cash Inflows Share from Internal Revenue Collections Collection from Taxpayers Receipts from Sale of Goods and Services Interest Income Other Receipts Total Cash Inflows Cash Outflows Payments to Suppliers/Creditors Payments to Employees Payment of Interest on Loan Total Cash Outflows Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash Inflows Cash Outflows Purchase Property, Plant and Equipment Total Cash Outflows Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash Flows from Financing Activities Cash Inflows Cash Outflows Payment of Long -Term Liabilities Payment of Loan Amortization Total Cash Outflows Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities Total Cash Provided by (Used In) Operating, Investing and Financing Activities Add: Cash at the Beginning of the Year Cash Balance at the End of the Year 2017 P68,032,869.00 3,450,844.49 5,791,372.01 41,449.44 40,253,598.43 117,570,133.37 P63,417,795.00 6,259,436.69 5,760,796.92 57,982.05 65,134,204.74 140,630,215.40 67,375,375.14 34,114,496.36 0.00 101,489,871.50 16,080,261.87 0.00 96,102,176.23 19,181,815.11 115,283,991.34 25,346,224.06 0.00 0.00 22,308,012.43 22,308,012.43 (22,308,012.43) 16,605,395.50 16,605,395.50 (16,605,395.50) 0.00 0.00 0.00 216,962.40 216,962.40 (216,962.40) 283,078.06 193,095.73 476,173.79 (476,173.79) (6,444,712.96) 48,196,949.30 P41,752,236.34 8,264,654.77 39,932,294.53 P48,196,949.30 6 Municipality of Pakil Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 (With Comparative Figures for CY 2017) 2018 Balance at January 1 Add (Deduct) Changes in Accounting Policy Prior Period Errors Restated Balance Add (Deduct): Changes in net assets/equity during the year Adjustment of net revenue recognized directly in net assets/equity Surplus for the period Total recognized revenue and expense for the period Balance at December 31 2017 P83,319,183.60 P50,476,329.86 0.00 508,830.70 83,828,014.30 18,956,364.97 232,149.60 69,664,844.43 7,023,054.57 10,015,758.44 0.00 13,654,339.17 0017,038,813.01 13,654,339.17 P100,866,827.31 P83,319,183.60 7 Particulars Revenue A. Local Sources 1. Tax Revenue a. Tax Revenue - Property b. Tax Revenue - Goods and Services c. Other Local Taxes Total Tax Revenue 2. Non-Tax Revenue a. Service Income b. Business Income c. Other Income and Receipts Total Non-Tax Revenue B. External Sources 1. Share from the National Internal Revenue Taxes (IRA) 2. Share from GOCCs 3. Other Shares from National Tax Collections a. Share from Ecozone b. Share from EVAT c. Share from National Wealth d. Share from Tobacco Excise Tax 4. Other Receipts a. Grants and Donations b. Other Subsidy Income 5. Inter-local Transfer 6. Capital /Investment Receipts a. Sale of Capital Assets b. Sale of Investments c. Proceeds from Collections of Loan Receivables C. Receipts from Borrowings Total Revenue and Receipts Expenditures Current Appropriations General Public Services Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Education Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Health, Nutrition and Population Control Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Format per COA Cir. 2016-004 dated Municipal Sept. 30, Government 2016 of Pakil Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts ALL FUNDS For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 (In Philippine Peso) Coordinate with GAS for any item or formula for correction. OVER-ALL TOTAL Budgeted Amounts Difference Original Final Original and Final Budget 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 1,287,000.00 1,511,000.00 390,000.00 3,188,000.00 2,257,510.94 1,572,000.00 465,000.00 4,294,510.94 2,441,987.81 1,511,000.00 390,000.00 4,342,987.81 2,257,510.94 1,572,000.00 465,000.00 4,294,510.94 463,500.00 2,253,500.00 3,099,000.00 5,816,000.00 425,000.00 4,137,500.00 505,000.00 5,067,500.00 463,500.00 2,253,500.00 595,000.00 3,312,000.00 425,000.00 4,137,500.00 505,000.00 5,067,500.00 68,032,869.00 77,036,869.00 63,417,795.00 72,779,805.94 68,032,869.00 75,687,856.81 28,201,326.31 12,412,193.70 1,920,000.00 26,759,859.94 11,903,760.94 4,489,507.55 26,644,059.19 16,256,741.57 52,530,768.43 3,104,999.58 1,761,000.00 - 3,133,791.68 1,761,000.00 - 2,983,221.69 1,761,000.00 - 2018 Difference Final Budget and Actual 2018 2017 2017 - 1,508,243.70 1,463,419.65 479,181.14 3,450,844.49 2,132,965.51 2,068,757.45 461,996.50 4,663,719.46 933,744.11 47,580.35 (89,181.14) 892,143.32 124,545.43 (496,757.45) 3,003.50 (369,208.52) 2,504,000.00 2,504,000.00 - 2,943,480.68 2,847,891.33 411,964.95 6,203,336.96 2,239,153.41 2,531,208.22 959,946.52 5,730,308.15 (2,479,980.68) (594,391.33) 183,035.05 (2,891,336.96) (1,814,153.41) 1,606,291.78 (454,946.52) (662,808.15) 63,417,795.00 72,779,805.94 2,504,000.00 - 68,032,869.00 77,687,050.45 63,417,795.00 73,811,822.61 (1,999,193.64) (1,032,016.67) 26,759,859.94 11,903,760.94 4,489,507.55 1,557,267.12 (3,844,547.87) (50,610,768.43) - 26,162,086.80 14,645,716.46 2,473,015.29 25,384,894.35 11,186,570.41 1,063,645.92 481,972.39 1,611,025.11 50,057,753.14 1,374,965.59 717,190.53 3,425,861.63 3,133,791.68 1,761,000.00 - ` Actual Amounts - 121,777.89 - - 2,963,753.08 1,655,926.44 - 2,733,198.16 949,939.37 - 19,468.61 105,073.56 - 400,593.52 811,060.63 - 8 Budgeted Amounts Particulars Original 2018 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Housing and Community Development Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Social Services and Social Welfare Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Economic Services Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Other Purposes: Debt Service Financial Expense Amortization LDRRMF Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay 20% Development Fund Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Share from National Wealth Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Allocation for Senior Citizens and PWD Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Others Special Purpose Appropriations Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Current Appropriations Continuing Appropriations General Public Services Capital Outlay Education Capital Outlay Health, Nutrition and Population Control Capital Outlay Labor and Employment Capital Outlay Housing and Community Development Capital Outlay Social Services and Social Welfare Capital Outlay Economic Services Capital Outlay Other Purposes: Capital Outlay Total Continuing Appropriations Total Appropriations Surplus (Deficit) for the period Final 2017 2018 2017 - - - - - - - - OVER-ALL TOTAL Difference Original and Final Budget 2018 2017 - - Actual Amounts 2018 2017 - - - - Difference Final Budget and Actual 2018 2017 - 1,239,866.51 571,000.00 - 1,139,777.20 571,000.00 - 1,484,612.78 584,000.00 - 1,139,777.20 571,000.00 - (244,746.27) (13,000.00) - - 1,473,365.48 498,958.44 - 1,189,977.52 547,502.71 - 11,247.30 85,041.56 - 3,757,515.99 961,887.47 0 1,753,731.84 416,268.16 - 3,823,404.37 4,768,530.92 - 1,753,731.84 416,268.16 - (65,888.38) (3,806,643.45) - - 3,616,587.27 86,637.24 - 1,668,871.36 251,521.40 - 206,817.10 4,681,893.68 - - - 3,726,643.45 - 3,562,614.75 - 13,606,573.80 - 12,683,559.00 - - - 132,000.00 - 550,000.00 - 6,200,000.00 77,597,024.81 4,029,600.00 25,334.88 72,781,822.94 13,606,573.80 5,299,997.00 129,744,927.75 3,562,614.75 12,683,559.00 550,000.00 4,029,600.00 25,334.88 72,781,822.94 3,726,643.45 - - - - - - - - - - - - 132,000.00 900,003.00 (52,145,884.94) 2,017.00 8,981,573.87 - 5,113,671.64 67,671,292.01 2,330,966.95 7,730,240.29 549,580.00 4,570,575.00 60,159,500.44 4,624,999.93 - (50,200.32) 23,497.29 84,860.48 164,746.76 - 1,231,647.80 4,953,318.71 - - - - 420.00 - 186,325.36 62,073,635.74 (540,975.00) 25,334.88 12,624,339.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 77,597,024.81 72,781,822.94 129,744,927.75 72,781,822.94 (560,155.81) (2,017.00) (54,057,070.94) (2,017.00) (52,145,884.94) 54,649,884.94 2,017.00 (2,017.00) 67,671,292.01 10,015,758.44 60,159,500.44 13,652,322.17 62,073,635.74 12,624,339.50 (64,072,829.38) (13,656,356.17) 9 Notes to Condensed Financial Statements (All amounts in Philippine Peso unless otherwise stated) Note 1 - Profile In 1602, Pakil was attached to Paete as a “Vista”. Padre Francisco Barajas made efforts to separate Pakil from the town of Paete and Don Diego Jorge became the first Capitan of the town on May 12, 1676. Pakil remained as an independent town during the Spanish regime with the Capitanes at helm of the local government, and the last of whom Capitan Nicolas Regalado. With the change of government from Spanish to American and the organization of the Civil Government in the country in 1901, Bernardo Gonzales was appointed the first Municipal President until November 25, 1903 by Public Law 1009, PAKIL was fused with Pangil. On October 1, 1927 by Executive Order No. 77, PAKIL was restored to being a separate town. It has a land area of 4,649.77 hectares and a population of 22,386. It is a 5th class Municipality that has an agricultural economy. Farming and fishing are the principal industries of the Municipality. Note 2 - Statement of Compliance and Basis of Preparations of Financial Statement The consolidated financial statements of the Municipality of Pakil have been prepared in accordance with and comply with the Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS). The consolidated financial statements are presented in pesos, which is the functional and reporting currency of the Municipal Government of Pakil. The accounting policies have been applied starting from the year 2015. Note 3 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 3.1 Basis of Accounting The consolidated financial statements are prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with the Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS). 3.2 Consolidation General, Special Education Fund (SEF) and Trust Funds are those maintained by the Municipality. The statements are classified to intergroup transaction balances. 3.3 Revenue Recognition The Municipality recognizes revenues from taxes and fines when the event occurs and the asset recognition criteria are met and when services were already rendered. 10 3.4 Property, Plant and Equipment All property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation on assets is charged on a straight line basis over the useful life of the asset. 3.5 Financial Instruments Financial Assets Cash and cash equivalent comprise of cash on hand and in bank. Inventory is measured at cost at initial recognition. The cost of inventory is its fair value at the time of acquisition. Financial Liabilities The financial liabilities include non-interest bearing and interest bearing loans. 3.6 Budget Information The actual budget is prepared on the modified cash basis, that is, all planned cost and income are presented in a single statement to determine the needs of the Municipality. As a result of the adoption of the modified cash basis for budgeting purposes, there are basis, timing, or entity differences that would require reconciliation between the actual comparable amount and the amounts presented as a separate additional financial statement in the statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts. Note 4 - Cash The details of this account are as follows: Accounts Cash – Local Treasury Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account 2018 P 1,896,630.94 39,855,605.40 P41,752,236.34 2017 P18,376,967.67 29,819,981.63 P48,196,949.30 Cash – Local Treasury represents cash collections deposited on January 16, 2019 with Land Bank of the Philippines, Siniloan Branch, Laguna. Cash in Bank – Local Currency, Current Account includes trust fund received from national government agencies, MDRRM Fund, 20 per cent Local Development Fund and other local funds. Note 5 - Receivables The details of this account are as follows: Loans and Receivable Accounts Real Property Tax Receivable Special Education Tax Receivable 2018 P20,317,442.19 20,317,442.19 2017 P19,356,933.43 19,356,933.43 11 Receivable - Others Sub-Total Intra-Agency Receivables Due from Other Funds Total Receivables 2018 7,222.33 40,642,106.71 2017 0.00 38,713,866.86 2,900,592.00 P43,542,698.71 115,000.00 P38,828,866.86 Note 6 - Inventories The details of this account are as follows: 2018 P 0.00 99,792.00 P99,792.00 Accountable Forms, Plates and Stickers Food Supplies Inventory Totals 2017 P31,000.00 45,000.00 P76,000.00 Note 7 - Prepayments This account refers to the unexpired balance of the operating license amounting to P4,082.75 for the MS Office valid for one year from the date of purchase on July 11, 2018 originally procured at P6,999.00. Note 8 – Property, Plant and Equipment The details of this account are presented below: 2017 Land Road Networks Flood Control Systems Water Supply Systems Power Supply Systems Office Buildings School Buildings Hospitals and Health Centers Other Structures Office Equipment Information and Communication Technology Equipment Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Equipment Communication Equipment Construction and Heavy Equipment Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment Medical Equipment Sports Equipment P 8,798,935.35 10,456,914.66 1,393,643.63 9,050,737.59 1,967,688.00 3,591,399.41 307,380.13 79,241.19 19,395,748.27 2,169,091.48 Additions/ (Reductions) 2018 P9,121,487.47 P17,920,422.82 990,730.00 11,447,644.66 0.00 1,393,643.63 2,739,787.91 11,790,525.50 0.00 1,967,688.00 839,867.46 4,431,266.87 0.00 307,380.13 0.00 79,241.19 9,468,033.56 28,863,781.83 222,945.00 2,392,036.48 3,331,036.83 244,445.60 3,575,482.43 1,535,500.00 686,748.25 0.00 0.00 1,535,500.00 686,748.25 1,340,000.00 0.00 1,340,000.00 1,300,680.00 553,960.00 294,921.00 1,167,790.00 0.00 0.00 2,468,470.00 553,960.00 294,921.00 12 Other Machineries and Equipment Motor Vehicles Watercrafts Other Transportation Equipment Furniture and Fixtures Books Construction in Progress – Buildings and Other Structures Work/Zoo Animals Other Property, Plant and Equipment Gross Amount Less: Accumulated Depreciation Net Book Value 5,703,450.00 484,600.00 2,640,000.00 1,405,760.48 15,550.00 Additions/ (Reductions) 11,500.00 (14,159.00) 3,574,500.00 0.00 0.00 438,850.00 0.00 1,957,620.15 9,277,950.00 484,600.00 2,640,000.00 1,844,610.48 15,550.00 719,456.40 62,000.00 (719,456.40) 0.00 0.00 62,000.00 3,999.00 511,130.00 515,129.00 2017 1,960,279.15 2018 79,248,720.82 28,597,451.60 107,846,172.42 (9,621,839.70) (4,851,398.83) (14,473,238.53) P69,626,881.12 P23,746,052.77 P93,372,933.89 Additions were brought about by the purchase and construction of the property and equipment. Note 9 - Biological Assets This account refers to the buffalos and carabaos amounting to P62,000.00. Note 10 - Liabilities The details of this account are as follows: Accounts Payable Loans Payable - Domestic Totals 2018 P2,677,884.98 1,996,306.93 P4,674,191.91 2017 P2,943,813.52 2,213,269.33 P5,157,082.85 Accounts payables are short -term obligations resulting from the regular operation of the Municipality. Loans payable – Domestic refers to the remaining balance of the loan from Municipal Development Fund Office (MDFO) for Laguna de Bay Institutional Strengthening and Community Participation (LISCOP) projects on Eco Tourism and Material Recovery System (MRS). Inter-Agency Payables The details of this account are as follows: Due to NGAs Due to LGUs Due to BIR 2018 P15,582,556.40 5,101,793.79 815,569.81 2017 P17,972,382.15 2,077,176.74 1,364,418.00 13 Due to GSIS Due to GOCCs Total 2018 192,063.00 57,790.48 P21,749,773.48 2017 192,063.00 0.00 P21,606,039.89 Due to BIR refers to the taxes withheld from the compensation of elective and regular employees and remitted on January 15, 2019 via Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS). Due to GSIS refers to previous unreconciled GSIS contributions until CY 1997. Intra-Agency Payables Intra-Agency payables refers to the amount Due to Other Funds totaling P3,019,470.89 in CY 2018 and P1,360,145.08 in CY 2017. Trust Liabilities The details of this account are as follows: MDRRM Fund Guaranty Deposit Payable Bail Bonds Payable Totals 2018 2017 P6,030,443.00 P5,456,874.83 1,688,460.59 881,001.85 21,360.00 14,260.00 P7,740,263.59 P6,352,136.68 Other Payables This account refers to the sale of the bidding documents from prospective bidders and advance payments of real property taxes from various taxpayers, socialized housing and tenancy share in Botika ng Barangay, amounting to P86,332.13 in CY 2018 and P220,242.32 in CY 2017. Deferred Credits/ Unearned Income The details of this account are as follows: Real Property Tax – Basic Special Education Tax Totals 2018 P20,317,442.19 20,317,442.19 P40,634,884.38 2017 P19,356,933.43 9,356,933.43 P38,713,866.86 The above amounts represent the estimated uncollected real property tax from CYs 2002 to current period. 14 Note 11 - Tax Revenues The total tax revenues collected in CYs 2018 and 2017 amounted to P3,450,844.49 and P4,663,719.46, respectively. Transactions involved are as follows: Community Tax Real Property Tax, Net Special Education Tax, Net Business Tax Amusement Tax Franchise Tax Fines and Penalties – Tax on Goods and Services Totals 2018 P317,650.26 821,776.00 1,027,219.94 1,194,475.76 45,698.65 21,896.07 2017 P 279,893.55 1,342,344.00 1,677,930.00 1,216,463.85 26,839.00 64,843.40 22,127.81 55,405.66 P3,450,844.49 P4,663,719.46 Note 12 - Share from Internal Revenue Allotment The total amount received for the share in the internal revenue collection in CYs 2018 and 2017 amounted to P68,032,869.00 and P63,417,795.00, respectively. Note 13 - Service and Business Income The total service and business income collected in CYs 2018 and 2017 amounted to P5,791,372.01 and P4,770,361.63, respectively. Transactions involved are as follows: Service Income Permit Fees Registration Fees Clearance and Certificate Fees Inspection Fees Fishery Rental Fees Fees for Sealing and Licensing of Weights and Measures Other Service Income Sub-Totals Business Income Receipt from Market Operations Receipt from Cemetery Operations Garbage Fees Hospital Fees Interest Income Other Business Income Sub-Totals Totals 2018 P1,393,495.68 891,473.00 231,796.00 156,741.00 400.00 2017 P1,092,777.41 768,220.00 161,883.00 122,968.00 800.00 3,695.00 265,880.00 2,943,480.68 4,855.00 87,650.00 2,239,153.41 0.00 262,511.89 32,430.00 132,820.00 41,449.44 2,378,680.00 2,847,891.33 P5,791,372.01 6,040.00 232,716.67 30,545.00 28,585.00 86,881.55 2,146,440.00 2,531,208.22 P4,770,361.63 Note 14 - Transfers, Assistance and Subsidy The amount of transfers received from other fund totaled P1,167,902.50. 15 Note 15 - Other Income The details of this account are as follows: Share from PCSO Miscellaneous Income Total 2018 P259,316.44 152,648.51 P411,964.95 2017 P368,840.22 591,106.30 P959,946.52 Note 16 - Personnel Services The total personnel services paid in CYs 2018 and 2017 amounted to P34,114,496.36 and P30,976,941.19, respectively. Expenses incurred are as follows: Personnel Services Salaries and Wages – Regular Salaries and Wages- Casual/Contractual Other Compensation Personal Economic Relief Allowances Representation Allowance Transportation Allowance Clothing/Uniform Allowance Subsistence Allowance Laundry Allowance Hazard Pay Longevity Pay Overtime and Night Pay Year-End Bonus Cash Gift Other Bonuses and Allowances Personnel Benefit Contribution Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums Pag-IBIG Contributions PhilHealth Contributions Employees Compensation Insurance Premiums Other Personnel Benefits Terminal Leave Benefits Other Personnel Benefits Totals 2018 2017 P17,512,017.91 2,342,496.58 P16,111,498.71 1,860,815.10 2,170,866.67 1,512,000.00 1,419,600.00 528,000.00 66,539.37 32,549.69 30,500.00 70,000.00 154,362.29 1,762,711.80 456,000.00 1,985,575.78 1,469,642.04 1,469,642.05 415,000.00 65,976.57 10,050.00 33,500.00 65,000.00 163,140.58 1,491,995.00 410,000.00 2,376,564.61 363,846.60 265,651.34 2,168,787.53 329,595.56 200,412.50 93,151.86 86,233.70 959,424.64 1,998,213.00 P34,114,496.36 736,005.49 1,904,070.58 P30,976,941.19 Note 17 - Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses The total maintenance and other operating expenses paid in CYs 2018 and 2017 amounted to P29,859,140.34 and P26,612,186.76, respectively, as follows: Traveling Expenses Traveling Expenses - Local Training and Scholarship Expenses 2018 2017 P 656,439.36 P 416,525.00 16 Training Expenses Scholarship Grants/Expenses Supplies and Material Expenses Office Supplies Expense Accountable Forms Expense Food Supplies Expense Drugs and Medicines Expenses Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Expenses Fuel, Oil and Lubricant Expenses Animal and Zoological Supplies Welfare Goods Supplies Other Supplies and Material Expenses Utility Expenses Water Expenses Electricity Expenses Communication Expenses Postage and Courier Services Telephone Expenses Cable, Satellite, Telegraph and Radio Expenses Professional Services Other Professional Services General Services Janitorial Services Other General Services Repairs and Maintenance Infrastructure Assets Buildings and Other Structure Machinery and Equipment Transportation Equipment Taxes, Duties and Licenses and Other Fees Taxes, Duties and Licenses Fidelity Bond Premiums Insurance Expenses Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses Advertising Expenses Printing and Publications Representation Expenses Rent Expenses Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations Subscriptions Expenses Donations Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses Totals 2018 1,834,140.49 250,000.00 2017 1,391,605.89 250,000.00 477,858.94 164,800.00 194,500.00 1,497,379.05 699,618.94 219,210.00 47,000.00 778,417.00 0.00 1,993,647.86 6,000.00 222,667.00 31,120.00 48,000.00 1,663,710.37 95,075.00 150,648.05 1,633,806.40 141,405.98 1,409,914.91 4,850.00 390,899.67 5,700.00 381,601.21 6,630.00 13,314.00 170,750.00 796,750.00 203,000.00 8,134,262.50 282,000.00 6,559,215.88 693,843.24 635,670.90 82,190.00 354,983.50 67,423.00 917,397.32 93,177.00 384,529.40 38,408.16 151,781.56 319,673.10 21,756.96 32,272.50 308,649.60 337,500.00 237,733.00 865,348.25 880,501.00 33,000 258,452.50 820,707.38 891,950.00 24,400.00 3,846.25 2,378,826.25 18,000.00 1,541,331.25 002,547,827.49 P27,575,932.02 2,485,800.86 P24,006,125.89 932,613.94 17 Note 18 - Non-cash expenses The total non-cash expenses in CYs 2018 and 2017 amounted to P4,865,557.80 and P2,568,355.49, respectively and pertain to depreciation expenses for the following PPEs: Infrastructure Assets Building and Other Structures Machinery and Equipment Transportation Equipment Furniture, Fixtures and Books Other PPE Totals 2018 P 757,986.62 1,181,932.36 1,865,614.42 744,387.75 269,446.14 46,190.52 P4,865,557.81 2017 P 738,116.07 584,622.68 744,032.77 464,520.00 36,344.15 719.82 P2,568,355.49 Note 19 - Surplus/Deficit for the period The CYs 2018 and 2017 current operation of the Municipality resulted in a surplus of P10,015,758.44 and P13,654,339.17 respectively. The total revenues earned and expenses incurred are as follows: Total Revenues Total Expenditures Totals 2018 2017 P78,854,952.95 P73,811,822.61 (68,839,194.50) (60,157,483.44) P10,015,758.45 P13,654,339.17 Note 20 - Prior Period Adjustments The prior period adjustments for CY 2018 amounting to P508,830.73, resulted from the following: Refund of Disallowances Refund of Deposit for 2017 Office Supplies from DBM Cancelled Checks Issued in 2017 Cancelled Credit Memo for March 2017 Payment made by the previous Mayor for lost property Interest income for the 4th quarter 2017 net of withholding tax Totals Total P347,316.58 113,859.39 8,000.00 (3,600.00) 35,000.00 8,254.73 P508,830.70 Note 21 - Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Fund (LDRRMF) The LDRRMF represents the amount set aside by the Municipality to support its disaster risk management activities pursuant to RA No, 10121 otherwise known as the “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act of 2010”. The amount available 18 and utilized during the year totaled P10,408,281.75 and P4,377,838.75 respectively, broken down as follows: Amount Available Utilized Balance Current year Appropriation Quick Response Fund (QRF) 30 per cent P1,117,993.04 P0.00 P1,117,993.04 Mitigation Fund (MF) 70 per cent 2,608,650.42 2,608,650.42 0.00 Reprogrammed 1,769,188.33 1,769,188.33 0.00 Totals P5,495,831.79 P4,377,838.75 P1,117,993.04 Continuing Appropriation Special Trust Fund Calendar Year 2012 Calendar Year 2013 Calendar Year 2014 Calendar Year 2015 Calendar Year 2016 Sub-Totals Grand Totals P 816.84 253,861.33 377,683.23 2,132,178.53 2,147,910.03 P4,912,449.96 P10,408,281.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P4,377,838.75 P 816.84 253,861.33 377,683.23 2,132,178.53 2,147,910.03 4,912,449.96 P6,030,443.00 Note 22 - Reconciliation of Cash Flows from the Operating Activities to Surplus (Deficit) The reconciliation of the net cash flows from operating activities to surplus is as follows: 2018 P10,015,758.44 259,281.43 508,830.70 4,865,557.81 5,172,540.09 (27,874.75) (4,713,831.85) P16,080,261.87 Surplus Financing Charges Net Effect of PPAs Depreciation Increase in Payables Decrease in Current Assets Increase in Receivables Net Cash from Operating Activities Note 23 - Reconciliation between actual amounts in the Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts and the Statement of Financial Performance Consolidated Comparison Statement of Budget and Actual Amounts Entity Differences Basis Differences Income not considered budgetary items Personal Services MOOE Financial Expenses Capital Outlay Income P77,687,050.45 P34,114,496.36 P27,575,932.02 P7,148,766.13 P3,425,861.63 19 Consolidated Non-Cash Income Non-Cash Expenses Depreciation Subsidy to Other Funds Per Statement of Financial Performance Income (152,648.51) Personal Services MOOE Financial Expenses Capital Outlay 0.00 (4,865,557.81) (2,023,576.89) P77,534,401.94 P34,114,496.36 P27,575,932.02 P259,631.13 P3,425,861.63 20 PART II – AUDIT OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS AUDIT OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Financial and Compliance 1. The existence, reliability and correctness of the balances of Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) with a net book value of P93,372,933.89 as of December 31, 2018 could not be ascertained due to incomplete Physical Inventory of PPE, absence of Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment (RPCPPE) and property cards prepared and maintained by the Municipal General Services Office, as well as, lack of PPE Ledger Cards in the Municipal Accounting Office, contrary to Sections 114, 119, 120 and 124 of the Manual on the New Government Accounting System for Local Government Units (MNGAS-LGUs), Volume I. Quoted hereunder are some provisions of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I, to wit: “Sec. 114. Perpetual Inventory Method. The Chief Accountant shall maintain the perpetual inventory records comprising of Property, Plant and Equipment Ledger Card (PPELC) for each category of plant, property and equipment and Work, Other Animals and Breeding Stocks Ledger Card (WOABSLC) for each type of livestock. Such ledger cards shall contain the details of the property, plant and equipment and livestock account in the inventory control account in the general ledger. The General Services Officer shall maintain property cards for property, plant and equipment and work animals in their custody to account for the receipt and disposition of the same. The balance per property cards should always reconcile with the ledger cards of the accounting unit. They should also reconcile with other property records like Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment (ARE). Sec. 119. Property Records to be Maintained. – The General Services Officer shall maintain Property Cards per category of property, plant and equipment. Deliveries of property shall be immediately recorded in the property records on the basis of the Acceptance and Inspection Report (AIR) and other supporting documents. The AIR and other supporting documents shall be forwarded to the Chief Accountant for the recording of deliveries in the appropriate ledger cards. Sec. 120. Recording of Deliveries of Supplies or Property in the Books of Accounts. – The Chief Accountant shall maintain Property, Plant and Equipment Ledger Cards for each category of asset and Real Property Ledger Cards for land. Upon receipt of the AIR and other supporting documents, the Chief Accountant shall record the deliveries in the appropriate ledger cards. 21 Upon completion of the disbursement process pertaining thereto the Chief Accountant shall prepare the Journal Entry Voucher (JEV) taking up in the books the procurement made. Thereafter, the Chief Accountant shall reconcile the JEV with the appropriate ledger cards. Sec. 124. Inventory of Supplies or Property. – The local chief executive shall require periodic physical inventory of supplies or property. Xxx. Physical count of property, plant, and equipment by type shall be made annually and reported on the Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment (RPCPPE). This shall be submitted to the Auditor concerned not later than January 31 of each year.” As of December 31, 2018, the Statement of Financial Position showed a net book balance of PPE totalling P75,452,511.07 and Land amounting to P17,920,422.82 or a total PPE of P93,372,933.89 as presented below: Account Name Infrastructure Assets Road Networks Flood Control System Water Supply Systems Power supply Systems Sub-Total Buildings and Other Structures Office Buildings School Buildings Hospitals and Health Centers Other Structures Sub-Total Machinery and Equipment Office Equipment Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Equipment Communication Equipment Construction and Heavy Equipment Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment Medical Equipment Sports Equipment Other Machineries and Equipment Sub-Total General Fund P10,894,983.06 1,274,212.43 11,365,298.42 1,804,405.40 25,338,899.31 Special Education Fund (SEF) P Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P10,894,983.06 1,274,212.43 11,365,298.42 1,804,405.40 25,338,899.31 3,920,523.72 40,155.01 0.00 83,340.45 3,920,523.72 123,495.46 65,032.74 25,905,144.49 29,930,855.96 0.00 0.00 83,340.45 65,032.74 25,905,144.49 30,014,196.41 1,157,382.72 466,624.88 1,624,007.60 1,311,622.00 0.00 1,311,622.00 156,850.06 123,000.00 279,850.06 488,934.00 0.00 488,934.00 1,982,052.23 313,932.20 187,097.79 0.00 0.00 49,200.00 1,982,052.23 313,932.20 236,297.79 915,150.92 6,513,021.92 0.00 638,824.88 915,150.92 7,151,846.80 22 Account Name Transportation Equipment Motor Vehicles Watercrafts Other Transportation Equipment Sub-Total Furniture, Fixtures and Books Furniture and Fixtures Information and Communication Technology Equipment Books Sub-Total Other Property, Plant and Equipment Work/Zoo Animals Other Property, Plant and Equipment Sub-Total Net Book Value Land Total PPE General Fund Special Education Fund (SEF) Total 6,658,195.25 325,534.00 0.00 0.00 6,658,195.25 325,534.00 2,135,225.00 9,118,954.25 0.00 0.00 2,135,225.00 9,118,954.25 1,465,940.94 5,425.00 1,471,365.94 1,789,104.45 0.00 3,255,045.39 13,386.00 10,380.25 29,191.25 1,802,490.45 10,380.25 3,284,236.64 62,000.00 0.00 62,000.00 482,377.66 0.00 544,377.66 __00000.00 74,701,154.49 751,356.58 17,920,422.82 0.00 P92,372,933.89 P751,356.58 482,377.66 544,377.66 75,452,511.07 17,920,422.82 P93,372,933.89 The audit disclosed that the Inventory Team conducted partial physical inventory of PPE, however, the existence and correctness of the book value of the above cited PPE could not be ascertained due to the absence of the RPCPPE prepared by the Municipal General Services Officer (MGSO) as required under Section 124 of the MNGAS – LGUs, Volume I. Further inquiry revealed that the MGSO has no Property Card for each type of PPE while the Municipal Accountant did not maintain PPE Ledger Card (PPELC) for each category of assets and Real Property Ledger Cards for land, contrary to Sections 114, 119 and 120 of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I. Likewise, there were no copies of land titles to prove the accuracy of the total amount of land. The absence of the afore cited records made it impossible for the Audit Team to perform other alternative procedures necessary to establish the reliability and correctness of PPE valuation as well as the fair presentation of its balances in the financial statements. We reiterated our recommendations that the Municipal Mayor instruct both the MGSO-Designate and Municipal Accountant to strictly comply with the above stated provisions of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I, specifically: a. Maintain Property Card (PC) and Property Ledger Card (PPELC) for each PPE; 23 b. Reconcile PC with the PPELC; and c. Conduct annual physical inventory of PPE and submit the report thereon using the prescribed RPCPPE form to the Audit Team on or before January 31 of each year in compliance with Section 124 of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I. Management’s Comment: The Municipal Mayor explained that an Inventory Team was already created in CY 2018 however, since no records were turned over to the new MGSO, the members of the Inventory Team found difficulty in the retrieval of documents and PPE. For CY 2019, the Municipal Mayor informed that a new Inventory Team will be created to expedite the conduct of physical inventory of PPE. The GSO-Designate and the Municipal Accountant assured the preparation of PPE cards and PPELC and reconciliation of both records with the RPCPPE. At the same time, the Municipal Mayor will create an Appraisal Committee to reassess and appraise the values of the property owned by the Municipality with no stated value in the RPCPPE. 2. Land acquired in Calendar Year 2018 and prior years consisting of 52 parcels of land were not covered with Transfer Certificates of Title in the name of the Municipality due to extensive verification of documents by the Registry of Deeds (RD), contrary to Section 449 of the Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM), Volume I, Section 148 of the Rules and Regulations on Supply and Property Management (RRSPM) in the Local Government prescribed under COA Circular No. 92-386 and Section 39(2) of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445, thus, the reliability of the recorded Land account as of December 31, 2018 totalling P17,920,422.82 is doubtful and the risk of third party claims, land disputes and unlawful occupants. Section 449 of the GAAM, Volume I provides: “Land purchased by agencies of the government shall be evidenced by a Torrens Title drawn in name of the government.” Also, Section 148 of the RRSPM in the Local Government prescribed under COA Circular No. 92-386 dated October 20, 1992 states: “The Local Chief Executive shall be immediately responsible for the proper and effective use and management of real estate owned or titled in the name of the Local Government Unit. He shall ensure that all estate under his responsibility are registered under the Torrens Title System and safeguarded from squatters, unlawful occupants or the like.” 24 Section 39 (2) of PD No. 1445 provides: “In the case of deeds of property purchased by any government agency, the Commission shall require a certificate of title entered in favor of government or other evidence satisfactory to it that the title is in the government.” The Municipality’s Land account appearing in the financial statements as of December 31, 2018 under the General Fund showed a total amount of P17,920,422.82. Inquiry with the Municipal Assessor revealed that out of the 53 parcels of land, only one lot located in Barangay Tavera has a Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-13530 in the name of the Municipality of Pakil. Land purchased in Calendar Year (CY) 2017 and prior years totalling 47 are shown in Appendix G and ownership over these lands are only covered by copies of Tax Declaration. However, application for titling of lands are on file with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and with the Register of Deeds (RD) and preparation of Tax Declarations on land purchased in CY 2018 totalling five are still in process. But due to extensive verification of documents in the RD, titling of lands could not be expedite. As a result, the risk of third-party claims or land disputes is possible and the reliability of the recorded untitled Land totalling P17,914,185.82 is doubtful. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor direct the Municipal Treasurer, General Services Officer and Municipal Assessor to expedite the processing of TCTs for the 31 lots owned by Municipal Government of Pakil to protect the interest of the Municipality and to ascertain the reliability of the recorded Land account. Management’s Comment: The Municipal Assessor reasoned out that the list of Tax Declaration of property submitted to COA includes 14 Tax Declarations of land with buildings and 38 Tax Declarations pertains to parcels of Land owned by the Municipality. As alleged, of the total 38 parcels of land, seven lots have TCTs already. The Municipal Assessor is coordinating with the Register of Deeds to expedite the processing of TCTs of the remaining 31 parcels of land. Audit Team’s Rejoinder: The Audit Team is still waiting for the revised list of Tax Declaration and the alleged seven lots with TCTs is still subject for further verification. 3. The Municipality’s insurable property with a total net book value of P30,339,730.41 were not insured with the Property Insurance Fund of the General Service Insurance System (GSIS) due to incomplete inventory listing of insurable property, and absence of budget for insurance premium, contrary to Republic Act (RA) No. 656 or the Property Insurance Law and COA Circular No. 92-390, thus the Municipality is exposed to the risk of not being fully indemnified in cases of damage or loss of property. 25 Republic Act (RA) No. 656, otherwise known as the Property Insurance Law, as amended, requires that all property, assets and interests of the Government shall be insured with the General Insurance Fund (GIF), as administered by the GSIS. Moreover, Section 11 of RA No. 656 requires each government agency to include in its annual appropriation the amount necessary to cover the premiums for the insurance of its property during each fiscal period and to remit immediately to the System. COA Circular No. 92-390 dated November 17, 1992 requires, among others, all insurable assets and property of the government to be adequately covered/insured with the GIF of the GSIS. As of December 31, 2018, the Statement of Financial Position disclosed insurable property owned by the Municipality with a total net book value of P30,339,730.41 which were not insured with the GIF as follows: Particulars Buildings School Buildings Hospitals and Health Centers Other Structures Watercrafts Totals General Fund P 4,431,266.87 Special Education Fund P 0.00 Accumulated Depreciation P 510,743.15 Net Book Value P3,920,523.72 181,479.13 125,901.00 183,884.67 123,495.46 79,241.19 0.00 14,208.45 65,032.74 28,863,781.83 484,600.00 P34,040,369.02 0.00 0.00 P125,901.00 2,958,637.34 159,066.00 P3,826,539.61 25,905,144.49 325,534.00 P30,339,730.41 Interview with the Municipal General Services Officer (MGSO) – Designate revealed that only the motor vehicles were covered with insurance while other property of the Municipality as mentioned above were not insured with the GIF due to incomplete listing of insurable property and absence of budget for insurance premium. The inability of the Municipality to ensure the foregoing property with the GIF of the GSIS is not in conformity with the provisions of RA No. 656 and COA Circular No. 92-390, thus exposing the Municipality to the risk of not being fully indemnified or compensated in case of damage or loss or property due to fire, earthwake, storm or other casualty. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. direct the Municipal Budget Officer to include in the annual budget the amount necessary for the insurance premiums of all insurable property; and 26 b. instruct the MGSO to: 1. expedite the preparation and submission of the list of all insurable property so that necessary insurance coverage can be applied with the GIF; and 2. ensure that all insurable property are covered by property insurance with the General Insurance Fund of the GSIS as required under RA No. 656 and COA Circular No. 92-390 dated November 17, 1992. Management’s Comment: The Municipal Mayor instructed the MGSO-Designate to start the preparation of the list of insurable property so that the Municipal Budget Officer can prepare a budget for the property insurance premium with the GSIS and likewise, to include in the annual budget for CY 2020 the amount needed to cover the premiums of all insurable property of the Municipality. 4. Purchases of various supplies and materials totalling P2,399,824.99 were directly charged to expense accounts due to inability of the Chief Accountant and MGSO-Designate to maintain Supplies Ledger Cards and Stock Cards, respectively, contrary to Sections 114 and 121 of the Manual on New Government Accounting System (MNGAS) for Local Government Units (LGUs), Volume I, thus, resulting in the understatement of the inventory account and overstatement of the corresponding expense accounts by an amount equivalent to the supplies and materials still on hand or not consumed as of year-end. Cited below are some provisions of the MNGAS-LGUs, Volume I, to wit: “Section 114. Perpetual Inventory Method. - Purchase of supplies and materials for stock, regardless of whether or not they are consumed within the accounting period, shall be recorded as inventory following the perpetual inventory method. Under the perpetual inventory method, an inventory control account is maintained in the General Ledger on a current basis. In addition, detailed inventory records are maintained for each inventory item. Regular purchases shall be coursed thru the inventory account and issuances thereof shall be recorded as they take place, except those purchased out of the petty cash fund which shall be for immediate use and for stock in which case shall be charged immediately to the appropriate expense accounts. The Chief Accountant shall maintain the perpetual inventory records comprising of Supplies Ledger Cards (SLC) for each commodity/stock. Such ledger cards shall contain the details of the inventory control account in the general ledger. 27 The General Services Officer shall likewise maintain stock cards for supplies for the receipt and disposition of the same. The balance per stock card/property cards should always reconcile with the ledger cards of the accounting unit.” Section 121. Reporting on Issuance of Supplies/materials. – The General Services Officer shall consolidate weekly the Requisition Issue Slip (RIS) for which supplies and materials were issued using the Summary of Supplies and Materials Issued (SSMI). The SSMI together with the original copy of the RIS shall be submitted to the Chief Accountant, who shall compute cost of supplies issued and ending inventory using the moving average method. Based on the SSMI, a Journal Entry Voucher (JEV) shall be prepared to record the expenditures using appropriate expenditure accounts.” The Municipality purchased supplies and materials totalling P2,399,824.99 for CY 2018 consisting of the following: Particulars Office Supplies Accountable Forms Animal/Zoological Supplies Welfare Goods Drugs and Medicines Other Supplies and Materials Totals Amount P 477,858.94 164,800.00 6,000.00 222,667.00 1,497,379.05 31,120.00 P2,399,824.99 Verification of the Municipality’s accounting procedures reveal that they do not maintain SLC on the purchases of inventory items, instead, the Municipal Accountant draws a JEV directly debiting the appropriate expense accounts and crediting cash upon receipt of delivery of supplies and materials, while the Municipal General Services Officer - Designate issues said supplies and materials directly to the end-users without furnishing the Municipal Accountant with the SSMI together with the original RIS. Further, physical count of existing balances of supplies and materials and reconciliation of the amount with the inventory account were not conducted at year end. The adopted practice is inconsistent with the above mentioned requirements of the MNGAS-LGUs and resulted in the overstatement of the supplies and materials expense accounts and understatement of the corresponding inventory account still on hand or not consumed as of yearend. We reiterated our recommendations that the Municipal Mayor direct the: a. Municipal Accountant to: a.1 maintain Supplies Ledger Cards (SLC) for each supply carried in stock; and 28 a.2 recognize inventory account upon receipt of inventory items purchased and adopt the perpetual inventory method in the recording of Inventory accounts and charge to expense only those items actually expended as provided under the MNGAS for LGUs, Volume I, thus, avoid recording an outright expense for the procurement of goods and supplies. b. General Services Officer-Designate to submit to the Municipal Accountant the Summary of Supplies and Materials Issued (SSMI) supported by Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS) to support issuances of supplies and materials from stock. Management’s Comment: Starting CY 2019, the Municipal Accountant already adhered with the audit recommendation to maintain SLC, recognize the inventory account upon receipt of inventory items and to adopt the perpetual inventory method. In addition, the Municipal Mayor gave instructions to the MGSO and the Municipal Accountant to print, use and maintain copies of the SLC, RIS and SSMI. 5. Hauling and disposal of garbage for Calendar Year (CY) 2018 were awarded to the contractors through Small Value Procurement instead of competitive Public Bidding and the Disbursement Vouchers for payments of these transactions with a total amount of P574,510.00 were not supported with complete documents, contrary to Section 10 of Republic Act (RA) No. 9184, Section 4(6) of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445 and Item of Commission on Audit (COA) Circular No. 2012-001, thus, the propriety and legality of the claims were doubtful. Section 10 of RA No. 9184 states that “All procurement shall be done through competitive bidding, except as provided in Rule XVI of this IRR.” Section 4(6) of PD No. 1445 otherwise known as the State Audit Code of the Philippines provides that “Claims against government funds shall be supported with complete documentation.” Moreover, in addition to the perfected contract to be submitted to the Audit Team, COA Circular No. 2012-001 dated June 14, 2012 prescribes specific requirements for each type of disbursement, to wit: “ General Support Services - Garbage Collection and Disposal Complete description/specifications (brand name, model, make/country of origin, hp, piston displacement, capacity) and number of units of dump trucks to be used; 29 Complete description/specifications (age, condition, brand, etc.) and number of units of all other equipment to be rented/used; Appropriate approved documents containing the terms and conditions, whether operated or bare rental for heavy equipment, whether per trip or package deal; and other relevant condition; The designated dumpsite/location of dumpsite (if provided in a separate document); The measurement in kilometers of the total distance covered by one complete route for all the required routes to be traveled; Estimated volume in cubic meters of garbage to be hauled from area of operation, including the basis for such estimates; and In cases where the type of contract differs from the usual per trip contract basis, sufficient justification and comparative analysis between the type of contract adopted against the basic per trip type of contract”. Audit of Disbursement Vouchers covering payments for hauling of garbage and payment of tipping fee/final disposal amounting to P574,510.00 disclosed that competitive bidding as required under Section 10 of RA No. 9184 were not undertaken, instead, the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), through different resolutions, recommended the hauling of garbage services and tipping fee/final disposal through Small Value Procurement. Moreover, audit of transactions from January to July, 2018 showed that there were no Contracts of Service between the Municipality and the Contractors that will serve as a legal document which describes the terms and details on hauling and disposal of garbage. A Memorandum of Agreement was signed only on August 14, 2018 between the Municipality and the Service Provider who serves as the dumping site for the Municipality’s garbage. Corollary thereto, the required documents cited under Item of COA Circular No. 2012-001 were not attached to the Disbursement Vouchers, as shown in Appendix H. The above cited practice of the Municipality with regard to the hauling of garbage cast doubt on the propriety and legality of the transactions. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. instruct the BAC Chairman and all other Officials concerned to explain the reason why the Municipality still resorted to alternative method of procurement on hauling of garbage instead of competitive public bidding as required under Section 10 of RA 9184; and 30 b. execute a contract of service detailing the terms of reference supported with complete documents, in compliance with the provisions of Section 4(6) of PD No. 1445 and COA Circular No. 2012-001. Management’s Comment: The Municipal Mayor promised to conduct a competitive public bidding and execute a contract of service to comply with the provisions of Section 10 of RA No. 9184, Section 4(6) of PD No. 1445 and COA Circular No. 2012-001. 6. The Ten-Year Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan (2015-2025) of the Municipality of Pakil was not reviewed and updated by the Municipal Solid Waste Management Board (MSWMB) every two years or as the need arises, contrary to Section 4 (g), Rule VI of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) No. 9003, thus the risk that efficient and effective solid waste management may not be met. Section 4 (g), Rule VI of the IRR of RA No. 9003, otherwise known as the “Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000” provides that: “RULE VI. CREATION OF LOCAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARDS Section 1.Xxx. Section 4. Creation of a City and Municipal Solid Wastes Management Board The City and Municipal SWM Boards shall have the following duties and responsibilities: a) Xxx. g) Review every two (2) years or as the need arises the City or Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan for purposes of ensuring its sustainability, viability, effectiveness and relevance in relation to local and international developments in the field of solid waste management; Xxx.” The Municipal Solid Waste Management Board (MSWMB) has developed a Ten Year Solid Waste Management Plan (2015-2025) and was approved by the National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC) on November 25, 2015. Review of the Ten-Year Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan (MSWMP) disclosed that this was not updated by the MSWMB every two years or as the need arises, thus the risk that efficient and effective solid waste management may not be met. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor direct the MSWMB to review and update the Ten-Year MSWMP every two years or as the need arises to ensure 31 the sustainability, viability, effectiveness of the solid waste management strategy of the Municipality, thus meet the objectives of the Plan. Management’s Comment: The implementation of the programs and activities relative to solid wastes is still in accordance with the ten-year solid waste management plan (2015-2025), thus, revision and/or updating of the plan is not yet advisable. The Municipality is currently waiting for the result of the ongoing study on the plasma burning technologies that might be adopted by the Municipality to improve its solid waste management system. Audit Team’s Rejoinder: The Audit Team still encourage that the Ten-Year MSWMP be renewed and updated every two years in compliance with Section 4 (g), Rule VI of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) No. 9003. 7. Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) were not established in the barangays of the Municipality of Pakil as required under Section 1, Rule XI of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) No. 9003 and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2009-168 due to non availability of spaces suitable for the establishment of MRF, thus the full implementation of waste segregation at source was not fully attained. Section 1, Rule XI of the IRR of RA No. 9003, otherwise known as the “Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000” states that: “RULE XI. MATERIALS COMPOSTING RECOVERY FACILITIES AND Section 1. Operations of a Materials Recovery Facility “Barangays shall be responsible for the collection, segregation, recycling of biodegradable, recyclable, compostable and reusable wastes. MRFs will be established in every barangay or cluster of barangays. The facility shall be established in a barangay-owned or leased land or any suitable open space to be determined by the barangay through its Sanggunian. For this purpose, the barangay or cluster of barangays shall allocate a certain parcel of land for the MRF. The determination of site and actual establishment of the facility shall likewise be subject. The MRF shall receive biodegradable wastes for composting and mixed non-biodegradable wastes for final segregation, re-use and recycling. Provided, that each type of mixed waste is collected from the source and transported to the MRF in separate containers. 32 The resulting residual wastes shall then be transferred to a long-term storage or disposal facility or sanitary landfill. Materials recovery facilities shall be designed to receive, sort, process and store compostable and recyclable material efficiently and in an environmentally sound manner. The facility shall address the following considerations: The building and/or land layout and equipment must be designed to accommodate efficient and safe materials processing, movement and storage; The building must be designed to allow efficient and safe external access and to accommodate internal flow; If the MRF includes a composting operation, it shall comply with the provisions of Section 2 and of Rule XI of this IRR applicable to composting and composts; The following records shall be kept and maintained, such records shall be submitted to the Department upon request: Record of daily weights or volumes of waste received, processed and removed from site accurate to within ten per cent (10per cent) and adequate for overall planning purposes and tracking of success of waste diversion goals; and Daily logbook or file of the following information shall be maintained: fire, special occurrences, unauthorized loads, injury and property damage. xxx.” DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2009-168 dated October 27, 2009 also provides, among others, the following: “a. Closure of existing open dump sites; b. Development and operation of sanitary landfill sites as final disposal sites for solid and residual wastes; c. Establishment of LGUs MRF in every barangay or cluster of barangays in a barangay owned or leased land or in any suitable open space; and d. Allocation of a certain parcel of land by the barangay or cluster of barangays for MRF.” 33 Interview with the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer (MENRO) disclosed that all barangays of the Municipality of Pakil have no existing MRFs, contrary to Section 1, Rule XI of the IRR of RA No. 9003 and DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2009-168 due to non availability of spaces suitable for the establishment of MRF. Instead, they are implementing the Materials Recovery System (MRS) in which all wastes are collected for disposal except for the three barangays namely: Barangays Baño, Dorado and Saray. Review of the MRS disclosed that it was not designed to receive, process and store recyclable wastes such as papers, cartons, glasses, plastics, bottles and metals. All wastes collected were disposed to a designated landfill. As envisioned, MRFs will separate different materials found in solid wastes in order to promote recycling and reuse of resources to reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal. Hence, without MRF in barangays, the full implementation of waste segregation at source was not fully attained. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. instruct the Barangay Officials to: a.1 look for conducive locations for the MRFs so that all barangays have MRFs, in compliance with Section 1, Rule XI of the IRR of RA No. 9003 and DILG MC No. 2009-168; and a.2 include a composting operation in the MRFs to be established and ensure that these are fully operating and functioning, in compliance with Section 1, Rule XI of the IRR of RA No. 9003. b. direct the Municipal Solid Waste Management Board to: b.1 monitor, evaluate and inspect the existing MRS of the Municipality in order to strengthen its implementation; and b.2 see to it that all Barangays have already established its own MRFs as required under Section 4(b) and (c), Rule VI of the IRR of RA No. 9003. Management’s Comment: MENRO is currently looking for a suitable place to establish the MRF. In the meantime, the Municipality is implementing the Material Recovery System due to lack of MRFs in every barangay. Barangays need to be grouped to come up with the actual number of MRFs to be installed and where to establish these MRFs. The Municipal Mayor also instructed concerned Officers to adhere with the audit recommendations. 8. Out of the 31 programs, projects and activities (PPAs) totalling P13,606,573.80 under the 20 per cent Development Fund (DF), only 17 PPAs or 55 per cent amounting to P6,512,407.98 were implemented due to reprogramming, thus 34 the desired optimal utilization of the fund to attain the desirable socioeconomic development and environmental outcome was not met, contrary to Section 5.0 of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2017-1 Section 5.0 of the DILG-DBM JMC No. 2017-1 dated February 22, 2017 provides: “It shall be the responsibility of every local chief executive to ensure that the 20 per cent DF is optimally utilized to help achieve the desirable socio-economic development and environmental outcomes.” On November 27, 2017, the Sanggunian Bayan of the Municipality of Pakil passed Resolution No. 115 Series of 2017 approving Appropriation Ordinance No. 07 Series of 2017 appropriating a total of P74,532,869.00 for the General Fund to meet planned expenditures for Calendar Year (CY) 2018 which includes appropriation for Local Government Development Fund (LGDF) in the amount of P13,606,573.80 (Appendix I) or 20 per cent of the estimated Internal Revenue Allotment of P68,032,869.00 for CY 2018. The Annual Investment Plan for CY 2018 included 31 PPAs to be funded out of the 20 per cent LGDF however, audit disclosed that as of December 31, 2018, only a total of 17 PPAs costing P6,512,407.98 (Appendix I) or 55 per cent of the total appropriations under the 20 per cent LGDF were implemented due to reprogramming. Out of the 17 PPAs 14 were completed while three are still ongoing (Appendix I), details shown in Appendix H. The partial/non-implementation of the projects would be disadvantageous to the municipal government considering that prices are constantly increasing and the benefits from these projects could not be immediately enjoyed by its constituents. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. instruct the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) and the Municipal Engineer to determine and address the cause/s for the delay and/or non-implementation of the 14 PPAs; and b. employ regular monitoring mechanism in assessing the rate of progress of project implementation thru closer coordination with the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator and Municipal Engineer to ensure that programmed projects are implemented and completed on time. Management’s Comment: The Municipal Mayor instructed the MPDC and the Municipal Engineer to address the cause/s of non-implementation of the PPAs and to employ a regular monitoring mechanism in assessing the rate of progress of project implementation. 35 B. Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (LDRRM) 9. The required Monthly Report on Utilization of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (DRRMF) was not submitted to the Office of the Auditor, contrary to Section 5.1.5 of COA Circular No. 2012-002 dated September 12002, thus hampering the timely review and evaluation of the utilization of the fund. Section 5.1.5. of COA Circular No 2012-002 dated September 12, 2012 states: “A Report on Sources and Utilization of DRRMF using the format of Annex B shall be prepared and certified correct by the Local Accountant. The Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer (LDRRMO) shall submit the report on or before the 15 th day after the end of each month through the LDRRMC and Local Development Council (LDC) to the COA Auditor of the LGU.” Review of the 2018 Annual Budget showed that the Municipality has appropriated a total amount of P3,726,643.45 as Local Risk Reduction and Management Fund equivalent to 5 per cent of their estimated revenue from regular sources of P74,532,869.00. Results of audit showed that the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer did not prepare and submit the required monthly Report on Utilization of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund, contrary to COA Circular No. 2012-002, thus hampering the timely review and evaluation of the utilization of the DRRMF. We reiterated our recommendation that the Municipal Mayor require the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer to prepare and submit to the Office of the Auditor the Report on Utilization of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund on or before 15 th day after the end of each month using the format prescribed under Annex B of COA Circular No. 2012-02. Management’s Comment: Management assured compliance with the audit recommendation. 10. The unutilized amount of P956,092.06 of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Fund (LDRRMF) was not reverted back to the General Fund after five years due to lack of monitoring of LDRRMF balances, contrary to Section 21 of Republic Act (RA) No. 10121 and COA Circular No. 2012-002. Republic Act No. 10121 otherwise known as “The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010”, prescribed, among others, the management and use of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF) formerly known as the Calamity Fund. COA Circular No. 2012-002 dated September 12, 2012 prescribes the Accounting and Reporting Guidelines for the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management 36 Fund (LDRRMF) of Local Government Units (LGUs), National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (NDRRMF) given to LGUs. Paragraph 3, Section 21 of RA No. 10121 provides that “the unexpended LDRRMF shall accrue to a special trust fund solely for purpose of supporting disaster risk reduction and management activities of LDRRMCs within the next five years. Any such amount still not fully utilized after five years shall revert back to the general fund and will be available for other social services to be identified by the local sanggunian”. Section 5 of the COA Circular No. 2012-02 dated September 2, 2012 provide the guidelines for accounting and reporting of Local Disaster Management Fund, to wit: “5.0 Accounting and Reporting Guidelines Xxx 5.1.13 The unutilized balance of the LDRRMF shall be available for use in the disaster risk reduction and management activities as provided in the LDRRMFIP within the next five years, Any unutilized amount after five years shall be reverted back to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund and shall be made available for other social services after subsequent enactment by the local sanggunian. Review of the LDRRM Funds as of December 31, 2018 disclosed that the Municipal Accountant was not able to revert the unutilized amount of P956,092.06 for Calendar Years 2011 to 2013 from the Trust Fund Books to General Fund Books due to lack of monitoring of LDRRMF balances. The inability of reverting the unexpended LDRRMF balances to the General Fund resulted in the overstatement of the trust liability account balances corresponding to the unexpended balances for CY 2013 and prior years. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor instruct the Municipal Accountant to revert back the unutilized LDRRM Fund of CYs 2011 to 2013 to the General Fund and to make the funds available for other social services. Management’s Comment: Management committed to comply with the audit recommendation. Audit Team’s Rejoinder: The Team will monitor full compliance of the audit recommendation. C. Gender and Development (GAD) 11. The Annual Gender and Development Plan and Budget (GPB) and Gender and Development Accomplishment Report (GAR) of the Municipality were not submitted to the oversight government bodies, contrary to Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2013-01 of the Philippine Commission on Women, the 37 Department of the Interior and Local Government, the Department of Budget and Management and the National Economic and Development Authority (PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA), thus, affecting the review and evaluation as to whether the Municipality has developed GAD Plan and implemented programs and activities that addressed gender issues as required under Republic Act (RA) No. 9710. JMC No. 2013-01 of the PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA advocates the policies and procedures in: 1. mainstreaming gender perspectives in local planning, programming and budgeting; 2. local legislation; 3. project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation pursuant to RA No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women (MCW); 4. align efforts of Local Government Units (LGUs) and the National Government Agencies (NGAs) on Gender and Development (GAD) and its commitments to international declarations; 5. strengthen LGU to LGU and LGU to NGA relations on GAD planning, programming, budgeting, project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; and 6. specify the oversight roles of the DILG, PCW, DBM and NEDA in the localization of the MCW. Section C.2 to C.8 of the JMC No. 2013-01 provides detailed guidelines on the preparation of GPB and the GAR and their submission to designated oversight government offices. Moreover, Section C.9 of the JMC requires the COA to conduct audit of GAD Funds annually, to wit: 1) Pursuant to MCW Section 36 and this JMC, the Commission on Audit (COA) shall conduct an annual audit of GAD funds for the purpose of determining the judicious use of the GAD budget and the efficiency and effectiveness of interventions in addressing gender issues towards the realization of the objectives of the country’s commitments, plans and policies on GAD, gender equality and women’s empowerment. 2) Provided further in MCW-IRR Section 37, the COA shall conduct an annual audit of GAD funds of all government agencies, offices, bureaus, SUCs, GOCCs, LGUs, all government instrumentalities and all others concerned. 38 As mandated by the above JMC, the COA Audit Team requested the Municipality’s Annual GPB and GAR for CY 2018 from the GAD Focal Person. However, approved GPB together with the certificate of approval from DILG Regional Office was not submitted to the COA Audit Team, contrary to JMC No. 2013-01. The non-submission of the approved GPB and GAD AR affect the review and evaluation as to whether the Municipality has developed GAD Plan and implemented programs and activities that addressed gender issues as required under RA No. 9710. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor require the GAD Focal Person and all other concerned Officials to prepare the GAD Plan and Budget and GAD Accomplishment Report using the format prescribed in Annexes D and E of the JMC No. 2013-01 and submit the reports to all government agencies concerned for review and evaluation. Management’s Comment: Management assured compliance with the audit recommendation. D. Compliance with Tax Laws and Regulations Revenue Regulations No. 2-98 requires every withholding agent to make a return and remit taxes withheld on compensation, VAT and Non-VAT to authorize agent banks within the Revenue District Office on or before the 10 th day of the month following the month when the withholding was made. The Municipal Government of Pakil had complied with the regulations. E. Unsettled Suspensions, Disallowances and Charges The Statement of Audit Suspensions, Disallowances and Charges (SASDC) as of December 31, 2018 showed no suspension and charges and disallowances of P155,914.61. F. Compliance with the Government Premium Remittances Service Insurance System (GSIS) The Municipality has complied with the required deductions of GSIS premiums for Social Insurance Fund and Employees’ Compensation Insurance Fund from the salaries of employees and promptly remitted them to the GSIS within the first ten days of the calendar month following the month to which the contributions apply. G. Official Development Assistance (ODA) Funded Projects The Municipal Government of Pakil has no Official Development Assistance (ODA) funded projects during the Calendar Year 2018. 39 PART III - STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIOR YEARS’ AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIOR YEAR’S AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS As of December 31, 2018, out of 13 audit recommendations embodied in the 2017 Annual Audit Report, three were fully implemented, two were partially implemented and eight were not implemented by the Municipal Government of Pakil. Audit Reference Observations 2017 The existence and Municipality correctness of the of Pakil balance of Property, AAR Plant and Equipment Observation (PPE) with a net No. 1, Page book value of 24. P69,626,881.12 could not be established due to: (a) the inability of the Municipal General Services Officer (MGSO) - Designate to conduct a complete physical count of PPE during the year resulting in the non-submission of Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment (RPCPPE), and (b) the inability of the OIC Municipal Accountant to conduct reconciliation of book balances of PPE due to absence of PPE Ledger Cards, contrary to Sections 114, 119, 120 and 124 of the Manual on the New Government Accounting System (MNGAS) for Local Government Units (LGUs), Volume I and Section 490 of the Government Recommendations We recommended that the Municipal Mayor instruct the OIC-Municipal Accountant and the MGSO-Designate to strictly comply with the provisions of the MNGAS for LGUs, Volume I as follows: Management’s Action a) maintain property No action was cards (PC) and taken on the PPE ledger recommendation cards (PPELC) for each type of PPE; Status of Reason for ImplementaPartial/Nontion implementation Not Implemented The Municipal GSO-Designate has not conducted full inventory of PPE for the year 2018. Reiterated in Audit Observation No. 1, page 21. b) reconcile PCs of No action was the taken on the Supply/Property recommendation Officer with that of the PPELC; and Not Implemented Reiterated in Audit Observation No. 1, page 21. c) conduct annual No action was physical count of taken on the inventory of recommendation PPEs and submit to the Audit Team the RPCPPE using the prescribed form on or before January 31 of Not Implemented Reiterated in Audit Observation No. 1, page 21. 40 Status of Reason for ImplementaPartial/Nontion implementation Audit Observations Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM). Recommendations each year. Management’s Action 2017 Municipality of Pakil AAR Observation No. 2, Page 27. Cash advances granted to the Disbursing Officers ranging from P43,425.05 to P952,059.25 were in excess of their maximum cash accountabilities of P38,000.00 and P141,333.00, respectively, contrary to Section 101(2) of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445, thus the risk that the government may not be fully indemnified in case of defalcations, shortages and losses of government funds. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor discontinue the granting of cash advances to accountable officers in excess of their maximum cash accountabilities, otherwise, instruct the accountable officers to increase their fidelity bonds sufficient to cover their cash accountabilities. The Municipal Treasurer granted cash advances to accountable officers within their maximum cash accountabilities. Fully Implemented 2017 Municipality of Pakil AAR Observation No. 3, Page 28. Purchases of various supplies and materials totalling P1,854,105.94 were directly charged to expense accounts instead of inventory accounts, contrary to Section 114 of the Manual on the New Government Accounting System (MNGAS) for Local Government Units (LGUs), Volume I, resulting in the understatement of the inventory accounts and We recommended that the Municipal Mayor direct: a. the OIC-Municipal No action was Accountant to taken on the adopt the recommendation. Perpetual Inventory Method in accounting for the receipt and issuance of inventory items as provided under Section 114 of the MNGAS for LGUs, Volume I and to refrain from recording in Not Implemented Reference Reiterated in Audit Observation No. 4, page 27. 41 Reference Status of Reason for Audit RecommenManagement’s ImplementaPartial/NonObservations dations Action tion implementation overstatement of the the books of corresponding accounts all expense accounts procurement of by an amount supplies and equivalent to the materials as an supplies and outright expense; materials still on hand or not b. the General No action was Not Reiterated in consumed as of Services Officer- taken on the Implemented Audit year-end. Designate to recommendation. Observation No. prepare and 4, page 27. submit the Summary of Supplies and Materials Issued (SSMI) supported by Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS) to the Municipal Accountant as basis in the recording of all credits to inventory accounts; and c. the OIC- No action was Municipal taken on the Accountant to recommendation. maintain Supplies Ledger Cards (SLC) for each type of commodity/stock. 2017 Municipality of Pakil AAR Observation No. 4, Page 30. The Municipality could have generated additional income from Real Property Tax had the realty tax delinquency been collected totaling P16,853,226.26, inclusive of penalties as of December 31, 2017 by Not Implemented Reiterated in Audit Observation No. 4, page 27. Partially Implemented The Municipal Treasurer could not continuously issue the Notice of Delinquency due to voluminous tasks assigned We recommended that the Municipal Mayor: a. direct the Municipal Treasurer to send Notice of Delinquency to delinquent taxpayers and post notices of The Municipality had started the tax collection campaign. 42 Reference Audit RecommenObservations dations implementing the delinquency in remedies in the conspicuous handling of places to improve delinquencies, as their tax collection provided for under efficiency; and Sections 254, 256 and 258 of Republic b. make Act (RA) No. 7160. representation with the Provincial Treasurer on the application of administrative and judicial actions to enforce collections of delinquent real property taxes. Management’s Action Status of Reason for ImplementaPartial/Nontion implementation to them and due to various activities to be attended to. The Municipality had started the tax collection campaign. Partially Implemented 2017 Municipality of Pakil AAR Observation No. 5, Page 32. Report on Sources and Utilization of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (DRRMF) was not submitted to the COA Auditor on or before the 15th day after the end of each month, contrary to Section 5.1.5 of COA Circular No. 2012-002, thus hindering the review and evaluation of the utilization of the fund. We reiterated our No action was previous year’s taken on the audit recommendation. recommendation that the Municipal Mayor require the MDRRMO to prepare the Report on the Sources and Utilization of the DRRMF regularly, certified correct by the Municipal Accountant and submit the same to the Audit Team on or before the 15th day after the end of each month as required under COA Circular No. 2012-002. Not Implemented 2017 Municipality of Pakil AAR Observation No. 6, Page 33. Of the 20 per cent Development Fund appropriation totaling P12,683,559.00 for CY 2017, only P7,730,240.29 or 60.95 per cent was We reiterated our previous year’s audit recommendation that the Municipal Mayor require the Municipal Planning Not Implemented MPDC did not fully implement the programs, projects and activities under the 20 per cent Development The MDRRMO was not able to submit the report to the Audit Team. Reiterated in Audit Observation No. 9, page 36. Reiterated in Audit Observation No. 8, page 34. 43 Status of Reason for ImplementaPartial/Nontion implementation Audit Observations utilized, contrary to Item No. 5 of the Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2011-1 of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM), thus depriving the intended beneficiaries of the maximum benefits that could be derived there from. Recommendations Development Coordinator to see to it that the 20 per cent Development Fund are optimally utilized to help achieve desired developmental outcomes. Management’s Action Fund 2017 Municipality of Pakil AAR Observation No. 7, Page 34. The Municipal Government did not prepare a comprehensive plan for the Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC) for Calendar Year 2017 nor fully allocate one per cent of their Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for the LCPC, contrary to Section 15 of Republic Act (RA) No. 9344, thus affected their ability to meet their social responsibility of improving the lives of the youth and protecting them against all kinds of abuse, exploitation and discrimination. We recommended that the Municipal Mayor direct the MSWD officials to prepare a comprehensive plan translated into specific PPAs aimed at improving the lives of the youth and protecting them from all kinds of abuse, exploitation and discrimination and to fully allocate one per cent of their IRA for the LCPC in compliance with Section 15 of RA 9344. The MSWD officials prepared a comprehensive plan and the Budget Officer allocated one per cent of their IRA for LCPC. Fully Implemented 2017 Municipality of Pakil AAR The Municipality appropriated only P500,000.00 in Calendar Year (CY) We recommended that the Municipal Mayor instruct the Municipal Budget The Municipal Budget Officer allocated the required amount Fully Implemented Reference 44 Audit Reference Observations Observation 2017 for Gender and No. 8, Page Development Plans, 35. Programs and Activities, which is lower than the required amount of at least P3,454,114.75 or 5 per cent of the approved 2017 budget of P69,082,295.00, by P2,954,114.75, contrary to Joint Circular No. 2004-1 of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (.NCRFW), thus, resulting in inadequate resources to implement Gender and Development (GAD) activities. RecommenManagement’s dations Action Officer to for GAD. appropriate the required amount for GAD in compliance with Joint Circular No. 2004-1 of the DBM, NEDA and the NCRFW. Status of Reason for ImplementaPartial/Nontion implementation 45 PART IV - APPENDICES Appendix A AAR Page No. 4 MUNICIPALITY OF PAKIL Statement of Financial Position (By Fund) As of December 31, 2018 PARTICULARS ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash on Hand Cash Local Treasury Cash in Bank-Local Currency Cash in Bank -Local Currency, Current Account Total Cash and Cash Equivalent INVESTMENTS RECEIVABLES Loans and Receivable Accounts Accounts Receivable Real Property Tax Receivable Inter-Agency Receivables Special Education Tax Receivable Intra-Agency Receivables Due from Other Funds Total Receivables INVENTORIES Inventory Held for Consumption Food Supplies Inventory Total Inventories PREPAYMENTS and DEFERRED CHARGES Prepayments Total Prepayments and Deferred Charges Total Current Assets NON- CURRENT ASSETS PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Land Land Infrastructure Assets Road Networks Accumulated Depreciation-Road Networks Flood Control Systems Accumulated Depreciation-Flood Control Systems Water Supply Systems Accumulated Depreciation-Water Supply Systems Power Supply Systems Accumulated Depreciation-Power Supply Systems Buildings and Other Structures Buildings Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings School Buildings Accumulated Depreciation-School Buildings Hospitals and Health Centers Accumulated Impairment Losses-Hospitals and Health Centers Other Structures Accumulated Depreciation-Other Structures Machinery and Equipment Office Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Office Equipment Information and Communication Technology Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Information and Communication Technology Equipment Agricultural and Forestry Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Agricultural and Forestry Equipment Communication Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Communication Equipment Construction and Heavy Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Construction and Heavy Equipment TOTAL P 1,896,630.94 P GF SEF 113,243.69 P TF 12,433.56 P 1,770,953.69 39,855,605.40 41,752,236.34 10,229,696.27 10,342,939.96 974,954.44 987,388.00 28,650,954.69 30,421,908.38 7,222.33 20,317,442.19 7,222.33 20,317,442.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,317,442.19 0.00 20,317,442.19 0.00 2,900,592.00 43,542,698.71 2,895,592.00 23,220,256.52 0.00 20,317,442.19 5,000.00 5,000.00 99,792.00 99,792.00 99,792.00 99,792.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,082.75 4,082.75 85,398,809.80 4,082.75 4,082.75 33,667,071.23 0.00 0.00 21,304,830.19 0.00 0.00 30,426,908.38 17,920,422.82 17,920,422.82 0.00 0.00 11,447,644.66 (552,661.60) 1,393,643.63 (119,431.20) 11,790,525.50 (425,227.08) 1,967,688.00 (163,282.60) 11,447,644.66 (552,661.60) 1,393,643.63 (119,431.20) 11,790,525.50 (425,227.08) 1,967,688.00 (163,282.60) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,431,266.87 (510,743.15) 307,380.13 (183,884.67) 79,241.19 4,431,266.87 (510,743.15) 181,479.13 (141,324.12) 79,241.19 0.00 0.00 125,901.00 (42,560.55) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (14,208.45) 28,863,781.83 (2,958,637.34) (14,208.45) 28,863,781.83 (2,958,637.34) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,392,036.48 (768,028.88) 1,811,478.48 (654,095.76) 580,558.00 (113,933.12) 0.00 0.00 3,575,482.43 3,418,732.43 156,750.00 0.00 (1,772,991.98) 1,535,500.00 (1,629,627.98) 1,535,500.00 (143,364.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (223,878.00) 686,748.25 (406,898.19) 1,340,000.00 (223,878.00) 536,748.25 (379,898.19) 1,340,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 (27,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (851,066.00) (851,066.00) 0.00 0.00 46 PARTICULARS TOTAL Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment Medical Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Medical Equipment Sports Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Sports Equipment Other Machinery and Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Other Machinery and Equipment Transportation Equipment Motor Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation-Motor Vehicles Watercrafts Accumulated Depreciation-Watercrafts Accumulated Impairment Losses-Watercrafts Other Transportation Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Other Transportation Equipment Furniture, Fixtures and Books Furniture and Fixtures Accumulated Depreciation-Furniture and Fixtures Books Accumulated Depreciation-Books Other Property, Plant and Equipment Work/Zoo Animals Other Property, Plant and Equipment Accumulated Depreciation - Other Property, Plant and Equipment Total Property, Plant and Equipment Total Non-Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Financial Liabilities Payables Accounts Payable Total Payables Bills/Bonds/Loans Payable Loans Payable - Domestic Total Bills/Bonds/Loans Payable Total Financial Liabilities Inter-Agency Payables Due to BIR Due to GSIS Due to NGAs Due to GOCCs Due to LGUs Total Inter-Agency Payables Intra-Agency Payables Due to Other Funds Total Intra-Agency Payables Trust Liabilities Trust Liabilities - Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund Bail Bonds Payable Guaranty/Security Deposits Payable Total Trust Liabilities Deferred Credits/Unearned Income Deferred Real Property Tax Deferred Special Education Tax Total Deferred Credits/Unearned Income Other Payables Other Payables Total Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS/EQUITY Net Assets/Equity (Annex D) Total Net Assets/Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS/EQUITY DIFFERENCE (Assets vs. Liabilities and Net Assets/Equity) Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Net Assets/Equity GF 2,468,470.00 (486,417.77) 553,960.00 (240,027.80) 294,921.00 (58,623.21) 1,957,620.15 TF 0.00 0.00 (486,417.77) 553,960.00 (240,027.80) 234,921.00 (47,823.21) 1,957,620.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 (10,800.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,042,469.23) (1,042,469.23) 0.00 0.00 9,277,950.00 (2,619,754.75) 484,600.00 (159,066.00) 2,640,000.00 9,277,950.00 (2,619,754.75) 484,600.00 (159,066.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,640,000.00 0.00 0.00 (504,775.00) (504,775.00) 0.00 0.00 1,844,610.48 (373,244.54) 15,550.00 (5,169.75) 1,836,860.48 (370,919.54) 0.00 0.00 7,750.00 (2,325.00) 15,550.00 (5,169.75) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62,000.00 515,129.00 62,000.00 515,129.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 751,356.58 751,356.58 22,056,186.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,426,908.38 (32,751.34) 93,372,933.89 93,372,933.89 178,771,743.69 P SEF 2,468,470.00 (32,751.34) 92,621,577.31 92,621,577.31 126,288,648.54 2,677,884.98 2,677,884.98 2,347,822.98 2,347,822.98 330,062.00 330,062.00 0.00 0.00 1,996,306.93 1,996,306.93 4,674,191.91 1,996,306.93 1,996,306.93 4,344,129.91 0.00 0.00 330,062.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 815,569.81 192,063.00 15,582,556.40 57,790.48 5,101,793.79 21,749,773.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,535.00 24,535.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 815,569.81 192,063.00 15,582,556.40 57,790.48 5,077,258.79 21,725,238.48 3,019,470.89 3,019,470.89 2,144,396.71 2,144,396.71 0.00 0.00 875,074.18 875,074.18 6,030,443.00 21,360.00 1,688,460.59 7,740,263.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,030,443.00 21,360.00 1,688,460.59 7,740,263.59 20,317,442.19 20,317,442.19 40,634,884.38 20,317,442.19 20,317,442.19 0.00 20,317,442.19 20,317,442.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 86,332.13 77,904,916.38 77,904,916.38 0.00 26,830,503.81 26,830,503.81 0.00 20,647,504.19 20,647,504.19 86,332.13 30,426,908.38 30,426,908.38 1,408,682.58 1,408,682.58 22,056,186.77 P 0.00 0.00 30,426,908.38 100,866,827.31 99,458,144.73 100,866,827.31 99,458,144.73 178,771,743.69 P 126,288,648.54 P #REF! 77,904,916.38 #REF! 126,288,648.54 26,830,503.81 99,458,144.73 22,056,186.77 20,647,504.19 1,408,682.58 - 47 30,426,908.38 Appendix B AAR Page No. 5 MUNICIPALITY OF PAKIL Statements of Financial Performance For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 PARTICULARS REVENUE TAX REVENUE Individual and Corporation Professional Tax Community Tax Property Real Property Tax - Basic Less: Discount on Real Property Tax - Basic Special Education Tax Less: Discount on Special Education Tax Goods and Services Business Tax Amusement Tax Franchise Tax Fines and Penalties Tax Revenue-Fines and Penalties-Taxes on Individual and Corporation Total Tax Revenues SHARE FROM NATIONAL TAXES Share from Internal Revenue Collections BUSINESS AND SERVICE INCOME Service Income Permit Fees Registration Fees Clearance and Certification Fees Inspection Fees Fishery Rentals, Fees and Charges Fees for Sealing and Licensing of Weights and Measures Other Service Income Business Income Receipts from Cemetery Operation Garbage Fees Hospital Fees Interest Income Other Business Income Total Service and Business Income SHARES, GRANTS AND DONATIONS Shares Share from PCSO Total Shares, Grants and Donations TOTAL REVENUE LESS: CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries and Wages * Salaries and Wages - Regular * Salaries and Wages - Casual/Contractual Other Compensation * Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) * Representation Allowance (RA) * Transportation Allowance (TA) * Clothing/Uniform Allowance * Subsistence Allowance * Laundry Allowance * Hazard Pay * Longevity Pay * Overtime and Night Pay * Year End Bonus * Cash Gift Personnel Benefits Contributions * Life and Retirement Insurance Contributions * PAG-IBIG Contributions * PHILHEALTH Contributions * Employees Compensation Insurance Premiums Other Personnel Benefits * Terminal Leave Benefits * Other Personnel Benefits Total Personnel Services MAINTENANCE AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES Travelling Expenses Travelling Expenses - Local TOTAL P 0.00 317,650.26 P 942,620.51 (120,844.51) 1,148,064.45 (120,844.51) GF 0.00 317,650.26 942,620.51 (120,844.51) 0.00 P 0.00 TF SEF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,148,064.45 (120,844.51) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,194,475.76 45,698.65 21,896.07 1,194,475.76 45,698.65 21,896.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,127.81 3,428,716.68 22,127.81 2,423,624.55 0.00 1,027,219.94 0.00 0.00 68,032,869.00 68,032,869.00 0.00 0.00 1,393,495.68 891,473.00 231,796.00 156,741.00 400.00 3,695.00 265,880.00 1,393,495.68 891,473.00 231,796.00 156,741.00 400.00 3,695.00 265,880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 262,511.89 32,430.00 132,820.00 41,449.44 2,378,680.00 5,791,372.01 262,511.89 32,430.00 132,820.00 41,449.44 2,378,680.00 5,791,372.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 259,316.44 259,316.44 77,512,274.13 259,316.44 259,316.44 76,507,182.00 0.00 0.00 1,027,219.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,512,017.91 2,342,496.58 17,512,017.91 2,342,496.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,170,866.67 1,512,000.00 1,419,600.00 528,000.00 66,539.37 32,549.69 30,500.00 70,000.00 154,362.29 1,762,711.80 456,000.00 2,170,866.67 1,512,000.00 1,419,600.00 528,000.00 66,539.37 32,549.69 30,500.00 70,000.00 154,362.29 1,762,711.80 456,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,376,564.61 363,846.60 265,651.34 93,151.86 2,376,564.61 363,846.60 265,651.34 93,151.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 959,424.64 1,998,213.00 34,114,496.36 959,424.64 1,998,213.00 34,114,496.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 656,439.36 656,439.36 0.00 0.00 48 PARTICULARS Training and Scholarship Expenses Training Expenses Scholarship Expenses Supplies and Material Expenses Office Supplies Expense Accountable Forms Expenses Animal/Zoological Supplies Expenses Food Supplies Expenses Welfare Goods Expenses Drugs and Medicines Expenses Fuel, Oil and Lubrication Expenses Other Supplies Expenses Utility Expenses Water Expenses Electricity Expenses Communication Expenses Postage and Courier Service Telephone Expenses Internet Subscription Expenses Cable, Satellite, Telegraph and Radio Expenses Professional Services Other Professional Services General Services Janitorial Services Other General Services Repairs and Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance - Infrastructure Assets Repairs and Maintenance - Building and Other Structures Repairs and Maintenance - Machineries Equipment Repairs and Maintenance - Transportation Equipment Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees Taxes, Duties and Licenses Fidelity Bond Premiums Insurance Expenses Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses Advertising Expenses Printing and Publication Expenses Representation Expenses Rent Expenses Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations Subscriptions Expenses Donations Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses Total Maintenance and Operating Expenses FINANCIAL EXPENSES Financial Expenses Interest Expenses Bank Charges Total Financial Expenses Non-Cash Expenses Depreciation Depreciation - Infrastructure Assets Depreciation - Buildings and Structures Depreciation - Machinery and Equipment Depreciation - Transportation Equipment Depreciation - Furniture, Fixtures and Books Depreciation - Other Property, Plant and Equipment Total Non-Cash Expenses TOTAL CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FROM CURRENT OPERATIONS ADD (DEDUCT): TRANSFERS, ASSISTANCE AND SUBSIDY Assistance and Subsidy from Subsidy from Other Funds Total Transfers, Assistance and Subsidy from Financial Assistance/Subsidy to Subsidy to Other Local Government Units Subsidy to Other Funds Subsidy - Others Total Transfers, Assistance and Subsidy to NET FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE/SUBSIDY Other Non-Operating Income Miscellaneous Income Miscellaneous Income Net Other Non-Operating Income/Losses SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE PERIOD TOTAL P GF TF SEF 1,834,140.49 250,000.00 1,834,140.49 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 477,858.94 164,800.00 6,000.00 194,500.00 222,667.00 1,497,379.05 1,993,647.86 31,120.00 477,858.94 164,800.00 6,000.00 194,500.00 222,667.00 1,497,379.05 1,993,647.86 31,120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150,648.05 1,633,806.40 150,648.05 1,633,806.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,850.00 390,899.67 6,630.00 4,850.00 390,899.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,630.00 0.00 0.00 170,750.00 20,500.00 150,250.00 0.00 203,000.00 8,134,262.50 0.00 8,134,262.50 203,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 693,843.24 635,670.90 82,190.00 354,983.50 693,843.24 259,487.90 82,190.00 354,983.50 0.00 376,183.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38,408.16 151,781.56 319,673.10 38,408.16 151,781.56 319,673.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 337,500.00 237,733.00 865,348.25 880,501.00 24,400.00 3,846.25 2,378,826.25 2,547,827.49 27,575,932.02 337,500.00 237,733.00 865,348.25 864,501.00 24,400.00 3,846.25 2,149,031.25 2,547,827.49 26,600,704.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,000.00 0.00 0.00 229,795.00 0.00 975,228.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 259,281.43 350.00 259,631.43 259,281.43 350.00 259,631.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 757,986.62 1,181,932.36 1,865,614.42 744,387.75 269,446.14 46,190.52 4,865,557.81 66,815,617.62 10,718,784.32 757,986.62 1,176,266.81 1,725,064.30 744,387.75 266,421.39 46,190.52 4,716,317.39 65,691,149.20 10,816,032.80 1,167,902.50 1,167,902.50 1,167,902.50 1,167,902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 126,693.00 516,707.20 1,380,176.69 2,023,576.89 (855,674.39) 126,693.00 516,707.20 1,380,176.69 2,023,576.89 (855,674.39) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 152,648.51 152,648.51 10,015,758.44 P 152,648.51 152,648.51 10,113,006.92 P 0.00 5,665.55 140,550.12 0.00 3,024.75 0.00 149,240.42 1,124,468.42 (97,248.48) 0.00 0.00 (97,248.48) P 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49 Appendix C AAR Page No. 6 MUNICIPALITY OF PAKIL Statement of Cash Flows (By Fund) For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 PARTICULARS Cash Flows from Operating Activities Cash Inflows P Collection from taxpayers Share from Internal Revenue Allotment Receipts from business/service income Interest Income Dividend Income Other Receipts Total Cash Inflows Cash Outflows Payments of expenses Payment to suppliers and creditors Payment to employees Total Cash Outflows Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities Cash Flows From Investing Activities Cash Outflows Purchase/Construction of Property, Plant and Equipment Total Cash Outflows Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash Flow from Financing Activities Cash OutFlows Payment of loan amortization Total Cash Outflows Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities Total Cash Provided by Operating, Investing and Financing Activities Add : Cash at the Beginning of the year Cash Balance Ending December 31 P TOTAL 3,450,844.49 P 68,032,869.00 5,791,372.01 41,449.44 40,253,598.43 117,570,133.37 GF 2,423,624.55 P 68,032,869.00 5,791,372.01 41,449.44 3,917,098.01 80,206,413.01 TF SEF 1,027,219.94 1,027,219.94 P 36,336,500.42 36,336,500.42 1,482,979.75 34,206,508.20 1,482,979.75 (455,759.81) 34,206,508.20 2,129,992.22 67,375,375.14 34,114,496.36 101,489,871.50 16,080,261.87 31,685,887.19 34,114,496.36 65,800,383.55 14,406,029.46 22,308,012.43 22,308,012.43 (22,308,012.43) 22,308,012.43 22,308,012.43 (22,308,012.43) - - 216,962.40 216,962.40 (216,962.40) 216,962.40 216,962.40 (216,962.40) - - (6,444,712.96) 48,196,949.30 41,752,236.34 P (8,118,945.37) 18,461,885.33 10,342,939.96 P (455,759.81) 1,443,147.81 987,388.00 P 2,129,992.22 28,291,916.16 30,421,908.38 50 Appendix D AAR Page No. 7 MUNICIPALITY OF PAKIL Statement of Net Assets / Equity (By Fund) For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 PARTICULARS NET ASSETS/EQUITY Balance at January 1 Add (Deduct) Prior Period Errors Restated Balance Add (Deduct) Changes in net assets/equity during the Year Adjustment of net revenue recognized directly in net assets/equity Unrealized Gain/(Loss) from Changes in the Fair Value of Financial Assets Suplus (Deficit) for the period Total recognized revenue and expenses for the period Balance at December 31 TOTAL GF SEF 83,319,183.60 81,813,598.79 1,505,584.81 0.00 508,830.70 83,828,014.30 508,484.45 82,322,083.24 346.25 1,505,931.06 0.00 0.00 7,023,054.57 0.00 0.00 7,023,054.57 P 10,015,758.44 17,038,813.01 100,866,827.31 P TF 10,113,006.92 (97,248.48) 17,136,061.49 (97,248.48) 99,458,144.73 P 1,408,682.58 P 0.00 0.00 0.00 51 Appendix E AAR Page No. 8 Municipal Government of Pakil Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts GENERAL FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 (In Philippine Peso) Revenue A. Local Sources 1. Tax Revenue a. Tax Revenue - Property b. Tax Revenue - Goods and Services c. Other Local Taxes Total Tax Revenue 2. Non-Tax Revenue a. Service Income b. Business Income c. Other Income and Receipts Total Non-Tax Revenue B. External Sources 1. Share from the National Internal Revenue Taxes (IRA) 2. Share from GOCCs 3. Other Shares from National Tax Collections a. Share from Ecozone b. Share from EVAT c. Share from National Wealth d. Share from Tobacco Excise Tax 4. Other Receipts a. Grants and Donations b. Other Subsidy Income 5. Inter-local Transfer 6. Capital /Investment Receipts a. Sale of Capital Assets b. Sale of Investments c. Proceeds from Collections of Loan Receivables C. Receipts from Borrowings Total Revenue and Receipts Expenditures Current Appropriations General Public Services Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Education Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Health, Nutrition and Population Control Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay GENERAL FUND Difference Original and Final Budget 2018 2017 Budgeted Amounts Particulars Original Final 2018 2017 2018 2017 1,287,000.00 1,511,000.00 390,000.00 3,188,000.00 1,170,000.00 1,242,000.00 355,000.00 2,767,000.00 1,287,000.00 1,511,000.00 463,500.00 2,253,500.00 3,099,000.00 5,816,000.00 425,000.00 4,137,500.00 505,000.00 5,067,500.00 68,032,869.00 63,417,795.00 390,000.00 3,188,000.00 463,500.00 1,170,000.00 1,242,000.00 355,000.00 2,767,000.00 - - 821,776.00 1,262,070.48 339,778.07 2,423,624.55 1,342,344.00 1,308,146.25 335,299.21 2,985,789.46 465,224.00 248,929.52 50,221.93 764,375.45 3,312,000.00 - 2,943,480.68 2,847,891.33 411,964.95 6,203,336.96 2,239,153.41 2,531,208.22 959,946.52 5,730,308.15 68,032,869.00 63,417,795.00 - 68,032,869.00 63,417,795.00 76,659,830.51 72,133,892.61 (2,126,961.51) - 26,162,086.80 13,541,248.04 2,453,015.29 25,384,894.35 10,321,904.91 1,063,645.92 481,972.39 1,580,505.72 50,057,753.14 595,000.00 77,036,869.00 71,252,295.00 74,532,869.00 71,252,295.00 28,201,326.31 11,277,205.89 26,759,859.94 10,392,250.00 4,473,507.55 26,644,059.19 15,121,753.76 52,510,768.43 26,759,859.94 10,392,250.00 4,473,507.55 1,557,267.12 (3,844,547.87) (50,610,768.43) - - - - - - - - - - - 3,133,791.68 1,761,000.00 2017 2,504,000.00 2,504,000.00 - 3,104,999.58 1,761,000.00 2018 425,000.00 4,137,500.00 505,000.00 5,067,500.00 2,253,500.00 2,504,000.00 1,900,000.00 Difference Final Budget and Actual 2018 2017 Actual Amounts 2,983,221.69 1,761,000.00 3,133,791.68 1,761,000.00 121,777.89 - - - - - - - - (2,479,980.68) (1,814,153.41) (594,391.33) 1,606,291.78 183,035.05 (454,946.52) (2,891,336.96) (881,597.61) 2,963,753.08 1,655,926.44 2,733,198.16 949,939.37 (172,344.00) (66,146.25) 19,700.79 (218,789.46) 19,468.61 105,073.56 - (881,597.61) 1,374,965.59 70,345.09 3,409,861.63 400,593.52 811,060.63 - 52 Budgeted Amounts Particulars Original 2018 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Housing and Community Development Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Social Services and Social Welfare Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Economic Services Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Other Purposes: Debt Service Financial Expense Amortization LDRRMF Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay 20% Development Fund Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Share from National Wealth Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Allocation for Senior Citizens and PWD Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Others Special Purpose Appropriations Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Current Appropriations Continuing Appropriations General Public Services Capital Outlay Education Capital Outlay Health, Nutrition and Population Control Capital Outlay Labor and Employment Capital Outlay Housing and Community Development Capital Outlay Social Services and Social Welfare Capital Outlay Economic Services Capital Outlay Other Purposes: Capital Outlay Total Continuing Appropriations Total Appropriations Surplus (Deficit) for the period Final 2017 2018 2017 GENERAL FUND Difference Original and Final Budget 2018 2017 - Difference Final Budget and Actual 2018 2017 - Actual Amounts 2018 2017 - - 1,239,866.51 571,000.00 1,139,777.20 571,000.00 1,484,612.78 584,000.00 1,139,777.20 571,000.00 (244,746.27) (13,000.00) - - 1,473,365.48 498,958.44 1,189,977.52 547,502.71 11,247.30 85,041.56 - 3,757,515.99 961,887.47 1,753,731.84 416,268.16 3,823,404.37 4,768,530.92 1,753,731.84 416,268.16 (65,888.38) (3,806,643.45) - - 3,616,587.27 86,637.24 1,668,871.36 251,521.40 206,817.10 4,681,893.68 - 3,726,643.45 3,562,614.75 13,606,573.80 12,683,559.00 3,562,614.75 13,606,573.80 12,683,559.00 132,000.00 550,000.00 6,200,000.00 4,029,600.00 25,334.88 5,299,997.00 4,029,600.00 25,334.88 76,442,037.00 71,254,312.00 128,589,939.94 71,254,312.00 76,442,037.00 594,832.00 550,000.00 71,254,312.00 128,589,939.94 (2,017.00) (54,057,070.94) 3,726,643.45 - - - - - - 132,000.00 900,003.00 (52,145,884.94) 2,330,966.95 8,981,573.87 2,017.00 - - - - - 7,730,240.29 549,580.00 5,113,671.64 4,570,575.00 66,546,823.59 59,294,834.94 4,624,999.93 - (50,200.32) 23,497.29 84,860.48 164,746.76 - 1,231,647.80 4,953,318.71 - - - - 420.00 - 186,325.36 62,043,116.35 (540,975.00) 25,334.88 11,961,494.06 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71,254,312.00 (52,145,884.94) (2,017.00) 54,649,884.94 2,017.00 (2,017.00) - - 66,546,823.59 10,113,006.92 - - 59,294,834.94 12,839,057.67 62,043,116.35 11,961,494.06 (64,170,077.86) (12,843,091.67) 53 Appendix F AAR Page No. 8 Municipal Government of Pakil Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts SPECIAL EDUCATIONL FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 (In Philippine Peso) Budgeted Amounts Particulars Original 2018 Revenue A. Local Sources 1. Tax Revenue a. Tax Revenue - Property b. Tax Revenue - Goods and Services c. Other Local Taxes Total Tax Revenue 2. Non-Tax Revenue a. Service Income b. Business Income c. Other Income and Receipts Total Non-Tax Revenue B. External Sources 1. Share from the National Internal Revenue Taxes (IRA) 2. Share from GOCCs 3. Other Shares from National Tax Collections a. Share from Ecozone b. Share from EVAT c. Share from National Wealth d. Share from Tobacco Excise Tax 4. Other Receipts a. Grants and Donations b. Other Subsidy Income 5. Inter-local Transfer 6. Capital /Investment Receipts a. Sale of Capital Assets b. Sale of Investments c. Proceeds from Collections of Loan Receivables C. Receipts from Borrowings Total Revenue and Receipts Expenditures Current Appropriations General Public Services Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Education Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Health, Nutrition and Population Control Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay 2017 - - Difference Original and Final Budget 2018 2017 Final 2018 1,087,510.94 330,000.00 110,000.00 1,527,510.94 - 2017 1,154,987.81 1,154,987.81 - 1,087,510.94 330,000.00 110,000.00 1,527,510.94 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,134,987.81 20,000.00 1,527,510.94 1,154,987.81 1,527,510.94 1,511,510.94 16,000.00 1,134,987.81 20,000.00 1,511,510.94 16,000.00 (1,154,987.81) (1,154,987.81) (1,154,987.81) Difference Final Budget and Actual 2018 2017 Actual Amounts - 2018 2017 686,467.70 201,349.17 139,403.07 1,027,219.94 790,621.51 760,611.20 126,697.29 1,677,930.00 - - 468,520.11 (201,349.17) (139,403.07) 127,767.87 - 296,889.43 (430,611.20) (16,697.29) (150,419.06) - - 1,027,219.94 1,677,930.00 - - 1,104,468.42 20,000.00 864,665.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 127,767.87 (150,419.06) 30,519.39 - 646,845.44 16,000.00 54 Budgeted Amounts Particulars Original 2018 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Housing and Community Development Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Social Services and Social Welfare Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Economic Services Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Other Purposes: Debt Service Financial Expense Amortization LDRRMF Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay 20% Development Fund Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Share from National Wealth Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Allocation for Senior Citizens and PWD Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Others Special Purpose Appropriations Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Total Current Appropriations Continuing Appropriations General Public Services Capital Outlay Education Capital Outlay Health, Nutrition and Population Control Capital Outlay Labor and Employment Capital Outlay Housing and Community Development Capital Outlay Social Services and Social Welfare Capital Outlay Economic Services Capital Outlay Other Purposes: Capital Outlay Total Continuing Appropriations Total Appropriations Surplus (Deficit) for the period 1,157,005.81 1,157,005.81 (1,157,005.81) Final 2017 1,529,527.94 1,529,527.94 (2,017.00) 2018 1,157,005.81 1,157,005.81 (2,018.00) 2017 1,529,527.94 1,529,527.94 (2,017.00) Difference Original and Final Budget 2018 2017 - Actual Amounts 2018 2017 Difference Final Budget and Actual 2018 2017 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,018.00 2,017.00 1,124,468.42 866,682.50 32,537.39 664,862.44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,018.00 (1,157,005.81) 2,017.00 (2,017.00) 1,124,468.42 (97,248.48) 866,682.50 811,247.50 32,537.39 95,230.48 664,862.44 (815,281.50) 55 57 Appendix H AAR Page No. 30 List of Disbursement Vouchers Hauling of Garbage and Tipping Fee/Final Disposal Calendar Year 2018 Disbursement Voucher No. 100201801074 100201804392 100201804409 100201804420 100201804444 100201804452 100201805556 100201805572 100201805583 100201806699 100201807825 Payee DJO Hauling Services Basic Environmental System and Technologies Eyzon Yerro Basic Environmental System and Technologies Basic Environmental System and Technologies Eyzon Yerro Particulars Truck hire for hauling of solid waste Tipping fee for solid waste Truck hire for hauling of solid waste Tipping fee for solid waste disposal Check Date Amount 482673 Jan. 29, 2018 P38,400.00 490101 April 13, 2018 35,000.00 490118 April 19, 2018 45,000.00 490129 April 23, 2018 35,000.00 490156 April 25, 2018 45,000.00 490164 490264 490280 490289 490407 April 27, 2018 May 23, 2018 May 30, 2018 -doJune 27, 2018 45,000.00 30,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 490533 July 24, 2018 45,937.50 490893 Oct. 22, 2018 23,887.50 539922 Oct. 26, 2018 25,725.00 540072 Dec. 14, 2018 26,837.50 Tipping fee for solid waste Truck hire for hauling of solid waste -do-do-do-doTipping fee on solid waste Tipping fee (final disposal) 1002018101180 -do-do-do-doGEMTECH Gen. Services Inc. -do- 1002018101208 -do- Tipping fee – Sept. 3 to 28, 2018 1002018121359 -do- 1002018121358 -do- 1002018121440 -do- Tipping fee for final disposal – Oct. 16-31, 2018 Tipping fee for final disposal – Oct. 1-15, 2018 Tipping fee – Nov. 1-15, 2018 Total No. 540089 540161 -do- Dec. 18, 2018 20,580.00 23,152.50 P574,520.00 58 Appendix I AAR Page No. 35 Municipality of Pakil 20 Per Cent Development Fund Plans, Programs and Activities For Calenday Year 2018 Plans and Programs I. Social Development 1. Construction or rehabilitation of health centers, including lot acquisition for the purpose Appropriation Implemented Project Cost Accomplishment/S tatus 100,000.00 51,635.00 Completed 2. Construction or rehabilitation of Brgy. Waterwoks System and Sanitation 300,000.00 143,247.00 On-going 3. Establishment or rehabilitation of Manpower Development Centers 100,000.00 4. Construction or rehabilitation of evacuation centers, including land aquistion for the purpose 300,000.00 300,000.00 Completed 5. Rehabilitation mof historical sites classified as such by the NHCP 500,000.00 6. Purchase and Development of land for the relocation of informal settles and relocation of victims of calamities 100,000.00 100,000.00 Completed 1,000,000.00 895,631.96 Completed 300,000.00 220,000.00 Completed 7. Construction or rehabilitation of multipurpose halls, including land acquisition for the purpose 8. Installation and maintenance of street lighting system, including solar power model and LED lights II Economic Development 9. Construction or rehabilitation of communal irrigation or water impounding system 100,000.00 10. Purchase or lease of post-harvet facilities, such as farm or hand tractor with trailer, thresher and mechanical driers and other farm implements Construction or rehabilitation of Municipal and Brgy roads and bridges and purchase of appropriate engineering equipment 200,000.00 30,000.00 Completed 11. Selective reblocking, Brgy. Gonzales 500,000.00 415,601.00 Completed 12. Rehabilitation of Drainage Canal, Brgy Gonzales 200,000.00 197,738.24 Completed 13. Construction of open canal, feeder road, Brgy taft 170,000.00 14. Construction of Brgy. Rd. (100x4x2), Brgy Kabulusan 880,000.00 15. Concreting Pinagkampohan Pathwayu, Brgy Taft 150,000.00 16. Construction of alternate road 0.196 km (Pakil-Paete Boundary) 1,400,000.00 17. Improvement and Beautification of Iglesia Street (43x6.6m) and vicinity 1,300,000.00 59 Plans and Programs Amount Project Cost Accomplish ment Capital expendityres related to the implementation of livelihood or entreneurship/local development projects/programs: Economic Enterprises 18. i) Turumba Springs Swimming Pool 125,000.00 27,880.00 Completed 19. ii) Public Cemeteries 125,000.00 20. Tourism Development (AVP and Brochure Production; ATOPRecognition and Award Promotion, other related activities) 500,000.00 500,000.00 Completed 1,700,000.00 1,700,000.00 Completed 22. Livelihood/Entrepreneurship Program (senior citizens, OSY, Women, PWD, others) 500,000.00 200,000.00 Completed 23. Agricultural Livelihood Program 200,000.00 24. E-Governance Initiative and related facilities (information Technology) 156,573.80 156,573.80 Completed 25. Zoning Administration/Implementation(MDC) 100,000.00 26. Revenue Generation Program 100,000.00 97,857.15 On-going 27. Amortization of loans used to finance development projects cited in JMC 2017-1 subject to the 20 per cent debt service cap prescribed under Sec. 324(b) of RA 7160 (LISCOP) 500,000.00 476,243.83 Completed 21. Cultural Affairs and Promotion (Turumba Festival, Foundation Day, Adonal Day, Town Fiesta, and other Cultural Traditions) III Environmental Management 28. Reforestation and urban greening 100,000.00 29. 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 On-going 6,512,407.98 17 Purchase of garbage trucks and other equipment for environmental management and protection purposes; other SWM 30. Implementaton of flood erosion control projects such as construction and rehabilitation of drainage systems, desilting of rivers and declogging of canals 200,000.00 31. Other environmental management projects that promote air and water quality, as well as productivity of coastal or freshwater habitat, agricultural and forest lands, such as, but not limited to treatment of wastewater for concervation/re-use purposes and installation of air pollution devices 700,000.00 Total P 13,606,573.80 P 60