19930092711 RB No . L5F15a NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS ROPERTY OF JET PROPULSION CALIFORNIA INSmUT U80RA JDRy lIe_ E OF TECHNOLOGY I ~ ORIGINALLY ISSUED July 1945 as Restricted Bulletin L5F15a TABLES AND ClIARTS FOR TEE EVALUATION OF PROFILE DRAG FROM WIlKE SURVEYS .AT HIGH SUBSONIC SPEEIS By Myron J. Block and S. Katzoff Langley Memorial. Aeronautical. Laboratory Langley Field, Va . WASHINGTON NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution of advance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the wax effort. They were previously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not technically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution. L - 107 -------- ---- --- ------~---~------~------ NACA RB No . L5?15a NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS ~ESTRICTED BULLETIN TABLES AND CHART S FOR THE EVALUATION OF PROFILE :9RAG FROM WAKE SURVEYS AT HIGH SUBSONIC SPEEDS By Myr on J. Block and S. Katzoff SUIVIMARY Tables a nd charts for the eva l uation of profile drag from wak e surveys at high subsonic speeds are presented. Thes e t ab l es and charts are for use with two methods of evaluation, a n exact method tha t may be applied to wakes of any shape and a simole approximate method that may be applied when the variation of total-pressure loss across the wake has the typ i cal form (resembling a cycle of 8. cosine - squared curve). INTRODUCTION As an aid in the de termination of profile drag from wake surveys at high subsonic speeds, tables and charts ha v e been prepar ed to mini mize the com:outation!::..l labor invol v ed . These t ab l es and char ts are presented h e rein, together with a brief di scussi on of their a p plication. The data ~ r e for both the approximate method of refere nce 1, which simply applies a correction factor to the integra l of the t o tal- p ressure loss acro ss the wake, and the exa ct po int-by- po int me thod, for use when the d istributio n of tot a l-pr essure loss acr oss the wake does not follow the typica l pa tt e rn. The data for both methods are for Mach numb e rs up to 1.0. SYMBOLS c cho r d d d rag p e r unit span I I r-- .- --. 2 NACA RB No. L5Fl5a Cd section profile - drag coeffi cient o ( d ~ ~poVo2c) F factor for evaluation of drag coefficient by ap~roximate method H total p ressure M 1acb nurrber p static oreS3ure V velocity w thickness of wake y distance across wake p density Subscripts : o free stream I at plane of neasurement max maximum THEORY AN:) lj ETHO:::> The basic theory of the use of w~ke surveys for the measurement of wi n g profile drbg has been largely dis cussed in previous literature (fo r example, reference 2) . .rTo further di s cussion of the equations used wi 11 therefore be given , except to note that the ratio of specific hea ts for air was taken as 1. 4oL~, Theoreti cal and experimental studies have confirmed that the basic aS3un~ptions for example, that essentially streillaline flow exists in the wake downstream of the measuring station and that the stagnation temperature in the wake is the same as in the free stream - are accurate or are satisfactory approximations to the actual conditions. Errors are more likely to arise from sources of a less fundamental nature, such as from cross flows of the wing boundary layer, which may confuse the relation between the wake at a certain spanwise station and the profile drag of the wIng at that _J NACA RB Ho . L5F15a 3 stati on, o r from so high a deGree of turbulence in the wake (as b ehin d a fl ap ) that both the method and the pressure readings are invalid. CHARTS AND TABLES FOR POINT -BY- POINT CliLCULATIONS The fli ght Mach numbe r Mo and the flight impact p r essure Ho - Po are assumed to be known, in addition to the va lu es of total - Dr es s ure deficiency Ho - HI and of st atic - p res sure rise PI - Po at points in the wake. Table I and figure 1 g i ve the factor or Drag pe r u nit span pe r unit thickness of wake/ lp Ho Ho V 2 200 as a function of ~o, Ho - HI and PI - Po Multiplying Ho - Po Ho - Po this factor by the fractional loss of impact pressure at Ho - HI a point in the wax e gives the value of CCdo' Ho .~ Po which corresponds to unit thickness of wake at that point. Inte g ration of this value across t he wake gives CCd o for the section . The values given h e rein were comDuted in some detail for Mo 0, 0 . 2, 0.4, 0 . 6, 0 . 8 , and 1.0, and for Pl - Po - 0 . 1, 0, 0 . 1, and 0 . 2 . rrh e valu es for other Ho - Po Mach numbe r s and pressure ratios were found· by in terpolation and numer0us calculated checks were made . 'I'lle factors are accurate within ±0 . 002. = = 4 NACA RB No. L5?15a CHARTS FOR APPROXllfATE METHOD When the distribut~on of total-pressure loss across the wake follows the typical pattern, profile drag can be obtained wi th good accuracy by a relati vely simple method (reference 1). In this method, the drag is deter mined direct ly from the product of the integral of totalEo - Hl pressure loss across the wake ( - dYl and a facHo - P Vw - 0 tor F, which is a function of the maximum total-pressure loss in the wake, the average s tatic pressure in the wake, and the flight Ma ch numbe r; thus, CCdo where F =F ! w is a function of Ho - HI -Eo - -- -Po - dy 1 (;~-=-!Il '\ , ~l - Po Ho - Po Ho - po) max and Mo ' In practice the int egral is ob tained eithe r by use of an integrating manometer or by actual integration of point - by-point measurements of Ho - HI in the wake . Values of F are plotted in figure 2. The values were computed by assuming that the total - pressure loss across the wake had a cosine-squared dist ribution ____ Ho - Hl = ( ll0 Ho - Po Ho - H~) - p / cos o max w w < < Yl 2" 2 = 2 TrYl -W- and by di viding the value of cCd 0 , as computed by the point - by - point method , by the value of 1 Ho - w H0 - Figure 2, whi ch gi ves F dire ctly for I.~ach numbers from 0 to 1.0, is considerably more- convenient to use than the data of reference 1 , which gives F di rectly only for Mo 0 and includes a tab l e of corrections for values of Mo other than zero . It should be pointed = NACA RB No . L5Fl5a 5 out further that the correction table of reference 1 contains some systematic errors that are appreciable at high Mach numbers . The results presented herein are considered accurate (for an exact cosine-squared profile) to abo ut ±0 . 2 percent. Although this simplified procedure can sreatly expedite the computation of wing profile drag, its application definitely requires that the wake profile be~r a reasonable resemblance to the assumed cosine-squared ( P:~f:l:{)eSP~Ci:::: :::hw::e:p::::i~:::ed:;~:::t;ffrom o 0 max the usual profile, however, the error in the use of this method will hardly exceed 2 percent. As in the case of a shock where the wake profile shows a relatively narrow peak superimposed on a broad base (fig. 3), the error, however, may easily become excessive. When point-bypoint measurements in the wake are available, accuracy can be retained in such a case by considering the wake in two parts, as indicated in figure 3; each part shows :u:a:~::a:::r: :::;:::::t~::u:o 0; c(o~~n~-:r~)uared Ho - p Drof'ile o max RELATED CHARTS Another pape r (reference 3) has been prepared that gives results related to those given in the present paper. In reference 3, charts are given of the ratio of F for compressible flow to F for incompressible flow for Mach PI - Po numbers to 1.0, fo r values of from -0.4 to 0.1, F"O - Po and for value s of - HI) ____ (H Ho - P o ~o rate char t is given of ~ F from 0 to 0.7. r!1b.X A sepa- for incompressible flow. Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory National Advisory Commit t ee for Aeronautics Langley Field, Va . - - - -- . - - - -- r 6 NACA RE No . L5F15a REFERENCES 1 . Silverstein , A. , and Ka tzoff, S . : A Simplified kethod for Deterlilining ,Hng Profile Drag in Flight . Jour . Aero . Sci., vol . 7, no . 7, May 1940 , P] . 295 - 301 . 2 . Davis , Wallace F . : Comparison of Various Eethods for COY':puting Drag fr om ;.Vake Surveys . NACA AR:t, Jan . 1 9L~3 • 3. Heaslet , Nlax A. : Theoretical I nves tigation of f':e thods for Cor,lputlng Drag from :Na;{e Surveys at High Subsonic Speeds . NACA A~ No . 5C21, 1945 . ADDENDll;i The authors wish to call attention to the following related pape r: BanIs , Do n ald D., and I'1o urhess, II-Iary J.: Numerical Evaluation of' the ':Jake - Survey Equations for ¢ubsonic Flow Including the Effect of En ergy Addition . HA.CA RE ~'jo . L5H27 , 1 91.~5 which has appeared since ~)ublicati o n of tl.e present bulleti n. The tables and charts of this related paper, \lh ich 18 concerned only with the point - by - point method , are for use not only with flows of constant tote energy , as in normal wakes , but also vvi tn flo'ls of increased tot :;!.l ene r gy , as in VifB_\.E)S of ~ropellers Clnd jet-prop;..l.lsion lLnits . Total pressur e and st&tic - pressure coefficients are b2sed on ~poV02 L. _ _ _ _ _ __ inst ead of on Ho - Po as in the present bu lletin. i I _ __ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ 7 NACA RB No. L5F15a TABLE 1.- VALUES OF d(CCdo)/~ -d-y- 110 _ Po FOR BVALUATIOIl Or. ?IlOnLE DRAO PRC* WAXlI: &uRYIrY ~ ~ 110 - Po -0.100 -0.075 -0 .050 -0.025 R" - 0 0.025 0 .050 0·075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 Po 0 1.048 1.036 1.024 1.012 1.000 0·988 0.975 0. 962 0.949 0 ·936 0·923 0·909 0 .895 1.018 1.006 .994 .981 .9&8 ·955 ·942 ·927 ·915 ·900 .886 .025 1.043 1.031 .050 ·075 . 100 1.038 1.025 1.01Z 1.000 1.032 1.019 1.006 ·993 1.026 1. 013 1.000 .987 .125 1.020 1.007 .150 1.014 . 175 .200 .225 ·987 ·980 ·974 .967 .961 .960 ·980 ·953 ·938 l'.001 ·994 ·988 ·973 .966 ·954 .946 .973 ·959 ·945 .930 1.008 .995 .981 ·966 ·952 1.002 ·988 ·974 .959 ·944 ·937 .9 29 .981 .961 ·914 ·959 ·951 .943 ·936 .928 ·921 .250 ·995 .988 .275 ·981 .967 ·951 ·935 ·920 ·948 .940 .934 ·926 ·920 ·912 ·907 .899 .892 .883 .877 .868 .859 ·932 .918 .875 ·910 ·904 .895 .890 ·924 ·916 .881 .865 .849 ·901 .886 .871 .855 .839 .922 ·908 .892 .877 .861 .845 .829 ·914 .899 .883 .967 .851 .835 .818 ·905 .896 .890 .880 .874 .864 .858 .841 .825 .807 .847 .830 .813 ·195 .903 .887 .870 .854 .837 .819 .801 ·783 .878 .860 .844 .826 .808 ·789 ·770 ·912 ·943 ·927 ·911 .894 ·951 ·935 ·919 ·902 .885 .868 .850 .833 .814 ·196 · 777 ·757 .943 ·927 .918 ·910 .893 .875 .858 .803 .783 ·764 .883 .865 .847 .839 .828 .821 ·901 .809 ·790 ·770 ·750 ·143 .128 ·735 . 720 . 697 ·300 .)25 .974 ·967 ·350 ·959 ·375 ·951 ·935 ·959 .713 ·400 ·943 ·926 .873 .855 .836 .811 .797 ·777 ·756 ·935 .926 ·917 ·909 .899 .891 .425 .881 .863 .844 .824 .805 ·784 ·764 ·7U ·908 .889 .871 .852 .8,2 .811 .792 ·770 .749 ·726 ·702 .679 .898 .879 .860 .840 .820 ·798 ·778 ·756 ·710 . 685 . 661 .450 ·475 ·917 ·500 ·908 .889 .869 849 .828 .807 .785 ·76, ·741 ·733 ·718 .694 .669 .642 ·525 .898 .858 .837 .816 ·794 ·771 ·748 .7 25 ·701 .675 .648 .620 .847 .825 .&83 .656 . 627 ·597 .812 ·733 .111 .708 .691 .664 .636 . 606 ·513 .699 .612 .645 .614 · 582 ·548 ·521 .488 ·550 . 575 .600 .888 .879 .868 .877 .8 56 .866 .844 .8'5 .822 .625 .855 .8,2 .809 .650 .843 .819 .675 .8 30 .806 ·195 ·781 .80' .789 ·781 .756 .766 ·750 ·185 ·775 .760 ·741 .725 .134 •7fT( .661 .652 .622 ·590 · 551 .770 .744 .711 .&88 .660 .630 ·597 ·564 · 525 ·754 ·126 .698 .667 . 637 .606 ·570 .534 .493 .451 .613 .578 ·540 .456 ·409 ·799 ·700 .817 .792 .766 .80} ·749 .108 .688 .678 ·725 ·737 ·719 .646 .656 .622 ·587 .548 · 508 ·500 .462 .416 .357 ·731 .699 . 667 . 634 .596 . 558 .516 ·470 .422 .,65 . 298 .644 .605 ·568 . 524 .479 ·429 ·372 · 303 .214 .218 0 ·750 ·789 ·777 .760 ·775 .800 ·773 .742 ·712 .678 ·757 .655 .618 ·579 · 536 .488 .437 ·740 ·724 .706 .690 .825 · &70 .6,1 ·590 ·541 .498 .446 .}86 .850 ·721 .685 .646 .604 · 558 ·522 .405 .395 .,,0 ·321 ·572 ·509 .466 ·456 .619 ·587 ·536 .480 .416 ·340 . ~O .350 .248 0 .258 0 .875 ·701 .662 ·900 .679 .635 .925 .657 .608 ·550 ·496 .430 ·950 .633 ·578 ·517 .448 ·365 ·975 1.000 .610 .546 .473 ·386 .273 0 .632 .548 ·447 ·316 0 ·319 ·309 ·315 .223 0 .228 0 . 2340 0 RA'l'IOUL ADVISORY COIIIIIT'1'U FOR AERONAO'1'ICS NACA RB No. 8 L5F15a TABLE I. - VALUES OP d(eedol/110 - HI -d-- ;;--Y -0 - 10R KV.t.LUATIOI Po OP PROPILB \lIIJ.O PROIi WJ.!aI SURVn - COntinue'" »0 ~ ~ 110 - Po := -0 . 100 -0.075 -0.050 -0.025 0.1 0 0 . 025 0.050 0 ·015 0 .100 0 .125 0".150 0.175 0.200 Ho - Po 0 .025 . 050 .075 1.042 1.029 1.018 1.005 0 · 99' 0 ·981 0 .968 0 ·956 0·94' 0 ·9,1 0 ·917 0.904 0.890 1.0'7 1.024 1.01, · 999 · 987 ·974 ·961 ·949 .9,6 ·92, ·910 .896 .882 1.0,1 1.018 1.007 ·994 ·980 ·968 ·955 ·942 .929 ·915 ·902 .887 .873 .988 .9"7' · 962 ·948 ·9'5 ·921 ·9°8 .894 .879 .864 1.02 5 1.01, 1.001 .85; .100 1.019 1.007 . 994 .981 ·967 .954 .941 ·927 ·914 .899 .885 .870 . 125 1.014 1.001 ·988 · 975 ·961 ·947 ·m ·919 ·905 .890 .860 .845 . 982 ·969 ·954 · 940 .9,2 ·925 ·911 .896 .881 ·876 .867 .851 ·918 .90, .888 .813 .858 .842 .8'5 .825 .925 ·910 .894 .879 .86, .848 .8,2 .815 .916 ·901 .886 .871 .854 .8,8 .821 .804 150 1.008 .996 .175 1.002 . 989 ·975 ·962 ·947 .200 ·995 .981 .9M ·954 .225 .989 · 975 . 961 ·947 ·9'9 · 9,1 .250 . 98, · 954 ·92, .908 .89' .88, .877 .862 .845 .828 .810 ·792 .867 .852 .8" .817 ·799 ·780 ·768 . 275 .,00 ·976 · 969 .96, .~ ·9'9 .9,2 ·915 .899 ·969 ·955 ·9,8 · 92, . 906 .890 .874 .851 .841 .82, .805 ·962 ·947 ·9,0 .914 .898 .B8l .8"- .847 .819 .812 .", ·787 .325 . .774 .7 55 ·'50 ·955 .922 .871 .818 ·761 ·741 .861 .824 .806 ·799 .786 .780 .879 .85' .84, .8,6 ·947 · 905 .896 .889 ·375 .400 ·9'9 ·930 .767 .747 ·921 .887 .870 .850 .8,2. .812 ·77' .75' ·732 ·727 .712 .877 .860 .840 .82.1 .801 ·79' ·781 .760 .695 .849 .829 .809 .789 .768 .747 ·139 .72.5 .718 .868 .702 . 679 ·709 .685 .661 ·91, .425 ·9'9 ·9,1 ·91, · 904 .895 .450 .92, ·905 .886 ·475 · 915 .895 .876 .857 .8,s .818 .797 .776 .7 54 .132 .500 ·906 .886 .&" .844 .8a6 . e~ . 7~ .7601 ·7~O .1U ..,2 .666 .61j2 .814 .741 .724 .699 . 674 .647 .620 .792 ·525 .896 .876 .8S, .8'5 .550 .886 .866 .844 .824 .801 ·779 ·156 ·752 ·707 . 680 .654 .6Z1 ·598 ·575 .600 .875 .855 .8,2. .8u .788 ·7 64 .740 ·715 .689 .864 .844 .820 ·724 .697 .671 .S,l .S07 ·732 .650 .619 .586 ·556 .S18 ·794 .769 .71!Z .657 .628 ·595 ·5LO .525 . 615 .829 .804 .752 ·725 . 666 .6'5 .604 ·700 .815 .789 ·779 .76, ·115 .696 ·706 .686 .677 .650 .85' .841 ·77' .758 ·749 .62.5 ·797 .rS, .754 .706 . 616 .644 .612 ·577 ·570 ·5,1 .49' .450 ·540 ·500 .457 .409 .725 .802 ·175 ·147 ·716 .686 . 654 .620 ·586 .549 ·508 .464 .4.l~ .,62 .150 ·788 .759 .729 . 697 .665 . 631 ·594 ·557 ·515 ·472 .422 .,67 .298 ·175 .800 ·17' .74' .72.5 ·710 . 676 . 643 .604 ·565 ·525 .479 ·4,0 .691 . 655 . 618 .629 ·590 ·577 ·5,4 .488 ·544 .499 .446 .4'7 .3S6 ·'78 .,16 ·'72 .,10 .,22 .228 0 ·757 ·770 . .82.5 ·739 . ~50 .644 . 60' ·556 ·510 .455 .875 ·720 .700 ·704 . 68, .669 .659 . 617 ·574 · 521 .465 .405 ·900 .679 .6,4 . 585 ·5'5 .476 .415 .340 .242 0 .925 .657 .608 .552 .49' .429 ·950 .633 .578 · 515 ·444 .,65 ·'51 ·2490 .2600 ·975 1.000 .610 ·546 .472 .,Sl .6'3 ·547 .447 . 316 0 ·'95 .,,0 .661 .6" .604 .574 ·640 .611 .580 .548 · 520 .488 .,04 .21, .2.18 0 .22, 0 .2'5 0 .2740 lIATIONAL ADVISORY COIIIIITTU 10R AEROll.t.UTICS 9 NACA RB No. L5F15a TABLE 1.- VALUES 01' d(CCcIoYBe - H1 -H-- -.u'1 0 - Po 1'OR iVALUATIOI 01' PROI'ILB DRAG PIICliI UD SURVBY - Continued ~ 110 - HI Be - Po -0 . 100 -0.075 -0.050 -0.025 0 0.025 0.050 0·075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 Ho - Po 1.006 0·994 0·982 0·970 0.958 0.946 0·9" 0·921 0.908 0.895 0.881 1.028 1.017 .025 1.02, 1.012 1.001 ·988 ·976 ·964 ·952 .050 .075 1.018 1.01., 1.007 1.001 ·~5 ·983 ·970 · 958 ·945 ·~9 ·977 ·964 ·952 .100 ·995 .983 ·971 ·958 .945 . 125 1.007 1.002 ·989 ·977 ·964 ·952 ·938 .150 ·996 ·983 ·971 ·958 ·945 .175 ·990 ·978 ·965 .951 .938 .200 ·985 .972 ·958 .944 ·930 .225 ·979 .965 .951 . 937 .923 .909 .894 .Z50 ·959 ·944 ·930 .915 ·901 .886 .275 .97' ·967 ·952 ·922 ·908 .860 .844 .960 .945 .915 .868 .851 .834 .817 .325 ·953 . 946 ·938 .9,1 ·92.' ·915 ·908 ·900 .892 .89' .884 .877 .,00 ·9'1 ·930 .8'7 .8<17 .876 .858 .899 .883 .866 .841 .82' .805 ·188 .769 .750 .848 .8,0 .81Z ·794 ·774 .756 .736 .939 ·923 .890 .823 .855 .8,8 .819 .801 ·782 ·762 ·742 .722 .915 ·907 .898 .881 .863 .845 .827 .808 .789 ·769 .748 .727 ·907 .889 .872 .85' .836 .816 ·797 ·777 ·756 .71, ·707 .691. ·843 .832 .824 .804 .785 .764 ·742 ·734 ·720 .81.2 ·792 ·771 .750 ·705 .689 .699 .682 .656 .664 0 ·'50 .'75 ·400 ·9'9 ·932 ·926 ·913 ·900 .887 .873 .919 .892 .879 .865 ·9'9 ·9Z5 ·91Z ·906 .898 .884 ·870 .856 ·93Z .918 .876 .868 .847 ·910 .890 .882 .862 .853 .8H ·931 ·924 .917 ·904 .896 ·902 .888 .874 .859 .844 .827 ·923 ·909 .895 .880 .865 .850 .854 .817 .917 ·902 .887 .872 .856 .840 .824 .807 ·879 .863 .870 .854 .847 .830 .8ZQ .810 ·799 .814 ·7" .80, .786 .79' .781 .775 ·76, .425 ·931 .9 23 ·450 .475 .9~ .897 .880 .862 .906 .888 .870 .851 .500 .897 .879 .860 .841 .820 .800 ·779 ·758 ·735 ·727 ·71, .525 .888 .869 .850 .830 .808 ·787 .765 .697 .671 .646 .550 .878 .859 .839 .819 .795 .773 .704 .678 .651 . 575 .600 .868 .848 .827 .806 ·782 .759 ·751 .7,6 ·74' .728 .720 ·712 .685 .659 .6,1 .624 .594 .603 •. 570 .858 .8H .815 ·792 .768 .744 ·720 .694 .666 .639 .609 .578 .625 .847 .824 .802 .778 .753 .728 .703 .675 .646 .61.6 .586 ·552 .650 .835 .8ll ·788 ·762 .685 .656 .624 ·594 .561 .675 .798 ·774 .693 .665 .635 .601 ·568 ·531 ·524 .493 ·700 .810 .785 ·759 ·747 .732 ·737 .721 ·7ll .823 ·70, .674 .644 .6ll ·576 ·538 ·498 .458 .408 ·725 ·797 ·769 ·742 .652 .620 .586 .549 ·507 .462 .415 .365 ·783 .7 54 ·714 .694 .684 ·750 .663 .629 .595 ·557 .526 ·515 ·469 .422 ·368 .298 .477 ·428 ·371 ·'78 ·316 .768 .738 ·724 .706 .674 .640 .604 ·566 ·752 .719 .686 .651 .615 ·576 .486 ·~5 .664 .628 .588 ·544 .442- .}86 .850 ·735 .716 .699 .5" .497 .602 .615 ·572 ·55l< ·521 .508 .696 .679 .658 .640 .875 .454 .405 ·'95 .328 ·322 .2300 .236 a ·900 .675 .631 ·585 ·536 ·48c ·925 .654 .606 · 554 .495 .42~ ·950 .632 .,6' ·975 1.000 ·514 .472 ·443 .609 ·579 .545 .415 .340 .242 0 ·n2 .249 a .260 0 ·381 .27~ .63} .546 ·447 .316 0 ·775 .800 .825 .465 ·310 .674 .6'7 .616 ·545 .518 .487 .455 .304 .213 . 218 0 .221< 0 0 IATIOIlA!. ADVISORY COIIIII'l'TBI! FOR ABR09AUTICS J NACA RB No. L5F15a 10 TABLB I . - VJ.LOBS OF' d(ccdo )./ ~ d1 I 110 - Po OF' PRO:>ILZ IlftJ.O F'ROII WAD ~ 110 - Bo - Bl Po -0.100 -0.075 -0.050 -0.025 0 slIIvn - !'OR IV ALU~IO. Contlnue4 0.025 0 .050 0.075 0.100 0.li5 I(L150 0.l75 0.200 Ho - Po 0 0·972 ~.962 0 . 949 0.938 0 ·926 0.914 0.902 0.890 0.878 0.865 ·968 · 957 ·944 ·933 ·920 .908 .896 .883 .871 .858 ·979 . 951 .938 .926 ·914 ·902 .890 .876 .863 .850 .963 · 97~ 1.004 0 · 994 0 ·983 .025 1.000 · 990 . 050 · 995 .075 ·991 ·986 .980 . 969 ·951 ·945 ·9~ 2 ·920 .908 .895 .882 .869 .855 .842 . 100 . 986 ·914 .964 ·951 ·939 .927 ·901 .888 .875 .862 .847 .833 .125 ·981 ·969 .958 .945 ·921 .894 .881 .867 .854 .8}8 .824 ·939 ·9" . 927 · 914 .908 .914 ·901 .887 .873 .859 .845 .830 .815 ·907 .894 .880 .865 .851 .837 .822 .806 .812 ·196 .150 . 976 . 964 .952 .175 · 911 ·958 ·946 ·933 . 921 .200 ·965 ·952 · 940 ·921 .914 · 901 .881 .81} .851 .843 .828 . 225 ·959 . 946 ·9'4 ·921 · 907 .894 .880 .866 .849 .835 .819 .802 ·786 .250 · 953 ·940 · 927 · 914 ·900 .886 .872 .857 .841 .821> .809 ·793 ·175 .275 . 948 ·920 .878 .86, .848 .8,2 .816 .199 ·18, ·164 . 942 . 913 ·201 .H99 .892 . }OO ·9'4 · 921 .884 .810 .854 .8}1 .822 .804 .788 ·171 ·752 .325 · 935 · 920 · 906 .892 ·876 .862 .845 .828 .812 ·194 ·m ·758 ·740 .350 .928 ·914 .H99 .885 .868 .854 .836 .820 .802 .784 .756 .746 ·727 ·375 .400 ·922 ·907 .892 .817 .859 .844 .826 .809 ·791 .172 .754 ·915 ·900 .884 .861 .850 .8}3 .Hl l> .798 .823 .805 I ·73} ·714 ·761 .741 ·720 ·1>99 .787 ·179 .767 ·748 ·706 ·684 .734 ·727 .11} .691 .668 .650 .42.5 · 908 .892 .875 .858 .840 .450 .900 .8H3 .H67 .848 .830 .H12 ·794 .174 ·154 .475 .892 .874 .858 .839 .820 .801 .782 .76, .141 .120 .698 .674 ·500 .884 .H66 .848 .828 .809 .789 .1' 9 ·748 ·727 .712 .704 .681 .657 .6}2 .688 ,664 .639 .611 ·7~ . 525 .815 .858 .838 .818 .798 .177 .756 ·550 .866 .848 .8a'1 .801 .786 . 743 ·120 .696 .612 .645 .620 ·590 · 575 .600 .B56 .83B .B17 ·791 .774 .1'5 .152 ·128 .679 .652 .625 ·598 ·566 .846 .827 .806 .784 . 760 ·737 .71, ·704 .687 .625 .836 .816 .793 ·170 . 746 ·7 21 . 696 .669 .661 .63' .604 ·574 ·542 .641 .612 .581 ·548 ·515 . 650 .825 .803 ·780 .756 ·730 ·7 04 .&t!7 .617 .649 .620 . 658 .629 .597 ·588 ·556 .522 ·485 ·564 ·528 .491 ·449 ·766 .741 .714 . 777 .752 ·725 .696 .667 .6,8 .606 ·573 .536 .498 .455 ·407 .763 . 7}6 .647 .615 .581 .545 .)05 .401 .413 ·776 .748 ·719 ·707 .688 .677 .657 .62Eo .591 .m .512 .469 .420 .,6} ·358 . 297 .162 .732 .700 . 668 .427 ·"9 .,02 .21, .647 ·562 .5, 1 .477 . 681 ·599 .512 ·521 ·746 ·/)35 .611 .485 .436 ·377 · 584 ·542 ·494 .44' ·385 .504 ·453 .394 ·321 .'14 .227 0 .2~ .675 .814 ·7 90 .108 .802 ·725 .789 ·750 .175 .800 .825 .730 ·714 . 696 .660 .624 .850 ·711 . 617 . 637 · 597 .815 .692 .652 . 612 ·566 ·55' ·518 .464 .403 .328 ·900 .611 .628 .58 2 ·531 ·475 ·414 ·340 .241 0 ·925 . 950 . 650 .602 · 549 ·492 ·421 ·352 .248 0 .629 ·512 ·511 .444 ·365 ·915 1. 000 .608 · 544 .470 .632 ·546 ·447 ·319 .214 0 .316 0 ·308 .217 0 .2220 0 .26d 0 IIATIOIJ.L ADVISORY COIOUTTEB !'OR AEROIUUTICS l 11 NACA RE No. L5F15a T.lBLK 1.. Vu,1JIS OP d( cedo 1/110 - Hi - - - - POR IVU,UATIOK d1 110 - Po OP PROl'ILB DR4G PROII WAD SORVBY • ConUn..ed ~ 110 - Hl 110 - 110 - Po -0 .100 -0.075 -0.050 -0.OZ5 0 0.025 0 . 050 0.075 0 .100 0.lZ5 0.150 0.175 O.ZOO Po 0 0·91' 0.9b3 0.95.5 0 ·94.5 0.9.53 0 ·9ZZ 0 ·9U 0·901 0.890 0.879 0.868 0 .857 0.845 .." .884 .8n .862 .850 .B90 .878 .866 .856 .84~ .8~1 .884 .872 .859 .849 .8'5 .82, .889 .877 .86.5 .85' .842 .827 .814 .88, .871 .8~ .847 .8.54 .820 .807 .865 .85Z .826 .81' .798 .844 .8'9 .8,2 .818 .805 ·769 .Il,a .824 .810 .796 .760 .844 .829 .816 .801 .786 ·770 .8.57 .8010! .807 ·792 ·777 ·7~ .OZ5 ·968 ·9S9 ·9109 .9.59 ·928 .,18 ·907 .050 ·964 ·956 · 945 ·9~5 · 92~ ·91~ · 901 .075 ·960 ·951 ·940 ·9.50 ·919 ·908 .895 .100 ·955 ·947 · 9~5 .924 ·915 .901 .125 ·952 .942 · 9,0 . 918 ·910 .895 .150 ·946 ·9~7 .925 . 914 .90, .890 .877 .175 · 94~ . 9,1 . 920 ·908 .896 .8B, .871 .858 .200 ·9,8 . 926 .914 ·902 .890 .876 .864 .851 .225 ·9.5.5 .921 · 909 .897 .884 .871 .857 .250 ·928 ·916 .877 .864 .850 .275 ·92, ·909 · 90' .897 .8,0 .884 .870 .857 ·842 .828 .81, .798 .78, ·767 ·750 .,00 .8.57 · 917 ·90, .890 .876 .1! 6~ .848 .8.54 .819 .805 ·769 ·77' ·757 .,Z5 ·911 .897 .884 .870 .8 56 .841 .826 .811 ·794 ·7" ·745 .727 ·~50 ·906 .891 .877 .86~ ·848 .8.54 .817 .802 .784 ·779 .768 ·752 ·715 .'75 .400 ·900 .81l4 .870 .855 .840 .825 .808 .79a .774 .757 .741 ·7" .7'1 .894 .878 .862 .848 .8,2 .816 .798 .78, .762 .747 .728 ·708 ·n5 ·116 .694 .bn ·7ZZ ·702 .679 .658 .664 .64l .648 .62, ·7.59 ·702 .686 ·4'5 .887 .871 .854 .6.59 .62~ .606 .768 .772 .450 .880 .86, .84' .8,1 .814 .197 ·778 .7.a · 75' .74' .475 .87.5 .856 .8,8 .IlZZ ·1!04 .787 · 767- .749 .129 ·109 .688 . 500 .865 .848 .8,0 . 81~ .795 ·776 .756 .694 . 672 . 525 .8 57 .840 .821 .80' ·78, .764 .744 ·7.57 .7a, ·715 .702 .679 . 656 .b,O .605 · 550 ·849 .8~2 .6U .79.5 .772 .752 .7.51 ·708 .686 .66, .6.57 .6U .584 · 575 . 600 ·841 .82, .802 .740 .717 ·646 .617 .591 ·562 .792 .748 .727 ·701 ·69' .676 . 670 .652 .~ .597 .568 . 625 .821 .81' .802 .76' .771 ·761 .8,1 .781 .758 ·7.55 ·711 .686 .659 .6,2 .604 ·574 ·542 ·509 .650 .811 ·791 ·768 ·721 ·695 .1>68 .641 .6U ·582 ·549 · 514 .478 . 675 .800 .779 ·755 ·744 .7.51 ·705 .676 .650 .6ZZ · 590 .557 .5U ·484 .444 .700 ·789 ·766 ·74' ·71b .688 . 661 .6,1 ·599 · 566 ·528 .491 .450 .404 .7Z5 ·777 ·727 . 699 . 670 .640 . 609 .57~ .5.59 .499 ·456 .409 .750 ·765 .7 5' .728 ·711 . 681 .651 .619 ·584 .547 ·507 .46, ·775 .800 .752 ·72' .694 .66, .6,0 ·595 · 557 ·516 .472 .4" .,66 .,01 ·'58 ·295 .21, ·7.57 ·707 .676 .64' . 606 . 568 .52.6 .461 .4'1 .'74 .~07 .2160 .825 ·721 .689 .656 .618 ·580 .850 ·7 05 .671 .6,2 · 594 .875 .686 .648 ·900 .667 .925 .647 .95 0 .625 ·975 1.000 ·44 .,sa .,1, ·451 . .59- .,20 .22.6 0 .401 .,29 .2" 0 . 5'7 .491 · 550 ·501 .515 .46, .414 .,,a .240 0 . 608 · 564 .625 · 579 ·5,0 ·475 · 599 .548 .491 .426 .571 ·510 .605 .54' .469 .44' .,81 .6,1 ·547 .447 .,170 .,6, .247 . .550 .2 ~ ·415 .,~ ·5,6 .ZZO 0 0 0 .2740 IIATIOUL ADVISlRY COIIIIITTD POll AXIIOUUTICS 12 NACA RE No. L5F15a tABLB 1.- d(CCd ljB dy 01' I'IIOl'ILB ~ So - ~ So - Po - B VJ.LUES 01' _ _0_ ~ I'OR tl!AO JrI.lL1I.lTIOIl ..,. - Po l'1ICII WUlI SURVEY - Continued -0.100 -0·075 -0 .050 -0.025 0 0.025 0.050 0.015 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 Po 0 . 025 0·9~2 0·92~ 0 · 915 .912 0 ·906 p .898 0.888 0.878 0.870 0.860 0.850 0.840 0.829 0.817 .894 .884 .874 .865 .855 .844 .8~ .82~ .811 ·90~ ·929 ·921 .050 ·926 ·917 · 908 .899 .870 .860 .850 .8~8 .828 .817 .805 ·92~ ·91~ ·904 .895 .890 .886 .880 ·075 .100 .875 .865 .854 .844 .8~2 .822 .809 .798 .920 ·909 · 900 .890 .882 .870 .860 .848 .8~8 .827 .816 .80~ ·791 .125 .916 ·905 .896 .885 .877 .864 .855 .842 .8~2 .820 .809 .797 .784 .150 .912 ·902 .892 .881 .872 .860 .850 .8H .826 .814 .802 ·790 .776 .175 ·908 .898 .888 .877 .867 .856 .844 .8 ~2 .820 .809 .795 .78~ ·768 .200 .904 .895 .884 .813 .862 .851 .8~ .827 .814 .802 .788 .775 .760 .225 .900 .890 .879 .868 .857 .846 .832 .821 .807 .79~ .780 .767 .751 .250 .896 .886 .874 .86} .851 .8}9 .825 .814 .799 .786 ·772 ·757 .742 ·275 .891 .880 .869 .857 .845 .8}2 .818 .806 ·791 ·777 .76} .747 .7" . }OO .887 .875 .863 .850 .839 .824 .811 ·768 .754 .882 .870 .857 .844 .8}2 .818 .804 ·797 .789 .78} . ~25 -774 .761 .744 ·736 .729 .712 ·}50 .878 .865 .851 .8}9 .825 .811 ·796 .782 ·765 ·752 .734 .718 ·700 .8}2 .818 .80} ·788 ·77} .756 .741 ·72} .707 .688 .675 ·723 ·375 .400 .873 .859 .845 .867 .85~ .8}9 .824 .811 ·795 .780 .764 .746 ·731 .712 .696 .425 .861 .847 .833 .81S' .803 ·787 ·771 ·753 ·735 ·718 .699 .682 .662 .450 .855 .841 .826 .811 .795 ·779 .762 .741 .724 .706 .686 .667 .648 .475 .849 .8~ .818 .804 .786 ·769 ·751 .732 ·71} .69} .673 .652 .6~1 .759 ·740 ·722. ·701 .680 .659 .6~7 .614 .7 29 .709 .688 .667 .644 .621 .596 .716 .696 .674 .652 .628 .604 ·576 .682 .657 .6}4 .609 .584 .555 .667 ·640 .616 ·588 ·561 ·531 . 649 .62~ .596 ·567 ·5~6 ·505 ·500 .84} .827 .810 · 525 .8~6 .819 .802 ·795 .786 ·777 .768 ·550 .829 .812 ·794 ·776 .758 ·748 .738 .575 .600 .822 .804 ·785 ·765 ·747 .726 .814 .795 ·775 .764 ·7 55 ·735 ·712 ·704 . 690 ·14~ ·722 ·699 .674 .708 .684 .658 .6" ·604 ·576 . 54} ·511 ·475 .625 .805 ·784 .650 .796 .774 · 75~ ·731 .675 .786 .7 63 .692 .667 .640 .61 ~ ·583 ·552 ·518 .482 .440 ·775 ·751 ·741 .7213 ·717 ·700 ·70} .676 .650 .622 .592 ·560 ·525 .487 .447 .401 ·725 .764 .738 ·715 .686 .659 . 6~1 .601 ·568 .5" .496 .454 .407 ·355 ·750 .753 ·725 .699 .669 .641 .609 ·579 ·541 ·50, .461 .652 .621 ·413 .}66 .298 .419 .360 ·587 .553 .512 .469 .l.28 .372 .305 .215 0 ·775 .800 .740 .712 .683 .727 . 698 . 666 .6}4 ·599 ·562 .52< .477 .825 .712 .681 .647 . 611 .57~ ·5}2 .487 .437 ·380 .312 .850 .696 . 66} . 626 .587 .546 .499 .448 .,a8 .319 .225 0 .875 .679 .641 . 602 ·557 ·512 .459 .397 .328 .232 0 ·"7 247 0 .239 0 · 900 .662 .619 ·57 5 .524 ·47 2 .410 ·925 .642 ·594 ·543 .487 .424 ·}50 ·950 .620 ·566 ·506 .439 .}63 .259 0 .~75 .600 ·5}9 .468 .376 .273 0 1.000 .6}0 .547 .447 .} 17 0 .2200 H&:l'IOI.\L AIlVI SORY COIIIIITTD I'OR llIIOK.t.1JTICS ·292 .211 l 13 NACA RB No. L5F15a T&BLE I.- VlitJES OP d( CCdo - - dy >/110 -8 _ _ 1 110 - Po POR EVliUATIOI OP PROPILE DRAO PROII W.t.XE SURVllY - Continued 110 ~ 8 _ 0 81 110 - P 0 = 0.6 0 -0.100 -0·075 -0.050 -0.025 0 . 025 0.050 0·075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 Bo - Po 0 - 0.885 0.877 0.871 0.864 0.856 0.849 0.840 .860 .852 0.8~, .845 .a,6 .828 0.824 0.816 0.806 0·798 0.789 .820 .811 .801 .792 .78, .025 .882 .875 .868 .050 .B79 .B72 .B65 .857 .B49 .841 .B,2 .B 2 5 .B15 .B06 .796 .787 ·777 .075 .100 .878 .869 .862 .855 .845 .837 .828 .820 810 .801 ·791 ·782 ·771 ·876 .813 .867 .859 .852 .842 .816 .805 ·797 ·786 ·776 ·766 .864 .856 .847 .8,8 .8'4 .8,0 .824 .125 .820 .812 .800 ·792 .781 ·770 ·759 .150 .871 .861 .853 .84' .841 .835 .826 .816 .807 ·795 ·787 ·775 .765 ·753 .831 .822 .812 .803 ·790 ·782 ·769 .758 ·745 .828 .818 .807 .797 .7 86 ·775 .763 ·750 .H7 .175 .867 .858 .849 .200 .864 .855 .837 .225 .861 .852 ·845 .841 .833 .823 .813 .802 .792 ·780 .768 .756 ·743 .250 .859 .848 .838 .828 .819 .808 ·796 .786 ·714 ·762 .748 ·n6 .722 .813 .802 .754 ·740 ·727 .718 ·712 .693 .729 ·275 .300 .855 .845 .834 .824 ·790 .779 ·766 .851 .841 .830 .820 .808 ·797 ·784 ·772 .760 ·747 ·733 .325 .847 .837 .825 .815 .803 ·791 ·778 .765 ·752 ·,24 ·350 .843 .832 .820 .808 ·797 .784 .772 ·758 ·744 ·739 .730 ·715 ·709 .700 ·375 .400 .839 .827 .815 .803 ·791 .777 .764 .749 ·736 .720 ·706 .689 .671 .835 .823 .810 .798 .785 ·770 .756 ·742 .727 .710 .695 .677 .660 .425 .830 .818 .805 .792 .778 ·763 .733 ·717 ·700 .684 .665 .646 .450 .826 .812 .799 .785 ·771 .756 .739 ·725 ·708 .691 .672 .654 .633 .475 .820 .806 ·778 .763 ·747 ·730 ·715 .697 .680 .659 .640 .618 ·500 .815 .800 ·793 .786 . ·748 .770 .755 ·721 ·704 .692 .685 .667 .602 .653 ·645 .630 .625 .674 .609 · 699 .687 .680 .661 .639 .615 .59 2 ·585 .566 .667 .646 .622 .598 ·573 .545 .675 .653 .631 .605 .580 .~ ·522 .661 .638 .614 .587 ·559 ·528 .496 ·535 ·502 .467 ·509 .480 .473 .434 .395 ·703 .683 ·525 .809 ·n4 ·778 ·763 .746 ·737 .728 ·550 .803 .787 ·770 .754 ·737 .718 ·575 .600 .796 ·779 .762 .744 ·728 ·789 .782 ·772 .754 .736 ·717 ·707 .696 ·764 .745 ·726 ·705 .684 ·775 .766 .755 .714 .693 .670 .646 .622 ·595 ·566 .745 ·735 .724 ·702 . 679 .656 .630 .60' .57~ .543 ·700 ·757 .735 ·712 . 689 .664 .640 .612 · 582 ·55] .516 .725 ·747 ..,,6 .725 ·700 . 675 .. 649 .621 ·591 .559 ·525 .487 .447 ·440 .401 ·712 .686 .658 .6,1 .600 .568 .534 .491 .454 .409 .355 .291 .;no .625 .650 .675 .750 ·711 ·725 .698 . 671 .642 .611 .578 .544 ·505 .46. .417 .361 .296 ·712 .684 .656 .624 · 590 .514 .412 .425 ·369 ·301 .214 0 .825 ·700 .670 .638 .604 ·566 ·554 .526 .482. .435 ·308 .219 0 .850 .685 .654 .619 ·581 .540 .493 ·445 ·386 ·377 .31E .875 .67 0 .635 · 595 ·555 . 506 .455 ·395 ·409 ·335 ·327 .23 .238 0 ·775 .800 ·900 .653 .614 ·570 ·523 .468 .925 .634 ·589 ·540 .485 .422 ·346 .2460 ·950 .615 ·565 ·508 .441 ·360 .598 ·537 .466 .385 . 273 0 .629 .547 ·448 .,18 0 ·975 1.000 .2~ a 0 .258 0 IIATIOIl4.L ADVISORY COIIIIITTEB POR AERONAUTICS ·350 14 NACA RB No. ' L5F15a d( CCdo )/Bo - Hl TABLE I. - VALUES OP d 1 He _ Po POR EVALUATION OF PROFILE DRAG PROII WAlJI SURVEY - Cont1nuocl ~ He - Be Be - HI Po -0 . 100 -0 .075 -0 .050 -0 .025 0 0.025 0.050 0 .075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 Po 0 .824 0.818 0. 813 0 .807 0.800 0.794 0 .787 0·780 0·772 0.765 0·757 0 .835 0. 830 .025 .833 .828 .822 .816 .811 .805 ·798 .791 ·784 ·776 .768 ·760 ·752 .050 .831 .826 .819 .814 .809 .802 ·795 ·788 ·780 ·772 .764 ·755 .747 ·075 .100 .829 .824 .818 .812 .806 .800 .793 ·785 .777 ·768 .759 ·750 ·742 .827 .821 .816 .809 .804 .797 .789 ·781 .773 ·764 .755 .746 ·137 .125 .826 .819 .814 .807 .801 ·793 ·186 ·777 .769 ·761 ·751 .742 ·132 . 150 .825 .818 .812 .805 .798 ·791 ·77 5 .765 ·757 ·748 .823 .816 .809 .802 ·795 ·788 ·771 .761 ·752 .743 ·737 .732 .726 .175 ·164 .780 .200 .821 .814 .807 ·799 .192 .784 ·775 .766 ·156 .746 .736 .725 .114 .225 .819 .812 .804 .795 ·788 ·779 ·770 ·760 ·751 ·740 .729 · 718 .707 0 .720 .250 .816 .8 10 .802 ·793 .784 .775 ·1 66 .156 .746 .134 . 699 . 814 .807 ·798 ·789 .780 ·770 ·761 .750 .740 .721 .72' .116 .712 .275 .704 .691 ·300 .812 .804 .195 ·786 ·776 .767 .756 .145 .734 ·721 .708 .696 .68, .325 .810 .800 .791 ·782 .751 .139 ·127 .714 .101 .688 . 674 .807 ·798 .188 ·777 ·771 .766 .762 ·350 ·757 ·746 ·120 .679 . 665 .804 ·794 .18, ·761 .751 ·739 ·713 .685 .670 .654 .800 .778 ·773 .768 ·107 .699 . 693 ·375 .400 ·7" ·726 .156 ·744 ·732 ·719 .676 .660 .76, ·750 ·738 .125 ·111 ·705 .696 .691 .774 .682 . 666 .649 .643 .6,1 .425 ·797 ·790 .786 .450 ·793 ·781 ·769 .7 58 ·744 ·731 ·718 ·703 . 687 .671 . 655 .6H .619 ·415 .789 .776 .764 ·751 ·737 .72, .709 .693 . 678 .661 .643 .624 .604 ·500 .785 ·77 1 ·758 .744 ·730 ·715 ·700 .683 .667 .649 .630 . 610 ·589 ·525 ·780 .766 ·752 ·738 ·723 ·707 .690 .613 .656 .636 .616 .595 ·573 . 550 .774 .160 ·745 ·130 .715 ·698 .681 .662 .64, .622 .601 · 578 .556 ·575 .600 .769 .754 .138 ·723 ·1 06 .689 . 610 .650 . 630 .607 ·586 .560 ·536 .763 .747 . 697 .678 .659 .638 .615 ·592 .568 . 543 ·515 ·756 .741 ·131 .72, · 714 . 625 ·705 .686 .667 . 646 .624 .600 ·575 ·549 ·519 .490 .650 .750 ·733 .714 .695 .675 .654 . 632 .609 . 584 .556 · 527 .495 .641 . 617 ·591 . 564 .534 . 504 .466 .429 .626 .600 .542 ·508 .475 .4'7 ·390 · 518 .482 .490 .450 .461 .675 .743 .724 .705 . 684 . 663 ·700 .734 .714 . 695 . 672 .650 .725 ·725 ·705 . 68, .660 .635 . 609 ·582 ·513 .55 2 ·750 .716 .694 .671 .647 . 620 ·591 . 560 ·527 ·775 .800 ·107 .696 . 683 .658 .630 .602 ·571 ·537 ·501 .4~9 ·412 ·359 ·29' .209 . 671 . 643 .613 . 582 ·541 ·509 .468 .420 .367 ·300 .21, 0 .825 .685 .656 .626 · 594 ·560 ·521 ·478 .430 . 218 0 .672 .641 .607 ·571 ·533 .489 .441 ·363 ·375 .315 .309 .850 . 223 0 .875 .658 .624 ·585 ·546 ·501 .452 ·391 ·323 . 2300 ·900 .603 ·561 · 515 .465 .407 ·332 .231 0 ·925 . 64' . 628 · 581 ·532 .478 .418 .344 .245 0 ·950 .609 ·557 .499 .435 .358 . 256 0 ·975 1.000 ·591 ·532 .465 ·374 .272 0 .627 .547 .448 .319 0 ·44' .405 • .397 .344 ·351 . 287 I NATIONAL ADVISORY CallIITTBH POR ABR01l411l'ICS i5 NACA RB No. L5F15a TABLE 1. - VALUES OP d( cCdo ; -dy Ho - Hl -- Bo - Po FOR BVllUJ.TlON OP PROPILK IlRJ.() PROII WJJa! SURVEY - Cont1nued 116 = 0.8 ~ Bo - 110 110 - Hl Po -O.WO -0.075 -0.050 -0.025 0 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 Po 0 0 .772 0·767 0.763 0· 758 0·753 0.748 0.743 0·7H 0.731 0·725 0 .781 0·778 0 ·775 .025 .780 ·777 .774 ·770 .765 .761 ·757 .752 .746 .740 ·734 .050 .780 ·777 .773 .769 .764 .760 ·755 .749 ·74} ·737 ·730 ·727 ·72} ·717 ·721 ·075 ·779 ·775 .771 ·767 .762 ·757 .752 ·746 ·740 .718 ·713 .778 .774 ·770 .7 65 ·761 .755 .749 .743 ·138 ·733 .13 0 ·726 .lOO .723 .715 .709 .~25 ·777 ·773 .769 .764 ·759 ·753 .747 .741 ·735 ·727 ·719 ·711 ·703 .150 .776 ·77 2 .767 . 762 .756 ·751 ·744 ·737 ·731 .723 .715 .707 .699 .175 .775 .770 .765 .760 .754 .747 .741 ·135 .728 .720 ·711 .702 .693 .200 .774 .7 69 .763 ·758 .752 ·745 ·738 ·731 ·723 ·716 .706 .697 .688 .225 .773 .767 .162 .756 ·749 .743 ·735 .728 ·719 ·711 ·702 .692 .681 .250 ·772 .766 ·760 ·753 .747 .739 ·731 .124 .715 .706 .697 .686 .675 ·275 ·770 .764 ·757 ·750 .744 ·735 ·727 .718 ·7 10 ·700 .691 .680 .667 . }OO .768 .762 .755 ·748 .741 ·7H .724 .715 .705 .694 .685 .673 .661 ·325 . 766 .760 .753 .746 .138 ·729 .720 ·7 10 ·700 .689 .tl8 .666 .652 ·350 .7 65 ·757 ·750 ·742 ·733 ·724 ·714 ·704 .694 .683 .670 .658 .644 ·375 . 763 ·755 .747 ·138 ·728 ·719 ·709 .699 .687 .675 .662 .649 .635 .400 ·7 60 .752 .744 ·735 .725 .714 ·703 ·694 .681 .667 .654 .640 .625 ·425 .758 .749 ·740 ·730 ·720 ·709 .697 .681 .674 .660 .645 .631 .615 .450 .755 .746 .736 ·725 ·715 ·703 .691 .679 .665 .651 .636 .620 .602 .475 .752 ·742 ·731 ·721 .709 .698 .685 .671 . 657 .641 .625 .608 ·590 · 500 .749 ·73 9 .727 .716 .704 .692 .677 .663 .647 .631 .61' .59~ ·576 .525 .745 .734 .722 ·712 · 698 .684 .669 .653 . 637 .619 .600 .581 ·561 ·550 .741 ·729 ·717 ·705 .691 . 675 .660 ·64, .626 .607 ·587 ·567 .544 · 575 . 600 ·737 .724 ·711 . 698 . 683 .667 .650 .633 .614 ·59' ·572 .549 ·525 .733 .718 .704 .690 .675 .658 .639 .621 .601 ·579 .556 ·531 .504 .625 ·727 ·713 .697 .650 .722 .706 .675 .716 .699 ·700 ·710 .691 .681 . 665 .690 ·648 .628 .608 · 585 ·562 ·537 ·509 .481 . 67-3 . 655 .636 .615 ·59' .569 .544 .516 .486 .454 .682 .664 .645 . 623 .601 .576 .552 .,il2. .491 .458 .673 . 655 .633 .611 .585 .559 · 531 ·498 .464 .428 ·385 ·509 .482 .413 .435 ·392 .341 ·442 ·399 ·347 .286 .208 .725 ·703 .684 .663 .643 .620 · 595 .568 .~ ·750 . 695 .675 .653 . 630 .605 · 578 ·549 ·517 .775 .687 .665 .642 .617 .589 .560 ·526 .490 .451 .406 .}54 .292 . 600 . 57 0 . 537 ·500 .460 .414 .361 .298 .212 0 .424 ·369 ·305 .217 0 .800 .677 .654 . 627 .825 .~67 .642 . 613 ·582 ·549 ·512 .470 .850 .656 .627 .595 · 561 .524 .481 .433 ·377 .312 .87 5 .644 .610 .538 ·494 .447 . 388 .320 .228 0 · 900 .631 ·592 ·57 6 .55 2 ·509 ·458 .401 ·330 ·925 .615 ·571 ·525 .476 ·415 .342 .244 ·950 .601 ·548 .492 .429 · 355 .255 0 ·915 ·587 ·529 ·462 1.000 .625 .546 ·449 ·375 .271 0 .320 0 .2il2. .421 0 .235 0 0 RJ.TlOKJ.L ADVISORY COIIIIITTU FOR J.lIIIOUUTICS 16 NACA RB No. L5F15a TABLE 1. - VALUES OF dCCCdol/ 1io - H1 -- -- Ho - d1 Po FOR IVALUATI OB OF PROPILlI DRAG PROII IUD SURVxr - COnti nued ~ Ho-p" 110 110 - HI -0.100 -0.075 -0 . 050 -0.025 0 0.025 0 . 050 0.07 5 0. 100 0.125 0. 150 0 . 175 0.200 Po 0 .722 0 .720 0 ·717 0.715 0 ·712 0 ·707 0·705 0·700 0 .697 0.690 ·721 ·719 .716 .713 ·710 ·706 ·703 . 698 ·694 .688 0.725 0·724 0.723 .025 .726 .724 · 7~ ·050 .127 ·724 .1 2, .120 ·118 ·115 ·112 .108 ·1 05 ·101 .696 .691 ·075 .100 .726 .724 .723 .720 .717 .714 .711 ·707 .704 .698 . 694 .688 .682 .726 .72, 721 ·719 ·716 ·71, ·709 ·705 · 7 01 .696 .691 .685 .678 0 . 685 . 125 ·725 .72' .121 ·719 ·715 .712 .708 .70, .699 .69' .688 .682 .675 1150 .725 .722 .720 .718 ·715 ·710 .706 ·700 . 694 .689 ·684 .678 .671 .175 ·I 25 .722 .720 ·718 .714 ·709 .704 .698 · 692 .686 .680 .613 .667 .200 .724 .722 ·719 .716 ·712 .707 .702 .695 . 689 .68, .67 6 .669 .662 . 225 .724 .722 ·719 ·715 ·710 ·705 .700 .69' .687 .680 .6B .665 .250 ·72, ·720 ·717 ·712 ·7OS ·702 . 697 .691 .684 .677 . 669 .660 .651 ·275 .72, ·720 .716 ·711 ·705 .700 .687 .680 .672 .66, .654 .645 .,00 ·722 .719 .714 ·709 ·70, . 697 .69' . 690 .68, .676 .667 .658 .648 .6'9 .':Z5 .721 .718 .714 .7OS .700 . 696 . 688 .680 .672 .6~2 .652 .b42 .6,2 .'50 .720 .716 ·712 ·706 . 698 . 69' .685 .676 .667 .657 .646 ·'75 .400 ·719 .714 .709 ·702 .695 . 688 . 681 .672 . 662 .651 .640 .6'5 .628 .718 ·712 ·706 .699 . 691 .684 .67 5 .666 . 655 .644 .6B . 680 . 670 . 660 .674 . 665 .65' .64.9 .6'7 .642 .629 .616 .602 ·588 .625 .620 .611 .657 .624 .616 .606 .596 .425 .716 ·710 .704 . 696 .688 .450 .715 . , OS ·701 .684 . 680 .669 .659 .647 . 60' .591 .574 . 664 .65' ·640 .6'5 .626 .620 . 675 .611 ·59 5 ·579 .561 .658 .646 .633 .617 .601 .585 .567 ·547 .475 ·71' .706 . 698 .69' . 690 · 500 ·711 ·70, .695 . 686 .525 .7OS . 699 . 690 .680 .670 ·550 .705 . 696 ·687 . 676 .664 . 652 . 638 .624 .607 ·591 .573 ·55' ·5,1 .575 ·702 . 671 .658 .644 . 629 .61' .596 .578 .558 . 699 . 69' . 688 .682 .600 . 677 . 665 .651 . 6'7 . 620 .60, ·584 .56, .542 ·5'7 .518 . 625 .695 . 684 . 672 .658 . 64' . 628 . 610 .590 ·570 ·548 ·525 ·500 .472 . 650 .691 .679 . 665 .651 .618 . 598 .577 · 555 ·5,1 .505 .476 .445 . 675 . 686 . 674 . 659 . 64, . 6'5 .625 .607 ·585 ·562 ·5,8 ·510 .482 .450 .415 ·700 . 682 . 667 .651 . 634 .615 . 594 .571 ·546 · 518 .488 .456 .420 ·H8 .64' .6,4 . 62' . 60, . 580 · 555 ·529 .49 6 .465 .426 .,85 .340 .612 · 590 · 565 ·m .507 .472 .'91 .,45 .28, . 62' ·599 ·575 . 546 .516 .482 .444 ·4'5 .400 .289 .205 .610 ·586 ·557 ·527 .454 .409 ·5'7 · 502 .49' .46, ·'50 .295 .418 .,65 .725 . 675 .660 .750 .670 ·775 .800 .662 . 65' . 644 . 655 ·'57 .,02 .825 .647 . 6'5 . 624 ·596 ·568 .8 50 . 6,8 . 611 .580 .875 .627 · 596 ·564 .548 ·51' .475 ·428 .H4 ·' 09 .2200 ·525 .487 .438 ·, 84 .316 .225 0 ·900 .616 · 581 ·541 .499 .451 .'95 ·925 .95 0 . 605 · 56, ·517 ·467 .411 ·591 .542 .488 .427 ·975 1.000 . 578 · 52' .459 ·37' .'5' .272 0 · B7 .242 0 .254 0 .62' . 545 .449 .,21 0 . ,25 .210 0 .215 0 .2,2 0 NATI ONAL ADVISORY COIIIII TTU FOR UROHAtlTICS ·514 .494 -I 17 NACA RB No. L5F15a TABLE 1. - VA LUES OF d(CC<IoYa., - H1 __ - d1 FOR EVALUATION H,,-Po OF PROFILE DIIAO PROII WAKE SURVEY - Concluded ~ H" - 110 H" - Po -0.100 -0·075 -0.050 - 0 .025 HI 0.025 0.050 0·075 0.100 O. 25 0.150 0.175 0.200 0.6n 0.672 0.671 0.669 o. 6 67 0.665 0.662 0.659 Po 0.669 0.672 0.6n 0.674 Io·m .025 .670 .672 .6n .674 .6n .6n . 672 .670 .668 66 .663 .660 .658 .050 .671 .673 . 673 .674 . 67} .673 .671 .669 .667 6 65 .662 .659 .655 .075 .671 . 672 .672 .672 .67 2 .672 .670 .668 .666 63 .660 .6 ~6 .652 . 100 .672 .673 .67 2 .67 2 .672 .671 .670 .668 . 665 662 .658 .655 .649 .125 .674 .674 .67, .672 .671 .669 .668 .666 .663 660 .655 .652 .646 .67 2 .671 .668 .666 .664 .661 6 57 .653 ·649 .643 0 .150 .674 .674 .673 .175 .200 .675 .674 .673 .672 .670 .668 .665 .662 .659 55 .650 ·644 .6}8 .675 . 673 673 .672 .670 .667 .664 .660 .656 51 .646 .641 .635 .225 .675 .674 .674 .672 .669 .667 .664 .659 .654 648 .643 .637 .630 .250 .675 .6n .6n .670 . 668 . 665 .662 .657 .652 64 6 .640 .633 .626 ·275 .675 .6n .672 .67 0 .666 .663 . 659 .654 649 643 .636 .628 ·300 .675 .673 .672 .669 .665 .661 .656 .651 .646 . 1 . 325 .675 .6n .670 .667 .663 .659 .654 ·648 .642 35 ·350 .675 .6n .670 .666 .662 .657 .652 . 645 .638 630 .621 .612 .602 .654 .649 625 .616 .606 .595 39 631 .623 1 . .627 .618 . '" I .615 .609 ·375 .400 .675 .672 .669 .665 .660 ·642 .634 .674 .670 .666 .662 .657 .651 .645 .637 .629 6 20 .610 ·599 .425 .674 .670 .665 .660 .655 .61;8 .64l .633 .624 614 .603 ·592 ·587 ,579 .450 .6n .669 .664 .658 .652 .644 . 636 .627 .618 608 .596 .585 .569 .475 .672 .666 .662 .655 .648 .640 .632 .621 .612 601 ·588 ·575 ·558 · 500 .671 .665 .659 .652 . 645 .635 .626 .616 92 ·578 ·563 .547 ·525 .669 .662 .656 .648 .640 .630 . 620 .609 . 60 5/ ·597, 83 ·567 .551 ·534 ·550 .667 .660 .654 .645 .636 .624 .613 .601 ·589 .5 56 ·538 ·519 ·575 .600 .665 ,657 .650 .64Q .631 .619 ,606 ·593 .543 ·523 ·50" .664 .655 .646 . 636 .625 .613 ·599 ·584 ·579 . 568 n 562 549 .28 507 484 .625 .661 .652 .643 .630 .620 .605 ·589 ·573 ·555 535 ·512 .488 . 61 .650 .658 .648 .637 .625 .613 · 597 ·579 ·560 .4931 .467 ·435 .655 .645 , .619 •. 605 ·587 .567 ·547 500 .471 ·440 405 ·700 .652 .640 I .6" .626 ·542 .526' 520 .675 .611 ·595 .576 .554 ·531 . 508 477 .447 ·411 ·}70 ·725 ·648 .644 .620 .603 ·585 ·563 ·540 ·515 .487 454 .41j! ·377 ·330 .612 ·5n ·560 ·550 ·522 ·495 .4621 427 .3851 .337 .280 .436: 394' ·346: .2861 .204 .635 1 .638 .628 \ .621 ,602 ·593 ·582 ·535 ·503 ·47 .633 .614 .59 2 .569 ·544 ·517 .481 ·44~ .825 .625 .604 ·579 ·553 .493 .455 ·41 .36 .850 .618 ,m .466 .422 ·37C .30 .875 .609 .593 1 ·565 .581 .549 ·525 ,502 .479 .43 2 ·379 ·31 . 22 ·900 .600 .5 671 ·443 .407 .390: ·325 .23 ·750 ·775 .800 , 0 ·925 ·950 ·975 1.000 I ·590 .<;80 ·529 .50~ 553 . 1 .479 ·533 '51~1 .57:1 .619 .544 ·515 .49 0 .457 .336 .455 .420 1 ,352 .253 0 .372 .270 0 .450 ,322i 0 ~l ~53 .292 298 .213 0 I .208,0 2I8r 0 0 .241 0 NATIONAL ADVISORY COIIIIITTEE FOR 4JiRONAurrcs NACA RB No. L5F15a Fig . - 1'f',P.ftl " • ':Ii "" !h:! ,,' 1fR: ~r: ,~ ::IL Illt"" K Iffi~ :-' , '~' 141 If: : ll i ! f i F fl' If, T , i 1 : i .:, jiLtfJiilH Pl • Po I~ !,f< '1: Ho - P o ; ; I."" ',~ , ,,,::, 'I Ji :ii' '.,. ':"'. I"" ! k f.f:J\ rTf"', I,,-," If. " , ;t, iii, fi i , \ \ ' 1m I\. I .. .:'" : ( i, 'Ii!:-" t" +'IV I ~ I ~ .~ \':tr, r'li : S' l", ,\ ~; I'" I~ lJi ii, , :tli t~ i·~. ~"F, la -~-~. --- --- NACA - .-.- RB No. L5F15a 11m Ill: '"',..,; fi' 1;, Fig . if: 111 Z;w iIP .:!It ,ffi1# iff., ,,11', ~ :H~ ~ I~ ftJ i .. I",,' !,i,: ,~ iii; ,CitW !"t; . , f' :C~ •,.r,::, ri it! " d .. r.''+!j. ;, ",~ , ,': ': '~'" :-- lb iii; .. I,';': I :. <, F::' ~ , "{ :'~:' U It: f? ir;:, iJ. ,,. ).","" : '" :¢."'. ' .:.'Jri ~'';'' ,~ =: " Ib e'J . ,""!:I! f': r" Mo !J!~ - '5Il 1:11:" ,If lie Po ~ ,>e ;;' 12~ i...i F : [' !'li Hi ';;; +:'3 i'j iit '",-f. '~~~ ,1;1'!lrnffli" Ho Ho "', rit6 " Figu r e 1,- Co nt inued. ,',<I m; ,.J; L ";, ',j,," ." :X;. l!li ::~: '.11;. I .-J Fig. NACA RB No. L5F15a - .. Ie 1"'llf if: -'. • \ \1. 1\. I-+-I-+-l--f---!-.J-I.-f-+-+ H-f--l-H-f--+--1:-!--I-H-f-+-I--+--I--!-i'L+·· ,i NAnOHAl ADVISORY 1-+++-1- .j..-!-.J-I.·-+---l-I-++-f-+·+-+-+-f-+I~+-+-I- COHHITIEE fOl AfRONAUTlCS S lL -"1r \. \ i\ J.~. iI, 1 1 I,·; I--'f--I--\-l-_r;\.-.4-l..~-+ i .,...I I +H--+I-Ie.- .7.- '-;...1-I-+--I--'l'l-+-f-+::1"-l--I-~-+-!--I-+-I--I-f----l-"f-+I +-l-"l---+-I--+-"r I, • I Id:~ 4-f---HI-+-I-H-f' +-1--+--I-+--1:-!--+-+-I-I---+-+ Ho - H I ' , i;j, , . [7" H -;: i I ~ !tr:;; --l-l--H-+--I--I--l-hd:4--4---I--I-+++--4-1-J-d.,,-J.. T.. ..... r,';;;~ '-+-1-+-1---+--+-+' lei Mo' 0 , 2 , ++-H-f---H-+-I-H-f-+-H-f--+---J-+-I-H-f-+-I--+--I--!-i!-=+-!I-J:. . "-1-+-::1 _~I' .1 t i l H-f--!-H-+-+-f-+I++---t-+-I--I--I~ .. L'f=t~ I- ~ t Figure 1.- Cont.inued . TT I I r , I I II I T --;.-', .. I I I· I . I I t '!'i- I NACA RB No. L5F15a Fi g. , "~ ,'-'t' ~. ;.... i - f- - l - .~ I" -. I~ 1-' I~ ItF lit '" -'"i I~ I .. ~';"- I-'f G" .,. . -. "'- .,. rt: Iii; , e I, " ,r;:-.. b-, - ,05 "'- NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE rot AERONAUTICS ' I;; . ;" , f-. . +.,1 .rI - I- ~,' 'I- t- ld NACA RB No. L5FI5a Fig. " . ii. Ie ' ,t 'i-': IIF.' .• :,"" ... l. ,: --;;; " • 1 m , , ;;; qi . w ['W,:F r.!, : ,.C :'. ",·;;1' 1;1' .tilij "'j".~:; . !l' Iif! 11:' ... : . u:r'~,:#1 iii,::. ,; . ' 1".'pi,j1'jI!l[ NAT /ONAl ADVISORY COMMln[[ rot AEROIt.IUTICS ,.. ,-+-t--' -, -~ .+ -- t t--+-IH-l Fi g. NACA RB No. L5FI5a I .~ I~ @Ii liP' Itt !;it. .. I'llii ., Itffi ,Un fei '11il IU' r<llJ , fm'1:,q ";;.IIi' , 2: ~ F~ :l, I"t " :ii al'r; L k:' I:~ ,~ ~ ;;'.: ,', ;:~ :'f." t'~ if. ,., '+.' L~fti: i;lf. i41 t:"l"t~ l ij I!!li"" ."I!l1J III I' ::)': "H ' I,'" I~ . !if .. """" ;" ."" "',,:' ,,' ., '------~-~ 5ii "., [It. :t - - - _. __ ._ - .~~ 'IE i I.", ·ft ' ~ ~ ~ G ~ If NACA RB No. L5F15a Fig . "" ,'" t 4" ", ',-' r; {. Ei'··· !!lli'ffi .#:'lJ· '. 1-++'-1-+~r.++rl=H+-:t~+-+~$4,;,p,r-+"+"-Pif'~i=f±;;t=t=+-·r.t~+-+--lIi'u;h 'll· IfiC7H.- c" ~. ~: ~f.n~~~ . ;r~ ~t!llilli 4-4~~~~~~+-~~+-r+-b+-r+~ ro:~~~~~~~~~KS "r+-b+-nl~'~~'n~~~l+-~iwr~~'-r~~~: +--t---+--l-H=b--t-I-+++--t-+",,.f.•-+-T-,-r-+-+--ri-+++--+ ~ - Po Ho -t--+--t-I-c 'r-l +-t!,-++-'-!r++t-.1Mi-~.t i ~ 1 ~-b+-r+-b+-r+-+::+-r+-+* Figure 1.- Cont.inued. ,~- M- t J i r- t I· j '- 1-:" + ;- . rt .1 -+-+-1r-:t--t j -f--'r'-t=t--t----t-H+--t-t--t-j--t-++-+---l-+-'-I- t-t-r+'-+-+-:- f f I I f I I + + .:- I· 1 t-t-!-.-,;r.-t-t-t- Ig NACA RB No. L5FI5a Fig. Ih b. Iili! .'" I· : i j,!, .l' .. ;Jl. I"I 1:1' \ ••. Iii •.. . . i\ I", ' \ ) . .4, jj iT~. \ 1\. \ .. Ie \ I" T I ... r~r f- f··· ~ .. - .f j J.1' ~'.f \.\. I\:T+" V \ I.. NATIONAl ADVISORY COMMln[[ fOi AEIOMAUTICS I"" \: ~- I- "- = t- I .1 r·f.-{ "1 1 h ! r+~~ ~ ~~~~~~+4~I'+~~4-~4-~~~4-V+4-~4-~~+4~~-r+7~~­ .; rIP ~ j Ho - Hl Ho - Po I' rh I I f , Mo· 0.7. .. + ~+( I I" c . I-i- 1--" .. T l- +-t-+--!-+-Ji-++-+--+-+-:-t-+++-JH-+-.L....f-'-+-+-t+~:-++·H4+, r i i--+- I I+<:: I I "- I-f ~+I f-- c ,- ~,- t f 1- -i '-1- ----------------------- Fig. NACA RB No. L5F15a J" !if ;,'1 " fij- ITI1 r 'Il ] ;~ ~" ". • I'l!i" 'H .., li , w. . . c r.-tI. Clf' r ~I 8~i 0 ~, .~ ~ I[' .. .. , f' f!ffi ~,-'1'" I'!!'f"t! :q, IIT' I.': !Ilt ~~ iii " :it I"ll N"TION"L ADViSOiiv- " ,..\. j'i . ~X I ~. , i;; ;!f '\ \ .\ \ , . Iii !II! l1<~ ilt ..'i '!FI! (i I I Mo • 'H . *~ : ~I!ff ': ~; . Pot. o.a'.r .'""-.1. -,- " ,~"" ~:",.' 111' t;l!' •. \ \ f.#' I*' I:::':,,' .. '!.::': 1* •. ~ i ~" ltt:F,) . jill .:: .i!' j;;~F . :~ I :- .' IF! ," " I ~ I';;,' ",,",,' . f'" .: 1IH,#! ,;' '''_ [\ []If r,,' '1+. ''\!(!~ I" : Af.'l .. ': 'Iii: ltii1 hh .f '.f'j , .; w;!il \'~ ,'ll jl ;"iF' " I~' t::1' .," "i 1ll.oJ ;1I lli t '~l! ;u I, .0$. !,,"rsl''j ., . :'). . ..: f±_ I; 1'1;~ . .h.,\; f.. If \!l '3. rr" .'1 1\. ..\ 1. f,' ~:li= 1ii'1II Ift-'i'b j[ I" 1!tI~ f '! '"". r." 1m! IJiW" Itt : "J: "., 'ti!, •.• Ii!I. I :~, ,,1' t. I ~ . ","t!U!'. ' IIb""tl ~:r' l tll81ll ~~ T • \. 2 t!ojj:+! i':' fX • :N,' F~ i'f!' .j! r-<.." '~ C!W : i' .'i 1 ~ E I"'- :"Nl .. ~ c,l' t'l;ir~ ',,; i' ~ , "" ki" I~ I.!! I .,,-:; ---- ----- ~-. NACA RE No. L5F15a Fig. n :. :: rn '. :c '.'~ : !il··· ·Il· :fii· C':;" It I NATIONAL ADVISOAY COMM/TTE~ rot AEOOII'~'CS ! :; 1\1:11 1\ lj IiV, f I\, t +---1i-t-;-"'i=r-trt-4't-r j .1 J: \ . .\ '" C.' 111' 1'" l;l' .. If', J NACA RB No. L5F15a Fig. , '? .~ I io'''' ; .. 1 ] .ltr'" I' .. , IL " 1 I';l.+: J ! .,...~ . C. - r~ :;; '4" .. .. f 1 ... I -. 10 .... I ..... ~T; , ., r - "'-..,.. -- --" '-: f>', .~ u f' ....... IS ...., J ".1 .. I 1 I I , 1 j 'j-- I I I I W 1 i I $ I I I Ik I I Ho I I Ho • • T I I I I r O' Ho - 1 , I HI -W Po .L '\ I J i """'" .. "", . . . \ i\ \ \ '.. ! , J ~ ~'\ '- 1-1:.... +- l ~ ~ 1," .. roo"", t "",' r:7' r'H'-'r-:- \\ +..\ . r'-- ,~ 1-4--- ~~ .. i , O' M -, ' I \ I i -+ i ~ '-,t- + ..L - ! - -' r'- f-+, I - I '- t· ---, .~ '- , : t t .-- I'J.. f - . - -- '" -+- ~r- J-i I i" J I. i" A-H .-. '-,'- =¥ t t~ ",-;:t riJL ""1' :+ ·t±;= '\ I r<- . ~, ~t= '~" -t·· \ 1· r I 1 1 II \I i ! lr .. I"" ~J . 'Ii, .~ I I .~ I-- ,~ I 1.0. I I- , 1 I 1 +. I \! " . C"" I" . i'x: 15 " ',,' Ki 't". -l:f-\ f t,n. I \ ,2 'Ii. i i\ .- .. I I I 1 1 I .., I L I NATI ONt.l ADVISORY ,_ COMMITTEE fPl AfRO_AUn,s I -I- i Figure' 1.- Concluded . -I L 1 l- I , i' , : !, "' ,. lil l- ~ ~ 'i-,. , r , I" ~~l ~ ..~ :,;. .' I . Po 1-: -:. r-- , " c- I - r~. -0.1 p; ,.....: H. -.05"" -to::: r-- 01 t-' ........ ,i. r-- 1-::' -' ....... ",.05 1ft ;~ "'.... :--~ i- I ~ ~ , ........ , » '0 '0 '''.r.,. ~j, /-.,,- ~ PI - i-r-.. r .... ....... ... .~ f ~~ . _u ,. O' '" '" vi li I J 0. 0 .. J.... :f "l" L "" ,'" I't' L'" "1'" I .. i, '". IIi' I - ·I~ ~; ,. i'if , t"l 1. . I~ I 0 ~ ,~' + '- -t- . 1' .", ~. _'" r- - I" i '. .. . L.. ± ,,, l lk ! , , - ~ .+ '? H II IJ" tT , '" . '0 I - rr' - r,-- r,-- ! , r- - -< 0 :t: 0. I I - "... IT' - :-I - '- - -" r-- -,. l~4 - -- :-- r-- l- I- ~ i"- . ., ~ ~ • - ~ ~ . . 10 ~ ... - tL. 'Z' '4 i' t-- - I--i- -- r-- ~ -- ~ :-,... . r-"- , ..... + .., I ' , ? f-- I - .. . .£ r- ' ! t!j-t t-~- ~L~ c--+-iT I+t i f-J cal Mo' 0 , 'ii i , I I . t ~ ., I 1 I -- -- :-.... 'I .......... " "'" """ f- c.n r-- P> ~ - - "- ~t.2 ' '":I:J .. ,- , I I ~, ,. I - .;r,u '-j <fl·; 'Ll ~ . , .. . ,_c;. . NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE fOR AERONAUTICS t• . - r I ... . ,-r - , I , ~ t .H I /. (1, I . I , I .. L 1-.' _ J I + 1. . I. T I I I J , I . 1 - _J .. ~.' _ _ , ' . .. . .. --- - .;: • I < -- :. '2:j 1--' OQ c' I~" i , I 1 _ Figure 2.- Factor F for evaluation of profile drag from wake-survey measurements by approximate method.: '" l + . 1 (H o - H) I , H - p o 0 max l ." :1 • . 1 I r-J.li'-.. ,.., r t 11 I :t" ~ " . I - ( :u 'f'<...: -" l _-. I It , 1 I ,~ ...... l- ~ ;1 ! ._+- .+ ~ ~ C1, rc.n :--;...0.1 "- I , I o -- J J. ------... I- i->.LO (z. '--- Z ~ c--. ~ i! ::0 tx1 t. '-1 .71 I- -..:, 1:, :t- P 1 - Po Ho - Po i . ":- t- ~ ~ " ~ ---- . . -, » ~ ~ .... j t+~ . ~ - r- r~ ' 0 - r'0 Ll - r- ,I uu , - r- - f7 .. (") ;0. ~ I - r-=-- ~ o 0 :t: :t: - z » :~'l, , ~ - '0 - - I - I-- j: tic t· ;C ," I.~ » , - .,., I I- t t - I (\) P> --.J fL4 --I I ;!: r ""'1 . Lgii p±'" I" .it' I 1 ~ t J:J"T'tth'Cffr'· i-~ I - r "I" ~-!~. ~~~~: Hi:: 110 £; .'+'i .. t~ 1 :r: Po • , r- f- ~ 1 I r--__ .· Il!l ~ ,t'i. i:t : - - - - ;: . ,.. ~. . ; J: t1 0 =. " ::l!FW~ 'tI - r .~ lim cr -p; '+ i tl "" .T ~1f; I I 1 1 I j '+ • - (b) r~ ~ t;",:: ..~ f+Jj: ~ t t t . ~ , "- _,t ".~ ~,~.:'H "nHt ·' I ~j ff. Jl :l L. i~, . i!:,.1-4-+ l#lifg I~ H'" l.':::: Mo· O. L H: _ P~ . If "::1 ~.~~ . J :r ~.: f'.. >~ .. f-' CJ1 t - l{tt. NATIONAL ADVISORY ~ COMMITTEE FOIl .rOA~ ... _. __ " .... '.,., . • f...:t. ..t. th b: "1. .' -t: ': ' '1 1¢" ~c r:~, Iwmbl ....l : lL -Tt r ;-t ~T:Li:t:i .1 , ... . l.m~xL. ~. tt ~II' :.'1 .i' .D t~ "'. r; tm ·r: l ;rl"'~· t~.; rt ~~ t ~1 ~j L I h';'l ~ l ;:" ! ~U; I ~d"" I ~ I ·t l ~TJf'~F, ntFl1 :;' I lf. F\'bd . I f:, I ~~+!~ I ~'~ I~J ;:-T¥-q ,· I : I I -I I 1---t.,..:-r~':4"':::+--I-,,~,.r..,,-I--+'-+-'-'+-'-+;+i+"-t =+F4~++-'I. .r T - I~'F rJ. r:fJ~~ I~~e kH-jUJJn~b~I :~LfJj ~nl!tl~ I~J ~ [ ~t~1 ; 1-= t~l :'fIJ:L:~tIT ILt~I ::I :'ttqJ'j >: lTI rl t' I"~ I -I '1t '1 '1.1:'~' r:f. ,-!+~ += t'.~ --t. .t!'!'f "';'f ,oJ' '~t.t1+1 ~ ' . ~;;.B1 -~ ~ . , r'! - -;,.,. -r. ro . -; ." r -t-.-1-.-I.-+ . I 1 I~..:......... ; t:H ""' pJ ~ .- I-~ :t ~'"i ill tt-:. tt * '" .t. T. :t:~ _ . .. '".I +-!"" ~ _:t: ~ ~ ~ .+ -:: .t + ' t _ ...: Figure 2.- Continued. l' fJ ~t' tJ'r$ tF tt:iffi ti!;J:m~£ I Jr :ljt@ ~ 1,1 ~l ~j lftt. l tIt! J &; L,lllff!] .r, ::.mIf"; I ~ 4i ~% b~ ,ltl$ifJ .~;jlW l -J -I II .. ~~ , - ,J . t3'. ::l I:..HH ~ • ...::;: .$ ¥ l;ill ,li a:~ §~LI!i f;f, ~,f.:d:: t:' ·.f.lW ;:::~ i:t t f .£d~ [;: ~ 1" 1$: ~~* t,f.1lmJJtJ ~ t:t., lm!l 1 1 +l1·' . 1 ' .1-1+<.1, ~ I ,b :Jd.l ,jf+li. Hi:! q I.... I .... e.+i MIffi: ,rtf lRfl I+t.! . ~. -tlf+ ri+l=l4ti·~· .m .· IJlIWi eta "1f..l1';.f.l: li l' IIIII t-. ' -c . . ..-J . ' - - ' . -. . . . . ... III '" ..t:: Jh~ L1. 1 I H ~- ++70, t (H _;).,.. ~ ... ru~. ~ IF,r t f · · I I ' .j:L -- $lA~ Ih! .,+ 1 I.. "l'..!! .;mIle . ~t:t;,.", 'I< 14£1)<. .?! -c; I--+r'~+--I!--I-II 1 1 , r 1 £ 1 ,,'l~"":; 1: " I n--::-..:", rw .w CJ1 "9 '"':r"EP , ........, . ~ 1"33:d"::t-:1--Uf' ..tJ i'>-.::>..f5~df:i.i::tI-~.f---..:1--I '11 '1'!T . . I I I I I I I I I I . I .:1 t ~ k~ l ·1=.t IH1 ,I L ;I f- I ~ H -W1'E:,I: 1 1trJ t i l .\- 1,J " . , ldkJ~ I :~· I ·~ LHLnLJ~+ I ,Iil'.I. t J-tJ J l i, ,1;~ I:J !l t " L, L.. ~ . .. .nL rjl lt l .~ t ~- I ~~:I ;: \"" Ir'l-: 1 bl rE*t" l nl · I " t1Ejl br:l rt ! Hih: l . t.I f~ l ~tr Cfl'l F,t!· I r --+.4 . :1 1r i ~ :'" t!: It • 1 1'J.. 1 1 o¥ "~ J - I "" ..;. I ? . . :ltY :$fli t:! ': . .£:~ fWi~I!m~' il5 : - . 'U t : rx. T S .ll lE:;If "1; -':j.. • ~ ~.: ~+m 'J .~tt;¥* ::.tti:h i~ . .s.L ; I n J;t; r- . . - ~s.:: t:--<; f 1t E'ft:4, $" .-ZI+l',"Lo I ~~ .n oW-bill. __ iI i::~. I:tt II-i'. ,~t ~ • . P'i , ~~ :'1..'~ " " . } .fH iHY t[r '~ '.If: ""-; .'/I :. .,. -----.::. . Im- ' flmittij ~ t"-:"t- ,:.. ·l+':iJlf~:J r, . f?"R ... '.... A I:! ~ i.n i¥ .. itl"-f+l4 .'i+r1Ef 'f:t! l: it ~ ~ t "+.:.t.. ft. a .. ...,. , &, Z ~~ ~I.u'ii$i' "':. ;m'4i ~ . . ~:!:t:.Fo . iJl ~ l~ - r-~f.::>. .o.. tQ ): ;l to I l :r::r:o > > 11 l'<Jl- ~Jt~ , I ~ r7 ° J I >~t ':Ii1 <+-1::t" (") "F, ~ .Q :;; J. { "'1' '"t 1i ,I I'J 1,s·M J- ~1 ·.f1; .. ffff+ z -I ! ittfuF J'£k ~ 1' 'ir~rT lA~~Ii;l±HitLLIJ-Jti+,[~tB r.1L bP l.,. 1'" '-tiTI+: ~;z I . IT"" J-rj .... - or .0+ r -l.L of .... 'XJ OQ [\) 0" Fi g. NACA RB No. L5F15a i, f ~ ;- 1+' i it IT1t.: " 12h .., L i:$i .-I 'T " .{f tl, l I fl'",;lJ:th::rxn f.;. :1 f -i " ,J, ';tj I'~ tJfI . rJ+ p, 11:1 B P !~- :ti:., T lJ ;d I.~ ,.14, .. I '[; I \ : \T O '.;.::m.., ct! t p ~ :~, /;m fa:i ~ :i~if2 't 'f p# [ttl ' 'tt- h I '~ ' [j .\, , H I I 1 2c P-H -H ~ifu t .'f r'i :;; I ~' ,ii' Fig. 2d NACA RB No. L5F15a .. f I , q ~ i' f ] to' xl' t. +~+ ,:t I III i;n e: rrtI j . ra.J V ~ : ~bi1i: Itt H:H wg f 'I I~ "t! . ltit t:I:!1 :.Mllitl 1$1:11It6 #t. , 1t't1 Iill +:1 ty i L V . ~ I" r .:- i 'h i ' 1 II" j t:+ 11+ I j.r't , I I- 1 f, 0 0 Po Po til" ' , 0.'=0 ~ c' 1 - to t tl Pt. t I { Wi :/ ii/ ~ , " t IfJ ~, jji~ It1J cI-. '" W , , ". , , f'" [I. .. ",,-. ""T RIF' I~ ;j: "a ~ , Ji:' I , , '~. " - ~ lie f I Ht. fl f ti~ ;tj :+, f Ii h, I't -= 'f~ fl. tttI . ., . I • .1 ;. i:: T + . .; I II + I' ;c rto,:' # r T"i 1 I- ~ . 0 , I f--' f- r f.--. . l- - 0 ::E --' '-- - -- '0 .r I ~ ~~ .. 1 ~ IJ , T_, I ~ - -t- I I °d A'p lH . Ij ) - °H °H l/opoo . ~ \' ~ I-- '-- I~ .I'\ .... --; C l- f-- + I ~ ;~ -, .F +-- .- .- + f- f.:-<. :+ j . 0 I' ' , , .- 0 I, , .! EE -=r = . I + , .r ti 0- 0 ~ ITt , , '1' Ir f"tt 'e" I, - ~r. ~ P< ..... -1 i J 3~ _'~L.... Ef t l I- Ii~ "'I~ + r~t IT-C :..B Ire . Iq: ( ! ~. ~ :t p ~ t; F4 fi E{. 14 ~..l ,. cI I t~ ~ " c r 1'1: , Iii [J ..·d '~ E'J .t ,r:. lm "" ..c !f • tEl : .. ,, H ~ ':t , . ra fdiJ Itt -lj lr Ij h . ',1 : 1 Ett: "WI t± I!:'f 1: .. [,j fi ') 11P riB llr Igli r If> I ..r f1 ~ tt f+ f+t ':t tJ , ~ :p I ~ ~~, ill d .J 1 " t* , . f 11'1 ,. of ., 1>' !:t<r/ t II 1 J , t it :1> tt ~l '11 fJ ~ 1: :-;:- j. i ! ~. T... :~ ;. . ~ j T I> '.' Ic+' it. c 1/ , \' ltv! , i - fCl' Iltf I I' [!:i.E J .r~ ~ II ~ . If oM 'll r '] ~ f'V ftr c~ .j. J f' ij 1 1. r / i . '"n ,. N Ii t . ' 'lq "fi / , :1' I!fit I '1.;.1 H ,q ,rr ,j , I,· ,. Z~ ~/ lEa: '{ ~ 1 ~ ....1 L r " :tIm li r IV !fib IY ....,. ; I'll ... Hi" I II p,-:-Ffj ~/ i; ~ 0' ,1 ,J [h.., ,'. ''i Itg L ,. c Z ... ,J V If <) OW t'.;:ti '.' I·, "":1:1 -I: ''<:11 ,I', :.t:Ifi~ ~ l+ -c;:c " j ~ ~, ..... ~ ~ i, I., ttl . I +' IL, ~i - ~ ~ !:! >; . ~ H d~ ~ hi ftj, I iT "e ~ T. ." ~ j D' ~ I I 'ui ~ .-~ '0 Il.> ::l t"- e l- e f-- .., -i 0 c..> I N ...II.> ::l f-1-- f-- ,- bo -i "" . ~ r- .-- .!! - f- , - - e- -, '-- -- -- -., I- I-- - I--- f-I - l - I-- Fig. NACA RB No. L5F15a , j . el(1 l ' - !-- .- f-/+ , 11., ' .1:i j ~ rEIP. 1rtl+lVl'1: ft:){ lr ttI ' II f II ° 0. I I l,... f- ....' ~I ~ 1 fl 0 p: XO r:- f-' i ; .... , f ' I J I h- ! ' / II I In I: Tif. " ' ,,'''' . ."/ .I .r ..., '-- ~ . r , 111 ~ "! rili It ~.t, ' i I I .~ i , l Mt-:t:. I I J . , . ;\ I~f. 1 ·~t t' [1: .~ .. ,i I~ f ~ ~- t "tl lOW r X Ie ~l • , j~j . ~, : 1,' j fl la .. I In £ -i t , . .I ~ f ., • -I- 1 r;::f; . f. iT - .- I....... ~ i/ . 00 • .!I . I-- ~ .., - ° t-- ~ - I I f-- ~ I-' lI UNI'''' I-~ ~ ·f00 ........ .. - .... C 0 t.l I, - 1 -- ... I -1-; ~,+l+ - 1--1- ~- .- ' I f-- ...~ ,!--: • '1 I;; ,". ~ r-t. J -I ..,. 0 t ,- .- f0p : -r-'- ~f- l~ I f' . ~ :E '<::. ' ~ .- f- I - Ij~ Iffi , . , I . ; ,IE: ·t , ~l Ii' ~ Ilf' ~ i t .[ I . t c~ l-~ 1 I' l- IJ: -.j J I m ' ';C , .1 :m JIi:' I,:: W1 r X 'L !: ~ ! 0 O i t :1 0d_OH AP lH _ 0H li'T tll .~ m. lit~ 1..1 1ft '";:' .; It j Q~ t; I ';" mUl Ill;' Iff I}l !f'f ;::)rn:'j; 1- S. 1.' " I [I l '~ r:r E! 1/ I ·l . f ,£J t,. E.I' j:,j ~ j;, . !-- j-o- ~-l r d Wi: 1 H If;' ;ltif :t'g lIT ill FEf1 ~fl ltl ~l it 'tl tfil ffIF, lH, ~ [f!tlfr :~ IH T 1=W Iffl Hi .... 0 !;:;~Tf'C"' ~~ i I ~ Lb "l-f tJ :~ HrtF. ~ ~ x 0. 8 i f! Iff &l ~E': I I & Ie ,., ~ ~l >] ~ I t1 . f f rfT ltj:j [If II II L "It' F "'"l:! ITt . ~1 'I I f- I-- ' :tl 1 ri.'i'j fi: t tl f;F' uJ II ~1' iff; ffir :f tl!:E tlfi " .± 1/ ~' ~tt r;';' 11 Ir1 flFt '''il I ~J i[l In -.-;0 It, ' F, Itt t~, rf 'lIt ~. ft~ ;:. I ;.~ .g ift1 W+. H-li r~ [.j 1· I" I' I[f P 1M 11f r~' l=lrt'f n[1 IIIrl $I r~~ .fu tJ II.lrii r ~Y litrE' ~~ n ft :r , ' i/d: , ',,1 I tT;:; .~J 1/ f t ~ .f ;,~ ,,+ ~tl t , ~. -;0,./ .~ lr:r, flf,-ll t"r! :!=: .l;!i ~,f [iF ff! ED rm :£if lJ lEt ~hl h'J i~ l':l tit I ~ I~ .:fJ d y ~~. j: I'm 1 .ff ct' 'Ttl :t ,ij 1mJr Ii?! rt rrm .~ IlIF; Eel u J'1 L2.fi rl; :0;, fJ' ~ tft IJ Ct ill fIT l,'f .,.: !H' Ed;''!:, W8f ;~; H IJi ! r; lEt t I ~ t lp I E~ :~ I~ r ~ tJ' r~ of' ,f Ii 'L ~fi It f rtf HI!1j 1'.1 I[tl .tiE r;r ;:;-i If' ~! ~ ffl Bl tl tfJ :r :lcI, J. I t "nt 1'1= IFj: !rlll ='L ''1 !=i ~. .~.;,~ i [f , . !ll ~;:t Ii: I l it z / I t! ~ + , l J:lft !I j n ~- t I r It , II" I' t' I' z ... 0'" -~ \1 ¥ .If I 1/ ..c. . s... :t f~ 1/ .{ f ~" 0 0. c r~I( fP f-i t ~ i,:tI ~ ._ ~r .. t ~~ L fl' .t+l tt . t"l Ift .pI Ie". I 'fl lif 1-' x ~ ri. lij In j( ~!t ~ It t lit ~~ . .~ It' I:N ' F ut <II I ;1 1 W¥ J4 H1f. ml BItt 11'nJ -! :. til fI"1 'j:tl 1 4- ~s::.i 1ft 11: tip 8 1'-1 ~J I fc 2e 1 ' f~- - l - I-- .- f-- ,- ~ , - I-- f! NACA RB No. L5F15a .1: !~ . :J1t fu .Jt ;;i! 1: f I 'I Fig. 2f ' h1i ' Ii/, 'k,'1 / tfi,~ t±\tc :tttt· tilL! If I · 1 1- It :+t r~ t:' it Jlfffi ~ W , H I [~" ~ I :,' 'Ii!" SHt 2!' ""t2 lEt l .f l' In~ ~I y \. fJ i NACA RB No. L5F15a Fi g. 215 111 TIt j ! ~'8"';j: I'f' , I l-l' ~T i' ,' II' ftJ ,.1t~ ti 'l~ 1 ,-1-+--+ --+--'- .~. -1ft' T 't ft Fi g . 2h NACA RB No. L5F15a I:. j T 1:1 I L ;_ • " 1 I:' '"' t J l' ,~ I,Y.,"/ V. '1 t I T F j: I. I ! I' t IT • /I - r-- -+-+---+--+--+--+--f-'I-f--I--I--+-+--l Fi g: 2 i NACA RB No. L5F15a ,. ,'1 tt i- -' ~J I t i I " fi ~ ~ Jt 1+ 'I b I 'c;j: " I f f tfl: t ~ ~ t 0/ 'If 'b: <It II / 1 >; gc t I' , ift I I '"' . I· C'\ Il.f T IF + +- !!li t It ~~ , •~~ - z ... - -~ ~- " • , I I- £ ~ £_+- Tiff IF -, ~ , - 1ft It' 'I >~ . :1 1m i I; l: • e-- i I F~! t .~"1 Itt ~ L £ t :-;eM! [[- '-'~ 0'" ' ' I: Ie f I ~ ........ f ... I~L t ,. IF z~ 1 T , ~ l':f, ' 41 !o! " f t t [ ,~ i-t ~. t f r1-, t .. I, ~ L ~~f ~ ;~ I - ' +-; +' Tt 11 tin I -.J . ~ 1 Fig. NACA RB No. L5F15a 2j , 0 0 0. 0. I I ~ .~ 0 .-< 0. 0 :t: F~ 'c '" il1 :.,.'1 h t11+ I~ ,~Jf *.'i! .R it I.); rfi:;! 8ji~ iEq:; it~<re~~ r±! '' ':lPi 'tt _ t':I:i !:H " rti lf t 1;1: .UF !J I ~ l::.i 1tl .Jillflo NACA RB No. L5F15a Fig. 2k __J z » o » :::0 tIl Z NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS Ho - Hi Ho - Po o r CJ1 'Xl f-' CJ1 III HO - Hi) ( Ho Po max ~) - Po for area A . for area B max Figure 3.- Separation of wake profile into two parts for application of the approximate method. 'Xl ...... OQ tN