Laredo Independent School District Weekly Lesson Plan 2021-2022 Teacher Name: Gutierrez/Tello/Garcia Subject: Math 6th Week of: WEEK 34 May 2-6 Six Weeks: 1 2 3 4 5 ❻ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday STAAR REVIEW TEKS/Standards: ALL STAAR REVIEW TEKS/Standards: ALL STAAR REVIEW TEKS/Standards: ALL STAAR REVIEW TEKS/Standards: ALL STAAR REVIEW TEKS/Standards: ALL SEL reflection prompts: What do I remember well? What do I need to study? What made you laugh today? What made you curious today? What surprised you today, and why? DAILY LIFT-UP How will I accelerate learning for weak SE’s? (5 Min) Utilizing Interdependent Collaborative Student Teams. Utilizing Interdependent Collaborative Student Teams. Utilizing Interdependent Collaborative Student Teams. Utilizing Interdependent Collaborative Student Teams. Utilizing Interdependent Collaborative Student Teams. OBJECTIVE/DAILY SEL SESSION (5 Min) DIRECT INSTRUCTION How will I engage WITH students to practice the key concept(s) of the day? ENHANCED LESSON ACTIVITIES/DAILY PRACTICE How will students demonstrate understanding/mastery? PERSONALIZED LEARNING How will I differentiate for ELs, SpEd, GTs, 504/MTSS? Spiral review of Numbers and Operations Spiral review of Algebraic Reasoning Spiral review of Geometry Spiral review of Statistics Spiral review of ALL topics. STAAR RELEASED TEST QUESTIONS STAAR RELEASED TEST QUESTIONS STAAR RELEASED TEST QUESTIONS STAAR RELEASED TEST QUESTIONS STAAR RELEASED TEST QUESTIONS. Special Education Modifications/ Accommodations as needed Special Education Modifications/ Accommodations as needed Special Education Modifications/ Accommodations as needed Special Education Modifications/ Accommodations as needed Special Education Modifications/ Accommodations as needed PLANNING Gather/create the following materials/handouts Checking for understanding at the end of the lesson to address every student's need through small group instruction. Checking for understanding at the end of the lesson to address every student's need through small group instruction. Checking for understanding at the end of the lesson to address every student's need through small group instruction. Checking for understanding at the end of the lesson to address every student's need through small group instruction. Summative assessment at the end of unit of study to provide evidence of what students have learned. Monitor and provide feedback regarding implementation of the math framework. Monitor and provide feedback regarding implementation of the math framework Monitor and provide feedback regarding implementation of the math framework Monitor and provide feedback regarding implementation of the math framework Monitor and provide feedback regarding implementation of the math framework CLOSING PRODUCT CPQ/ DOK Laredo Independent School District Weekly Lesson Plan 2021-2022 CPQ/ DOK WEEK 34 Monday: How can I solve a one-step word problem? Tuesday : How can I provide justifications for steps in a solution process? Wednesday: How can I use concepts to solve problems? Thursday: How can I translate between tables, graphs, words, and symbolic notation? Friday: How can I formulate an original problem, given a situation? ⃝ Revisions Needed ⃝ Approved Comments: . ________________________________________________________________________________ Administrator Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________ Laredo Independent School District Weekly Lesson Plan 2021-2022 WEEK 34 Blended Learning-Station Rotation Lesson Date: May 3, 2022 Time in each station: 10 minutes Hook: 7.5 minutes Closure: 7.5 minutes Step 1 - Framing the Day/Direct Instruction - Teacher Led, Hook/Anticipatory Set, Lesson Objectives, Setting Expectations Station #1: CONTENT WITH TEACHER (L,S,R,W) Objective/Skill: The teacher will work with small groups of students and address any student misunderstandings. Description: Teacher-Led Instruction • Hook/Anticipatory Set • I do, we do...(see W34 STAAR Review ) • Facilitate a meaningful discussion about the topics covered in this academic year. Station #2: CONTENT WITH TECHNOLOGY (L,S,R,W) Objective/Skill: Students will learn how to solve mathematics problems for all the TEKS from step by step procedure videos ( Description: Computer-based Instruction • You do • Interactive Reading - online post • Interactive Quizzes • Interactive Viewing- videos Station #3: CONTENT WITH PEERS (L,S,R,W) Objective/Skill: STAAR REVIEW, TEKS/Standards: ALL. Station #4: CONTENT EXPLORATION (L,S,R,W) Objective/Skill: Students will assess learning so far and continue to review for the STAAR exam with another review lesson covering some of the most missed STAAR Description: Collaborative Activities (student-led learning) topics. Description: • Student’s brainstorm. • You do • Think-pair-share (TPS). (STAAR questions 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016) • The teacher will create situations where students can also teach their own classmates. • Practice and review • Collaborative learning opportunities • Problem-solving (learning through exploration and research) • Small group interaction/discussion • Cornell Notes (Students will write on the left side: KEY POINTS, on the right side: NOTES of key points, at the bottom: a SUMMARY) • Choice - Discover, apply, and extend (independent academic exploration about algebraic representations of linear functions) *Student grouping will vary based on class demographics, groupings are based on teacher data L,S,R,W :Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing