TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Issue 05.2006 Rev 12/11.2018 GEOTECHNICS & CIVIL ENGINEERING TDS-159 Flexvinil® 2BPF-tn Internally placed plasticized PVC waterstop for expansion joints. Sireg Geotech s.r.l. Via del Bruno, 12 - 20862 Arcore (MB) – Italy - Tel. (+39) 039 627021 - Fax (+39) 039 615996 Geotechnics & Civil Engineering e-mail: TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Issue 05.2006 Rev 12/11.2018 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIZIONE The FLEXVINIL® PVC WATERSTOP joints are waterproof profiles with high mechanical and elastic properties, capable of ensuring a perfect hydraulic sealing and a high absorption capacity of the mechanical stresses. They are applied in concrete structures such as diaphragm walls, slabs, dams, tanks, foundations, to prevent the passage of water in correspondence of the connection points of the concrete casting. Les joints WATERSTOP FLEXVINIL® en PVC sont des profils imperméables avec des propriétés mécaniques et élastiques élevées, capables d'assurer une parfaite étanchéité hydraulique aussi bien qu’ une grosse capacité de supporter les contraintes mécaniques. Ils sont appliqués à l’intérieur d’ouvrages en béton tels que parois moulées, dallages, barrages, fondations, afin d'empêcher le passage de l'eau le long des reprises et des interruptions du bétonnage. I giunti WATERSTOP in PVC FLEXVINIL® sono profilati impermeabili con elevate proprietà meccaniche ed elastiche in grado di assicurare una perfetta tenuta idraulica e un’elevata capacità di assorbimento delle sollecitazioni meccaniche. Sono applicati all’interno di strutture in calcestruzzo quali diaframmi, solette, dighe, vasche, fondazioni, per impedire il passaggio di acqua lungo le riprese e le interruzioni dei getti di cemento. MATERIALS USED MATERIAUX UTILISES MATERIALI IMPIEGATI Flexvinil® TN: Black Plasticized PVC Flexvinil® TN: PVC plastifié noir Flexvinil® TN: PVC plastificato nero - Density, UNI EN ISO 1183-1: 1.43 ± 0.10 g/cm3 - Shore A Hardness, UNI EN ISO 868: 75 ± 5 - Tensile Strength, UNI EN ISO 527: 13 MPa - Breaking Elongation, UNI EN ISO 527: 300% - Foldability at Low Temperature, UNI EN 495-5), temp. = -35 °C: no break or crack - Densité, UNI EN ISO 1183-1: 1.43 ± 0.10 g/cm3 - Shore A Dureté, UNI EN ISO 868: 75 ± 5 - Résistance à la traction, UNI EN ISO 527: 13 MPa - Elongation à rupture, UNI EN ISO 527: 300% - Pliage à basse température, UNI EN 495-5), temp. = -35 °C: aucune rupture ou fissuration - Densità, UNI EN ISO 1183-1: 1.43 ± 0.10 g/cm3 - Shore A Durezza, UNI EN ISO 868: 75 ± 5 - Resistenza a trazione, UNI EN ISO 527: 13 MPa - Allungamento a rottura, UNI EN ISO 527: 300% - Piegatura a bassa temperatura, UNI EN 495-5), temp. = -35 °C: nessuna rottura o fessurazione NOTE: due to manufacturing, packaging, transportation and storing phases, please consider a conservative safety factor of 0.80 on Technical Performances stated here above. Test speed and specimen geometry may affect test results. Sireg Geotech s.r.l. Via del Bruno, 12 - 20862 Arcore (MB) – Italy - Tel. (+39) 039 627021 - Fax (+39) 039 615996 Geotechnics & Civil Engineering e-mail: Issue 05.2006 Rev 12/11.2018 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET GEOMETRY DIMENSION [mm] CODE WATER HEAD A B C D 4.5 ÷ 6.5 13 100 21 15 m 2BPF 150/5-tn 5 14 150 23 20 m 2BPF 150/10-tn 10 20 150 28 35 m 2BPF 200-tn 5 15 200 18 30 m 2BPF 210-tn 10 24 210 32 45 m 2BPF 230/5-tn 5 17 230 22 30 m 2BPF 230/8-tn 8 23 230 30 45 m 2BPF 240-tn 5 19 240 27 30 m 2BPF 250-tn 10 23 250 33 50 m 2BPF 300-tn 10 26 300 35 60 m 2BPF 100-tn Tolerances: A ± 1 mm / B ± 1 mm / C ± 15 mm / D ± 2 mm. Water Head: according to US Army Corps, EM 1110-2-2102, 30 Sep 95. Handling and Storage: Avoid to scratch the product with sharp tools. Use crane or more than one person to move each roll. If welding is necessary please refer to our specific TDS. Pallets to be stored on a flat surface. Do not place any load on this product. No specific protection required if stored for a short period of time. Do not store under direct sunlight for a long time. If storage under direct sunlight is necessary, cover the product with 3mm thick black PE membrane. At high temperature product becomes more flexible. At low temperature the product may be brittle. Keep at standard range temperature (5 to 30°C). Sireg Geotech s.r.l. Via del Bruno, 12 - 20862 Arcore (MB) – Italy - Tel. (+39) 039 627021 - Fax (+39) 039 615996 Geotechnics & Civil Engineering e-mail: Issue 05.2006 Rev 12/11.2018 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PACKAGING COLISAGE IMBALLO Supplied in rolls. Pallet 110 cm x 110 Palette 110 cm x 110 cm x hauteur Fornito in rotoli. Palette 110 cm x 110 cm x high required. demandeé. cm x altezza richiesta. SAFETY INDICATIONS INDICATIONS DE SECURITE INDICAZIONI DI SICUREZZA See the relevant Material Safety Data Consulter la relative fiche de sécurité. Consultare la relativa Scheda di Sheet. Sicurezza. The above data are based on our current best practical and laboratory results and on results deriving from the application of the product in the various possible fields. Sireg Geotech s.r.l. will not be held responsible for inadequate or negative performance arising from improper use of the product or for defects due to elements other than the quality of the product, including incorrect storage. The technical and performance characteristics contained in this data sheet are updated periodically. The revision date is shown on the second page. Please always check with Sireg Geotech s.r.l. that the present one represents an updated version of the data sheet. Sireg Geotech s.r.l. Via del Bruno, 12 - 20862 Arcore (MB) – Italy - Tel. (+39) 039 627021 - Fax (+39) 039 615996 Geotechnics & Civil Engineering e-mail: FLEX VINIL WATERTOP REFERENCE LIST 2020-2005 YEAR COUNTRY PROJET MODEL 2020 POLAND METRO WARSAW BFOP 2020 ITALY HIGH SPEED RAIL WAY NAPLES BFO 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 16 - AULNAY- PUITS 220P BFOP 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 15 – GARE SMC BFOP 2019-2020 ISRAEL METRO TEL AVIV BFOP 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 14/18 - GARE C3C BFOP 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 14 - PUITS MORANGIS BFOP 2019 FRANCE AEROPORT ROISSY CGD- PIEUX BFOP 2019 AUSTRALIA TUNNEL in SIDNEY AREAE COM 2019 FRANCE CHANTIER BRAZZA- TOULOUSE BFOP 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 16- LOT 1- GARES LBG, LCO, E OA01E01, 0104P, 34 01 BFOP 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 16- OA AULNAY 02 01 BFOP 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 16- GARE BLANC MESNIL BFOP 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 16- LOT 2 BFOP 2019 MOROCCO DJEDRA DAN OM 2019 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 17- LOT 1 BFOP 2019 LEBANON JANNAN DAM BFO 2015-2019 FRANCE RER E- EOLE- DEFENSE BFOP 2018 MAROC BARRAGE DOUIMIS BFO 2018 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 16 - ORLY PUITS OA1 BFOP 2018 SERBIA ARJLIE DAM BFOP 2018 FRANCE GRAND PARIS- LIGNE 15- LOT T2A (OA1201, OA1501, OA1301) BFOP 2018 UAE EXPO 2020 METRO EXTENSION BFOP 2017 FRANCE PARIS METRO LINE 14 BFO 2017 MAROC BARRAGE DE TIMSOURT BFO 2017 FRANCE ANDRA- GALERIE TECHNIQUE BFO 2017 FRANCE TOUR ERIA- PARIS BFO 2017 FRANCE TOUR DUO- PARIS BFO 2017 ALGERIE BARRAGE DE BOUZINA BFO 2017 FRANCE METRO PARIS LIGNE 15 BFO 2017 BELGIQUE BEATRIXSLUIS NIEUWEGEIN 2BPF E Sireg Geotech s.r.l. Via del Bruno, 12 - 20862 Arcore (MB), Italy - tel. (+39) 039 627021 - fax (+39) 039 615996 e-mail: - FLEX VINIL WATERTOP REFERENCE LIST 2020-2005 YEAR COUNTRY PROJET MODEL 2017 FRANCE USINE DE TRAITEMENT ET COLLECTEUR SIAAP- CLICHY BFOP 2016 ALBANIA MOGLICE DAM BPP & BFO 2016 SWITZERLAND CIO HEADQUARTERS LAUSANNE BFO 2016 BULGARIA METRO SOFIA BFO 2016 UK NORTHERN LINE EXTENSION LONDON 2BPF 2016 NEW ZELAND COMMERCIAL BAY AUCKLAND 2BPF 2016 FRANCE SNCF CHANTIER TECHNICENTRE BFO 2016 ITALY NAPLES METRO 2BPF 2015 FRANCE ORLY AIRPORT BFOP 2015 SUISSE PONT ROUGE FOUNDATION BFOP 2015 FRANCE COLLECTEUR SEMAPA BFO 2014 GERMANY GERMANSTRASSE HAFENCITY 2BPF 2014 POLAND LODZ RAILWAY STATION COM 2014 FRANCE ROUTE NATIONALE RN19 BFO 2014 ROMANIA PARK LAKE PLAZA BFAL 2014 BELGIUM MECHELEN SPOORBYPASS 2BPF 2013 ALGERIA TABELLOUT DAM BFO 2013 NETHERLANDS DELFT - STATIONSOMGEVING 2BPF 2013 VIET NAM HO CHI MINH MEMORIAL TOWER BFO 2013 UAE DUBAI AIRPORT 2BPF 2013 GERMANY HAMBURG METRO U4 HAFENCITY 2BPF 2013 SWITZERLAND CEVA LOT 25.12 CHAMPEL - HOPITAL BFO 2013 UK USA AMBASSY DEEP FOUNDATIONS BFO 2012 COLOMBIA C.I.C.E. PLANTA DEPURACION MEDELLIN 2BPF 2012 UK CROSSRAIL - ROYAL ARSENAL & C310 BFO 2011 UK HEATHROW AIRPORT T2B BFO 2011 UAE AL GHAROUD - SARAYA AVENUE BFOP 2011 UK CROSSRAIL - BOND STREET STATION 2BPF 2011 UAE JEBEL ALI BFO 2010 NEW ZEALAND VICTORIA ALLIANCE PARK TUNNEL 2BPF 2010 SWITZERLAND BARRAGE DE TOULES 2BPF Sireg Geotech s.r.l. Via del Bruno, 12 - 20862 Arcore (MB), Italy - tel. (+39) 039 627021 - fax (+39) 039 615996 e-mail: - FLEX VINIL WATERTOP REFERENCE LIST 2020-2005 YEAR COUNTRY PROJET MODEL 2010 NETHERLANDS ROTTERDAM MAASLAVKTE 2BPF 2010 BELGIUM BRUSSELS PREMIUM TOWER 2BPF 2009 NEW ZEALAND NEW LYNN RAILWAY 2BPF 2009 FRANCE LE HAVRE - PORT 2000 BFO 2009 UK LONDON GATEWAY BFOP 2009 FRANCE METRO LYON- LIGNE B- OULLINS BFO 2009 BELGIUM LIEFKENSHOEK D-WALLS - ANTWERP 2BPF 2008 FRANCE FLAMANVILLE NUCLEAR POWER STATION BFOP 2007 IRAN AWAHZ METRO BFO 2006 FRANCE NICE - NEW HOPITAL PASTEUR 2BPF 2005 VENEZUELA CONSORCIO CONTUY DAM BFO Sireg Geotech s.r.l. Via del Bruno, 12 - 20862 Arcore (MB), Italy - tel. (+39) 039 627021 - fax (+39) 039 615996 e-mail: -