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Chest Training Manual: Anatomy & 6-Week Program

Table of Contents
• The chest is comprised of two muscles, the pectoralis major and pectoralis
minor. This article will highlight the function of each but will largely focus on
the larger pec major with an emphasis on the anatomy of the muscle respective maximizing effort spent in the gym to provide the greatest stimulus for
muscle and strength development.
• The pec major, is a powerhouse muscle for creating upper arm pressing actions.
With a higher percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers (explosive work) compared
to slow twitch muscle fibers (posture and endurance work) the pec should be
trained through a lower rep range, with moderate to planned heavy sessions, that
cover a spread-out weekly volume for sets. Don’t forget to include higher reps
as well though as slow twitch muscle fibers also show the capacity to grow. We
need to maximize all muscular fiber development for the ultimate in chest size!
• Including bands, and chains, are a novel way to maximize gains while decreasing
injury risk. This form of training, known as accommodating resistance, will allow
you to progressively overload while under control.
• Using deep loaded stretches are an excellent method to ensure muscle growth
but where it is placed in the workout is critical for injury prevention. Following
the strategy to emphasize the pump early in the workout can allow for improved
gains by limiting unnecessary soft tissue damage and the recovery down time
that comes with it.
We cannot and should not escape the lessons that anatomy
provides for us in developing the understanding for how we move
and subsequently develop. The pecs are no stranger to this concept
and as we dive into the literature, we will see why certain pressing
angles, arm positions, grip widths and down to the tools we select
to train with, all have an impact on bringing out the best chest your
body can build.
Let’s get to breaking down the facts, dispelling the myths and
elevating the science of how to dominate your chest for maximum
growth and strength potential.
The chest can be broken down into
the 2 pectoral muscles known as
the pectoralis major and minor. Let’s
briefly discuss the pec minor, as its
role is relative to overall shoulder
pressing health.
The pec minor muscle is considered
an accessory muscle of respiration,
as its primary function is to lift the
ribs 3 to 5 upward during forceful
inhalation. This action of pulling the
ribs upwards towards the bony origin
of the shoulder blade called the
coracoid process, which allows us to
take in more air which is functionally
useful during resistance training but
also when on stage to increase the
appearance of a larger chest.
Direct strengthening of the pec minor
can therefore have both positive
effects for improving posture and
overall aesthetic.
Direct pec minor training is not a task where we simply take in a
deep breath and hold it, although that thought process wouldn’t be
wrong, it is simply just not effective enough at providing a training
The example of taking in a deep breath is an example of the pec
minor working in an open kinetic chain, where the scapula is
relatively fixed, allowing the insertion at the level of the ribs to pull
towards the origin.
If we were to switch roles and now fix the shoulder blade, what
we will see when the pec minor contracts is, it will pull the scapula
towards the ribs, or, it will perform scapular depression; the
opposite of a shoulder shrug. This anti-shrug is directly influenced
by the pec minor and is a way that we can overload the muscle to
provide a direct training stimulus to it in the gym.
The optimal way to perform an anti-shrug will come by way of the
straight arm scapular press or anti-shrug. This exercise should be
preformed with a slow and steady pace, that can be incorporated at
the end of a pressing day for either the shoulder or chest.
Ideally when performing the pec minor dip, you should maintain
a straight arm position and you will want to also keep your head
in as best posture to ensure full range of motion of the scapular
into elevation and depression. What can help achieve this is by
squeezing the shoulder blades
together and the glutes, as these
muscle groups will allow you to lock
the body from excess sway. Less
sway will mean improved control of
the scapula.
What you don’t want to end up doing
in hunching you back and shooting
your head forward. Training the pec
minor in this manner will lead to less
range of motion of the scapula which will limit the pec minor from
being worked through a full range of motion.
Equally, this poor training posture can lead to overall poor shoulder
blade mechanics which can affect healthy shoulder range of motion.
Pec Minor Dip Video Instruction
The overlay of poor posture and how it
can affect your pec development has
everything to do with proper pressing
mechanics from a bench (shoulder
blade fixed between bench and ribs),
and during push-ups, shoulder press,
dips, and cable presses (shoulder
blade freely able to move). Before we
dive into pressing mechanics, let’s take a moment to learn a bit about
the thoracic spine, and the other muscles that control the scapula for
optimizing a healthy shoulder joint and pressing strength.
Due to the shoulder blade moving atop the thoracic
spine, making what is known as the scapulothoracic
joint; we need to quickly address the importance
of thoracic extension, how to test for it and then fix
any imbalances that may be present.
Pec and Thoracic Spine Wall Test
Wall T Spine Opener
Scorpion Pose
Prone Roll over
Prone Angel of Death
Now that we have covered the spine, lets quickly pass through a
very important muscle known as the serratus anterior and its role
in scapular stability. The serratus anterior is a muscle that controls
scapular motion when performing a horizontal or vertical press. It
is because of the serratus anterior role with scapular control that
the rotator cuff is able to avoid impingement. In the event that the
serratus anterior is very weak the shoulder blade will present with a
winging type movement when reaching upwards in front of you.
How we train the serratus anterior and the pec minor involve fixing
the arm to the ground or a bench while we use a stiff-arm position
to press towards and away from.
The following exercises are outlined in a progressive manner. Start
with drill #1 and progress to the following drill if it is to easy or if you
want another challenge.
A1 – Scapular push ups
Focus on the upward drive.
A2 – Quadruped Elbow taps
Use a wide base for the feet.
Contract the glutes to stabilize.
B1 – Plank Punch
Do not arch the back.
B2 – Overhead Elbow taps
Relax the upper trap, by keeping your
neck relaxed.
B3 – Wall Walks
Walk as high as you are comfortable with
C1 – Reverse Bridge
Watch hand position and neck posture.
C1 – Bench Dip
Watch posture.
2 per side, Hold
for 30 seconds
Standard foot over foot or kneeling to
10 reps
Use a wide base at first and then progress narrow.
A3 – Stiff arm single scapular
push up
D1 – Side plank
D2 – Side Plank Thread the needle
The pec major is largely comprised of two main
sections: The superior clavicular head (CH) and
the more medial sternocostal head (SH); with
the SH being the larger of the two sections.
Both of these sections insert along the arm and
directly influence movement about the shoulder
joint that can vary depending on which head is
We can see that the SH has the largest moment
arm for creating horizontal adduction (bringing
the arm towards the midline
of the body, the motion of a pec
fly) but can also act to facilitate
controlling arm extension once
the arm is in an overhead position;
giving reason for the programming
of dumbbell pull-overs for chest
thickness (Keuchle et al. 1997).
Equally as important is the action of
the CH, which appears to influence
shoulder flexion and shoulder
internal rotation. The CH can
therefore be targeted more specifically with the incline barbell or dumbbell
press, where shoulder flexion is more present (Barberini et al. 2014).
The muscle fiber type of the pec major, is a mix Pec Major Muscle Fiber Type
of both fast twitch (heavy weight, explosive
fiber type) and slow twitch (liter weight, slower
more endurance-based fiber type). The pec
Slow Twitch
can be seen to cover a range of fiber type,
going from 35-43% slow twitch and 57-65%
Fast Twitch
fast twitch (Srinivasan et al. 2007). This larger
proportion of fast twitch muscle fibers, give
rise to programming methods that mix both
light and heavy loads that can be moved either
slowly (sometimes isometric holds) or quickly, to influence gains.
Although the pec major can be near maximally recruited with
compound movements such as with the barbell bench press (80%
1RM = 93% maximal contraction), there appears to be agreeance
within the literature that similar rates of muscle recruitment can
be achieved with dumbbells, and or bands loads are relative or
between the range of 70-90% 1RM (Welsch et al. 2005; Calatayud et
al. 2015, Schick et al. 2010; Santana et al. 2007; Pinto et al. 2013).
This last point should be stressed when programming for athletes
attempting to train around current shoulder discomfort/pain or
those recovering from prior shoulder injury/surgery. The option to
use tools such as dumbbells, bands or cables are often the path
best taken when addressing the shoulder through a recovery/rehab
model. This greater single arm demand noted through these tools,
directly can increase shoulder joint, and scapular joint stability,
control/coordination and strength while permitting the athlete to
have greater freedom of movement. Given that pressing angles and
grip width are important to discuss; providing a return path to pain
free training is a way to improve morale, and quality of life.
The actions of the pec major like all muscles, is bound within its
respective origin and insertion. Summed up, this means that if
worked in isolation, the muscle will only be able to contract both of
its ends (origin and insertion) toward one another. Like all muscles
too, the pec muscle will recruit different muscles fibers that are
specialized for their rate of force production (fast twitch vs slow
twitch) and the fiber orientation.
The pec and the compound action of pressing occurs through a
type 2 level mechanism. This type of leverage system is meant to
hinge at the elbow in order to draw the arm away and towards
the sternum or origin. In order for the leverage to occur one end
of the joint must be stable and the other end must be allowed to
move about the hinge or fulcrum. An example would be the pec
contracting during a bench press vs a push up. During the bench
press, the sternum (origin) becomes the stable end and the arm
(insertion) becomes the moveable end. This example demonstrates
the leverage of the arm moving both away from the sternum
(horizontal abduction) and towards the sternum (horizontal
adduction) (Ackland et al. 2008). During the pushup, the arm now
becomes the stable end or segment allowing the ribs and sternum
to move both away and towards the arm.
Grip width can also influence pec muscle fiber requirement by
increasing or decreasing the demand on assisting muscle groups
such as the Triceps, and anterior deltoid. In the literature grip width
is measured from sternum to shoulder blade, where the sternum is
0% and shoulder width is 100%. Any grip wider than shoulder width
will be represented by values greater than 100% such as 150-200%
grip width representing a wide bench.
As described earlier, the pec major in comprised of 2 segments, the sternal
head (SH) and clavicular head (CH). These two segments of muscle have
a unique fiber alignment between their respective origin and insertion;
making them individually specialized for different pressing angles.
Sternal Head
Current evidence from Lauver (2015),
identifies the decline bench as the
most effective pressing angle for
the SH. This can be seen through the
segments anatomical muscle fiber
alignment that as we stated before
is involved with shoulder extension
and horizontal adduction. One can
feel this when performing the most
muscular pose, where the arm is in a
relative position for peak contraction of the SH.
When considering grip width with the decline bench, it appears best
to stick with a wide grip (150-200% from sternum) or outside of
shoulder width (Lehman et al. 2005).
Now, the flat bench is a good pressing
angle for SH development but will be
limited in total loads lifted due to the
greater stability requirements at the
shoulder; which for someone dealing
with shoulder discomfort new or old,
a greater demand will be needed.
If you don’t have a barbell or bench,
here are some floor press variations
that can provide you with a work
around either in the at home gym or
while traveling.
A1 – Floor Wide Dumbbell Bridge Press
60-90 seconds
A2 – Floor Wide Dumbbell Flat Press
60-90 seconds
Clavicular Head
The CH as we described before, plays
a role with influencing shoulder
flexion and internal rotation. When we
perform the decline and flat bench,
the CH is limited in its influence with
shoulder flexion and IROT. In fact, the
CH is placed on a stretch in either of
these positions leading to less force
When determining the optimal
pressing angle for incline, there is a
trade-off with CH and anterior delt
dominance. It appears that an angle of 30-56° produces the greatest
rates of CH contraction as compared to angles below this (flat to
decline) and as well above (seated shoulder press) (Trebs et al. 2010,
Luczak et al. 2013, Lauver et al. 2015).
Interestingly, a wide grip when used with the incline press appears
to increase SH recruitment, which will let you lift more weight
but will come with a small trade off on CH recruitment (Barnet et
al. 1995). This is where we can see that a narrow grip (100% and
slightly less) can actually increase CH recruitment when using either
decline, flat or incline (Barnet et al. 1995). Herein we can suggest
that to target CH development stick with an incline bench angle (3056°) and a narrow grip (100% and slightly less). Now to increase at
incline bench press overall strength and further SH development,
select the incline bench but with a wider grip to allow for greater
loads to be used.
If you do not have a barbell, a narrow
dumbbell hex press can be used. To
optimize the use of lighter weights
as well to place more emphasis on
the inner fibers of the CH and SH we
can incorporate a squeeze press as
demonstrated below.
Hex Press Instruction Video
Due to the pec major, playing a dominant role in isolated shoulder
movements such as horizontal adduction, shoulder flexion, shoulder
internal rotation, and shoulder extension from an overhead position;
the use of single joints movements such as the pec fly, should be
considered and not scoffed at by those who’s goals are not peak
muscle hypertrophy. True that with increased loads the pec will
significantly increase in muscle recruitment, but the unfortunate
side of only using compound lifts, is the exposure to overuse.
Therefore, it is reasonable to implement single joint movements
such as the fly which can be performed with machines (ped deck),
or free weights (dumbbells, kettle bells) and cables or bands; have
all been found to produce similar levels of pec muscle recruitment
when compared to one another (Rocha-Junior et al. 2007; Shanke et
al. 2012; Welsch et al. 2005).
The benefit of each of these exercises producing similar levels of
muscle recruitment is that cookie cutter program can now more
specifically be adapted to the individual based on available tools,
past and current shoulder health and specific goals.
Just as with the difference noted in incline, flat and decline pressing,
we can more specifically address the individual areas of the pec
major’s SH and CH.
Sternal Head
Addressing the SH with an isolation exercise can now combine
the former compound pressing angle with a larger focus on full
range of motion.
Using a decline or flat pressing angle as Lauver (2015) demonstrated
produced far superior SH muscle recruitment than the incline
press. We can use the same decline or flat angle while performing
a fly along with greater freedom of movement towards horizontal
abduction (stretch) into horizontal adduction (shorten) of the SH.
To aid in maximizing the peak adduction stress we can combine
cables (constant tension) or free weights and elastic band or elastic
bands on their own.
Banded Dumbbell Chest Press
As such, we can also include a dumbbell pull over while either the
decline or flat bench position, that can also be modified to use a
resistance band or a cable; depending on whichever is available to you.
Banded Chest Pullover
Lastly, the good ole pec deck is a favorite to target
the SH. One such modification is adjusting the seat
height upwards, to once again create the slight
decline angle, which addresses a larger SH muscle
fiber focus.
Clavicular Head
As with the SH we can optimize CH recruitment by
implementing the incline pressing angle. As the CH
plays a larger role in producing shoulder flexion, combining it with
shoulder horizontal adduction and internal rotation (slightly inhibit
the SH), we can provide a more targeted CH training stimulus.
One such free weight exercise I prescribe is the Sven press which is
a plate squeeze while moving in a press to overhead arch of motion.
Standing Sven Press Video 1
Standing Sven Press Video 2
Standing Sven Press Video 3
Push ups
Pushup all on their own don’t appear to be as effective at training
the pec’s as they typically range between 20 – 40% of maximal
muscle contraction, which is not optimal for developing strength
and hypertrophy.
But, there are exclusions to the rule. The elevated narrow grip push
up is the exception to the rule, coming in at 63-86% maximal muscle
contraction a potentially more (Cogley et a. 2005; Lehman et al. 2006).
The hand placement width is quite interesting here as wide grip feet
elevated push ups appear to generally produce 20% less muscle
contraction when compared to narrow grip (Gouvali et al. 2005). This
may be due to the closer grip push up providing less stability via a
narrower base of support. Naturally, like all activities requiring more
balance there is a higher likelihood to demand more slow twitch fibers
which once exhausted will tap into their faster, more powerful fast
twitch fiber to complete the task, but also generate lactate which is a
potent driver for local muscle hypertrophy and systemic tissue healing.
A work around for a sore wrist is to use parallel bars, dumbbells or
a kettle bell (just be cautious of it tipping over).
Some anecdotal experimenting can allow you to use a wider grip
with feet elevated through applying a few step boxes to gain depth.
This is an exercise that John used in the past with much success and
is best thrown into the end of a workout to engorge the muscle with
further blood and plasma.
Deep Push up feet elevated
Another such anecdotal exception is the ladder push up. This
variation takes into account fatigue, which is a prime stimulus for
muscle hypertrophy when using light loads (Schoenfeld et al. 2015).
Ladder Push Up
Now the relative change in support doesn’t always pan out the
way we would think. Narrowing the grip is one thing but exercising
off of an unstable surface while
performing a dumbbell or barbell
press doesn’t appear to have similar
results. In fact, we typically can see
that unstable surfaces like a bosu
ball, or inflated bench only produce
around 30% of relative pec muscle
recruitment due to a drop-in weight,
which is ultimately unsuitable for gaining any appreciable amount
of strength or muscle hypertrophy (Lehman et al. 2006, Marshall &
Murphey. 2006).
Ackland, D. C., Pak, P., Richardson, M., & Pandy, M. G. (2008). Moment arms of the muscles crossing the anatomical shoulder. Journal of Anatomy, 213(4), 383-390.
Barberini, F. (2014). The clavicular part of the pectoralis major: a true entity of the upper limb on anatomical, phylogenetic,
ontogenetic, functional and clinical bases: case report and review of the literature. IJAE, 119(1), 49-59.
Barnett, C., Kippers, V., & Turner, P. (1995). Effects of Variations of the Bench Press Exercise on the EMG Activity of Five
Shoulder Muscles. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 9(4), 222-227.
Calatayud, J., Borreani, S., Colado, J. C., Martin, F., Tella, V., & Andersen, L. L. (2015). Bench press and push-up at comparable
levels of muscle activity results in similar strength gains. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(1), 246-253.
Cogley, R. M., Archambault, T. A., Fibeger, J. F., Koverman, M. M., Youdas, J. W., & Hollman, J. H. (2005). Comparison of muscle activation using various hand positions during the push-up exercise. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research,
19(3), 628-633.
Gouvali, M. K., & Boudolos, K. (2005). Dynamic and electromyographical analysis in variants of push-up exercise. The
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 19(1), 146-151
Kuechle, D. K., Newman, S. R., Itoi, E., Morrey, B. F., & An, K. N. (1997). Shoulder muscle moment arms during horizontal
flexion and elevation. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 6(5), 429-439
Lauver, J. D., Cayot, T. E., & Scheuermann, B. W. (2015). Influence of bench angle on upper extremity muscular activation
during bench press exercise. European journal of sport science, (ahead-of-print), 1-8.
Lehman, G. J. (2005). The influence of grip width and forearm pronation/supination on upper-body myoelectric activity
during the flat bench press. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 19(3), 587-591.
10. Lehman, G. J., MacMillan, B., MacIntyre, I., Chivers, M., & Fluter, M. (2006). Shoulder muscle EMG activity during push up
variations on and off a Swiss ball. Dynamic Medicine, 5(1), 7.
Luczak, J., Bosak, A., & Riemann, B. L. (2013). Shoulder muscle activation of novice and resistance trained women during
variations of dumbbell press exercises. Journal of Sports Medicine, 2013.
12. Marshall, P., & Murphy, B. (2006). Changes in muscle activity and perceived exertion during exercises performed on a
swiss ball. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism, 31(4), 376-383.
13. Pinto, R., Cadore, E., Correa, C., da Silva, B., Alberton, C., Lima, C., & de Moraes, A. (2013). Relationship between workload
and neuromuscular activity in the bench press exercise. Medicina Sportiva, 17(1), 1-6.
14. Rocha Júnior, V. D. A., Gentil, P., Oliveira, E., & Carmo, J. D. (2007). Comparison among the EMG activity of the pectoralis major, anterior deltoidis and triceps brachii during the bench press and peck deck exercises (200/2005). Revista Brasileira de
Medicina do Esporte, 13(1), 51-54.
15. Santana, J. C., Vera-Garcia, F. J., & McGill, S. M. (2007). A kinetic and electromyographic comparison of the standing cable
press and bench press. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 21(4), 1271-1277.
16. Schanke, W. (2012). Electromyographical analysis of the pectoralis major muscle during various chest exercises (Doctoral
dissertation, University of Wisconsin–La Crosse).
17. Schick, E. E., Coburn, J. W., Brown, L. E., Judelson, D. A., Khamoui, A. V., Tran, T. T., & Uribe, B. P. (2010). A comparison of muscle activation between a Smith machine and free weight bench press. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research,
24(3), 779-784.
18. Schoenfeld, BJ., Peterson, MD., Ogborn, D., Contreras, B., Sonmez, GT. (2015). Effects of low vs. high-load resistance training on muscle strength and hypertrophy in well-trained men. J Strength Cond Res 29: 2954-63.
19. Srinivasan, R. C., Lungren, M. P., Langenderfer, J. E., & Hughes, R. E. (2007). Fiber type composition and maximum shortening velocity of muscles crossing the human shoulder. Clinical Anatomy, 20(2), 144-149.
20. Trebs, A. A., Brandenburg, J. P., & Pitney, W. A. (2010). An electromyography analysis of 3 muscles surrounding the shoulder
joint during the performance of a chest press exercise at several angles. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research,
24(7), 1925-1930.
21. Welsch, E. A., Bird, M., & Mayhew, J. L. (2005). Electromyographic activity of the pectoralis major and anterior deltoid
muscles during three upper-body lifts. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 19(2), 449-452.
6-week Chest Training Program
Ok now that we have laid down the basic foundational knowledge
you need, let’s get you on your way to building a massive chest!
Next up – The program.
We lay out the split for you and give you an idea of volume and frequency
of other bodyparts, but the emphasis is of course on your direct pec work.
In order to understand how close to failure you should take each set,
there is an RPE chart below, that will tell you exactly how hard to go.
Rate of Perceived Exertion Flow Chart
Fairly easy like a warm-up weight
@ 6.0
You can do 4-6 more reps
@ 7.0
You can do 2-3 more reps
@ 8.0
You have 2 more reps left in the tank
@ 8.5
You have 1 more rep left in the tank
@ 9.0
Went to failure at perfect form
@ 10
Went to failure with loose form after perfect reps completed
@ 11
Used a high intensity technique to push beyond failure
@ 12
Used multiple high intensity techniques/go apeshit set!
@ 13
Click on any one of the tags for an example
Week 1
4 exercises
12 sets
6 exercises
18 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
7 exercises
21 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
28 sets
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercise
6 sets
7 exercises
21 sets
Sunday - Off - Family Day
Wednesday - Off
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercise
6 sets
5 exercises
18 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
6 exercises
20 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
So many guys come to us with a lagging chest but have these massive front delts and triceps. This is a
classic example of the wrong muscles moving the weight, so to ensure pec recruitment, start your chest
sessions with these 2 activation exercises. We want all the load to go on your pecs and we cannot do that if
you don’t know how to contract them. Feel free to use these as often as you need throughout the program.
Chest Activation | How To Feel Your Chest
Chest: Monday we will stick to the basics of Mountain Dog Training, which means lots of dumbbell and barbell
pressing. Like all the programs, the format will be activation, explosion, pump and then stretch.
1/ Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press
After a few warm up sets of 12, start pyramiding up to
a weight that is a tough 8. Do not make big jumps as
I want some good work sets here. If you really work
hard on this movement it will add dimension to your
chest. 3 total work sets
Seated overhead rope extensions
These sets are all RPE of 8-10 – The last set is the 10
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Incline barbell press
Let’s stay with the slight incline as this really pounds
your upper chest, while not recruiting as much
anterior delt like a steeper incline would. Control
the weight on the descent, stop the bar 1-2 inches
above your chest, then fire it up with speed. I want
sets of 6 until you hit a weight where the bar speed
slows drastically and you can barely get your 6th
rep with good form. That will be your last set. 3 total
work sets
Incline barbell press on slight angle
These sets are all RPE of 8-10 – The last set is the 10
Pro Tip
On any dumbbell pressing movements, have
a good arch in your back, keep your shoulders
pulled down and think about driving your biceps together at the top. Equally have a sense
of driving the floor away with your feet and
encouraging a slight glute squeeze to keep
everything tight. This will help you place more
“drive” into the press.
Pro Tip
As many of you know this is my staple of developing a thick chest. We will do these every week. Just
like with the dumbbell we started with, keep your
shoulders back and down and try to ram the bar
through the ceiling. Additionally, place an emphasis
on maintaining a strong grip, squeeze the bar hard
while attempting to squeeze the space between the
bar together. Often you can hear this cue differently
as “bend the bar”. This will ensure you are not simply
pressing but also encouraging adduction of the arm
bone (humerus) towards your midline.
Goal – Train explosively
3/ Chest | Banded machine press
Ideally you would do the decline Hammer Strength, but if your
gym does not have one of these, simply do any machine that
you can band, but also feel the most in your chest. What I
want as far as execution here is really focusing on the lockout. Come back to where your elbows are by your rib cage at
about 90 degrees, then drive out and flex your chest as hard
as you can. Pick a weight that is a tough 12. I want 3 total sets
with 60 second rest periods. You may lose some reps on the
second and third set and that’s ok. 3 total work sets
Pro Tip
After 2 free weight presses, lock into
this machine and demolish your pecs.
Our goal here is maximum pump, so
this should burn like crazy. Keep focus
on maintaining the shoulder blades
held back and down, while relaxing
your upper trap.
Banded Hammer Declines
And how to attach the bands:
How to attach bands to a Hammer chest press
These sets are all RPE of 9-10
Goal – Supramax pump
4/ Chest | Incline dumbbell flyes
Back to the incline bench, but this time use a higher incline. Feel free to use the pronated grip like in
the video, semi-pronated or neutral based on your
shoulder health and what you feel the most in your
chest. I want 3 hardworking sets of 10 reps. You
should be beyond pumped at this point, so let’s
stretch everything out. On your last set I want you
to hit your 10 reps, then come down and hold the
stretch position for 20 seconds. This should be awful. 3 total work sets
Pro Tip
With the weighted stretch on set 3, your chest will
want to cave to take the tension off, do NOT let this
happen. Keep a huge arch and stretch this chest out.
Again, press the ground away through your feet and
keep a slight glute contraction in order to keep the
low back safe.
Incline dumbell flyes
These sets are all RPE of 9-10, then final set 11
Goal – Train muscle from a stretched position
NOTE: We will be pressing a ton over these next 6 weeks, so for shoulders I would stick with side and rear
delt raises, band pullaparts and especially spider crawls to keep your shoulders strong and healthy.
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
*These secondary pump days you will find we stay away from barbells and the focus is 100% on pump, not
using massive loads. Now that does not mean use the pink dumbbells, but if you move at a quicker pace
(rest periods 60-90 seconds) it will limit the weight and enhance blood flow.
For activation on your pump day I want you to superset a Svend Press with the 3 warm-up sets you do
of hex press. All you do here is take a 5-pound plate, squeeze it between your hands as hard as you can,
press out and flex your chest even harder. This will start you off in a very pumped state. Give me 10 reps
here and then right into 10 reps of hex press.
Standing Sven Press Variations for supper Pec (Clavicular Head)
1/ Chest | Hex press
After your 3 warm-up super sets of this and Svend
press get right into your working weight for sets of
10. Remember not only are you pressing up, you are
pushing the dumbbells together as well. I promise
you will love this combo to start. 3 total work sets
Exercise Index - Hex Press
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Activation and start pump
Pro Tip
This is a great exercise for people who struggle to feel their chest working. As your sets
progress, do NOT neglect driving the dumbbells together. I always think “IN, IN, IN” as I’m
pressing them up. This should give an almost
cramping sensation when done right. Ensure
that you keep the shoulder blades together
while performing this movement.
2/ Chest | Pec dec flyes
The attached video has tons of intensity techniques and we aren’t doing those today, but
I want you all to see the proper form. Chest is up, chin is tucked, good range of motion
and squeezing hard at the contraction. Give me 3 sets of 12 here. 3 total work sets
Machine flye with forced reps, iso hold, and partials.
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Supramax pump
3/ Chest | Pec minor dips
This is a tricky exercise, but we will be doing this
every week in order for you to master this technique. What I want you to think about is a reverse
shrug. Leaving your elbows in a fixed position, lower your body (trying to make your shoulders touch
your ears) then drive up and squeeze your chest as
hard as possible. I want 3 sets to failure here. 3 total
work sets
Pro Tip
These are a game changer for your side chest pose.
Master this movement and I promise a thicker chest.
If you are really good at these, feel free to strap on
weight via a dip belt. Don’t over stress your neck by
shoving it forward. Stay connected to your posture
of the shoulders and neck as this will help you crank
out a few more reps due to improved stability.
Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise
These sets are all RPE of 9-10
Goal – Supramax pump
4/ Chest | Ladder push ups
Let’s finish today with 3 sets of ladder pushups. You will do 3 mini-sets within each
given set just like in the video. Hopefully your gym has this bar, so you can get a good
stretch with every rep. Go right to the edge of failure with every mini-set, then move the
bar up a few inches. 3 total work sets
Ladder Push Ups - Chest Exercise
Note: In between all 3 sets of pushups, give me 10 band over and backs for the chest stretch and added
shoulder health.
Shoulder rehabilitation exercises
These sets are all RPE of 9-10
Goal – Train muscle from a stretched position
6 exercises
18 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
Week 2
4 exercises
15 sets
6 exercises
18 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
7 exercises
24 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
28 sets
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercise
6 sets
7 exercises
21 sets
Sunday - Off - Family Day
Wednesday - Off
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercise
6 sets
5 exercises
18 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
6 exercises
20 sets
4 exercises
15 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
Chest: As promised, tons of free weight pressing to fill that #GRAINTRAIN shirt out.
1/ Chest | Decline dumbbell press
A slight decline is all we need here today. If you don’t
have one of these benches, just throw a plate under
the end of the bench to give you a slight decline. Sink
these deep and really open that chest up. Today we
are coming all the way down, fully pausing the dumbbells, then drive up to full contraction for 4 sets of 8.
Work your way up slowly until you can barely get 8 on
your last set. 4 total work sets
Decline Dumbell Press
These sets are all RPE of 8-10 – The last set is the 10
Pro Tip
Dorian Yates swore by slight decline pressing for chest thickness and who is going to
question him and his 6 Mr. Olympia titles. The
slight decline has been shown to have the
greatest level of pec major muscle recruitment. If you by chance don’t have a decline
bench, recall you can perform these from the
ground as seen in the manual.
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Incline barbell press
Fast forward to “4:51” in the video and I want this exact
set up. So, it’s more of the traditional incline, as opposed to last week where we used a slight incline. Do 1
feeder set of 5 or 6, then start working up to your max
effort set of 8. Coming off the decline, the bar should be
flying off your chest. 3 total work sets
Pro Tip
The higher incline gives you that thick chest/
front delt that everyone wants from the side.
Killer exercise if you can get really strong at this
with perfect form.
Killer Chest Workout for Mass at any skill level
These sets are all RPE of 8-10 – The last set is the 10
Goal – Train explosively
3/ Chest | Flat barbell press
Ok these are a ball buster and I know you will love them.
We are going to come down about 2-3 inches above
your chest, completely stop the bar for a split second,
then lower all the way down to your chest and press up.
I want 4 sets of 8 like this. The last couple sets you are
going to have to fight to not let the bar just slam down
on your chest. 4 total work sets
Pro Tip
This technique forces you to “own” the weight,
not let it just fly down, which causes even more
muscle growth. Again, use the driving force of
the legs to leverage the barbell better by increasing stability and torque.
Bench with a pause above chest
These sets are all RPE of 9
Goal – Supramax pump
4/ Chest | Pronated machine flyes
The main goal here is to use a machine with a back
support, use a semi-pronated grip and really stretch
your chest out. I want 4 sets of 10 plus 10 bottom
half partials for all sets. So, do your 10 full range of
motion, then bang out 10 partials (do not rush these,
make them burn). 4 total work sets
Pronated Cable Chest Flies
These sets are all RPE of 10-11
Pro Tip
The more we stretch and pump the chest,
the more it will grow. Do not treat this like a
fluff exercise, go to WORK! With the shift in
plasma into the pec after the previous exercises. This is the time to drive further growth
potential. Be safe and listen to what depth is
right for you.
Goal – Train muscle from a stretched position
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
Just like pump day from week 1, for activation I want you to superset a Svend Press with the 3 warm-up
sets you do of machine press. Take a 5-pound plate, squeeze it between your hands as hard as you can,
press out and flex your chest even harder. This will start you off in a very pumped state. Give me 10 reps
here and then right into 10 reps of machine press.
1/ Chest | Machine press
After your 3 warm-up super sets of this and Svend press get right
into your working weight for sets of 10. Pay close attention to how
Ken is doing this machine press. Ideally you would use a neutral
grip, go slow out of the hole, then as you begin to flex your chest
maximally, the weight will speed up to lockout. This technique will
really tax your muscle fibers of your chest. 3 total work sets
Pro Tip
Using this form takes your
shoulders and triceps out of
the press.
Machine press with pec focus
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | High incline smith press
I want sets of 8 here. You will feel this in your front delt as well since we are doing a high incline
but also right below your collarbones. We want that upper pec shelf look. 3 total work sets
High Incline Smith Press
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Supramax pump
3/ Chest | Pec dec flyes superset with pec minor dips
You will freaking love this superset. Do 10 reps of pec dec flyes really focusing on the
stretch part of the movement and leaving a few reps in the tank, then go right over to
the dip bars and give me pec minor dips to failure. Keep working on this form as it should
be getting better each week. 3 rounds for 6 total work sets
Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Supramax pump
6 exercises
18 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
Week 3
5 exercises
13 sets
6 exercises
18 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
22 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
28 sets
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercise
6 sets
7 exercises
21 sets
Sunday - Off - Family Day
Wednesday - Off
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercise
6 sets
5 exercises
18 sets
4 exercises
14 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
6 exercises
22 sets
5 exercises
13 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1/ Chest | Flat dumbbell press
After 2 weeks of straight sets, it’s time to get a little crazy. Work your way up to a pretty challenging weight, then rest a full 3 minutes. I want you to
summon the strength of Thor because I need super
human strength. In the video Ken Jackson reps the
#175’s for 28 reps before dropping to #100’s and
doing 5 more. Notice how it’s an abbreviated ROM,
not all the way down and not all the way up and done
piston style. This is all chest, as we are removing the
shoulders and the tris from the first part of the lift.
So, do as many as you can with this form, then drop
down, about 40% and do 5 full range of motion reps
nice and slow. We will call this 4 sets. 4 total work sets
Pro Tip
Using this heavy of a load coupled with constant tension is how big chests are built.
Controlled forced reps and failure training
can help you achieve reaching your genetic
potential. Still, listen to your body. If you start
to develop shoulder pain, press from the
ground to limit and help you control some of
the shoulder stress.
IFBB Pro Ken Jackson 175 lb dumbell press partials w full range of motion drop
The lead up sets are 8-9 RPE, the 4th set is 12 RPE
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Reverse banded incline barbell press
Back to the slight incline this week but adding the bands.
Just like exercise 1, we are removing the load in the bottom of the lift to minimize shoulder recruitment. You will
love these as it allows you to really load the bar up with
heavy weight and you will have zero joint pain. I want 4
sets of 6 once you reach your top end weight. Take your
time between sets and be explosive. 4 total work sets
Banded Incline Barbell Press
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Pro Tip
Using the reverse bands flatten the strength
curve, which takes this already great exercise
to the next level. Now these sets should feel
easier from the bottom position and hard as
you lockout. Don’t over load the bar at first.
Use some warm up sets to find a sweet spot
to work with.
Goal – Train explosively
3/ Chest | Decline smith press
So give me 2 feeder sets to get to your top end weight. Once there we are going to do a
massive drop set that should leave you totally smoked. The goal is to move a heavy load
for 3-5 reps, drop some weight so you can get another 3-5, drop the weight again and knock
out 6-8 reps, then one final drop where you will widen your grip on the bar out and bang
bottom half partials to failure. Listen to John repeatedly say “perfect form” that means keep
those shoulders back and use only chest. We will call this 1 set. 1 total work set
IFBB Pro Ken Jackson Decline Smith Machine Dropset
The work set is RPE of 13
Goal – Supramax pump
4/ Chest | Incline manual resistance flyes superset with dips
Now let’s finish strong here. Only 2 sets, but I want you to work your tail off on these. I want
8 reps on the flyes and then right over to dips for around 8 reps. If you need to use the assistance machine for dips that’s perfectly fine because I want perfect form here. With the
flyes have your partner push down on your forearms to create extra resistance on the eccentric portion of the exercise. This should be brutal. 2 rounds for 4 total work sets
Dumbell fly and dip superset
These sets are all RPE of 10-11
Goal – Train muscle from a stretched position
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
14 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
Last week of starting with the Svend press for activation. The only difference here is we do Svend press
for all 4 sets of pec minor dip. All you do here is take a 5-pound plate, squeeze it between your hands as
hard as you can, press out and flex your chest even harder.
1/ Chest | Pec minor dip
Right out of the gate we are hammering some pec minor dips as opposed to third in
rotation. So do your 10 reps of Svend press then right into failure sets of pec minor dips.
You are fresh here today so really get some high reps. 4 total work sets
Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Dumbbell incline press
So we have some foreshadowing here. In the video there is a drop set (which is coming
Monday for exercise 1) today we do NOT do that. The reason for the attached video is so
you can see the tempo at which I want you to press. Own every inch of this incline press
and really control the negative. I want 4 perfect sets of 10 reps here. Coming off the pec
minor dips you should feel great. 4 total work sets
Dumbell press drop set with slow eccentric
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Supramax pump
3/ Chest | High cable crossover superset with dips
Now let’s finish off the week with a superset again. High cable crossovers for sets of 10,
then right into wide grip dips to failure. With the dips only use ¾ range of motion to keep
the triceps out of the movement. 3 rounds for 6 total work sets
Cable crossover and dip superset for Chest
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Supramax pump
6 exercises
18 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
Week 4
4 exercises
16 sets
6 exercises
18 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
7 exercises
25 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
28 sets
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercise
6 sets
7 exercises
21 sets
Sunday - Off - Family Day
Wednesday - Off
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercise
6 sets
5 exercises
18 sets
4 exercises
14 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
6 exercises
22 sets
4 exercises
16 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1/ Chest | Incline dumbbell press
This video look familiar……..Ok let’s have some fun this week. Work up to a HARD 8 on
incline press here and we are doing a triple drop set. Remember control every single rep
and do not get sloppy. The final set we not only get a drop set but also some partials, so
get ready for an RPE of 13. 3 total work sets
Here is an example of how the weight for this exercise should look:
25# x 10 reps (warm up set)
40# x 10 reps (warm up set)
60# x 10 reps (warm up set)
90# x 6 reps (feel set)
100# x 8 reps (work set)
110# x 8 reps (work set)
120# x 8 -> 90# x 5 -> 60# x 5 full reps + 3 bottom half partials (final work set)
Dumbell press drop set with slow eccentric
The lead up sets are 8-9 RPE, the 4th set is 13 RPE
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Chain flat benches
Nothing makes you feel more powerful and explosive than
chain bench pressing. And to up the ante even more to
Pro Tip
make you feel strong we are doing 5 sets of 5 here today.
Flat bench pressing has probably caused the
Control the weight down, then explode up with all your
most pec tears in the history of lifting, but uspower to the top. Ideally you would use 1-2 chains per side,
ing chains like this minimize the risk by lightwork up to your top end weight where you still have bar
ening the load in the fully stretched position.
speed and stay there for all 5 sets. Try your best to nail ALL
25 reps and not miss 1. Rest 2 minutes between sets. If you
do not have access to chains, feel free to use reverse band flat benching today as the
principle is very similar, you just won’t have the cool sound. 5 total work sets
Chain Benches
These sets are all RPE of 9
Goal – Train explosively
3/ Chest | Incline dumbbell flye with manual resistance
Now this will crush you if done right. I want you to grab a challenging weight and do 8 reps
of traditional incline dumbbell flyes. Immediately set that weight down, reduce your load
by 10-15 pounds on each dumbbell and do 6 more partner-resisted flyes. Have your training partner ONLY apply pressure on the top third of the movement of the negative. This will
force your chest to contract maximally. 4 total work sets
Incline dumbell fly with manual resistance
The work set is RPE of 11
Goal – Supramax pump
4/ Chest | Stretch pushups
By this point of this session you should be feeling gassed. I want 4 sets of failure on stretch
pushups today with your feet propped up to hit those upper pec fibers even more. Some
coaching ques for you to remember: keep your chin up, keep a perfectly neutral spine (don’t
let your hips sink), get a good stretch and do NOT come all the way up as we want all the
tension on your chest. 4 total work sets
Stretch Pushups
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Train muscle from a stretched position
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
14 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
1/ Chest | Twist press
Check out this old chest video from 2010!! But this exercise is still a great way to start a
pump day because it forces you to reduce the load, yet maximally tax the chest. Give me 4
sets of 10 after a few warm up sets to kick off the day. 4 total work sets
Twist Presses
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Pec minor dips
I pray you are loving these by now as the contraction should be massive. We are moving
them all around on your pump day to keep your body responding to them. Like last week
knock down 4 sets to failure then off to the next exercise. 4 total work sets
Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Supramax pump
3/ Chest | Incline hammer strength press
This is my favorite technique on this piece of equipment. Take the seat really low and pause each rep on
the machine before pressing up explosively. I want 3 sets of 8 here with the same weight. In the video
there is a drop set, but I do not want you to do that, just straight sets today please. 3 total work sets
Hammer Strength Inclines
These sets are all RPE of 9
Goal –Train explosively
4/ Chest | Machine flyes
This can be a machine like in the video or pec dec flyes, whichever you prefer and feel the most in your
chest. Our goal is to stretch everything out and push your pump to the next level. Give me 3 sets of 12
here. Your chest should be so full by this point you should have a tough time seeing your toes if you
are standing up. 3 total work sets
Pronated Cable Chest Flies
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Train muscle from a stretched position
6 exercises
18 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
Week 5
5 exercises
18 sets
6 exercises
18 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
27 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
13 sets
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercise
6 sets
7 exercises
21 sets
Sunday - Off - Family Day
Wednesday - Off
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercise
6 sets
5 exercises
18 sets
4 exercises
15 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
6 exercises
23 sets
5 exercises
18 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1/ Chest | Banded dumbbell press
I want to kick off week 5 with a punch in the teeth. Banded flat dumbbell press is just the
ticket for this. Work your way up doing sets of 8, until you reach a top end weight. Rest 2
full minutes, get angry and go APE SHIT!! Watch Ken Jackson smoke the 130s + an orange
and red band for 15 reps, just straight machine mode. 4 total work sets
Banded Dumbbell Chest Press
The lead up sets are 9 RPE, the 4th set is 10 RPE
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Slight incline barbell benches
Drag an adjustable bench over to the power rack so we can hit some slight incline barbell pressing. Today I want you to lower the bar 2 inches above your chest and do a
2-count pause with every single rep before ramming the bar up as fast as possible. Work
your way up doing sets of 8 here as well, but do not make huge weight jumps because I
want 4 good work sets here. 4 total work sets
Incline barbell press on slight angle
These sets are all RPE of 9
Goal – Train explosively
3/ Chest | High incline smith press
Just working our way up the spectrum of incline angles here. You will welcome the Smith
machine after these 2 free weight exercises first. Give me sets of 10 reps for all 4 working
sets here. 4 total work sets
High Incline Smith Press
The work sets are RPE of 8-9
Goal – Supramax pump
4/ Chest | Flat dumbbell flye with manual resistance
This is just like last week but on the flat bench instead of incline. Grab a challenging weight
and do 8 reps of traditional dumbbell flyes. Immediately set that weight down, reduce your
load by 10-15 pounds on each dumbbell and do 6 more partner-resisted flyes. Have your
training partner ONLY apply pressure on the top third of the movement of the negative. This
will force your chest to contract maximally. I’m leaving the video attached so you can see
the form and intensity, just remember we want a flat bench here. 3 total work sets
Incline dumbell fly with manual resistance
The work sets are RPE of 11
Goal – Supramax pump
5/ Chest | Front dumbbell chest flyes
This is a great finisher for the day and you will love the feeling in your lower pecs. Make
sure to not use a crazy range of motion here. Slow and controlled for 3 sets of 10 to wrap up
week 5’s heavy day. 3 total work sets
Front dumbell chest flies
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Train muscle from a stretched position
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
15 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
1/ Chest | Hex press
Right out of the gate let’s get those pecs burning. After a few warm ups, give me 4 sets
of 8 reps. Remember, smash the dumbbells together the entire time while you press
down and up. Notice in the video, the slight pause on the chest before every rep. I want
you to copy that. 4 total work sets
Exercise Index - Hex Press
These sets are all RPE of 8-9
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Dips superset with stretch pushups
You will love this superset. Bang really controlled dips where you only come up ¾’s of
the way. Keep your chin tucked and give me 10 reps. Then go right into stretch pushups for around 10 reps. Notice the form in the video with these. Go very deep, open your
chest up and then slowly press up just short of lockout. 4 rounds for 8 total work sets
Dip and Stretch Pushup Superset
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Supramax pump
3/ Chest | Pec minor dips
We are going to finish with the pec minor dips today. Since we are already at the parallel
bars this will be perfect here. I want you to dig deep and shoot for 50 total reps. I’m hoping you get there in 3 sets. 3 total work sets
Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Supramax pump
6 exercises
18 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
Week 6
5 exercises
18 sets
6 exercises
18 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
27 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
8 exercises
13 sets
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercise
6 sets
7 exercises
21 sets
Sunday - Off - Family Day
Wednesday - Off
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercise
6 sets
5 exercises
18 sets
6 exercises
18 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
8 exercises
26 sets
5 exercises
18 sets
3 exercises
9 sets
*Last week!!! Leaving nothing in the gas tank.
1/ Chest | Machine press
Work your way down the stack of your favorite pin selected machine press doing sets of 8. Once you reach
your top end weight, or the entire stack, I want a drop
set. Do 10 full range of motion reps with a contraction
at each of these. Drop the weight 3-4 holes and try to
get 6 more reps with a flex. From there drop another
2-3 holes and give me 10 bottom half partials. Push
yourself here! 4 total work sets
Pro Tip
If you wear a t-shirt under a tank top it increases pec fiber activation by 232.6% and
growth hormone release triples.
Machine press with drop and partials
The lead up sets are 9 RPE, the 4th set is 13 RPE
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Incline barbell benches
Go to the “3:16” mark on the video so you can see the pyramid I want you all to use today.
I want you doing sets of 6 on the way up. Pay close attention at the “6:20” point. Really
amp yourself up for the final set and get 4-6 reps with a heavy weight while maintaining
perfect form. 4 total work sets
Basic Heavy Chest Workout For Mass | John Meadows & Seth Shaw
These sets are all RPE of 8 until the 4th which is 10
Goal – Train explosively
3/ Chest | Flat dumbbell press
After a couple feeder sets, find a weight you can hit for roughly 12 reps. I want you to do
4 sets of 8 with 45 second rest periods here. I like to have a bench sitting in front of me
to sit the dumbbells so when the stop watch goes off, you grab them, sit back and crank.
By the 3rd and 4th set it should be a grind. 4 total work sets
The work sets are RPE of 8-10
Goal – Supramax pump
4/ Chest | Incline neutral grip dumbbell press
This is exercise is going to give you a nasty contraction. Watch the video closely to see
how much effort is put into the contracted position. In addition, the neutral grip allows
for a safe stretch in the hole. Let’s do 3 sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets
Neutral Grip Incline Dumbell Press
The work set is RPE of 8-9
Goal – Supramax pump
5/ Chest | Pec dec flyes
Time to stretch everything out. Do 10 full range of motion reps then tack on 10 bottom
half partials. The key here is to keep your chest lifted and your shoulders back the entire
set. On the partials, make these really burn by not rushing through them. Enjoy the pain.
3 total work sets
These sets are all RPE of 9-10
Goal – Train muscle from a stretched position
5 exercises
15 sets
2 exercises
6 sets
4 exercises
12 sets
1 exercises
6 sets
6 exercises
18 sets
2 exercises
8 sets
1/ Chest | Hex press superset with pec minor dips
Today’s session we are all about pec minor dips. So I want to start with hex press for sets
of 8 because the pump I got last week was so amazing. But the kicker is supersetting
these with 10-15 pec minor dips. We never let off this exercise the entire 6 weeks and I
know your chest is thicker because of this. 3 rounds for 6 total work sets
Exercise Index - Hex Press
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Activation and start pump
2/ Chest | Pec minor dips superset with dips
Skip ahead to “7:32” in the video to see this sweet superset. We will go pec minor dips
for 10-15 then transition right into regular chest dips for another 10-15 reps. If you have
to use the assisted machine for the full dips, fell free to do so. Give me 3 rounds of this.
3 rounds for 6 total work sets
4 exercise chest workout for mass
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Supramax pump
3/ Chest | High cable cross over superset pec minor dips
Last sequence of this entire chest manual, so finish STRONG! Give me 12-15 reps on the
high cable crossover and then go bananas on the pec minor dips here. Leave nothing to
chance today! Will your body into chest growth. 3 rounds for 6 total work sets
Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise
These sets are all RPE of 10
Goal – Supramax pump
6 exercises
18 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
1 exercise
5 sets
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more complete workouts!
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Thank you so much for your support!
John Meadows