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Prostaglandins: Functions, Discovery, and Effects

392100279 Group c section 2
BioChemistry I
Dr/ Rania Hussein
TA/Sahar Abdelwahab
What is Prostaglandins?
Injuries cause a complex inflammatory process and
blood clots. Prostaglandins are a group of lipids that
are part of this process
Prostaglandins are hormones produced during
chemical reactions at the site of injury or other
problems they are not secreted by the glands.
Instead, it is created when needed where the
problem is occurring.(1)
Who discovered Prostaglandins?
1982 Nobel Prize Medicine
Sune K. Bergström, Bengt I. Samuelsson and John R. Vane were awarded the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine of 1982 for their discoveries concerning prostaglandins and related
biologically active substances.(2)
What are Prostaglandins composed of?
The prostaglandins are made up of unsaturated
fatty acids that contain a cyclopentane (5carbon) ring and are derived from the 20carbon, straight-chain, polyunsaturated fatty
acid Coming from arachidonic acid. (3)
The 2 series has two double bonds and is
derived from arachidonic acid. There are a
variety of structures one, two, or three double
bonds. On the five member ring there may also
be double bonds, a ketone, or alcohol groups (4)
It is Carried out by an enzyme Cyclooxygenase .
Functions of Prostaglandins.
 Vasodilation and blood clotting
A type of prostaglandin called thromboxane stimulates constriction and clotting of
 homeostasis
 Prostaglandins
act as signals to control several different processes(such as the gastrointestinal
tract increase blood flow in kidneys, and leukotriens promote constriction of bronchi
associated with asthma.,)
 Inflammation
Occurrence of pain and fever. When tissue is damaged, due to dilation of local
blood vessels .white blood cells rush to the area and try to minimize tissue
destruction. The result is prostaglandins being produced at the area of infection.
drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen that inhibit prostaglandin synthesis are effective
in suppressing inflammation in (3,5)
 Smooth muscle contraction
Prostaglandins play a role in ovulation as they stimulate uterine muscle
contraction a discovery that lead to the successful treatment of the menstrual cramps
with inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis like ibuprofen and aspirin , prostaglandins
play a role in inducing labor in pregnant women and given to induce abortions(3)
 Gastric mucosa
Prostaglandins are found in high concentrations in the gastric mucosa and
gastric juice. alter mucosal blood flow, and provide strong protection against a variety
of agents that cause acute mucosal damage.(9)
What happens if my levels of prostaglandins are too high?
High levels of prostaglandins are a response of an injury or infection that causes
inflammation this is an important part of the body’s healing process
However, this natural response can lead to an excess and chronic production of
prostaglandins, that can trigger a few diseases by causing inflammation in unwanted areas
So we can use drugs to bock cyclooxygenase that is the key factor in turning arachidonic
acid into prostaglandins so in theory you can treat conditions like
 Arthritis
 Heavy menstrual bleeding
 Beneficial effects on some types of cancer(6)
What happens if my levels of prostaglandins are too low?
Manufactured prostaglandins can be used to increase prostaglandin levels in the
body in certain situations. administration of prostaglandins at the end of pregnancy can
cause labor. It can also be used to treat newborn gastric ulcers, glaucoma and
congenital heart disease. (6)
What is the link between mast cells and Prostaglandins?
Mast cells are involved in the regulation of many physiological functions, including
vasodilation, angiogenesis, and bacterial and parasite killing. Mast cells have the ability to
participate in the regulation of the function of many organs and tissues.
After the mast cell has been activated other molecules are produced like CCL3 Which is a
hemotactic factor for macrophages and neutrophils and Eicosanoids Prostaglandins,
leukotrienes and thromboxanes) are produced by catalytic conversion of arachidonic acid by
action of phospholipase A2 on membrane Phospholipids. Mast cells appear to produce
COX1 and COX2 which converts arachidonic acid into prostaglandins and thromboxanes.
Prostaglandins increase vascular permeability and attracts neutrophils. Mast cells
synthesize and secrete histamine, proteases, prostaglandin D2, leukotrienes, heparin, and a
variety of cytokines,(7)
Can we test for Prostaglandins in lab?
 Aim
The aim of the invitro study was to detect
for a marker of inflammation (prostaglandins) in
blood samples from radicular pulp stumps after
coronal pulp amputation a place where its sure to
be enflamed
 Method
It was harvested by a paper strip (dipstick)
And it was stored at -80 degrees Celsius a platebased enzyme immunoassay technique had been developed for detection and
quantification for the source of the inflammation
 Results
39 Blood single blood samples were assayed, and we found detectable amounts
of Prostaglandins-E2 ranging 1.0 to 2641 ng mL-1
 Conclusions
The results concluded hat the inflammatory mediator can be detected and
quantified in small blood samples originating from pulp stump. (8)
Effects of aspirin
Nonsteroidal inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) Block the construction of cyclic prostanoids
because it binds in different ways to that enzyme and blocks the active site.
The result is decreased inflammation but also produces side effects in the Gastro Intestinal
tract where it can cause stomach ulcer due to the decreased prostaglandins concentration so there
is not enough stomach mucosa to protect it and kidneys and platelets (10)
 Hormone Health Network."Prostaglandins | Hormone Health Network." Hormone.org,
Endocrine Society, 8 December 2021, https://www.hormone.org/your-health-andhormones/glands-and-hormones-a-to-z/hormones/prostaglandins (1)
 Explorable.com. 2021. Discovery of Prostaglandins - 1982 Nobel Prize Medicine.
[online] Available at: <https://explorable.com/prostaglandins> (2)
 Encyclopedia Britannica. 2021. prostaglandin | Definition, Function, Synthesis, &
Facts. [online] Available at: <https://www.britannica.com/science/prostaglandin>
[Accessed 8 December 2021].(3)
 Glowm.com. 2021. The Prostaglandins: Basic Chemistry and Action | GLOWM.
[online] Available at: <https://www.glowm.com/section-view/heading/theprostaglandins-basic-chemistry-and-action/item/312#> [Accessed 8 December
 Chemistry LibreTexts. 2021. Prostaglandins. [online] Available at:
es_(Biological_Chemistry)/Lipids/Fatty_Acids/Prostaglandins> [Accessed 8
December 2021].(5)
 Yourhormones.info. 2021. Prostaglandins | You and Your Hormones from the Society
for Endocrinology. [online] Available at:
<https://www.yourhormones.info/hormones/prostaglandins/> [Accessed 8 December
 The Microenvironment Of. n.d., Frontiers | Mast Cell: A Multi-Functional Master Cell
| Immunology. Available from:
<https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2015.00620/full>. [December
09, 2021].(7)
 A Paper Strip. n.d., Development of a method to detect and quantify prostaglandin E2
in pulpal blood from cariously exposed, vital primary molar teeth - PubMed. Available
from: <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10551112/>. [December 09, 2021].(8)
 Blocking The Histamine-Stimulated. (2021) Role of endogenous prostaglandins in
gastric secretion and mucosal defense - PubMed. Retrieved December 09, 2021, from
 Entering Your Email. (2021) The effect of aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs on prostaglandins - The American Journal of Medicine. Retrieved December 09,
2021, from https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(98)00069-2/pdf(10)