1960 Mount ond Begg: Poramelrlc Devices ond Masers: An Annolaled Bibllogrophy 243 Correction Leo Young, the autl1or of "Tables for Cascadcd Ho­ mogeneous Quarter-\1/ave Transformcrs," which ap­ pearcd on pages 233-237 in tlle Aprii, 1959 issue o{ thcsc TRANSACTIONS, has requcsted that the following rcvi­ sions be made in his paper. The values of Z1 and Z 2 for the four-scction (n = 4) lransformers given in Tablcs IV to XIII are not quitc optimum. In computing thcm, the positive roots of thc fourth degree TchcbychefT polynomial were crroneous­ ly taken as ½{l ± 1/v'2) instcad o! [½(1 ± 1/v'2)] 11'. The effect o{ this is to reduce the bandwidth by approxi­ mately the ratio of the incorrcct to thc com�ct outer roots, that is, by a factor [½(1 1/ v'2) ]'" = 0.924. At the same time, the match is improvcd near the center of the band. + Twenty rcprcscntative four-section tmnsformers wcre analyzed numerically. The bandwidth rcduction ap­ peared to be independent of R. and was about 1/15 bc­ low the greatest possible bandwidth for thc maximum VSWR spccificù in Table HL For instant-e, thc stateci 60 per cent four-scction transformers (Table X) had only 56 per cent bandwidth; and thc statcd 120 per cent four-scction transformers (Table XIII) had only 112 per ceut bandwidth, for the VSWR claimed in Tablc II I. New tables for four-section transformcrs were com­ puted and are appendcd. These bave been checked out by numerica[ analysis of repres(!ntative cases. Various two- and thrce-section transformers given in rny originai tables wcrc also checked by numerica! anal­ ysis, ;md found to give the predictcd frequency response. FouR-SECTTOS QU41lTRR-WA\IF, Tu,.-s�OR&ll::IIS lmpcdnncc Ratio, R 1.00 1.2S 1.50 l.75 2.00 2.50 .l.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 IO .00 12.50 15.00 17 .50 20.00 25 .00 .30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 Mnximally Fl.it z, 1.00000 1.0140S 1.02570 I .03568 1.0H44 I .05933 1.07176 1.09190 1.10801 1.12153 1.14356 I. 16129 1.17961 I. 19500 I.208-l7 1.22035 I .24078 I.25SOJ 1.28632 1.30920 1.32853 1.36025 1.38591 z, 1.00000 1.07223 1.13512 1.19120 1.24206 I .332(}1 I .-11051 1.54417 1.65686 I.75529 1.92323 2.06509 2.21803 2 .J5186 2 .-47169 2.58072 2. 77447 2.9442.1 3.23�92 3.48136 J.69752 4 .06810 4.38263 13:indwidth =-0.10 Z, 1.00000 l.01-ll4 1.02S86 t .03591 1.04473 1.05972 1.07223 1.09250 1.10873 I .12235 l.l-H55 1.16242 1.18090 t.t9M8 1.21001 1.22200 1.24262 1.26()().1 1.28862 1.31174 1.33129 1.36338 1.38936 z, 1.00000 I.Oi232 1.13530 1.19146 1.24239 1.33252 1.41113 l. 54503 1.6579'1 I.75657 1.92490 2.06710 2.22044 2.35-10.5 2.47483 2.58419 2.77857 2.94891 3.24067 3.� 3.70517 4:.07741 4.39348 Bandwidth-0.20 Z, 1.00000 1.01440 t .02635 1.03659 l.0•1558 1.06088 1.073(� 1.09435 1.11093 1.12486 1.14758 1.16588 1.18483 1.20082 I. 21471 1.22703 1.24824 l. 26618 1.29564 1.31953 1.33974 1 .37297 1.39992 z, 1.00000 1.07260 1.13S84 1.1?224 1.24340 1.33396 1.41296 1.54760 1.66118 I.76043 1.92990 2.07315 2.22770 2.J<SJOJ 2.48426 2.59163 2.79089 2.96299 3.25798 .'J.50835 3.72816 4.10�44 4.42610 Bandwidth •0.30 z, 1.00000 1.01486 1.02719 1.03777 l.OH06 1.06287 1.07607 1.09752 1.11472 1.12917 1.15279 1.17184 1.19160 1.20829 I.22281 I .23571 t .25795 1.27679 1..10781 I .33302 1.35440 1.38965 1.41832 z. l .00000 I .07.306 1.13673 1.19354 l.24508 1.33636 1.41603 1.55190 1.66660 l.76689 1.93828 2.08328 2.23985 2 .37700 2.50007 2 .6121J 2.81154 2.98659 3.28(i98 3.54228 3.76669 4 .15241 4.48078