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Django App Scaling: 6 Tips for High-Quality Development

6 Tips for
Building HighQuality Django
Apps at Scale
Save For Later
Django is a robust framework, it is used
by companies like Disqus, Instagram,
Pinterest, Bitbucket, etc.
Let's have a quick look at some of the
things that can scale your application
easily and help you improve performance.
1. Query Optimization
Use select_related, prefetch_related
for SQL join operations instead of running
multiple queries to get data from related
Use bulk_create, bulk_update for the
creation and updation of many rows at
Monitor the ORM queries using the
django_debug_toolbar plugin.
2. Connection Pooling
Using PostgreSQL or MySQL? pool your
database connections depending on the
number of users hit.
CONN_MAX_AGE is the parameter you
can set in your settings.py to specify the
age(integer) of a persistent database
connection. 0 means close the connection
just after the end of each request, None
is never close a connection.
3. Middleware
Audit and remove unused middlewares
from settings.py file.
Apply ConditionalGetMiddleware,
GZipMiddleware, and
FetchFromCacheMiddleware for more
improved response time.
Note: Be careful with GZipMiddleware.
4. Caching
You can apply to cache so that your
application will not be querying the same
data for each request.
In Django, You can apply to cache on the
whole Site level, the View level,
template level, or at a template
fragment level.
Django comes with prebuilt Memcache,
Db Cache, file-based cache & local
memory cache support.
5. Distributed Task Queues
Use Celery or Django Q with robust task
brokers such as RabbitMQ for the tasks
which are going to take a long time and
are assumed to be asynchronous in
Do not perform long-running tasks inside
your view directly, always use task
queues to transfer the load.
6. Apply Indexing
An index is used to speed up data search
and SQL query performance. The
database indexes reduce the number of
data pages that have to be read in order
to find the specific record.
Indexing makes columns faster to query
by creating pointers to where data is
stored within a database.
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