Acts 2: Why we do what we do Mission& Vision: Turning lost students into Christ-Centered worshippers to labor in the world. We exist to help establish spiritual movements on every campus so that every student knows someone who knows Jesus. 1. Why did you come out to Campus Crusade for Christ in the beginning? Why are you still coming out? Read Acts 2:42-47 2. What things or activities characterized this early body of believers? 3. How does your movement reflect Acts 2? What are areas to improve your movement to reflect Acts 2? What is keeping you from being there? 4. In light of our elements, what would it look like if we saw a movement of 100 or 200 students established on this campus that is characterized as a Transformational Community as described in Acts 2? 5.Which one of the elements do you want to focus on? BREAK FOR ELEMENTS 6. What did you learn? What were your favorite ideas? 7. Where do we start? Strategic Planning Process _____Students What are you excited about? Rank the 5 “elements” in the order of your preference, 1 being the highest. ___Prayer Options: Be sure to have someone pray during meeting Bring a prayer notebook and email prayer requests to group Bring note cards to meeting, we can write prayers on them and exchange them w/ one another Bring group through love letter to God Foster time of testimonies of answered prayer Have everyone write a page about his or her day to God Go to places on campus to pray for events, students, faculty, etc. (“Jericho walk”) divide into pairs Read and pray through a Psalm, passage or one of Paul’s prayers Make a prayer calendar for group to pray through Bring guitar or praise tape to sing with Come up with your own, go online for more ideas ___Evangelism Options: Bring publicity – flyer, brochure, etc. to pass out to group to put up around campus Set up survey table on campus to get people’s opinions & see if they want to know God personally Bring in speaker for campus outreach – “Pizza and God” outreach Plan a dinner to bring group members’ friends to Have a “bring a friend” small group meeting Plan an adventure to bring friends on, i.e. hiking, party, paint ball, formal, etc. Plan a date to hand articles out to students on campus Go on a missions trip together Lead a Bible study on evangelism through the Bible ___Community Options: Bring a board game and play one round Have people tell of their personal heroes Bring ice-breaker questions: your favorite vacations, your best day, what makes you unique Play two truths and a lie Have a personal scavenger hunt (stuff from your backpack, pocket or purse) M&M game – choose M&M’s and each color has a different question Chart your life “I’ve never” Skittles game Have everyone write a question, round them up & draw one out of hat to answer Bring magazines to cut pictures out of to make collage of their life Ask what three things they would bring to a deserted island and why Plan something fun outside of meeting: mini-golf, movie, dinner, creative date, Great Adventure ___Bible Study Options: Make sure a study is prepared for each week, either lead it by yourself or delegate to someone else Use the Cru.Comm cd-rom to print out study Make sure there is an appropriate environment for the study… minimal distractions, not too far apart Make a warm environment, a place where people can interact and feel comfortable, arrange seats into a circle Bring Bibles each week Ask good, open-ended questions Help people to feel at ease, especially when sharing ____Opportunities Options: Jersey Cru rides/announce Conferences/retreats info Summer Project info Work on web site Raise funds Create excitement about activities i.e. skits, video, etc. Creating a Transformational Community Enabling the Group to Do the Work Overview: 1) A different paradigm 2) Conditions necessary for growth 1) A different paradigm a) What is the difference between leading (monocratic – one leader) and facilitating? ~ How might a group look different if it were facilitated rather than lead? ~ What difficulties may arise in each role? b) What is the difference between a group of individuals and an individual group (i.e. team)? ~ What are the benefits of having an individual group (team)? ~ Which has the greatest potential? ~What are some different examples of this you see in today’s society? 2) Conditions necessary for growth. a) Where does growth in the group usually come from? ~What has been some of your own specific experiences of growing? b) What role does/should content play in the group? ~James 1:22-25 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. [23] Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror [24] and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. [25] But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it--he will be blessed in what he does.” b) How might we sometimes limit the group from working? c) How can we help the group to become a transformational community and do the work of growth?