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Islamic Beliefs: Halal & Haram - Presentation

Unit 4
அ(வ் விறை)வன்
உலைத்திலுள் ள
2:29 – It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then He directed
உங் ைளுை்ைாைப்
Himself to the heaven, [His being above all creation], and made them seven heavens,
and He
is Knowing
of all
் things.
வானங் ைளாை
முை் பை்ைான்; அவை் றை ஏழு
ஒழுங் ைாை்கினான்.
The general rule in our religion is that everything MU’AMALLATH [business transactions,
அவனன ஒவ் வவாரு வபாருறளயும் நன்ைறிபவனாை
food and drink, wearing something,….] is HALAL except what the Shariah prohibits.
When it comes to worshipping ALLAH an acts of Ibadah, everything is HARAM unless there
is evidence from the Quran and Sunnah.
Islam is a religion that regulates all aspects of human life. The verses stated in the
Qur'an and the prophetic tradition (Sunnah) are systematized by the scholars in an
Islamic jurisprudence known as Fiqh.
e.g. LuxuryNeeds]
car, Jewellery, etc.
• அடிப் பறை
• நிரப் பு னதறவைள்
[Complementary Needs]
e.g. Education,
Home, etc.
e.g. ……..
• அழகுபடுத்தல்
What Is The Meaning Of Halal?
"Halal" is an all-encompassing Arabic word that literally means "permissible“ by
the Shariah law.
Food is just one of the aspects under the Halal and Haram concept, but because
food is such a basic aspect of life, it definitely dominates the concern for Halal and
Generally, all food and ingredients are considered halal unless stated otherwise.
What Is The Meaning Of Haram?
"Haram" is an Arabic term that means "forbidden,
unlawful“ by the Shariah law.
Since food is an elementary part of life, Halal and Haram
terms are always associated with Islamic dietary needs.
Animals that are not slaughtered according to Shariah
Law are considered Haram for consumption.
Narrated by Abu Huraira: “Indeed Allah is Pure and loves only
that which is pure. And Allah Almighty has commanded the
believers with what He has commanded the Messengers. He has
said, ‘Oh Messengers, eat of the pure things and do right.’ and He
said, ‘Oh believers, eat of the good things We have provided for
you.’ Then the Prophet (pbuh) mentioned the case of a man who
after a long journey is dishevelled and dusty, who extends his arms
towards the sky petitioning God; while his food, drink, clothes, and
(entire ecosystem of) nourishment are all unlawful. How is he to
be answered (in such as condition)?” - Sahih Muslim
Purity & Cleanliness
Allah is Pure and accepts only what is pure (this refers to the intention)
Purity must be the standard of what constitutes the ecosystem of the Muslim
Purity covers food, drink, clothes, property, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
“Allah designed the human being to run on Himself.” Purity is clean energy and purification is an
act of refuelling thru obeying the commands Allah!
Quran 6:145
5:3 - Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat blood the flesh
of swine and that on which hath been invoked the name of
other than Allah that which hath been killed by strangling or by
a violent blow or by a headlong fall or by being gored to death;
that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal; unless ye
are able to slaughter it (in due form); that which is sacrificed on
stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by
raffling with arrows: that is impiety.
The shariah
looks at
animals into
Domesticated and Wild
Domesticated animals must be ritually
slaughtered [Dhabh]
Non-predatory wild animals by and
large may be hunted
Predatory wild animals are not allowed
Allowed by
Cattle [cows, sheep, goat, camels]
Gazelles, deer, antelopes
Zebras, Horses
Wild bovines [buffaloes…]
by unanimous
All types of pigs and all that is derived
directly from it
All types of dogs
Donkeys [domesticated]
Mules [offspring of a male donkey and a female horse]
Major rulings regarding land animals
Every predator that has
Every animal that is
disgusting [7:157- He
commands them to do
good and forbids them
from evil, permits for
them what is lawful and
forbids to them what is
Ibn Taymiyyah: Snakes,
spiders and bugs are
consider be disgusting
Lot of difference of
opinions on disgusting
animals among the
Madhabi Scholars.
Elephants [docile and not a predator]–
Majority Scholars – Haram
Dabb – Lizzard
Jallalah animals – eats filthy food [
majority considered makruh and some
scholars consider it haram
SEA animals Unanimous consensus – FISH are permitted
35:12. இன்னும் இரண்டு ைைல் ைள் சமமாைா; ஒன்று மிைவும் இனிறமயாை, (தாைம் தீரை்) குடிப் பதை் குச் சுறவயாை இருை்கிைது; மை் வைான்று உவர்ப்பாை, ைசப் பாை இருை்கிைது. எனினும் இறவ ஒவ் வவான்றிலிருந்தும் நீ ங் ைள் சுறவயான (மீன்) மாமிசத்றத
உண்ணுகிறீர்ைள் . இன்னும் , (முத்து, பவளம் னபான்ை) ஆபரணமாை நீ ங் ைள் அணிவறதயும் எடுத்துை் வைாள் கிறீர்ைள் ;
The two bodies of water are not alike: one is
fresh, palatable, and pleasant to drink and the
other is salty and bitter. Yet from them both
you eat tender seafood and extract ornaments
to wear.
What about
Anything is poisonous
then it is haram [blowfish]
BIRDS- Vast majority of birds are considered permissible by unanimous
Birds that feed off carrion –
[vultures , buzzards, kites]
Birds that hunt with talons –
talons – [falcons, eagles, hawk.]
Land vermin
Insects, rats, snakes, lizards, etc
Majority of scholars prohibited or considered makruh [mustakhbath]
Locusts – Allowed by unanimous consensus.
Locusts were delicacy of the Arabs.
The views of the scholars concerning insects and bugs is that it is haram.
Ibn Hazm said it is not permissible to eat geckos, wasps, worms, flies, bed bugs or anything of this
nature because Allah says “ He has forbidden everything that is Khabeeth [mustakhbath]
Imam Malik - permissible
Require Slaughtering – Two types –
Dhabh and Nahr
May be hunted – Conditions apply
Eaten without slaughtering or hunting
? Guess…
■ Condition of Slaughter
– Niyyah – Slaughtering is an act of worship and ritual
– Men and women can slaughter
– Religion of the one who slaughters – Muslim, Original Christian or Jew
– Instrument used to slaughter
– If the animal dies by any other method, it is considered haram an also if it dies before
the knife reaches the throat it is considered mayath.
Two conditions
Sharp instrument that kills by cutting and not by weight and gushing of blood
Instrument should not be made from animal’s teeth or claws
■ Veins that need to be cut
All four arteries [trachea, esophagus and two jagular veins] while leaving the spinal cord
Goat or sheep - 1.5 inches, then you have done all four.
(உண்பதற் குத்
தங் களுக்கு
ஹலாலான (அனுமதிக்கப் பட்ட)வவ
உம் மிடம்
யகட்கிறார்கள் ;
நீ ர்
கூறும் :
உங் களுக்கு
நல் ல
பபாருள் களும் ,
அல் லாஹ்
உங் களுக்குக்
கற் பித்திருக்கிறபடி யவட்வடோடும்
பிராணி, பறவவகளுக்கு நீ ங் கள்
பயிற் சிேளித்து
நீ ங் கள்
பபற் றவவயும் புசியுங் கள் ; எனினும்
நீ ங் கள் (யவட்வடக்கு விடும் யபாது)
அதன்மீது அல் லாஹ்வின் பபேவரக்
கூறி விடுங் கள் ; அல் லாஹ்வுக்கு
அஞ் சுங் கள் ; நிச்சேமாக அல் லாஹ்
கணக்பகடுப் பதில்
State of Ihram – Forbidden
Hunt with - trained dogs [black dogs – difference of
opinions], birds and sharp instruments [kill by bleeding
and not by blood]
Tasmiyah is mandatory
If you see herd of deer and aim at deer X but shoot deer Y
and said bismillah for X, is it allowed?
Ans: Bismillah is attached with the instrument.
What if you are in doubt as to how the animal died?
You shoot a bird and it falls into water, so you are not sure
if it died because of the bullet or because of drowning.
When in doubt, you must leave it.
Big issue - The Tasmiya
■ Obligatory to mention Allah’s name in all circumstances if not haram
– Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Al Qayyim
6:118 - So eat only of what is slaughtered in Allah’s Name if you truly believe in His revelations.
6:121 - Do not eat of what is not slaughtered in Allah’s Name. For that would certainly be ˹an act
of˺ disobedience. Surely the devils whisper to their ˹human˺ associates to argue with you.1 If you
were to obey them, then you ˹too˺ would be polytheists.
22:34 - For every community We appointed a rite of sacrifice so that they may pronounce the
Name of Allah over the sacrificial animals He has provided for them.
With regard to saying Bismillah when slaughtering
meat, the fuqaha’ differed concerning that and there
of view:
1 – are
That three
it is mustahabb
which is the view of al-Shaafa’i.
2 – That it is a condition of the meat being halaal, but if a person forgets it by mistake
it is still permissible. This is the view of the Hanafis, Maalikis and Hanbalis.
Proof – My lord has forgiven from my nation mistakes, forgetfulness and what they were
forced to do. [Ahmad]
3 – That it is essential and cannot be waived under any circumstances, whether it is
omitted by mistake or deliberately or out of ignorance. This was narrated from Maalik
and Ahmad, and it was the view of some of the salaf; it was also the view favoured by
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on
him) said: It is the correct view.
Sacrifice is an act of worship
Say, `Surely, my Prayer and my sacrifice and my living and my dying are
(all) for the sake of Allâh, the Lord of the worlds.
So pray and sacrifice to your Lord ˹alone˺.
Miscellaneous Issues
•General rule of fiqh- whatever intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities
5:90 - O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions are
all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So shun them so you may be successful.
Alcohol drink are najas [difference in opinions]
• Actions of companions in pouring wine into the street of Madhina.
Medicines : Cough syrups ?
Another Important HALAL item?
Etiquettes of Eating and Drinking
Washing one’s hand before and after a meal
Mention Allah’s name before eating or drinking and praising Allah afterwards
Eating and drinking with the right hand and the prohibition of eating with the left hand
Eat from what is next or near to you.
It is recommended to eat from the sides of a dish and not from its middle or upper part.
It is recommended to lick one’s fingers after eating.
When a morsel of food falls down….. What to do? *
Being generous with your food *
Etiquettes of Eating and Drinking
It is recommended to wait and not eat food while it is still very hot.
The ruling for drinking and eating while standing up
Eating together as a group from a common plate
Drinking in three sips
The prohibition of finding fault with food of
scorning it
Not criticizing the food, even if you dislike it
Eat in moderate quantities
It is disliked to breath or blow into a drinking
It is disliked to eat a lot of food or to eat so
that one’s body weakens
The prohibition of sitting at a table upon which
alcohol is imbibed.
It is forbidden to eat or drink from utensils
Gold or Silver
Salah or Food?
Many are not as fortunate as we are.
• We have choice and no one is forcing us eat
anything that is haram
• Alhamdhu Lillah – Allah blessed us with all the basic
But there are people who are really in need
• They eat what they have and wear whatever they
• It is our duty to take care of them
Dua for the FARMERS
Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Messenger ( )‫ﷺ‬said,
"There is none amongst the Muslims who plants a tree or
sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal
eats from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him."
Two blessing of Jannah
The first TRAP?
Sunnah and Bidah
What will be the first food of Jannah?
Abdullah ibn Salaam (Radi Allahu anhu):
What is the first food that the people of Jannah will eat?
Our Prophet(PBUH) replied:
The first food people of Jannah will eat will be the extra bit of the LIVER OF
[sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 3329]
Prophet Pbuh Favourite Food?
Abu Hurayrah reports: “Meat was brought to the Prophet. The shoulder was
handed over to him, as he liked it. He had a bite of it.”
(Related by Ahmad, Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)