Level 1 I can talk about things which interest me. I can listen carefully to what others say. I can make others understand me, and I sometimes talk about things in detail. Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 I can talk I can talk and I can talk and I can talk and confidently, especially about things I'm interested in. listen confidently and understand what is said. listen with confidence in different situations (contexts). I can change the way I talk depending on why I am talking (the purpose). listen in different contexts, some of them formal. I can talk in ways which are interesting for the listener. I can use different words (vocabulary) and talk in different ways to make what I say interesting. I can match the way I speak to the context. I can talk purposefully in a range of situations. I can include details in what I say to help people understand what I am talking about. I can use a lot of different words. I can listen very carefully to what others are saying. I know that I have to talk in different ways in different situations. I can discuss ideas with other people. I can listen to others very carefully and I understand what they say I can ask questions if I don’t understand. I can explain my ideas and opinions and describe things which have happened (events). I can ask questions in discussions and take in to account what others think. I can use standard English in formal situations. I can speak I can change vocabulary precisely and organise what I say clearly. the way I talk in different contexts. I can make clearly using appropriate vocabulary, tone (intonation) and emphasis. significant contributions to discussions and I take part when I think it is appropriate. I can contribute to discussions in a range of appropriate ways. I can take an active part in discussions, understanding others ideas and responding sensitively. I can change I can listen to I can speak the way I speak when I am talking to different people. others carefully in a discussion and respond to their ideas and views. clearly (fluently) in standard English. I know about I can use standard English. standard English and when to use it. I can use I can use standard English confidently. Exceptional performance I can select a style of speech (register) appropriate to the situation. I can change the sentence structure, vocabulary and expression according to the purpose. I can take a leading role in discussions. I use standard I can listen English confidently in a range of situations when I think it is appropriate. with concentration to complex speech. I can help to sustain a discussion and I am an assured user of standard English. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 I can read I can read and When I read I can say what is important about what I have read. I can see that I can say how I can write understand easy pieces of writing. I can read aloud clearly and without making many mistakes. writers use language to say what they want to say. I can I can often I can usually understand what more difficult words mean because I know the alphabet, but I sometimes need help. work out how to say a word and what it means if I do not know it. work out what a word means by myself. there may be more than one meaning to texts I have read and I can explain why these are important. aloud words I read a lot. about how an author uses linguistic features, structure and the layout of the text presentational devices) to influence the reader. I can say why I like some poems and stories. I can say what I think about things which have happened in the story, poem, or other writing. I can understand what happens in what I read and can explain what I like and what I do not like. I can find books in the library, use a dictionary and an index because I know the alphabet. a story I can say who is in it (the characters) and what happens (the events). When I read a piece of writing, I can say what it is about (the themes). I can try to guess what happens in a story and make guesses about why characters do things. When I talk or write about something I've read I can show someone what I mean in the book. I can find out what I want to know from books. I use examples and quotations from what I have read to show what I mean. I can find out what I want to know from books and other sources of information. I can say what I think about books, poems and plays by looking at the way they are written (the language and the structure) and the themes. I can research something I want to know from lots of different sources and write it down. I can write about themes, structure and the way language is used (linguistic features) in poems, plays and novels. I can select information from many sources and use it in different ways. I can select what is relevant in a text and look at how the same information can be presented differently in different types of texts. Exceptional performance I can write in detail, develop my ideas and look carefully at the language, structure, and presentation of a range of demanding texts. I can make comparisons between texts including audience, purpose and form. I can see when information is presented as argument or opinion. Level 1 I can write simple words and put them together in simple phrases. I know what a full stop is and I usually know where I should put one in my writing. I can write letters clearly and usually correctly. Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 I can write I can write stories in the order that they happen (chronologically) and I try to make them interesting and easy to read. I can write different types of writing (forms), which are interesting to read. I can write clearly and in an interesting way, which is appropriate for the people I am writing for (the audience) and the reason I am writing (the purpose). I can write interestingly enough to keep readers interested. I can choose an appropriate style for what I am writing. I can write in simply and what I write makes sense. I can make what I write interesting and easy to read. I can usually use full stops and capital letters. I can spell short, simple words correctly. When I can't spell a word I try to spell it the way that it sounds. I can join up some words when I write. I can change the way I write (style) depending on who I am writing for and why I am writing. I can arrange ideas in an order so they make sense. I can use a lot of different and interesting words and I usually write sentences which make sense (are grammatically correct.) I can use full stops, capital letters, and question marks correctly. I can usually spell longer words correctly. I can use joined up writing which is easy to read. I can alter the way I write when I write for different people and for different reasons. I can choose interesting words to make my writing more interesting. I can write long sentences correctly; I spell longer words correctly; and I can use punctuation, including commas correctly. I can write neatly and so it is readable. I can use interesting words correctly and I can spell difficult (complex) words correctly. I can use commas, paragraphs, apostrophes, and speech marks correctly. I can write clearly in a joined up (cursive) style. I can write in the appropriate style for the purpose, this includes writing in a formal (impersonal) style. I can choose words (vocabulary) and write sentences in particular ways to create effects. I can spell complex words correctly. I can use punctuation correctly. I can organise ideas in to separate paragraphs. I can describe characters and settings in detail. I can organise ideas and information carefully organised so it is understandable (coherent). I can use grammar and vocabulary correctly; I can spell complex words correctly; and I can present work neatly and clearly. I can use paragraphs and punctuation to make what I am writing about easier to follow and understand (coherent). particular ways (e.g. I choose particular words and expressions) to create effects and interest the reader. I can write stories (narrative) which are well structured and carefully written. I can write non-fiction which is coherent and clear. I can choose vocabulary and grammar very carefully to convey exactly what I mean. I can use punctuation and paragraphing. Exceptional performance I can write in a complex and striking style, and maintain the reader's interest.