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Figure 9.4 ComissionEmployee.java
// Fig. 9.4: CommissionEmployee4.java
// CommissionEmployee4 class represents a commission employee.
public class CommissionEmployee4
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String socialSecurityNumber;
private double grossSales; // gross weekly sales
private double commissionRate; // commission percentage
// five-argument constructor
public CommissionEmployee4 (String first, String last, String ssn,
double sales, double rate)
// implicit call to Object constructor occurs here
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
socialSecurityNumber = ssn;
setGrossSales (sales); // validate and store gross sales
setCommissionRate (rate);// validate and store commission rate
System.out.printf (
"\nCommissionEmployee4 constructor:\n%s\n", this);
} // end five-argument CommissionEmployee4 constructor
// set first name
public void setFirstName (String first)
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firstName = first;
} // end method setFirstName
// return first name
public String getFirstName ()
return firstName;
} // end method getFirstName
// set last name
public void setLastName (String last)
lastName = last;
} // end method setLastName
// return last name
public String getLastName ()
return lastName;
} // end method getLastName
// set social security number
public void setSocialSecurityNumber (String ssn)
socialSecurityNumber = ssn; // should validate
} // end method setSocialSecurityNumber
// return social security number
public String getSocialSecurityNumber ()
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return socialSecurityNumber;
} // end method getSocialSecurityNumber
// set gross sales amount
public void setGrossSales (double sales)
grossSales = (sales < 0.0) ? 0.0:
} // end method setGrossSales
// return gross sales amount
public double getGrossSales ()
return grossSales;
} // end method getGrossSales
// set commission rate
public void setCommissionRate (double rate)
commissionRate = (rate > 0.0 && rate < 1.0) ? rate:
} // end method setCommissionRate
// return commission rate
public double getCommissionRate ()
return commissionRate;
} // end method getCommissionRate
// calculate earnings
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public double earnings ()
return commissionRate * grossSales;
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of CommissionEmployee object
public String toString()
return String.format( "%s: %s %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f",
"commission employee", firstName, lastName,
"social security number", socialSecurityNumber,
"gross sales", grossSales,
"commission rate", commissionRate );
} // end method toString
} // end class CommissionEmployee4
Figure 9.5 CommissionEmployeeTest.java
// Fig. 9.5: CommissionEmployeeTest.java
// Testing class CommissionEmployee.
public class CommissionEmployeeTest
public static void main( String args[] )
// instantiate CommissionEmployee object
CommissionEmployee employee = new CommissionEmployee(
"Sue", "Jones", "222-22-2222", 10000, .06 );
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// get commission employee data
"Employee information obtained by get methods: \n" );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "First name is",
employee.getFirstName() );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "Last name is",
employee.getLastName() );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "Social security number is",
employee.getSocialSecurityNumber() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Gross sales is",
employee.getGrossSales() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Commission rate is",
employee.getCommissionRate() );
employee.setGrossSales( 500 ); // set gross sales
employee.setCommissionRate( .1 ); // set commission rate
System.out.printf( "\n%s:\n\n%s\n",
"Updated employee information obtained by toString", employee );
} // end main
} // end class CommissionEmployeeTest
Employee information obtained by get methods:
First name is Sue
Last name is Jones
Social security number is 222-22-2222
Gross sales is 10000.00
Commission rate is 0.06
Updated employee information obtained by toString:
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commission employee: Sue Jones
social security number: 222-22-2222
gross sales: 500.00
commission rate: 0.10
Figure 9.6 BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java
// Fig. 9.6: BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee class represents an employee that receives
// a base salary in addition to commission.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String socialSecurityNumber;
private double grossSales; // gross weekly sales
private double commissionRate; // commission percentage
private double baseSalary; // base salary per week
// six-argument constructor
public BasePlusCommissionEmployee( String first, String last,
String ssn, double sales, double rate, double salary )
// implicit call to Object constructor occurs here
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
socialSecurityNumber = ssn;
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setGrossSales( sales ); // validate and store gross sales
setCommissionRate( rate ); // validate and store commission rate
setBaseSalary( salary ); // validate and store base salary
} // end six-argument BasePlusCommissionEmployee constructor
// set first name
public void setFirstName( String first )
firstName = first;
} // end method setFirstName
// return first name
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
} // end method getFirstName
// set last name
public void setLastName( String last )
lastName = last;
} // end method setLastName
// return last name
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
} // end method getLastName
// set social security number
public void setSocialSecurityNumber( String ssn )
socialSecurityNumber = ssn; // should validate
} // end method setSocialSecurityNumber
// return social security number
public String getSocialSecurityNumber()
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return socialSecurityNumber;
} // end method getSocialSecurityNumber
// set gross sales amount
public void setGrossSales( double sales )
grossSales = ( sales < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : sales;
} // end method setGrossSales
// return gross sales amount
public double getGrossSales()
return grossSales;
} // end method getGrossSales
// set commission rate
public void setCommissionRate( double rate )
commissionRate = ( rate > 0.0 && rate < 1.0 ) ? rate : 0.0;
} // end method setCommissionRate
// return commission rate
public double getCommissionRate()
return commissionRate;
} // end method getCommissionRate
// set base salary
public void setBaseSalary( double salary )
baseSalary = ( salary < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : salary;
} // end method setBaseSalary
// return base salary
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public double getBaseSalary()
return baseSalary;
} // end method getBaseSalary
// calculate earnings
public double earnings()
return baseSalary + ( commissionRate * grossSales );
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee
public String toString()
return String.format(
"%s: %s %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f",
"base-salaried commission employee", firstName, lastName,
"social security number", socialSecurityNumber,
"gross sales", grossSales, "commission rate", commissionRate,
"base salary", baseSalary );
} // end method toString
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee
Figure 9.7 BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java
// Fig. 9.7: BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest.java
// Testing class BasePlusCommissionEmployee.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest
public static void main( String args[] )
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// instantiate BasePlusCommissionEmployee object
BasePlusCommissionEmployee employee =
new BasePlusCommissionEmployee(
"Bob", "Lewis", "333-33-3333", 5000, .04, 300 );
// get base-salaried commission employee data
"Employee information obtained by get methods: \n" );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "First name is",
employee.getFirstName() );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "Last name is",
employee.getLastName() );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "Social security number is",
employee.getSocialSecurityNumber() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Gross sales is",
employee.getGrossSales() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Commission rate is",
employee.getCommissionRate() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Base salary is",
employee.getBaseSalary() );
employee.setBaseSalary( 1000 ); // set base salary
System.out.printf( "\n%s:\n\n%s\n",
"Updated employee information obtained by toString",
employee.toString() );
} // end main
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest
Employee information obtained by get methods:
First name is Bob
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Last name is Lewis
Social security number is 333-33-3333
Gross sales is 5000.00
Commission rate is 0.04
Base salary is 300.00
Updated employee information obtained by toString:
base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis
social security number: 333-33-3333
gross sales: 5000.00
commission rate: 0.04
base salary: 1000.00
Figure 9.8 BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java
// Fig. 9.8: BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee2 inherits from class CommissionEmployee.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee2 extends CommissionEmployee
private double baseSalary; // base salary per week
// six-argument constructor
public BasePlusCommissionEmployee2( String first, String last,
String ssn, double sales, double rate, double salary )
// explicit call to superclass CommissionEmployee constructor
super( first, last, ssn, sales, rate );
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setBaseSalary( amount ); // validate and store base salary
} // end six-argument BasePlusCommissionEmployee2 constructor
// set base salary
public void setBaseSalary( double salary )
baseSalary = ( salary < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : salary;
} // end method setBaseSalary
// return base salary
public double getBaseSalary()
return baseSalary;
} // end method getBaseSalary
// calculate earnings
public double earnings()
// not allowed: commissionRate and grossSales private in superclass
return baseSalary + ( commissionRate * grossSales );
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee2
public String toString()
// not allowed: attempts to access private superclass members
return String.format(
"%s: %s %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f",
"base-salaried commission employee", firstName, lastName,
"social security number", socialSecurityNumber,
"gross sales", grossSales, "commission rate", commissionRate,
"base salary", baseSalary );
} // end method toString
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee2
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Compile Time Errors
BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java:34: commissionRate has private access in CommissionEmployee
return baseSalary + ( commissionRate * grossSales );
BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java:34: grossSales has private access in CommissionEmployee
return baseSalary + ( commissionRate * grossSales );
BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java:43: firstName has private access in CommissionEmployee
"base-salaried commission employee", firstName, lastName,
BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java:43: lastName has private access in CommissionEmployee
"base-salaried commission employee", firstName, lastName,
BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java:44: socialSecurityNumber has private access in CommissionEmployee
"social security number", socialSecurityNumber,
BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java:45: grossSales has private access in CommissionEmployee
"gross sales", grossSales, "commission rate", commissionRate,
BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java:45: commissionRate has private access in CommissionEmployee
"gross sales", grossSales, "commission rate", commissionRate,
7 errors
Figure 9.9 CommissionEmployee2
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// Fig. 9.9: CommissionEmployee2.java
// CommissionEmployee2 class represents a commission employee.
public class
grossSales; // gross weekly sales
commissionRate; // commission percentage
// five-argument constructor
public CommissionEmployee2( String first, String last, String ssn,
double sales, double rate )
// implicit call to Object constructor occurs here
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
socialSecurityNumber = ssn;
setGrossSales( sales ); // validate and store gross sales
setCommissionRate( rate ); // validate and store commission rate
} // end five-argument CommissionEmployee2 constructor
// set first name
public void setFirstName( String first )
firstName = first;
} // end method setFirstName
// return first name
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
} // end method getFirstName
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// set last name
public void setLastName( String last )
lastName = last;
} // end method setLastName
// return last name
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
} // end method getLastName
// set social security number
public void setSocialSecurityNumber( String ssn )
socialSecurityNumber = ssn; // should validate
} // end method setSocialSecurityNumber
// return social security number
public String getSocialSecurityNumber()
return socialSecurityNumber;
} // end method getSocialSecurityNumber
// set gross sales amount
public void setGrossSales( double sales )
grossSales = ( sales < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : sales;
} // end method setGrossSales
// return gross sales amount
public double getGrossSales()
return grossSales;
} // end method getGrossSales
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// set commission rate
public void setCommissionRate( double rate )
commissionRate = ( rate > 0.0 && rate < 1.0 ) ? rate : 0.0;
} // end method setCommissionRate
// return commission rate
public double getCommissionRate()
return commissionRate;
} // end method getCommissionRate
// calculate earnings
public double earnings()
return commissionRate * grossSales;
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of CommissionEmployee2 object
public String toString()
return String.format( "%s: %s %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f",
"commission employee", firstName, lastName,
"social security number", socialSecurityNumber,
"gross sales", grossSales,
"commission rate", commissionRate );
} // end method toString
} // end class CommissionEmployee2
Figure 9.10 BasePlusCommissionEmployee3.java
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// Fig. 9.10: BasePlusCommissionEmployee3.java
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee3 inherits from CommissionEmployee2 and has
// access to CommissionEmployee2's protected members.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee3 extends CommissionEmployee2
private double baseSalary; // base salary per week
// six-argument constructor
public BasePlusCommissionEmployee3( String first, String last,
String ssn, double sales, double rate, double salary )
super( first, last, ssn, sales, rate );
setBaseSalary( salary ); // validate and store base salary
} // end six-argument BasePlusCommissionEmployee3 constructor
// set base salary
public void setBaseSalary( double salary )
baseSalary = ( salary < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : salary;
} // end method setBaseSalary
// return base salary
public double getBaseSalary()
return baseSalary;
} // end method getBaseSalary
// calculate earnings
public double earnings()
return baseSalary + ( commissionRate * grossSales );
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee3
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public String toString()
return String.format(
"%s: %s %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f",
"base-salaried commission employee", firstName, lastName,
"social security number", socialSecurityNumber,
"gross sales", grossSales, "commission rate", commissionRate,
"base salary", baseSalary );
} // end method toString
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee3
Figure 9.11 BaseBlusCommissionEmployeeTest3.java
// Fig. 9.11: BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest3.java
// Testing class BasePlusCommissionEmployee3.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest3
public static void main( String args[] )
// instantiate BasePlusCommissionEmployee3 object
BasePlusCommissionEmployee3 employee =
new BasePlusCommissionEmployee3(
"Bob", "Lewis", "333-33-3333", 5000, .04, 300 );
// get base-salaried commission employee data
"Employee information obtained by get methods: \n" );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "First name is",
employee.getFirstName() );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "Last name is",
employee.getLastName() );
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System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "Social security number is",
employee.getSocialSecurityNumber() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Gross sales is",
employee.getGrossSales() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Commission rate is",
employee.getCommissionRate() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Base salary is",
employee.getBaseSalary() );
employee.setBaseSalary( 1000 ); // set base salary
System.out.printf( "\n%s:\n\n%s\n",
"Updated employee information obtained by toString",
employee.toString() );
} // end main
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest3
Employee information obtained by get methods:
First name is Bob
Last name is Lewis
Social security number is 333-33-3333
Gross sales is 5000.00
Commission rate is 0.04
Base salary is 300.00
Updated employee information obtained by toString:
base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis
social security number: 333-33-3333
gross sales: 5000.00
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commission rate: 0.04
base salary: 1000.00
Figure 9.12 CommissionEmployee3.java
// Fig. 9.12: CommissionEmployee3.java
// CommissionEmployee3 class represents a commission employee.
public class CommissionEmployee3
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String socialSecurityNumber;
private double grossSales; // gross weekly sales
private double commissionRate; // commission percentage
// five-argument constructor
public CommissionEmployee3( String first, String last, String ssn,
double sales, double rate )
// implicit call to Object constructor occurs here
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
socialSecurityNumber = ssn;
setGrossSales( sales ); // validate and store gross sales
setCommissionRate( rate ); // validate and store commission rate
} // end five-argument CommissionEmployee3 constructor
// set first name
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public void setFirstName( String first )
firstName = first;
} // end method setFirstName
// return first name
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
} // end method getFirstName
// set last name
public void setLastName( String last )
lastName = last;
} // end method setLastName
// return last name
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
} // end method getLastName
// set social security number
public void setSocialSecurityNumber( String ssn )
socialSecurityNumber = ssn; // should validate
} // end method setSocialSecurityNumber
// return social security number
public String getSocialSecurityNumber()
return socialSecurityNumber;
} // end method getSocialSecurityNumber
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// set gross sales amount
public void setGrossSales( double sales )
grossSales = ( sales < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : sales;
} // end method setGrossSales
// return gross sales amount
public double getGrossSales()
return grossSales;
} // end method getGrossSales
// set commission rate
public void setCommissionRate( double rate )
commissionRate = ( rate > 0.0 && rate < 1.0 ) ? rate : 0.0;
} // end method setCommissionRate
// return commission rate
public double getCommissionRate()
return commissionRate;
} // end method getCommissionRate
// calculate earnings
public double earnings()
return getCommissionRate() * getGrossSales();
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of CommissionEmployee3 object
public String toString()
return String.format( "%s: %s %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f",
"commission employee", getFirstName(), getLastName(),
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"social security number", getSocialSecurityNumber(),
"gross sales", getGrossSales(),
"commission rate", getCommissionRate() );
} // end method toString
} // end class CommissionEmployee3
Figure 9.13 BasePlusCommissionEmployee4.java
Fig. 9.13: BasePlusCommissionEmployee4.java
BasePlusCommissionEmployee4 class inherits from CommissionEmployee3 and
accesses CommissionEmployee3's private data via CommissionEmployee3's
public methods.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee4 extends CommissionEmployee3
private double baseSalary; // base salary per week
// six-argument constructor
public BasePlusCommissionEmployee4( String first, String last,
String ssn, double sales, double rate, double salary )
super( first, last, ssn, sales, rate );
setBaseSalary( salary ); // validate and store base salary
} // end six-argument BasePlusCommissionEmployee4 constructor
// set base salary
public void setBaseSalary( double salary )
baseSalary = ( salary < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : salary;
} // end method setBaseSalary
// return base salary
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public double getBaseSalary()
return baseSalary;
} // end method getBaseSalary
// calculate earnings
public double earnings()
return getBaseSalary() + super.earnings();
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee4
public String toString()
return String.format( "%s %s\n%s: %.2f", "base-salaried",
super.toString(), "base salary", getBaseSalary() );
} // end method toString
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee4
Figure 9.14 BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest4.java
// Fig. 9.14: BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest4.java
// Testing class BasePlusCommissionEmployee4.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest4
public static void main( String args[] )
// instantiate BasePlusCommissionEmployee4 object
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BasePlusCommissionEmployee4 employee =
new BasePlusCommissionEmployee4(
"Bob", "Lewis", "333-33-3333", 5000, .04, 300 );
// get base-salaried commission employee data
"Employee information obtained by get methods: \n" );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "First name is",
employee.getFirstName() );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "Last name is",
employee.getLastName() );
System.out.printf( "%s %s\n", "Social security number is",
employee.getSocialSecurityNumber() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Gross sales is",
employee.getGrossSales() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Commission rate is",
employee.getCommissionRate() );
System.out.printf( "%s %.2f\n", "Base salary is",
employee.getBaseSalary() );
employee.setBaseSalary( 1000 ); // set base salary
System.out.printf( "\n%s:\n\n%s\n",
"Updated employee information obtained by toString",
employee.toString() );
} // end main
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest4
Employee information obtained by get methods:
First name is Bob
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Last name is Lewis
Social security number is 333-33-3333
Gross sales is 5000.00
Commission rate is 0.04
Base salary is 300.00
Updated employee information obtained by toString:
base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis
social security number: 333-33-3333
gross sales: 5000.00
commission rate: 0.04
base salary: 1000.00
Figure 9.15 CommissionEmployee4.java
// Fig. 9.15: CommissionEmployee4.java
// CommissionEmployee4 class represents a commission employee.
public class CommissionEmployee4
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String socialSecurityNumber;
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private double grossSales; // gross weekly sales
private double commissionRate; // commission percentage
// five-argument constructor
public CommissionEmployee4( String first, String last, String ssn,
double sales, double rate )
// implicit call to Object constructor occurs here
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
socialSecurityNumber = ssn;
setGrossSales( sales ); // validate and store gross sales
setCommissionRate( rate ); // validate and store commission rate
"\nCommissionEmployee4 constructor:\n%s\n", this );
} // end five-argument CommissionEmployee4 constructor
// set first name
public void setFirstName( String first )
firstName = first;
} // end method setFirstName
// return first name
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
} // end method getFirstName
// set last name
public void setLastName( String last )
lastName = last;
} // end method setLastName
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// return last name
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
} // end method getLastName
// set social security number
public void setSocialSecurityNumber( String ssn )
socialSecurityNumber = ssn; // should validate
} // end method setSocialSecurityNumber
// return social security number
public String getSocialSecurityNumber()
return socialSecurityNumber;
} // end method getSocialSecurityNumber
// set gross sales amount
public void setGrossSales( double sales )
grossSales = ( sales < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : sales;
} // end method setGrossSales
// return gross sales amount
public double getGrossSales()
return grossSales;
} // end method getGrossSales
// set commission rate
public void setCommissionRate( double rate )
commissionRate = ( rate > 0.0 && rate < 1.0 ) ? rate : 0.0;
} // end method setCommissionRate
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// return commission rate
public double getCommissionRate()
return commissionRate;
} // end method getCommissionRate
// calculate earnings
public double earnings()
return getCommissionRate() * getGrossSales();
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of CommissionEmployee4 object
public String toString()
return String.format( "%s: %s %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %.2f\n%s: %.2f",
"commission employee", getFirstName(), getLastName(),
"social security number", getSocialSecurityNumber(),
"gross sales", getGrossSales(),
"commission rate", getCommissionRate() );
} // end method toString
} // end class CommissionEmployee4
Figure 9.16 BasePlusCommissionEmploye5.java
// Fig. 9.16: BasePlusCommissionEmployee5.java
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 class declaration.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 extends CommissionEmployee4
private double baseSalary; // base salary per week
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// six-argument constructor
public BasePlusCommissionEmployee5( String first, String last,
String ssn, double sales, double rate, double salary )
super( first, last, ssn, sales, rate );
setBaseSalary( salary ); // validate and store base salary
"\nBasePlusCommissionEmployee5 constructor:\n%s\n", this );
} // end six-argument BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 constructor
// set base salary
public void setBaseSalary( double salary )
baseSalary = ( salary < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : salary;
} // end method setBaseSalary
// return base salary
public double getBaseSalary()
return baseSalary;
} // end method getBaseSalary
// calculate earnings
public double earnings()
return getBaseSalary() + super.earnings();
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee5
public String toString()
return String.format( "%s %s\n%s: %.2f", "base-salaried",
super.toString(), "base salary", getBaseSalary() );
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} // end method toString
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee5
Figure 9.17 ConstructorTest.java
// Fig. 9.17: ConstructorTest.java
// Display order in which superclass and subclass constructors are called.
public class ConstructorTest
public static void main (String args [])
CommissionEmployee4 employee1 = new CommissionEmployee4 (
"Bob", "Lewis", "333-33-3333", 5000, .04);
System.out.println ();
BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 employee2 =
new BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 (
"Lisa", "Jones", "555-55-5555", 2000, .06, 800);
System.out.println ();
BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 employee3 =
new BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 (
"Mark", "Sands", "888-88-8888", 8000, .15, 2000);
} // end main
} // end class ConstructorTest
CommissionEmployee4 constructor:
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commission employee: Bob Lewis
social security number: 333-33-3333
gross sales: 5000.00
commission rate: 0.04
CommissionEmployee4 constructor:
base-salaried commission employee: Lisa Jones
social security number: 555-55-5555
gross sales: 2000.00
commission rate: 0.06
base salary: 0.00
BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 constructor:
base-salaried commission employee: Lisa Jones
social security number: 555-55-5555
gross sales: 2000.00
commission rate: 0.06
base salary: 800.00
CommissionEmployee4 constructor:
base-salaried commission employee: Mark Sands
social security number: 888-88-8888
gross sales: 8000.00
commission rate: 0.15
base salary: 0.00
BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 constructor:
base-salaried commission employee: Mark Sands
social security number: 888-88-8888
gross sales: 8000.00
commission rate: 0.15
base salary: 2000.00
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Figure 9.x BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java
// Fig. 9.16: BasePlusCommissionEmployee5.java
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 class declaration.
public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 extends CommissionEmployee4
private double baseSalary; // base salary per week
// six-argument constructor
public BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 (String first, String last,
String ssn, double sales, double rate, double salary)
super (first, last, ssn, sales, rate);
setBaseSalary (salary); // validate and store base salary
System.out.printf (
"\nBasePlusCommissionEmployee5 constructor:\n%s\n", this);
} // end six-argument BasePlusCommissionEmployee5 constructor
// set base salary
public void setBaseSalary (double salary)
baseSalary = (salary < 0.0) ? 0.0:
} // end method setBaseSalary
// return base salary
public double getBaseSalary ()
return baseSalary;
} // end method getBaseSalary
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// calculate earnings
public double earnings ()
return getBaseSalary () + super.earnings ();
} // end method earnings
// return String representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee5
public String toString ()
return String.format ("%s %s\n%s: %.2f", "base-salaried",
super.toString (), "base salary", getBaseSalary ());
} // end method toString
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee5
Superclass Point.java
// Fig. 9.9: Point2.java
// Definition of class Point
public class Point {
protected int x, y; // coordinates of Point
// No-argument constructor
public Point()
// implicit call to superclass constructor occurs here
setPoint( 0, 0 );
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// constructor
public Point( int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate )
// implicit call to superclass constructor occurs here
setPoint( xCoordinate, yCoordinate );
// set
x =
y =
x and y coordinates of Point
void setPoint( int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate )
// get x coordinate
public int getX()
return x;
// get y coordinate
public int getY()
return y;
// convert into a String representation
public String toString()
return "[" + x + ", " + y + "]";
// end class Point
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Subclass Circle.java
// Fig. 9.8: Circle.java
// Definition of class Circle
public class Circle extends Point {
protected double radius;
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// inherits from Point
// no-argument constructor
public Circle()
// implicit call to superclass constructor occurs here
setRadius( 0 );
// constructor
public Circle( double circleRadius, int xCoordinate,
int yCoordinate )
// call superclass constructor to set coordinates
super( xCoordinate, yCoordinate );
// set radius
setRadius( circleRadius );
// set radius of Circle
public void setRadius( double circleRadius )
radius = ( circleRadius >= 0.0 ? circleRadius : 0.0 );
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// get radius of Circle
public double getRadius()
return radius;
// calculate area of Circle
public double area()
return Math.PI * radius * radius;
// convert the Circle to a String
public String toString()
return "Center = " + "[" + x + ", " + y + "]" +
"; Radius = " + radius;
// end class Circle
Inheritance Test Program
// Fig. 9.11: InheritanceTest.java
// Demonstrating the "is a" relationship
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// Java core packages
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
// Java extension packages
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
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public class InheritanceTest {
// test classes Point and Circle
public static void main( String args[] )
Point point1, point2;
Circle circle1, circle2;
point1 = new Point( 30, 50 );
circle1 = new Circle( 2.7, 120, 89 );
String output = "Point point1: " + point1.toString() +
"\nCircle circle1: " + circle1.toString();
// use "is a" relationship to refer to a Circle
// with a Point reference
point2 = circle1;
// assigns Circle to a Point reference
output += "\n\nCircle circle1 (via point2 reference): " +
// use downcasting (casting a superclass reference to a
// subclass data type) to assign point2 to circle2
circle2 = ( Circle ) point2;
output += "\n\nCircle circle1 (via circle2): " +
DecimalFormat precision2 = new DecimalFormat( "0.00" );
output += "\nArea of c (via circle2): " +
precision2.format( circle2.area() );
// attempt to refer to Point object with Circle reference
if ( point1 instanceof Circle ) {
circle2 = ( Circle ) point1;
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output += "\n\ncast successful";
output += "\n\npoint1 does not refer to a Circle";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, output,
"Demonstrating the \"is a\" relationship",
System.exit( 0 );
// end class InheritanceTest
Figure 9.15, Cylinder.java
// Fig. 9.15: Cylinder.java
// Definition of class Cylinder
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public class Cylinder extends Circle {
protected double height; // height of Cylinder
// no-argument constructor
public Cylinder()
// implicit call to superclass constructor here
setHeight( 0 );
// constructor
public Cylinder( double cylinderHeight, double cylinderRadius,
int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate )
// call superclass constructor to set coordinates/radius
super( cylinderRadius, xCoordinate, yCoordinate );
// set cylinder height
setHeight( cylinderHeight );
// set height of Cylinder
public void setHeight( double cylinderHeight )
height = ( cylinderHeight >= 0 ? cylinderHeight : 0 );
// get height of Cylinder
public double getHeight()
return height;
// calculate area of Cylinder (i.e., surface area)
public double area()
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return 2 * super.area() +
2 * Math.PI * radius * height;
// calculate volume of Cylinder
public double volume()
return super.area() * height;
// convert the Cylinder to a String
public String toString()
return super.toString() + "; Height = " + height;
// end class Cylinder
Test the Cylinder Class
// Fig. 9.16: Test.java
// Application to test class Cylinder
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// Java core packages
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
// Java extension packages
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
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// Deitel packages
public class Test {
// test class Cylinder
public static void main( String args[] )
// create Cylinder
Cylinder cylinder = new Cylinder( 5.7, 2.5, 12, 23 );
DecimalFormat precision2 = new DecimalFormat( "0.00" );
// get coordinates, radius and height
String output = "X coordinate is " + cylinder.getX() +
"\nY coordinate is " + cylinder.getY() +
"\nRadius is " + cylinder.getRadius() +
"\nHeight is " + cylinder.getHeight();
// set coordinates, radius and height
cylinder.setHeight( 10 );
cylinder.setRadius( 4.25 );
cylinder.setPoint( 2, 2 );
// get String representation of Cylinder and calculate
// area and volume
output += "\n\nThe new location, radius " +
"and height of cylinder are\n" + cylinder +
"\nArea is " + precision2.format( cylinder.area() ) +
"\nVolume is " + precision2.format( cylinder.volume() );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, output,
"Demonstrating Class Cylinder",
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System.exit( 0 );
// end class Test
Figure 9.17 Point.java with finalize
// Fig. 9.17: Point.java
// Definition of class Point
public class Point extends Object {
protected int x, y; // coordinates of the Point
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// no-argument constructor
public Point()
x = 0;
y = 0;
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System.out.println( "Point constructor: " + this );
// constructor
public Point( int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate )
x = xCoordinate;
y = yCoordinate;
System.out.println( "Point constructor: " + this );
// finalizer
protected void finalize()
System.out.println( "Point finalizer: " + this );
// convert Point into a String representation
public String toString()
return "[" + x + ", " + y + "]";
// end class Point
Figure 9.18 Circle.java with finalize
// Fig. 9.18: Circle.java
// Definition of class Circle
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Listen to Author
public class Circle extends Point {
protected double radius;
// inherits from Point
// no-argument constructor
public Circle()
// implicit call to superclass constructor here
radius = 0;
System.out.println( "Circle constructor: " + this );
// Constructor
public Circle( double circleRadius, int xCoordinate,
int yCoordinate )
// call superclass constructor
super( xCoordinate, yCoordinate );
radius = circleRadius;
System.out.println( "Circle constructor: " + this );
// finalizer
protected void finalize()
System.out.println( "Circle finalizer: " + this );
super.finalize(); // call superclass finalize method
// convert the Circle to a String
public String toString()
return "Center = " + super.toString() +
"; Radius = " + radius;
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// end class Circle
Figure 9.19 Testing Use of finalize
/ Fig. 9.9: Test.java
// Demonstrate when superclass and subclass
// constructors and finalizers are called.
public class Test {
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// test when constructors and finalizers are called
public static void main( String args[] )
Circle circle1, circle2;
circle1 = new Circle( 4.5, 72, 29 );
circle2 = new Circle( 10, 5, 5 );
circle1 = null;
circle2 = null;
// mark for garbage collection
// mark for garbage collection
// call the garbage collector
// end class Test
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