• outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation relevant to customer service Competition and consumer Act 2010 Promotes fair-trading for open markets and free trade in goods and services, creating the right conditions for development and prosperity of businesses. In Australia, having the freedom for open and fair markets promotes innovation, competition and productivity. This act strengthens good competition policy and regulation; that supports an open and competitive process rather than protecting individual interests or competitors. At Newmont Manufacturing, the act mandates provisions in the Customer Service Policy, which forbids illegal activities such as bribery or deceptive and misleading conduct of customers from being practised (ACCC, n.d). In procurement, particularly for large purchases, competitive tendering is mandate and is included in Newmont ‘s policies and procedures. Having this act promotes Newmont Manufacturing to be more innovative and growth focused thereby creating more opportunities for Australians. The fairness in legislation and regulation that reinforces anti-competitive market structures as stated by the (International Trade centre, 2012) makes it all possible with the Competition and Consumer regulations 2010, setting the minimum rules reasonably expected to enhance the welfare of Newmont Manufacturing and its customers. The regulations are used as a benchmark in Newmont’s customer service policy and procedures ensuring transparency, fairtrading and competition, consumer protections. Australian Competition and Consumer Comission, n.d, Advertising and selling guide, https://www.accc.gov.au/publications/advertising-selling/advertising-and-selling-guide/avoidmisleading-or-deceptive-claims-or-conduct/misleading-or-deceptive-conduct, viewed 18 May 2019 International trade Centre, 2012, Combating Anti competitive Practices, http://www.intracen.org/combating-anticompetetive-practice/ viewed 18 may 2019 Spam Act 2003 Sets out Australia’s spam rules. The act dictates when commercial electronic messages can be sent and the content that can be included in the message. Spam rules are essential as they prevent intrusion on an individual’s privacy, which can cause offence or harm. Furthermore they also ensure that Australia’s electronic communication channels are working effectively and that commercial electronic messages or content cannot be sent without consent or authorisation (Campaign monitor, 2019). For Newmont Manufacturing, the Spam Act provides a guideline for targeting new customers, managing existing databases to include the Customer Relationship Management software, or purchasing contact lists. Consent must granted before sending commercial electronic messages. Employees who engage directly with customers are given training, which reinforces the legal requirements when handling customer information. The Spam Regulations 2004, sets the ground rules where charges are involves in regards to electronic message sending to both businesses and consumers protecting all stakeholders. Campaign monitor, 2019, Understanding email laws and regulation, https://www.campaignmonitor.com/resources/guides/understanding-emails-laws-regulations/, viewed 20 May 2019 The Electronic Transaction Act 2011 WA This act allows a business or individual to satisfy a legal obligation for a manual signature by using electronic communication. To be satisfactory, the system must be capable of identifying the person and indicate their approval of the transaction or information communicated. The Act is ‘technologically neutral’, (Electronic Transaction Act, 1999), so it does not set out a particular electronic signature technology to be used. Having this flexibility has allowed Newmont Manufacturing to invest in a system that incorporates biometric security for transactions which makes it quicker for customers to process bulk transactions for fast processing times. Paper transactions require manual labour making the process long and tedious and can result In loss of market share when customers require prompt deliveries. The electronic transaction Regulations 2000, sets the exceptions from the act and guides organisations on how to conduct business using this act. Federal Register of legislation, n.d, The Electronic transaction Act 1999, https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2011C00445, viewed 17 May 2019 Privacy Act 1988 According to, (National Archives Australia, 2019), this Act regulates the handling of personal information about individuals. This includes its collection, use, storage and disclosure. As a business Newmont Manufacturing has the obligation to take steps and destroy personal information from customers when it is no longer needed for any purpose permitted under the Privacy Act 1988. This includes shredding documents and storing them in a secure area. For paper documents, Newmont has a secure archives library that is protected under lock and key and electronic documents are stored in password-encrypted servers to mitigate the chances of private documents being made public. National Archives Australia, 2019, Legislation, policies, standards and advice, Privacy Act, http://www.naa.gov.au/information-management/information- governance/legislation-standards/index.aspx, viewed 17 May 2019 Public relations According to (Public Relations Institute of Australia, 2019), Public relations is a management function that involves effective communication between an organisation and the people and organisations that may be interested in, concerned about or need to know how they may be affected by the activities or future plans of the organisation including their Corporate Social Responsibility, (CSR). CSR is used as a tool to implement the values, beliefs, attitudes and norms, namely the corporate culture of an organisation, which may benefit the organisation in employee job satisfaction and also competitive advantage in the market. Public relations increases the effectiveness of an organisation by identifying the most strategic publics as part of their strategic management processes and carries out communication programs to develop and maintain effective long-term relationships between management and those publics. For an organisation to be more effective for both the short and long term, it is necessary to choose goals that are SMART. A survey conducted by (Childers, Grunig, 1999) supports this theory stating that effective organisations are able to achieve their goals because they choose goals that are valued both by management and by strategic constituencies both inside and outside the organisation. Having effective goals minimises the effort that publics have in interfering with the organisation ‘s decisions rather more support is gained. Effective organisations develop and maintain relationships with stakeholders they have an interest in. As part of the management strategy in decisions making, a consultative two way process is developed where the organisation investigates, listens to and collaborates with stakeholders both external and internal before a final decisions made as opposed to making decisions within the organisation and trying to persuade publics to accept organisational goals after decisions are made. Public Relations Institute of Australia, 2019, What is it?, https://www.pria.com.au/publicrelations/what-is-it/, viewed 18 May 2019 Childers,L , Grunig, J, E, Public relations Institute, Guidelines for Measuring Relationships in Public Relations, http://painepublishing.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/10/Guidelines_Measuring_Relationships.pdf, viewed in 18 May 2019 Product Promotion Product Promotion is an activity taken up to promote or boost the sales of a product to generate brand loyalty. According to (Business Jargons, n.d) product promotion can be defines as disseminating information about a product, product line, brand and company to the prospective buyers for the purpose of generating sales and brand loyalty. Products that are bought more frequently respond well to product promotion loyalty programs even though there is a tendency for consumers to purchase the same product out of habit. Where such a situation exists and the brand is offering a new product, an organisation engages in product promotion to try and persuade the consumers to switch by offering incentives and outlining the relevant benefits of the new product. Product promotion activities are targeted to stimulate short-term buyer behaviour and are directed at consumers, wholesalers, retailers and distributors. Product promotion is important because no firm can survive in the market without reaching the customers so effective communication is key. To garner attention for the product and counter a competitor ‘s promotional activities, its important to have a well thought out strategy that may include things such as free samples, free gifts and temporary price discounts. As mentioned by (Graeff, 1995), promotional strategies should be designed to suggest, encourage, and facilitate personal interpretations of the selfârelevance and positive consequences of product use. Product promotions can involve both push and pull strategies. A push strategy involves the manufacturer directing their efforts through the distribution channel to motivate and encourage product distribution. A pull strategy is directed to end users who are already motivated to take products from the distribution channel. Product promotions can also be designed to reassure the minds of consumers of the brand ‘s superiority and why they should continue to purchase the product. Business Jargons, n.d, Product promotion.html, viewed on 18 May 2019 Promotion, https://businessjargons.com/product- Graeff, T, R, Product comprehension and promotional strategies, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Volume 12, issue 2, https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/07363769510084885 Viewed on 18 May 2019 • outline techniques you would use for dealing with customers including customers with specific needs Surveys The use of customer satisfaction surveys gives me an insight on what needs to be done to make better decisions. A survey helps me to understand the customers’ likes, dislikes and areas where I need to make improvements. When carrying out surveys, I consult internal stakeholders first to get employee performance data and how they see how their job role contributes to give the ultimate customer satisfaction whilst satisfying organisational objectives, processes and procedures. Survey questionnaires developed for customers target specific areas such as product feedback for recent purchases, which can be useful in identifying product flaws thereby providing opportunities for new product design. At Newmont Manufacturing, surveys are also used to identify the most loyal customers and their opinion on what is being done right and what needs to happen to improve the customer experience. When dealing with customers with specific product need, it is necessary to have a consultation on the product requirements, the benefits and the cost. It is also imperative to effectively communicate the value of the product as benefits overrule the cost, (Central Institute of technology, 2015). Central Institute of Technology, 2015, Manage Quality Customer service, Value of customer service, Page 2 Being open and honest To build a strong and lasting relationship with clients, I must demonstrate my expertise to customers and give the impression I can be trusted and relied upon as an expert in the area they seek products and services. The open door policy at Newmont Manufacturing outlines the process to be followed when dealing with customers and is adhered to by all internal stakeholders in their interactions with customers. (Quast, 2013), states that the open door policy is an encouragement for employees to come by and speak up when issues or important situations arise or when employees have creative ideas.The open door policy is crucial when it comes to expressing my professional opinion, by acting as a guide in instances where I have to satisfy the organisational objectives and values when confronted by tempting situations where I am inclined to agree with the client ‘s opinion even though it conflicts the organisation objectives. Avoiding conflict with customers is mostly counterproductive and can also damage my reputation, decreasing the chances of a lasting relationship with clients. Confidently expressing my honest opinion and providing the benefits and value of desired products and services ensures that clients will respect my initiative and desire for excellence promising long lasting mutually beneficial relationships. Dealing with customers with specific needs requires assertiveness and the ability to control my stressors. Being tactful cautions me to be culturally sensitive and according to (Mind tools, n.d), communicating tactfully will strengthens my reputation, builds credibility and allows for the preservation of existing relationships and building of new ones. Mind tools, n.d, How to be tactful, Responding with diplomacy and grace, https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/tactful.htm, viewed 20 May 2019 Quast L, 2013, 2013, New Managers: 4 Reasons You Need An 'Open Door' Policy, Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisaquast/2013/10/07/new-managers-4-reasons-youneed-an-open-door-policy/#3f7702527cde, viewed 20 May 2019 Communicating clearly When prospective customers start exploring the benefits of purchasing products and services from Newmont manufacturing, the ease and the efficiency with which they can access relevant information through either a consultative process or social media can affect their perception about the organisation. I always have updated and detailed descriptions of all the available products and services to ensure clear communication and help customers make informed decisions (Central Institute of technology, 2015). A communication policy also guides the team and myself on how to communicate effectively with customers. Through recorded customer and employee conversations, performance measurement is also evaluated and feedback given to employees as a means of fostering continuous improvement initiatives. When handling customers I always make sure I have the knowledge of product information, organisational values, procedures and processes at my fingertips. The credibility of the information I pass onto the customer is very important as unreasonable or misleading claims can say a lot about my organisation’s ethical standards and trustworthiness. Effective communication also puts customers at ease. The training strategy at Newmont follows the guide by(neighborly, 2017) that staff members are trained to communicate respectfully with customers, build a customer’s confidence, and be able to cope with the stress customers may experience especially when they are still assessing the organisation ‘s credibility. Central Institute of Technology, 2015, Manage Quality Customer service, Select Information for communication, Page 10 Neighborly, 2017, 5 Ways to Put Anxious Customers at Ease, https://blog.neighborlybrands.com/customer-service-5-ways-to-put-anxious-customers-at-ease, viewed 20 May 2019 Post-purchase support At Newmont manufacturing, the number one driver for success in the sales department is caring about the feedback of the customer experience rather than making a sale. According to (Bordeaux, 2019), It is important to ensure a positive customer experience to build brand loyalty and affinity resulting in positive customer reviews that will help the business retain revenue and earn new customers. Once an order has been placed by a customers a confirmation is send to the chosen means of communication, which is mostly an email address. A tracking facility is also provided as a complimentary incentive that lets customers check the progress of their order and also helps me track how efficient employees are at dispatching the order. This is done through real time business analytics software. The tracking feature contributes to the transparency of the process and reassures the customer that they are in control of the situation. Customer fulfilment is also equally important to me as part of the customer experience as it includes the physical delivery of a product or service. When it comes to the presentation, packaging correctness and completeness of the order, I am very stringent on the quality control process employed to ensure processes are followed through to deliver a quality product. The packaging I design is aimed to entice customers to buy the product and then to continue buying it and also recommend the products from Newmont Manufacturing to their friends and family(Durden, 2019).The customer service team is available to help should something be wrong with the order and will pick up the phone within the first 3 rings. Bordeaux, 2019, What Is Customer Experience? (And Why It's So Important), Hubspot, https://blog.hubspot.com/service/what-is-customer-experience, viewed 20 May 2019 Durden, O, 2019, Importance of Product Packaging in Marketing, Chron, https://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-product-packaging-marketing-648.html Viewed 20 May 2019 • explain techniques for solving complaints including the principles and techniques involved in the management and organisation of: customer behaviour When dealing with customers, being polite and giving and having a friendly and welcoming atmosphere can go a long way. (Central Institute of technology, 2015) states that part of responding appropriately and treating customers with respect is learning to recognise how the many ways in which we speak, act, do business, listen, behave non-verbally and make decisions Customers who have their demands not met can be abusive towards employees. This area of customer complaint behaviour is something I am giving considerable attention to as a Supervisor as dissatisfied customers engage in a variety of complaint actions that could damage the reputation of Newmont Manufacturing. Regular training for employees in customer service skills and product knowledge puts the Newmont ahead of its competitors with the main objective being to resolve customer complaints and disputes for amicable agreements. When dealing with customers, it is of significance to note that, regardless of the information communicated, the importance of having clear and concise communication channels can never be underestimated, (Asean, 2012). To offer the best customer service experience, customer representatives are assessed through interactions with mystery shoppers or call centre personnel, which assesses and scores the level of service a customer receives. A training matrix for employees is also developed and their level of skills noted together with training required. The exercise also ranks the service provided by the organisation to identify issues needing immediate action, which might be preventing the delivery of exceptional customer service. Recently I took part in an annual audit conducted by Newmont, to determine and identify complaint patterns and the relationships between customers’ demographic backgrounds such as age, gender and education levels and their complaint behaviours. The results concluded that most customers were passive when it came to issuing complaints directly the organisation. Asean, 2012, Working effectively with colleagues and customers, https://www.asean.org/storage/images/2013/economic/matm/Toolboxes%20for%20Si x%20Tourism%20Labour%20Divisions/Common%20Competencies%20(as%20of%20F ebruary%202013)/Work%20effectively%20with%20colleagues%20and%20customers/ TG_Work_effectively_with_cust_&_colleagues_270812.pdf page 49, viewed 20 May 2019 Central Institute of Technology, 2015, Manage Quality Customer service, Value of customer service, Page 6 – customer needs research Design integrity is essential to retain old customers and attract new ones. Providing solutions with integrity will ensure that all customers can not any trust the brand, but also receive a high quality product or service specific to their needs. Being able to abide by the quality promise will guarantee positive reviews for the organisation propelling it forward to accelerated growth and increased market share. According to (Qualtrics, 2019) conducting customer needs research also identifies unsatisfied needs that customers view as highly important which help highlight opportunities for future development initiatives. When conducting customer needs research, its imperative to consider design safety as part of the objectives for a new design proposal. It represents a balance of all the objectives without compromising the health and safety of anyone who may come into contact with the product. The entire team at Newmont Manufacturing is responsible for ensuring that any possible solution is a safety conscious design ensuring no harm will come to the local people (safe work Australia 2015). When coming up with a new design proposal, the teams from different departments are invited to participate in brainstorming sessions so that the design and reliability component is covered. Qualtrics, 2019, Customer needs research, https://www.qualtrics.com/au/marketresearch/customer-needs-research/, viewed on 21 May 2019 customer relations To keep track of market trends and also offer personalised experience to existing and new customers, Newmont manufacturing uses trackers incorporated in the customer behaviour analysis software for qualitative and quantitative behaviour to help analyse consumer behaviour for predictions in consumer spending (Fontanella, 2019). This analysis predicts customer behaviour, which is of significance as can help differentiate the decision-making methods, priorities and motives of customers. A conclusion can also be reached on how Newmont ‘s customers feel about the organisation ‘s products and services and how this perception aligns with their core values. A customer communications procedure can then be drafted and will highlight the information customers can be contacted for, information they can be shared with and how the communication channels for handling customer complaints. The CRM software, combined with the customer behaviour analysis tool assists Newmont in having a competitive advantage as it improves business performance by enhancing customer satisfaction and driving up customer loyalty (Buttle, 2004). A culture of continuous improvement is incorporated in the day-to-day operation of the organisation and the training provided mainly focuses on that. Ultimately, Newmont has become better placed in identifying and satisfying customer requirements profitably, selling more product and services to its customers. This has been a result of a deepened relationship, which has progressed to trust and commitment between Newmont and its customers. The goal at Newmont is to provide ultimate customer satisfaction and every employee understands this goal. Buttle, F, 2004, Customer relationship Management, Concepts and tools, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford, page 21 Fontanella, C, 2019, A Beginner's Guide to Customer Behavior Analysis, https://blog.hubspot.com/service/customer-behavior-analysis, viewed on 22 May 2019 – ongoing product and/or service quality Setting performance targets and milestones establishes ways in which the team's movement toward achieving the targets can be measured. Having met the requirements of ISO 9001 recently Newmont manufacturing is continuously developing itself to reduce customer complaints. Through the building of quality in processes, customers are receiving products and services that meet their requirements through delivery of consistent performance and there is an increase in employee job satisfaction, improved moral and operational results, (The 9000 store, 2019). It is important that Newmont Manufacturing ‘s performance targets represent a challenge to the team and its members without being unrealistic. The teams ‘s overall objective is identified as Delivery Of engineering products and services in a cost effective and efficient manner for various clients in Western Australia. For the customer expectations to be met, a collaborative approach and a positive culture is defined, which allow each team member to understand the organisational objectives. Tools such as brainstorming, ask Why five times, cause and effect diagrams and force field analysis are used by employees as part of the quality, innovation and continuous improvement effort, (Cole, 2015) Cole, K, 2015, Management theory and practice, Satisfying the quality, innovation and continuous improvement imperatives, Chapter 10, 6th Edition, page 585 The 9000 store, 2019, What is ISO9001, https://the9000store.com/what-are-iso-9000standards/what-is-iso-9001/, viewed 21 May 2019. quality customer service delivery Setting and monitoring targets and KPIs at Newmont Manufacturing involves the use of technology namely the Customer relationship Software. The customer complaints received should be regarded by the organisation as an opportunity for improvement and once a complaint has been communicated, the Newmont has the opportunity to win back the client if it can successfully manage the inquiry, (Costea, 2017). KPIs regarding complains should be addressed with reference to the organisational objectives, processes and procedures. The aim is to solve problems addressed by customers and eliminate a reoccurrence. KPIs can also be used on how well an employee handles the complaints to satisfy organisational objectives. (Mind tools, n.d), suggests having a KPI for customer support requests that remain unsatisfied by the end of a week directly measures how well the organisation is meeting its long-term goal of providing outstanding customer service thereby reducing the number of complaints effectively. Costea, A, 2017, KPI of the Day – Customer Service Performance (CS): % Customer complaints due to poor service or product quality, Performance magazine, https://www.performancemagazine.org/kpi-customer-complaints-poor-service/, viewed 20 May 2019 Mind tools, n.d, Performance Management and KPIs, https://www.mindtools.compages/article/newTMM_87.htm, viewed 20 May 2019 record keeping and management methods At Newmont, record keeping is essential for to improve the customer service experience and also a legislation requirement. The also promote transparency and accountability and should meet the requirements of the State Records Act 2000,(Ombudsman Western Australia). These records at Newmont are used for the identification of customer demography to identify the type of complaints, what led to them, period it took for a resolution to be concluded and also how satisfied the customer was with the result. Analysis of this data helps Newmont to identify where problems are most likely to occur before customers are lost. Keeping this data has in the past helped Newmont achieve success and will continue to do so in the future. Some of the benefits include the identification of roadblocks, which make the service process, and delivery of services take longer than expected. Newmont profiles its customers to find out the most and least profitable and the potential customers to target. Ombudsman Western Australia, 2017, Guidelines on Complaint handling, http://www.ombudsman.wa.gov.au/Publications/Documents/guidelines/Binder-ComplaintHandling.pdf, viewed 21 May 2019 strategies for monitoring, managing and introducing ways to improve customer service relationships The CRM system collect data on all customer contacts and transactions, providing information on purchasing and service history, product inquiries, complaints, communication channel preferences, and response to marketing campaigns. CRM plays a pivotal part in resolving customer complaints. It helps Newmont management to focus on its relationships with both internal and external stakeholders throughout their lifecycle including finding new customers, winning new business and providing support throughout the relationship, (Salesforce, 2019). Analysing the data in a CRM system makes it possible to personalise the customer approach and establish individual customers’ needs and preferences to help eliminate defects and reduce complaints. Newmont understands that when customers’ complain, it is with good reason and they are genuinely concerned about the product and want the organisation to improve on its delivery. According to (Steele, 2018), complaining customers are often indicative of a bigger issue one where the majority of those who are affected don’t care enough to speak about. To deliver consistent and high quality service requires the setting of goals and targets. These must reflect in the mission statement, the values and organisational culture cascading from the CEO at Newmont to the shop floor staff. Understanding the customer base is important as it helps set goals that are SMART. Its also imperative every employees to understand how the how important their contribution is in attaining these goals. Salesforce, 2019, CRM 101: What is CRM, https://www.salesforce.com/au/crm/what-is-crm/, viewed 21 May 2019 Steele, I, 2018, Complaining Customers Are Your Best Customers. But Why?, https://www.comm100.com/blog/why-complaining-customers-are-best-customers.html Viewed on 21 May 2019 strategies to obtain customer feedback. Newmont manufacturing has a number of strategies to obtain customer feedback. These include the use a printed feedback form placed in the customer facing area on service counters and on its website. The forms clearly explain what the feedback will be used for and can be posted in reply paid envelopes provided for the hard copies so customers can complete the form at a later time and post it back for the team in customer relations to review and act on the feedback. Social media also plays a part and is used to engage with your customers by posting questions about Newmont ‘s products and services and asking for their feedback directly. (Hartshorne, 2019) further supports the idea of social media ‘s importance by stating that survey results revealed that consumers tend to read an average of 10 online reviews before they can trust a business. Engaging directly with customers gives them a personalised feel to the business as dedicated customer service representatives answer questions promptly. A toll free business phone number is also in use to aid customers in the feedback process. This is also a personalised approach for customers who prefer conversations one on one interactions over the phone.. As part of the after sales customer service, customers are contacted directly, by phone or email for feedback on the products or services received. Experiences of conducted feedback from customer interactions are shared among all departmental teams in the organisation for alignment around common issues thereby helping product managers further understand the product or service strategy. Hartshorne, D, 2019, How to turn customers feedback into amazing social media posts for your clients, https://www.sendible.com/insights/customer-feedback-on-social-media, viewed 23 May 2019 problem identification and resolution Minimising customer service problems and reducing dissatisfaction are important in the retention of customers at Newmont manufacturing. (Oliver, 1987) states that dissatisfied customers tend to complain to the organisation and can seek redress more often to relieve cognitive dissonance and bad consumption experiences. To eliminate bad customer experiences, Newmont has in place systems and processes to capture problems early and resolve them. The feedback process is a useful tool to help identify problems and acts as a catalyst in seeking commitment from myself for appropriate resolution of complaints and addressing policy and process inadequacies highlighted by both internal and external stakeholders. This commitment is communicated to all staff, stakeholders and clients, through the values statement and customer service standards. The effectiveness of the complaint handling system is monitored, through quality assurance and internal audit processes with reports send to senior management together with recommendations for improvements. This step together with organisational record keeping plan, processes and procedures, shape how problems are identified through data analysis using the CRM software. To solve problems identified, Newmont uses several methods to include flow charts, chain diagrams, lists and tree diagrams (SkillsYouNeed, 2019) Oliver, R, L, 1987, An investigation of the interrelationship between consumer (Dis)Satisfaction and consumer reports, http://www.acrwebsite.org/search/view-conferenceproceedings.aspx?Id=6690, viewed 23 May 2019 SkillsYouNeed, 2019, identifying and structuring problems, https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/problem-solving2.html, viewed 23 May 2019