The University of Lahore, CS&IT Department Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment # 1 PROJECT TITLE: Traffic Security surveillance STUDENT INFORMATION Sr. Student ID Name 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT A raising problem came in our observation that in many areas where traffic signals are planted without any kind of police backup and in unpopulated area , number of robberies , theft activities and crime ratio increases . Due to this at night no citizen is following traffic rule at night and due to fine system they are charged and those who are following becomes victim of criminal activity. We are introducing the surveillance system that alarms the nearest police if any crime occurs at that kind of traffic signal by this we can try to save civilians lives. 1.2 Existing Solution As there is a security system in traffic signals that only works if any vehicle disobey traffic signal. It will just capture the number of vehicle capture a picture and generate a challan. 1.3 Proposed Solution We are Providing a new surveillance that is more reliable and efficient to detect criminal proceeding and call Police .The best version is using only in Dubai across the world. But now going to be introduce in our country too. 1.4 OBJECTIVES As this project complete police will be smart and efficient also the crime rate will reduce. Citizens will have peace of mind to be and will obey traffic rules even at night. Will enhance the existing traffic signal security system. 1.5 FEATURES OF PROJECT Where ever this project /application is being used the authority will have access to monitor Those sensitive and targeted area .it will not be used in cell phone as security is concerned In cell phone it is accessible from web and only for those who have authority . Requirments Surveillance camera at traffic signal. A national database/criminal database. Live location. Nearest police station information. REFERENCES