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What is the cost of each MuleSoft Certification exam?

What is the cost of each MuleSoft Certification exam?
Many exams are bundled with training courses and do not require additional purchase.
If your course includes an exam, you must attend the entire course to be auto-enrolled in
the corresponding certification exam. Once enrolled, you need to schedule your exam
through your Learner Dashboard for a day and time most convenient to you. If you do not
pass in your first attempt, the cost of a second attempt is included; however, any additional
attempts required would need to be purchased at a discounted price.
Log in to your Learner Dashboard at training.mulesoft.com
Stand-alone certification exams are available for purchase between $250 - $375 USD, and
include two exam attempts. Mulesoft training cost usually takes 2-4 weeks, depending on your
experience with integration technologies and your pace of learning. The other option is to take
an instructor-led 5-day Any point Platform Development: Fundamentals course.
Certification Maintenance Exams
If you currently hold any of the following three certifications, a maintenance exam is
now available and should be scheduled and passed prior to your current two-year
certification expiration date:
MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 (Mule 4)
MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect - Level 1
MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1
These maintenance exams are available for $62.50, or one quarter Flexible Training
Credit (FTC) , and include two exam attempts.