I- Introduction: Alright everyone, please circle around the sandtable with A Team on my left and B Team on my right. I’m OC … and I’ll be your SL for this lane. Let me orient you to the sandtable. The N seeking arrow shows N to be in this direction. Our OBJ will be in that general direction. Please hold all questions ‘till the end and prepare to copy the following information. 1. SITUATION- We are ___ SQD, ___ PLT, ___ CO. Our AI is ____________________________ (includes __________). We are currently operating in AO________ __________. Our AO is bounded in the N by __________, the S by __________, the E by __________, and the W by __________. We are currently here at the ORP. The AO consists of __________ terrain with __________ vegetation. As confirmed during RECON Natural obstacles include ___________________and man-made obstacles include ______________________________ Tactical obstacles include __________ and protective obstacles include ______________________________. The Avenues of Approach in the AO consist of RTE __________ running ___/___, RTE __________ running ___/___, RTE __________ running ___/___, and RTE __________ running ___/___. Key terrain in the AO consists of KT1 __________ at __________ and is key because ____________________. KT2 __________ at __________ and is key because __________. KT3 __________ at __________ and is key because __________. Observations and fields of fire within the AO should provide a maximum range of _____ m on level terrain and _____ m on elevated terrain. Conditions in the AO provide _decent cover and concealment for direct fire and none cover and concealment for indirect fire. Recent weather activity includes __________ conditions that may impact the mission in a _____ way (HOW). ENY forces as confirmed by RECON ___________________, consist in the AO mainly of ____________________ with capabilities that include ____________________. Their morale is ___ and their intent is____________________. MPCOA is ____________________________________ MDCOA is ____________________________________. ___ CO mission is ____________________ NLT _____ in __________ IOT _____________________________ ____________________. ___ PLT mission is ____________________ NLT _____ in __________ IOT _______________________________________. The AO should have _______________civilians and are __________ to coalition forces. There are/no attachment & detachments (are __________). 2. MISSION (X2)- Prepare to copy: ___ SQD, ___ PLT, ___ CO ____________________ NLT _____ at __________ IOT ____________________. I say again… 3. EXECUTION- The intent is to ____________________. Key tasks to accomplishing this mission include ____________________________, ____________________, and ____________________. End state for ENY forces will be __________________, CIV will be ____________________, and FRD forces will be ____________________. The decisive point of the operation will be ____________________________ and is decisive b/c _____________________________. ___ SQD will be at __________ conducting ____________________ and ___ SQD will be at __________ conducting ____________________. This will be a 3 phased operation with the conclusion of this OPORD brief beginning Phase I and ending with SP NLT _____. Within this phase, we will perform final PCCs/PCIs on weapons and equipment and conduct no less than 2 rehearsals. ___ Team is assigned EPW/PACE and ___ Team is assigned AID/DEMO. Phase II of the operation begins with SP at _____ and ends with actions on the OBJ. We will conduct our operation by stepping off from the ORP NLT _____ with the order of march being ___ team followed by ___ team in a __________ formation. OBJ is approximately ___ m away at a ___’ azimuth. *DESCRIBE MISSION*. Phase III begins with actions on the OBJ and ends with return to the ORP. A/B Teams will perform assigned roles as needed. Time on OBJ will be no more than ___ minutes with RTO calling out every 1 minute. CCP will be located at __________ and the MEDEVAC will be located at __________. Order of march for exfiltration back to the ORP will be ___ Team followed by ___ Team in a __________ formation. Tasks for the SQD include ____________________ with the purpose being ____________________, ____________________ with the purpose being ____________________, and ____________________ with the purpose being ____________________. PIR/CCIRs: enemy on the objective, radios, phones, maps – anything can provide us information about future plans and operations. Rules of Eng: should we take contact en route to/from the OBJ, is to conduct BD1A. Should ENY forces outnumber ours 3:1, or present firepower superiority, we will break contact. ENY IDF engagement will dictate BD9. ROE for CIV would be pos ID, engage by SHOUT/SHOVE/SHOW/SHOOT if deadly force presented. UXO/IED encounters will be reported utilizing a 9-line UXO report and employing the 5 C’scheck, confirm, clear, cordon, control. Reports include SP, contact, EPW/KIA, LACE, SITREP, and others as needed. Timeline for mission completion and return to ORP is NLT _________. 4. SUSTAINMENT- Resupply is/not available for ___ hrs. Class 1- Rations cycle is ___/___/___. Water must be topped off prior to SP. Class 3- NONE, Class 5- ammo distro at AA, top off, cross load. Transportation is/not available. Services are/not available. EPW CP is located at __________. MEDEVAC is/not available upon request and marked with green smoke. Enablers go with_______ 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL- Location of the PL will be __________ with the succession of command being PLPSG-SL-ATL-BTL. Call sign for higher is __________, SL is __________, and MEDEVAC is __________. IED/UXO code word is “BUBBLE.” Number combination is ___. Challenge and password is __________/__________ and running password is __________. Comms PACE (radio, verbal, whistle, hand/arm, runner, smoke). This concludes my brief. Time is now _____. At this time, what are your questions? Confirmation: OC __________, what is the mission? OC __________, what is primary signal method? OC __________, what are you team’s assignments? R- *Bring TL/RTO to brief. RTO gets grids/ENY info. TL gets ADJ Units/FRD info.* I’d like to confirm the following grids:… I’d like to confirm squad mission and enemy mission:… ENABLERS. Smoke is more effective when humid/wind Enablers: Mvt to/Break Contact (smoke/IDF), Ambush(claymores), Attack (IDF), Knock Bunker (grenades), MEDEVAC (smoke) Security element during my OPORD +Aven of App I- *Take 2-3 minute tactical pause. Consult map/notes to establish skeletal plan. Bring in both TL near the Rater.* Alright, our mission is… My timeline looks like: Recon- 10:15, OPORD-10:40, SP- 11:05, For my recon, I’m taking ATL and __________ from B Team. We are going to be within _____ m of the OBJ. We will be leaving at _____ and return NLT _____. If we do not return by then, radio to higher for further mission guidance. If you take contact, defend in place and radio higher to notify of contact and seek further guidance. If we take contact, we will radio our position to higher to notify you of our situation and potential recovery operations. M- Okay, here is how I think we’re going to accomplish this mission:…what do you think? S- While I’m gone, I need you (BTL) to ensure the SQD does a PMCS of their weapons, consolidates ammo, tops-off water, gets something to eat, utilizes the latrines, and begins reviewing the TACSOP for __________, __________, and __________ rehearsals. C- __________ this is __________. Show me plus 2 packs on recon time _____. *B Team Soldier keeps track of time/pace/azimuth. Look for good area to stage operation. ID easily recognizable TRPs. Explain to ATL where you want A Team to be. Explain to B Soldier where you want that team to be. Explain use of enablers on OBJ.* __________ this is __________. Show me plus 2 packs returning to ORP at time _____. C- *Use notes from recon to adjust sandtable as needed. Run through operation on sandtable with RTO moving pieces. Finish filling out OPORD. Confirm reserve security element in place.* Rehearsals: actions en route, direct/indirect fire/EPW, bounding SLLS- Stop, Look, Listen, Smell_ SIGN HLZ-_________________________________________ R- Potential Enablers: Smoke Frag Bino Claymore C4 CAS SIGACT Fires Attach/Detach MISSION: WHO:________________________________ WHAT:________________________________________ WHEN:_______________________________________ WHERE:______________________________________ WHY:_________________________________________ Task 1:_______________________________________ Purpose 1:_____________________________________ Task 2:_______________________________________ Purpose 2:_____________________________________ Grids: Me (ORP)-_______________________________ I- Timeline: T:__________ Mission Completion (T+90): 11:30 Exfiltration (T+85): 11:25 Actions on OBJ (T+80): 11:20 Time on OBJ (T+70): 11:10 SP (T+65): 11:05 Rehearsals (T+55): 10:55 Issues OPORD (T+40): 10:40 Complete OPORD (T+25): 10:25 Recon (T+15): 10:15 WARNO (T+10):__10:10 OBJ-_________________________________________ M- Type of Operation: ATK AMB ECP REC BNK PAT KLE RCV MTC URB L Unit-________________________________________ MVMT Formation: Wedge File TVL TVL-O BND-O R Unit-________________________________________ S- Priorities of Work: PMCS Ammo Water Food Latrine Rehearsals Review (__________, __________) FRD Fires-_____________________________________ ENY Fires-_____________________________________ ENY OP1-_____________________________________ ENY OP2-_____________________________________ CCP-_________________________________________ NOTES:_______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ TRP Request • 1-6, this is 1-2, TRP request to follow, over • Purpose- to prevent enemy reinforcement/retreat; Location-grid; Observer-1-2; Trigger-on my command, over SP Request • 1-6, this is 1-2, requesting SP time now, 08 pax, over Made Contact/SALT Report • 1-6, this is 1-2, SALT report to follow, over • # of enemy, doing what, IVO, with what, at what time, over OBJ Complete/SALT/LACE Report • 1-6, this is 1-2, SITREP to follow, over • # of enemy, doing what, IVO, with what, at what time, break • Full on liquid, have # mags per, # 5.56 link, casualties, equip, break • Request permission to carry on, over 9 Line • 1-6, this is 1-2, MEDEVAC request to follow, over • line 1: …, break Crossing DL: 1-6, this is 1-2. I have 8 personnel, 8 M4, 2 249 crossing DL. Time now .