DOT/FAA/AR-10/6 Air Traffic Organization NextGen & Operations Planning Office of Research and Technology Development Washington, DC 20591 Determining the Fatigue Life of Composite Aircraft Structures Using Life and Load-Enhancement Factors June 2011 Final Report This document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Services (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia 22161. This document is also available from the Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center at U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the contents or use thereof. The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturer's names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the objective of this report. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the funding agency. This document does not constitute FAA policy. Consult the FAA sponsoring organization listed on the Technical Documentation page as to its use. This report is available at the Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center’s Full-Text Technical Reports page: in Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF). Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. DOT/FAA/AR-10/6 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date DETERMINING THE FATIGUE LIFE OF COMPOSITE AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES USING LIFE AND LOAD-ENHANCEMENT FACTORS June 2011 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. 6. Performing Organization Code John Tomblin and Waruna Seneviratne 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) Department of Aerospace Engineering National Institute for Aviation Research Wichita State University Wichita, KS 67260-0093 11. Contract or Grant No. 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Organization NextGen & Operations Planning Office of Research and Technology Development Washington, DC 20591 Final Report 14. Sponsoring Agency Code ACE-110 15. Supplementary Notes The Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center COTRs were Curtis Davies and Peter Shyprykevich. 16. Abstract Current regulations require airframes to demonstrate fatigue service life by testing and/or analysis. This requirement is identical for both metals and composites. As composites exhibit higher scatter than metals, extensive scatter analysis was conducted by Northrup/Grumman using several material databases. These data represented several structural details and variables such as laminate lay-up, loading mode, load transfer, specimen geometry, and environment. The U.S. Navy program included only autoclaved 350°F-cure graphite-epoxy materials, and the analysis was conducted primarily on fiber-dominated failures of laminated construction and did not include sandwich construction or bonded joints. The data analysis of this program developed a load-enhancement factor (LEF) that shortened the fatigue testing time while maintaining equivalent reliability to that of metals. The research performed in this study extended the developed methodology to new material systems and construction techniques. This study included data for materials commonly used in aircraft applications, including adhesives and sandwich construction. Testing consisted of various element-type tests and concentrated on tests that were generic in nature and were representative of various loading modes and construction techniques. In addition, the database available at the National Institute of Aviation Research (NIAR) was included to expand the data for the scatter analysis. Three different techniques are discussed for scatter analysis of fatigue data: individual Weibull, joint Weibull, and the Sendeckyj wearout model. It is recommended that the analysis include specimens or elements representative of features of a particular structure, i.e., materials, design details, failure modes, loading conditions, environments, rather than pool various material databases. Also, it is noted that the primary goal in scatter analysis is not to select shape parameters from the critical lay-up, R-ratio, environment, etc. (which may result in skewed data that will produce unconservative LEF), but rather to select the design details representing the critical areas of the structure. When designing test matrices for generating fatigue shape parameters, it is essential to investigate the design details and conditions that produce the most data scatter, which consequently affects the reliability of test data in higher levels of building blocks of testing. The examples in this report show that the LEF are lower for modern composite structures. However, care must be taken to ensure the integrity of test matrices to produce safe and reliable certification requirements. This report provides guidance on generating shape parameters for calculating life factor and LEFs as well as application of these factors to a fatigue load spectrum without compromising or significantly altering the fatigue life of the structure, especially in the case of hybrid (composite and metal) structures. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Scatter analysis, Life factor, Load-enhancement factor, Test data, Composite fatigue, Weibull statistics This document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia 22161. This document is also available from the Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center at 19. Security Classif. (of this report) Unclassified Form DOT F1700.7 (8-72) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) Unclassified Reproduction of completed page authorized 21. No. of Pages 155 22. Price ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to acknowledge the technical guidance and support of Mr. Curtis Davis, Dr. Larry Ilcewicz, and Mr. Peter Shyprykevich (retired) of the Federal Aviation Administration. The support of the Composites and Structures Laboratories of the National Institute for Aviation Research, especially test support from Govind Ramakrishna Pillai and Jason Yeoh and program support from Upul Palliyaguru, is greatly appreciated. The authors would also like to thank Cessna Aircraft of Wichita, Kansas, and Toray Composites (America), Inc., Tacoma, Washington, for providing material support during specimen fabrication, and Liberty Aerospace of Melbourne, Florida, for sharing their test data. iii/iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page xv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. 2. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 1.2 6 8 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 9 Material Systems Test Matrices Experimental Setup 10 10 13 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 13 15 15 17 17 Impact Tests Nondestructive Inspections Full-Field Strain Evolution Static and Residual Strength Tests Fatigue Life Evaluation ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE TEST DATA 18 3.1 Scatter Analysis 19 3.1.1 Individual Weibull Method 3.1.2 Joint Weibull Method 3.1.3 Sendeckyj Equivalent Static-Strength Model 20 21 21 Life-Factor Approach Load-Factor Approach Combined Load-Life Approach 22 25 28 3.4.1 Application of LEF to a Load Spectrum 3.4.2 Generating Life Factor and LEFs 31 35 Scatter Analysis Computer Code 37 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. Background for Current Approach Research Objectives and Overview STATIC STRENGTH DATA SCATTER ANALYSIS 38 4.1 Structural Details for Static Scatter Analysis 39 4.1.1 Advanced Composites Group AS4/E7K8 3K Plain-Weave Fabric 40 4.1.2 Toray T700/#2510 Plain-Weave Fabric 44 v 4.2 5. 4.1.3 Toray 7781/#2510 8-Harness Satin-Weave Fabric 48 4.1.4 Toray T700/#2510 Unidirectional Tape 50 4.1.5 Advanced Composites Group AS4C/MTM45 Unidirectional Tape 51 4.1.6 Advanced Composites Group AS4C/MTM45 5-Harness Satin-Weave Fabric 52 4.1.7 Nelcote T700/E765 Graphite Unidirectional Tape 54 4.1.8 Nelcote T300/E765 3K Plain-Weave Fabric 55 4.1.9 Adhesive Effects of Defects Data 56 Summary 57 FATIGUE LIFE DATA SCATTER ANALYSIS 59 5.1 5.2 Structural Details for Fatigue Life Scatter Analysis Fatigue Scatter Analysis 59 60 5.2.1 The AS4/E7K8 Plain-Weave Fabric 5.2.2 The T700/#2510 Plain-Weave Fabric 5.2.3 The 7781/#2510 8-Harness Satin-Weave Fabric 5.2.4 Adhesive Fatigue Data 61 69 71 74 Summary of Fatigue Scatter Analysis Load-Enhancement Factor Case Study—Liberty Aerospace XL2 Fuselage Case Study—Scatter Analysis of Bonded Joints 76 78 82 88 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 91 7. REFERENCES 93 APPENDICES A—Fatigue Test Results of Federal Aviation Administration Load-Enhancement Factor Database B—Scatter Analysis Results for Federal Aviation Administration Load-Enhancement Factor Database C—Scatter Analysis for Life and Load-Enhancement Factors vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Composite Materials Applications in Commercial Aircraft 1 2 Material Distribution for U.S. Navy F-18 Aircraft 3 3 Overview of Research 9 4 Instron Dynatup Drop-Weight Tester 14 5 Support Fixture for CAI and TAI Impact Specimens 14 6 The TTU Scanning of PFS Test Specimen 15 7 Portable Version of ARAMIS Photogrammetry System 16 8 Damage Evolution of a CAI Specimen Under Static Loading 16 9 The MTS Servohydraulic Test Frame 17 10 Compliance Change and Damage Area During Fatigue Tests of 4PB Sandwich Specimen 18 11 Life Scatter in Composites and Metal 19 12 Scatter Analysis Using Weibull Distribution of Shape Parameters 20 13 Life-Factor Approach for Substantiating B-Basis Design Life 23 14 Influence of Fatigue Shape Parameter on B-Basis Life Factor 24 15 Influence of Strength and Life Parameter on LEF 28 16 Influence of MSSP and MLSP on LEF (Combined Load-Life Approach) 29 17 Combined Load-Life Approach for Composite Structures 30 18 A- and B-Basis LEF Requirements With Respect to the Number of Test Specimens 31 19 Application of Combined Load-Life Approach 32 20 Fatigue Test Spectrum Development for Composite Structural Test 33 21 Application of LEF Only to Mean Load 35 22 Minimum Test Requirements for Generating Life Factors and LEFs 36 vii 23 Minimum Requirements to be Fulfilled Prior to Using LEFs in Figure 18 for a Composite Structural Test 37 24 Scatter Analysis Using SACC 38 25 Probability Density Function and Reliability Plot of Shape Parameters for AS4-PW Static Strength Distributions 43 26 Shape Parameters for T700-PW Static-Strength Distributions 47 27 Shape Parameters for T700-UT Static-Strength Distributions 51 28 Shape Parameters for AS4C-UT Static-Strength Distributions 52 29 Shape Parameters for AS4C-5HS Static-Strength Distributions 53 30 Shape Parameters for E765-UT Static-Strength Distributions 54 31 Shape Parameters for E765-PW Static-Strength Distributions 55 32 Comparison of Composite Strength Shape Parameters for Different Environments 57 33 Comparison of Composite Strength Shape Parameters for Different Lay-Ups 58 34 Comparison of Composite Strength Shape Parameters for Different Loading Modes 58 35 Sendeckyj Wearout Analysis Prediction of Fatigue Life of OHT (R = 0) – AS4-PW 61 36 Effects of Lay-Up Sequence, AS4/E7K8, OH Measured Fatigue Data 63 37 Effects of Lay-Up Sequence, AS4/E7K8, OH Normalized Fatigue Data 63 38 Effects of Stress Ratio for AS4-PW OH Measured Fatigue Data 64 39 Effects of Stress Ratio for AS4-PW OH Normalized Fatigue Data 64 40 Effects of Lay-Up Sequence for AS4-PW CAI Normalized Fatigue Data 65 41 Comparison of CAI and TAI for AS4-PW 65 42 Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters of AS4-PW From Different Analysis Methods 66 43 Comparison of Static Strength and CV of AS4-PW From Test and Sendeckyj Analysis 68 44 Effects of Stress Ratio for T700-PW OH Measured Fatigue Data 69 45 Effects of Stress Ratio for T700-PW OH Normalized Fatigue Data 70 viii 46 Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters of T700-PW From Different Analysis Methods 71 47 Effects of Stress Ratio for 7781-8HS OH Measured Fatigue Data 72 48 Effects of Stress Ratio for 7781-8HS OH Normalized Fatigue Data 72 49 Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters of 7781-8HS From Different Analysis Methods 73 50 Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters of FAA-D5656 Data From Different Analysis Methods 75 51 Comparison of Fatigue-Life Shape Parameter for FAA-LEF Database 77 52 Influence of Test Duration on B-Basis LEFs for Different Materials 80 53 Influence of Test Duration on B-Basis LEFs of AS4-PW From Different Analytical Techniques 81 54 Liberty Aerospace XL2 Aircraft 82 55 Influence of Test Duration on B-Basis LEFs for Liberty XL2 85 56 Comparison of Tested and Required LEFs for Liberty XL2 87 57 Composite-Titanium Bonded Joint Test Specimen 88 58 Comparison of LEFs Generated Using Composite and Adhesive Test Data 91 ix LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Laminate Configurations for FAA-LEF Database 11 2 The FAA-LEF Test Methods and Fixture Requirements 11 3 The Basic FAA-LEF Test Matrix 12 4 Supplemental FAA-LEF Test Matrix 13 5 A-Basis LEFs 26 6 B-Basis LEFs 27 7 Static-Strength Test Results for AS4-PW 40 8 Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of AS4-PW 41 9 Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of Scatter in Static-Strength Distributions of AS4-PW 42 10 Static-Strength Test Results for T700-PW 44 11 Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of T700-PW 44 12 Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 40/20/40 T700-PW (FAA-LVM) 45 Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 25/50/25 T700-PW (FAA-LVM) 46 Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 10/80/10 T700-PW (FAA-LVM) 47 15 Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of T700-PW 48 16 Static-Strength Test Results for 7781-8HS 48 17 Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 7781-8HS 49 18 Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of 7781-8HS 49 19 Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of T700-UT 50 20 Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of AS4C-UT 51 21 Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of AS4C-5HS 53 13 14 x 22 Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of E765-UT 54 23 Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of E765-PW 55 24 Weibull Parameters for Bonded-Joint PFS Element Tests 56 25 Weibull Parameters for Bonded SLS Element Tests 56 26 Fatigue-Life Scatter Analysis for AS4-PW 62 27 Comparison of Static Strength of AS4-PW From Test and Sendeckyj Analysis 67 28 Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of AS4-PW 68 29 Fatigue-Life Scatter Analysis for T700-PW 70 30 Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of T700-PW 71 31 Fatigue-Life Scatter Analysis for 7781-8HS 73 32 Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of 7781-8HS 74 33 Fatigue-Life Scatter Analysis for FAA-D5656 74 34 Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of FAA-D5656 Data 76 35 Weibull Statistics for Pooled Composite and Adhesive Data From Different Analytical Techniques 78 36 Weibull Statistics for Combined Composites and Adhesives 79 37 Weibull Statistics for AS4-PW Composites and Adhesives From Different Analytical Techniques 81 38 Weibull Analysis Results of Liberty Sandwich Static Test Data 82 39 Sendeckyj Analysis Results of Liberty Sandwich Fatigue Test Data 83 40 Comparison of Weibull Statistics for Liberty XL2 Database 84 41 Weibull Parameter Estimates for Static Tests 89 42 Weibull Parameter Estimates for Fatigue Tests 89 43 Summary of Strength and Life Shape Parameters of Composite and Adhesive Data 90 xi LIST OF ACRONYMS 4PB ACG BVID CAI CFPW CTD CTU CV DaDT DLL DLT DNC EOD ETD ETW FAA FGSW FH LEF LID LLD LVM MIA MLE MLSP MSSP MTS NASA NDI NIAR OH OHC OHT PFS RRX RRY RTA RTW SACC SLS SLS-C SLS-T SMT S/N Four-point bend Advanced Composites Group Barely visible impact damage Compression after impact Carbon fabric plain weave Cold temperature dry Carbon tape unidirectional Coefficient of variation Durability and damage tolerance Design limit load Design lifetime Double-notched compression Effects of defects Elevated temperature dry Elevated temperature wet Federal Aviation Administration E-glass satin weave Filled hole Load-enhancement factor Large impact damage Load-life damage Lamina variability method Mechanical impedance analysis Maximum likelihood estimation Modal fatigue-life shape parameter Modal static-strength shape parameter Material Test Systems National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nondestructive inspection National Institute for Aviation Research Open hole Open-hole compression Open-hole tension Picture-frame shear Rank regression in X Rank regression in Y Room temperature ambient Room temperature wet Scatter Analysis Computer Code Single-lap shear Single-lap shear compression Single-lap shear tension Shear-moment torque Stress to number of cycles xii TAI TTU UNI VID VNRS Tension after impact Through-transmission ultrasonic Unidirectional lay-up Visible impact damage V-notch rail shear xiii/xiv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the past 25 years, the use of advanced composite materials in aircraft primary structures has increased significantly. In 1994, with the Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments program, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration revitalized the use of composites in general and commercial aviation. Driven by the demand for fuel-efficient, light-weight, and high-stiffness structures that have fatigue durability and corrosion resistance, modern large commercial aircraft are designed with more than 50 percent composite materials. Although there are key differences between metal and composite damage mechanics and durability concerns, the certification philosophy for composites must meet the same structural integrity, safety, and durability requirements as that of metals. Despite the many advantages, composite structural certification becomes challenging due to the lack of experience in large-scale structures, complex interactive failure mechanisms, sensitivity to temperature and moisture, and scatter in the data, especially in fatigue. The overall objective of this research was to provide guidance into structural substantiation of composite airframe structures under repeated loads through an efficient approach that weighs both the economic aspects of certification and the timeframe required for testing, while ensuring safety. The research methodology reported here consisted of combining existing certification approaches used by various aircraft manufacturers with protocols for applying these methodologies. This will permit extension of the methodologies to new material systems and construction techniques. This study included data for materials commonly used in aircraft applications, including adhesives and sandwich construction. Testing consisted of various element-type tests and concentrated on tests that were generic in nature and were representative of various loading modes and construction techniques. In addition, the database available at the National Institute of Aviation Research was included to expand the data for the scatter analysis. Three different techniques were used for scatter analysis of fatigue data: individual Weibull, joint Weibull, and the Sendeckyj wearout model. Procedures to generate reliable and economical scatter and loadenhancement factors necessary for a particular structural test by selecting the design details representing the critical areas of the structure is outlined with several examples and case studies. The effects of laminate stacking sequence, test environment, stress ratios, and several design features, such as sandwich and bonded joints on the static-strength and fatigue-life shape parameters, are discussed with detailed examples. Furthermore, several analytical techniques for obtaining these shape parameters are discussed with examples. Finally, the application of loadenhancement factors and life factors for a full-scale test spectrum without adversely affecting the fatigue life and the damage mechanism of the composite structure is discussed. xv/xvi 1. INTRODUCTION. In the early 1970s, composite materials were introduced to airframe structures to increase the performance and life of the airframe. In 1977, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Advanced Composite Structures Program introduced the use of composites in primary structures in commercial aircraft, i.e., the Boeing 737 horizontal stabilizer [1]. In 1994, the Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments consortium, led by NASA and supported by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), industry, and academia, revitalized composite material product development in general aviation by developing costeffective composite airframe structures. Modern improved composite materials and matured processes have encouraged commercial aircraft companies to increase the use of composites in primary and secondary structures. Driven by the demand for fuel-efficient, light-weight, and high-stiffness structures that have fatigue durability and corrosion resistance, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is designed with more than 50 percent composite structure, marking a striking milestone in composite usage in commercial aviation. Meanwhile, the Airbus A350 commercial airplane is being designed with a similar percentage of composite materials in its structure. Figure 1 shows the use of composites in several commercial aircraft applications. Figure 1. Composite Materials Applications in Commercial Aircraft 1 Although there are key differences between metal and composite damage mechanics and durability concerns, the certification philosophy for composites must meet the same structural integrity, safety, and durability requirements as for metal aircraft. Over the years, composite and hybrid structural certification programs have adopted methodologies used for metal structures that are based on several decades of experience in full-scale structural certification and service. Despite the advantages, such as high specific weight, tailorability, and fatigue resistance, composite structural certification becomes challenging due to the lack of experience with largescale structures, complex interactive failure mechanisms, sensitivity to temperature and moisture, and scatter in the data, especially relative to fatigue. Most current fatigue life assessment methodologies for advanced composite structures rely on empirical stress to number of cycles (S/N) data in the lower levels of the building block. Variation of material characteristics for different fiber-resin systems, lay-up configurations, environments, loading conditions, etc., often make the analysis and testing of composites challenging. Anisotropic heterogeneous characteristics and a change in failure modes over the fatigue life, as well as multiple failure mechanisms that interact with each other, make it challenging to predict damage growth in composite structures. Consequently, most of the damage mechanisms and wearout approaches (discussed later in this section) also depend on empirical data for refinement or calibration. Some approaches only discuss failure progression under certain loading configurations and often specific to a material system. Fatigue life assessment methodologies that are based on empirical data can be separated into two categories: Reliability or scatter analysis Curve-fit based on flaw growth Both approaches require a considerable amount of empirical data. However, the first approach was extended to several programs through the concept of shared databases and in terms of general scatter of composite data in contrast to metal data. The cumulative effects of data scatter in different design details of a particular structure are analyzed in the lower levels of the building block in terms of reliability to determine a safe design service goal or life representative of the weakest member of the population after a specified life in service. The major limitation in the second approach is that it is often specific to a certain material system, a loading configuration, and failure mechanism. As part of the U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification, a probabilistic methodology was developed to certify composite structures with the same level of confidence as metallic structures [2]. This methodology was formulated to account for the uncertainties of applied loads as well as the scatter in static strength and fatigue life related to composite structures. Over the years, several composite structural certification programs employed this certification methodology, which was developed for materials and test methods that were considered current at the time. Since then, materials and process techniques as well as test methods for evaluating composites have evolved. Consequently, test data often display significantly less scatter and therefore higher reliability. Thus, the probabilistic approach employed by Whitehead, et al. [2], can be re-evaluated for newer material forms and to represent structural details of current aircraft structures to obtain improved life and load-enhancement factors [3 and 4]. 2 Current regulations require airframes to demonstrate adequate static strength, fatigue life, and damage tolerance capability by testing and/or analysis with a high degree of confidence. These requirements are intended to account for uncertainties in usage and scatter exhibited by materials. Analysis is the primary means of structural substantiation for most aircraft certification programs. It is expected that the analysis is supported by appropriate test evidence. To develop a certification methodology for composite structures that has the same level of reliability as observed in metal certification approaches, accounting for the inherent difference between metal and composites, the FAA and U.S. Navy developed a certification approach for bolted composite structures [2 and 5] as part of the U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification (figure 2). This methodology is referred to as NAVY, or the load-life combined approach, throughout this report. Figure 2. Material Distribution for U.S. Navy F-18 Aircraft [6] This approach adopted two key requirements in metallic aircraft certification: (1) the full-scale static test article must demonstrate a strength that is equal to or exceeds 150 percent of the design limit load (DLL), and (2) the full-scale fatigue test article must demonstrate a life that is equal to or exceeds twice the design service life. This approach analyzes the data scatter in the static strength and fatigue life of composites to establish a certification methodology that has the same level of reliability as for metal structures. Furthermore, this approach attempts to address the issues related to hybrid (composite and metallic) structures through a combined approach referred to as the load-life approach, which will be further discussed in this report. The load-life approach was developed for what, at that time, was current composite usage and did not explicitly account for the damage in composite structures or adhesively bonded structural details. Kan and Whitehead [7] proposed a damage tolerance certification methodology to determine the reliability of impact damage on a composite structure and to calculate the allowable impact threat at a given applied load and specified reliability. Subsequent application of this methodology on 3 a U.S. Navy F/A-18 inner-wing structure demonstrated successful damage tolerance capabilities during certification. The NAVY load-life methodology was adopted by Shah, et al. [8], for certification of a stiffener run-out detail. They found that the static-strength and life shape parameters are similar to that developed for the NAVY approach. This research successfully demonstrated the combined loadlife approach for large-component tests. The applicability of the U.S. Navy damage tolerance approach of Kan and Whitehead [7] to certification of general and commercial aircraft was investigated by Kan and Dyer [9]. The Kan and Dyer study showed that the U.S. Navy damagetolerance approach based on military requirements is too severe for the all-composite LearFan 2100 structure. Early developments of the B-737 graphite/epoxy horizontal stabilizer [10] and the Airbus A310 [11] and A320 [12] all-composite vertical tail used the combined load-life approach for full-scale demonstrations. The no-growth, damage-tolerant design concept was also adopted whereby a composite structure must demonstrate the ability to contain intrinsic manufacturing defects and the maximum allowable service damage(s) in adverse operational conditions and throughout the design life of the structure. Following the early approach developed for the NASA/B-737 horizontal stabilizer, B-777 empennage certification was primarily based on analysis supported by coupon and component test evidence [13]. The certification process included general requirements for environmental effects in design allowables, static strength, and fatigue and damage tolerance with a no-growth approach. By making predictions prior to testing, such demonstrations contribute to a solid basis for acceptance of “certification by analysis” by the FAA and the aviation industry. This is consistent with current certification practices that allow the use of analysis for certification when supported by tests. Several all-composite business aircraft, including the Beechcraft 2000 Starship, evolved in the early 1980s and completed FAA damage tolerance certification requirements [14]. The allcomposite Beechcraft Starship was certified in 1989 using the damage tolerance approach, identifying environmental effects and concerns related to bonded joints. To meet FAA damage tolerance requirements, major structural modifications had to be made to the wing. For full-scale durability and damage tolerance tests, a combined load-life approach based on flaw-growth threshold stress was employed [15]. The environmental effects were addressed by an analytical approach validated by testing. Under the Composite Affordability Initiative, Kan and Kane [16] explored the feasibility of extending probabilistic methodology for adhesive-bonded composite structures. Three areas were thoroughly reviewed to determine maturity level: (1) probability theories and probabilistic methods, (2) probabilistic structural analysis tools, and (3) probabilistic structural criteria and requirements. The Composite Affordability Initiative identified that the same level of structural reliability with equivalent level of confidence can be achieved by the probabilistic method compared to the deterministic method. Sumich and Kedward [17] investigated the use of the wearout model, on the basis of its applicability to matrix-dominant failure modes to examine the fatigue performance of the Rotor Systems Research Aircraft X-wing vehicle. Wearout models assume that structural degradation 4 occurs with use and can be monitored by measuring parameters such as residual strength and stiffness. Halpin, et al. [18], discussed this methodology in the early 1970s, and several certification programs, such as the A-7 outer wing and F-16 empennage, have adopted this methodology for composite structures. This method, which was applied to metal crack growth, determines fatigue failure when pre-existing damage grows until the specimen can no longer support the applied cyclic load. In addition, the residual strength of runout is related to crack length through fracture mechanics. This approach was improved by Sendeckyj [19] using a deterministic equation that converts static, fatigue, and residual strength data into a pool of equivalent static-strength data. Sendeckyj’s basic model assumes that the failure in a constantamplitude fatigue test occurs when the residual strength is equal to the maximum cyclic-fatigue load. This pooling technique for fatigue data is useful for cases where there are not enough fatigue data in individual stress levels for Weibull analysis, which requires a minimum of six specimens in each stress level. This model was further improved for pooling fatigue tests with multiple stress ratios [20], but was not validated since it requires a significant amount of test data. Stress ratio, or R ratio, is the ratio of minimum-to-maximum cyclic stress in a fatigue test. O’Brien and Reifsnider [21] studied fatigue life analytically using the fatigue modulus concept. This approach assumed that fatigue failure occurs when the fatigue secant modulus (residual stiffness) degrades to the secant modulus at the moment of failure in a static test. In this study, stiffness reductions resulting from fatigue damage were measured for unnotched [±45]s, [0/90]s, and [0/90/±45]s boron/epoxy laminates. Degradation in the various in-plane stiffnesses (axial, shear, and bending) was measured using a combination of uniaxial tension, rail shear, and flexure tests. Damage growth and stiffness loss were identified to be load-history dependent. Hence, the secant modulus criterion was not a valid criterion for general applications. A similar study was conducted on the fatigue behavior of [0/±45/90]s glass/epoxy laminate by Hahn and Kim [22] in which the secant modulus was used as a measure of damage extent. Following an extensive review of different damage models, Hwang and Han [23] identified various cumulative damage models using several physical variables, such as fatigue modulus and resultant strain. They introduced a new concept called “fatigue modulus,” which is defined as the slope of applied stress and resultant strain at a specific cycle [24]. Fatigue modulus degradation assumes that the fatigue modulus degradation rate follows a power function of the fatigue cycle. The theoretical equation for predicting fatigue life is formulated using the fatigue modulus and its degradation rate. This relation is simplified by the strain failure criterion for practical applications. Mahfuz, et al. [25], analytically studied the fatigue life of an S2-glass/vinyl-ester composite using the fatigue modulus concept. This study revealed that the fatigue modulus is not only a function of loading cycle but also a function of applied stress level and thickness of the test specimen. This life-prediction methodology requires two parameters that are obtained empirically either at two different stress levels or two different fatigue lifetimes. Halpin, et al. [26], suggested that the fatigue behavior of composites should be based empirically under particular design spectra. The main disadvantage of such an approach is that test results are specific to a loading spectrum. Also, a large number of test data is required for a complete analysis, like the extensive fatigue sensitivity study conducted by Jeans, et al. [27], on bolted and bonded composite joints under various loading spectra. For metals, Miner’s rule is often used to 5 study the cumulative damage under a loading spectrum. However, Rosenfeld and Huang [28] conducted a fatigue study with different stress ratios to determine the failure mechanisms under compression of graphite/epoxy laminates and showed that Miner’s rule fails to predict composite fatigue under spectrum loading. This is confirmed by several authors in the composite community. A study conducted by Agarwal and James [29] on the effects of stress levels on fatigue of composites confirmed that the stress ratio had a strong influence on the fatigue life of composites. Further, they showed that microscopic matrix cracks are observed prior to gross failure of composites under both static and cyclic loading. For practical consideration, Yang and Du [30] investigated the possibility of statistically predicting the fatigue behavior of composites under service-loading spectra, based on some baseline constant-amplitude fatigue data. Although such a phenomenological statistical model does not account for the intrinsic failure mechanisms that are quite complex in composite materials, it can be very simple for practical applications and requires significantly less empirical effort. Kassapoglou [31] presented a probabilistic approach for determining fatigue life for composite structures under constant-amplitude loading. This approach assumes that the probability of failure during any cycle is constant and equal to the probability of failure obtained from static test results and associated statistically quantified scatter. This methodology does not require any fatigue data for calibration or for the expression of the cycles to failure as a function of stress ratio. Comparison of fatigue life predictions for several stress ratios with a number of experimental data shows good correlation. However, the assumptions used in this model neglect the complex progressive damage mechanism that takes place during repeated loading. 1.1 BACKGROUND FOR CURRENT APPROACH. The current practice is to test composite structures with loads that are enhanced to reduce long test duration requirements. This accounts for the data scatter observed in composites relative to metals. The load-life approach proposed for U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification [2] is used such that the same level of reliability as for metal structures can be achieved. Compared to the metal static and fatigue data, composite materials exhibit high data scatter due to their anisotropic heterogeneous characteristics, such as lay-up, manufacturing defects and imperfections, test complications, and environment. To interpret the information in a meaningful manner and to incorporate any of their effects into the certification of composite structures, the life-factor approach and the load-enhancement factor (LEF) approach are commonly used and require composite scatter analysis, which is described in this report. The life-factor approach, which has been successfully used for metallic structures to assure structural durability, accounts for the scatter in life (S/N) data in terms of the shape parameter of the population. The life shape parameter (often referred to as the modal life shape parameter) is obtained by analyzing the distribution of the shape parameters corresponding to S/N curves representing different design details of the structure. The life factor corresponds to the relation between the central tendency (mean) of the population and the extreme statistics (allowable). The underlying objective of the life-factor approach is to ensure that the design service goal or life is representative of the weakest member of the population after a specified life in service. Thus, a successful repeated load test to mean fatigue life would demonstrate the B-basis reliability on the design lifetime. The NAVY approach showed that the life shape parameters of metal and composite are 4.00 and 6 1.25, respectively, and they correspond to life factors of 2.093 and 13.558, respectively, for B-basis reliability [2]. Therefore, due to the large scatter in composite test data, a composite structure is required to test additional fatigue life to achieve the desired level of reliability, i.e., a test duration of more than 13 design lifetimes is required for composite in contrast to two design lifetimes for metal to achieve B-basis reliability. An alternative approach to the life factor, which requires an excessive test duration, is to increase the applied loads in the fatigue spectrum so that the same level of reliability can be achieved with a shorter test duration [2]. This approach is referred to as the LEF approach and was derived from combining the life factor and the static factor (ratio of mean-to-allowable fatigue strength) at one lifetime to form a relationship between the LEF and the test duration. The static factor is defined in terms of a static-strength shape parameter that is obtained by analyzing the distribution of the shape parameters corresponding to static-strength data sets representing different design details of the structure as described in section 4. The formal relationship between the LEF and the test duration provides the flexibility of conducting the durability test of a composite structure with different LEFs and corresponding test durations to achieve the desired reliability. Although the materials, processes, lay-up, loading modes, failure modes, etc., are significantly different, most current certification programs use the load-life factors generated for the U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification program. Lameris [3] showed that both LEFs and life factors can be significantly reduced by using strength and life shape parameters generated for materials, processes, loading modes, failure modes, etc., applicable to a specific structure. However, guidance for developing these shape parameters is greatly needed. Although fatigue life is adversely affected by damage (notch), the scatter in damaged composites, both in static and fatigue, tends to decrease due to localized stress concentration. This will result in lower life and load-enhancement factors. Therefore, scatter analysis of coupons/elements in lower levels of building blocks can be used to develop a synergy among the life factor, LEF, and damage in composites. This approach is beneficial for the damage tolerance phase of full-scale substantiation and minimizes the risks associated with the introduction of large damage to durability test articles. Development of scatter analysis applicable to current composite materials and processes using improved test methodologies demonstrate lower requirements for the life factor and LEFs. Introduction of damage philosophy into the scatter analysis further reduces these factors. The probabilistic approach employed in the NAVY load-life combined approach shows the potential use of improved shape parameters for estimating the effects of design changes, i.e., gross weight changes, on design life. This requires a probabilistic approach to redefine basis (A- or B-basis) fatigue life requirements set forth in the load-life combined approach to any deviation from the life (i.e., reduction in life factor due to damage introduction) or load factor (i.e., high spectrum fatigue loads due to gross weight change). For a full-scale test that is conducted using a higher LEF or is completed more than the required test duration, this technique can be used to redefine original design service goals (number of hours equivalent to one life) associated with the fatigue spectrum. 7 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND OVERVIEW. The research methodology discussed here consists of combining existing certification approaches utilized by various aircraft manufacturers with protocols for applying these methodologies. This will extend the methodologies to new material systems and construction techniques. This report includes data for materials commonly used in aircraft applications, including adhesives and sandwich construction. The testing consisted of various element-type tests and concentrated on tests that were generic in nature and representative of various loading modes and construction techniques. Three different techniques are discussed for scatter analysis of fatigue data: individual Weibull, joint Weibull, and the Sendeckyj wearout model. Procedures to generate reliable and economical scatter and LEFs necessary for a particular structural test by selecting the design details representing the critical areas of the structure are outlined with several examples and case studies. The effects of laminate stacking sequence, test environment, stress ratios, and several design features, such as sandwich and bonded joints, on the static-strength and fatigue shape parameters are discussed with detailed examples. Furthermore, several analytical techniques for obtaining these shape parameters are discussed with examples. Finally, the application of LEFs and life factors on a full-scale test spectrum without adversely affecting the fatigue life and the damage mechanism of the composite structure is discussed. The data from this report describes the first phase of a research program outlined in figure 3. The key objective of this research was to develop a probabilistic approach to synthesizing the life factor, LEF, and damage in composite structures to determine the fatigue life of a damagetolerant aircraft. This methodology was extended to the current certification approach to explore extremely improbable high-energy impact threats, i.e., damages that reduce the residual strength of aircraft to limit-load capability and allow incorporating certain design changes into full-scale substantiation without the burden of additional time-consuming and costly tests. Research was conducted in three phases (figure 3): Load-life combined approach Damage tolerance and flaw-growth tests Load-life damage (LLD) hybrid approach The first subtask of this research phase was intended to generate a database of fatigue life data for several composite material systems that are commonly used in general aviation. The second subtask in this phase was to add static-strength shape parameters to the database and generate improved LEFs for several example materials. These data were then used to generate necessary load-life combined data, for example, full-scale demonstrations included in the final stage of the research. The improvements in materials and processes and test methods produced life factors and LEFs lower than the values commonly used in most certification programs based on the NAVY approach. Data gathered in this phase were used to provide guidance for generating safe and reliable LEFs and life factors pertaining to a specific structure. In addition, a user-friendly computer code that can be used for scatter analysis of composites was developed. This code alleviates misinterpretation of any statistical or mathematical processes during the analysis and provides guidance for selecting different techniques appropriate for a particular application. This report only contains the data generated during the first phase of the research. 8 FEA = Finite element analysis ADL = Allowable damage limit CDT = Critical damage threshold RDL = Repairable damage limit Figure 3. Overview of Research 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE. The primary goal in the first phase of the research was to interrogate the methodology for the development of Weibull parameters to be used in the load-life combined approach. Two key parameters were needed: static-strength and the fatigue-life shape parameters. The first subtask in this phase was to investigate the life factor for several composite material systems using the fatigue shape parameter. Then, using fatigue-life and static-strength shape parameters, the LEF for several material systems was calculated. Finally, a comparison of the load-life approach for several material systems and design scenarios was shown with two benchmark case studies: the Beechcraft Starship forward wing and Liberty XL2 fuselage. The second phase incorporated different damage categories into a full-scale test article and investigated the effects of damages on life factors and LEFs. The final phase was intended to develop a hybrid approach using the life factor, LEF, and damage in the composite. Once the load-life factors were generated for the Beechcraft Starship material, full-scale fatigue tests of the last phase were performed to verify the LLD approach. 9 2.1 MATERIAL SYSTEMS. The three main material systems studied for the purpose of generating static and fatigue shape parameters were Cytec AS4/E7K8 plain-weave fabric (AS4-PW), Toray T700SC-12K50C/#2510 plain-weave fabric (T700-PW), and 7781/#2510 8-Harness glass-fiber fabric (77818HS) [32]. The test data for these three materials are referred to as FAA-LEF data throughout this report. In addition to the FAA-LEF data, a detailed static scatter analysis was conducted on the following materials available through an extensive laminate database [33]: Toray T700G12K-31E/#2510 unidirectional tape and T700SC-12K-50C/#2510 plain-weave fabric, Advanced Composites Group (ACG) MTM45/AS4C 12K unidirectional tape and MTM45/AS4C 6K 5-harness graphite fabric, and Nelcote® (formally FiberCote) T700-24K/E765 unidirectional tape and T300-3K/E765 plain-weave fabric. This data set is referred to as the FAA lamina variability method (FAA-LVM) data throughout this report and was generated to analyze the LVM [34] on generating laminate allowables. In addition to the above two data sets, fatigue scatter analysis for Loctite, Hysol EA9696, and PTM&W ES6292 adhesive systems were included from the data obtained from FAA research to investigate the durability of adhesive joints [35]. These test specimens were fabricated according to an ASTM standard test method for thick-adhered metal lap-shear joints to determine the shear stress-strain behavior of adhesives in shear by tension (ASTM D 5656). This data set is referred to as FAA-D5656 data throughout this report. Finally, element test data of adhesively bonded composite joints that were loaded in picture-frame shear (PFS) and single-lap shear (SLS) [36] test configurations were included in the analysis. Data from this database are referred to as the FAA effects of defects (FAA-EOD) data throughout this report. Once the scatter analysis was completed, LEFs were generated, combining scatter analysis of the above data sets for available fatigue cases. The Beechcraft Starship was primarily fabricated using an AS4/E7K8 epoxy material system (original manufacturer: U.S. Polymeric). Hercules AS4 fibers are continuous carbon filaments made from a PAN precursor, and their surface is treated to improve handling characteristics and structural properties. Typical fiber tensile modulus and strength are 34 Msi and 550 ksi [37]. The E7K8 medium-flow epoxy resin system has good tack characteristics for handling and a 20-day out-time at ambient temperature. The AS4/E7K8 3K plain weave material system (AS4-PW) has an aerial weight of 195 g/m2, a typical cured-ply thickness of 0.0087 inch, and a low-exotherm profile for processing thick parts. This material is currently being used by Hawker Beechcraft and Cessna Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas, for several aircraft applications. 2.2 TEST MATRICES. Testing included various element-type tests and concentrated on generic tests that would be representative of various loading modes and construction techniques. In general, this program primarily focused on stress ratios within the wing and fuselage envelopes for the development of the Weibull fatigue shape parameter. Using the data gathered in the lamina, laminate, and element tests, the methodology used to develop the Weibull static-strength parameters was compared for various scenarios. 10 Commonly used laminate stacking sequences—hard (50/40/10 for unidirectional tape and 40/20/40 for fabric), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) laminate constructions— were used for the FAA-LEF database (table 1). Table 1. Laminate Configurations for FAA-LEF Database Laminate Hard Quasi-isotropic Lay-Up % 0°/45°/90° 40/20/40 (weave) 25/50/25 Soft 10/80/10 All ±45 0/100/0 Ply Stacking Sequence [0/90/0/90/45/-45/90/0/90/0]S [(45/0/-45/90)2]S [(45/0/-45/90)4]S [45/-45/90/45/-45/45/-45/0/45/-45]S [45/-45/90/45/-45/45/-45/0/45/-45]2S [(45/-45)5]S Total Plies 20 16 32 20 40 20 In addition, sandwich specimens were fabricated with three-ply facesheets (plies in the 0° direction) with a 0.25-inch-thick HRH-10 Nomex core. Test methods and fixture requirements for FAA-LEF tests are shown in table 2. Although these test methods are recommended for static testing, a similar test setup was used for fatigue tests. Double-notched compression (DNC) specimens were modified to have similar geometry to open-hole compression (OHC) (12 x 1.5 inches), and the OHC fixture was used for both static and fatigue testing. Similarly, ASTM D 3165 specimens were modified to have the same overall specimen dimensions with a 1.5-inch overlap so the OHC fixture could be used for compression loading. Table 2. The FAA-LEF Test Methods and Fixture Requirements Test Description Tension, open hole Compression, open hole Double-notched compression Single-lap shear, tension Single-lap shear, compression Sandwich four-point bend Compression after impact Tension after impact Abbreviation OHT OHC DNC SLS-T SLS-C 4PB CAI TAI 11 Test Method ASTM D 5766 ASTM D 6484 Modified ASTM D 3846 Modified ASTM D 3165 Modified ASTM D 3165 ASTM C 393 ASTM D 7137 Modified ASTM D 3518 Test Fixture No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No The basic FAA-LEF test matrix is shown in table 3. All 10/80/10 laminates in this table were fabricated with a 20-ply stacking sequence, as shown in table 1. To support the full-scale demonstration and the damage tolerance efforts shown in figure 3, a supplemental test matrix was added for AS4-PW (table 4). These test matrices represent different lay-ups, test environments, loading modes, bonded joints, and sandwich structures. Sandwich specimens were fabricated with HexWeb® HRH-10 manufactured from Nomex® aramid fiber sheets. This core was selected because of its application in the Beechcraft Starship. Table 3. The Basic FAA-LEF Test Matrix Laminate 10/80/10 Laminate Test Method OH SLS (t = 0.01″) SLS (t = 0.06″) DNC Sandwich 4PB Loading Condition Standard Static Test Environment RTA—Cyclic Test R-Ratio (Three Stress Levels) ETW 6 -0.2 18 Tension ASTM D 5766 RTA 6 Compression ASTM D 6484 6 6 Adhesive In-Plane Shear Modified ASTM D 3165 6 6 6 6 Interlaminar Shear Modified ASTM D 3846 6 6 Flexure Modified ASTM C 393 6 6 0 18 -1 5 18 18 18 18 18 RTA = Room temperature ambient ETW = Elevated temperature 180°F, wet OH = Open hole The 10/80/10 CAI specimens in table 4 were fabricated with the 40-ply stacking sequence, while the 25/50/25 CAI specimens were fabricated using the 32-ply stacking sequence, as shown in table 1. The 25/50/25 CAI specimens were machined to 6 inches by 9 inches to minimize the edge effects for larger damages and to leave room for damage propagation during cyclic loading. Extensive testing of coupons [38] and components [39] of adhesive joints has shown a significant decrease in static strength for thick bondlines. Thus, the adhesive joints with different bondline thicknesses were included in the test matrix. ASTM D 3518 was modified to have a 4-inch width for the TAI specimen, with impact at the center. 12 Table 4. Supplemental FAA-LEF Test Matrix Laminate 10/80/10 Laminate 25/50/25 Laminate Test Method CAI OH CAI 40/20/40 Laminate 0/100/0 Laminate CAI OH TAI Loading Condition Compression BVID Compression VID Compression RTA Compression ETW Unimpacted RTA Compression BVID/RTA Compression VID/RTA Compression LID/RTA Compression VID Compression RTA Shear BVID/RTA Shear VID/RTA Standard ASTM D 7137 Static Test Environment Cyclic Test R-Ratio (Three Stress Levels) RTA 6 -0.2 ETW 0 -1 6 ASTM D 6484 5 18 18 6 18 6 ASTM D 7137 6 6 18 6 18 6 18 ASTM D 7137 6 18 ASTM D 6484 6 Modified ASTM D 3518 6 18 6 18 18 RTA = Room temperature ambient ETW = Elevated temperature 180°F, wet LID = Large impact damage 2.3 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP. This section contains information regarding the experimental setup and equipment used for impact, nondestructive inspection (NDI), and residual strength tests of the FAA-LEF test specimens. 2.3.1 Impact Tests. CAI and TAI test specimens were impacted using an Instron Dynatup 8250 drop-weight impact tester (figure 4). The impact force was measured using a piezoelectric load cell attached to the impact mass assembly. This impact tester was equipped with a pneumatic rebound catch 13 mechanism, which prevents secondary impacts on the test specimens, and a photo-detector/flag system, which provides impact velocity information. Data acquisition software, which runs on a computer connected to the drop-weight impact tester, collected and reduced the impact test data. A sensor (flag), which was placed close to the impact location, triggered the data acquisition system a few milliseconds prior to the impact event. This sensor and another flag placed a known distance away were used for calculating impact velocity (velocity = distance/time). Prior to impacting, specimens were placed in the support fixtures, as shown in figure 5, and held rigidly. These fixtures use dowel pins for aligning the specimens. The total impact event duration was at most 10 milliseconds. Therefore, a very high-frequency triggering mechanism, an Instron Dynatup impulse data acquisition system, was used to collect data during the impact event. Figure 4. Instron Dynatup Drop-Weight Tester Figure 5. Support Fixture for CAI and TAI Impact Specimens 14 2.3.2 Nondestructive Inspections. Impacted specimens were subjected to through-transmission ultrasonic (TTU) NDI that generated C-scans to quantify the planar-damaged areas using image analysis software (figure 6). Additional inspections techniques, e.g., microscopy and thermal imaging, were also used for the damage tolerance investigation. For those cases involving glass fiber composite, damage can be seen clearly with the naked eye due to the translucent nature of these fibers. Figure 6. The TTU Scanning of PFS Test Specimen In addition to TTU C-scans, test specimens were inspected with the Sonic 1200 ultrasonic flaw detector and BondMasterTM 1000 hand-held NDI inspection units while the specimens were in the test setup. The BondMasterTM 1000 is capable of resonance, mechanical impedance analysis (MIA), and pitch/catch mode, and the user has the ability to select the method best suited for inspecting a particular composite structure. The MIA technique, which was used for inspecting test specimens in this program, measures the stiffness and mass of the material under test and requires no coupling agents. The output was measured in both amplitude and phase. Both of these hand-held units are equipped with color displays and provide real-time data. 2.3.3 Full-Field Strain Evolution. The ARAMIS photogrammetry full-field strain measurement system (figure 7) was used to measure localized buckling in the region of disbonds/defects. ARAMIS [40] is a noncontact, optical, three-dimensional deformation measuring system. It uses two high-definition cameras to track translation and rotation of the surface details (object characteristics) with subpixel accuracy. Surface details are obtained by applying a stochastic color pattern that follows surface displacement during loading. ARAMIS uses this pattern to recognize the surface structure and then uses digitized images from both cameras for triangulation of surface details (micro-pattern) to determine the precise location of each point. Therefore, this system has the capability of digitizing the precise shape (surface) of the structure during loading. The first set of coordinates for object characteristics is obtained in the undeformed stage. After load application, a new set of coordinates (digital images) is recorded. Then, ARAMIS compares the digital images and calculates the displacement and deformation of the object characteristics. 15 Figure 7. Portable Version of ARAMIS Photogrammetry System [40] ARAMIS is capable of three-dimensional deformation measurements under static and dynamic load conditions to analyze deformations and the strain of real components. In addition, this system is able to eliminate the rigid-body motion component from the displacement results. Therefore, it can be used for specimens that exhibit large displacements. Strain sensitivity of the system is approximately 100-200 microstrains, and the scan area can be as large as 47 inches by 47 inches. Full-field displacement/strain data are then used to examine any propagation of the defects according to the procedures outlined by Tomblin, et al. [41], which assess the localized skin buckling (out-of-plane displacement) around the disbonded or delaminated region. The full-field strain evaluation of CAI specimens during static (figure 8) and fatigue loading was measured using the ARAMIS photogrammetry system. 40000 Failure 35000 Compressive Load (lbf) 30000 25000 20000 15000 Strain 1 Strain 2 10000 Strain 3 Strain 4 5000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Far-Field Strain (microstrain) Figure 8. Damage Evolution of a CAI Specimen Under Static Loading 16 2.3.4 Static and Residual Strength Tests. All static and residual strength tests were conducted using Material Test Systems (MTS) servohydraulic test frames. Test specimens that did not require fixtures were mounted to the test frame using a hydraulic grip assembly, as shown in figure 9. While gripping the specimens, the actuator was programmed in load-control mode to prevent unnecessary preloading due to grip pressure. Static tests were conducted in displacement-control mode at a rate of 0.05 in/min while acquiring data at a rate of 10 Hz. Figure 9. The MTS Servohydraulic Test Frame 2.3.5 Fatigue Life Evaluation. Fatigue tests were conducted in load-control mode at a frequency of 5 Hz. Fatigue specimens included several R-ratios that represented loading levels in different parts of the aircraft (section 2.2). Fatigue tests were conducted at three different stress levels with a minimum of six specimens per stress level to support the minimum requirements of individual Weibull analysis. Specimen compliance degradation was monitored throughout fatigue duration to examine damage evolution. To investigate the damage progression, full-field strain data were interpreted according to the NDI method outlined by Tomblin, et al. [41]. Both ARAMIS and C-scan data were used to establish guidelines for determining the fatigue failure of specimens that was not obvious, e.g., a four-point bend sandwich specimen did not indicate any sign of complete delamination across the width and continued to hold applied cyclic loading (figure 10). 17 Figure 10. Compliance Change and Damage Area During Fatigue Tests of 4PB Sandwich Specimen Antibuckling fixtures were used for compression fatigue specimens, such as open hole (OH), DNC, and CAI, to prevent premature failure. The OHC fixture, which is designed for static tests, indicated wear as the specimen compliance changed during the fatigue tests and required modifications to prevent further damage to the fixture and load misalignment during the fatigue tests. The change in temperature was monitored for several specimens with defects and was found to be insignificant, i.e., less than 10°F. Several trial specimens were used at the beginning of each loading mode and lay-up to determine appropriate stress levels so that at least two provided fatigue failures. Fatigue loads for each specimen were calculated with respect to static strength using the actual specimen dimensions. 3. ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE TEST DATA. Compared to metal static and fatigue data, composite materials exhibited higher data scatter due to their anisotropic heterogeneous characteristics, such as lay-up, manufacturing defects and imperfections, test complications, and environment (figure 11). To interpret this information in a meaningful manner and to incorporate any effects of this into the certification of composite 18 structures, several approaches were used. Life factor, LEF, and the load-life combined approach are three of the commonly used approaches that require composite scatter analysis. Figure 11. Life Scatter in Composites and Metal [2] 3.1 SCATTER ANALYSIS. The primary goal in scatter analysis of composites is to interpret the variability in data in lower levels of the building blocks of testing and translate the statistical significance of such phenomenon into full-scale test substantiation. To determine the shape parameters for static strength and fatigue life for the purpose of full-scale test substantiation, test matrices must be designed so that at least the design details and loading modes of critical locations of the structure are represented by coupon and/or element tests. The influence of material, lay-up sequence, loading mode, sandwich construction, joints, environmental effects, etc., is typically considered during static-strength scatter analysis. Fatigue analysis includes the influence of the stress ratio in addition to the above-mentioned design details. Scatter in composites can be analyzed as Weibull distribution or normal distribution. Since the shape parameter provides information with respect to the data scatter, the two-parameter Weibull distribution is commonly used in composite static and fatigue scatter analyses. Fatigue scatter in composite test data can be analyzed using several different techniques. These techniques are mainly subdivided into two categories: individual analysis and pooling. Joint Weibull and Sendeckyj are the two pooling techniques discussed in this report. First, the shape parameters corresponding to the different data sets representing different design detail (denoted by αˆ ) are obtained using Weibull analysis; then, the shape and scale parameters, and, corresponding to the Weibull distribution of α̂ ’s are used to calculate the modal or mean α̂ , which is referred to as the static-strength or fatigue-life shape parameter. To be conservative, the modal value of the distribution of shape parameters is selected as the strength or life shape parameter, rather than the mean value (figure 12), and this is referred to as the modal static-strength shape parameter (MSSP) or modal fatigue-life shape parameter (MLSP), respectively. 19 Determination of fatigue life scatter requires a large number of test replications at different stress levels. To reduce cost and test duration while maintaining the reliability of data analysis, it is recommended that the fatigue scatter analysis be conducted using pooling methods such as the joint Weibull or Sendeckyj wearout analysis. Frequency of Occurrence Modal α̂ Mean αˆ α and β - Shape and scale parameters of the Weibull distribution of αˆ Figure 12. Scatter Analysis Using Weibull Distribution of Shape Parameters 3.1.1 Individual Weibull Method. Weibull distribution is used in statistical analysis of composites, especially for small samples, due to its simple functionality and ease of interpretation. The commonly used two-parameter Weibull distribution expressed by the cumulative survival probability function is shown as ˆ ˆ P ( X x e) ( x /β) (1) where, x is the random variable, α̂ is the shape parameter, and β̂ is the scale parameter. The population mean, , and standard deviation, , are calculated with the Gamma () distribution function in equations 2 and 3, respectively. α̂ 1 μ β α̂ (2) αˆ 2 αˆ 1 2 σ βˆ αˆ αˆ (3) The shape and scale parameters are estimated in an iterative process using either the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) or rank regression [42]. Rank regression in X (RRX) tends to produce reliable results for small samples, while MLE works well for samples containing more than 20 or 30 data points. During the individual Weibull analysis of fatigue data, each stress level is analyzed, and then the shape parameters are arithmetically averaged to define life scatter. Since Weibull analysis 20 considers only the data at a certain stress level at a time, five or more data points must be included in each stress level. For S/N data that has less than five data points per stress level, either joint Weibull analysis or Sendeckyj analysis must be used. 3.1.2 Joint Weibull Method. In the joint Weibull analysis, M groups of data having a common shape parameter, but different scale parameters, are pooled [43]. The common shape parameter is obtained using the joint maximum likelihood estimate method, as shown in equation 4a. For the special case, where there is equal number of failures across all stress levels (i.e., nf1, nf2,.., nfi = nf), equation 4a reduces to the form shown in equation 4b. n fi M α̂ x 1 n x 1 n ( x ) ij ij ij M 1 j 1 j 1 0 n fi ni α̂ n fi I 1 αˆ xij 1 j n fi ni α̂ x 1 n ( x ) 1 n ( x ) ij ij ij M M M j 1 j 1 0 ni α̂ n i 1 i 1 fi xijαˆ j 1 (4a) 4(b) where ni = number of data points in the ith group of data (i = 1,2,…., M) nfi = number of failures in the ith group of data (i = 1,2,…., M) The common scale parameter for the S/N data is obtained using equation 5. 1 1 ni βi xijα̂ n j 1 fi α̂ (5) 3.1.3 Sendeckyj Equivalent Static-Strength Model. The Sendeckyj equivalent static-strength (wearout) model [19] uniquely relates the static strength and residual strength to fatigue life. Thus, the analysis pools static strength, fatigue life, and residual static-strength data and converts it into equivalent static-strength data. To characterize the S/N behavior of composite materials, the Sendeckyj model assumes: The S/N behavior can be determined by a deterministic equation. The equation can be based on theoretical considerations or experimental observations of the fatigue damage accumulation process. 21 The static strengths are uniquely related to the fatigue lives and residual strengths at runouts. This specific relationship assumes that the strongest specimen has the longest fatigue life or the highest residual strength at runout; fatigue failure is assumed when the residual strength is equal to the maximum amplitude cyclic stress. This assumption may not hold for cases where competing failure modes are observed during fatigue testing. The statistical variability of static-strength data can be described by a two-parameter Weibull distribution. The basic Sendeckyj model is presented in the deterministic equation given by σ 1 σ e σ α r σ α S (n f 1 C S (6) where e is the equivalent static strength, a is the maximum applied cyclic stress, r is the residual strength, nf is the number of fatigue cycles, and S and C are Sendeckyj fitting parameters. During scatter analysis of fatigue data, these parameters are recalculated for each fatigue data set (S/N curve) and are used for developing fitting curve for each S/N curve. Setting the maximum amplitude cyclic stress equal to residual strength for fatigue failures, the power law is obtained as σ α (1 C C n f ) S σ u (7) where u is the static strength. Using the Sendeckyj analysis, fatigue life and residual strength data for each S/N curve are converted into a pool of equivalent static-strength data points. Then, this data set is fitted into a Weibull distribution to obtain the life shape parameter as described by Sendeckyj [19]. 3.2 LIFE-FACTOR APPROACH. The life-factor approach has been successfully used for metal to assure structural durability. In this approach, the structure is tested for additional fatigue cycles to achieve the desired level of reliability. This is graphically illustrated in figure 13 in terms of B-basis statistics, i.e., successful repeated load test to mean fatigue life demonstrates B-basis reliability on design lifetime. Since the true population distribution of life is not readily available, a shape parameter obtained from fatigue life data used for design from different levels in the building-blocks of testing is used for representing this probability density function, i.e., fatigue-life shape parameter in section 5. The ratio of the mean repeated load life to A- or B-basis repeated life is defined as life factor, NF, and given by equation 8. The derivation of the general form of this equation is included in Whitehead, et al. [2]. 22 90% of population Frequency of Occurrence True Population Distribution Test Duration Design Life (B-basis) Mean Life Life Figure 13. Life-Factor Approach for Substantiating B-Basis Design Life NF α 1 L αL 1n( R) 2 γ (2n) 2n 1 (8) αL where L is the modal fatigue-life shape parameter (MLSP), n is the number of articles, and R is the reliability. For γ = 0.95, A- and B-basis reliabilities are 0.99 and 0.90, respectively. (2n) is the Chi-square distribution with 2n degrees of freedom at -level confidence. Figure 14 shows the influence of the shape parameter on the life factor, which is the ratio between mean repeated life to B-basis life [2]. For small , life factor reduces with the increasing number of test articles. This figure shows that the life factor rapidly increases for fatigue shape parameters that are less than 2. Due to large scatter in the composite test data, the life shape parameter of composite was found to be 1.25 for the data analyzed for the NAVY approach, while it was found to be 4.00 for metal. Therefore, a composite structure is required to test additional fatigue life to achieve the desired level of reliability, i.e., a test duration of more than 13 design lifetimes (DLT) is required for composite in contrast to 2 DLT for metal. As shown in equation 8, life factor is a function of MLSP. Thus, improvements in MLSP for newer forms of materials that exhibit less scatter can significantly reduce the life factor. 23 20 n=1 n=5 Composites Alpha = 1.25 13.558 9.143 7.625 Metals Alpha = 4.0 2.093 1.851 1.749 n=15 n=5 n=1 Composte [ =1.25] Metal [ =4.00] 15 Life Factor n = 15 10 5 0 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 Wiebull Shape Parameter ( ) Figure 14. Influence of Fatigue Shape Parameter on B-Basis Life Factor Furthermore, the analysis in reference 4 shows that the data scatter of notched or damaged composite elements can be significantly less than that of the unnotched composite specimens. Such improvements in fatigue-life shape parameter can significantly reduce the life factor. However, the life factor becomes insensitive to small changes in the life shape parameter beyond a value of 4, which is considered to be the life shape parameter for metal. The composite MLSP of 1.25, which was used for the NAVY approach, lies within the highly sensitive region of life factor versus shape parameter curve (figure 14); thus, even a small improvement resulted in a dramatic reduction of life factor, which reflects the required number of test durations to achieve a certain level of reliability in the design life. The MLSP is obtained from a distribution of shape parameters representing numerous S/N curves of different critical structural details. Thus, it is common to have large scatter in S/N data of design details that have competing failure modes and less scatter in notched test data due to stress concentration. For example, a V-notched, rail shear (VNRS) test specimen that has a soft (10/80/10) laminate stacking sequence has a majority of its fibers aligned with the tensile and compressive load resultant axes during in-plane shear loading. Although the applied (external) load is an in-plane shear load, the tensile and compressive (internal) loads along the fiber directions often cause fiber breakage and buckling, respectively, and significantly contribute to the final failure. In some cases, the competing (tensile and compressive) loading configurations result in unacceptable failure modes of these inplane shear specimens. Often, the complex state of stress and these competing failure modes, coupled with other variabilities associated with composites such as batch variability, porosity, and fiber misalignments, tend to cause large scatter in both static strength and fatigue life. On the other hand, the stress concentrations in notched composites cause the final failure of the specimen, negating or minimizing the collective effects of the above-mentioned secondary variables. 24 3.3 LOAD-FACTOR APPROACH. LEF is an alternative approach to the life-factor approach, which requires an excessive test duration and increases the applied loads in the fatigue spectrum so that the same level of reliability can be achieved with a shorter test duration [2]. A formal relationship between LEF and the test duration, N, as shown in equation 9, is defined for composite structural certification [2]. LEF ( N ) α 1 L αL αL 1n( R) N α L 2 γ (2n) 2n αR 1 (9) αR Tables 5 and 6 include A- and B-basis LEFs, respectively, using equation 9 for R =17.5 to 32.5 and L=1.25 to 2.50. In these tables, the LEFs are calculated for combinations of test duration, N, ranging from 1 through 5 design lifetimes, and for 1, 2, and 3 test articles. LEF for a test duration of 1 DLT, referred to as load factor (LF), is calculated as LF λ α 1 R αR 1n( R) 2 γ (2n) 2n 1 (10) αR where, R is the MSSP, and is a function of both MSSP and MLSP, as defined in equation 11. Equation 10 has the same form as equation 8, except L is replaced by R, and the new parameter is included so that both life factor and LEF have the same level of reliability. αL α 1 αR L αL λ α 1 R αR 25 (11) Table 5. A-Basis LEFs 1 n N 1 1.5 2 26 3 4 5 L R 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 3 2 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.385 1.330 1.288 1.256 1.230 1.209 1.192 1.177 1.353 1.303 1.265 1.236 1.212 1.193 1.177 1.163 1.331 1.284 1.249 1.222 1.200 1.182 1.166 1.154 1.301 1.259 1.227 1.202 1.182 1.166 1.152 1.140 1.279 1.241 1.211 1.188 1.170 1.155 1.142 1.131 1.263 1.227 1.199 1.178 1.160 1.146 1.134 1.124 1.378 1.324 1.283 1.251 1.226 1.206 1.188 1.174 1.338 1.291 1.255 1.226 1.204 1.185 1.170 1.157 1.311 1.268 1.235 1.209 1.188 1.171 1.157 1.145 1.274 1.236 1.207 1.185 1.167 1.152 1.139 1.129 1.248 1.214 1.188 1.168 1.151 1.138 1.127 1.117 1.228 1.197 1.173 1.155 1.140 1.127 1.117 1.108 1.373 1.319 1.279 1.248 1.223 1.203 1.186 1.172 1.326 1.280 1.245 1.218 1.197 1.179 1.164 1.151 1.294 1.253 1.222 1.197 1.178 1.162 1.149 1.137 1.249 1.215 1.189 1.169 1.152 1.139 1.127 1.118 1.219 1.189 1.166 1.149 1.134 1.122 1.112 1.104 1.196 1.169 1.149 1.133 1.121 1.110 1.101 1.094 1.369 1.316 1.277 1.246 1.221 1.201 1.184 1.170 1.314 1.270 1.237 1.211 1.190 1.173 1.159 1.147 1.277 1.239 1.210 1.187 1.168 1.153 1.141 1.130 1.226 1.196 1.172 1.154 1.139 1.126 1.116 1.107 1.192 1.166 1.146 1.131 1.118 1.108 1.099 1.092 1.165 1.143 1.126 1.113 1.102 1.093 1.086 1.080 1.366 1.314 1.274 1.244 1.219 1.199 1.183 1.169 1.304 1.261 1.229 1.204 1.184 1.167 1.154 1.142 1.262 1.226 1.198 1.177 1.159 1.145 1.133 1.123 1.205 1.177 1.156 1.139 1.126 1.115 1.105 1.098 1.166 1.144 1.127 1.113 1.102 1.094 1.086 1.080 1.136 1.118 1.105 1.094 1.085 1.077 1.071 1.066 1.363 1.312 1.273 1.242 1.218 1.198 1.182 1.168 1.294 1.253 1.222 1.198 1.178 1.162 1.149 1.138 1.247 1.213 1.187 1.167 1.151 1.137 1.126 1.117 1.184 1.159 1.140 1.125 1.113 1.103 1.095 1.088 1.141 1.122 1.108 1.097 1.087 1.080 1.074 1.068 1.109 1.094 1.083 1.075 1.068 1.062 1.057 1.053 1.361 1.310 1.271 1.241 1.217 1.197 1.181 1.167 1.285 1.245 1.215 1.192 1.173 1.157 1.144 1.133 1.233 1.201 1.177 1.158 1.143 1.130 1.119 1.110 1.164 1.142 1.125 1.112 1.101 1.092 1.085 1.079 1.117 1.101 1.090 1.080 1.073 1.067 1.061 1.057 1.082 1.071 1.063 1.057 1.051 1.047 1.043 1.040 1.366 1.314 1.275 1.244 1.220 1.200 1.183 1.169 1.335 1.288 1.252 1.224 1.202 1.184 1.168 1.155 1.313 1.269 1.236 1.210 1.189 1.172 1.158 1.146 1.283 1.244 1.214 1.191 1.172 1.157 1.144 1.133 1.262 1.226 1.199 1.177 1.160 1.146 1.134 1.124 1.246 1.213 1.187 1.167 1.150 1.137 1.126 1.116 1.360 1.308 1.270 1.240 1.216 1.196 1.180 1.166 1.321 1.276 1.242 1.215 1.194 1.176 1.162 1.149 1.294 1.253 1.222 1.198 1.178 1.162 1.149 1.137 1.257 1.222 1.195 1.174 1.157 1.143 1.131 1.121 1.231 1.200 1.176 1.157 1.142 1.129 1.119 1.110 1.212 1.183 1.161 1.144 1.130 1.119 1.109 1.101 1.355 1.304 1.266 1.237 1.213 1.194 1.178 1.164 1.308 1.265 1.232 1.207 1.186 1.170 1.156 1.144 1.276 1.238 1.209 1.186 1.168 1.153 1.140 1.130 1.233 1.201 1.177 1.158 1.142 1.130 1.119 1.110 1.203 1.175 1.154 1.138 1.125 1.114 1.105 1.097 1.180 1.156 1.137 1.123 1.111 1.101 1.093 1.086 1.351 1.301 1.263 1.234 1.211 1.192 1.176 1.162 1.297 1.256 1.224 1.200 1.180 1.164 1.150 1.139 1.260 1.224 1.197 1.176 1.159 1.144 1.133 1.123 1.210 1.182 1.160 1.143 1.129 1.118 1.108 1.100 1.176 1.152 1.134 1.120 1.109 1.099 1.091 1.084 1.150 1.130 1.115 1.103 1.093 1.085 1.078 1.072 1.348 1.298 1.261 1.232 1.209 1.190 1.174 1.161 1.287 1.247 1.217 1.193 1.174 1.158 1.145 1.134 1.245 1.211 1.186 1.166 1.150 1.136 1.125 1.116 1.189 1.163 1.144 1.129 1.116 1.106 1.098 1.090 1.150 1.130 1.115 1.103 1.093 1.085 1.078 1.072 1.121 1.105 1.093 1.083 1.076 1.069 1.064 1.059 1.345 1.296 1.259 1.231 1.208 1.189 1.173 1.160 1.277 1.239 1.209 1.187 1.168 1.153 1.141 1.130 1.231 1.199 1.175 1.156 1.141 1.129 1.118 1.109 1.168 1.146 1.128 1.115 1.104 1.095 1.087 1.081 1.126 1.109 1.096 1.086 1.078 1.071 1.066 1.061 1.094 1.082 1.072 1.065 1.059 1.054 1.049 1.046 1.343 1.295 1.258 1.229 1.207 1.188 1.172 1.159 1.268 1.231 1.203 1.181 1.163 1.148 1.136 1.126 1.217 1.187 1.165 1.147 1.133 1.121 1.111 1.103 1.148 1.129 1.113 1.102 1.092 1.084 1.077 1.072 1.102 1.089 1.078 1.070 1.064 1.058 1.054 1.050 1.067 1.059 1.052 1.047 1.042 1.039 1.036 1.033 1.357 1.306 1.268 1.238 1.214 1.195 1.179 1.165 1.326 1.280 1.245 1.218 1.197 1.179 1.164 1.151 1.304 1.262 1.229 1.204 1.184 1.168 1.154 1.142 1.274 1.236 1.208 1.185 1.167 1.152 1.139 1.129 1.254 1.219 1.192 1.171 1.155 1.141 1.129 1.120 1.238 1.205 1.180 1.161 1.145 1.132 1.122 1.113 1.350 1.300 1.263 1.234 1.210 1.191 1.175 1.162 1.312 1.268 1.235 1.209 1.188 1.171 1.157 1.145 1.285 1.245 1.215 1.192 1.173 1.157 1.144 1.134 1.248 1.214 1.188 1.168 1.151 1.138 1.127 1.117 1.223 1.192 1.169 1.151 1.137 1.124 1.114 1.106 1.203 1.176 1.155 1.138 1.125 1.114 1.105 1.097 1.345 1.296 1.259 1.231 1.208 1.189 1.173 1.160 1.299 1.257 1.226 1.201 1.181 1.165 1.151 1.140 1.267 1.230 1.202 1.180 1.163 1.148 1.136 1.126 1.224 1.194 1.170 1.152 1.137 1.125 1.115 1.106 1.194 1.168 1.148 1.132 1.120 1.109 1.100 1.093 1.172 1.149 1.131 1.117 1.106 1.097 1.089 1.082 1.341 1.293 1.257 1.228 1.205 1.187 1.171 1.158 1.288 1.248 1.218 1.194 1.175 1.159 1.146 1.135 1.251 1.217 1.191 1.170 1.153 1.140 1.128 1.119 1.202 1.174 1.154 1.137 1.124 1.113 1.104 1.096 1.168 1.145 1.128 1.115 1.104 1.095 1.087 1.081 1.142 1.123 1.109 1.097 1.088 1.080 1.074 1.069 1.338 1.290 1.254 1.226 1.204 1.185 1.170 1.157 1.278 1.239 1.210 1.187 1.169 1.154 1.141 1.130 1.236 1.204 1.179 1.160 1.145 1.132 1.121 1.112 1.180 1.156 1.138 1.123 1.111 1.102 1.093 1.086 1.142 1.123 1.109 1.098 1.088 1.081 1.074 1.069 1.113 1.099 1.087 1.078 1.071 1.065 1.060 1.055 1.336 1.288 1.253 1.225 1.202 1.184 1.169 1.156 1.268 1.231 1.203 1.181 1.163 1.149 1.136 1.126 1.222 1.192 1.169 1.151 1.136 1.124 1.114 1.105 1.160 1.139 1.122 1.109 1.099 1.090 1.083 1.077 1.118 1.102 1.090 1.081 1.073 1.067 1.062 1.057 1.086 1.075 1.066 1.060 1.054 1.049 1.046 1.042 1.334 1.287 1.251 1.223 1.201 1.183 1.168 1.155 1.259 1.223 1.196 1.175 1.158 1.144 1.132 1.122 1.208 1.180 1.158 1.142 1.128 1.117 1.107 1.099 1.140 1.122 1.107 1.096 1.087 1.080 1.073 1.068 1.094 1.082 1.073 1.065 1.059 1.054 1.050 1.046 1.060 1.052 1.046 1.042 1.038 1.035 1.032 1.030 Table 6. B-Basis LEFs 1 n N 1 1.5 27 2 3 4 5 L R 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 2 3 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.211 1.182 1.160 1.143 1.129 1.118 1.108 1.100 1.183 1.158 1.140 1.125 1.113 1.103 1.095 1.088 1.164 1.142 1.125 1.112 1.101 1.093 1.085 1.079 1.137 1.119 1.105 1.094 1.085 1.078 1.072 1.066 1.119 1.103 1.091 1.082 1.074 1.068 1.062 1.058 1.104 1.091 1.080 1.072 1.065 1.060 1.055 1.051 1.205 1.177 1.156 1.139 1.126 1.115 1.105 1.098 1.170 1.148 1.130 1.116 1.105 1.096 1.088 1.082 1.146 1.127 1.112 1.100 1.091 1.083 1.076 1.071 1.114 1.099 1.087 1.078 1.071 1.065 1.060 1.055 1.091 1.079 1.070 1.063 1.057 1.052 1.048 1.045 1.074 1.064 1.057 1.051 1.046 1.042 1.039 1.036 1.200 1.173 1.153 1.136 1.123 1.112 1.103 1.096 1.159 1.138 1.122 1.109 1.099 1.090 1.083 1.077 1.131 1.114 1.100 1.090 1.081 1.074 1.069 1.063 1.092 1.080 1.071 1.064 1.058 1.053 1.049 1.045 1.066 1.057 1.051 1.046 1.041 1.038 1.035 1.032 1.046 1.040 1.035 1.032 1.029 1.026 1.024 1.023 1.197 1.170 1.150 1.134 1.121 1.111 1.102 1.094 1.149 1.129 1.114 1.102 1.093 1.085 1.078 1.072 1.117 1.101 1.090 1.080 1.073 1.067 1.061 1.057 1.072 1.063 1.056 1.050 1.045 1.042 1.038 1.036 1.042 1.037 1.032 1.029 1.026 1.024 1.022 1.021 1.019 1.017 1.015 1.013 1.012 1.011 1.010 1.009 1.194 1.168 1.148 1.132 1.120 1.109 1.100 1.093 1.140 1.122 1.107 1.096 1.087 1.080 1.073 1.068 1.103 1.090 1.079 1.071 1.065 1.059 1.054 1.050 1.053 1.046 1.041 1.037 1.034 1.031 1.028 1.026 1.019 1.017 1.015 1.013 1.012 1.011 1.010 1.010 1.192 1.166 1.146 1.131 1.118 1.108 1.099 1.092 1.132 1.114 1.101 1.090 1.082 1.075 1.069 1.064 1.090 1.079 1.070 1.062 1.057 1.052 1.048 1.044 1.035 1.031 1.027 1.024 1.022 1.020 1.019 1.017 1.190 1.165 1.145 1.130 1.117 1.107 1.098 1.091 1.123 1.107 1.095 1.085 1.077 1.070 1.065 1.060 1.078 1.068 1.060 1.054 1.049 1.045 1.041 1.038 1.017 1.015 1.014 1.012 1.011 1.010 1.009 1.009 1.195 1.168 1.148 1.133 1.120 1.109 1.101 1.093 1.167 1.145 1.128 1.114 1.104 1.094 1.087 1.080 1.148 1.129 1.114 1.102 1.092 1.084 1.077 1.072 1.122 1.106 1.094 1.084 1.076 1.069 1.064 1.059 1.104 1.090 1.080 1.072 1.065 1.059 1.055 1.051 1.090 1.078 1.069 1.062 1.056 1.051 1.047 1.044 1.189 1.163 1.144 1.129 1.116 1.106 1.098 1.090 1.155 1.134 1.118 1.106 1.096 1.088 1.081 1.075 1.131 1.114 1.101 1.090 1.082 1.075 1.069 1.064 1.099 1.086 1.076 1.068 1.062 1.057 1.052 1.048 1.077 1.067 1.059 1.053 1.048 1.044 1.041 1.038 1.060 1.052 1.046 1.041 1.038 1.034 1.032 1.029 1.184 1.160 1.141 1.126 1.114 1.104 1.095 1.088 1.144 1.125 1.110 1.099 1.089 1.082 1.075 1.070 1.116 1.101 1.089 1.080 1.072 1.066 1.061 1.056 1.078 1.068 1.060 1.054 1.049 1.045 1.041 1.038 1.052 1.045 1.040 1.036 1.033 1.030 1.027 1.025 1.032 1.028 1.025 1.022 1.020 1.018 1.017 1.016 1.181 1.157 1.138 1.124 1.112 1.102 1.094 1.087 1.134 1.116 1.103 1.092 1.083 1.076 1.070 1.065 1.102 1.089 1.078 1.070 1.064 1.058 1.054 1.050 1.058 1.051 1.045 1.040 1.037 1.034 1.031 1.029 1.028 1.025 1.022 1.020 1.018 1.016 1.015 1.014 1.005 1.005 1.004 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.003 1.003 1.178 1.154 1.136 1.122 1.110 1.100 1.092 1.086 1.125 1.109 1.096 1.086 1.078 1.071 1.065 1.061 1.089 1.077 1.068 1.061 1.056 1.051 1.047 1.043 1.039 1.034 1.030 1.027 1.025 1.023 1.021 1.019 1.006 1.005 1.004 1.004 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.003 1.176 1.153 1.135 1.120 1.109 1.099 1.091 1.085 1.117 1.101 1.090 1.080 1.073 1.066 1.061 1.057 1.076 1.066 1.059 1.053 1.048 1.044 1.040 1.037 1.021 1.019 1.017 1.015 1.014 1.012 1.011 1.011 1.175 1.151 1.133 1.119 1.108 1.098 1.090 1.084 1.108 1.094 1.083 1.075 1.068 1.062 1.057 1.053 1.064 1.056 1.049 1.044 1.040 1.037 1.034 1.031 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.002 1.002 1.186 1.161 1.142 1.127 1.115 1.105 1.096 1.089 1.159 1.138 1.122 1.109 1.099 1.090 1.083 1.077 1.140 1.122 1.108 1.096 1.087 1.080 1.073 1.068 1.114 1.099 1.088 1.079 1.071 1.065 1.060 1.056 1.096 1.084 1.074 1.066 1.060 1.055 1.051 1.047 1.082 1.072 1.063 1.057 1.052 1.047 1.043 1.040 1.180 1.156 1.138 1.123 1.111 1.102 1.093 1.086 1.147 1.127 1.112 1.101 1.091 1.083 1.077 1.071 1.123 1.107 1.095 1.085 1.077 1.070 1.065 1.060 1.091 1.079 1.070 1.063 1.057 1.052 1.048 1.045 1.069 1.060 1.053 1.048 1.043 1.040 1.037 1.034 1.052 1.046 1.040 1.036 1.033 1.030 1.028 1.026 1.176 1.152 1.134 1.120 1.109 1.099 1.091 1.084 1.136 1.118 1.104 1.093 1.084 1.077 1.071 1.066 1.108 1.094 1.083 1.075 1.068 1.062 1.057 1.053 1.070 1.061 1.054 1.049 1.044 1.040 1.037 1.035 1.044 1.039 1.034 1.031 1.028 1.026 1.024 1.022 1.025 1.021 1.019 1.017 1.016 1.014 1.013 1.012 1.173 1.150 1.132 1.118 1.107 1.097 1.090 1.083 1.126 1.110 1.097 1.087 1.079 1.072 1.066 1.061 1.094 1.082 1.073 1.065 1.059 1.054 1.050 1.046 1.051 1.044 1.039 1.035 1.032 1.029 1.027 1.025 1.021 1.018 1.016 1.015 1.013 1.012 1.011 1.010 1.170 1.147 1.130 1.116 1.105 1.096 1.088 1.082 1.117 1.102 1.090 1.081 1.073 1.067 1.061 1.057 1.081 1.071 1.062 1.056 1.051 1.047 1.043 1.040 1.032 1.028 1.025 1.022 1.020 1.019 1.017 1.016 1.168 1.146 1.128 1.115 1.104 1.095 1.087 1.081 1.109 1.095 1.084 1.075 1.068 1.062 1.057 1.053 1.068 1.060 1.053 1.047 1.043 1.039 1.036 1.034 1.014 1.012 1.011 1.010 1.009 1.008 1.008 1.007 1.166 1.144 1.127 1.114 1.103 1.094 1.086 1.080 1.101 1.088 1.077 1.069 1.063 1.058 1.053 1.049 1.056 1.049 1.044 1.039 1.036 1.033 1.030 1.028 3.4 COMBINED LOAD-LIFE APPROACH. The life-factor approach requires an excessive test duration and, by itself, may not be practical for full-scale test demonstration. In contrast, the LEF approach requires increasing the fatigue loads so that the same level of reliability can be achieved with one test duration. However, for hybrid structures, overloads may cause crack growth retardation, buckling, and premature failure of some of the metal components. Another approach, which has been applied in the past, is a combined approach using load and life factors, which is the general form of LEF given in equation 9. The procedure in this approach would be to apply a combined life factor with the load factor to achieve a compromise in the full-scale test requirements as well as the load spectrum. This approach allows using a lower LEF as a trade-off for more life cycles, which reduces the severity of the overload on metallic parts. By combining equations 8 and 9, the LEF is defined in terms of test duration, as shown in equation 12. This is a condensed form of equation 9. L N R LEF F N (12) As shown in figure 15, LEF is significantly influenced by MSSP and MLSP. Thus, improvements in these shape parameters for newer forms of materials that exhibit less scatter can significantly reduce LEF. 1.70 1.60 LEF 1.50 L 1.40 1.30 n 0.50 1 1.25 1 2.50 1 2.50 5 1.20 1.10 1.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 R Figure 15. Influence of Strength and Life Parameter on LEF As shown in figure 16, a significant reduction in LEF is achieved simply by increasing the test duration to 1.5 DLT. Furthermore, the influence of strength and life shape parameter on LEF changes as the test duration is increased. For example, as the test duration is increased, the 28 influence of the fatigue-life shape parameter on LEF increases. This is understood, as NF is only influenced by MLSP. Also, note for small test durations, the influence of MSSP on LEF is significant due to the increased influence of load factor. Figure 16. Influence of MSSP and MLSP on LEF (Combined Load-Life Approach) Application of the combined load-life approach is illustrated in figure 17. The LEF is calculated as the ratio of the maximum applied load to the design maximum fatigue stress. This curve is generated by calculating LEF for several different test durations. Note that the LEF required for the test duration (which is equal to the life factor, NF) is one, and NF is obtained from figure 14 for the corresponding fatigue-life shape parameter. If the design maximum load in the repeated load test (PF) is increased to the mean residual strength at one lifetime (PT), then the A- or Bbasis residual strength of the structure would be equivalent to the design maximum fatigue stress. Thus, a successful repeated load test to one lifetime at applied stress, PT, or a repeated test to NF at applied stress, PF, (no LEF) would both demonstrate the corresponding reliability. Furthermore, a successful repeated load test to a test duration (less than NF) with the corresponding LEF would demonstrate the same level or reliability on the design lifetime. 29 L 1 L PM – Static Strength NF Combined Approach LEF (N=1) 1 ln ( p) 2 ( 2 n ) 2 n L PF – Design Maximum Fatigue Stress 1 10 TEST DURATION (N) 100 Figure 17. Combined Load-Life Approach for Composite Structures Figure 18 shows the A- and B-basis LEF requirements based on the number of test specimens using equation 9 for the shape parameters reported in reference 2, R = 20 and L = 1.25. It shows that the increased number of test specimens reduces the LEF requirements. However, in large-scale testing, only a single fatigue test is conducted due to high cost and long test duration. This figure also shows that the A-basis requirements on LEF are significantly higher than for B-basis. 30 1.50 Strength Shape Parameter: R = 20 Life Shape Parameter: L = 1.25 1.40 LEF 1.30 1.20 A-basis n=1,2,5,10,15, and 30 1.10 B-basis n=1,2,5,10,15, and 30 1.00 0 5 10 15 20 Test Duration, N 1 DLT 1.5 DLT 2 DLT Sample Size A-Basis B-Basis A-Basis B-Basis A-Basis B-Basis 1 1.324 1.177 1.291 1.148 1.268 1.127 2 1.308 1.163 1.276 1.134 1.253 1.114 5 1.291 1.148 1.259 1.120 1.237 1.100 10 1.282 1.140 1.250 1.111 1.227 1.091 15 1.277 1.135 1.245 1.107 1.223 1.087 30 1.270 1.130 1.239 1.101 1.217 1.082 Figure 18. A- and B-Basis LEF Requirements With Respect to the Number of Test Specimens 3.4.1 Application of LEF to a Load Spectrum. The combined load-life approach can be used in two different ways: (1) to apply the same LEF, which is calculated for a certain test duration, to the entire spectrum or (2) to apply a different LEF for different load blocks in the spectra based on the severity of enhanced load, i.e., cycles that have high loads are repeated for a longer test duration (with lower LEF) than the rest of the spectrum. This approach is particularly useful for hybrid structures that exhibit metallic component failure due to high LEF (overloads) and to avoid premature failure due to buckling. Both of these applications are illustrated in figure 19. 31 Original Spectrum Enhanced Spectrum N = N1 < NF LEF(N1) > 1 N = N1 < N2 LEF(N1) > LEF(N2) (a) Combined Load-Life Test N = N2 [or NF] LEF = LEF(N2) [or 1] (b) Combined Load-Life Spectrum Figure 19. Application of Combined Load-Life Approach One common practice for composite full-scale test substantiation is a 2 DLT, which is adopted from metallic structural certification (figure 14) using the design spectrum with the corresponding LEF under room temperature ambient (RTA) test conditions. Often, the test duration of 1.5 DLT is used with the corresponding LEF. The LEF approach accounts for the variability in design details and loading modes. To account for the service environmental effects on composites, additional factors are calculated from the design allowable tests. These additional factors for composite structures account for the difference between composite and metallic structure during design and analysis and are beyond what is normally done for metallic certifications. Such factors, accounting for both moisture and temperature effects on composites, depend significantly on the material system and the lay-up configuration and can be as high as 1.4. In metallic structures, severe flight loads result in crack growth retardation. Therefore, it is common practice to clip the peak loads (i.e., reduce the peak loads to the clipping level, without omitting loads) after careful consideration of the appropriate clipping levels. In contrast, such severe flight loads significantly contribute to flaw growth in composite structures and reduce the fatigue life. Therefore, fatigue spectrum clipping must not be done during structural testing of composite structures. When additional LEFs and environmental factors are applied to composite load spectrum, the cumulative effects on test loads can be significantly higher than the clipping levels for metallic components. For hybrid structures, this can be addressed through the combined load-life spectrum approach shown in figure 19(b). Alternatively, fatigue tests with 32 LEFs (not combined with environmental compensation factors) can be performed by including periodic static tests with the environmental factors applied to relieve the severity of high loads. To reduce the test duration, the fatigue test spectrum is truncated by eliminating the segments with stress levels below an endurance limit (stress level corresponds to an infinite life). The endurance limit of a particular composite material varies, based on parameters such as the lay-up configuration, test environment, and stress ratio. The S/N curves that are generated to obtain the life shape parameters can be used to determine the endurance limit for different design details of a composite structure. The life factor and the LEF are to be applied after truncation of the load spectrum as shown in figure 20. Figure 20. Fatigue Test Spectrum Development for Composite Structural Test Composite material properties are susceptible to temperature and moisture. Therefore, when a full-sale test is conducted at RTA conditions, environmental compensation factors are applied to the load spectrum. The environmental factors are recommended to be applied to the truncated load spectrum. Although this approach provides an efficient way to ensure structural life reliability, the cumulative effects of the above-mentioned enhancement factors may result in an undesirably high cumulative LEF. For these cases, an approach similar to that shown in figure 19(b) is recommended to reduce the required LEFs for high-spectrum loads, i.e., test for 33 additional life. However, these additional high-stress cycles must be spread throughout the spectrum so that the damage growth mechanism is not adversely altered, and the practical limits of spectrum load sequence must be preserved. Although there are no significant load-sequencing effects on fatigue life, composites are extremely sensitive to variation in the number of high loads in the fatigue spectrum [2]. It is imperative that the effects of these parameters do not change the fatigue failure mode (and the failure mechanism) or reach the static strength of the structure. Furthermore, the application of load enhancements must preserve the stress ratio of each load cycle throughout the spectrum so that the fatigue damage mechanism and the life are not artificially influenced. The LEF can be applied to the fatigue spectrum in several ways: (1) to 1-g mean fatigue load, (2) to amplitude, and (3) to minimum/maximum load. These three approaches are shown in equations 13 through 15 for a typical aircraft loads application. Load Pmean Load 1 g LEF g g Load Pamplitude Load1 g g LEF g Load PMin / Max Load 1 g g LEF g (13) (14) (15) where (Load1-g) = mean fatigue load (i.e., 1-g maneuver shear/moment/torque) of a load block g = amplitude with respect to 1-g fatigue load Load = load (shear/moment/torque) per g g When applying the LEFs to mean fatigue loads, as shown in equation 13, the mean load is offset in either the positive (for positive mean loads) or negative (for negative mean loads) direction. For cycles with load reversal (stress ratio R <0), this causes a reduction in load magnitudes in the opposite loading direction, i.e., shifts the mean load, as shown in figure 21. Consequently, this alters the damage growth caused by reversible loads to the composite structure. Furthermore, for higher LEF values, this may convert a tension-compression cycle to a tension-tension cycle or compression-compression cycle for positive and negative enhancement of mean loads, respectively. Specimen-level data for composite materials show that reversible load cases (R <0) are critical and have a significantly lower fatigue life than that of tension-tension or compression-compression (R >0) cases. Similarly, application of LEF to stress amplitude about the mean load, as shown in equation 14, results in an alteration of the stress ratio and possibly load reversal for high LEFs. Therefore, equations 13 and 14 are not recommended for applying 34 the LEF to a spectrum loading with negative stress ratios (tension-compression loading) to avoid changes to stress ratios and unintentional reduction in fatigue damage to the test article. 1 2 Moment (in-lbs) 1 0 00 8 0 6 0 Enahnced Mean LEF 4 0 2 0 1-g Mean (+) 0 0 (-) -2 0 -4 0 Reduction in reversed load Figure 21. Application of LEF Only to Mean Load Application of the LEF to both 1-g mean and amplitude, as in equation 15, results in considerably high loads but maintains the same stress ratios throughout the spectrum. Therefore, full-scale fatigue test spectrum loads are generated by applying the LEF to the minimum and maximum shear-moment torque (SMT) loads so that the reversible loads are not shifted but rather enhanced, depending on the sign of the maximum or minimum SMT load, and the stress ratio is maintained after load enhancement. 3.4.2 Generating Life Factor and LEFs. To generate reliable LEFs with a statistical significance, a large number of test data is required. Figure 22 shows the minimum required test matrix for generating strength and life shape parameters so that life factors and LEFs for a particular structure can be developed. Such a test matrix must consider the following: Critical design details, loading modes, and stress ratios must be represented in coupon and element level. Specimens must be fabricated from a minimum of three distinctive material batches, unless otherwise proven that significant batch variability does not exist through laminalevel statistics (i.e., alpha = 0.01 significance level using the Anderson-Darling test [44]). Excluding the static stress level, a minimum of three fatigue stress levels must be included in the test matrix for each S/N curve. At least two stress levels must show fatigue failures for analysis techniques that utilize residual strength of runouts, or else all stress levels must have a minimum of six fatigue failures. 35 Based on the fatigue analysis technique (i.e., analysis of individual stress levels or pooling fatigue data across stress levels using either joint Weibull or Sendeckyj analysis), the minimum recommended number of specimens, as shown in figure 22, must be included. A minimum of six data sets for static are included (at least six Weibull shape parameters) in the static-strength scatter analysis for generating the strength shape parameter. A minimum of six data sets for fatigue are included (at least six Weibull shape parameters) in the fatigue-life scatter analysis for generating the life shape parameter. Fatigue-Critical Design Details - Cyclic Test R ratio (3 Stress Levels) R1 R2 R3 R4 Design Detail Test Method Loading Condition Environmental Condition Static-Critical Design Details 1 Method 1 1 1 Bx6 2 Method 2 2 1 Bx6 3 Method 3 3 1 Bx6 4 Method 4 4 1 Bx6 5 Method 5 5 1 Bx6 5 Method 5 5 2 Bx6 1 Method 1 1 1 Bx3xF 2 Method 2 2 1 Bx3xF 3 Method 3 3 1 4 Method 4 4 1 5 Method 5 5 1 Bx3xF 5 Method 5 5 2 Bx3xF NOTES: Static - B x (# of test specimens); B = Fatigue - B x (# of stress levels) x F; F = Bx3xF Bx3xF 1, if no significant batch variability exists in lamina level 3, if significant batch variability exists in lamina level 2 for pooled fatigue analysis techniques 6 for individual fatigue analysis techniques Figure 22. Minimum Test Requirements for Generating Life Factors and LEFs The composite data analyzed in reference 4 suggest that the LEFs shown in figure 18 are conservative for modern composites as a result of the improvements in materials and process techniques and test methods (i.e., less scatter in test data). Therefore, in the absence of sufficient test data, the values in figure 18 can be used during large-scale test substantiation. However, some of the modern, complex composite material forms or any composite material that exhibits large data scatter may have to be examined to ensure that the strength and life shape parameters are at least equivalent or better than the values shown in figure 18. This can be achieved through a minimum of a fatigue-life scatter analysis of representative coupon/element level S/N data obtained for one fatigue-critical design detail and a representative stress ratio (i.e., open-hole test with R=0), as shown in figure 23. 36 Figure 23. Minimum Requirements to be Fulfilled Prior to Using LEFs in Figure 18 for a Composite Structural Test 3.5 SCATTER ANALYSIS COMPUTER CODE. The scatter analysis conducted for this report was carried out using a combination of Microsoft® Excel®, Visual Basic®, and ReliaSoft Weibull software [42]. Sendeckyj analysis was coded in Microsoft .NET Framework software. To alleviate the dependency on multiple software packages, the complete analysis with multiple analysis options was coded using a Microsoft Visual Basic macro that could be run in Microsoft Excel. A user-friendly computer code, Scatter Analysis Computer Code (SACC) (figure 24), was developed so that the fatigue test data could be analyzed using the individual Weibull distribution, joint Weibull distribution, and Sendeckyj equivalent static-strength model. Appendix C contains the flow diagram for SACC. This program was designed to guide the analyst to select the most suitable approach for a given set of test data. 37 Figure 24. Scatter Analysis Using SACC 4. STATIC STRENGTH DATA SCATTER ANALYSIS. An extensive material database is available in reference 2. Using this data, static scatter analysis was conducted to support U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification. These data represented several structural details and variables such as laminate lay-up, loading mode, load transfer, specimen geometry, and environment. To improve the accuracy of the Weibull analysis, only the data sets 38 containing six or more specimens were included. Also, the U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification program only included autoclaved 350°F-cure graphite-epoxy materials. This analysis was conducted primarily on fiber-dominated failures. In addition, these data were summarized primarily for laminated construction and did not include sandwich construction or bonded joints. The goal of the current research was to produce data for materials commonly used in aircraft applications and to promote the development of this type of data, not only for individual certification plans, but also for shared databases. 4.1 STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR STATIC SCATTER ANALYSIS. The current research obtained the static-strength data from several material databases, described in section 2.1. These data included details such as bonded joints, sandwich details, impact damage, disbonds, lightening strikes, process variability, in-plane shear and interlaminar shear specimens in addition to the variables studied in the U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification program. These structural details were included in the analysis to represent design variables or details in present aircraft applications. Data generated from coupons and elements were used to investigate the dependence of the static-strength shape parameter, which is a representation of static data scatter, on various coupon geometries, loading modes, environments, and lay-ups. The degree to which these parameters affect the overall LEF factors on a parametric basis is discussed in section 5.4. Several examples are shown for obtaining MSSP, or R, by pooling different data sets. When pooling data to estimate MSSP, the user is advised to select appropriate design details that are applicable to a certain application. The material databases described in this section represent typical examples of commonly used composite materials. These materials are used in several ongoing certification programs and certified general aviation aircraft. The databases include coupon-level, static-strength data for the following primary variables: Different lay-ups—hard, quasi-isotropic, and soft (typically 50/40/10, 25/50/25, and 10/80/10, respectively, for unidirectional material and 40/20/40, 25/50/25, and 10/80/10, respectively, for fabric material) and all ±45° plies (0/100/0) Environments—cold temperature dry (CTD), RTA, room temperature wet (RTW), elevated temperature dry (ETD), elevated temperature wet (ETW) Tension—unnotched, OH, filled hole (FH) Compression—unnotched, OH, FH Bearing—single shear, double shear, bearing-bypass In-plane shear—VNRS Interlaminar shear—double-notched compression, short-beam shear 39 In addition to the coupon-level data, element-level static-strength data were included in the analysis, representing the following design details/requirements: Sandwich—core materials, facesheet Bonded joints—single-lap shear, picture frame Damage tolerance—CAI, TAI, sandwich Four-point bending—laminate, sandwich The following sections include the generation of the shape parameter for several different material systems accounting for the effects of different geometries, environments, lay-ups, and loading modes. 4.1.1 Advanced Composites Group AS4/E7K8 3K Plain-Weave Fabric. The static-strength test results of AS4/E7K8 plain-weave fabric (AS4-PW) for both RTA and ETW environmental conditions are shown in table 7. Table 7. Static-Strength Test Results for AS4-PW Specimen Configuration Lay-Up Test Description 10/80/10 OHT OHC SLS–C (t=0.01″) SLS–T (t=0.01″) SLS–T (t=0.01″) No antibuckling SLS–T (t=0.06″) DNC CAI – BVID (20 plies) CAI – VID (40 plies) Sandwich 4PB – HRH 10 0/100/0 TAI – BVID TAI – VID OHC 25/50/25 OHC Unimpacted CAI – BVID CAI – VID CAI – LID 40/20/40 CAI – VID STDEV = Standard deviation CV = Coefficient of variation BVID = Barely visible impact damage RTA Strength (ksi) Average STDEV 43.455 0.773 40.472 1.571 5.532 0.381 4.528 0.163 2.301 0.058 5.057 3.988 34.605 30.263 0.145 21.875 15.118 17.799 45.375 55.736 36.025 29.671 25.445 31.845 0.591 0.160 1.541 0.814 0.003 0.350 0.626 0.387 1.624 0.839 0.851 0.891 0.692 1.026 CV 1.778 3.882 6.880 3.601 2.532 11.685 4.022 4.454 2.690 2.071 1.600 4.143 2.172 3.579 1.505 2.361 3.003 2.721 3.223 ETW Strength (ksi) Average STDEV CV 35.175 0.296 0.842 28.579 1.156 4.045 2.038 3.004 0.330 0.154 16.196 5.130 0.128 11.912 0.003 1.295 2.388 10.876 32.019 1.347 4.208 VID = Visible impact damage LID = Large impact damage 40 Using ReliaSoft® Weibull software, the shape parameter ( α̂ ) and the scale parameter ( β̂ ) of each data set were obtained and are shown in table 8. Table 8. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of AS4-PW Specimen Configuration Lay-Up 10/80/10 Test Description OHT Test Environment OHC SLS-C (t=0.01″) SLS-T (t=0.01″) SLS-T (t=0.01″) No antibuckling SLS-T (t=0.06″) DNC CAI-BVID (20 plies) CAI-VID (40 plies) 7Sandwich 4PB-HRH 10 0/100/0 TAI-BVID TAI-VID OHC 25/50/25 OHC 40/20/40 CAI-BVID* CAI-VID* CAI-LID* CAI-VID Weibull Statistics β̂ (ksi) RTA ETW RTA ETW RTA RTA RTA α̂ 58.036 61.970 26.930 33.290 22.665 31.165 40.072 43.826 35.653 41.205 29.081 5.683 4.602 2.239 n 6 6 6 8 6 5 6 RTA ETW RTA ETW RTA RTA RTA ETW RTA RTA RTA ETW RTA ETW RTA RTA RTA RTA 12.358 6.919 28.130 23.845 35.461 49.383 47.621 43.177 44.694 34.344 63.247 11.766 33.424 28.157 45.771 32.222 36.676 32.984 5.286 2.174 4.061 3.072 35.185 30.608 0.146 0.129 17.992 15.379 22.046 12.431 46.101 32.613 36.413 30.103 25.776 32.324 6 8 6 6 3* 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 * These shape parameters are not included in calculating MSSP. They were performed to investigate the data scatter with respect to the damage intensity. BVID = Barely visible impact damage VID = Visible impact damage LID = Large impact damage 41 The Weibull distribution of the shape parameters ( α̂ ) of RTA and ETW data shown in table 8 are compared against the pooled Weibull distribution of RTA and ETW data in table 9 (denoted by All). Weibull statistics obtained for these three distributions of shape parameters from MLE and both X and Y rank regression (RRX and RRY, respectively) are shown in table 9. Using the shape and scale parameters, and , respectively, the modal shape parameter corresponding to the distribution of α̂ ’s, which is denoted as Modal, was calculated for each case. Unlike the cases of test data distributions, the scale parameters here do not have units as they correspond to the distributions of shape parameters ( α̂ ) obtained for different test data sets. Table 9. Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of Scatter in Static-Strength Distributions of AS4-PW Analysis Method MLE RRX RRY Weibull Parameter α β αModal α β αModal α β αModal Analysis Cases All RTA ETW 2.514 3.1323 1.782 39.387 41.777 33.629 32.193 36.950 21.183 2.188 2.900 1.441 39.882 41.980 34.452 30.167 36.284 15.148 2.103 2.790 1.417 40.285 42.288 34.665 29.644 36.068 14.621 The probability density function of Weibull shape parameters and the reliability plot for both RTA and ETW static data (combined case denoted as All) are shown in figure 25. The shape and scale parameters for this distribution from MLE are 2.514 and 39.387, respectively. The corresponding modal value is 32.193. The difference between Weibull statistics obtained from different analysis methods (i.e., MEL, RRX, and RRY) is least significant for the RTA data set while it is most significant for the ETW data set. The scatter in ETW data sets is reflected in the combined case for all three analysis methods. Statistics from MLE portray the least scatter for all three cases while RRY portrays the most scatter. For large data sets, i.e., more than 20-30 samples, MLE produces reliable Weibull statistics, while for small data sets, RRX tends to produce relatively accurate data. A procedure to obtain reliable Weibull statistics and recommendations is documented in section 3.4.2. For example, if the structure does not contain adhesive joints, the shape parameters for adhesive static-strength distributions do not have to be pooled to determine MSSP. 42 Modal â Mean â (a) 90% Confidence bounds (two sided) on reliability (b) Figure 25. (a) Probability Density Function and (b) Reliability Plot of Shape Parameters for AS4-PW Static Strength Distributions 43 4.1.2 Toray T700/#2510 Plain-Weave Fabric. Toray T700/#2510 plain-weave fabric (T700-PW) data from several material databases (section 2.1) are analyzed in this section. Static strength results obtained from FAA-LEF data are shown in table 10. Table 10. Static-Strength Test Results for T700-PW Specimen Configuration Lay-Up 10/80/10 40/20/40 Sandwich Test Description OHT OHC SLS-T (t = 0.06″) DNC CAI-BVID 4PB-HRH 10 RTA Strength (ksi) Standard Average Deviation 41.686 0.889 34.986 0.923 5.064 0.197 3.007 0.197 43.408 0.610 0.137 0.003 CV 2.133 2.639 3.900 6.568 1.405 2.333 ETW Strength (ksi) Standard Average Deviation 38.961 0.886 28.626 0.788 CV 2.273 2.752 3.242 0.179 5.530 0.125 0.005 3.626 BVID = Barely visible impact damage CV = Coefficient of variation The corresponding Weibull statistics are shown in table 11 along with the number of specimens used for analysis. Although the Weibull analysis was conducted for 40/20/40 CAI specimens, the shape parameter was not included in the analysis for calculating MSSP of AS4-PW because this data set had less than the minimum recommended number of specimens for a reliable analysis. Table 11. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of T700-PW Specimen Configuration Lay-Up 10/80/10 Test Description OHT OHC SLS-T (t = 0.06″) DNC 40/20/40 Sandwich CAI 4PB-HRH 10 Weibull Statistics Test Environment α̂ β̂ (ksi) RTA ETW RTA ETW RTA RTA ETW RTA RTA ETW 48.872 45.242 41.540 40.170 36.927 17.989 25.000 67.713 42.068 42.190 42.108 39.387 35.408 28.989 5.144 3.094 3.317 43.700 0.139 0.127 *Not included in combined analysis due to insufficient data points. 44 n 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 3* 6 6 Forty-eight additional FAA-LVM data sets [33] containing 863 specimens for T700-PW were added to the static-strength scatter analysis. These data sets represent hard (40/20/40, table 12), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25, table 13), and soft (10/80/10, table 14) lay-up sequences, as well as a wide range of loading modes and environmental conditions (CTD, RTA, and ETW). Furthermore, each data set contains specimens from three distinct material batches. Distribution of shape parameters calculated for T700-PW using the static data in FAA-LEF and FAA-LVM is shown in figure 26. The scatter in shape parameters of 10/80/10 laminate is significantly higher than for the other two laminate stacking sequences. Table 12. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 40/20/40 T700-PW (FAA-LVM) Test Description Single-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.475] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.570] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.712] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.949] Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension V-notched rail shear Open-hole tension [w/D = 3] Open-hole tension [w/D = 4] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 8] Test Environment RTA RTA RTA RTA Shape Parameter, α̂ 45.409 49.696 42.102 40.040 Number of Specimens 18 30 15 18 RTA 42.594 18 RTA 43.426 15 RTA 38.198 18 RTA RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA 29.820 20.584 30.453 29.908 20.296 25.192 59.208 20.594 27.054 27.202 25.441 18 18 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 20 18 45 Table 13. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 25/50/25 T700-PW (FAA-LVM) Test Description Double-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Bearing-bypass 50% tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression V-notched rail shear Test Environment CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW RTA Shape Parameter, α̂ 25.721 43.827 34.775 28.956 18.132 33.850 44.264 48.028 35.816 34.049 25.223 51.153 40.186 38.383 31.498 27.074 23.676 34.475 46.999 33.319 16.458 Number of Specimens 18 18 18 18 18 18 15 15 18 18 21 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 18 21 18 Shape parameters obtained from static-strength distributions were combined for several different analysis scenarios to investigate the degree to which these parameters affect the MSSP of T700-PW (table 15). Adhesively bonded T700-PW element data from FAA-EOD material database are included in section 4.1.9. 46 Table 14. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 10/80/10 T700-PW (FAA-LVM) Test Description Bearing-bypass 50% tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Open-hole compression V-notched rail shear V-notched rail shear V-notched rail shear Shape Parameter, α̂ 65.445 74.360 51.713 58.084 36.056 50.909 9.963 17.278 13.103 Test Environment RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW Number of Specimens 15 15 8 19 18 18 18 19 18 80 Shape Parameter 60 40 20 0 0 10 40/20/40 20 3025/50/25 40 50 60 10/80/10 70 80 Sandwich Datasets Figure 26. Shape Parameters for T700-PW Static-Strength Distributions 47 Table 15. Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of T700-PW Weibull Statistics Analysis Case Analysis Variable Database Test environment Lay-up Loading mode FAA-LVM FAA-LEF Combined CTD RTA ETW 40/20/40 25/50/25 10/80/10 All bearing OH/FH VNRS Unnotched 2.801 5.405 2.961 3.164 2.912 4.545 3.391 4.139 1.925 3.412 3.550 1.449 3.379 40.038 41.184 40.307 34.467 43.359 31.252 38.218 37.585 47.172 46.947 35.976 25.941 39.728 Modal 34.196 39.654 35.071 30.569 37.524 29.589 34.477 35.155 32.239 42.409 32.773 11.559 35.809 Number of Data Sets 48 9 57 8 32 8 18 21 9 17 16 5 10 4.1.3 Toray 7781/#2510 8-Harness Satin-Weave Fabric. Toray 7781/#2510 8-harness satin-weave fabric (7781-8HS) data from the FAA-LEF material database are analyzed in this section. The static-strength test results for 7781-8HS are shown in table 16, and the corresponding Weibull statistics are shown in table 17. Table 16. Static-Strength Test Results for 7781-8HS Specimen Configuration Test Lay-Up Description 10/80/10 OHT OHC DNC Sandwich 4PB-HRH 10 RTA Strength (ksi) Standard Average Deviation 26.808 0.366 33.227 0.324 3.494 0.170 0.139 0.002 CV = Coefficient of variation 48 CV 1.364 0.974 4.861 1.795 ETW Strength (ksi) Standard Average Deviation CV 21.120 0.186 0.882 21.824 0.335 1.533 2.364 0.264 11.167 0.128 0.002 1.206 Table 17. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 7781-8HS Specimen Configuration Lay-Up 10/80/10 Weibull Statistics Test Environment Test Description OHT RTA ETW RTA ETW RTA ETW RTA ETW OHC DNC Sandwich 4PB-HRH 10 α̂ 76.115 116.288 104.824 62.351 32.221 10.116 80.260 86.690 β̂ (ksi) 26.983 21.211 33.385 21.998 3.561 2.476 0.142 0.128 n 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Table 18 shows the analysis results for the Weibull distribution of shape parameters shown in table 17. Compared to RRX and RRY analyses, MLE data indicate significant skewness, possibly due to an insufficient number of data sets. It is important to explore the other two regression techniques for such cases. For this case, the RRX method was selected to determine the static-strength shape parameter. Table 18. Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of 7781-8HS Analysis Method MLE RRX RRY Analysis Cases All RTA 2.185 3.295 79.512 82.038 Modal 60.092 73.510 1.438 2.079 83.239 84.814 Modal 36.416 61.868 1.278 1.868 87.043 87.042 Modal 26.385 57.748 Weibull Parameter 49 4.1.4 Toray T700/#2510 Unidirectional Tape. Toray T700/#2510 unidirectional tape (T700-UT) data from the FAA-LVM material database [33] are analyzed in this section. This database contains 853 T700-UD specimens from 47 data sets. These data sets represent hard (50/40/10), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) lay-up sequences, as well as a wide range of loading modes and environmental conditions (CTD, RTA, and ETW). Furthermore, each data set contains specimens from three distinct material batches. Shape parameters obtained from static-strength distributions were combined for several different analysis scenarios to investigate the degree to which these parameters affect the MSSP of T700-UT (table 19). The distribution of shape parameters calculated for T700-UT using the static data in FAA-LVM is shown in figure 27. As for T700-PW, scatter in the distribution of 10/80/10 static-strength shape parameters is significantly higher than for the other two laminate stacking sequences. Table 19. Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of T700-UT Analysis Case Analysis Variable All Test environment T700-UT CTD RTA ETW 50/40/10 25/50/25 10/80/10 All bearing OH/FH V-notch rail shear Unnotched Lay-up Loading mode Weibull Statistics 2.255 3.465 2.174 3.139 3.006 2.246 1.648 2.772 4.197 2.471 3.949 50 37.176 35.279 39.519 29.188 37.479 36.083 38.205 47.451 30.659 15.719 32.859 Modal 28.671 31.977 29.763 25.830 32.760 27.760 21.678 40.375 28.734 12.743 30.517 Number of Data Sets 47 8 31 8 17 21 9 17 16 5 10 80 Shape Parameter 60 40 20 0 0 10 50/40/10 20 3025/50/2540 50 60 10/80/10 70 Datasets Figure 27. Shape Parameters for T700-UT Static-Strength Distributions 4.1.5 Advanced Composites Group AS4C/MTM45 Unidirectional Tape. ACG AS4C/MTM45 12K unidirectional tape (AS4C-UT) data from the FAA-LVM material database [33] are analyzed in this section. This database contains 1151 AS4C-UT specimens from 86 data sets. These data sets represent hard (50/40/10), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) lay-up sequences, as well as a wide range of loading modes and environmental conditions (CTD, RTA, ETD, and ETW). Most of these data sets contain specimens from multiple distinct material batches. Shape parameters obtained from static-strength distributions were combined for several different analysis scenarios to investigate the degree to which these parameters affect the MSSP of AS4C-UT (table 20). The distribution of shape parameters calculated for AS4C-UT using the static data in FAA-LVM is shown in figure 28. Table 20. Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of AS4C-UT Weibull Statistics Analysis Case All Test environment Analysis Variable AS4C-UT CTD RTA ETW 2.151 2.213 3.094 1.905 51 34.779 31.603 35.541 35.777 Modal 26.004 24.084 31.329 24.208 Number of Data Sets 86 16 30 38 Table 20. Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of AS4C-UT (Continued) Weibull Statistics Analysis Case Analysis Variable Lay-up 50/40/10 25/50/25 10/80/10 Lamina All bearing OH/FH Unnotched Loading mode 2.040 2.731 2.378 3.0435 2.729 2.632 2.252 36.953 36.635 46.883 25.5518 33.131 36.646 51.868 Number of Data Sets Modal 26.560 31.002 37.267 22.4171 28.028 30.561 39.964 14 19 19 34 6 30 12 105.8 80 Shape Parameter 60 40 20 50/0/50 0 0 10 50/40/10 2025/50/25 30 4010/80/10 50 60 70 Lamina 80 90 100 Datasets Figure 28. Shape Parameters for AS4C-UT Static-Strength Distributions 4.1.6 Advanced Composites Group AS4C/MTM45 5-Harness Satin-Weave Fabric. ACG AS4C/MTM45 five-harness satin-weave fabric (AS4C-5HS) data from the FAA-LVM material database [33] are analyzed in this section. This database contains 1083 AS4C-5HS specimens from 78 data sets. These data sets represent hard (40/20/40), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) lay-up sequences, as well as a wide range of loading modes and environmental conditions (CTD, RTA, ETD, and ETW). Most of these data sets contain specimens from multiple distinct material batches. Shape parameters obtained from staticstrength distributions were combined for several different analysis scenarios to investigate the degree to which these parameters affect the MSSP of AS4C-5HS (table 21). The distribution of 52 shape parameters calculated for AS4C-5HS using the static data in FAA-LVM is shown in figure 29. Table 21. Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of AS4C-5HS Weibull Statistics Analysis Case Analysis Variable All Test environment 2.104 2.263 2.284 1.976 2.926 1.985 2.834 2.062 2.643 2.454 2.293 AS4C-5HS CTD RTA ETW 40/20/40 25/50/25 10/80/10 Lamina All bearing OH/FH NH Lay-up Loading mode 35.694 37.711 36.714 34.586 29.475 36.759 46.860 26.579 21.535 41.192 42.576 Modal 26.267 29.144 28.534 24.207 25.549 25.828 40.190 19.266 17.990 33.279 33.163 Number of Data Sets 78 14 26 34 13 18 16 20 5 29 16 100 Shape Parameter 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 40/20/40 20 30 25/50/25 40 50 10/80/10 60 70 Lamina 80 Figure 29. Shape Parameters for AS4C-5HS Static-Strength Distributions 53 90 4.1.7 Nelcote T700/E765 Graphite Unidirectional Tape. Nelcote (formally FiberCote) T700/E765 24K graphite unidirectional tape (E765-UT) material from the FAA-LVM material database [33] are analyzed in this section. This database contains 834 E765-UT specimens from 47 data sets. These data sets represent hard (50/40/10), quasiisotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) lay-up sequences, as well as a wide range of loading modes and environmental conditions (CTD, RTA, and ETW). Most of these data sets contain specimens from multiple distinct material batches. Shape parameters obtained from staticstrength distributions were combined for several different analysis scenarios to investigate the degree to which these parameters affect the MSSP of E765-UT (table 22). The distribution of shape parameters calculated for E765-UT using the static data in FAA-LVM is shown in figure 30. Table 22. Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of E765-UT Weibull Statistics Analysis Case Analysis Variable All E765-UT Test environment CTD RTA ETW Lay-up 40/20/40 25/50/25 10/80/10 Loading mode All bearing OH/FH VNRS Unnotched 2.0867 2.241 2.117 1.779 1.976 2.158 2.445 3.280 2.343 3.229 2.222 30.719 22.254 31.091 23.739 32.334 29.647 30.220 31.484 39.705 14.368 23.345 Number of Modal Data Sets 22.471 47 17.095 7 22.98 29 14.920 7 22.627 16 22.215 20 24.372 8 28.180 16 31.312 14 12.810 4 17.838 9 80 Shape Parameter 60 40 20 0 0 10 50/40/10 20 30 25/50/25 40 50 10/80/10 60 Figure 30. Shape Parameters for E765-UT Static-Strength Distributions 54 4.1.8 Nelcote T300/E765 3K Plain-Weave Fabric. Nelcote (formally FiberCote) T700/E765 plain-weave fabric (E765-PW) material from the FAALVM material database [33] are analyzed in this section. This database contains 722 E765-PW specimens from 48 data sets. These data sets represent hard (40/20/40), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) lay-up sequences, as well as a wide range of loading modes and environmental conditions (CTD, RTA, and ETW). Most of these data sets contain specimens from multiple distinct material batches. Shape parameters obtained from static-strength distributions were combined for several different analysis scenarios to investigate the degree to which these parameters affect the MSSP of E765-PW (table 23). The distribution of shape parameters calculated for E765-PW using the static data in FAA-LVM is shown in figure 31. Table 23. Summary of Weibull Shape Parameter Analysis of E765-PW Weibull Statistics Analysis Case Analysis Variable All Test environment E765-PW CTD RTA ETW 40/20/40 25/50/25 10/80/10 All bearing OH/FH VNRS NH Lay-up Loading mode 2.389 2.434 2.535 2.751 2.484 2.947 1.907 2.200 3.098 1.288 4.619 32.735 24.535 35.837 27.714 37.800 30.194 27.820 30.491 32.641 26.488 38.055 Number of Data Sets Modal 26.089 19.740 29.400 23.516 30.723 26.233 18.843 23.148 28.782 8.269 36.097 48 7 31 7 17 20 8 16 15 4 9 80 Shape Parameter 60 40 20 0 0 10 40/20/10 20 30 25/50/25 40 50 10/80/10 60 Figure 31. Shape Parameters for E765-PW Static-Strength Distributions 55 4.1.9 Adhesive Effects of Defects Data. The FAA-EOD database [36] contains more than 70 bonded-joint PFS element tests that have disbonds, lightening strikes, and low-velocity impact damages. These specimens were fabricated using T700-PW and 7781-8HS and bonded with the EA9394 two-part paste adhesive system. Only data sets that contain more than five specimens were included in the Weibull analysis (table 24). Table 24. Weibull Parameters for Bonded-Joint PFS Element Tests Adherend Material T700-PW 7781-8HS Defect Description No disbonds Small disbonds (circle, diamond) Large rectangular disbonds Lightning strikes Low-velocity impact damages No disbonds Shape Parameter, α̂ 11.358 18.319 14.181 22.390 20.255 19.701 Number of Specimens 9 6 9 6 20 5 In addition to the above data, 60 bonded joints (elements), impacted at different energy levels [36] and tested in SLS, were analyzed. Specimens with a 4- by 4-inch gage section were fabricated using the following material systems (commonly used in aircraft applications) and bonded using EA9394 two-part paste adhesive system: Newport NB321/7781 E-glass satin weave (FGSW) Toray T700G-12K/3900-2 carbon fabric plain weave (CFPW) Toray T800S/3900-2B carbon tape unidirectional (CTU) Although three different impactor diameters (0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 inch) and three different energy levels (88.5, 221, and 354 in-lbf) were used to inflict damage, the impact damages were contained mostly within the elastic trough and away from the side edges. Thus, although the damage states (i.e., residual indentation and damage area) were different, the residual strength was not significantly influenced by the impact parameters. Thus, the data for each material were pooled and analyzed for scatter (table 25). Table 25. Weibull Parameters for Bonded SLS Element Tests Weibull Statistics Adherend Adhesive FGSW CFPW CTU EA9394 α̂ 14.134 25.657 19.890 56 β̂ (lbf) 847.347 867.356 986.267 Number of Specimens 20 20 20 4.2 SUMMARY. The databases used for the strength scatter analysis included coupon- and component-level staticstrength data for different lay-up configurations, test environments, and loading modes, and included solid laminates, sandwich construction, and bonded joints. First, the shape parameters obtained for different strength data sets were pooled separately by material system and test environment, and compared to strength shape parameters obtained by pooling all the data (denoted by All) for each material system. Figure 32 shows that ETW data have the highest scatter while RTA data have the least scatter, for most cases analyzed in this section. The scatter in ETW data can be attributed to variations in total moisture absorption among test specimens and the time to reach the elevated test temperature prior to test. Furthermore, the shape parameter obtained by pooling test data from all environmental conditions is close to the shape parameter obtained by analyzing RTA test data of each material system. Also, the pooled values are higher than the MSSP of 20, which was the value used for U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification, for all the material systems analyzed in this report. This can be attributed to the improvements in materials, process techniques, and test methodologies of modern composite materials. 40 CTD 35 RTA Static Strength Shape Parameter ETW 30 All 25 20 15 10 5 0 AS4/E7K8 PW T700/#2510 UNI T700/#2510 PW 7781/#2510 AS4C/MTM45 AS4C/MTM45 T700/E765 8HS UNI 5HS UNI T300/E765 PW Material System Figure 32. Comparison of Composite Strength Shape Parameters for Different Environments Second, the previous exercise was repeated by pooling data by different lay-ups. Figure 33 indicates that the shape parameters of T700-PW and E765 unidirectional lay-up (UNI) are independent of lay-up sequence, while other material systems indicate large variations among lay-up sequences. Also, the shape parameter obtained by pooling test data from all laminate stacking sequences is close to the shape parameter obtained by analyzing the quasi-isotropic laminate (25/50/25) test data of most of the material systems. For both ACG material systems (AS4C-UT and AS4C-5HS), the soft laminate (10/80/10) test data indicate the least scatter while T700-UNI and E765-PW indicate the most scatter. The hard laminate (50/40/10) test data indicate the reverse trend for these four material systems. 57 45 Static Strength Shape Parameter 40 50/40/10 25/50/25 35 10/80/10 All 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 AS4/E7K8 PW T700/#2510 UNI T700/#2510 PW 7781/#2510 AS4C/MTM45 AS4C/MTM45 8HS UNI 5HS T700/E765 UNI T300/E765 PW Material System Figure 33. Comparison of Composite Strength Shape Parameters for Different Lay-Ups Third, the data were pooled by specimen configuration. Figure 34 shows that the loading mode significantly influences the static scatter for all five material systems. For both Nelcote material systems (E765-UNI and E765-PW), unnotched (NH) test data indicate the most scatter, resulting in shape parameters significantly lower than 20, while OH and FH data indicate the least scatter. For both ACG material systems, bearing test data indicate the most scatter. For both Toray material systems (T700-UNI and T700-PW), OH and FH data indicate the most scatter, close to the scatter in unnotched test data, while bearing test data indicate the least scatter. 45 Bearing 40 Static Strength Shape Parameter OH/FH 35 NH All 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 AS4/E7K8 PW T700/#2510 UNI T700/#2510 PW 7781/#2510 8HS AS4C/MTM45 AS4C/MTM45 UNI 5HS T700/E765 UNI T300/E765 PW Material System Figure 34. Comparison of Composite Strength Shape Parameters for Different Loading Modes 58 The scatter analysis results in this section provide guidance to design a cost-effective test matrix for generating reliable MSSP. The data are documented so they can be readily available for a particular case, and the user does not have to generate new data or analyze the scatter. To generate a life shape parameter that represents the general scatter of current typical aircraft composite materials, the shape parameters representing all composite and adhesive strength data sets included in this report are pooled. However, the authors recommend generating shape parameters based on the materials, processes, and design details related to the critical areas of a particular structure rather than using pooled data to ensure safety and reliability of fatigue life predictions based on scatter analysis. This exercise was done to establish a generic scatter distribution of modern composite strength data and to compare that against the values proposed by Whitehead, et al. [2]. The resulting (modal) strength shape parameter or R is 26.31. 5. FATIGUE LIFE DATA SCATTER ANALYSIS. An extensive fatigue scatter analysis was conducted by Whitehead, et al. [2], on various material databases. These databases represented several structural details and variables such as R-ratio, laminate lay-up, loading mode, load transfer, specimen geometry, and test environment. The material database of Badaliance and Dill [43] included 204 graphite/epoxy data sets, whereas Whitehead and Schwarz [45] included 2925 data points from 120 data sets of graphite/epoxy, 450 data points from 26 data sets of E-glass/epoxy, and 419 step-lap bonded joints from 23 data sets. To increase the accuracy of the Weibull analysis, only the data sets containing five or more specimens were included in the individual Weibull analysis. Typically, an S/N curve contains fatigue failures for multiple stress levels in addition to staticstrength data points and any run-outs. In this report, the fatigue life scatter was analyzed using individual Weibull, joint Weibull, and Sendeckyj analyses. Only data sets containing more than five specimens within a stress level were included in the individual Weibull analysis. Residual strength data for all run-outs were included in the Sendeckyj analysis. 5.1 STRUCTURAL DETAILS FOR FATIGUE LIFE SCATTER ANALYSIS. This section includes over one thousand data points from the following composite material systems commonly used in aircraft applications: AS4/E7K8 plain-weave fabric (AS4-PW) T700/#2510 plain-weave fabric (T700-PW) 7781/#2510 8-harness satin-weave fabric (7781-8HS) In addition, adhesive fatigue data from the FAA-D5656 material database [35] in the following test environments for three adhesive systems are included: Hysol EA9696 film adhesive PTM&W ES6292 paste adhesive Cessna Aircraft proprietary paste adhesive (Loctite) 59 Data generated from coupons and elements were used to investigate the dependence of the fatigue shape parameter, which is a representation of fatigue-life scatter, on various coupon geometries, loading modes, environments, and lay-ups. The degree to which these parameters affect the overall LEF factors from a parametric basis is discussed in section 5.4. Since fatiguelife data inherently exhibit significantly more scatter than static-strength data, the MLSP, or L, is noticeably smaller than the MSSP, or R. Several examples are shown for obtaining MLSP by pooling different data sets. When pooling data to estimate MLSP, the user is advised to select appropriate design details that are applicable to a certain structure. The material databases described in this section represent typical examples of commonly used composite material systems. These materials are used in several ongoing certification programs and certified general aviation aircraft. The databases include coupon-level static-strength data for the following primary variables: Lay-ups—hard, quasi-isotropic, and soft (typically 50/40/10, 25/50/25, and 10/80/10, respectively, for unidirectional material, and 40/20/40, 25/50/25, and 10/80/10, respectively, for fabric material) and all ±45° plies (0/100/0) Environments—CTD, RTA, RTW, ETW Tension—OH Compression—OH Interlaminar shear—DNC In addition to coupon-level data, element-level static-strength data were included in the analysis to represent the following design details/requirements: Sandwich—core materials, facesheet Bonded joints—SLS Damage tolerance—CAI, sandwich The following sections include the generation of shape parameters for several different material systems accounting for the effects of different geometries, environments, lay-ups, and loading modes. 5.2 FATIGUE SCATTER ANALYSIS. ReliaSoft Weibull software and SACC were used for the Sendeckyj analysis of fatigue data in two steps: with and without static-strength data. Residual strength data of all runout specimens were included in the Sendeckyj analysis. Individual and joint Weibull analyses were conducted using only the fatigue data. Kassapoglou [31] life predictions based only on static-strength scatter were compared with Sendeckyj analysis of experimental data in appendix A. Sendeckyj fitting parameters were recalculated for each S/N data set using SACC to generate the Sendeckyj fitting curves. As shown in appendix A, currently Kassapoglou methodology either under- or 60 overpredicts the fatigue life significantly for some S/N curves. Note that Kassapoglou methodology predicts the fatigue life based only on static data distribution. 5.2.1 The AS4/E7K8 Plain-Weave Fabric. Fatigue analysis of 385 AS4-PW specimens from 14 data sets is included in this section. Each data set contains a minimum of three fatigue stress levels and at least six static-strength data points (figure 35). Figure 35 includes the static data, fatigue data (failures and run-outs) and the residual strength data for run-outs. Once the Sendeckyj fitting parameters C and S are determined, the fitting curve for the S/N data is obtained as shown in figure 35. In addition, the equivalent static strength for each fatigue data point (failures and run-outs) is displayed. S/N curves for AS4-PW are included in appendix A. Fatigue-life scatter analysis data are shown in table 26. The shape parameters corresponding to each S/N curve using Sendeckyj, individual Weibull, and joint Weibull scatter analysis are denoted as α̂ Sendeckyj , α̂ IW , and α̂ JW , respectively. 50000 Equivalent Static Strength for Fatigue Data Calculated using Sendeckyj Static 45000 40000 Stress (psi) 35000 Residual Strength 30000 25000 Fatigue Failures Run-outs 20000 15000 Experiment 10000 Residual Strength Equivalent Static Sterngth 5000 Sendeckyj 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure 35. Sendeckyj Wearout Analysis Prediction of Fatigue Life of OHT (R = 0) – AS4-PW Figure 36 shows a comparison of AS4-PW OHC fatigue data, where R = -1 for quasi-isotropic (25/50/25) and two resin-dominant lay-up configurations (10/80/10 and 0/100/0). The same data are normalized with respect to the ultimate static strength (average) and are shown in figure 37. Both figures show that the 0/100/0 lay-up with all ±45° plies exhibits the critical fatigue life but not the data set that has the highest scatter. 61 Table 26. Fatigue-Life Scatter Analysis for AS4-PW Specimen Configuration Sendeckyj α̂ Sendeckyj Lay-Up 10/80/10 0/100/0 Sandwich 25/50/25 40/20/40 * # Test Description OH OHC OHT OH CAI-BVID (20 ply) CAI-VID (40 ply) DNC DNC OH TAI-BVID TAI-VID 4PB-HRH 10 OH CAI-BVID# CAI-VID# CAI-LID# CAI-VID R-Ratio -1 5 0 -0.2 5 5 -1 -0.2 -1 0 0 0 -1 5 5 5 5 α̂ Sendeckyj (with static) (without static) 2.068 2.604 1.792 2.328 3.434 3.686 3.319 4.090 2.870 3.321 2.103 2.221 3.837 3.905 2.025 1.962 2.495 3.480 1.640 1.515 1.111 1.065 1.924 2.020 3.224 3.661 1.774 2.234 2.182 2.658 2.466 2.799 2.337 3.522 Weibull* α̂ IW α̂ JW 3.304 3.223 5.555 4.003 3.968 2.778 6.636 2.278 5.528 2.477 1.974 5.131 5.713 2.446 2.991 3.272 4.392 2.731 3.329 4.641 3.962 3.808 2.625 5.066 2.245 4.281 2.144 1.931 2.795 4.745 2.355 2.778 2.948 3.687 Life scatter analysis using Weibull only includes fatigue data. Test data not included in the combined analysis for MLSP generation. BVID = Barely visible impact damage VID = Visible impact damage LID = Large impact damage Figure 38 shows a comparison of AS4-PW OH measured data for different R-ratios, and figure 39 shows a comparison of normalized data. Both figures indicate that R = -1 is the critical fatigue life and has the least scatter when pooled with static data points. 62 -45 -40 -35 Max S tress (ksi) -30 -25 -20 AS4/E7K8 PW [R = -1] Ult. (OHC) 25/50/25 - -45.375 ksi 10/80/10 - -40.472 ksi 0/100/0 - -21.875 ksi -15 -10 -5 0 1 10 100 1000 Cycles 10000 100000 1000000 Figure 36. Effects of Lay-Up Sequence, AS4/E7K8, OH Measured Fatigue Data 100 % of OH (ult) 80 60 40 AS4/E7K8 PW [R = -1] Ult. (OHC) 25/50/25 - -45.375 ksi 10/80/10 - -40.472 ksi 0/100/0 - -21.875 ksi 20 0 1 10 100 1000 Cycles 10000 100000 1000000 Figure 37. Effects of Lay-Up Sequence, AS4/E7K8, OH Normalized Fatigue Data 63 45 35 AS4/E7K8 PW Ult. (OH) OHC - -40.472 ksi OHT - 43.455 ksi R=0 R=5 R= R-0.2 = -0.2 Max. S tress (ksi) 25 15 5 R = -1 -5 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 -15 -25 -35 -45 Cycles Figure 38. Effects of Stress Ratio for AS4-PW OH Measured Fatigue Data 100 % of OH (ult) 80 60 40 AS4/E7K8 PW Ult. (OH) OHC - -40.472 ksi OHT - 43.455 ksi R=0 = -0.2 R = 5 R =R-0.2 20 R = -1 0 1 10 100 1000 Cycles 10000 100000 1000000 Figure 39. Effects of Stress Ratio for AS4-PW OH Normalized Fatigue Data 64 Figure 40 shows a comparison of AS4-PW CAI data for different lay-ups and impact energy levels. Normalized data indicate that the fatigue life is independent of lay-up, up to 1500 in-lbf/in impact energy. Figure 41 shows a comparison between CAI and TAI for different energy levels. Normalized data indicate that the fatigue life for TAI is independent of impact energy level up to 1500 in-lbf/in and is significantly lower than for CAI. The lower fatigue life for TAI can be attributed to the fact that these specimens are all ±45°, while the CAI specimens are 10/80/10 lay-up. TAI data also indicate significant scatter compared to CAI data. 100 % of CAI (ult) 80 60 40 AS4/E7K8 PW 10/80/10 -- Ult. (CAI) 20 plies (500) -34.605 ksi 40 plies (1500) -30.263 ksi 40/20/40 -- Ult (CAI) 20 20 plies (1500) -31.845 ksi 0 1 10 100 1000 Cycles 10000 100000 1000000 Figure 40. Effects of Lay-Up Sequence for AS4-PW CAI Normalized Fatigue Data 100 % of CAI/TAI (ult) 80 60 40 AS4/E7K8 PW 10/80/10 -- Ult. (CAI) 20 plies (500) -34.605 ksi 0/100/0 -- Ult (TAI) 20 plies (500) 17.799 ksi 20 20 plies (1500) 15.118 ksi 0 1 10 100 1000 Cycles 10000 100000 1000000 Figure 41. Comparison of CAI and TAI for AS4-PW 65 Figure 42 shows the summary of a detailed fatigue life scatter analysis conducted on AS4-PW using individual Weibull, joint Weibull, and Sendeckyj analyses (with and without static data in the S/N curves). These three techniques are also used in reference 2 for generating life and LEFs. However, the fatigue life scatter analysis for deriving life and LEFs is not limited to these three techniques. The Sendeckyj analysis includes runout and corresponding residual strength data points. Also, the Sendeckyj analysis produces a higher scatter as it is unbiased compared to the arithmetically averaged individual Weibull shape parameters (figure 42). Overall, the individual Weibull analysis provides the highest fatigue-life shape parameter, while the Sendeckyj analysis provides the lowest (conservative) fatigue-life shape parameter. For most cases, when the static data are included in the Sendeckyj analysis, the analysis resulted in significantly lower fatigue-life shape parameters than that without the static test data. For example, 7781-8HS OHT (R = 0) S/N data resulted in a fatigue-life shape parameter of 9.794 for Sendeckyj analysis without static data. When the static test data are included in the analysis, this value was reduced to 1.769. For most composite analysis cases, the Sendeckyj analysis without static test data and the joint Weibull analysis resulted in similar shape parameters. 7.0 Sendeckyj (w / static) Sendeckyj (w /o static) Individual Weibull 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 10/80/10 0/100/0 HRH 10 Sandw ich 25/50/25 CAI - VID (R=5) CAI - LID (R=5)# CAI - VID (R=5)# CAI - BVID (R=5)# OH (R=-1) Flex (R=0) TAI - VID (R=0) TAI - BVID (R=0) OH (R=-1) DNC (R=-0.2) DNC (R=-1) CAI - VID (R=5) CAI- BVID (R=5) OH (R=-0.2) OHT (R=0) 0.0 OHC (R=5) 1.0 OH (R=-1) Fatigue Life Weibull Shape Parameter Joint Weibull 40/20/40 [OH (T/C): open-hole (tension/compression), CAI: compression after impact, TAI: Tension after impact, Flex: fourpoint bend flexure, DNC: double-notched compression, BVID: barely visible impact damage, VID: visible impact damage, LID: large impact damage] Figure 42. Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters of AS4-PW From Different Analysis Methods The Sendeckyj analysis is the most conservative of the above-mentioned methods because it includes static, fatigue failures, run-outs, and residual strength data. This analysis produces the equivalent static strength for each fatigue data point. These Sendeckyj equivalent strength values based on the fatigue data are pooled and compared against the tested static-strength data in table 27 and are shown in figure 43. Table 27 shows the coefficient of variation (CV) of each data set, i.e., static or pooled Sendeckyj equivalent static-strength data. 66 Table 27. Comparison of Static Strength of AS4-PW From Test and Sendeckyj Analysis Specimen Configuration Lay-Up 10/80/10 0/100/0 Sandwich 25/50/25 40/20/40 Test Description OH OHC OHT OH CAI-BVID (20 ply) CAI-VID (40 ply) DNC DNC OH TAI-BVID TAI-VID 4PB-HRH 10 OH CAI-BVID CAI-VID CAI-LID CAI-VID R-Ratio -1 5 0 -0.2 5 5 -1 -0.2 -1 0 0 0 -1 5 5 5 5 Static Test Strength CV (ksi) 40.472 3.882 43.455 1.778 34.605 30.263 3.988 3.988 21.875 17.799 15.118 0.145 45.375 36.025 29.671 25.445 31.845 4.454 2.690 4.022 4.022 1.600 2.172 4.143 2.071 3.579 2.361 3.003 2.721 3.223 Pooled (Sendeckyj) Strength CV (ksi) 42.608 3.848 41.360 2.783 42.823 4.217 42.942 5.055 35.581 3.238 30.329 2.060 3.975 4.456 4.008 5.843 22.058 3.420 16.709 9.695 14.807 5.112 0.141 8.411 45.882 2.499 36.289 2.002 29.990 2.438 25.614 2.259 31.586 3.945 BVID = Barely visible impact damage VID = Visible impact damage LID = Large impact damage The fatigue-life shape parameters for AS4-PW shown in table 26 are then fitted into another Weibull distribution, and the shape parameters corresponding to the new distribution and the model shape parameter are obtained from three different techniques: MLE, RRX, and RRY. As shown in table 28, there were no significant differences between the results of the different techniques. The Sendeckyj-model shape parameter (with static data) for life scatter was 2.427, while it was 3.974 for individual Weibull. 67 50 12.0 Stength (Static) 45 Stength (Pooled) 10.0 CV (Static) 40 CV (Pooled) 35 6.0 20 4.0 15 10 2.0 10/80/10 0/100/0 HRH-10 25/50/25 CAI - VID (R=5) CAI - LID (R=5) CAI - VID (R=5) 0.0 CAI - BVID (R=5) OH (R=-1) Flex (R=0) TAI - VID (R=0) TAI - BVID (R=0) OH (R=-1) DNC (R=-0.2) DNC (R=-1) CAI - VID (R=5) CAI- BVID (R=5) OH (R=-0.2) OHT (R=0) 0 OHC (R=5) 5 40/20/40 BVID = Barely visible impact damage VID = Visible impact damage LID = Large impact damage Figure 43. Comparison of Static Strength and CV of AS4-PW From Test and Sendeckyj Analysis Table 28. Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of AS4-PW Analysis Method MLE RRX RRY Weibull Parameter Fatigue Scatter Analysis Method Sendeckyj Individual Joint Sendeckyj (with static) (without static) Weibull Weibull 3.553 3.511 3.207 3.889 2.716 3.138 4.558 3.800 Modal 2.475 2.852 4.056 3.520 3.443 2.901 3.065 3.714 2.710 3.163 4.541 3.786 Modal 2.453 2.734 3.992 3.479 3.323 2.798 2.953 3.547 2.725 3.184 4.572 3.811 Modal 2.447 2.719 3.974 3.472 68 Coeff. Variation (%) 25 OH (R=-1) Strength (ksi) 8.0 30 5.2.2 The T700/#2510 Plain-Weave Fabric. Fatigue analysis of 240 T700-PW specimens from seven S/N curves is included in this section. Each data set contains a minimum of three fatigue stress levels and at least six static-strength data points. Similar to AS4-PW, T700-PW OH data show that R = -1 is the most critical stress ratio for both measured (figure 44) and normalized (figure 45) data comparisons. Fatigue-life scatter analysis data are shown in table 29. Figure 46 shows a comparison of fatigue-life scatter data obtained from different analysis techniques. Similar to AS4-PW, Sendeckyj analysis produces a higher scatter for T700-PW, as it is unbiased compared to the arithmetically averaged individual Weibull shape parameters. However, Sendeckyj data exhibit significantly less scatter compared to AS4-PW. As a result, the difference between Sendeckyj and individual Weibull fatigue-life shape parameters is not pronounced for T700-PW (table 30). 45 35 Max. S tress (ksi) 25 15 5 -5 1 T700/#2510 PW Ult. (OH) OHC - -34.986 ksi OHT - 41.686 ksi R=0 R= 5 RR = -0.2 = -0.2 R = -1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 -15 -25 -35 -45 Cycles Figure 44. Effects of Stress Ratio for T700-PW OH Measured Fatigue Data 69 100 % of OH (ult) 80 60 40 T700/#2510 PW Ult. (OH) OHC - -34.986 ksi OHT - 41.686 ksi R=0 R = 5 R =R-0.2 = -0.2 R = -1 20 0 1 10 100 1000 Cycles 10000 100000 1000000 Figure 45. Effects of Stress Ratio for T700-PW OH Normalized Fatigue Data Table 29. Fatigue-Life Scatter Analysis for T700-PW Specimen Configuration Lay-Up 10/80/10 Test Description OH OHC OHT α̂ Sendeckyj R-Ratio -1 α̂ Sendeckyj (with static) (without static) 2.796 3.389 Weibull α̂ IW α̂ JW 3.932 3.793 5 0 1.481 1.367 1.992 2.086 2.344 2.721 2.285 2.207 -0.2 1.904 2.079 2.615 2.320 DNC -1 1.496 1.464 1.714 1.765 DNC -0.2 1.547 1.635 2.489 1.949 0 1.764 2.315 2.881 2.464 OH Sandwich Sendeckyj 4PB-HRH 10 70 4.5 4.0 Sendeckyj (w/ static) Sendeckyj (w/o static) Individual Weibull Fatigue Life Weibull Shape Parameter 3.5 Joint Weibull 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 OH (R = -1) OHC (R = 5) OHT (R = 0) OH (R = -0.2) DNC (R = -1) DNC (R = -0.2) 10/80/10 Flex (R = 0) HRH 10 Sandwich Figure 46. Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters of T700-PW From Different Analysis Methods Table 30. Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of Life Distributions of T700-PW Analysis Method Weibull Parameter MLE RRX RRY Fatigue Scatter Analysis Method Sendeckyj Individual Sendeckyj (with static) (without static) Weibull 3.795 3.728 4.433 Joint Weibull 3.825 1.944 2.359 2.919 2.638 Modal 1.793 2.170 2.756 2.437 5.255 4.344 4.570 5.085 1.892 2.326 2.908 2.578 Modal 1.817 2.190 2.755 2.470 3.780 3.729 4.145 3.905 1.965 2.371 2.941 2.658 Modal 1.811 2.181 2.752 2.464 5.2.3 The 7781/#2510 8-Harness Satin-Weave Fabric. Fatigue analysis of 204, 7781-8HS specimens from seven S/N curves is included in this section. Each data set contains a minimum of three fatigue stress levels and at least six static-strength data points. As shown for the previous two material systems, OH with R = -1 data indicate the lowest fatigue life (figure 47). Normalized OH data for R = 5 indicate the lowest level of fatigue degradation for this material (figure 48). Fatigue-life scatter analysis data are shown in table 31. 71 35 25 7781/#2510 FG Ult. (OH) OHC - -33.227 ksi OHT - 26.808 ksi R=0 R = 5 R =R-0.2 = -0.2 Max. S tress (ksi) 15 5 R = -1 -5 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 -15 -25 -35 Cycles Figure 47. Effects of Stress Ratio for 7781-8HS OH Measured Fatigue Data 100 % of OH (ult) 80 60 40 7781/#2510 FG Ult. (OH) OHC - -33.227 ksi OHT - 26.808 ksi R=0 R -0.2 = -0.2 R=5 R= 20 R = -1 0 1 10 100 1000 Cycles 10000 100000 1000000 Figure 48. Effects of Stress Ratio for 7781-8HS OH Normalized Fatigue Data 72 Table 31. Fatigue-Life Scatter Analysis for 7781-8HS Specimen Configuration Test Description OH Lay-Up 10/80/10 R-Ratio -1 Weibull α̂ Sendeckyj α̂ Sendeckyj OHC OHT (with static) (without static) 1.876 1.730 α̂ IW α̂ JW 6.258 5.139 5 0 2.727 1.769 2.580 9.794 3.169 13.866 2.668 12.667 -0.2 1.575 7.335 8.998 7.387 DNC -1 1.163 1.056 2.035 1.711 DNC -0.2 2.724 2.643 3.346 2.760 0 2.358 3.429 4.034 3.441 OH Sandwich Sendeckyj 4PB-HRH 10 Figure 49 shows a comparison of fatigue-life scatter data obtained from different analysis techniques. Similar to AS4-PW and T700-PW, Sendeckyj analysis produces a higher scatter for 7781-8HS than individual Weibull shape parameters. Except for R = 5, OH data without static data show significantly high shape parameters, indicating an unrealistic skewness in OH fatigue data. Table 32 includes a summary of the fatigue-life parameter for 7781-8HS. Sendeckyj (w/ static) 16.0 Sendeckyj (w/o static) Individual Weibull 14.0 Joint Weibull Weibull Shape Parameter 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 OH (R = -1) OHC (R = 5) OHT (R = 0) OH (R = -0.2) 10/80/10 DNC (R = -1) DNC (R = -0.2) Flex (R = 0) HRH 10 Sandwich Figure 49. Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters of 7781-8HS From Different Analysis Methods 73 Table 32. Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of 7781-8HS Analysis Method Weibull Parameter MLE RRX RRY Fatigue Scatter Analysis Method Sendeckyj Sendeckyj Individual (with static) (without static) Weibull 4.232 1.459 1.662 Joint Weibull 1.574 2.237 4.542 6.726 5.748 Modal 2.099 2.056 3.864 3.028 3.519 1.441 1.698 1.663 2.251 4.482 6.614 5.622 Modal 2.047 1.971 3.918 3.234 3.410 1.338 1.554 1.502 2.262 4.605 6.801 5.809 Modal 2.043 1.647 3.501 2.801 5.2.4 Adhesive Fatigue Data. Fatigue scatter analysis of the FAA-D5656 material database [35], which contains ASTM D 5656 single-lap shear adhesive joints from four different adhesive systems, is included in this section. This database contains 390 adhesive specimens from 12 S/N curves, which represent three different test environments: CTD, RTA, and RTW. Each data set contains a minimum of three fatigue stress levels and at least nine data points in each stress level in addition to static-strength data. Fatigue-life scatter analysis data are shown in table 33. Figure 50 shows a comparison of fatigue-life scatter data obtained from different analysis techniques. Table 33. Fatigue-Life Scatter Analysis for FAA-D5656 Specimen Configuration Adhesive Loctite EA9696 PTM&W (0.06″) PTM&W (0.16″) Test Environment CTD RTA RTW CTD RTA RTW CTD RTA RTW CTD RTA RTW Sendeckyj α̂ Sendeckyj α̂ Sendeckyj (with static) 0.805 0.662 0.682 0.847 0.403 0.379 0.870 1.051 0.681 0.363 0.856 0.671 (without static) 0.821 1.624 0.644 4.119 1.389 2.189 1.376 1.483 1.169 0.669 4.296 1.618 74 Weibull α̂ IW α̂ JW 1.069 1.226 1.109 2.372 2.077 1.110 1.541 1.179 1.417 1.165 2.170 1.061 1.007 1.077 0.924 2.294 1.514 1.047 1.254 1.153 1.005 0.908 1.627 0.958 Individual Weibull shape and scale parameters of PTM&W for six shape parameters shown in table 33 are 3.870 and 1.568, which result in a fatigue-life shape parameter of 1.451. Overall, the Sendeckyj analysis exhibits high scatter, especially for the case with static strength, compared to individual Weibull analysis. This is due to the scatter observed in adhesive fatigue data at each stress level. 5.0 4.5 4.0 Sendeckyj (w/ static) Sendeckyj (w/o static) Individual Weibull Fatigue Life Shape Parameter 3.5 Joint Weibull 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 CTD RTD Loctite RTW CTD RTD RTW EA9696 CTD RTD PTM &W (0.06") RTW CTD RTD RTW PTM &W (0.16") Figure 50. Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters of FAA-D5656 Data From Different Analysis Methods Typically, the scatter in adhesive test data is significantly higher than that of composite test data. This is primarily due to the processing parameters and the multiple secondary loading modes that occur during testing of adhesive joints, i.e., peel stress at the ends of the overlap during singlelap shear tests. Postfatigue microscopic analysis of Loctite paste adhesive test specimens indicated that fractures initiated from the clusters of glass beads, which were mixed into the adhesive to control bondline thickness. Furthermore, the moisture-conditioned specimens indicated localized swelling around the glass beads. The random distribution of glass beads and the effects of the two above-mentioned phenomena resulted in large data scatter. The change in bondline thickness and the amount of adhesive that squeezes out at the ends of the overlap causes significant changes to the stress distribution of the adhesive layer, and consequently a large data scatter. For the adhesive fatigue-life data in the current analysis, scatter significantly increases with fatigue test times to failure, i.e., data from low stress levels indicated significant data scatter. Therefore, individual Weibull analysis is recommended for adhesive test data. Also, the modal shape parameters obtained for individual Weibull analysis data are consistent throughout RRX, RRY, and MLE (table 34). 75 Table 34. Weibull Statistics for Combined Distribution of FAA-D5656 Data Analysis Method Weibull Parameter MLE RRX RRY Fatigue Scatter Analysis Method Sendeckyj Individual Sendeckyj (with static) (without static) Weibull 3.854 1.679 3.339 Joint Weibull 3.141 0.764 2.016 1.626 1.371 Modal 0.707 1.176 1.461 1.213 3.374 1.993 4.487 4.833 0.765 1.944 1.572 1.320 Modal 0.689 1.371 1.486 1.258 3.064 1.741 3.247 3.426 0.777 2.020 1.644 1.381 Modal 0.683 1.237 1.468 1.249 As shown in figure 50, the Sendeckyj model with static data indicate significant scatter in the adhesive data, whereas without static data, in some cases, scatter is higher than for individual Weibull analysis. When including static data for the Sendeckyj analysis, it is recommended that a minimum of six static data points be included. At this point, it is recommended that adhesive S/N curves be analyzed using individual Weibull analysis. Thus, these S/N curves must have a minimum of six data points in each stress level, and each S/N curve must have a minimum of three stress levels in addition to static data. 5.3 SUMMARY OF FATIGUE SCATTER ANALYSIS. Overall, the individual Weibull analysis provided the highest fatigue-life shape parameter, while the Sendeckyj analysis provided the lowest (most conservative) fatigue-life shape parameter. For most cases, when the static data are included in the Sendeckyj analysis, the analysis resulted in significantly lower fatigue-life shape parameters than that without the static test data. For example, 7781-8HS OHT (R = 0) S/N data resulted in a fatigue-life shape parameter of 9.794 for Sendeckyj analysis without static data. When the static test data are included in the analysis, this value was reduced to 1.769. For most composite analysis cases, the Sendeckyj analysis without static test data and the joint Weibull analysis resulted in similar shape parameters. Figure 51 shows a comparison of fatigue-life shape parameters calculated using the Sendeckyj model for three composite material systems and three adhesive systems discussed in this section. Sendeckyj analysis for each composite and adhesive S/N curve is conducted with and without static data. Then, shape parameters for adhesive S/N curves are combined with shape parameters for each composite system. Fatigue-life scatter with static and adhesive data indicate the highest scatter for all three composite materials. Removing the adhesive data had the greatest effect on 7781-8HS life scatter, while removing the adhesive and static data had the greatest effect on AS4-PW life scatter. For all three composites, removal of static and adhesive data resulted in 76 significantly less scattered life shape parameters. For both AS4-PW and T700-PW, the shape parameter distribution obtained without static and adhesive data indicated the least scatter. For composite material systems included in this section, R = -1 stress ratio resulted in the most critical OH fatigue life. For T700-PW, this stress ratio resulted in the least scatter. Typically, load reversal (R <0) causes low fatigue life and less scatter in test data. Fatigue Life Shape Parameter 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 FAA-LEF & FAA-Adhesive AS4/E7K8 PW FAA-LEF & FAA-Adhesive T700/#2510 PW w/o static & adhesive w/o static & w/ adhesive w/ static & w/o adheive w/ static & adhesive w/o static & adhesive w/o static & w/ adhesive w/ static & w/o adheive w/ static & adhesive w/o static & adhesive w/o static & w/ adhesive w/ static & w/o adheive w/ static & adhesive 0.0 FAA-LEF & FAA-Adhesive 7781/#2510 8HS Figure 51. Comparison of Fatigue-Life Shape Parameter for FAA-LEF Database To generate a life shape parameter that represents the general scatter of current typically used aircraft composite materials, the shape parameters representing all composite fatigue data sets included in this report were pooled. However, the authors recommend generating shape parameters based on the materials, processes, and design details related to the critical areas of a particular structure rather than using pooled data to ensure safety and reliability of fatigue life predictions based on scatter analysis. This exercise was done to establish generic scatter distribution of modern composite fatigue data and to compare that against the values proposed by Whitehead, et al. [2]. A summary of fatigue shape parameters obtained using different Weibull analysis methods and different fatigue analysis techniques is shown in table 35. The resulting MLSP (αL) is 2.13 (designated in the table with a dotted line), which was obtained using Sendeckyj analysis (without static data in the S/N curves) for composite test data. It was determined as 2.98 and 2.61 for individual and joint Weibull analyses, respectively. For an αL of 2.13, the life factor is 4.3. When the adhesive fatigue data are pooled with composite data, αL was 1.60 using joint Weibull analysis, while it was 1.73 and 1.94 for Sendeckyj and individual Weibull analyses, respectively. For an αL of 1.60, the life factor is 7.3. 77 Table 35. Weibull Statistics for Pooled Composite and Adhesive Data From Different Analytical Techniques Analysis Data Set Pooled composite fatigue data Analysis Method Weibull Parameter MLE RRX RRY Pooled composite and adhesive fatigue data MLE RRX RRY Sendeckyj (with static) Sendeckyj (without static) Individual Weibull Joint Weibull 3.342 1.826 1.826 1.853 2.408 3.291 4.602 3.974 Modal 2.165 2.131 2.980 2.614 3.900 2.674 2.801 3.105 2.371 3.150 4.362 3.752 Modal 2.198 2.644 3.725 3.310 3.656 2.320 2.285 2.432 2.394 3.251 4.561 3.942 Modal 2.193 2.550 3.546 3.170 2.070 1.698 1.565 1.586 1.968 2.917 3.726 3.229 Modal 1.430 1.729 1.943 1.723 2.000 2.206 2.130 2.167 1.961 2.826 3.556 3.095 Modal 1.387 2.150 2.641 2.326 1.951 2.063 1.888 1.938 1.975 2.876 3.679 3.190 Modal 1.366 2.086 2.466 2.194 5.4 LOAD-ENHANCEMENT FACTOR. In this section, the LEF is calculated using the static strength and fatigue life distributions derived from the data obtained in this study and historical data available at National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR). Data for three different composite material systems in the FAA-LEF data set were combined with adhesive fatigue data in the FAA-D5656 material database to obtain life factors and LEFs. As discussed in section 3.2, the life factor, NF, is a function of MLSP, or L, and is not influenced by the MSSP, or R. However, LEF is a function of both parameters. A combined load-life approach is also discussed. Different combinations of MSSP and MLSP from sections 4.2 and 5.3, respectively, are combined to calculate the corresponding LEF curves. Table 36 shows the life factors for MLSP of composite data only and MLSP obtained by combining adhesive fatigue-life shape parameters from individual Weibull analysis for adhesives and Sendeckyj analysis for composites (denoted C and C+A, respectively, in table 36). MSSP for T700-PW also includes element test data from the FAA-EOD database. The influence of test duration on the B-basis LEF for these three materials is shown in figure 52 for one test article. This figure compares the LEF curves generated for the data in this report against the LEF curves generated by Whitehead, et al. [2], and Lameris [3] (referred to as NAVY and CASA, respectively). In addition, the strength and 78 MLSP obtained by pooling the data in this report (26.31 and 2.13, respectively) are used to generate the LEF curve (referred to as NIAR for comparison in figure 52). Due to the significant improvement in the MSSP used for the NIAR curve, the LEF requirements for lower test durations are significantly reduced compared to both NAVY and CASA data. However, for test durations of more than two lifetimes, CASA data resulted in lower LEF requirements than NIAR data due to the lower MLSP obtained for CASA data. Note that CASA data include only 48 fatigue data points and the method of obtaining the fatigue shape parameter (i.e., Weibull or Sendeckyj) is not specified. In contrast, NIAR data include over 800 composite fatigue data points. Furthermore, the NIAR fatigue shape parameter selected for this curve is the most conservative value (MLE and Sendeckyj in table 35) of the three fatigue analysis techniques discussed in this report, corresponding to the largest life scatter. Nevertheless, NIAR data show a significant reduction in LEF requirements compared to NAVY data, as shown in figure 52. Table 36. Weibull Statistics for Combined Composites and Adhesives Composite Material AS4/E7K8 PW (C) AS4/E7K8 PW (C+A) T700/#2510 PW (C) T700/#2510 PW (C+A) 7781/#2510 8HS (C) 7781/#2510 8HS (C+A) α L 2.475 1.880 1.793 1.576 2.099 1.660 NF 3.431 5.267 5.752 7.516 4.364 6.715 Table 37 and figure 53 show a comparison of MLSP obtained for AS4-PW by using different analytical techniques, i.e., individual Weibull or Sendeckyj model, for composites and adhesives. AS4-PW data were analyzed with and without adhesive data (denoted C+A and C, respectively). Composite data were analyzed using Sendeckyj method, while adhesive data were analyzed using the individual Weibull method. As observed in these examples, the LEF calculated as a function of test duration for these materials is significantly lower than for NAVY. In addition, application of the life factor, rather than LEF, for high loads in spectrum required fewer repetitions for improved MLSP than for NAVY. However, guidance for generating reliable shape parameters must be established to prevent unrealistic LEFs that compromise the structural integrity of composite aircraft. It is recommended that specimens or elements representative of features of a particular structure (i.e., materials, design details, failure modes, loading conditions, and environments) be included in the analysis rather than pooling various material databases. Also, it is noted that the primary goal in scatter analysis is not selecting shape parameters from the critical lay-up, R-ratio, environment, etc., (which may result in skewed data that will produce unconservative LEF), but rather selecting the design details representing the critical areas of the structure. 79 1.200 NAVY 1.175 NIAR CASA 1.150 AS4/E7K8 - C AS4/E7K8 - C+A T700/#2510 - C 1.125 T700/#2510 - C+A 7781/#2510 - C LEF 7781/#2510 - C+A 1.100 1.075 1.050 1.025 1.000 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 Test Duration, N NAVY NIAR Strength Shape Parameter 20.000 26.310 Life Shape Parameter 1.250 2.131 Life Factor 13.558 4.259 # of Lives (N) LEF 1.00 1.177 1.125 1.50 1.148 1.088 2.00 1.127 1.063 2.50 1.111 1.044 3.00 1.099 1.029 4.25 1.075 1.000 5.00 1.064 0.987 8.00 1.034 0.950 13.60 1.000 0.908 Figure 52. Influence of Test Duration on B-Basis LEFs for Different Materials 80 Table 37. Weibull Statistics for AS4-PW Composites and Adhesives From Different Analytical Techniques Analysis Method Individual Weibull (C) Individual Weibull (C+A) Sendeckyj (C) Sendeckyj (C+A) Sendeckyj (C)+Individual Weibull (A) α L 4.056 2.082 2.475 1.021 1.880 NF 2.070 4.418 3.431 26.296 5.267 1.200 NAVY 1.175 NIAR CASA AS4 ~ Individual (C) 1.150 AS4 ~ Individual (C+A) AS4 ~ Sendeckyj (C) 1.125 AS4 ~ Sendeckyj (C+A) LEF AS4 ~ Sendeckyj (C) +Individual (A) 1.100 1.075 1.050 1.025 1.000 1.0 10.0 Test Duration, N Figure 53. Influence of Test Duration on B-Basis LEFs of AS4-PW From Different Analytical Techniques The primary objective of the analyses in sections 4 and 5 was to evaluate the parameters affecting MSSP (R) and MLSP (L) so that minimum requirements to generate safe and reliable, yet economical, LEFs and life factors (NF) can be outlined along with a recommendation for benchmark test matrices. The secondary objective was to create a readily available shared database of static-strength and fatigue-life shape parameters for commonly used composite materials and structural details to support on-going and future certification programs, thereby reducing testing time and cost. Finally, well-documented procedures and a user-friendly computer code for generating statistically reliable life factor and LEFs were developed. Using equation 9, tables 5 and 6 include A- and B-basis LEFs, respectively, for different combinations of MSSPs and MLSPs for different test durations and numbers of test articles. 81 5.5 CASE STUDY—LIBERTY AEROSPACE XL2 FUSELAGE. This section demonstrates an application of LEF on a composite fuselage of the Liberty Aerospace XL2 aircraft (figure 54) that was primarily fabricated using T700/#2510 PW (T700-PW) and Airex R82-80 foam core. To generate LEF for the fuselage material systems, several sandwich coupon configurations were tested. Figure 54. Liberty Aerospace XL2 Aircraft A reduced test matrix was developed, including compression- and shear-loaded sandwich coupons using an R82-80 core. Both notched and unnotched compression sandwich specimens were tested using windowed anti-buckling fixtures. One-, two-, and three-ply facesheet lay-ups and 3- and 5-mm-thick cores with and without core splices were included in the test matrix. Several ETD static-compression specimens were also included. The total Liberty database included 198 static data points and 82 fatigue data points. Each static data set had a minimum of six specimens (table 38). Table 38. Weibull Analysis Results of Liberty Sandwich Static Test Data Specimen Configuration Loading Configuration RTA unnotched Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression RTA notched Core Size (mm) Plies per Facesheet 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 82 Core Splice Number of Specimens 6 6 6 6 6 6 Weibull Parameters α̂ β̂ 17.234 51.431 35.754 22.962 19.597 105.229 2.606 5.307 7.011 2.133 4.224 5.438 Table 38. Weibull Analysis Results of Liberty Sandwich Static Test Data (Continued) Specimen Configuration Loading Configuration RTA shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression ETD static Core Size (mm) Plies per Facesheet 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Core Splice Weibull Parameters Number of Specimens 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes α̂ β̂ 23.376 30.213 30.058 14.520 16.305 53.031 7.450 12.065 28.349 14.895 38.642 17.858 8.145 29.879 33.781 9.153 17.646 31.001 0.226 0.245 0.251 0.196 0.209 0.190 2.525 5.046 6.296 2.543 4.690 6.327 1.975 3.736 4.689 2.802 3.730 5.414 However, fatigue data sets did not have the minimum recommended five specimens per stress level to generate accurate individual Weibull shape parameters. Therefore, MLSP was generated using the Sendeckyj method for fatigue data sets that had a minimum of three stress levels, in which at least two fatigue failures existed (table 39). MSSP was generated using several scenarios: (1) only Liberty database [46]; (2) Liberty (without adhesive data) and FAA-LVM databases; (3) Liberty (with adhesive data) and FAA-LVM databases; and (4) Liberty, FAA-LVM, and FAA-EOD databases. Table 39. Sendeckyj Analysis Results of Liberty Sandwich Fatigue Test Data Specimen Configuration Unnotched Notched Loading Configuration Compression Compression Compression Compression Core Size (mm) 3 5 3 5 Plies per Facesheet 3 3 3 3 83 Core Splice Yes Number of Specimens 10 9 7 7 Shape Parameter, α̂ 1.346 17.410 4.559 3.972 Table 39. Sendeckyj Analysis Results of Liberty Sandwich Fatigue Test Data (Continued) Specimen Configuration Shear Loading Configuration Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Core Size (mm) 3 3 3 5 5 5 Plies per Facesheet 1 2 3 1 2 3 Core Splice Shape Parameter, α̂ 7.254 4.965 1.229 4.016 7.024 0.804 Number of Specimens 9 8 9 7 7 9 Only 10/80/10 T700-PW (0/100/0 data was not available) and 50/40/10 T700-UT data from the FAA-LVM database were included in the fatigue analysis of the Liberty XL2 fuselage materials [46] because the Liberty XL2 fuselage was primarily fabricated using T700-PW with ±45° layup and highly orthotropic lay-ups of T700-UT around some of the highly loaded areas. This is an example of using a shared database for generating reliable LEFs with minimum test efforts, i.e., only testing the R82-80 core. B-basis LEFs are shown for all four analysis scenarios with respect to different test durations in table 40. These data are also illustrated in figure 55. Table 40. Comparison of Weibull Statistics for Liberty XL2 Database Test Duration (N) Analysis Scenario for Liberty XL2 1 2 3 4 1.166 1.141 1.148 1.157 1.158 1.131 1.138 1.146 1.147 1.118 1.124 1.132 1.133 1.100 1.106 1.112 1.121 1.085 1.090 1.095 1.110 1.073 1.076 1.081 1.079 1.035 1.037 1.039 1.057 1.009 1.009 1.010 NAVY CASA 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 4.00 1.177 1.170 1.161 1.148 1.137 1.127 1.099 1.079 1.167 1.151 1.131 1.103 1.079 1.059 1.001 0.961 MSSP (R) 20.000 19.630 20.886 23.526 22.419 21.199 1.250 2.740 1.469 2.082 2.082 2.082 13.558 3.019 8.837 4.422 4.422 4.422 MLSP (L) Life Factor (NF) Since MLSP from the Liberty data (scenario 1) are lower than for the NAVY database, the life factor is reduced to 8.837 from 13.558. This is further reduced to 4.422 after adding the FAALVM data. For a given MLSP, the life factor is fixed since it does not depend on MSSP. Therefore, further improvements to MSSP results in a decrease in the slope of the curve, which pivots about NF (LEF = 1), as shown in figure 55. Consequently, this lowers the LEF, especially 84 for smaller test durations. In scenario 3, MSSP is reduced when the Liberty adhesive data are included, indicating a small increase in scatter for the Weibull distribution of static scatter parameters. MSSP is further decreased in scenario 4, when element-level adhesive joint data from FAA-EOD are included. FAA-EOD element test specimens are bonded using EA9394. However, the Liberty XL2 is bonded using EPIBOND 1590. Therefore, scenario 3 is more applicable to this structure. 1.30 NAVY CASA Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 LEF 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 NF 6.0 8.0 10.0 Test Duration, N 1.30 LEF 1.20 1.10 NAVY CASA Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 1.00 0.1 1.0 Test Duration, N Further Improvements to MSSP 10.0 Figure 55. Influence of Test Duration on B-Basis LEFs for Liberty XL2 85 Although scenario 3 did not show significant improvements for LEF, the life factor was about 50 percent lower than for scenario 1. Also, B-basis LEFs for this scenario were considerably lower than for NAVY. The original fatigue tests of the Liberty XL2 fuselage were conducted using the NAVY life factor and an LEF of 1.15, which corresponds to a test duration of 1.5 DLT. The Liberty fuselage fatigue test was conducted for three test lives with NAVY LEF and included a damage tolerance phase. According to scenario 3, an LEF of 1.15 corresponds to a test duration of 1 DLT. Thus, the full-scale test with an LEF of 1.15 corresponds to a B-basis life factor of 1. The actual test was conducted with two DLTs more than what is required to achieve the same level of reliability demonstrated by the metal structure. This increases the confidence in DLT, i.e., number of hours corresponding to a test duration of 1 DLT. During full-scale tests, certain spectrum load cycles above a percentage of the DLLs (high-load cycles) were multiplied by the NAVY life factor rather than applying LEF, as described in section 3.4. Due to the improvement in data scatter, the life factor was reduced to 4.422 from the value of 13.558 proposed for composites by Whitehead, et al. [2]. Therefore, the high-load cycles were repeated approximately three times more than the required number of repetitions to achieve the B-basis life factor. This further increased the level of confidence in DLT. To compare the B-basis LEF requirements for different databases, the Liberty XL2 fuselage durability and damage tolerance (DaDT) test was compared against two scatter analysis material databases: (1) NAVY and (2) Liberty data (scenario 4 in figure 55). This approach evaluated the modified DLT in the event that a certification test duration or LEF was different from the minimum required to achieve B-basis reliability. Figure 56 shows the B-basis LEF requirements with respect to different test durations based on data from the above-mentioned two databases. Liberty LEF requirements reflect the material and process as well as test method improvements related to composites, which consequently reduced the data scatter compared to the test data used for the NAVY approach. Points C and Z correspond to the life factor for Liberty and NAVY databases, respectively. Points X and Y show the LEF required for 1.5- and 3-DLT test durations, respectively, according to the NAVY approach. For the same test durations, points A and B show the LEF requirements for the improved composite test data for Liberty XL2 fuselage materials. A full-scale DaDT test of the 1653-pound Liberty XL2 fuselage was performed at NIAR for three lifetimes. Point T in figure 56 shows the LEF used during the DaDT full-scale test substantiation. The load spectra used for cyclic loading was developed using the exceedance curves from DOT/FAA/CT-91/20 [47] (maneuver and gusts) and AFS-120-73-2 [48] (taxi and landing). The test spectra were truncated below the 30-percent DLL to shorten the test without significant effects on the fatigue characteristics of the structure. No load in excess of DLL was applied during cyclic tests. Since Liberty LEF testing was in progress at the time of full-scale test substantiation, an LEF of 1.15 corresponding to 1.5 lifetimes per the NAVY approach [2] was applied to loads below an 80-percent limit load, and an NF of 28.5 (conservatively, this factor was selected during full-scale substantiation until the LEF data is available) was applied for loads above an 80-percent limit load, similar to the approach outlined in figure 19(b). This approach allowed for a lower LEF in 86 a trade-off for more life cycles, which would reduce the severity of the overload for high stress levels. 1.30 1.20 T LEF X Y A 1.10 NAVY Liberty B 1.00 0.1 C 1.0 10.0 Z 100.0 Test Duration, N Figure 56. Comparison of Tested and Required LEFs for Liberty XL2 Based on the NAVY approach, B-basis reliability was obtained either by increasing the loads by an LEF of 1.15 for a test duration of 1.5 DLTs or by applying an NF of 13.6. This is equivalent to an NF of 2 DLTs, which is typically used to demonstrate B-basis reliability of metal structures. However, as shown in figure 56, the Liberty XL2 fatigue test article was tested for twice the required test duration (3-DLTs) with no indication of damage growth, demonstrating residual strength after repeated loading. Therefore, it is evident that the test article demonstrated B-basis reliability for twice the DLT of 5000 hours. Typically, this argument alone would not justify the new DLT, as the load segments above 80-percent DLL are multiplied by NF instead. However, in this case, NF should have been 13.6 or 4.422, based on the NAVY or Liberty approach, respectively. The applied NF is more than twice that of the NAVY approach and six times that of the Liberty approach. Thus, the above-mentioned argument for a design lifetime of 10,000 hours is justified. An NF of 28.5 corresponds to an MLSP, or αL of 1.00 (figure 14 or solving equation 8 for αL), which corresponds to materials that exhibit higher scatter in fatigue life data than the data set in the NAVY approach. Alternately, considering only the NAVY approach and based on the difference between applied and required LEFs for B-basis reliability, it can be shown that this structure is capable of carrying 5 percent more load than the tested load spectrum for substantiation of a 5000-hour DLT. Based on the test data applicable to Liberty XL2 fuselage materials and design details, an 87 LEF of 1.035 for three lifetimes (table 40), or an NF of 4.422, was sufficient to demonstrate B-basis reliability for a 5000-hour DLT. Therefore, considering the improved LEF curve and based on the difference between applied and required LEFs for B-basis reliability, it can be shown that a 1653-pound fuselage structure is capable of carrying 11.5 percent more loads than the designed load spectrum for a DLT of 5000 hours. This additional information can be used to support design changes that result in higher load requirements, given that the load spectra, failure modes, and critical locations of the structure are not changed. This case study addresses concerns related to the application of LEF and NF during full-scale test substantiation. Once the LEF curve is generated, as shown in figure 56, any combination of LEF and test duration, N, provides the same level of reliability that is required to be demonstrated by metal structures, N = 2-DLT. Thus, the test duration and life factor are no longer required to be multiplied by 2 to achieve B-basis reliability for the designed lifetime. 5.6 CASE STUDY—SCATTER ANALYSIS OF BONDED JOINTS. To investigate the scatter in adhesive data with respect to composite data, a scatter analysis was conducted on adhesive data generated on the composite-titanium bonded joint shown in figure 57. Berens and West [49] conducted static tests in different test temperatures and loading rates, while conducting fatigue tests in two different temperatures and multiple stress levels. The Weibull analysis for static test data and fatigue test data are shown in tables 41 and 42, respectively. This data set is referred to as STP580. Figure 57. Composite-Titanium Bonded Joint Test Specimen [49] 88 Table 41. Weibull Parameter Estimates for Static Tests [49] Test Temperature (°F) -40 73 150 200 250 300 Loading Rate (lb/min) 120 1200 12000 120 1200 12000 120 1200 12000 1200 120 1200 12000 120 1200 12000 Number of Specimens 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Scale Parameter, β̂ (psi) 5165 5756 5638 5057 4955 5145 4449 4510 4624 3949 2840 3143 3486 1693 2148 2879 Shape Parameter, α̂ 8.01 11.37 13.87 12.32 8.44 14.41 11.37 8.88 14.26 12.98 22.06 13.68 16.01 10.95 9.08 16.51 Table 42. Weibull Parameter Estimates for Fatigue Tests [49] Test Temperature (°F) 73 200 Maximum Load (lb) 3100 2900 2700 2500 2350 2150 2000 2000 Number of Specimens 10 10 10 9 6 8 9 15 Scale Parameter, β̂ (Cycles) 53 140 124 1020 777 485 2870 367 Shape Parameter, α̂ 2.62 2.22 1.99 1.43 0.92 1.56 0.69 1.34 Shape parameters corresponding to different static data sets in table 41 were pooled and the shape and scale parameters that correspond to their probability density function were calculated as 3.733 and 14.088, respectively. Then, the MSSP for STP580 data was calculated as 12.959. 89 Since there was not enough fatigue data, the shape parameters in table 42 were considered as separate fatigue data sets and the shape and scale parameters corresponding to their probability density function were calculated as 2.898 and 1.796, respectively. Then, the MLSP for STP580 data was calculated as 1.552. Note that, typically, shape parameters obtained for several S/N curves are analyzed to obtain MLSP, as shown in the examples in this section. In the absence of multiple S/N curves, the distribution of Weibull shape parameters obtained for multiple stress levels can be used to generate MLSP as long as there are data from more than six stress levels and each stress level has more than six fatigue (failure) data points. This method is introduced through this case study and referred to as the modified individual Weibull analysis. Unlike the individual Weibull method that calculates the arithmetic mean of shape parameters obtained for each stress level, the modified individual Weibull method considers the Weibull distribution of shape parameters in each stress level to calculate the MLSP that represents the data scatter of the S/N curve. For the 73°F data in table 42, the MLSP was calculated as 1.578 using shape and scale parameters corresponding to the modified individual Weibull method (2.836 and 1.839, respectively). The individual Weibull analysis for this data set resulted in a shape parameter of 1.633. Therefore, the modified individual Weibull method is considered more conservative than the individual Weibull method and is recommended for adhesive data that satisfy the abovementioned requirements. To compare the STP580 fatigue scatter analysis data with some newer adhesive joint data, the shape parameters corresponding to adhesive joint data were extracted from the FAA-LEF and FAA-D5656 databases. The strength shape parameters of SLS data in the FAA-LEF database (tables 8 and 11) were used for calculating the MSSP, while the FAA-D5656 data set was used for calculating the MLSP. The scatter analysis of bonded joint static data in the FAA-LEF database resulted in shape and scale parameters of 2.181 and 28.262, respectively. The MSSP corresponding to these parameters was calculated as 21.334. The MLSP corresponding to newer forms of bonded joints was selected as 1.461 from the individual Weibull analysis data shown in table 34 using the MLE approach. These modal strength and life shape parameters are tabulated in table 43 along with the NAVY and NIAR data (figure 52). Then, the LEFs obtained from STP580 are compared with the LEFs obtained from the NAVY, NIAR, and FAA-LEF/FAAD5656 adhesive data sets (figure 58). With the limited amount of bonded joint data included in these analyses, especially in STP580, it is evident that the fatigue life data scatter in bonded joints is higher than the newer composite data. Note that except for NIAR data, the rest of the fatigue scatter analyses were conducted using individual Weibull. The NIAR fatigue data shown here was analyzed using the Sendeckyj method, which is significantly more conservative than the individual Weibull method. Table 43. Summary of Strength and Life Shape Parameters of Composite and Adhesive Data MSSP MLSP NAVY 20.000 1.250 NIAR 26.310 2.131 STP580 12.959 1.552 90 FAA-LEF (Adhesive) and FAA-D5656 21.334 1.461 1.200 NAVY 1.175 NIAR STP580 FAA-LEF (Adhes ive) & FAA-D5656 1.150 LEF 1.125 1.100 1.075 1.050 1.025 1.000 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Test Duration, N 10.0 12.0 14.0 Figure 58. Comparison of LEFs Generated Using Composite and Adhesive Test Data Contrary to the observation in fatigue data scatter, table 43 shows a significant improvement in the static data scatter in newer bonded joints compared to STP580 data, which is possibly due to improvements in adhesives, processes, and test methods. Thus, the reliability of bonded joint test data is still a concern for durability and damage tolerance test substantiation and must be included in the development of LEFs, if bonded joints are present in a structure. Furthermore, the use of individual Weibull analysis of bonded joint fatigue data is recommended for preventing overly conservative LEFs as significant differences are observed on the shape parameters obtained at different stress levels (table 42). An LEF curve based on newer bonded joint test data indicates that the NAVY values are conservative. 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. The procedure for generating load enhancement factors (LEF) based on the most critical design details of a composite structure at the coupon level was developed. The approach for obtaining the modal static-strength shape parameter (MSSP) and modal fatigue-life shape parameter (MLSP) to calculate the LEFs for different test durations was investigated in detail using static and fatigue test data for several different composite material systems. It was shown that the scatter in notched (damaged) composite test data was significantly lower than in unnotched composite. Such improvements in fatigue-life shape parameter can significantly reduce the life factor. However, the life factor becomes insensitive to small changes in the life shape parameter beyond a value of 4, which is considered to be the life shape parameter for metal. The composite MLSP of 1.25, which was used for the U.S. Navy F/A-18 certification (or NAVY) approach, lies within the highly sensitive region of the life factor versus shape parameter curve; thus, even a 91 small improvement resulted in a dramatic reduction in life factor, which reflects the required number of test durations to achieve a certain level of reliability in the design lifetime. The analysis in this report forms the supporting data for the load-life damage hybrid approach that can be applied to a full-scale durability test article during the certification process. There are several approaches for the scatter analysis of fatigue data, including the individual Weibull, joint Weibull, and Sendeckyj wearout models. When analyzing small fatigue data sets, the latter two methods can be used to pool data across fatigue stress levels. Furthermore, Sendeckyj analysis allows the user to include the static and residual strength of run-out specimens. In addition to a probabilistic description of the data scatter, the Sendeckyj wearout model provides a deterministic equation to define the shape of the stress to number of cycles (S/N) curve and an expression for the monotonically decreasing residual strength as a function of the number of cycles. Compared to metals, composite materials are known for higher scatter in both static and fatigue test data due to their heterogeneous nature, higher sensitivity to batch variability, environment, and complex failure modes. Over the years, improvements in test methods, materials, and process techniques have resulted in a significant reduction in data scatter. A detailed scatter analysis conducted on several material test databases (from past and current Federal Aviation Administration-funded research programs) representing multiple batches, loading modes, environments, and laminate stacking sequences for several commonly used composite material systems has shown that both static-strength and fatigue-life scatter have been reduced significantly. These improvements have a direct impact on the probabilistic or reliability-based analysis techniques for predicting the life of a composite structure, such as life factor and LEF analysis. It is recommended that specimens or elements representative of features of a particular structure (i.e., materials, design details, failure modes, loading conditions, and environments) be included in the analysis rather than pooling various material databases. Also, it is noted that the primary goal in scatter analysis is not to select shape parameters from the critical lay-up, R-ratio, environment, etc. (which may result in skewed data that will produce an unconservative LEF), but rather to select the design details representing the critical areas of the structure. It is essential to note that all critical design details and/or loading modes, i.e., open-hole fatigue with a stress ratio of -1 for carbon composites, may result in low fatigue life due to notch effects and severe load reversal. Such data often tend to produce low data scatter. Therefore, the details with poor fatigue characteristics or fatigue critical designs may not always produce large data scatter and may produce unconservative LEFs. When designing test matrices for generating fatigue shape parameters, it is essential to investigate the design details/conditions that will produce the most data scatter, which will consequently affect the reliability of test data in higher levels of building blocks of testing. It is important that the test matrix include sufficient information to translate the statistical significance of such phenomenon in a meaningful manner into a full-scale test substantiation. Such test matrices can be significantly reduced by focusing on critical aspects of the structure to address the minimum requirements. As demonstrated in the case study of the Liberty XL2 fuselage, the use of shared databases can significantly reduce the amount of additional tests and 92 time required for a certain application, but care must be taken to make certain that the shared data are equivalent to what is used for that application. Adhesive joints, if applicable, may require the use of individual Weibull analysis rather than pooling techniques such as the Sendeckyj analysis method, as adhesive joints tend to produce large scatter, mainly due to imperfections during bonding and high sensitivity to load eccentricity (especially in asymmetric joints). In the absence of multiple S/N curves, the distribution of Weibull shape parameters obtained for multiple stress levels can be used to generate MLSP as long as there are data from more than six stress levels and each stress level has more than six fatigue (failure) data points. This method is introduced through the case study of bonded joint data and referred to as the modified individual Weibull analysis. Unlike the individual Weibull method that calculates the arithmetic mean of shape parameters obtained for each stress level, the modified individual Weibull method considers the Weibull distribution of shape parameters (indicator of data scatter) in each stress level to calculate shape parameter that represents the data scatter of the S/N curve. The modified individual Weibull method is considered more conservative than the individual Weibull method and recommended for adhesive data that satisfy the above-mentioned requirements. Although the shape parameters can vary within a large spectrum of values, care must be taken to address unrealistic values individually to produce safe and reliable scatter analysis. For example, the Sendeckyj model provides a way to graphically inspect the data fit, as illustrated in appendix A, to evaluate the quality of the fitting parameters, which are used to generate the S/N curve fit and the scatter analysis. 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Gabriel, E.A., DeFiore, T., Locke, J.E., and Smith, H.W., “General Aviation Aircraft— Normal Acceleration Data Analysis and Collection Project,” FAA report DOT/FAA/CT91/20, February 1993. 48. “Fatigue Evaluation of Wing and Associated Structure of Small Airplanes,” FAA report AFS-120-73-2, May 1973. 49. Berens, A.P. and West, B.S., “Evaluation of an Accelerated Characterization Technique for Reliability Assessment of Adhesive Joints,” Composite Reliability, ASTM STP 580, ASTM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1975, pp. 90-101. 97/98 APPENDIX A—FATIGUE TEST RESULTS OF FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION LOAD-ENHANCEMENT FACTOR DATABASE This appendix contains the stress to number of cycles (S/N) curves that were used for the fatigue life scatter analysis of the Federal Aviation Administration load-enhancement factor (FAA-LEF) database. Sendeckyj analysis [A-1] was conducted on the S/N data, and the fitting curves are displayed here for a graphical confirmation that the analysis represents a reasonable trend. S/N curves based on the Sendeckyj analysis are compared with the life predictions based on the Kassapoglou method [A-2], which only uses static-strength data to predict fatigue life. In addition, for several selected fatigue specimens, the compliance change and the damage growth are compared. A.1 THE S/N DATA FOR AS4/E7K8 PLAIN-WEAVE FABRIC. This section contains the S/N data for the AS4/E7K8 plain-weave fabric tests included in the FAA-LEF database. Tables A-1 through A-6 include the individual data points, and figures A-1 through A-14 show the S/N curves that were used for generating LEFs for AS4-PW. Figure A15 shows the Goodman diagram for AS4-PW open-hole (OH) test data. In these tables, n is the number of cycles survived and n = 1 indicates static failure. Also, A and R correspond to the fatigue stress level (or static failure stress level) and the residual strength after surviving the corresponding number of cycles, respectively. A-1 Table A-1. S/N Data for AS4-PW 10/80/10 OH Tests (FAA-LEF) OH Compression/Tension (R = -1) A 41228 39404 40497 39811 43154 38740 30354 26307 26307 26307 26307 26307 26307 26307 26307 20236 20236 20236 20236 20236 20236 20236 20236 16189 1 1 1 1 1 1 301 2195 1407 1412 1751 1996 1442 1927 4746 36171 29470 31608 32681 30972 26187 30657 75965 549419 A 41228 39404 40497 39811 43154 38740 30354 30354 30354 30354 30354 30354 30354 28330 28330 28330 28330 28330 28330 28330 28330 26307 25497 25497 16189 652440 16189 16189 16189 16189 16189 16189 545138 715247 519140 503585 881812 771513 N R OH Compression (R = 5) OH Tension (R = 0) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2645 15660 11740 9151 10990 8239 11057 69069 44082 98781 90522 114108 52521 50311 70955 188105 229685 445665 A 43792 44405 43580 43112 42126 43717 34764 34764 34764 34764 34764 34764 32591 32591 32591 32591 32591 32591 28246 28246 28246 28246 28246 28246 1 1 1 1 1 1 20505 15422 10607 11684 6077 11195 38373 55456 46146 71250 57471 54131 474638 377554 368844 314495 365748 389959 25497 348791 21728 1000000 25497 25497 25497 24283 24283 443210 726570 574103 1000000 1000000 N R 36385 34324 A-2 N OH Tension (R = -0.2) R 41546 A 43792 44405 43580 43112 42126 43717 32591 32591 32591 32591 32591 32591 28246 28246 28246 28246 28246 28246 26073 26073 26073 26073 26073 26073 1 1 1 1 1 1 18137 18575 21301 22457 34293 17588 153000 119454 31998 151318 142394 178984 226885 390390 451383 270902 425390 281893 26073 332591 23900 23900 23900 1000000 1000000 1000000 N R 30517 29613 26546 Table A-2. S/N Data for AS4-PW 10/80/10 Compression After Impact and Double-Notched Compression Tests (FAA-LEF) Compression After Impact (R = 5) [20 ply] Barely Visible Impact Damage Compression After Impact (R = 5) [40 ply] Visible Impact Damage A 34974 35928 32913 27684 27684 27684 27684 27684 27684 25954 25954 25954 25954 25954 25954 24224 22493 22493 22493 22493 22493 22493 20763 A 28945 31307 30476 30525 29743 30585 22698 22698 22698 22698 22698 22698 21184 21184 21184 21184 21184 19671 19671 19671 19671 19671 n 1 1 1 9071 5856 8980 16161 10644 9777 34539 66766 42237 17223 43665 46917 99627 454828 740070 650366 468695 450007 709191 1000000 R n R 1 1 1 1 1 1 9471 15663 7994 21448 6833 8538 29471 47593 28418 63444 46077 601081 203021 145252 538785 374069 35656 A-3 Double-Notched Compression (R = -1) A 4236 3804 3836 3948 4037 4068 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1196 1196 1196 1196 1196 1196 997 997 997 997 997 997 678 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 7231 7524 6586 8621 8212 7256 7150 25573 35487 34290 47904 48215 59366 262210 361803 271419 307399 194263 104738 1000000 Double-Notched Compression (R = -0.2) R 3591 A 4236 3804 3836 3948 4037 4068 1994 1994 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1196 1196 1196 n R 1 1 1 1 1 1 25321 28298 27417 17379 10624 28230 54216 27694 16090 72855 99058 50752 39812 40000 34484 170739 393302 238336 265252 170266 221148 121619 711710 1000000 1000000 3381 3540 Table A-3. S/N Data for AS4-PW 0/100/0 Compression After Impact and Double-Notched Compression Tests (FAA-LEF) OH Tension (R = -1) Tension After Impact (R = 0) Visible Impact Damage A 17631 17409 17550 18326 18078 A 21231 21970 22082 21821 22254 21890 13125 1 1 1 1 1 1 1211 14239 137 A 15690 15744 14612 14150 15333 15180 10583 10937 6730 9789 500 9071 860 10937 10937 13547 7729 9789 8899 392 3001 9071 9071 808 976 10937 7957 8899 2709 9071 1933 10937 10937 8750 8750 8750 8750 8750 8750 7656 7656 7656 7656 7656 7656 6562 7893 6812 57561 83056 47243 65033 121089 66003 210460 191852 194105 216642 216727 254909 990178 8899 8899 8899 8899 8899 8009 8009 8009 8009 8009 8009 7120 7120 7120 7120 7120 7120 6764 6764 6230 695 675 717 621 745 7164 9277 2982 7037 7196 5607 249488 448722 79665 138485 173554 153293 807275 840693 1000027 9071 9071 8315 8315 7559 7559 7559 7559 7559 7559 6803 6803 6803 6803 6803 6803 6501 6501 6047 6047 6047 667 768 1226 5471 4243 15903 5396 7275 7844 29967 66940 38624 70854 142973 107914 25250 556214 1000020 698405 1000011 1000022 n R Tension After Impact (R = 0) Barely Visible Impact Damage R n 1 1 1 1 1 A-4 12663 R n 1 1 1 1 1 1 464 13543 14565 Table A-4. S/N Data for AS4-PW 25/50/25 OH Tension and Compression After Impact Tests (FAA-LEF) OH Tension (R = -1) A 44593 46643 43391 44080 45918 47623 27225 27225 27225 27225 27225 27225 22687 22687 22687 22687 22687 22687 20419 20419 20419 20419 20419 20419 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 14982 11988 15400 7335 8149 16101 129345 105310 142170 103758 117594 117183 446962 524270 604378 498321 949760 916940 Compression After Impact (R = 5) Barely Visible Impact Damage Compression After Impact (R = 5) Visible Impact Damage Compression After Impact (R = 5) Large Impact Damage A 37188 34745 35658 36526 36364 35669 28820 28820 28820 28820 28820 28820 27019 27019 27019 27019 27019 27019 25217 25217 25217 25217 25217 25217 A 29149 31335 29443 29282 29950 28866 22374 22374 22374 22374 22374 22374 20882 20882 20882 20882 20882 20882 19391 19391 19391 19391 19391 19391 A 25147 25601 24627 25370 25228 26695 19083 19083 19083 19083 19083 19083 16539 16539 16539 16539 16539 16539 15267 15267 15267 15267 15267 15267 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 12243 14342 9651 8152 15155 26005 92926 31634 104891 152023 47635 31642 678421 596825 323026 252255 575983 252433 A-5 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 37690 24001 55768 28958 11897 16335 127451 94625 128689 59749 143030 180742 626039 397153 270784 638545 222775 595875 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 42897 38476 18155 13719 32463 17564 201380 214807 374375 278234 165086 193821 2233805 1352887 1618147 1236307 928401 1228113 Table A-5. S/N Data for AS4-PW 40/20/40 Compression After Impact Tests (FAA-LEF) Table A-6. S/N Data for AS4-PW Sandwich Tests (FAA-LEF) Flexure (R = 0) Compression After Impact (R = 5) - Visible Impact Damage A A 143.828 145.592 146.042 146.530 147.151 139.028 87.000 87.000 87.000 87.000 87.000 87.000 87.000 72.500 72.500 72.500 72.500 72.500 72.500 72.500 65.250 58.000 58.000 58.000 58.000 58.000 58.000 58.000 R n 30623 1 31444 33538 31473 32526 31465 25476 25476 25476 25476 25476 23884 23884 23884 23884 23884 23884 20699 20699 20699 20699 20699 20699 20699 20699 20699 1 1 1 1 1 11230 21414 10473 9354 10449 37414 27422 31761 40216 59635 45263 538811 800295 849092 774653 860179 726956 1000030 1000032 1000051 31056 31272 30183 A-6 n R 1 1 1 1 1 1 26661 26077 23272 20000 22000 18898 19928 48648 170000 60000 80000 145000 190000 235000 150000 470000 580000 340000 500000 250000 420000 1000000 145.545 50000 45000 40000 35000 Kas s apoglou Stress (psi) 30000 25000 Se nde ck yj 20000 Experiment 15000 Residual Strength Equivalent Static Strength 10000 Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-1. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, OH, R = -1 50000 45000 40000 35000 Kas s apoglou Se nde ck yj Stress (psi) 30000 25000 20000 Experiment 15000 Residual Strength 10000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Cycles Figure A-2. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, OH, R = 5 A-7 50000 45000 Se nde ck yj 40000 Kas s apoglou 35000 Stress (psi) 30000 25000 20000 Experiment 15000 Residual Strength Equivalent Static Strength 10000 Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-3. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, OH, R = 0 50000 45000 Se nde ck yj 40000 35000 Kas s apoglou Stress (psi) 30000 25000 20000 15000 Experiment Residual Strength 10000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Cycles Figure A-4. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, OH, R = -0.2 A-8 40000 35000 Se nde ck yj 30000 Stress (psi) 25000 Kas s apoglou 20000 15000 Experiment Residual Strength 10000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-5. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, CAI (20 ply)—BVID, R = 5 35000 30000 Kas s apoglou 25000 Stress (psi) Se nde ck yj 20000 15000 Experiment 10000 Residual Strength Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Cycles Figure A-6. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, CAI (40 ply)—BVID, R = 5 A-9 1,000,000 4500 4000 3500 Kas s apoglou Stress (psi) 3000 2500 2000 Se nde ck yj 1500 Experiment Residual Strength 1000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 500 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-7. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, DNC, R = -1 5000 4500 4000 3500 Kas s apoglou Stress (psi) 3000 2500 Se nde ck yj 2000 Experiment 1500 Residual Strength 1000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 500 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Cycles Figure A-8. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, DNC, R = -0.2 A-10 1,000,000 25000 Kas s apoglou 20000 Stress (psi) 15000 Se nde ck yj 10000 Experiment Residual Strength 5000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-9. AS4/E7K8 PW—0/100/0, OH, R = -1 25000 20000 Kas s apoglou Stress (psi) 15000 10000 Se nde ck yj Experiment Residual Strength 5000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Cycles Figure A-10. AS4/E7K8 PW—0/100/0, TAI—BVID, R = 0 A-11 1,000,000 18000 16000 14000 Kas s apoglou Stress (psi) 12000 10000 Se nde ck yj 8000 6000 Experiment Residual Strength 4000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 2000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-11. AS4/E7K8 PW—0/100/0, TAI—VID, R = 0 160 140 Kas s apoglou 120 Se nde ck yj Stress (psi) 100 80 60 Experiment Residual Strength 40 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 20 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Cycles Figure A-12. AS4/E7K8 PW—HRH 10, Flexture, R = 0 A-12 1,000,000 50000 45000 40000 Kas s apoglou 35000 Se nde ck yj Stress (psi) 30000 25000 20000 Experiment 15000 Residual Strength 10000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-13. AS4/E7K8 PW—25/50/25, OH, R = -1 35000 30000 Kas s apoglou Se nde ck yj Stress (psi) 25000 20000 15000 Experiment 10000 Residual Strength Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Cycles Figure A-14. AS4/E7K8 PW—40/20/40, CAI—VID, R = 5 A-13 1,000,000 Normalized Alternating Stress 1.0 R= -1 R= -0.2 R= 0 0.8 R= 5 0 10 Cycles 3 0.6 10 5 10 0.4 6 10 0.2 0.0 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Normalized Mean Stress Figure A-15. Goodman Diagram Based on AS4/E7K8 PW OH Test Data A.2 PROGRESSIVE DAMAGE FAILURE AND COMPLIANCE CHANGE. The damage progression of several selected fatigue specimens was monitored by throughtransmission ultrasonic (TTU) C-scanning. The damage growth was then compared with the compliance change of those specimens during fatigue tests. Compliance was measured by the following: Stopping the fatigue test and periodically conducting a quasi-static test (static) Collecting load-displacement data during fatigue at several fatigue intervals (dynamic) Using extensometer data (ext.) Using a laser extensometer (laser) These data are shown in figures A-16 though A-22 for several open-hole compression (OHC) and flexure specimens. A-14 Figure A-16. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, OHC, R = 5, Stress Level = 63% of Static 1.4 149000 146000 143000 1.0 Specimen Name: A117-BX25-A-6 SL : 75% Max: -6.071 ksi (-1394 lbf) Min: -30.354 ks i(-6968 lbf) R: 5 Transducer : 1 mHz F : 5 Hz Gain : 82-90 0.8 0.6 140000 137000 134000 Slope (lbf/in) Damaged Area ( 1.2 0.4 131000 Damaged Area [in2] Slope (Dynamic) Slope (Static) 0.2 128000 0.0 125000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 No. of Cycles (n) Figure A-17. AS4/E7K8 PW 01—10/80/10, OHC, R = 5, Stress Level = 75% of Static (Specimen A) A-15 150000 4.0 148000 3.5 144000 Damaged Area [in2] Slope (Laser) Slope (Ext.) Slope (Dynamic) Slope (Static) 2.5 142000 2.0 140000 1.5 Specimen Name: A117-BX25-A-7 SL : 75% Max: -6.071 ksi (-1382 lbf) Min: -30.354 ksi (-6909 lbf) R:5 F : 5 Hz Transducer : 1 mHz Cycle : 11057 Gain : 82-90 1.0 0.5 138000 136000 134000 0.0 0 2000 4000 Slope (lbf/in) Damaged Area ( 146000 3.0 6000 8000 10000 132000 12000 No. of Cycles (n) 4.0 160000 3.5 155000 3.0 150000 2.5 145000 2.0 140000 1.5 135000 Specimen Name: A117-BX35-A-10 Damaged Area [in2] SL : 70% Slope (Laser) Max: -5.666 ksi (-1300 lbf) Slope (Ext.) Min: -28.330 ksi (-6501 lbf) Slope (Dynamic) R:5 Slope (Static) F : 5 Hz Transducer : 1 mHz Cycle : 70955 Gain : 82-90 1.0 0.5 130000 125000 0.0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 Slope (lbf/in) Damaged Area ( Figure A-18. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, OHC, R = 5, Stress Level = 75% of Static (Specimen B) 60000 70000 120000 80000 No. of Cycles (n) Figure A-19. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, OHC, R = 5, Stress Level = 70% of Static (Specimen A) A-16 1.2 143000 138000 0.8 133000 0.6 128000 0.4 Specimen Name: A119-BX35-A-9 SL : 70% Max: -5.666 ksi (-1303 lbf) Min: -28.330 ksi (-6515 lbf) R: 5 Transducer : 1 mHz F : 5 Hz Gain : 82-90 0.2 Damaged Area [in2] Slope (Dynamic) Slope (Static) 123000 0.0 0 10000 20000 30000 Slope (lbf/in) Damaged Area ( 1.0 40000 50000 118000 60000 No. of Cycles (n) Figure A-20. AS4/E7K8 PW—10/80/10, OHC, R = 5, Stress Level = 70% of Static (Specimen B) 3000 Dynamic Slope (lbf/in) 2500 Specimen Name: A103-DX10-A-5 SL : 60% Max: 0.00 ksi (0 lbf) Min: 0.087 ksi (140 lbf) R:0 F : 5 Hz Cycle : 57249 Transducer : 1 mHz Gain : 78- 83 Oscilloscope Sonic Workstation 2000 1500 1000 500 Slope (Dynamic) Slope (Static) 0 0 8000 16000 24000 32000 40000 48000 56000 No. of Cycles (n) Figure A-21. AS4/E7K8 PW and HRH10—Sandwich, Flexure, R = 0, Stress Level = 60% of Static A-17 3000 Dynamic Slope (lbf/in) 2500 Specimen Name: A103-DX20-A-3 SL : 50% Max: 0.00 ksi (0 lbf) Min: 0.073 ksi (116 lbf) R:0 F : 5 Hz Cycle : 122685 Transducer : 1 mHz Gain : 78- 83 2000 1500 1000 500 Slope (Dynamic) Slope (Static) 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 No. of Cycles (n) Figure A-22. AS4/E7K8 PW and HRH10—Sandwich, Flexure, R = 0, Stress Level = 50% of Static Figures A-21 and A-22 show that the sandwich specimens carried the fatigue loads after significant damage propagation because the sandwich facesheets carried most of the loads in in-plane tension after the core shear capabilities were diminished. A 10-percent decrease in compliance was considered as fatigue failure. The compliance changes and the corresponding C-scan damage area for the three stress levels, i.e., 75, 70, and 63 percent of OHC static strength, of several selected fatigue specimens with a stress ratio of 5 are superimposed for comparison in figure A-23. A-18 155000 145000 Higher stress level 125000 115000 105000 95000 85000 75000 1 10 100 1000 No. of Cycles [n] 10000 100000 1000000 (a) Compliance Change 0.80 0.70 0.60 2 Damaged Area (in ) Slope [lbf/in] 135000 0.50 0.40 A119-BX35-A-8 Higher stress level SL1 SL2 0.30 SL3 0.20 0.10 0.00 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Cycles (b) Damage Growth Figure A-23. General Trends of Compliance Change and Damage Growth for AS4-PW OH Fatigue Specimens A-19 A.3 S/N Data for T700/#2510 Plain-Weave Fabric. This section contains the S/N data for the T700/#2510 plain-weave fabric (T700-PW) tests included in the FAA-LEF database. Tables A-7 and A-8 include the individual data points, and figures A-24 through A-27 show the S/N curves that were used for generating LEFs for T700PW. In these tables, n is the number of cycles survived and n = 1 indicates static failure. Also, A and R correspond to the fatigue stress level (or static failure stress level) and the residual strength after surviving the corresponding number of cycles, respectively. Table A-7. S/N Data for T700-PW OH Tests (FAA-LEF) OHC/T (R = -1) A 33650 34576 35063 36487 35204 34936 24490 24490 24490 24490 24490 24490 20992 20992 20992 20992 20992 20992 19242 19242 19242 19242 19242 19242 17493 17493 17493 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 2532 2701 3810 3644 5948 6102 47865 32017 34468 54001 32295 38393 231143 251069 245405 112840 116223 146589 1056026 1046017 1000019 OHC (R = 5) R 29027 29668 27191 A 33650 34576 35063 36487 35204 34936 31487 31487 31487 31487 31487 31487 29738 29738 27989 27989 27989 27989 27989 27989 26239 26239 26239 26239 26239 26239 26239 24490 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 2185 1889 1426 4263 2152 2466 27956 15207 89462 27907 38103 101532 16926 72487 455423 853210 427342 351708 218416 614718 1000014 1032657 OHT (R = 0) R 34559 35164 A 41414 43186 41602 40934 42189 40789 35433 35433 35433 35433 35433 34599 34599 34599 34599 34599 33349 33349 33349 33349 33349 33349 31264 31264 31264 31264 31264 31264 30014 29180 29180 A-20 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 2338 780 500 331 1521 1879 3919 6211 12937 17960 21575 8256 17272 13863 18214 22073 169971 128793 188066 65969 159350 82926 240064 1089903 1000000 OHT (R = -0.2) R 35566 A 41414 43186 41602 40934 42189 40789 33349 33349 33349 33349 33349 33349 31264 31264 31264 31264 31264 31264 29180 29180 29180 29180 29180 29180 29180 n R 1 1 1 1 1 1 8451 7003 8196 7766 11553 17718 36959 28014 43575 69444 71510 34351 157157 270388 524950 359994 381294 527262 1000183 29513 Table A-8. S/N Data for T700-PW DNC and Sandwich Tests (FAA-LEF) DNC (R = -1) A 2878 3244 2786 3245 3009 2878 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1353 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052 902 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 5331 7402 7835 1512 1661 11515 10811 51912 54388 44383 53626 174360 51686 43064 293357 243965 94645 207966 46212 291053 74427 32596 132350 144424 1000029 DNC (R = -0.2) R A 2878 3244 2786 3245 3009 2878 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 1804 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1203 1203 1203 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 6616 5045 7781 4842 1757 6017 26712 40696 55920 38398 209297 40675 76358 403412 361713 226962 115567 150687 347703 473922 981488 1000023 2190 A-21 Flexure (R = 0) R A 131 137 139 138 138 141 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 69 69 69 69 69 69 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 11500 5100 5500 21000 22500 6750 24673 34800 24006 44036 60000 114000 78025 140000 123500 310133 110000 370000 340000 375000 492500 364181 R 40000 35000 Kas s apoglou 30000 Stress (psi) 25000 Se nde ck yj 20000 15000 Experiment Residual Strength 10000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-24. T700-PW—10/80/10, OH, R = -1 40000 35000 Kas s apoglou 30000 Se nde ck yj Stress (psi) 25000 20000 15000 Experiment Residual Strength 10000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Cycles Figure A-25. T700-PW—10/80/10, OH, R = 5 A-22 100,000 1,000,000 50000 45000 40000 Kas s apoglou 35000 Se nde ck yj Stress (psi) 30000 25000 20000 Experiment 15000 Residual Strength Equivalent Static Strength 10000 Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-26. T700-PW—10/80/10, OH, R = 0 50000 45000 40000 Kas s apoglou 35000 Se nde ck yj Stress (psi) 30000 25000 20000 Experiment 15000 Residual Strength Equivalent Static Strength 10000 Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Cycles Figure A-27. T700-PW—10/80/10, OH, R = -0.2 A-23 100,000 1,000,000 A.4 S/N DATA FOR 7781/#2510 8-HARNESS SATIN-WEAVE FABRIC. This section contains the S/N data for the 7781/#2510 8-harness satin-weave fabric (7781-8HS) tests included in the FAA-LEF database. Tables A-9 and A-10 include the individual data points, and figures A-28 through A-31 show the S/N curves that were used for generating LEFs for 7781-8HS. In these tables, n is the number of cycles survived and n = 1 indicates static failure. Also, A and R correspond to the fatigue stress level (or static failure stress level) and the residual strength after surviving the corresponding number of cycles, respectively. Table A-9. S/N Data for 7781-8HS OH Tests (FAA-LEF) OHC/T (R = -1) A 33130 33141 33506 33514 33407 32666 23256 16621 13297 13292 13292 10723 10723 10723 10723 10723 10723 10723 10013 9973 9973 9973 9959 9383 9383 9383 9383 9383 9383 8043 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 260 756 7502 4575 5335 32634 32224 33829 40038 30692 38903 40451 74386 81665 70390 362895 111843 123527 145031 134683 165288 179403 193388 593003 OHC (R = 5) R A 33130 33141 33506 33514 33407 32666 26582 26582 26582 26582 26582 26582 24921 24921 24921 24921 24921 24921 24921 24921 24921 23259 23259 23259 23259 23259 23259 22595 21598 19936 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 2813 2254 1587 1716 1673 1949 9408 29368 16482 27249 8833 13012 23041 7358 8213 216131 274091 595433 189941 347856 362656 1106426 1000000 1000100 OHT (R = 0) R A 27267 27150 26895 26613 26294 26632 16085 16085 16085 16085 16085 16085 13404 13404 13404 13404 13404 13404 10723 10723 10723 10723 10723 10723 29906 31661 30532 A-24 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 4879 4689 5153 4695 4478 5230 31239 29110 24024 23870 25278 29622 377715 352927 272790 353214 325874 288778 OHT (R = -0.2) R A 27267 27150 26895 26613 26294 26632 16085 16085 16085 16085 16085 16085 13404 13404 13404 13404 13404 13404 10723 10723 10723 10723 10723 10723 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 4159 3290 4340 4006 3901 5410 19991 26597 25380 24603 24317 22742 87248 193468 227929 193446 177910 193217 R Table A-9. S/N Data for 7781-8HS OH Tests (FAA-LEF) (Continued) OHC/T (R = -1) A 8043 8043 8043 8043 8043 8043 OHC (R = 5) n R 1000032 883245 942271 769637 778751 1144259 25937 A n OHT (R = 0) R A n OHT (R = -0.2) R A n R Table A-10. S/N Data for 7781-8HS DNC and Sandwich Tests (FAA-LEF) DNC (R = -1) A DNC (R = -0.2) R n A Flexure (R = 0) R n A R n 3630 1 3630 1 140.342 1 3625 1 3625 1 141.508 1 3429 1 3429 1 141.772 1 3195 1 3195 1 143.715 1 3614 1 3614 1 139.256 1 3468 1 3468 1 139.038 1 1747 3121 2446 1692 83 28924 1747 5270 2096 9267 83 42000 1747 2028 2096 12301 83 39000 1747 6133 2096 18245 83 50000 1747 2759 2096 5612 83 36500 1747 3916 2096 15366 83 64000 1572 4004 2096 11326 70 265000 1572 10732 1747 65045 70 216004 1572 6779 1747 45870 70 205000 1397 28078 1747 99557 70 230000 1397 18684 1747 85112 70 167500 1397 5724 1747 105136 70 262000 1397 2138 1747 83695 70 70000 1397 6291 1572 320302 63 410000 1397 23500 1572 37069 63 270000 1223 451048 1572 455873 63 190000 1223 47332 1572 237356 60 325000 1223 31537 1572 281584 60 490000 1048 146896 1572 107805 60 625000 1048 206313 1572 168387 1048 379484 1397 1000088 1048 157833 60 790000 1048 197364 60 1000042 A-25 2745 60 1000042 60 1000042 Table A-10. S/N Data for 7781-8HS DNC and Sandwich Tests (FAA-LEF) (Continued) DNC (R = -1) A R n 1048 DNC (R = -0.2) A n Flexure (R = 0) R 57311 A n 60 1000042 60 1000042 60 1000042 56 940000 40000 35000 Kas s apoglou 30000 Stress (psi) 25000 20000 Se nde ck yj 15000 Experiment Residual Strength 10000 Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-28. 7781-8HS—10/80/10, OH, R = -1 40000 35000 Kas s apoglou 30000 Se nde ck yj Stress (psi) 25000 20000 15000 Experiment Residual Strength 10000 Equivalent Static Sterngth Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Cycles Figure A-29. 7781-8HS—10/80/10, OH, R = 5 A-26 1,000,000 R 30000 Kas s apoglou 25000 Stress (psi) 20000 Se nde ck yj 15000 10000 Experiment Residual Strength Equivalent Static Strength 5000 Sendeckyj Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cycles Figure A-30. 7781-8HS—10/80/10, OH, R = 0 35000 30000 Kas s apoglou Stress (psi) 25000 20000 Se nde ck yj 15000 Experiment 10000 Residual Strength Equivalent Static Strength Sendeckyj 5000 Kassapoglou 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Cycles Figure A-31. 7781-8HS—10/80/10, OH, R = -0.2 A-27 1,000,000 A.5 REFERENCES. A-1. Sendeckyj, G.P., “Fitting Models to Composite Materials Fatigue Data,” Test Methods and Design Allowables for Fibrous Composites, ASTM STP 734, Chamis, C.C., ed., ASTM, 1981, pp. 245-260. A-2. Kassapoglou, C., “Fatigue Life Prediction of Composite Structures Under Constant Amplitude Loading,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 41, No. 22, 2007. A-28 APPENDIX B—SCATTER ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION LOAD-ENHANCEMENT FACTOR DATABASE This appendix contains the static data scatter analysis results of Federal Aviation Administration lamina variability method (FAA-LVM) database. This analysis includes data for T700/#2510 unidirectional tape (T700-UT), AS4C/MTM45 unidirectional tape (AS4C-UT), AS4C/MTM45 5-harness satin-weave fabric (AS4C-5HS), T700/E765 unidirectional tape (E765-UT), and T300/E765 plain-weave fabric material systems. The scatter analysis of T700/#2510 plainweave fabric (T700-PW) data belonging to the FAA-LVM database is included in section 4.1.2 of the main document. B.1 STATIC SCATTER ANALYSIS OF T700-UT. This section contains the shape parameters of 853 T700-UT specimens from 47 data sets obtained from the FAA-LVM database. Tables B-1, B-2, and B-3 contain shape parameters corresponding to static-strength distributions of individual test methods and environmental conditions of hard (50/40/10), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) laminates, respectively. The scatter analysis in section 4.1.4 of the main document was conducted by analyzing the shape parameters in these three tables. Table B-1. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 50/40/10 T700-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Single-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.320] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.384] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.640] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.480] Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension V-notched rail shear Open-hole tension [w/D = 3] Open-hole tension [w/D = 4] Open-hole tension [w/D = 8] CTD = Cold temperature dry RTA = Room temperature ambient Test Environment RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW RTA RTA RTA RTA Shape Parameter, ETW = Elevated temperature wet t/D = Thickness to diameter B-1 α̂ 52.085 40.405 38.043 41.398 44.098 42.257 59.840 20.702 33.121 22.705 36.224 17.585 20.516 22.705 22.553 20.420 32.794 Number of Specimens 19 20 15 18 18 17 15 19 19 21 18 18 19 18 18 18 19 w/D = Width to diameter Table B-2. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 25/50/25 T700-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Double-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Bearing-bypass 50% tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression V-notched rail shear Test Environment CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW RTA Shape Parameter, α̂ 31.499 10.310 41.221 37.563 14.452 18.924 74.669 57.956 37.058 25.000 27.714 45.075 39.641 32.490 23.026 22.034 34.869 37.455 27.930 22.122 9.054 Number of Specimens 22 19 18 18 18 18 15 15 18 18 21 18 18 18 18 18 18 21 18 22 18 Table B-3. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 10/80/10 T700-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Bearing-bypass 50% tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Open-hole compression V-notched rail shear V-notched rail shear V-notched rail shear Test Environment RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW B-2 Shape Parameter, α̂ 64.772 49.444 67.241 20.186 26.157 41.378 7.262 19.659 10.595 Number of Specimens 15 15 18 18 18 18 18 19 18 B.2 STATIC SCATTER ANALYSIS OF AS4C/MTM45 UNIDIRECTIONAL TAPE. This section contains the shape parameters of 1151 AS4C-UT specimens from 86 data sets obtained from the FAA-LVM database. Tables B-4 through B-6 contain shape parameters corresponding to static-strength distributions of individual test methods and environmental conditions of hard (50/40/10), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) laminates, respectively. In addition, shape parameters corresponding to AS4C-UT lamina data are included in table B-7. The scatter analysis in section 4.1.5 of the main document was conducted by analyzing the shape parameters in these three tables. Table B-4. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 50/40/10 AS4C-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Open-hole tension Open-hole tension Open-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Filled-hole compression Filled-hole compression Double-shear bearing Double-shear bearing Test Environment CTD RTD ETW2 CTD RTD ETW2 CTD RTD RTD ETW RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 CTD = Cold temperature dry RTD = Room temperature dry ETW2 = Elevated temperature 220°F, wet B-3 Shape Parameter, α̂ 36.6884 39.6101 105.7766 8.2884 46.3690 60.1876 18.7167 18.1374 46.4812 39.6044 51.4916 28.7315 7.6270 13.1700 52.4169 30.4239 Number of Specimens 7 6 6 18 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 19 7 21 6 20 Table B-5. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 25/50/25 AS4C-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Test Environment Shape Parameter, α̂ Unnotched tension CTD 36.9107 Unnotched tension RTD 36.7091 Unnotched tension ETW2 73.1509 Open-hole tension CTD 27.1127 Open-hole tension RTD 35.9034 Open-hole tension ETW 45.0771 Open-hole tension ETW2 29.5619 Filled-hole tension CTD 30.4239 Filled-hole tension RTD 32.5909 Unnotched compression RTD 35.8363 Unnotched compression ETW 45.5883 Unnotched compression ETW2 25.0000 Open-hole compression RTD 24.9999 Open-hole compression ETW 23.6168 Open-hole compression ETW2 28.0623 Filled-hole compression RTD 24.9999 Filled-hole compression ETW2 21.4617 Double-shear bearing RTD 21.0857 Double-shear bearing ETW2 22.9000 Compression after impact RTD 16.0114 Number of Specimens 18 18 6 15 16 5 18 18 6 19 7 18 14 6 17 6 7 18 18 6 CTD = Cold temperature dry RTD = Room temperature dry ETW2 = Elevated temperature 220°F, wet Table B-6. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 10/80/10 AS4C-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Open-hole tension Open-hole tension Test Environment CTD RTD ETW2 CTD RTD B-4 Shape Parameter, α̂ 35.1583 31.4154 47.2541 48.8726 47.2759 Number of Specimens 6 6 6 17 5 Table B-6. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 10/80/10 AS4C-UT (FAA-LVM) (Continued) Test Description Open-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Filled-hole compression Filled-hole compression Double-shear bearing Double-shear bearing Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Test Environment ETW2 CTD RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW ETW2 Shape Parameter, α̂ 38.5491 60.3965 40.4534 38.2105 33.1313 47.7841 33.2611 27.2031 38.5239 27.6622 31.2818 18.3542 22.0431 23.9989 27.0304 Number of Specimens 6 6 6 7 6 6 5 18 5 21 6 12 18 6 18 CTD = Cold temperature dry RTD = Room temperature dry ETW2 = Elevated temperature 220°F, wet Table B-7. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of AS4C-UT Lamina Data (FAA-LVM) Lay-Up 100/0/0 0/0/100 Test Description Longitudinal tension Longitudinal tension Longitudinal tension Longitudinal tension Transverse tension Transverse tension Transverse tension Transverse tension Test Environment CTD RTD ETW ETW2 CTD RTD ETW ETW2 B-5 Shape Parameter, α̂ 13.8596 15.0419 16.9554 18.9761 13.2656 13.7326 12.5037 16.5834 Number of Specimens 20 18 12 12 20 20 23 21 Table B-7. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of AS4C-UT Lamina Data (FAA-LVM) (Continued) Lay-Up 0/0/100 0/100/0 100/0/0 50/0/50 50/0/50 Test Description Transverse compression Transverse compression Transverse compression Transverse compression In-plane shear In-plane shear In-plane shear In-plane shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Test Environment CTD RTD ETW ETW2 CTD RTD ETW ETW2 CTD RTD ETD ETW ETW2 CTD RTD ETW ETW2 CTD RTD ETD ETW ETW2 Shape Parameter, α̂ 22.5142 32.6974 31.1187 23.3048 30.8707 43.3159 37.3768 31.4522 30.0698 32.5469 26.2652 36.3365 19.1586 18.9930 19.3424 16.0501 17.8260 14.1693 28.1360 20.7004 20.0349 12.5308 Number of Specimens 19 18 18 19 18 18 17 19 20 20 20 21 18 18 18 18 17 22 18 18 18 18 CTD = Cold temperature dry RTD = Room temperature dry ETW2 = Elevated temperature 220°F, wet B.3 STATIC SCATTER ANALYSIS OF AS4C/MTM45 5-HARNESS SATIN-WEAVE FABRIC. This section contains the shape parameters of 1083 AS4C-5HS specimens from 78 data sets obtained from the FAA-LVM database. Tables B-8 through B-10 contain shape parameters corresponding to static-strength distributions of individual test methods and environmental conditions of hard (40/20/40), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) laminates, respectively. In addition, shape parameters corresponding to AS4C-5HS lamina data are included in table B-11. The scatter analysis in section 4.1.6 of the main document was conducted by analyzing the shape parameters in these three tables. B-6 Table B-8. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 40/20/40 AS4C-5HS (FAA-LVM) Test Description Test Environment Unnotched tension CTD Unnotched compression RTD Unnotched compression ETW2 Open-hole tension CTD Open-hole tension RTD Open-hole tension ETW2 Filled-hole tension CTD Filled-hole tension RTD Open-hole compression RTD Open-hole compression ETW2 Filled-hole compression RTD Filled-hole compression ETW2 Double-shear bearing RTD Double-shear bearing ETW2 Number of Specimens 6 6 6 21 7 6 6 6 6 18 6 20 6 24 Shape Parameter, α̂ 50.3322 13.4587 23.7333 25.5530 33.2549 28.5810 20.9094 29.0854 32.2012 27.0483 14.1911 19.3906 34.7686 15.5135 CTD = Cold temperature dry RTD = Room temperature dry ETW2 = Elevated temperature 220°F, wet Table B-9. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 25/50/25 AS4C-5HS (FAA-LVM) Test Description Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Open-hole tension Open-hole tension Open-hole tension Open-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Test Environment CTD RTD ETW2 RTD ETW ETW2 RTD CTD ETW ETW2 RTD CTD B-7 Shape Parameter, α̂ 62.6999 34.3319 44.9484 20.4637 19.1119 19.6297 40.4981 24.3826 86.9983 28.7676 41.9103 34.6634 Number of Specimens 23 18 6 18 6 18 18 18 6 18 6 18 Table B-9. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 25/50/25 AS4C-5HS (FAA-LVM) (Continued) Test Description Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Filled-hole compression Filled-hole compression Double-shear bearing Double-shear bearing Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Test Environment RTD ETW ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW ETW2 Shape Parameter, α̂ 29.5250 15.5124 24.5294 27.7953 31.8401 13.9867 13.6569 35.7819 61.9031 57.5735 CTD = Cold temperature dry RTD = Room temperature dry Number of Specimens 18 6 18 6 18 18 23 18 6 18 ETW2 = Elevated temperature 220°F, wet Table B-10. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 10/80/10 AS4C-5HS (FAA-LVM) Test Description Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Open-hole tension Open-hole tension Open-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Filled-hole compression Filled-hole compression Double-shear bearing Double-shear bearing CTD = Cold temperature dry Test Environment CTD RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 CTD RTD ETW2 RTD CTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 RTD ETW2 Shape Parameter, α̂ 36.4157 74.8199 26.8754 23.2597 32.6546 41.9517 53.7592 40.8813 53.8676 64.3808 43.5941 32.1458 40.5532 64.9168 41.6289 21.9478 14.6494 RTD = Room temperature dry B-8 Number of Specimens 6 6 6 6 6 18 9 6 6 6 6 6 18 6 18 6 24 ETW2 = Elevated temperature 220°F, wet Table B-11. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 50/0/50 AS4C-5HS (FAA-LVM) Test Description Warp tension Warp tension Warp tension Warp tension Filled tension Filled tension Filled tension Filled tension Warp compression Warp compression Warp compression Warp compression Filled compression Filled compression Filled compression Filled compression Filled compression In-plane Shear In-plane Shear In-plane Shear In-plane Shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Short-beam shear Test Environment CTD RTA ETW ETW2 CTD RTA ETW ETW2 CTD RTA ETW ETW2 CTD RTA ETD ETW ETW2 CTD RTA ETW ETW2 CTD RTA ETW ETW2 RTA = Room temperature ambient RTD = Room temperature dry Shape Parameter, α̂ 41.7447 31.7590 34.1953 25.6064 27.5161 31.6162 36.2862 25.4495 11.9994 16.1442 12.2082 9.7697 17.3767 18.1475 13.3973 15.3266 18.4131 14.1296 14.7233 61.6350 13.9587 24.7163 36.7471 26.2523 28.0774 Number of Specimens 19 22 20 22 18 18 21 19 18 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 19 17 18 18 CTD = Cold temperature dry ETW2 = Elevated temperature 220°F, wet B.4 STATIC SCATTER ANALYSIS OF T700/E765 UNIDIRECTIONAL TAPE. This section contains the shape parameters of 834 E765-UT specimens from 47 data sets obtained from the FAA-LVM database. Tables B-12 through B-14 contain shape parameters corresponding to static-strength distributions of individual test methods and environmental conditions of hard (50/40/10), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) laminates, respectively. The scatter analysis in section 4.1.7 of the main document was conducted by analyzing the shape parameters in these three tables. B-9 Table B-12. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 50/40/10 E765-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Single-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.320] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.384] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.640] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.480] Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension V-notched rail shear Open-hole tension [w/D = 3] Open-hole tension [w/D = 4] Open-hole tension [w/D = 8] Test Environment RTA RTA RTA RTA Shape Parameter, α̂ 30.814 17.957 28.550 30.861 Number of Specimens 18 21 13 17 RTA 46.294 18 RTA 24.909 18 RTA 26.362 15 RTA RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW RTA RTA RTA RTA 7.347 8.897 21.189 31.088 33.685 18.421 19.226 35.484 77.305 27.486 20 18 20 18 18 18 18 18 16 18 RTA = Room temperature ambient CTD = Cold temperature dry ETW = Elevated temperature wet Table B-13. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 25/50/25 E765-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Double-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Test Environment CTD RTA ETW CTD B-10 Shape Parameter, α̂ 13.077 28.116 8.356 17.509 Number of Specimens 19 18 21 18 Table B-13. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 25/50/25 E765-UT (FAA-LVM) (Continued) Test Description Single-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Bearing-bypass 50% tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression V-notched rail shear RTA = Room temperature ambient Test Environment RTA ETW RTA RTA Shape Parameter, α̂ 26.754 31.724 40.112 30.226 Number of Specimens 18 20 16 15 CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW RTA 37.529 50.949 48.482 14.611 25.580 24.874 18.276 28.061 10.442 18.715 50.933 13.645 10.840 18 18 18 19 14 18 18 17 18 19 18 20 18 CTD = Cold temperature dry ETW = Elevated temperature wet Table B-14. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of 10/80/10 E765-UT (FAA-LVM) Test Description Bearing-bypass 50% tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Open hole compression V-notched rail shear V-notched rail shear V-notched rail shear RTA = Room temperature ambient Test Environment RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW Shape Parameter, α̂ 38.362 39.852 32.358 40.424 27.476 28.881 6.335 16.180 11.573 CTD = Cold temperature dry B-11 Number of Specimens 15 14 18 15 18 20 18 18 18 ETW = Elevated temperature wet B.5 STATIC SCATTER ANALYSIS OF T300/E765 3K PLAIN-WEAVE FABRIC. This section contains the shape parameters of 722 E765-PW specimens from 48 data sets obtained from the FAA-LVM database. Tables B-15 through B-17 contain shape parameters corresponding to static-strength distributions of individual test methods and environmental conditions of hard (40/20/40), quasi-isotropic (25/50/25), and soft (10/80/10) laminates, respectively. The scatter analysis in section 4.1.8 of the main document was conducted by analyzing the shape parameters in these three tables. Table B-15. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of (40/20/40 E765-PW (FAA-LVM) Test Description Single-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.320] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.384] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.640] Bearing-bypass 50% tension [t/D = 0.480] Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension Filled-hole tension V-notched rail shear Open-hole tension [w/D = 3] Open-hole tension [w/D = 4] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 8] Test Environment RTA RTA RTA RTA Shape Parameter, α̂ 14.391 39.826 34.680 49.915 Number of Specimens 15 13 9 12 RTA 43.274 12 RTA 2.986 6 RTA 27.165 12 RTA RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA 27.277 23.693 31.510 20.391 45.561 35.757 65.531 34.781 51.052 29.581 32.084 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 12 RTA = Room temperature ambient CTD = Cold temperature dry ETW = Elevated temperature wet B-12 Table B-16. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength distributions of 25/50/25 E765-PW (FAA-LVM) Test Description Double-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Double-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Single-shear bearing tension Bearing-bypass 50% tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Open-hole tension [w/D = 6] Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Unnotched compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression Open-hole compression V-notched rail shear Test Environment CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW CTD RTA ETW RTA Shape Parameter, α̂ 19.297 38.719 28.345 12.403 22.420 19.406 40.069 34.458 19.337 18.427 23.693 43.886 43.824 42.304 26.180 33.422 20.017 19.446 25.503 12.103 20.670 Number of Specimens 20 20 19 18 18 18 10 8 18 18 18 18 18 21 18 15 18 19 18 19 18 RTA = Room temperature ambient CTD = Cold temperature dry ETW = Elevated temperature wet Table B-17. Weibull Parameters for Static-Strength Distributions of (10/80/10 E765-PW (FAA-LVM) Test Description Bearing-bypass 50% tension Bearing-bypass 50% compression Open-Hole tension [w/D = 6] Unnotched tension Unnotched compression Open-hole compression V-notched rail shear V-notched rail shear V-notched rail shear RTA = Room temperature ambient Test Environment RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA RTA CTD RTA ETW Shape Parameter, α̂ 8.873 25.206 28.001 44.073 41.200 39.190 12.622 7.238 14.961 Number of Specimens 10 13 18 18 18 18 12 19 15 CTD = Cold temperature dry ETW = Elevated temperature wet B-13/B-14 APPENDIX C—SCATTER ANALYSIS FOR LIFE AND LOAD-ENHANCEMENT FACTORS Figure C-1 illustrates the procedure for analyzing stress to number of cycle (S/N) data using individual Weibull, joint Weibull, and Sendeckyj analysis for generating the fatigue-life shape parameter for a particular test configuration ( α̂ IW , α̂ JW , and α̂ Sendeckyj , respectively). The details for each method are discussed in section 3.1 of the main document. As shown in this figure, the static data, if applicable, are analyzed using individual Weibull for generating the static-strength shape parameter ( α̂ SS ) for the same test configuration. ThV-notched rail sheare procedure for generating the static-strength ( R ) and fatigue-life ( L ) shape parameters for calculating the life factor and load-enhancement factors for a particular structure is illustrated in figure C-2. This process requires analysis of static/residual strength data and fatigue (S/N) data for multiple test configurations that represent critical design details of the structure. The fatigue-life shape parameter ( α̂ FL ) for each design detail or test configuration can be obtained using one of the three methods ( α̂ IW , α̂ JW , or α̂ Sendeckyj ) shown in figure C-1. The details for calculating life factor, load factor, and load-enhancement factors are included in sections 3.2 through 3.4 of the main document. C-1 Figure C-1. Process for Obtaining the Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters for an Individual Test Configuration C-2 1 2 SS i SS SS Static Data Data Set i+1 i+1 SS Data Set i+2 i+2 SS Weibull Analysis j Data Set j SS SN Data – Set 1 SN Data – Set 2 SN Data – Set i Static Strength Static Strength Static Strength Fatigue Data Fatigue Data Fatigue Data Stress Level 1 Stress Level 1 Stress Level 1 Stress Level 2 Stress Level 2 Stress Level 2 Stress Level m Stress Level m Stress Level m Weibull Analysis R Individual Weibull Analysis Joint Weibull Analysis Sendeckyj Analysis 1 FL 2 FL i FL Weibull Analysis L Figure C-2. Process for Generating the Static-Strength and Fatigue-Life Shape Parameters for Calculating the Life Factor and Load-Enhancement Factors for a Particular Structure C-3/C-4