www.huawei.com HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 1 Contents 1. U900 / U2100 Strategy (by Relative EcNo, or U2100 Absolute EcNo, or in High RTWP) 2. U900 / GSM Strategy (Keep 3G users in 3G) www.huawei.com 3. U900 / LTE Strategy (Reselection & Fast Return by priorities) HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 2 U900/U2100 Strategy Overview Strategy for Normal RTWP cells: U900 as coverage layer because U2100 cannot effectively cover. U2100 as capacity layer because U2100 has more bandwidth/capacity. It’s preferred layer. Subscribers in cell center go to U2100, and subscribers in cell edge go to U900. U2100 U900 U2100->U900: try to camp as long as possible to U2100 layer before to reselect U900, in order to maximize the benefit of U2100 capacity and more HSPA feature like DC. U900->U2100: reselect when U2100 coverage level reached. Strategy for High RTWP cells: U900 as capacity layer because UEs in cell edge cannot make access in high RTWP cells. U900 is allowed to absorb CS+PS traffic from U2100 bases on load threshold. High RTWP sites do not block U900 deployment with this strategy. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. www.huawei.com U2100 Load Suffering U900 Page 3 U900/U2100 Service Strategy Idle Mode: Free Camping Strategy U900 F1 U900 F1 U2100 F1 U2100 F1 U2100 F2 Connected Mode: HO based on Coverage and Traffic Load U900 F1 U900 F1 U2100 F1 U2100 F2 U2100 F2 G900 U2100 F1 U2100 F2 G900 Traffic -based G1800 Coverage-based G1800 Reselection U2100 F1 U2100 F2 Blind IFHO LDR www.huawei.com Load Balance DRD Measurement based LDR Coverage-based CS & PS IFHO/ CS IFHO Load Balancing Strategy: Cell central user, U2100/G1800, Better User Experience; Cell border user, U900/G900, Better Deep Coverage Experience. For U900 Dual Carrier solution, U900 F2 links to U2100 F2. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 4 Strategy 1: Cell Reselection by Relative EcNo 1 U2100 U9U21 reselection by relative EcNo. Trigger Condition: U9 ≤ (U21 EcNo + offset) Low Band in Heavy Load due to Bigger Coverage U21U9 reselection by relative EcNo. Trigger conidtion: U21 ≥ (U9 EcNo – offset) Busy Hour Mode Capacity +5%~20% due to precise balance U900 Cell reselection is to trigger according to Relative EcNo between U900 and U2100. Adaptive with Inter-band Load Balance feature. Auto optimization. Challenge: easy to trigger cell reselection, worse KPI. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Unbalance in Busy Hour U900 U2100 U900 www.huawei.com U2100 WRFD-171214 Inter-Band Load Balancing, RAN17.1. Increase system capacity by 5~20%. Improve user’s experience. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 5 Strategy 1: Parameter Settings S0023 U900: 2308 S0024 U2100: 2302 U2100: 2401 Parameter(Ref) U900 ADD UCELLSELRESEL Qqualmin -18dB(-18) -18dB(-18) Qrxlevmin -115dBm(-58) -115dBm(-58) Qhyst2 2dB(1) 2dB(1) IdleSintrasearch 10dB(5) 10dB(5) IdleSintersearch 12dB(6) 8dB(4) ConnSintrasearch 10dB(5) 10dB(5) ConnSintersearch 8dB(4) 8dB(4) S0025 ADD UINTERFREQNCELL IdleQoffset2sn U2100: 2501 InterNCellQualReqFla g Reselection parameters should be set for U900 cell and all neighboring U2100 cells. U2100 F1 -3dB->U2100 F1www.huawei.com 3dB->U900 F1 TRUE NA Qqualmin -12dB(-12) NA Qrxlevmin -101dBm(-51) NA Marked parameters are changeable to adjust U900/U2100 load. Other parameters are static. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 6 Strategy 2: Cell Reselection by Absolute U2100 EcNo U2100 U9->U21 reselection by U21 EcNo. Trigger Condition: U2100 EcNo ≥ (X) U21->U9 reselection by U21 EcNo. Trigger Condition: U2100 EcNo ≤ (X-2) MR Samples (Mil.) U2100 Reselection Threshold (X) 300 X = 12dB 250 200 150 Edge traffic goes to U900 100 www.huawei.com 50 U900 0 -23 -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 U2100 EcIo (dB) Cell reselection is to trigger according to Absolute U2100 EcNo. Compared to strategy 1, this strategy is easier to control cell load. Absolute EcNo could avoid large number of cell reselection, better for KPI. This strategy does NOT adapt with Inter-band Load Balance feature. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Threshold X should be -10~ -16 dB. Reselection thresholds must be calculated properly in cell-level according to EcIo curve and number of U2100 carriers. Otherwise U900 may get congestion. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 7 Strategy 2: Parameter Settings Parameter Qqualmin S0023 Qrxlevmin U900: 2308 S0024 U2100: 2302 U900 U2100 F1 ADD UCELLSELRESEL -18dB(-18) -18dB(-18) U2100: 2401 S0025 U2100: 2501 -115dBm(-58) Qhyst2 2dB(1) 2dB(1) IdleSintrasearch 10dB(5) 10dB(5) IdleSintersearch 18dB(9) 4dB(2) ConnSintrasearch 10dB(5) 10dB(5) ConnSintersearch 18dB(9) 4dB(2) ADD UINTERFREQNCELL IdleQoffset2sn InterNCellQualReqFlag Qqualmin Qrxlevmin Reselection parameters should be set for U900 cell and all neighboring U2100 cells. -115dBm(-58) -20dB->U2100 F1 0dB->U900 F1 www.huawei.com TRUE -12dB(-12) -115dBm(-58) NA NA NA Marked parameters are changeable to adjust U900/U2100 load. Other parameters are static. Reselection settings need to refer radio quality distribution. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 8 Strategy 3: Res/Ho in High RTWP scenario Key points and Gains U900 UL U900 UL RTWP = -80dBm U900 F1 Key Points: IDLE: increase min quality level (RSCP), UEs in cell RTWP = -65dBm edge do not allow access. U900 DL U900 DL CONN: Edge Edge Edge Increase 2D/2F threshold (RSCP), handover over to U2100 quickly when UE moved to cell edge. Handover based on target cell RTWP, to avoid call Call Access drop after HHO. Normal HHO www.huawei.com WRFD-171213 is optional feature in RAN17.1 for high RTWP cells. Before RAN17.1, strategy and parameters should be defined manually. Earlier HHO Gains: Consider when network level has got serious interference. Restrict call access in cell edge, and set earlier HO to other cells. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Reduce KPI impact in high RTWP cells. High RTWP cells can be used for load sharing with U2100. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 9 GSM/UMTS Strategy: Keep 3G users in 3G IDLE mode GU Reselection CONN mode GU Handover U2100/U900 G2U Reselection: U2100/U900 U2G Reselection: When 3G Ncell RSCP>-104dBm & EcNo>-12dB When 3G Service Cell EcNo < 14dB & 2G Ncell RxLev>-95dBm FDDRSCPMIN=-104dBm (from -100dBm, for some cells) FDDQMIN=-12dB SsearchRat=4dBm Qqualmin=-18dBm Qrxlevmin=-95dBm G2U CS Handover: When 3G Ncell EcNo>-9dB U2G CS Handover: INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN=YES (from NO) BET3GHOEN=YES (from NO) HOECNOTH3G=-12dB (from 0dB, final EcNo is plus Offset 3dB) G2U PS Handover: Enabled. QP = Always G1800/G900 When 3G Service Cell EcNo<-15dB or RSCP <-106dBm IRAT CS EcNo 2D/2F = -15/-12 dB IRAT CS RSCP 2D/2F=-106/-103 dBm U2G PS Handover: When 3G Service Cell No<-18dB or RSCP <-110dBm www.huawei.com IRAT PS EcNo 2D/2F=-18/-15 dB IRAT PS RSCP 2D/2F=-110/-107 dBm G1800/G900 Coverage-Based Cell Reselect Coverage-Based HO Try to keep 3G users in 3G at most, since the user experience is better than 2G, even in 3G cell border. 3G provides higher throughput (HSPA), Multi-RAB (CS+PS), and better MOS in voice. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 10 GSM/UMTS Strategy Parameters IDLE Reselection Key Parameters NE Command Parameter G900->U900 Coverage-Based Reselection INTERRATCELLR ESELEN SET GCELLHOBASIC LTECELLRESELE N GERANPRI, SET UTRANPRI, GCELLPRIEUTRANSYS EUTRANPRI Recommend ed Scenario NO YES GU&GUL NO YES GUL L>U>G GUL Default UTRANQRXLEVMI N THRUTRANHIGH SET GCELLPRIEUTRANSYS EUTRANQRXLEV MIN THREUTRANHIG H SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS BSC SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS FDDRSCPMIN FDDQMIN SI2QUATEROPTI MIZEDALLOWED GUL 2 2 GUL 6 4 GUL 6 6 GUL 5 5 GUL 6 (-102dBm) 5(-104dBm) GU 7 (-12dB) 7(-12dB) GU NO YES GU&GUL ON GU&GUL BCCHExt GUL ON GUL OFF G2U switch on RNC ADD UCELLSELRESEL ADD U2GNCELL SsearchRat CPICH_ECNO CPICH_ECNO Command GU&GUL 2 2(-14dB) GU&GUL Qqualmin -18 -18dB GU&GUL Qrxlevmin -50 -48(-95dBm) GU&GUL RNC Parameter Early to trigger: >-118dBm INTERRATPINGPONGTIME R ADD InterRATCSThd2DEcN0 UCELLINTERRATH InterRATCSThd2FEcN0 OCOV InterRATCSThd2DRSCP InterRATCSThd2FRSCP G900->U900 CS Handover: Fast to trigger SET INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN GCELLHOBASIC QCI SET GCELLCCUTRANSY QSEARCHC S FDDREP Early to trigger: >-107dBm BSC ADD GEXT3GCELL MINECNOTHRES ADD G3GNCELL Early to trigger. Optimization U900->G900 Coverage-Based Reselection QualMeas NE Default Recommend Scenario 0 10 GU&GUL -14 -12 -15 -12 GU&GUL GU&GUL -100 -106 GU&GUL -97 -103 GU&GUL YES GU&GUL Always GU&GUL 7 (Always) GU&GUL EcNo GU&GUL Remark U900->G900 CS Handover L>U>G FirstSI2QuaterMsg OFF OptSw POS2QUATER BCCHNorm SET SI2QUATEROPTF GCELLPRIEUTRANSYS ORLTESW Remark Follow strategy design ADD GLTENCELL / NCELLPRI G3GNCELL / G2GNCELL BSC CONN Handover Key Parameters Late to trigger: Scell < -14dB & 2G Ncell >95dBm ECNOOFF HOOPTSEL BET3GHOEN SET GCELLHOUTRANF HOECNOTH3G DD U900->G900 PS Handover MOD HoSwitch UCORRMALGOSWI HO_INTER_RAT_PS_OUT_S TCH WITCH InterRATHThd2DEcN0 RNC ADD InterRATHThd2FEcN0 UCELLINTERRATH InterRATHThd2DRSCP OCOV InterRATHThd2FRSCP G900->U900 PS Handover SET BSC GCELLCCUTRANSY QP S HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., HUAWEI CO.,for LTD. Above is theTECHNOLOGIES key parameters, other parameters related to IRAT Res/HO can beLTD. set to default. NO Use_Qsearc h_I 7 (Always) EcNo 25 (-12dB) 25 (-12dB) 3 (dB) 3 (dB) Pre_2G_Cell Pre_3G_Cell Thres NO YES Late to trigger U2G CS HO. Early to trigger G2U CS HO. GU&GUL GU&GUL www.huawei.com GU&GUL GU&GUL 35(-6.5dB) 24(-12dB) GU&GUL 1 1 GU&GUL -15 -13 -18 -15 GU&GUL GU&GUL -110 -110 GU&GUL -107 -107 GU&GUL 7 (Always) 7 (Always) GU&GUL Early to trigger G2U CS HO, but 2G KPI may degrade. Late to trigger U2G PS HO. Can be switch off. G2U PS HO Enabled Page 11 U900/LTE Service Strategy (IDLE & CONN) Note: U900 is planned to deploy with L800 so that 3G coverage High 6 High 5 always exists with LTE. L2600 IDLE Mode: L1800 LU: UE reselects to UMTS bases on coverage (First measure U2100, then U900) L800 High 4 UL: UE reselects to LTE bases on priority (L2600>L1800>L800) Medium 3 LG: No reselection. U900 coverage is ≥ G900 U2100 GL: No reselection. U900 coverage is ≥ G900 www.huawei.com Medium 2 CONN Mode: U900 LU CSFB: Enable Flash CSFB based on Measurement to UMTS. Low 1 First measure U2100 then measure U900. G900 UL Fast Return: based on priority: L2600 > L1800 > L800 Coverage-based Cell Reselection Flash CSFB Priority-based Cell Reselection Fast Return HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. UG CSFB: Disable Flash CSFB to GSM. G Fast Return: Disable Fast Return to LTE. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Page 12 Thank you www.huawei.com Copyright©2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The information in this document may contain predictive statements including, without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results, future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information is provided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor an acceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice. HUAWEI HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES CO., CO., LTD. LTD. Page 13