XHS Constructing Explanations Rubric Adapted from Jeremy Peacock, Northeast Georgia RESA http://bit.ly/NEGAScienceMiddle Beginning (1) Progressing (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4) Makes a claim that is… Relevant Claim directly and A statement or clearly conclusion Does not make responds to Makes a that answers a claim, or the question relevant and the original makes an Accurate accurate but question or inaccurate or consistent with incomplete problem. irrelevant evidence and claim. *Describes the claim. scientific relationship (if principles applicable) Complete complete sentence that stands alone Provides evidence to support the claim that is… Appropriate scientific data Evidence Does not Provides or information Scientific data provide appropriate, but from that supports evidence, or insufficient observations, the claim. The only provides evidence to investigations, data need to inappropriate support claim. data analysis, be appropriate evidence May include or valid and sufficient (Evidence that some scientific to support the does not inappropriate sources claim. support claim). evidence. Sufficient enough evidence to support the claim Reasoning A justification that connects Does not provide reasoning, or Provides reasoning that connects the Explanation provides reasoning that is… Clear only provides inappropriate reasoning. evidence to claim. May include some scientific principles or justification for why the 26 the evidence to the claim. It shows why the data counts as evidence by using appropriate - clearly communicated and goes beyond repeating claim and evidence and sufficient scientific principles. evidence supports the claim, but not sufficient. Connected explains why the evidence is important or why it is relevant Integrated links the evidence to an important disciplinary idea and crosscutting concept