Performance Improvement Plan for: <Judy Wang> Description of the underperformance: Aim of the Performance Improvement Plan: Plan Start Date: Plan End Date: Poor customers satisfactions on necessary finance data and reports, incorrect positioning of your own job role, proactively report work situations and think ahead: provide advance professional advices / suggestions to assist business growth. The purpose of this plan is to define areas of concern with your performance, reiterate stated performance expectations, and allow you the opportunity to demonstrate performance improvement and commitment as this is the most critical position for business growth. 1st April 2022 30 September 2022 Improvement Objectives Success Criteria What, specifically must the individual do to improve their performance to meet expected standards? How will you know when the expected standards of performance have been met? Enhance Leadership Skills: You need to understand organizational dynamics by supervising & mentoring diverse teams, also coaching and motivating the teams to provide conflict resolution. 1. Staff VTR is low and successful retention of key / important team members. 2. Outcomes of the team meet the requirements of BU / Management Level. 主動即時+正確的管理報表 不是都是依賴業務或營運的 提供 定位錯誤(找營運與業務過報 表) 不能只是 CXO 的現有報表 <Detail success criteria for improvement objective 2> Additional Support Required What additional development or support does the individual require in order that they are able to achieve the expected standards? 1. Instructor lead: Receive mentoring from Internal / external senior managers, Regional team etc.. 2. External training courses: join relevant training courses. <Detail the additional support required to succeed in achieving improvement objective 2> 1 Review Schedule Objective Outcome When will progress against the improvement objective be reviewed? How will evidence of progress be collected? Who will review progress? When will the final review of the plan be undertaken and by whom? What is the final outcome? What action will be taken if expected standards are not met? Monthly review of <Detail when progress against improvement objective 2 will be reviewed, how and by whom.> <Detail the specific consequences if the individual does not achieve improvement objective 2> Performance Improvement Plan for: <Judy Wang> Improvement Objectives Success Criteria What, specifically must the individual do to improve their performance to meet expected standards? How will you know when the expected standards of performance have been met? Additional Support Required Review Schedule Objective Outcome When will progress against the improvement objective be reviewed? How will evidence of progress be collected? Who will review progress? When will the final review of the plan be undertaken and by whom? What is the final outcome? What action will be taken if expected standards are not met? <…> <…> <…> Date: Overall outcome if plan objectives are achieved / not achieved: <Enter overall outcome / consequences if the Performance Improvement Plan is / is not completed satisfactorily by the plan end date.> What additional development or support does the individual require in order that they are able to achieve the expected standards? RICHARD 欠缺主動積極的匯報 Seriously, 通牒的型態,不能 改進則應放棄的概念 數字敏感度太差 <…> <…> Line Manager: 1. "Leadership" issue She has serious leadership problems, which has led to a significant turnover rate of her team members before year end. These resignations include extremely senior members who had served 13 and 5 years, respectively, in the FIN team. In 2021, a total of 9 finance and procurement employees resigned their jobs, this was 70% of the total 13 employees ....within 8 months after Judy's rejoining. Also many new joiners cannot survive for over 3 months, till recently her team has just stabilized. At the same time no other functional units had such a high turnover rate (as summarised below): Some other comments about Judy include : 2 Performance Improvement Plan for: <Judy Wang> She fails to communicate properly with her team members andacross functional teams; she is insistent about her own view and hard to accept opinions from others. Moreover, she lacks the ability to motivate / coach members and make it difficult for senior team members to move towards a common goal. Judy confessed to me she didn't wellempower her team members through cooperative teamwork for a more efficient distribution of work and responsibilities within. Some of those who resigned from her team revealed that Judy treated her team members as her own assets, without her knowing and permission, herteam members hesitatedto support other team members upon requests, or Judy would scold them for it, in addition, sheoften assigned unreasonablework requests for her team which were hard to accept / follow, so as to lead to high manpower turnover last year. When dealing with business Judy sometimes acted more based on her personal preference rather than on facts, so that ineffectivecommunication is a key factor adversely affecting some urgent business matters. 2. "Wrongly positioning herself" andLack of accountability She wrongly positions herself and has created a lot of confusion for operation and sales team members seriously; she minds trivial things of other BUs and makes a big fuss about it except performs her duty to provide accurate financial reports for operation analysis and actions. Judyfrequently requests other BU staff to carry out extra work to cause staff panic or feel confused... She oftenacts as a "referee" or like "MD" to privately set up meetings / write emails to other BU members for reviewing with them rather than to support others as needed. One recent example was that she requested office assistants in the Hsinchu branch to obtain AP approval for an undergoing contract with GP at 5% or she threatened that she will not pay monthly salary to those site staff. Another recent example, Judy approved around 12K USD of CNY bonuses overpaid to wrong direct staff without careful checking in advance, resulting in extra effort of operation supervisors and office assistants to trace back the total amount. When reviewing the root cause for the establishment of prevention mechanisms against wrongfulCNY bonus distributions, Judy insisted the mistakewas made by the operation team instead of herself and tried to shift focus to irrelevant events,itturnedout to be ineffective communication without any progress. Sometimes a normal approval process was stuck by her without reasons or clear explanations, she seems to be out of the loop on disagreeing with some already approved matters and further requests supplementary documents whenever she wants (without general rules to follow in consistency). Before Sophie left, Caroline and Sophie also had an exit interview together, and Sophie told me she shared some examples with Caroline about Judy. I suggest you talk to Caroline for more details. OverallJudygave the impression that she applies different standards to interfere in all kinds of other BU business except perform her own duties. I had a probation review last Aug. and an annual appraisal with Judy in January, telling her to better position herself to match work expectations, adjust her work attitude to better support others asneeded, improve her interpersonalskills and communication with others... but she compliedin public and acted differently in private. 3 Performance Improvement Plan for: <Judy Wang> I also told Judy that Iwas not happy about her behaviour tomakepeople suffer and wasdisappointed about her inaccuratereports. There have been a lot of happenings (almost every week) relatedto Judy withinthe Taiwan Team. Based on the above-mentioned issues andcomments, Judy has room for improvement regarding her self-positioning as a team member, her professional at work and her leadership skills to stabilise FIN team for better performance. I need your assistance in coaching her to benefit both Judy and the Taiwan team inthe nearfuture. If Judy continues to create confusion or troubles to Taiwan team, I have the worst proposal to release her position as FC. 4