xxxxx CONSULTING LIMITED ACCOUNTING SERVICES SCOPING QUESTIONS Area 1. What are you asking us to do? a) Main organisation, any subsidiaries, branches. b) Any branches/ units in other countries included in this assignment? c) Is any part of the routine transaction processing to be handled by your in-house accountants? If so, what part? d) Do you expect us to prepare the final accounts for the auditors (includes notes and similar disclosures)? e) What is your core operations software (if any, other than financial accounting software)? What about the other enterprise applications e.g. mail, intranet, etc? Have you any expectations about how it will work with our financial accounting processes? In what way? f) What are the key meetings you expect us to attend with you? Who should the accounting person that we provide liaise with on routine matters? g) Please tell us who in your team is authorised to direct our staff during the course of our work. h) How will you provide the information that we are to process? (We have a secure platform for submission of data for processing but you may have a different plan.) i) Do you have specific controls in relation to fraud risk that you would like us to apply? j) Do you have any preferred accounting software or will you be ok with what we recommend? 2. Why are you considering changing service providers? (If relevant) 3. In what areas of your operations/ business can our input support you more? 4. Which of the ones listed below would you say are the top value proposition factors to consider when preparing this proposal? a) b) c) d) e) f) Transition process Price Simplicity Convenience Depth and breadth of technical expertise Risk Management Response Area Response g) h) i) j) Speed of delivery of service Meeting deadlines Industry specialisation Accounting process and working relationship In which ones will you be specifically looking for track record and references? Is there a factor that should be on that list that we haven’t mentioned? 5. How critical is our role to the overall strategy of the organisation? (Can you summarise the vision and broad strategy for us – if necessary) 6. What particular value added services/ features of your accounting are you currently receiving that you would specifically expect to receive from a new online accounting service? (E.g. ad hoc consultations on various technical matters, access to technical information, access to some training or firm seminars, materials and publications) 7. Transition and hand over: When would you like our service to start from? Would you be prepared to set up a dedicated team/ person to work with us during the transition? 8. What things must we specifically NOT do: a) In preparing this proposal b) In a relationship with you as your accounting resource 9. Can you explain how this proposal will be processed internally? Whose views will be considered in this proposal? Is there a scoring mechanism? 10. Is there anyone else we can/ should speak to, to discuss the scope of this proposal? 11. What haven’t we asked about that you think would add value to our proposal?