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English Lesson Plan: Identifying Action Words (Grade 2)

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2
I- Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:
1. identify action word,
2. describe the action word in the picture,
3. perform the action of the word given.
II- Subject Matter: Identifying action words
A. Reference: Curriculum Guide 2, Grammar page 22
Learners’ Materials pages 250-251
B. Code: EN2G-IIIg-3.1
C. Materials: Pictures, DLP Projector, Charts, marker
D. Technique: Explicit Instruction
III- Procedure
Teacher’s Activity
A. Introductory Activities
1. Prayer
Good morning class. This morning
I will be your teacher in English
I am Lhord Jan Kim M. Mediana.
Let’s all stand for a prayer. Any
Volunteer to lead a prayer?
2. Checking of Attendance
Are there any absent today?
Very Good.
Pupils’ Activity
Teacher, I will lead the prayer.
None, Teacher.
3. Drill
I have here a flashcards, everybody
read what is written.
Can, bag, bed, bike
4. Review
Before we start our new lesson,
Lets have an activity about our past lesson.
I need three volunteers here in front to pick
up a piece of paper then act out the name
of animal written on the paper. Then let your
classmate guess what kind of animal it is.
Did you understand class?
Yes, Teacher
Animals written
 Bird
 Snake
 Fish
5. Setting of Standards
Who among you here want to be a smart kid?
If you want to be a smart kid, you should
follow its meaning.
Me Teacher, I want to be a
smart kid.
S- silent
M- move properly
A- active
R- raise your hand if you want to answer
T- think wisely
Did you understand class?
Can I expect all that from you?
Yes, Teacher
Yes, Teacher
C. New Lesson
1. Motivation
Class, these are Ben and Len they are also
Grade 2 pupils like you, before they go to school
they have a routine to be done. I have here a video
clip of their short routine. Everybody lets watch the
“This is the way we wash our face
(wash our face)2x
This is the way we wash our face early in the morning
This is the way we comb our hair
(comb our hair)2x
This is the way we comb our hair early in the morning
This is the way we brush our teeth
(brush our teeth)2x
This is the way we brush our teeth early in the morning.”
Did you enjoy watching the video class?
Yes, Teacher.
2. Presentation
Our lesson for today is about Identifying action words.
3. Modelling
As you watched the video, what did Ben and Len do?
Next? What did they do?
What else?
When we wash our face, comb our hair and brush
our teeth, you are doing what?
Very Good!
8. Differentiated Activity (Guided Practice)
Now, I will group you into three, this will be the
group 1,2 and 3. Each group will be given
different activity.
Wash their face, Teacher
Comb their hair, teacher
Brush their teeth, teacher
Action teacher.
6. Generalization
So, what are action words?
Action words are words that show
movement or action
Very Good!
Action words are words that show
Movement. It talk about what we do.
Who can give an example of action
Who else?
Play, teacher.
Write, teacher.
4. Application
This time, we will have another activity.
Each group will be given an envelope and chart
inside of it, is a picture puzzle, each member of
the group will help each other to fix the picture
puzzle and paste it on the board. After that, you
will do what is shown in the picture.
Did you get it class?
Okay, I will give you 3 minutes to work with your
group to do the activity.
Group 1
Group 2
Yes, teacher
Group 3
7. Valuing
Why is it important for us to be careful
with our actions?
It is important for us to be careful
with our actions so that we can’t
hurt someone just because of our
carelessness actions.
IV- Evaluation (Independent Practice)
V- Assignment
For your assignment, you are going to collect
at least three pictures then write the correct
action word. Paste it in a short size bond paper.
Prepared by: Lhord Jan Kim M. Mediana
Teacher Applicant