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District-Wide Academic Support Teams
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Guiding Questions from Building Academic Language (Zwiers):
 What is academic language, how can I build it as I teach content?
 How can I adapt my curriculum and assessment to build on the
cultural and linguistic strengths of my students?
 How can I get students to think together to co-construct meaning;
rather than just study to memorize?
 How can I build language skills for complex reading and writing?
 How can I assess thinking skills and language proficiency in useful ways?
 How can I most efficiently apprentice students into thinking and talking like experts in my discipline?
 Excerpts from “English Language Development: Implementation at Grades Six Through Twelve”
(Dutro and Kinsella)
Secondary education is a complex endeavor. Fast-paced
schedules, specialized courses, rigorous content, highstaked assessment, and variety of instructional methods
place a high demand on students. For students, who
must navigate these complexities while acquiring
[academic] English, the demands intensify significantly
(Dutro and Levy 2008).
Academic Language Development in Core Content
Although there are many definitions of academic English,
there are agreed-upon commonalities. According to
various sources cited by Saunders and Goldenberg,
“Academic language refers to the specialized
vocabulary, grammar, discourse/ textual, and functional
skills associated with academic instruction and mastery
of academic materials and tasks”. Academic language is
significantly different from the informal speech student
use outside the classroom. The language of schooling
includes everyday words (e.g. reason, understand),
general academic vocabulary that cuts across subject
areas (e.g. respond, category), and specialized terms (e.g.
polygon, onomatopoeia) (Feldman and Kinsella 2008).
Written and spoken classroom discourse is also
characterized by academic text structures and
grammatical complexity (Bailey 2007: Scarcella 2003;
Schlepegrell 2004; Wong Fillmore and Snow 2000).
Academic English requires sufficient background
knowledge to apply general knowledge of words
differently across subject areas. For example, division
and product have strikingly different meanings in
mathematics than they so in social studies or everyday
use. Similarly, a student might encounter the term factor
in a mathematics class (process) and later that same day
in a discussion of economics (issue). Academic English
also entails specialized knowledge of concepts in
particular subject areas.
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
Building Functional Language
Mastery of language and syntactic features allows
students’ full participation in academics by enabling them
to put ideas together in a wide range of ways. Mastery
includes learning the breadth of language patterns to
communicate relationships between ideas: to explain,
describe, compare, and contrast, summarize, generalize,
express, cause-and-effect relationships, sequences, and
so on. The intentional teaching of language structuresthe “mortar”- enables Students to internalize the
patterns needed to express concepts, ideas, and
Teaching English from the perspective of language
functions helps to identify the language demands of a
specific academic task (describing, sequencing events,
comparing attributes) and content concepts (methods of
communication, narrative events). The benefits of
learning to use the language functions such as comparing,
for example, extend beyond a given task because once
Students know how to compare, they can apply that skill
to a range of contexts across content areas. Students
practice and extend their language skills for comparing by
applying it in different ways. Increasing competence in
any language function obligates the speaker or writer to
use increasingly complex sentence structures.
Using this approach, learning interesting content- and
how to talk and write about that interesting content- is
not delayed until more advanced levels of proficiency are
reached. Academic language is developed from the
beginning stages of second language learning.
Competence in a range of functions equips students to
participate in content instruction and supports academic
language proficiency. Language becomes a vehicle,
rather than a barrier, to learning.
*( from K. Kinsella)
Academic Language
Academic Language can be defined as 1) the language used in the classroom and workplace, 2) the
language of text, 3) the language of assessments, 4) the language of academic success and 5) the
language of power.
Informal Language
Academic Language
repetition of words
variety of words, more sophisticated
sentences start with “and” or “but”
sentences start with transition
words, such as “however”,
“moreover”, and “in addition”
use of slang such as “dude”,
“whatever”, and “like”
replaces slang with accurate
appropriate for use in casual, social
appropriate for use in all academic
and work place settings
can vary greatly by ethnicity, region,
gender, age
common language register for all
Academic Language consists of academic vocabulary and is used in academic discourse.
Academic Vocabulary
The vocabulary critical to
understanding the concepts of the
content taught in schools. Academic
vocabulary includes content related
vocabulary and high frequency
academic words such as Bloom’s
Academic Discourse
Academic discourse provides
students with the language tools
(vocabulary and syntax) necessary to
competently discuss the topic using
complete sentences. Structured
dialogue in the form of “sentence
stems” provides a scaffold for
students to appropriate academic
language in meaningful contexts.
SUHSD/Special Services/CJ/RR
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Observe and explore the environment, acquire information, inquire
Examples: Uses who, what, when, where, and how to gather information
Strategies: Quick-write, Think Pair Share, Novel Ideas, 5 W’s and How, Question Creation , Chart (Q-Chart)
Cue Words: in other words, that is to say, according to, specifically, who, what, when, where, why, how
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Inquiry/Seeking Information
I wonder why . . .
How does . . . work?
I’d like to ask you about . . .
Am I correct in assuming that . . .?
Could you expand a little bit on what you said about . . . ?
Could you be more specific about . . .?
Something else I’d like to know is . . .
If I have understood you correctly, your point is that . . .
I didn’t understand what you said about . . .
I’m sorry, could you repeat what you said about . . . ?
Sorry, but I’m not quite clear on . . .
Expressing an Opinion*
I think/believe that . . .
In my opinion, . . .
Based on my experience, I think . . .
Soliciting a Response*
What do you think?
We haven’t heard from you yet.
Do you agree?
What answer did you get?
So you are saying that . . .
In other words, you think . . .
What I hear you saying is . . .
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Identify, report or describe information
Examples: Recount information presented by teacher or text; retell a story or personal experience
Strategies: Novel Ideas Only, Writing Frames
Cue Words: in short, in summary, to sum up, finally, all in all, in conclusion
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Summarizing
On the whole…
Basically he/she is saying that….
In this text, the author argues that….
To support the main claim, the author provides evidence that suggests
Language of Informing
The advantages of ____ outweigh the disadvantages of ____ insofar as…
The statistics are misleading because they do/not show…
These [facts/reasons/data] strongly suggest that… Yet some argue
strongly that….
Reporting a Partner’s [or anyone’s] Idea*
____ indicated that….
____ pointed out to me that….
Main Idea/ Supporting
____ emphasized that…
____ concluded that….
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Describe similarities and differences in objects or ideas
Examples: Make/explain a graphic organizer to show similarities and contrasts; Write in bullet or paragraph format to specify
similarities / differences; Categorizing to organize terms or ideas; Verbal clarification of similarities or differences through
questioning or pairing activities.
Strategies: Categories on a wall, Content Curiosities (Survey), Jigsaw Project
Cue Words: likewise, however, nevertheless, despite, on the other hand,
on the contrary, contrary to…, conversely, rather, still
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Comparing & Contrasting
One similarity/difference between [subject 1] and [subject 2] is ….
[Subject 1] and [subject 2] are similar because they both….
[Subject 1] and [subject 2] are rather different because while
[subject 1] has _______, [subject 2] has __________.
Whereas [subject 1] is ... , [subject 2] is ...
[Subject 1] is …. Similarly / In contrast, [subject 2] is ….
Language of Agreeing*
My idea/answer/explanation is similar to/related to…
I agree with (a person) that…
My idea builds upon (a person’s) idea…
I don’t agree with you because…
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: sequence objects, ideas, or events.
Examples: Describe / make a timeline, Continuum, Cycle, Narrative sequence
Strategies: Mix and match, Categories on a wall, Collaborative Poster
Cue Words: at which point, at this time, simultaneously, subsequently
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Sequencing
First, … and second, …
Meanwhile, the ___ appeared to be …
While [subject 1] was …, [subject 2] was simultaneously/concurrently…
Finally ___ proceeded to…
Consequently the ____ began to …
Previously, ____ had decided to …
Following this event, …
Initially …. Some time later…..
After … the next step is/was to…
What occurred/happened prior to… was that…
In the first stage/phase, ….
The transition between stages __ and __ can be described as….
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Group objects or ideas according to their characteristics. It is critical to
identify the rules that govern class or category membership.
Examples: describe organizing principle(s), explain why A is an example and B is not,
Strategies: Collaborative poster, categories on a wall, word sorts, sort and label
Cue Words: sort, categorize, select, belongs to, fits into, features, traits, qualities
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Classifying
____ consists of [quantity] categories.
The [quantity] categories of ____ are ____, ____, and ___.
We can classify _____ according to…
_____ and ______ are types of … because….
The most salient characteristic(s) of this group is/are…
An appropriate name for this group is … owing to the fact that
they all…
_____correlates to_____ insofar as….
These _____ are arranged according to….
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Separate whole into parts, identify relationships and patterns
Examples: Describe parts, features, or main idea of information
Strategies: Analysis Pizza, Collaborative poster, word sorts, sort and label, dissecting,
various lab activities
Cue Words: examine, scrutinize, break down, dissect, investigate, determine, elements
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Analysis
We can interpret _____ as ….
Given the evidence, we can deduce that…
______ can be differentiated from _______ based on…
After a thorough analysis of the evidence, we conclude that….
This ____ is significant because…
After careful examination of… it appears that…
_____is related to _____ insofar as….
___ and ____ are connected by….. This is important because…
We can draw parallels between ____ and the world/other texts/self
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: make inferences, predict implications, hypothesize.
Examples: Describe reasoning process (inductive or deductive); Generate hypotheses to suggest causes or
outcomes; Describe observations using multiple senses
Strategies: Guess and check, Scientific method, Seeking patterns, Using visuals and structure of a text to
predict topic, Pre-reading strategies
Cue Words: guess, conclude that…, estimate, speculate, draw a conclusion, believe, due to, since, in light of
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Prediction and Hypothesis
I predict / imagine that…
Given …, I hypothesize that …
If I use …then I predict…will happen.
Based on past results, I predict…
I deduced …. after analyzing ______ further.
I discerned that_________ because….
I foresee________ because….
I prognosticate…… because I know…..
Language of Inference
Based on … I infer that …
I infer that… based on…
My conjecture on ____ is….
I anticipate that…
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Give reasons for an action, decision, point of view; convince others
Examples: Tell why A is important and give evidence in support of a position.
Strategies: Socratic Seminar, Think-Pair Share, Anticipatory Chart with Round Robin, Rally-Robin Debate, Four Corners
with justification, Error Analysis
Cue Words: defend, show, rationalize, think, feel, because of, for this reason, due to, right,
argue, convince, influence, sway, urge, claim, beliefs, support, evidence,
appeal, should, must, ought to, have to, furthermore, moreover, clearly
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Justification
I believe this because…
My primary reason for thinking so is…
Perhaps the most convincing reason for this is…
Language of Persuasion
Based on the evidence presented so far, I believe that…
Although some people claim that…, opponents argue that….
It is vital to consider…
The advantages of ____ outweigh the disadvantages of ____ insofar as…
The statistics are misleading because they do/not show…
These [facts/reasons/data] strongly suggest that… Yet some argue
strongly that….
T-Chart: Opinion – Reason
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
Spider Web/Map listing topic/idea
and reasons on “branches”
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Define and represent a problem; determine a solution,
Examples: Describe the problem solving process or procedures; re-state the problem in their own words
Strategies: Collaborative Poster, Sage-Scribe, Mix and Match, Manipulatives, Creating a Mnemonic, Mathematically Speaking
(____ally Speaking), Fold-ables, Pass the Envelope, Gallery Walk, Reciprocal Teaching, Create- Exchange- Access, Quiz-Quiz Trade
Cue Words: solve, figure out, think about, find, conflict,
difficult question, situation
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Describing Problems
A way of thinking about solving this problem is…
In order to solve this problem we must first/
This problem is similar to….
We need to identify…
One way to visualize this problem is…
Let’s break this into parts. First, ...
Another way of looking at this problem is…
The most important thing to remember in this
problem is…
In order to solve this problem we will need to know…
Language of Explaining Solutions
A diagram or symbol that might represent this
solution is…
We know our solution is correct because….
The solution to this problem is…
I know I have solved the problem because…
The solution to this problem will require….
A critical element of the solution to this problem is…
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Combine or integrate ideas to form a whole group
Examples: Summarize information; incorporate new information
Strategies: Allow students to create their own problem, Collaborative Poster, Compare- Contrast Matrix,
Creating a Mnemonic, ThINK- Pair Share, Writing Summaries, Reports, Mathematically Speaking,
Fold-ables, Analysis Pizza, Jigsaw, Pass the Envelope, Create- Exchange- Access, Window Pane
Cue Words: combine, merge, form, put together, synthesis, combination
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Acknowledging Ideas*
My idea is similar to/related to ________’s idea.
I agree/disagree with ________that . . .
My idea builds upon _______’s idea.
As ____already mentioned…
Language of Synthesizing
The main point(s) is/ are…
The point that ______ makes is related to ______ in that…..
The significance of ______ is…..
From my perspective, ______ means…..
The concept of _____ can be expressed as…..
Our conclusion is a synthesis of _____ and ________.
I feel that _____ and _____’s viewpoints are related in that….
My visual represents a synthesis of ____ and ____ because….
While creating _____, I built upon ………
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: assess and verify with of an object, idea or decision.
Examples: Identify criteria, Explain priorities, Indicate reasons for judgment, Confirm truth
Strategies: Thumbs up/down, Colored cards (green – agree; red – disagree), Fist of 5 (level of agreement), Quickwrite
Cue Words: Judge, critique, assess, assessment, value, worth, based on, judgment, criteria, favorable, unfavorable, reason,
evaluate, evaluation, features
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Evaluating
Based on … I determined that…
_______’s judgment of … was … because …
The critique of ______ was favorable/unfavorable because …
We/They judge _______ to be ______ because ….
We/I evaluated _______ on the following criteria …
I assess that….
After inspecting…. I have determined…
After carefully scrutinizing_______ I believe that….
My interpretation of_____ is…
When ranking its importance, I feel that… because…
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student uses language to: Describe why and how relationships and patterns exist between events,
ideas, processes, problems; Identify consequences that led to the outcome
Examples: Make a graphic organizer to define the events leading up to the outcome or the possible outcomes based on a
particular cause
Strategies: 1) Categories on a Wall/Sort and Label-Categories are provided and students develop list or students develop own
categories based on given list; 2) Mix-n-Match cards-Students work in groups to match causes with effects; 3) Foldables; 4) Gallery
Walk/Pass the Envelope-A cause or effect is given and students either rotate around the room or pass the problem from group to
group to identify possible causes or effects; 5) Trading Cards-One cause or one effect is given on a card to each student. They
develop an opposite idea for what they have and walk around the room to share. After sharing they trade cards to share with
Cue Words: therefore, consequently, thus, as a result of, since, because, in order to, if…then
Language Frames & Graphic Organizers:
Language of Explaining Causes
Even though many people thought the cause was …, I believe it was…
The most likely reason for… was…
I hypothesize that… made them…
That wasn’t caused by …because
Several factors contributed to the outcome. Namely, …
Language of Describing an Effect
____ was a result of…
The…led to…, which led to…
The change resulted in…
It combines with…to produce…
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Academic Language Development Observation Feedback Tool
Daily Learning Target included the following components:
Bloom’s Taxonomy (verb)
Content (subject-specific)
Product / outcome/ assessment
Academic Language Function (circle)
(Observe and explore the
environment, acquire information,
(Identify, report or describe
(Describe similarities and
differences in objects or ideas
Problem Solving
Cause and Effect
Academic Vocabulary and Discourse observed:
Academic Vocabulary
 Explicit, direct instruction (*bricks
and mortar)
 Visuals, realia (images, word walls,
student work)
 Clarification (of unfamiliar words)
Academic Discourse
Modeling (usage of word form)
Sentence frame use by students
Dialogue based on graphic organizers
Use of appropriate register
Paired discussion
Oral presentations
Structured discussion
Open-ended discussion
Linked to the DLT
Student response to, “What are you learning?” tied to the Daily Learning Target.
 1 - Student response unrelated to DLT
 2 - Student response somewhat related to DLT
 3 - Student response directly related to DLT
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Student Discussion Guide
Student Discussion Guide
Ground Rules for Class Discussion
Language Class Discussion Sentence Starters
1. Be prepared to share your idea when instructed to do so,
first with your partner and next with the class.
2. No blurting (ever) or hand raising (until I ask for
Soliciting a Response
What do you think?
We haven’t heard from you yet.
Do you agree?
What answer did you get?
3. Use the assigned sentence starter to share your idea.
4. Use your public discussion voice to share your idea: two
times slower and three times louder than conversation.
5. Listen attentively while classmates are sharing and jot
down new ideas.
6. If your idea is similar to someone else’s, acknowledge your
classmate’s contribution before sharing your idea.
Language Class Discussion Sentence Starters
Expressing an Opinion
I think/believe that . . .
In my opinion . . .
Based on my experience, I think . . .
I predict/imagine that . . .
Based on . . ., I infer that . . .
I hypothesize that . . .
Asking for Clarification
What do you mean?
Will you explain that again?
I have a question about that.
So you are saying that . . .
In other words, you think . . .
What I hear you saying is . . .
Acknowledging Ideas
My idea is similar to/related to
I agree with (a person) that . . .
My idea builds upon ____’s idea.
Reporting a Partner’s Idea
____ indicated that . . .
____ pointed out to me that . . .
____ emphasized that . . .
____ concluded that . . .
Reporting a Group’s Idea
We decided/agreed that . . .
We concluded that . . .
Our group sees it differently.
We had a different approach.
I don’t agree with you because . . .
I got a different answer than you.
I see it another way.
Offering a Suggestion
Maybe we could . . .
What if we . . .
Here’s something we might try.
That’s an interesting idea.
I hadn’t thought of that.
I see what you mean.
Holding the Floor
As I was saying, . . .
If I could finish my thought . . .
What I was trying to say was . . .
SUHSD/Special Services (msg)
(adapted from Kate Kinsella 8/07)
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
*( from K. Kinsella)
Teacher Academic Language Guide
Teacher Academic Language Guide
Structured Practice with Vocabulary
Steps to Introduce New Vocabulary
WORD WALL Activities
Pronounce the Word
Example of the Word
Part of Speech
Use routine written format (4-Square, etc.)
Linguistically (or other) Speaking!
Steps in Structuring an Academic Class Discussion
Classroom Partnering Recommendations
1. Pose a concrete discussion task on the board and clarify
the expectations for task completion.
2. If the question/task is open-ended, allow students time to
jot down a few possible ideas before assigning a starter.
3. Assign a sentence starter including target lesson
4. Model a response using the starter and point out the
grammatical expectations for sentence completion.
5. Give students adequate time to write a complete response.
6. Cue students to share responses with an assigned partner.
To increase active listening, ask them to paraphrase their
partner’s idea before adding it to their list.
7. Monitor students’ writing and “nominate” one or two
volunteers to jump-start the discussion.
8. Assign a listening and note-taking task for the discussion.
Classroom Seating Arrangement
Rows – one partner to the left and one partner behind
Chevron – one partner to the side and one behind
Assigning Appropriate Partners
Consider the following variables when determining
appropriate partners:
English communicative competence, including speaking
and listening
English reading and writing proficiency (consider data
from CELDT, CSTs, etc.)
Subject matter knowledge’
Performance on assigned tasks to date in the class
Personality traits: reserved, insecure, extroverted, class
clown, domineering, etc.
Don’t put high students with low students in terms of
academic competence
Rank your students numerically from highest (1, 2, 3) to
lowest (28, 29, 30).
1. is paired with 16.
3. is paired with 18.
15. is paired with 30.
9. Randomly call on students before inviting volunteers.
10. Validate contributions, then establish clear connections to
the lesson content/task.
SUHSD/Special Services (msg)
Sweetwater District-Wide Academic Support Teams, October 2010
Designate two “floaters” who are in the middle, flexible,
reliable, friendly and socially competent to assign when
there is an absence.
(adapted from Kate Kinsella, 8/07)
*( from K. Kinsella)