ADITYA ACADEMY SENIOR SECONDARY AISSCE : 2021-2022 COMPUTER PRACTICAL FILE NAME: ANUBHAB DASGUPTA BOARD ROLL NO:12686746 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my special thanks of gratiude to my PRINCIPAL, my computer teacher and my CLASS teacher who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderfull project of computer and whose guidance and valuable suggestions has been the ones that make this project a full proof success. Then I would like to thank my family and friends who helped and guided me in various phases of the completion of the project. Student’s Sign Certificate This is to certify that Anubhab Dasgupta is a student of outgoing batch of Class XII for the session 2021-2022 From Aditya Academy Senior Secondary. I, Thereby certify that this computer practical on mysql and python has been done under my supervision and is absolutely genuine. Teacher’s Signature Index Sno Date Topic 1. 18.01.2022 2. 18.01.2022 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 19.01.2022 19.01.2022 19.01.2022 19.01.2022 19.01.2022 19.01.2022 9. 10. 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 21.01.2022 Count no. of characters Returns arithmetic operations Discount + gift Perfect calculator Armstrong no. Book code Employ details Print total alphabets Starting with A Separated by a symbol How many digits Encryption Sports Details Dice rolling Octal no conversion AP series SQL Query SQL Query SQL Query SQL Query Signature PROGRAM 1: 1. Write a program to count the number of characters in a string. Output- PROGRAM 2: 2. Write a program that receives two numbers in a function and returns the results of all arithmetic operation on these numbers. Output- PROGRAM 3: 3. A cloth showroom has announced festival discounts and the gifts on the purchase item based on total cost. Total cost Discount Gift Up to ₹2,000 5% Calculator ₹2,001 to ₹5,000 10% School bag ₹5,001 to ₹10,000 15% Wall clock Above ₹10,000 20% Wrist watch WAP to input total cost, compute and display the amount to be paid by the customer and along with gift. Output- PROGRAM 4: 4. Write a program to find whether an inputted number is perfect or not. Output- PROGRAM 5: 5. Write a program to calculate armstrong number. Output- PROGRAM 6: 6. Program to maintain book details like book code, book title, and price using stacks data structures. Output- PROGRAM 7: 7. Program to maintain employee details like empno, name and salary using Queues data structure. Output- PROGRAM 8: 8. Program to read a file named “article.txt”, count and print total alphabets in the file. Output- PROGRAM 9: 9. Program to read a file named “abc.txt”, count and print total lines starting with vowels in the file. Output- PROGRAM 10: 10. Read a file line by line and display each word separated by a $*. Output- PROGRAM 11: 11. Write a program to check whether a entered no. is a single digit, two or three digits no. Output- PROGRAM 12: 12. WAP to create an encrypted string by embedding a shot symbol after each character. It should be able to create the decrypted version too. Output- PROGRAM 13: 13. WAP to read the following details of sports’ performance (sport, competitions, price-won) of your school and store into a csv file delimited with tab character. Output- PROGRAM 14: 14. WAP that generates that generates random number between 1 and 6. Output- PROGRAM 15: 15. WAP that receives an octal number and prints the equivalentno. In other number bases i.e, in decimal,binary and hexidecimal equivalents. Output- PROGRAM 16: 16. WAP that generates 4 termns of an AP by providing initial and final values. Output- PROGRAM 17: 17. For a Table: CLUB give the output for SELECT LCASE (SPORTS) FROM CLUB; OUTPUT - PROGRAM 18: 18. For a Table: CLUB give the output for SELECT MOD (Age, 5) FROM CLUB WHERE Sex = ‘F’; PROGRAM 19: 19. For Table : STUDENT give the output SELECT ROUND(AvgMark) FROM Student1 WHERE GRADE =’B’ Output- PROGRAM 20: 20. Displays the name and project from student table of MYSQL database “test” where Marks>75.