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Caleb Harrington - This I Believe Essay-Knight

Caleb Harrington
Ms. Knight
English 5th Hr
30 September 2019
This I Believe Essay
Is having different beliefs controversial? I think that beliefs are one of the most
controversial topics there are. It shouldn't be that way everyone should be able to have their own
opinion/beliefs and not be judged for it. Everybody is different and they all have different
mindsets. My three beliefs are that miracles aren't real, and that there is more than one
god/goddess, and that everything happens for a reason there are no accidents.
I believe that miracles are not real. I believe this because I don't think that it's possible for
something amazing to just happen with no build-up to it. I believe that you earn everything that
happens to you somehow and I don't accept money or anything like that when I don't do anything
to earn it. Science proves that miracles aren't real and I believe science over religion. “Religion
believes in miracles, but these aren’t compatible with science”(Hawking "Stephen Hawking
Quote"). This example shows that science proves that miracles aren't real. This is my first belief
and I 100% believe this is true.
I believe that there is more than one god/goddess. I believe this because I don't just think
that Jesus is our only god and I don't only pray to Jesus I pray to way more than one god. When I
was younger I went to church every Sunday and prayed to Jesus. But as I got older I learned that
there are thousands of gods, not just one. My mom helped show that to me and it changed my
life. “It does me no harm for my neighbor to believe in many gods or no god. It neither robs my
pocket nor breaks my leg”(QuotesAboutXYZ "Thomas Jefferson Quotation Id:632" 2019). This
example shows how even Thomas Jefferson didn't care if anyone believes in many gods or no
god because it didn't affect him in any way. This is my second belief and I strongly believe this.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe this because I don't think things
just happen randomly I believe that there is a plan for everybody and everything in there life
happens for a reason. Every time I get upset and don't know what I did to deserve whatever
happened I remember that everything happens for a reason and that everything will work out
how it's supposed to no matter what. “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People
change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're
right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good
things fall apart so better things can fall together”("A quote by Marilyn Monroe"). This example
shows that everything happens for a reason and that things fall apart so better things can come
together. This is my last belief and I will always believe this.
I believe three main things in life and they are that everything happens for a reason, that
miracles aren't real, and that there is more than one god/goddess. Any time I get upset or
someone close to me does I will tell them or myself that everything will be ok and everything
happens for a reason. And every day I think of the gods and what they would do before I decide
to do something. I will always believe these three things and they are very important in my life. I
think of all of these beliefs every single day.
Works Cited
“A Quote by Marilyn Monroe.” Goodreads, Goodreads,
https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/12379-i-believe-that-everything-happens-for-a-reasonpeople-change. Accessed 02 Oct, 2019
Hawking, Stephen w. “Stephen Hawking Quote.” Stephen Hawking Quote,
https://www.azquotes.com/quote/889037. Accessed 01 Oct, 2019.
QuotesAboutXYZ. “Thomas Jefferson Quotation Id:632.” QuotesAbout.XYZ,
QuotesAboutXYZ, 6 Apr. 2019,
https://quotesabout.xyz/quote/thomas-jefferson-632/. Accessed 02 Oct, 2019.