Spelling List 1 Name __________ Date ________ SN: ____ Directions: Fill in the blank with the missing letter of the spelling word from List 1. Then solve the mystery question by putting the same letters in the blanks at the end of the quiz. 1. a__tually 15. e__ernal 2. Al__bama 16. Ala__ka 3. pri__cipal 17. danger__us 4. necessar__ 18. relie__ 5. volcan__ 19. re__ess 6. respectf__l 20. cre__tivity 7. or__anize 21. emerge__cy 8. br__ef 22. staine__ 9. decei__e 23. exper__ence 10. knowl__dge 24. br__akable 11. min__te 25. friendlines__ 12. careles__ness ___ ___ ____ 13. cei__ing __ ____ __ 14. __ccur _ _ _ _ _ _ _?