Assign ment01 UNIx Operaing Systemn yplain the rale af an operating system with the hep ofa neat diag1am dn Operating system (0s) sCuelly iting behuren the User N USer A usHs applicatiom pmytams .Application Pogranm and wmpukr handuvare 0 s ep.lott dhe computn handuwar adarzs prdvicle the compueter wewnws to set of A enices bystm is vu. a Spem Intefates and langtu to OpeatingSyskm The hienanhial view of dhu Computu ttandw@u Cempukr Byskm i shewn )The opevrating system functiens as an intorfae b]w a usvn and abraes The Hiezarchical viw Lempukr Sukm! cemputtr Usually, tu opoating syskm pmvicles seme typical Sovie fo users xecuh a program: shen a pvgnam is exteuted, thu Os must load thu 1nstructiens and data of povgnam into main memny, initialize files and 3/0 devices, and poup ane Geme othwr usownes Ceate a pognam for itt need . 7he operatfng should pmvide plutforma and trols, 'such ds edi teu, to asslst ttu pmgramme in creating, editing and debugging proghania. Openate files t For he fle managemunt , type f diount ttu os must knew net onli fllu but alo thu chanachel difount storage dendces. H should ruice the Shau and porottitiem mechansma o ffles Con tre 7/0 devius As there are so many types of 1/0 devies în Jhe computn system and each y thum has Hs Own centrrl înstu bons, thu 0s must cen trl I/0 deuies .Mamge Systum a cewaBely . For mllti we compukr systems, th OS Can not Only let its s s shne Sys tem sus0wncs but and Usns aloo pnottct dystem r s o w i u , incuding C PU, primay mumery, 1/0 devtces and daa, In erdr to mak th executim ok OS Detrct and Nspond eTTOTS A eme errms can occuU smobth and poupen. when tu cempuler Tunning, the openating systm mustdetect eows and qive an apprmpriarte asponse in time. 2. List thu types of UNIX 0penating Bystem avaiable The +ypes OpeTating Systems )System variant pnating SysBems 04 UNIX Hwrd Hp-UX LInux IRIX ) BSD( Benkeley Softwau distributim) systtms Mac Os Free BsD Solariis Net BSD x (Dawin 3. Summai ze the htstory o ONX 0perating Sysk Mubics >A tHme sharing opnaing systm uhieh wns mevel bt guw too omplex for t own 900d 2) Ken Thomps en o4 Bull labs>)Bll labs withduaw frm Mulies supet t e wmo te tu flrst vnsien } UNIK UNICs) Dn a PDp- 1 Soon foined t by Dennu Rt hie. 3 PDP-7 No suth thing as a video &no display keyboard. A teletype was used to communicate wi Basically a glei fil ek ctrmic Display thvugh pinter 14 when thu tomputfng Sci en ces Reblanch machinelahqu eeded en a wrd a th comp uter type uwn ter entor wanhel than PDP-7, while another pnvwOY 5) As iu sysem ruw in emplenity mere u U . and 6) In 1143, Veuien 4 UniY was rwi ten ) In 1980s, SVR4 added hew featwws to ust Unix departmed ves eanch team wantd in hígh leuel language C. The Unix Os wnt in tuwo directiens, one for ommertial we anod academic ano purpe One wa4 System Vaadantand w Bsp, othw Such administrai m, nw ferma Tnten pro ces as com m file locking , System un i cahm iPc) aIn 1980s, tomaniy Statd developîng Unix 0s, Such Sun mtcT0 Systtms, Sun 0s ( Solaus), Micvsbit Xeniy 10) The IEEE's ortable Os in!enfaze oy UNIx POsix es tablishud. Linu7, was apepula 12)In 2000 s, ulhas ed as os. many free fre softuwnre Unix 0s uwvu frre Bs D and open -sow1 8pectffeaion as was in 1992 and sbon became durelope d sueh open Solaus 6y Sun u as NelBs (wsys ttms D 4 Explain the UNIX Soktoaru dlaqram. 5 Applicaton s| archikebune with the huly o neet Applicaten S Cempiles, cdi for wnd pmCemorsftA Eelnd_eb_beese UNIX Sh elt User med UNIY SHEU Stan dai um tandanddbay ferk, öpen,cloe,yeac Ianguah1anl 2 : wite ) laguage linaAyCc, ce i, java ef) Supiem n cal t t jac &ystm cal inHerfau UNIX konel mwM managem ent 9memeny managmint ffle styytem ancl OS kemel mvcle esystms PHanduwnru CPU, RW, dIIRI, keyboand, 20221tez meueD-RpM neturerd caiddiplay th Kernel 1.Kernel The Unix Jt 8. 0puatng system kosnel (ere bj tu Sshm mai n funchiens au pnocoin managmunt mumery managemant, ffle sysema and 1/0 systems. Many applicatiens Subsystmm and prgrams that wd Anigh perfoman u 0} Syskm, Suh ay shull prvid: editers and Sysem call The Unix Os pmvide functim calls as intunface Sysem calls, wlth wwm Pmuny (anknewn use to invok tiu exe cution akonnl code. So thu Sys em call intofa e prmvids en trancs into Uniy kund. Seme Seviws înclude Llke Ceating ttminabng prownes deleting, mading, untinq files 3)Standand Librari and Languag Libraies 4) Unix shell Applications The wsn fntonface to UIx u Umposed o Standard ibraue vatams of ) Languau libraie wst o hunutns tha au avdinble to pmqnammvu fr uwe with that they soptware develop. The Unix shell a com manel Une intunfae er cUi1. wun a USUr a type command and th Shel intopseh and tke cutca ttu psun enti kuy The comman the Shell and applicaiems Cempilos, editom Centains web bmwss etc, all d. atiens Such Such aas applicatiens aerd pm applic ww ens tessos,ftp, telnet ane 5. Lis t aand ezplain thu vle of kernel in UN X oprating syster km. The Cnix opénating sustem +s main funchins kernd thu Cere of tu system an i) Process manaqement ) memmy managimnt i) ffle system iv) 7/o sys em ProCeSS management A pa0Cess mamgement of tu UNIX op enating System u ypically eponaible fr tasks : to create, suspend and bermfnate pocen ts, to Switth their states, to schedule t CPu to execute multip.le pHOCeS ses concwvently Pn time shauina System and to manage the comm unicatiom beeueen pocenés intor-ms communicaion, IP). Memey management Ths pant ef kern el job u to kup track o which parb of memery ae in Use and which party are hot tn use T o allocate memery to procerses when thy need l t ancd de allocate it whin thuy finish thein tasks and put tts memey back in rre spae fpet s0 that it can be rea locaked x) File Sys tem - Files ane also managed by the konnel. > File systema thew au u stered tn dus, Usually, in dirrckories tilu and sub dioctis, In Únix a drectory albo a Ale The kend man ages filu and Create and vemgie file x) /0 I sshm n VNIY, dire ctvries by ponftrming to direetom'e and povtcet Wem 7/0 devias anu made to lDok like ilu andwr accesed as such with same Dead & wite Syskm call that au ed w acw all fles 1 / 0 dvfww wu connetted o cempufou, Suth as lisks, printos, cD-ROM, kyboand, duplay, nebeerk cands. 6. he Eaplain syn tar to a pass Cmmand in The basfc ules in mostt 04 thu Type ( cempefe tovrdt prem made hare eptions Cem mands The avgument t h u wwks em. Thi Options usualy come optim has ts o u n Cemmand End commands meMe ene line, each command can be a object that commancl fAlen ame blw cmmand, Dpim4, angument, behore argumenu. 7n frw c a s. , a r with argument asso ciatd f x f Sort -0 outputfile er an name angument be spacus Th vu must 7) Tuwo vne pu fxed with twv dash 5 pompt) in wlich command werks. Options r tu way change calleel hyphen) with a dash uttru oyten stngle 4 shel commands in lowon casea 3) OptHon ome cases Line. llnes lines tommand UNIX Genvnal frmat er $Command l-optiom ()] avqumunt ()] ( - The Cormmand npulfile -n can be uwrtten on the same Sepanated by Semicolon l;) Enter typin by resing ky of blu kuyboaned F. Wrfte diktwwnces b/w Chanatfen the ven Jnterfa ce and raphfcal isn Jntonfaa Chana cten ) Jntenfa ce (CUT);- Tn CUI wsn has to inttract with the applicatims by ) ser use making Tn CUT only o bni task A) CUI n o t easfen ) CUT, whune ) Example (ommands. Can vun at a to navigate than time Guz wsen has to type en kuybo and to proctn ol. D0S, Unfx = Graphcal In Usen interfa lýui) t ce GUI, ft usen fnkenfa ce which applicatiema by ma~ing use usvn intoract wi th raphics, I x) n Tn GuI, mere than ene task can un slmultaneous ly *GUT, much easivr to navigate thah CUI Gur wthich maku ft possible to use a mouse ina tead eyboand. *Tt u vey wsn frtendly inenface. Enample i- Windeuws, Lim ux. 8. With ezample , Explaln the syntax and comman ds us ed frr file operatiens. heu ane svval commands that can be used to manage Copying file (Cp) fles. To copy a file, we Cp command. Er- cp oldyile newftle . )Kenaming file ( mu) T0 7ename file, we my comm and (meve), Ex mv file1 fle 3. )Deledinq flle ( 7m)To dlete a ffle, we tue m Ex x) Looking Insidu i les Cmere les) m com mand. file 2. Th ee aru u v way to look inside a Ple on sing mere"cemmand and o hur io e $mere filk Ex1 2 $less file 2 x)Jotninq and displayinq- Cat com man d s med fo doplay a ff le files (cat) Ex cat file 1 file 2 x) Findin4 files ( find)-T0 find ffles, we find command. fx fnd test len to] /4est/ file 1 tm Pointing flle Pinting Hle tn pafnie (Lp) x) test/ new file pint en tile prin tn, Cemmand Lp file lentr) fx To a ue lp lpr With for i'rectony pmatien 10 A and com man da u s d enample, explalh thu sntox Speity a file Apathn p. ame Unix til sys em. path er write Tts dire cloy locatien, ike tu addus of dlistcey ile in tha thu diretery namy name useslasheu l ) between wd): pointing WerkingTDirectery o fnd which pathn ame, tu uwvr king diyeeltty lkory i Use pwd commancd Expwd entn] /usensfpreseck/ wang. Changing Direteny lcd) To change the uworkfng directoy to any dllrectery we cd cemmand. cd /vseu/prvject/wanq/wwk lentr] En Creating a diyt ctory (mkdir): To Crate a directerg vnden werHing dive Ctory, usem kdir Cemmand. mkdir myfile E Deleting a dtreebery (rmdir) Te delete a directon, uue the vmdlr Comman d. Exs m dir text LisHng files in a diretry ( ls) T lfst all 4fles oliret e ds we lenkn] sub dirretrries n Le cemmand. trt ple 1 file/ x to. Eaplain with optios to diiplay onltne help hu cenmmand any Command. T h e m an command can Shew tuu UNix refeenu nmanval pag For examplu Syntax Cemmem man loptiom (s)] Command () man-k kuywd ). 0p tYons a dale man To wu display all pagu that match dhe commands speciyie d in Command (s), ) f T o diplay tiu pages that first matchs he Cemmands speciied in cemman d{s); ) -e *) k co mmond ls)Keywrd () To 7o Beanch 0o4 )P pagn x)-S m;-to To dsplay display UNIX Summais Reference manual or cemmands by a page, Such a ePg S eanch Section exe cutes u job 1ve example for each. can fer n în man ual pag ereground be run in two 1) Fereground procrs ) an el display keywmd (s). How shell dpocess of commands comm ands velatcd to kyurd in dioplay them . Summaue and pages mere and batkqnoun6 uways 1 Back gneund prvws When even command b sued/typ ed Cmats/starts a n w pmun. a tn Onix,4 Method 1 fegnund prvce in fegiound and kuygboand tom nput pvees when starnked, Eveny nclves ditault y Sends 0utput to the Screeh. uns Whun fssuing a pwd Cem m and #/u/prejecd/wang/ot Ls pwd when a command foregneun d takbing and ó Can be proce es prvcws run e r b running 1n lot of time no 0therr started because lhe premp t woulel not be avallable until tlu prgiam tinfshes prvcesing Method 2 Backgnound proces I t runs in input Thus, wi th and the and waits ceming out. batkgieund without keyboasd tfl keybond input à regufrte- 0ther pmwses be den e can t u pov c n inning fn ih parallll backqiounol si'ne thy do not have to walt fr the previous prows w be compleled. Adding alemg with cemman d Storrb 1t a batkgieund prm ci. pwd & since puwd does not want ang nput fovm teyboasd it goes to stop State until mved to fregteund and given any dafa inpuit 7hus, pwn'ng 0utput [11 + Enton Dohe ky pwd ,' The fist inuinfwmatim baikgvound poves The Seurm d o pompt fer anothur eemmand.