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Action Memo Template & Guidelines - USNA Project

NL 310 Project Action Memo
Template Guidelines
Introduction: The Action Memo deliverable is a project team effort. This professional
writing assignment focuses on a typical Fleet-like action memo, modeled after the current
USNA format. The action memo is a common tool, in various forms, used in the Fleet to
convey a variety of topics and issues, with a recommended course of action (COA), to a
senior officer for a decision.
The action memo will describe your team’s change proposal. As a midshipman leader and as
a junior officer, you are expected to inform and communicate your plans and ideas to your
chain of command in a formal, yet effective manner.
The action memo cover document (the memo itself) is intended to be a concise, direct
communication that will allow a decision to be made to approve or disapprove the
recommendation provided. However, many action memo topics require significant
supporting detail. This detail is structured into “Tabs” accompanying the action memo, and
referenced in the memo. These tabs can address relevant policies, regulations and procedures.
Often tabs contain detailed plans and/or other COA’s considered and rejected for
completeness. Tabs may also include coordination and approval signatures of participating
organizations, persons, or entities.
Objective: This action memo should comprehensively document your team’s proposal
associated with the separate prompt: “NL310 Team Project Organization Change
Requirements: Utilize the attached action memo template to summarize your team’s
proposal. Provide tabs, as needed, for additional supporting detail and information utilizing
the attached tab template. Tab A and Tab B is required. Your team will provide two iterations
of this action memo as follows:
i) At the Project Check Point 2: ~completed draft of memo and tabs, draft
ii) Prior to Presentation: Completed memo and tabs, ready for grading
Format: Single-spaced, except double-spaced between headers and major (numbered) bullet
points. Use 12-point Times New Roman font. Use 1-inch margins, top and bottom, right and
left. Use short, concise, clear bullet points (numbers, then indented , lower-case letters) as
appropriate beneath opening statements in each major section. Number pages at bottom right
starting on page 2 of the memo and any tabs. An acronym may be used after it is spelled out
the first time.
When grading your action memos, I will weight your work approximately as follows:
Content - 80%: This includes the clarity, effectiveness, and achievability of your change,
relevance to the USNA mission, and coverage of Beer’s model. I will be assessing your
critical thinking around significance, relevance, logic, precision and fairness.
Structure, Format & Style - 20%: This includes adherence to the format specified on the next
pages, sentence structure, conciseness, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Attention to detail
03 OCT 2017
Reference: (a) List all references as appropriate (e.g., Instructions, Policies, etc.)
Summary: Bottom line up front (BLUF). This is a clear, concise explanation of the change
being proposed. If needed for clarity, brief statements can be made regarding the issue being
addressed, or the opportunity being pursued. However, be careful not repeat information
contained in the “Background” below. Area for change and your proposal to change it.
In order to develop midshipman mental and physical performance, we propose setting up a
minimum six hour allotted time of rest to guarantee that midshipmen obtain the necessary
sleep they need in order to function effectively. This will include missing MQF after late
night watch and adjusting the watch bill to accommodate academic schedules as well.
Background: This should be a summary of the background (Tab A) related to the proposal,
and a clear justification for the proposed change and/or initiative. This will provide
additional key points, as required, to the Summary above. Use concise bullet points for ease
of reading.
State existing policy and hit the highlights for shortfalls.
● Multiple watches between TAPS and Reveille interfere with sleep cycles, without
enough time in the day to recover with healthy, continuous sleep. Solving this
problem will increase overall midshipman performance, especially in academics and
on the athletic field.
● Harvard study shows that psychiatric disorders may be caused by sleep deprivation,
instead of causing it.
● The fleet has had 3 collisions, and 1 grounding incident since January, at least 2 of
which are seen as caused by sleep deprivation.
Discussion: Summarize the proposed method of implementation for change (Tab B). This
section also identifies additional key points/contentious issues and any problem areas. Why it
is necessary and/or acceptable for the Commandant to approve or sign the recommended
action? As in the Background section, use concise bullet points. What is your proposed
change, summarize the primary implementation method. Vision/Outcomes. Any key points of
contention (keep it brief).
RECOMMENDATION: Concise 1-2 sentence summary of your recommendation.
Commandant of Midshipmen approve the implementation of ……(summarize your proposed
change/COA 1 or recommended COA) (Commandant of Midshipmen approves by initialing
as appropriate)
Approve_________ Disapprove_______ Other______________________________
Tab A: Background
Tab B: Implementation and Recommendation
Tab C-n: title (as needed, e.g., alternative COAs, endorsements, coordination)
TAB A (template)
Expand on the details of the issue or opportunity, as well as the justification for the proposed
change / initiative.
1. What are the sources of dissatisfaction and/or the benefits to be gained? Clearly convey
the justification for the proposal. Start by specifically stating/identifying/explaining the
existing policy/process and highlight the deficiencies/shortfalls with it.
Harvard Mental Health Letter:
One of the biggest grievances that the Brigade has is that here are multiple watches between
TAPS and Reveille that interfere with sleep cycles, while there is also not enough time in the
day to catch up on healthy, continuous sleep due to classes, formations, and other mandatory
military obligations. Getting a better handle on sleep cycles will allow midshipmen to
perform better mentally and physically, which is a great deal of the mission we are set out to
2. As appropriate, consider an environmental assessment: what is going on in the “rest of
USNA and/or world?” Are there best practices to be adopted? Is there a significant
external change or opportunity compelling your proposal? Consider any other Service
Academy correlations. What is the Fleet doing? Are there inconsistencies in which the
way the existing policy is implemented/executed at USNA (varies by Company,etc?).
The danger sleep deprivation poses to the fleet is made apparent when one merely looks at
the news headlines over the past few months. The grounding of the USS Antietam in January,
and the summer collisions of the USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain, all seem to point
to sleep deprivation as a major cause of the incidents. Sleep deprivation not only impacts
midshipmen here at USNA, but affects the Fleet as a collective. Because of this, new
watchstanding standards have been imposed to ensure that watchstanders will be able to do
their job to the upmost of their abilites.
3. What is your overall Model (“your Vision”) for this change? Summarize how will your
proposal make a difference? What is the intent of your change? The desired outcomes?
Correlation to Midshipmen development?
This particular proposal serves to help Midshipmen of all classes improve their overall
performance in the classroom and on the athletic field. Studies show that adults generally
function better when they are able to have 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a night. However,
because of watches that occur between 2300 and 0630, it is often difficult for midshipmen to
rest effectively as their sleep schedules are interfered with. With this proposal, we aim to give
midshipmen the ability and motivation to perform at a higher level than they would without
at least 6 hours of sleep. With this change, we believe that overall Midshipman performance
will improve.
TAB B (template)
Summary: Expand on the details of your summary (BLUF) and Discussion in the action
Implementation plan: At a minimum, you should consider (NOTE: the following points are
not intended as an outline, but represent elements that must be covered in this section):
Goals: Consider what SMART goals you have for this change / opportunity proposal. As
appropriate, what metrics / measures will be used to measure progress and/or success? Use
this section to define expected outcomes and benefits of each goal. Provide further
explanation of how your proposal supports the mission and values of USNA and the Naval
Describe the goals of your change—what will it achieve? For example?
● Midshipmen Development…how? Measure?
● Save Money…How? Measure?
● Improve academic performance…how? Measure?
Goal 1: Improve overall watchstanding effectiveness by ensuring that Midshipmen are
allocated enough time to get effective sleep
Goal 2: Improve overall midshipman performance as an added incentive to adjusting the
watchstanding policy.
Model for Implementation: Consider the key elements of your plan and describe
deliverables, timelines, who is accountable, and the resources / training needed. Also
highlight any key policies / practices that will need to be changed to support your proposal.
Clearly and concisely describe your first COA. Develop a timeline—start with the end point,
when do you expect the implementation of your change to happen? Be realistic. For most
changes, it is unlikely they’ll be implemented at the start of next semester. Then consider what
needs to happen to support that timeline. Does training need to happen first? Realignment
of curriculum, etc? Recommend creating an actual visual timeline or using bullets to
highlight key dates/action items.
It will be based on midshipmen’s honor to tell whether he/she has watch the night before.
Formation accountability still need to be taken.
We need to make standing midnight watch as a legitimate excusal in order to guarantee
enough sleep
People standing watch during
Adjutant officers will need training for how to schedule people’s watch in order to maximize
people’s sleeping hours.
GPA, PRT score.
Consequences: What are the consequences (intended and unintended; pros/cons) that could
occur as a result of this change? What are the follow-on impacts of this change (what other
programs, organizations, personnel might be affected as a result of the proposed change?)
Positive: Overall midshipman performance and morale will improve. Because the standard
would be 6 hours of sleep, midshipmen will be better equipped to stay awake during lectures
and perform better on the athletic field and in the classroom.
Negative: Giving the midshipmen this privilege can lead to unintended consequences.
Because of their ability to miss formation after having watch, Midshipmen will have the
audacity at times to say they had watch just to be able to sleep through MQF. This would lead
to more conduct/honor offenses for missing MQF and class, in some instances.
Cost analysis: What resources will be required in order to enact and sustain this proposal?
Don’t limit your analysis to cost – think about manpower, time, etc. Who owns/controls these
resources? What is their interest/stake in the status quo or in the change?
Resources: (Use bullets—consider manpower, time, money?)
● Personnel: (If there are specific roles, be sure to identify them)
● Fiscal: (Be specific with how much)
● Time: (How much and for what?)
● Use bullets, what are the benefits?
● What are the drawbacks? Is it costly? Timely? Etc?
Pros: It is fiscally free, which is important for academy while the budget is getting cut every
Cons: The adjutant officer will have to spend more time to assign people watch according to
their schedules and if they are SAT.
Risks and Resistance: Detail any significant risks associated with your proposal. How will
these be mitigated or overcome to increase the odds of success? Who is likely to resist this
change, and why? Who are the players who will be instrumental in “selling” this, and how
will they overcome any expected resistance and get buy-in from reluctant stakeholders?
● What are the risks and how will you mitigate each? Use bullets for each associated
● Where is the resistance going to come from (whom)? Address each area of resistance
and how your change plan with mitigate this/account for this?
One big risk is people abusing this policy and never attending MQF. The adjutant and
company first sergeant should keep a close look on the watch bill.
Resistance is most likely to come from upper level leadership because the number of
midshipmen who have main office a night is very small.
Alternate Courses of Action (COA): Discuss any variations on your primary COA that would
constitute a secondary/alternative COA to achieve the same vision. Also, what are the other
relevant COAs you considered, or worth discussion? Why were these COAs rejected and/or
less preferable than your proposed recommendation? (Shift to end—after you’ve walked all
the way through first COA analysis) Describe the alternative course of action then conduct
the COA analysis highlighting ONLY the areas that are different. Thus, goals will likely be
the same. The model will shift slightly—highlight key differences. Consequences may or may
not change. Cost analysis may vary slightly—perhaps alternative requires less resources (be
sure you weigh the pros/cons and consider how it compares to first COA). Risks may be
different which may also impact resistance. Should you have a 3rd COA, you should
addresses it similarly following the alternative COA.
Allow midshipmen to sign taps early in order to be still able to obtain 6 hours sleep. Although
this might sacrifice the study period, For people who are academically and physically SAT
are allowed to skip the study period according to midshipman regulation. Therefore, adjutant
officers will have to avoid to assign people who are UNSAT midnight watch to keep the
study period for UNSAT midshipmen.
RECOMMENDATION: Repeat of your concise recommendation from the action memo,
and the benefit / reason / outcome expected from approval of this recommendation.
Commandant of Midshipmen approve the implementation of…..
Approve_________ Disapprove_______ Other______________________________
TAB C to n
Note: for any Tabs C to n, you may utilize any structure / format suitable for the type of
information you need to present. This tab may be useful to incorporate results of surveys,
data, illustrations from other service academies, etc.
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