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Patrick Henry Assignment Rubric - Google Docs

Rhetorical Analysis Grading rubric
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Not Acceptable
Introduction creates
interest. Thesis states the
position and prepares the
reader for the topic The
conclusion ties to and
supports the thesis.
The thesis and purpose are
somewhat vague and
unclear OR only loosely
related to the writing task.
The conclusion is not
effective and does not
summarize main points.
Introduces new ideas not
considered in body
Thesis is missing. Reader
cannot determine the
thesis and purpose OR the
thesis has no relation to
the writing assignment.
The essay fails to offer a
conclusion or tie back to
the thesis.
There is a well-developed
and Conclusion introduction that gains the
information, thesis
attention of the reader. The
thesis statement is clear and
concise and articulates the
purpose of the whole speech,
as well as the writer’s point
of view. The conclusion
briefly summarizes the essay
and stresses the importance
of the thesis statement. No
new ideas are introduced.
More than 5 examples are
provided to support analysis.
Supporting examples are
concrete and detailed. The
analysis is developed with an
effective point of view.
5 examples are provided
to support analysis. Draws
relevant evidence to
support analysis. Offers
solid but less original
reasoning. Assumptions
are not always recognized
or made explicit.
3 or more examples are
provided to support
analysis. Draws mostly
relevant evidence to
support analysis. Details
tend to be too broad, not
interpreted, irrelevant to
the thesis, or
inappropriately repetitive.
Less than 3 examples are
provided to support
analysis. Evidence is
irrelevant or does not
support the thesis. Offers
simplistics and
undeveloped support for
Thoroughly supports thesis
and purpose. Logical
Progression of ideas with a
clear structure that enhances
the thesis. Skillfully uses
transitions or connecting
words to provide meaningful
connection between parts of
the text.
Organization supports the
thesis and purpose.
Logical progression of
ideas are clear to support
an analysis of the text.
Transitions are present
throughout the essay and
are mostly appropriate.
Organization is somewhat
clear. The essay may have
abrupt or illogical shifts
and ineffective flow of
ideas. Transitions may be
present at times, but
sentence structure may lack
The essay has limited
structure and organization.
The paragraph structure is
incoherent and most
sentences need revision.
The quotes stand alone
and lack introduction/
connection to support the
analysis. Contains little to
no transitions or
connecting words.
(Ideas, details in
body paragraphs)
(structure and
(logical reasoning
& progression of
grammar, MLA
Essay displays excellent
understanding of the required
readings and underlying
concepts including correct
use of terminology. Evidence
from the text supports
important points and
provides a well thought out
analysis of the text.
Essay displays an
understanding of the
required readings and
underlying concepts.
Demonstrates clear and
logical reasoning and
includes correct use of
terminology and proper
Essay repeats and
summarizes basic, correct
information, but does not
link readings to evidence
and does not consider
alternative perspectives or
connections between ideas.
Demonstrates somewhat
clear reasoning.
Essay shows little or no
evidence that reading of
the speech was completed
or understood. The essay
demonstrates limited
reasoning and is largely
personal opinions with no
substantiated support from
the text. Analysis does not
address the assignment.
Spelling, punctuation, and
grammar are free from
errors. Uses appropriate
MLA formatting.
May contain minor
spelling and grammatical
errors that do not interfere
with comprehension. Uses
MLA formatting as
The essay is developing
and may contain multiple
spelling and grammatical
errors. Adheres to very
little MLA formatting.
The essay contains
multiple errors in standard
English mechanics, and is
difficult to read. MLA
formatting is not apparent.