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HR Case Study: Samuel's Tech Skills Gap

Name: Verano, Maria May Hikaru F.
Course, Year & Section: BSBM HRDM 1B
Case study # 01
1. State Samuel's main problem.
 Samuel is worried about using computers because he is so far behind his colleagues in terms
of modern technologies. So the primary issue is that Samuel is unskilled or has no knowledge on
how to progress or use the computer at work.
2. Discuss the areas of consideration following the guide below.
a) Samuel's Strengths
 He has a lot of skills and knowledge in his field, and he is also an outstanding
person, professional, and dedicated to his work.
b) Samuel's Weakness
 Samuel's lack of skills in communication since he is too shy to ask for help, he is
insecure due to his age, and he is also inexperienced with new technology.
c) Possible Opportunities for Samuel
 He can improve his computer knowledge by watching videos on YouTube or
Facebook and reading books about computers. He can also attend seminars and
training programs regarding computers or new technology.
d) Possible Threats for Samuel
 He may be fired from his job since he does not understand how to use the new
computer technology, and the company may look for an employee younger than him
who is an expert in the HRIS system or using the new computer technology.
3. Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action or ACA (minimum of
three) to help Samuel overcome his problem.
a. Technology Based Trainings to understand the fundamentals and become
acquainted with the functions of a computer
b. Speak with or request to the HR department to have a seminar on how to operate
the company's HRIS system for individuals who aren't very familiar with it.
c. Given that our economy now has easier access to phones and books, Samuel
may now view videos on YouTube or Facebook and conduct computer research
in order to get basic computer skills.
4. State your recommendation based on your ACA
I am proudly recommend the Alternative Course of Action B because all employees are
involved, there is no need for them to pay because it will be free and coordinated and supported
by the HR department and the company. Additionally, this will assist employees in widening their
understanding and experience of the HRIS system.
5. Discuss the implementation of your chosen recommendation following the
guide below
Specific Activity
Time Frame
Orientation on how
The HR
the Department
Seminar on how to
The HR
use computer
Budgetary Requirements
60,000 PHP
 Projector - 2,000
 Speaker - 3,000
 Lunch & Snacks - 50,000
 Venue -5,000
60,000 PHP
 Projector - 2,000
 Speaker - 3,000
 Lunch & Snacks 50,000
 Venue -5,000
57,000 PHP
The HR
 Electricity- 10,000
 Speaker – 2,000
 Lunch & Snacks
 Venue -5,000