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EDME394 Assignment 1 Assessment Criteria

Assessment criterial – EDME394 Assignment 1
High Distinction
Lesson sequence Lesson sequence
demonstrates a limited
sequence of topic concepts
which are inadequately
supported by appropriate
learning theories.
Proposed learning
activities offer limited
mathematical learning
experience and address a
few key topic concepts.
Lesson sequence
demonstrates a
reasonable sequence of
topic concepts which are
inadequately supported
by appropriate learning
theories. Proposed
learning activities offer
rich mathematical
learning experience and
address a few key topic
Lesson sequence
demonstrates a
competent sequence
of topic concepts
supported by
appropriate learning
theories. Proposed
learning activities
offer rich
mathematical learning
experience and
address some key
topic concepts.
Lesson sequence
demonstrates a proficient
logical sequence of topic
concepts supported by
appropriate learning
theories. Proposed
learning activities offer
rich mathematical
learning experience and
address most key topic
Lesson sequence
demonstrates an
exceptionally coherent and
logical sequence of topic
concepts supported by
appropriate learning
theories. Proposed
learning activities offer
rich mathematical learning
experience and address all
key topic concepts.
Reasonable assessment
items identified that are
appropriate to the unit,
demonstrating styles and
contexts to meet some
learners’ needs.
Quality assessment
items identified that
are appropriate to the
unit, demonstrating
appropriate styles and
contexts to meet
diverse learners’
High quality assessment
items identified that are
appropriate to the unit,
appropriate styles and
contexts to meet diverse
learners’ needs.
Exceptionally high quality
assessment items
identified that are
appropriate to the unit,
appropriate styles and
contexts to meet diverse
learners’ needs
Inappropriate assessment
items identified to the unit,
inappropriate styles and
contexts to meet few
learners’ needs.
Lesson plan
Lesson plan that lacks a
focussed development of
understanding, sequenced
in an illogical manner.
Appropriate learning
theories are absent in the
lesson plan.
Reasonable lesson plan
that provides a focussed
development of
sequenced in a
reasonable logical
manner. Appropriate
learning theories are
limited in the lesson plan.
Quality lesson plan
that provides a
focussed development
of mathematical
sequenced in a
competent logical
manner. Appropriate
learning theories are
somewhat evident in
the lesson plan.
Limited use of technology
as an integral component
of the lesson sequence that
provides alternative
approaches to develop the
mathematical concepts.
Minimal ICT usage allows
students to independently
and actively investigate
mathematical concepts.
Reasonable use of
technology as an integral
component of the lesson
sequence that provides
alternative approaches to
develop the mathematical
concepts. Limited ICT
usage allows students to
independently and
actively investigate
mathematical concepts.
Unclear and inappropriate
rationale for the teaching
approach supported by
limited academic
literature. Inappropriate
learning theories are
utilised to support a few
aspects of the rationale.
Somewhat clear and
appropriate rationale for
the teaching approach
supported by a few
academic literature.
Appropriate learning
theories are utilised to
support a few aspects of
the rationale.
Competent use of
technology as an
integral component of
the lesson sequence
that provides
alternative approaches
to develop the
concepts. Some ICT
usage allows students
to independently and
actively investigate
Generally clear and
appropriate rationale
for the teaching
approach supported by
some academic
literature. Appropriate
learning theories are
utilised to support
some aspects of
support the rationale.
High quality lesson plan
that provides a coherent,
focussed development of
sequenced in a logical
manner. Appropriate
learning theories are
evident in the lesson
Exceptionally high quality
lesson plan that provides a
coherent, focussed
development of
understanding, sequenced
in a logical manner, which
addresses a wide variety of
learning needs.
Appropriate learning
theories are clearly evident
in the lesson plan.
Proficient use of
Exceptional use of
technology as an integral technology as an integral
component of the lesson component of the lesson
sequence that provides
sequence that provides
alternative approaches to alternative approaches to
develop the mathematical develop the mathematical
concepts. Most ICT
concepts. All ICT usage
usage allows students to
allows students to
independently and
independently and actively
actively investigate
investigate mathematical
mathematical concepts.
Clear, succinct and
appropriate rationale for
the teaching approach
supported by adequate
academic literature.
Appropriate learning
theories are utilised to
support most aspects of
the rationale.
Very clear, succinct and
appropriate rationale for
the teaching approach
supported by a range of
academic literature.
Appropriate learning
theories are utilised to
support all aspects of the