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Inventory Control System in MOHA Soft Drink Industry

Inventory control system
In Case of MOHA softy drink industry
The inventory may be defined as the physical stock of good, units or economic resources that are
stored or reserved for smooth, efficient and effective functioning of business. Just as inventory is
the stock of any item or resource used in an organization, an inventory system or management is
the set of policies and controls that monitor levels of inventory and determine what levels should
be maintained, when stock should be replenished, and how large orders should be.
Statement of the Problems
The following are some of the problems associated with inventory control in Ethiopia especial in
beverage industry like MOHA.
Poor receiving
Lack aware of material handling
Unbalance customers and supply
Deliver product on time
Objectives of the Study
General objectives
To create awareness about the concept of inventory controlling system in MOHA soft drink.
Specific Objectives
 To introduce inventory control management system for MOHA Soft Drinks
Industry S. C. in general and Nifas silk plants in particular.
 To evaluate the inventory control previous for Nefas Silk Pepsi Plant through
inventory control system on learn on course of operation and product
Research Methodology
Meth ology will describe different aspects of the methods used and situations that the term paper
must consider during investigation and data collection of the study. Different ways of carrying
out a study and different ways of collecting information will be qualitative and quantitative. The
purpose of meth ology is to make the reader understand the methodological choices made on the
The schedule of term paper can complete as follow table
proposal summit
data collect
data analysis
progress presentation
term paper summit
final presentation