CHAPTER 2 | LAPLACE TRANSFORM & INVERSE LAPLACE TARNSFORM INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this chapter, it is expected that the students will be able to: 1. Define the Laplace transform and discuss existence and basic properties. 2. Derive the formula in taking the Laplace transform of fundamental functions. 3. Solve the Laplace transform of different functions not limited to elementary, unit step and piecewise functions. 4. Derive the formula in taking the inverse Laplace transform of fundamental functions. 5. Solve the inverse Laplace of different functions using the methods of linearity property, completing the squares and translations and partial fractions 6. Use Laplace transforms to solve initial value problems of linear differential equation with constant coefficient. 7. Solve actual problems involving Laplace and Inverse Laplace transform in electric circuit problems 01 | INTRODUCTION The Laplace Transform takes a function of time and transforms it to a function of a complex variable . Because the transform is invertible, no information is lost and it is reasonable to think of a function ( ) and its Laplace transform ( ) as two views of the same phenomenon. Each view has its uses and some features of the phenomenon are easier to understand in one view or the other. We can use the Laplace transform to transform a linear time invariant system from the time domain to the sdomain. This leads to the system function ( ) for the system –this is the same system function used in the Nyquist criterion for stability. One important feature of the Laplace transform is that it can transform analytic problems to algebraic problems. We will see examples of this for differential equations. Can we obtain the Laplace transforms of ALL functions ( )? No, but it can be shown that Laplace transforms exist (for some ) for all “reasonable” functions ( ). The functions must be piecewise continuous, for instance, and not go to infinity too rapidly as → ∞. Precise conditions for the existence of the transform can be stated but these are not necessary in this module. It is sufficient for you to know that transforms can be found for all the standard functions that normally arise Precise conditions for the existence of the transform can be stated but these are not necessary in this module. It is sufficient for you to know that transforms can be found for all the standard functions that normally arise. 02.1 | Transforms of Simple Functions Example 1: Let ( ) = 1, ≥ 0. Find the ( ) or ℒ[1 . Solution: The Laplace Transform satisfies: 02 | DEFINITION OF THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM Let ( ) be a function on [0, ∞). The Laplace Transform of a function ( ) is the function ( ) defined by the integral, ℒ[ ( ) = ( ) = ( ) (1) The domain ( ) is the set of all values of for which this integral converges. The Laplace Transform of ( ) is denoted by both ( ) and ℒ. The definition shows that the Laplace operator ℒ transforms the function ( ), in the time or -domain, to ( ) in the frequency or -domain. Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos ℒ[ ( ) = ( ) = ( ) Such integral is called an improper integral and, by definition, is evaluated according to the rule ℒ[1 = ( ) = lim → ( ) Substituting ( ) = 1 in the improper integral formula leads us with ℒ[1 = (1) = lim → (1) EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE And hence lim → (1) = lim − → Note: 1 lim [ ! =− 1 lim " → − ( ) # =0 → Using this limit, we deduce that: 1 ℒ[1 = − [0 − 1 1 ℒ[1 = − (−1) ℒ[1 = 1 , provided that > 0 Example 2: Exponentials Let ( ) = . when ≥ 0, where / is a constant. Find the ℒ[ ( ) . Example 3: Powers of 0 Let ( ) = . , where / is a constant. Find the ℒ[ ( ) . Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE Theorem 2: First Shifting Theorem, ; – Shifting If ℒ[ ( ) = ( ), when > / then, 02.2 | Properties of Laplace Transform Theorem 1: Linearity of the Laplace Transform If / and 1 are constants, then ℒ2/[ ( ) + 1[4( ) 5 = /2ℒ[ ( ) 5 + 12ℒ[4( ) 5 This shows that the Laplace transform is a linear operation; that is, for any ( ) and 4( ) whose transforms exist and any constants / and 1, the transform of /[ ( ) + 1[4( ) exists. ℒ[ =/ Proof: ( )= = /2ℒ[ ( ) 5 + 12ℒ[4( ) 5 9 cosh / = ( : . + . 9 ) and sinh / = ( : . − . ) .) ( ) ( ) = <. ( ) = . ( ) . ( ) Example: 1. ℒ[ . cos = 2. ℒ[ Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos .) ( ( − /) = ℒ[ Application of Theorem 1: 1: Find the Laplace transform of cosh / and sinh / . Solution: Recall from Chapter 1, ( = 4( ) +1 ( ) ( − /) = 2/[ ( ) + 1[4( ) 5 ( ) ( ) = ( − /) In words, the substitution − / for in the transform corresponds to the multiplication of the original function by . . PROOF ℒ2/[ ( ) + 1[4( ) 5 = . . sin = EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE Some Functions >(0) and Their Laplace Transforms ( ) 1 1 ℒ[ ( ) 1 1 2 : ?! : 3 4 B ,? ≥ 0 5 . ,/ > 0 . 6 7 sin = 8 cos = 9 sinh / 10 cosh / 11 . sin = 12 . cos = A ?! B<9 Γ(/ + 1) .<9 1 −/ = : + =: + =: / : − /: : − /: = ( − /): − = : −/ ( − /): − = : : Exercise: Find the Laplace Transform of the following: a. ( ) = 5 − 2 b. ( ) = 3 − 6 : c. ( ) = : : d. ( ) = H sin 3 e. ( ) = cos : Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE Theorem 3: Second Shifting of Laplace Transform ( − /) > / If ℒ[ ( ) = ( ), and 4( ) = I 0 </ Theorem 4: Multiplication by Power of 0 If ℒ[ ( ) = ( ), then then, ℒ[4( ) = Proof: 4( ) = I 0 ( − /) ℒ[4( ) = >/ </ B ( ) = (−1) M ℒ[ B ( ) = (−1)B . (0) Proof: + . B (B) [ ( )N ( ) ( ) = ℒ[ ( ) ( − /) ( )= ( ) = ( ) Differentiate both sides with respect to , ( − /) . B Where ? = 1,2,3, … 4( ) ℒ[4( ) = ℒ[4( ) = ( ) . ℒ[ Let, K = −/ = K+/ = K Recall from Leibniz Rule of differentiation under integral sign, = P P ( ) = P P ( ) = (− ) ( ) when = /, K = 0 when = ∞, K = ∞ ℒ[4( ) = ℒ[4( ) = L ℒ[4( ) = ℒ[4( ) = L . ℒ[4( ) = . ℒ[4( ) = . ℒ[4( ) = (K) K (L<.) (K) K . . L (K) K = −ℒ[ ( ) Thus, (K) K ℒ[ ( ) = − Assuming the theorem is true for ? = U, ℒ[ ( − /) ( ) ℒ[ Example 1: Find the Laplace transform of: ( − 1): 4( ) = M 0 = − Q ( ) → Equation 1 which proves the theorem for ? = 1. ℒ[ (K) . )[ ( ) ( =− V V ( ) = (−1)V V = (−1)V V( ) → Equation 2 Differentiating both sides with respect to , [ >1 <1 − ( )" P P [ (− )[ ( (V<9) )" ( )# V V ( ) V = (−1)V ( ) = (−1)V W ( ) (V<9) = (−1)V W ( )# (V<9) (V<9) (V<9) V (V<9) X = (−1)V X = (−1)V (V<9) (V<9) = (−1)V W = (−1)(V<9) W V W " X = (−1)V (V<9) (V<9) V( " ) (V<9) " X = (−1)V X = (−1)(V<9) [ ( )# (V<9) " (V<9) ( )# (V<9) ( )# ( )# → Equation 3 This shows that the theorem is true for ? = U from Equation 2 and for ? = U + 1 from Equation 3. From Equation 1, the theorem is true for ? = 1. Hence, it is true for ? = 1 + 1 = 2 and ? = 2 + 1 = 3, and so on, thus, for all positive integer values of ?. Therefore, where ? = 1,2,3, … ℒ[ B ( ) = (−1)B (B) ( ) Example 1: Find the Laplace transform of ( ) = cos 5 Example 2: Find the Laplace transform of: ( − 2)A 4( ) = M 0 Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos >2 <2 EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE Example 2: Find the Laplace transform of ( )= : Y 02 | DEFINITION OF THE INVERSE LAPLACE TRANSFORM From ℒ[ ( ) = ( ), the value of ( ) is called the inverse Laplace transform of ( ). In symbol, ℒ where ℒ 9 9[ ( ) = ( ) is called the inverse Laplace transform operator. 02.1 | Theorem on the Inverse Laplace Transform Theorem 1: If / and 1 are constants, then ℒ 9 [/ ( ) + 1 ( ) = /ℒ 9[ ( ) + 1ℒ 9[ ( ) Theorem 2: 9[ ℒ ( ) = . 9[ ℒ ( − /) Table of Inverse Laplace Transform ( ) ℒ 9[ ( ) 1 1 1 −/ 2 ; (? − 1)! ? = 1,2,3, … 1 ( − /)B 5 : 6 : . 1 + =: 1 sin = = cos = 1 sinh / / cosh / − /: = ( − /): − = : −/ ( − /): − = : : 11 ( : 12 ( : B 9 (? − 1)! + =: / : − /: 7 10 B 9 B 4 9 . 1 3 8 1 1 = / . sin = cos = 1 sin = 2= + = : ): 1 + = : ): 1 (sin = − = cos = ) 2= A Example 1: Find the inverse Laplace transform of ( )= Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos 6 − 1 4 + −8 −3 EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE Example: Find Example 2: Find the Laplace Transform of ( )= ℒ 19 1 7 − + H +2 3 −5 9[ ( ) =ℒ 9 7 −1 ! ( + 1)( + 2)( − 3) 02.2 | Solution of the Inverse Laplace Transform using Partial Fraction Many transforms that one encounters are of form ( )= _( ) `( ) Where _ and ` are polynomials in terms of deg2_5. To evaluate ℒ 9[ with deg2`5 > ( ) , we can write ( ) = terms of Partial Fractions. b( ) c( ) in Partial Fractions is a method to reduce a complex rational function into a sum of much simpler terms. 1. Non Non--repeated Linear Factors If `( ) = ( − d9 )( − d: )( − dA ) … ( − dB ) and de ≠ dg for h ≠ i _( ) j9 j: jA jB = + + + ⋯+ ( − dB ) `( ) ( − d9 ) ( − d: ) ( − dA ) Then we solve for the values of j9 , j: , jA , … jB Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE 2. Repeated Linear Factors If `( ) contains a factor of the form ( − d)l then you must have the following terms 3. Non Non--repeated Quadratic Factors If `( ) contains a factor of the form (/ then you must have the following terms _( ) j9 j: jA jl = + + +⋯+ : A ( − d) ( − d)l `( ) ( − d) ( − d) Then we solve for the values of j9 , j: , jA , … jl Example: Find ℒ 9 W +9 +2 X ( − 1): ( + 3) Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos : : − 1 + m) _( ) j +n = : `( ) / − 1 + m Then we solve for the values of j and n. Example: Find ℒ 9 W 3 : − 28 X ( − 4)( : + 4) EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE 4. Repeated Quadratic Factors If `( ) contains a factor of the form (/ then you must have the following terms : − 1 + m)V _( ) j9 + n9 j: + n: = + +⋯ : : `( ) (/ − 1 + m) (/ − 1 + m): jV + nV + (/ : − 1 + m)V Then we solve for the values of jV ′ and nV ′ . Example: Find ℒ 9 W ( : Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos − 10 X − 2 + 1): : EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE 03 | SOLVING INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS (IVP) UISNG LAPLACE TARNSFORM 03.1 | Theorem 1: Laplace Transform of Derivatives Suppose that is continuous and ′ is a piecewise continuous on any interval 0 ≤ ≤ j. Suppose that and ′ are of exponential order with q (e) ( )q ≤ r . for some constant r and / and h = 0,1. Then ℒ[ ’( ) exist for > /, and satisfies ℒ[ ’( ) = ℒ[ ( ) − (0). 03.2 | Theorem 2: Laplace Transform of Derivative >(u) of Any Order u Suppose that , ′, ′′, … , (B 9) are continuous and that (B) is piecewise continuous on any interval 0 ≤ ≤ j. Suppose that , ′, ′′, … , (B) are of exponential order with q (e) ( )q ≤ r . for some constant r and / and 0 ≤ h ≤ ?. Then Then ℒ" ℒ" (B) (B) ( )# = ( )# exist for B ℒ[ ( ) − − > /, and satisfies B 9 (B 9) (0). (0) − ⋯ − (B :) (0) Such that for a 2nd order differential equation we have ℒ[ ′′( ) = : ℒ[ ( ) − (0) − (0) and for a 3rd order differential equation we have ℒ[ ′′′( ) = A ℒ[ ( ) − : (0) − Q (0) − ′′(0) Example 1: Consider the initial value problem below. v QQ − v Q = 2 v(0) = 1, v Q (0) = −2 Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE Example 2: Solve the initial value problem below. v QQ − 2v Q + 5v = −8 w v(0) = 2, v Q (0) = 12 Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE 04 | APPLICATION OF AND LAPLACE TRANSFORM AND INVERSE LAPLACE IN SOLVING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS The Laplace transform is used frequently in engineering and physics; the output of a linear dynamic system can be calculated by convolving its unit impulse response with the input signal. Performing this calculation in Laplace space turns the convolution into a multiplication; the latter being easier to solve because of its algebraic from. 04.1 | Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis The Laplace transform can be applied to solve the switching transient phenomenon in the series or parallel RL, RC or RLC circuits. How can we use the Laplace transform to solve problems? 1. Write the set of differential equations in the time domain that describe the relationship between voltage and current for the circuit. 2. Use KVL, KCL and the laws governing voltage and current of resistor, inductors (and coupled coils) and capacitors. 3. Laplace transform the equations to eliminate the integrals and derivates and solve these equations for x( ) and y( ). 4. Inverse Laplace transform to get z( ) and h( ). Laplace Transform – Resistors Example: 1. Given the differential equation: { h + |h = 100 sin 377 where { = 0.1 henry, | = 10 ohms and h(0) = 0. Determine the current at = 0.01 second. 2. A series RC circuit with | = 30 ohms and } = 250 µF is connected across an AC voltage source of z = 100 sin 100 through a switch. The switch is closed at = 0. Determine the current when = 0.01 second. Assume at = 0, the capacitor is uncharged. Use the differential equation: z h 1 =| + h } 3. A series circuit has | = 10 ohms, { = 0.1 henry and } = 0.0001 farad. An AC voltage z = 100 sin 377 is applied across the series circuit and the applicable differential equation is: z ={ : h : +| h + 1 h } Solve for the particular solution (without the complementary solution) and determine the amplitude of the resulting sinusoidal current h( ). Laplace Transform – Inductor Laplace Transform – Capacitor Prepared by: Engr. Ryan A. Ramos EE 402 – Advanced Mathematics for EE