Uploaded by Mhicko F. Maurillo

Mindfulness Webinar Reaction Paper: Student Well-being

Name: Mhicko F. Maurillo
Year & Section: BIT-CT 3F
Date: November 2, 2021
Reaction Paper to the Webinar on Mindfulness and Well-being
The Webinar on Mindfulness and Well-being for all Students was a success. It
happened on last October 29, 2021 during the morning. There were faculties, guest and
of course, students who attended the meeting. The purpose of the webinar is for all the
students to strengthen their mental health and improve on their educational as well as
their psychological performance. I don’t think if everyone will agree on me on this but I
think we should have more of this kind of webinar because conducting a seminar like
this every now and then really helps students to cope and assist their psychological
condition like stress and other mental issues.
The webinar started with an opening prayer followed by the Philippine National
Anthem, ASEAN Hymn and last but not the least, Sugbo Hymn. They then welcomed
the guest speaker from UPV, Dr. Annie Manzano, a very gentle and kind speaker that
from the first glance you could say, approachable and having her as our guest speaker
really do fits well on the subject. Through the span of the webinar, we had our eyes full
of participation, from the activities that she had gave us to the sharing of experiences
who’ve among of us shared. It was really fun and worth a penny experience considering
most the students were able to voice out their issues and struggles during this
pandemic and voicing out those issues and other personal problems eases the burden.
That’s why I suggested to have this kind of webinar not just once but twice or thrice
because mental issue is a serious problem and I highly believed that most us are
affected by this in some way or another, even teachers I suppose. That’s why this kind
Name: Mhicko F. Maurillo
Year & Section: BIT-CT 3F
Date: November 2, 2021
of event is very important because it reminds us about ourselves, it reminds us to be
strong always and it reminds us that we’re not alone in this world. That there are still
people out there suffering and experiencing the same problems like yours. We don’t
want to be left alone and I think that was the main underlying purpose of the meeting, to
be strong!
At the end of the day, we’re still us, we’re still bound by choice, and we’re still
moving on despite of how slow the progress is but we should not ignore the fact that
there will be somebody along the way, willing to help you and guide you. That’s why we
should be flexible, we should try not to solve bigger problems alone and we should train
our mind to accept others in our life because problems can be harsh and it can be
harsher sometimes. Relying on others doesn’t mean you’re weak, in fact you’re strong
because you know your capacity and you know how to suppress your pride and I
strongly think that, that was the mindfulness is all about, disciplining and controlling
Name: Mhicko F. Maurillo
Year & Section: BIT-CT 3F
Date: November 2, 2021
Name: Mhicko F. Maurillo
Year & Section: BIT-CT 3F
Date: November 2, 2021